#talitha dance party animals
When they say persistence is key, they mean it. I been fighting for my business, trying different ways to sustainably evolve so we don't become another victim of the pandemic. The method that's been most successful calls me out of my comfort zone and has been most challenging to embrace.
As one who likes to just live life, enjoying the energy of the world I've created for and by myself without the encumbrance of stopping to invite people along, this new shift where I open and welcome the public in to see and join me on my journey is uncomfortable. The point was to show the world who I am and what I'm about so that you understand the powerful energy you're tapping into when you choose to employ Talitha Dance to assist you on your wellness journey.
Since last July, I've been struggling to find that balance between sharing and recharging so that I still have the peace of living freely & unobserved in my sphere while you have the insight you need to understand how this energy can help you reach your goals. Finally, I feel a slow shift in the public response manifesting in my business.
I'm so incredibly proud of the 4 women that came through to class last month. I've gotten to know each of them personally and their goals and even though none of them knew each other, their attendance made class feel like an intimate party amongst friends. Our class has effectively evolved to become more personal, which was the goal.
So I'm extending the invitation to you. If you've been wanting a shift in energy, looking for a change in a positive direction, or just needing a boost of good vibes to encourage you along your way, we have a Zumba dance party coming up on March 10 at 3pm to welcome Spring. It's $15 and you will walk away feeling lifted, empowered, and ready for whatever comes next. Register at talithadance.com to attend, just know whether you do or don't, I'm as proud of you as I am of myself because we are out here still pushing for the life we want. Keep going, keep growing fam. We got this.
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livvywrites · 5 years
*slides in here* i don't know much about ur ocs, so mry I pls know some happy things about them
imma do the main six from the martyr queen, oki? 
alinora mynerva
i’ve posted about this before but it remains one of my fave alinora facts. when she was a kid, she used to read this beastiary. i think i named it, but i don’t remember what i called it. *hangs head in shame* anyway, it was full of facts on eldora’s monsters/beasts. (hydra, dragons, sea serpents, giant spiders, giant scorpions, giant man-eating worms called tunnelers, yknow, typical fantasy stuff). sometimes they gave her nightmares, but it was Worth It, especially because she could use them to scare her friends during sleepovers
her favorite flowers are sunflowers! they never fail to make her smile, which is good, because she could smile more, honestly. (poor bb needs more love in her life) 
she has a major sweet tooth. she drinks coffee, but. she hates it so much. unless, of course, you add a fuckton of sugar to it. but, yknow, sugar’s expensive, so. 
her favorite fruit is peaches, but she’s developing a fondness for oranges. 
i was a big greek mythos nerd growing up (PJO is still my jam, tho i haven’t kept up with some of the more recent series) and i was always really into how like... involved the gods were in mortal life? plus how humanized they were? so that was a big inspiration for the eldoran pantheon... they’re all very human (and i have Reasons for that too!). 
elaena has always gotten on really well with chaos. she calls him uncle chaos and together, the two like to play pranks on the other gods. particularly order, who gets pissy every time, but they think it’s worth it. even if death (elaena’s dad) always makes her go patrol with fear as punishment. (not punishment bc it’s fear; punishment because patrol is usually boring, and elaena hates being bored)
she also has like, weekly tea parties with hope!! and the two of them gossip about whatever is going on in the celestial realms. (usually about hope’s vanguard, because... they’re messes. but.) sometimes love (leader of hope’s vanguard) joins them. or wisdom, or faith, or yknow. any of the vanguard. 
she and her dad like to play games together. usually card games. they rope the other gods/spirits into it too, and occasionally have a really good time! 
elaena loves the little reaper babies! she doesn’t always get along well with them when they get older (”too robotic,” she says, even tho robots don’t exist on eldora [yet] and no one knows what she means.) but she likes hangin’ out with the babies and teaching them life skills for a reaper. (unlife skills??) 
elaena’s not real big on guiding souls to the afterlife. like, yeah, it’s important and sometimes its fun to get into fights so she can protect the souls she’s guarding, but she likes escorting new souls the best! little baby souls. they’re so bright and pure and it makes her happy~ (she also likes escorting reincarnated souls!) 
one of her favorite past times is hanging out invisibly in the mortal world and watching like, court drama unfold. it’s like a soap opera. (no one knows what those are either) 
Disaster Child #3 (talitha and alinora compete for top spot)
good with his hands! he almost always has a small block of wood on him for carving, and he makes lots of little sculptures. he sells or gives away most of them, but ava still has a few he made just for her. he also enjoys smithing, but hasn’t gotten the opportunity to forge anything in a while. (and definitely isn’t a master at the craft, but he would like to study it one day, when things settle down!)
both ava and talitha were prone to nightmares as kids and he used to sit with them and sing. sometimes the song was basically nonsense to a comforting tune, other times it was something he had heard while traveling (which meant that it could be a bawdy bar song, a fighter’s hymn, a work song, or even an actual lullaby)
talitha roped him into learning how to dance with her. they were both Really Bad at it at first, but got better with practice. (they’re still not great, especially when they dance together--too busy snickering at other people to watch where their feet are going) 
because she grew up with a nomadic lifestyle, she couldn’t actually... keep plants. however, she’s clever and not one to give up easily, and she figured out how to grow them magically. so she has flowers essentially growing in her hair. sometimes she makes those like.... shoe things? they’re not really shoes, but they wrap around your toe and ankle. idk what they’re called, but she does that. she also makes bracelets and such out of them. 
she can kind of communicate with animals??? she’s best with birds but wolves and deer are pretty attracted to her too. (tho tbh i also have this image of her riding a bear??? idk if it’ll ever happen, but.) it’s very limited communication, but she can do it. it helps sometimes. mostly it’s just kind of a skill she uses to befriend the local fauna. 
....basically what i’m sayin’ is she’s a disney princess. 
talitha jade
she’s a little bit crazy and likes to hang out on the top deck when it’s storming. sometimes she even brings her violin with her (enchanted so it won’t ruin) and plays music.
she was the Best older sister ever. her home life wasn’t great, but she adored her baby sister, and when lyn was upset, it didn’t matter what she had to do, she would move heaven and earth to make her feel better. (mostly, tho, she skipped the world-altering displays of adoration and snuck down to the kitchen to sneak her sister something sweet). 
she was a mischievous child who’s first big spell was an invisibility spell (learned several years younger than people usually learn it). you can imagine the kind of havoc she used to wreak. there was a rumor in town that they finally developed a seeing through invisibility spell specifically because of talitha. (this is baseless, as the spell existed before, it just needed to be found)
aishlynn mynerva
aish, like her sister, despises bitter things. unlike her sister, though, aishlynn has no qualms about getting her hands on sugar and using it to the fullest. (and god forbid she get her hands on a box of chocolate. she forgets how to ration that stuff, and will eat an entire box of it in one go, stomachache be damned.) 
can sometimes be caught humming slightly off key. if left alone for long enough she might even start dancing.
her favorite flowers are lilies. specifically purple ones.
growing up, she had a bodyguard, like any young princess would. her favorite thing to do was to make her bodyguard play pretend with her. usually knight vs dragon/other monster, because aishlynn wanted to be a hero something fierce, but sometimes she played queen to his knight, and ordered him around. it was very cute, and her mother used to like watching them play. (and occasionally join in) 
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