thomasrpblog · 3 years
In the early hours of the morning, Baz felt his partner stir. Somewhere between sleep and wakefulness, he cracked an eye open to watch Simon leave. The pale morning light made everything feel softer, like nothing was real. Simon's wings almost looked like they had a light blue halo the way the leathery skin reflected the light. His dreams melted with his vision as he saw Simon pull out his wand. Huh. Baz drifted back to sleep.
His morning went about how one would expect it to. Shower (Simon was out of the exfoliant he had bought. Did that mean he was actually using it?), dress (floral suit, bespoke, cream with delicate blue and purple cornflowers), classes (whatever), and then to the library to meet up with Eliot. The other vampire was already there, wearing a vest- no blazer- over a shirt with rolled sleeves that may as well not've had buttons down the front since they were barely being put to use. He was leaning on a pole near the library doors, smoking a cigarette, looking effortless and nonchalant as if one wrong breeze wouldn't reduce him to ash. When he spotted Basil, he pushed off the pole casually and moved toward him, like a panther slinking through the jungle. Was that how Baz looked when he walked? He couldn't deny that it was a pleasure to watch.
"Basil," It'd been a monstrous effort just to get the older (by over a century) vampire to shorten it this much.
"Eliot," Baz ducked his head for a moment as he approached. "You know those things will kill you." The corner of Eliot's mouth twitched, like what he'd said was almost amusing. He let the cigarette fall from his fingers, grinding it into the pavement with one sleek black oxford. Somehow he never seemed to smell of cigarettes, no matter how recently he'd been smoking. Baz had to wonder if it was a spell.
"Shall we?" Eliot was holding a hand out invitingly, a meticulously coy smile playing at his lips.
Baz knew he didn't know anything about being a vampire, but he didn't realize just how clueless he was until a month ago when Eliot clocked him from behind the desk as Baz came into the library. He'd chosen to sit at one of the long reading tables in the center of the room, and was leaning down to retrieve a textbook from his satchel.
"I know your secret," He felt the whisper on his ear as much as he heard it. He forced himself not to turn around, not to give in to the mysterious voice.
"Is that meant to scare me?" He kept his tone disinterested and measuredly placed the textbook on the table, making a small show of flipping through it to find the right chapter. All he wanted was one afternoon where he could read about linguistic morphology in peace. Dating a prophesized hero already got him into enough scapes, he didn't need the university library to provide more intrigue to his life. The stranger moved into view, Baz recognized him from the front desk. The librarian half leaned, half sat on the table where Baz had intended to work, even scooting his book a little out of the way to accommodate him.
"Studying linguistics? An absolutely *magical* field." That one caught Basil's attention. He flipped the book closed, accepting that he wouldn't get to enjoy a quiet afternoon of studying.
"What do you want?" Snow was usually the only one who heard him when he was irritated, but he wanted to make sure this stranger knew what an inconvenience he was being.
"What all of Lamia's children want." The librarian answered, adjusting the cuffs of his shirt. Lamia. Greek mythology. An early predecessor to modern vampires in literature. Baz twisted his wrist, checking that his wand was still tucked in the holster on his forearm. "But this isn't the place to talk about that." He continued casually before Baz could respond. His brown eyes surveyed the library as if sizing up all the other students trying to read. "Join me in a study room?"
They'd been in the library for a few hours, as they'd been every weeknight for about a month. Baz learned how he could balance the nutrition he got from the creatures he hunted depending on where he caught them. That he wasn't the only 'vegetarian' vampire in the world. He didn't even necessarily need his fangs to consume blood (in fact, some considered it uncivilized to use them). In between reading the dusty tomes or vampire lore, history, and biology, Eliot provided, Baz did his best performance of someone trying and failing to teach a vampire magic.
Eliot sat back, stretching his long legs to rest on another chair and checking the sleek watch around his wrist. "A coffee break, I think." He said 'I think,' but it was clear that there was no negotiating here. Baz looked up from the notebook he was scrawling in, realizing he'd barely moved since they'd sat down. He sat back in his chair, flipping the book he'd been taking notes on shut. Eliot slid it across the table and tucked it into his bag. He still wouldn't let Baz read from them without supervision. "Or um, tea for you?" The older vampire seemed to enjoy highlighting the cultural differences between America and the UK.
They both rose to their feet, Baz lifted his blazer from the back of a chair and slipped it back on. As they stepped back out into the afternoon sun, Eliot linked his arm casually through the crook of Baz's elbow. It felt odd, walking in broad daylight with another man on his arm, but Baz tried not to question it. They went back and forth settling on a location on the way off of campus.
