thismagpie · 9 years
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
The film follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartz’s help in the development of the basic internet protocol RSS to his co-founding of Reddit, his fingerprints are all over the internet. But it was Swartz’s groundbreaking work in social justice and political organizing combined with his aggressive approach to information access that ensnared him in…
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thismagpie · 9 years
Revert a git branch state to a previous commit
Revert a git branch state to a previous commit
To reset index to former commit, where ‘26e05ffab‘ is the code associated with the old commit:
git reset 26e05ffab
Move pointer back to previous HEAD:
git reset --soft HEAD@{1}
Make a local commit of the whole revert:
git commit -m "Revert to commit 26e05ffab"
Update working copy to reflect the new commit
git reset--hard
Push the changes to remote branch:
git push origin [branch_name]
Push the…
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thismagpie · 9 years
Update to Fedora 22 and GNOME 3.16
Update to Fedora 22 and GNOME 3.16
To update to GNOME 3.16 with Fedora, it is first necessary to update to Fedora 22 from Fedora 21. To do this, first open a terminal and as root (i.e. sudo) and run the following commands:
sudo yum install fedora-upgrade  sudo fedora-upgrade
This will update to the next highest upgrade available. In this case it will update Fedora 20 to Fedora 21. Next run
sudo rpm --import…
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thismagpie · 10 years
Free Textbook: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Free Textbook: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Finite Difference and Spectral Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations is a 325-page textbook  which was written during 1985-1994 and used in graduate courses at MIT and Cornell on the numerical solution of partial differential equations.
The book has not been completed, though half of it got expanded into Spectral Methods in MATLAB. Nevertheless, the part of it that is written is…
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thismagpie · 10 years
Energy at the Center of Mass: Proton-Proton Collisions
Energy at the Center of Mass: Proton-Proton Collisions
Recall the definition of $s$:
$$s=(p_a+p_b)^2 = p_a^2 + p_b^2 +2p_a\cdot p_b$$
Where $p_a$ and $p_b$ are the 4-momenta of each colliding proton. For head on collision of particles with same energy and momentum as is the case with proton-proton collisions
$p_a=(E_p,\underline{p})$ and $p_b=(E_p,-\underline{p})$
Where $E_p$ is the energy of the proton and $E_p$>> the protons mass, $m_p$
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thismagpie · 10 years
A Crash Course in Einstein's Relativity
A Crash Course in Einstein’s Relativity
From Zero to c in 60 Minutes with Ramamurti Shankar
Mark Twain once wrote: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble –it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” So it was that, 109 years ago, some of humanity’s collective confusions were lifted when a 26-year-old Swiss patent clerk realized that something that everyone on Earth knew for sure was actually profoundly wrong.
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thismagpie · 10 years
Belt of Stability
The graph of stable elements is commonly referred to as the Band (or Belt) of Stability. At the higher end of the band of stability lies alpha decay, below is positron emission or electron capture, above is beta emissions and elements beyond the atomic number of 83 are unstable radioactive elements.
  Alpha decay is located at the top of the plotted line, because the alpha decay decreases the…
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thismagpie · 10 years
Coelacanth: The Fish That Time Forgot Learn all about the "living fossil": the Coelacanth fish. The Coelacanth fish was thought to be extinct until living fish were discovered in the waters of Madagascar...
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thismagpie · 10 years
Beta Decay
Beta decay is mediated by the weak force.