As they crossed through the door of the coffee house, Eliot dropped his grip on Basil's arm, only to return to it when they'd both crossed the threshold. He finished what had surely been an entertaining tale that concluded with "..and I never even got his name." It would have been an excellent end to the story if Baz had heard it. His attention was pulled away from Eliot's anecdote by bronze curls and freckled skin. When has Snow started working as a barista? Simon looked tired behind the counter, his hair was frizzy and combed out of its texture from running his hands through it. Is that where he had disappeared to? How long had he been sneaking off for this? Eliot's voice and a hand on his upper arm snapped him back to the present. "That story always gets a laugh, are you alright, Basil?"
"Sorry, yes, I'm fine." He quickly recovered his decorum, smoothing his hair behind his ear and approaching the counter. "Alright, Snow?" He tried to sound casual, as if this wasn't the most unexpected and uncomfortable way he could imagine to run into his boyfriend. After a deeply uncomfortable pause he stumbled into an explanation, though Simon probably didn't want to hear it. "This is Eliot, we've been studying together." Yeah, it sounded pretty weak when he said it out loud.
Eliot held out a hand, barely making an effort to hide his disdain. "Charmed, I'm sure. And you are?"
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thomasrpblog · 3 years
Maybe-vampire seeking prophetic hero because life isn’t hard enough already
Me: An undead university student who enjoys a well-cut suit, plays violin, and excels in all areas of academics.
You: The worst chosen one ever chosen. DM me, Snow. (18+ required, 21+ preferred. Add me on Discord if you want Brackett#8388))
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thomasrpblog · 4 years
Hi~ I’m 21 and looking for a SnowBaz RP from Carry On/Wayward Son! Please be 18+, I’m fine with smut or no smut. I rp on discord, so like or reblog and I’ll reach out to you!
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thomasrpblog · 4 years
Maybe-vampire seeking prophetic hero because life isn’t hard enough already
Me: An undead aristocrat who enjoys classic cars, a well-cut suit, and excels in all areas of academics. 
You: The worst chosen one ever chosen.  DM me, Snow.  ((18+ required, 21+ preferred. Add me on Discord if you want Brackett#8388))
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
"Because she's my sister," our sister?  "though that's hardly a secret." To be safe, he asked a question of his own. "What do we call our ability?" She shared the Nase family's ability to create Glaciate Barriers, or at least she appeared to, but Hiroomi couldn't be too careful. 
Awake || the roleplayingedson + hiroomi-oujo-sama
She let the cage stand still before letting it dissolve away. Sure it would give a youmu the chance to leave but she wanted to know. No, she needed to know the truth. “Why is Mitsuki Nase sacred?” She had said the first thing that had popped into her mind.
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
Hiroomi suggested the first thing that came to mind, relaxing his stance a bit. "You could try asking something only I would know." Whatever was happening, it didn't look like he was in direct danger of an attack. The other Hiroomi seemed harmless.. for now. 
Awake || the roleplayingedson + hiroomi-oujo-sama
Hiroomi herself hadn’t made it far into the building. “I-I see. . How can I be sure? How can I truly know it is Hiroomi and not an imposter.” She couldn’t understand what was happening. Was the person in front of her planning something or was it truly a male her?
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
Youmu sighting? That made the situation a whole lot worse. But it could explain the female doppleganger.. In any case, he had to keep it talking until he could come up with a plan.  "I just woke up here. I'm not even sure where 'here' is." 
Awake || the roleplayingedson + hiroomi-oujo-sama
Hiroomi couldn’t help but also take a defensive stance. She could see the other ‘Hiroomi’ shivering slightly. “I came here to investigate a youmu sighting. I could ask the same to you.” It had just been an abandoned building where it had been last seen, but it had some signs that human life had lived there a few months ago.
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
"I am cold," he spat, falling into a combat stance when she caged them in. No longer being kept warm by blankets, he could distinctly feel the chill of the room. "What're you doing here?" He still didn't know where 'here' was, but that was less important. 
Awake || the roleplayingedson + hiroomi-oujo-sama
"Tch…" Hiroomi clicked her tongue before making a cage around them. "Then tell me why you’re here and why you are in clothes that aren’t warm. Wouldn’t the actual Hiroomi or well you be cold?" She wanted the truth.
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
"Hiroomi Nase," He answered, a defensive edge in his voice. He instinctively reached a hand to his own neck for his scarf, finding with dismay that he didn't have one. How could he fight this.. thing? without a weapon?! He took another quick glance at his surroundings, finding the room just as empty as it had seemed in the dark. 
Awake || the roleplayingedson + hiroomi-oujo-sama
Hiroomi couldn’t help but narrow her eyes at the individual. Could this be a youmu? She gripped her scarf tighter, ready for battle at any moment. “I am Hiroomi Nase. Who are you?” She could hear a forceful tone within the voice but she didn’t want to believe it was anything at all real.
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
Hiroomi lifted an arm to block some of the light as his eyes adjusted. Once he could see, he couldn't help but doubt his own vision. Could this be real? He took a few careful steps closer, lowering his arm and blinking clarity into his vision to get a better look. 
"This isn't possible." He said, as if the statement would shatter whatever dreamworld he was obviously in. Standing before him was.. himself? It looked exactly like him, save the obviously feminine parts. He'd heard of lookalikes, but this was just uncanny. "Who are you," he asked again, more forcefully this time. 
Awake || the roleplayingedson + hiroomi-oujo-sama
Hiroomi couldn’t believe what she saw as she turned on a light switch. Within the room was a male her.
She had been sent by Izumi to check out a place where a youmu had been found lurking. They had kept a watchful eye to see if anything suspicious could be found and when the youmu could no longer be seen, so they had to send someone to look. She had been chosen, and yet at the moment she wondered if this was an illusion or not.
"How could this be? You are not an illusion are you?" She just couldn’t believe anything at the moment.
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
"Is that some sort of joke?" He could just make out someone's silhouette in the light from the now-open door. He kicked his legs over the side of the bed, realizing he was wearing some sort of ward clothes- a plain white tshirt and sweatpants- as he landed on his feet. He fumbled along in the dark, hand searching for anything he could use to defend himself if worst came to worst. 
The room was apparently empty, he discovered. Like a caged animal Hiroomi backed himself into a corner, hoping he'd be able to overpower her. Without his scarf he was painfully aware of how exposed he was, both literally and figuratively..
Awake || theroleplayingedson + hiroomi-oujo-sama
Hiroomi paused in her steps. She hadn’t been imagining anything at all. It had been a male’s voice. She gripped the edges of her scarf, still unsure whether or not the person would be dangerous. She cautiously opened a door, where she had heard it. There she found a rather dark room but she could see a somewhat an outline of a male. “I am Hiroomi Nase. Who might you be?”
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
Was that a girl’s voice replying to him? It sounded familiar, which puzzled him. It didn’t sound like anyone he knew.. “Who are you?” He tried to put a shield around himself just to be safe, finding that his power was substantially weakened. Large holes covered the shimmering surface of his small barrier, rendering it useless. He let it dissolve, with a defeated sigh.
Awake || theroleplayingedson + hiroomi-oujo-sama
Hiroomi couldn’t help but hear someone’s voice. She tried once more but didn’t hear anything. Had it been her imagination? “Is anyone there?” She put her guard up just in case it was something dangerous.
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
Awake || Hiroomi Nase (Kyoukai no Kanata) || OPEN
The first thing Hiroomi became aware of was that he was lying in a bed. The second, that he was cold. He opened his eyes, feeling breifly disoriented when he found he wasn't in his own room. He could hear movement just beyond the wall, in what he assumed was the main living area of this place. "H-hello?" He called tenatively.
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
LOG: Bubbly || freestyle-nanase/theroleplayingedson + thecutelittleshit
It was a quiet in the Nanase house. Haruka had just finished his dinner, now standing at the sink washing his dishes. Tonight had been mackerel night, just like every other night. He looked out the kitchen window into the darkness of dusk. Stars were beginning to shine in a sky of purple so deep it looked almost black. A few distant street lamps lit the street, illuminating the occasional cat as it ambled by.
Nothing was out of the ordinary. It never was. Haruka turned around to lean against the counter as he began to dry his kitchenware. The room was small, basic, devoid of clutter. On one cupboard was a marker drawing Haruka had made as a child. His mother had taped it there when he was in elementary school. He’d always meant to take it down, but now it had been there so long, it didn’t feel right to get rid of it. 
He stowed his plate and utensils in their respective homes before padding out of the room. Having finished his homework earlier in the day, he looked forward to a relaxing bath before bed. A knock at the door stopped him before he reached his bathroom. 
How bothersome. Who would show up this late at night?
Nagisa had gotten drunk. His family was out of town and he was left to his own devices. He was by himself most of the night, contempt with being alone. Once it got dark, Nagisa had grown bored. He stole a bottle of alchol from his parent and drank all of it.
Nagisa decided to go for a walk, not caring if it was safe or not for him to go out. He soon found himself walking towards Haruka’s house. He smiled as he thought of his raven haired friend. He arrived at his house and knocked on the door rather loudly.
"Haru~" he called.