Beta Minus Decay ($\beta^-$)
During $\beta^-$ decay the weak interaction increases the atom’s number $Z$ by one which results in the emission of an election $e^-$ and an antineutrino, $\overline{\nu}_e$
$$ n \longrightarrow p+e^-+\overline{\nu}_e $$
At the most fundamental level the decay is from a down quark to an up quark with mediation being governed…
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thismagpie · 10 years
Table of Leptons
Properties of Leptons Particle/Antiparticle Symbol Charge S $L_e$ $L_{\mu}$ $L_{\tau}$ Mass $MeV/c^2$ Electron / Positron  $e^-/e^+$ −1/+1 1⁄2 +1/−1 0 0 0.511 Muon / Antimuon  $\mu^-/\mu^+$ −1/+1 1⁄2 0 +1/−1 0 105.7 Tau / Antitau  $\tau^-/\tau^+$ −1/+1 1⁄2 0 0 +1/−1 1777 Electron-neutrino / antineutrino  $\nu_e/\overline{\nu}_e$ 0 1⁄2 +1/−1 0 0 < 2.2×10−6 Muon-neutrino / antineutrino…
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thismagpie · 10 years
Java ATK Wrapper is a GNOME Project Module which is a implementation of ATK by using JNI technic. It converts Java Swing events into ATK events, and sends these events to ATK-Bridge.
The code is hosted at git.gnome.org
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thismagpie · 10 years
Magic Numbers in Nuclear Physics
Magic Numbers in Nuclear Physics
Nuclei with even numbers of protons and neutrons have been found to be more stable by experiment. The magic numbers in protons nucleons or both have been shown to indicate greatest stability in nuclear isotopes. They are:
N = 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126
Z =2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82
Where Z means protons and N means neutrons
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thismagpie · 10 years
Tumblr media
Deuterium Deuterium, \(^2H\), is one of two stable isotopes of hydrogen. Strong force binds the neutrons and protons together which is \(\approx 100\) times stronger than electromagnetic force and the binding energy of Deuterium is released as \(\gamma\)-radiation.
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thismagpie · 10 years
The Standard Model
The electron, muon and tau leptons have a charge of -1 whereas  neutrino leptons are neutral.
Bosons Gauge Bosons
The W and Z bosons are mediators for weak interactions whereas the gluon mediates strong interactions and the photon mediates electromagnetic interactions.
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thismagpie · 10 years
Blame the Brain?
Putting the brain on trial: did your brain make you do it? Neuroscience in the courtroom exposed. Plus the dark side of new neurotechnologies and do we have free will or are our actions pre-determined? This special Naked Neuroscience podcast series reports from Washington DC, where the International Neuroethics Society hosted their annual meeting at the AAAS headquarters. Podcast supported by the…
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thismagpie · 10 years
The Discovery of the Higgs Boson
The Discovery of the Higgs Boson
The full playlist of the free MOOC, on the “Discovery” of the Higgs Boson offered by the University of Edinburgh.
Some lectures are better explained than others are, because this course uses a mix of lecturers to cover various elements and some explain things better than others do. However, it is worth noting that overall, pretty…
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thismagpie · 11 years
How to set a convenient profile gnome-terminal: JHBuild Shell example
A step by step guide on how to set up a convenient profile for  gnome-terminal so it is easy to identify what shell you are using. 
Step 1.
Edit $HOME/.bashrc by adding the following lines:
    if [ -n "$UNDER_JHBUILD" ]; then     PS1="[JHBuild@\W] "     fi
If you think you will be working in the directories where your git modules check in and install to it is also worth adding the line cd $HOME/gnome click 'Details' for more instruction on what to do or otherwise skip straight to Step 2.
Here I have assumed that your prefix and checkout are set to $HOME/gnome/install and $HOME/gnome/source, respectively.  You can find out your prefix and checkout root by checking your .jhbuildrc if you have one or otherwise checking defaults.jhbuildrc
    if [ -n "$UNDER_JHBUILD" ]; then        PS1="[JHBuild@\W] "         cd $HOME/gnome     fi
Step 2.
In an open terminal go to  edit > profile preferences
Step 3.
From the profile preferences dialogue go to the title and command tab and type "JHBuild" into the "initial title" field.
Step 4.
From the title and command tab select the 'run custom command instead of my shell' and type "jhbuild shell" (all lower case) into the "custom command"  field:
Screenshot to demonstrate what is needed for Step 3. to Step 4.
Step 5.
In an open terminal go to file > open terminal > jhbuild
Step 5.
Final Check
If that worked, then the fresh profile window should look something like this
Check it worked.
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