Nagisa? What could’ve compelled him to cross town at this hour?
Something about his voice didn’t sound quite right, though Haruka couldn’t place what was off. What if something was wrong? Inconvenient as it was, Haruka had to make sure his friend was alright. Possible scenarios flashed through his mind as he crossed the length of the hall. Someone was hurt or sick, perhaps he’d been in the area and gotten hurt. Haruka hoped he was wrong as he pulled open the door.  
0 notes
thomasrpblog · 11 years
"Indoor pools require less maintenance," he commented, rubbing at his hair with his towel. Although he loved their outdoor pool, it was quite a bit more work to keep it clean. 
He pulled on his Iwatobi Swim Team jacket and slipped out of the poolyard, leaving wet footpirints as he went. 
Floating || freestyle-nanase + materialistichedonism
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thomasrpblog · 11 years
Floating || freestyle-nanase/theroleplayingedson + materialistichedonism
Water filled his ears, muffling everything. This was the feeling he loved. The feeling of isolation. Floating on his back, alone, it was as if nothing else existed. For the moment, he didn’t have schoolwork to finish, or anywhere he needed to be. There was no Rin, no swimming competitions, no bothersome people trying to make him do things he didn’t want to do. It was just him and the water. They could exist, together, without disturbing each other. 
He’d been floating the same way long enough that the bare skin of his chest was now dry, he could feel the sun warming it. Swimming outdoors always felt more natural than indoors. Indoor pools were stark, closed off, entombed in cement and glass. Out here, though separated by a chain link fence, the trees were at least visible. The breeze could be seen and felt, rippling the near-perfect surface of the pool. 
The sky was a brilliant blue, so bright it was almost difficult to look at. Haruka closed his eyes, further sealing himself into his own world. The pool didn’t feel warm or cold anymore. His body temperature had adjusted to it, so that it barely felt like anything at all. He raked a hand through the water, breaking its calm and sending ripples radiating out from his arm. Water danced across his skin, swirling and streaming through his fingers.
It’d would take the end of the world to get his attention, now. Or just someone else diving into the pool.. 
Kaira had been waiting all day to finally get some pool time. It was painfully hot out for the redhead and being in her school uniform made her intensely uncomfortable. She snuck past a few teachers, hoping none of them would see her or know she was suppose to be at a tutoring session right now. With a sigh of relief, she breezed past the gated entrance and was greeted by the sight of the clean, blue pool water.
And some guy floating aimlessly in it. She clicked her tongue. Damn. There went her plans to practice her turns in private. No matter. She disappeared back into the restrooms and changed into swimsuit. She came back out at a small jog, leaping into the water with a loud crash.
"Sorry!" She shouted as she hit the water, suspecting that she’d break this poor guy’s concentration in seconds.
What the hell? Haruka started, dropping his guard and sinking for a moment before he got his legs under him. Feeling the rough concrete under his feet, he straightened up and shook the water from his hair. What was that? It was hard not to spy the girl who’d just jumped into the water. Just who did she think she was, jumping into his pool like a freaking elephant? So much for the tranquility. 
Without a word, he stroked to the edge of the pool and heaved himself out. Swimming today had been about solitude, and now that that was shattered there was no point in him staying. Water cascading from his body, he padded over to his towel. As he dried himself, he watched her swim, quietly judging her form. 
Who was she, anyway? Haruka didn’t remember seeing her around, not that he paid much attention to most of his classmates. But if she wanted to swim, why hadn’t she joined the swim club when they were hunting for new members? Their newly refurbished pool was exclusively for club and physical education use, so how did she get permission?
Kaira had swam to the far end of the pool by the time Haruka was out of it. She touched the wall and turned, a sharp, precise turn that looked almost non-existant as she shot back out into the lane. She surfaced a moment later, surprised by Haruka’s unenthused stare.
"What? I said I’m sorry." She clapped her hands together in an apologetic motion, "Please don’t tell anyone I’m here. Samezuka’s swim team is always practicing and I just wanted a day where Mikoshiba wasn’t using me like a rabbit for his guys."
She peeked over her hands, getting a proper look at the guy whose relaxation time she’d interrupted. Not a bad looking guy, great swimmer’s build. She bit her lip, realizing she’d run (or rather, swam) into Iwatobi’s free style swimmer. "You’re… Haruka Nanase?" the redhead said nervously.
As he watched, a small amount of his indignation faded. She wasn’t just some random student diving into the pool to splash around.. He had to admit, her turn was well executed. Impressively so. But that didn’t excuse her unauthorized presence or the disruption of his afternoon swim. He continued to glare her down as she tried to explain herself.
So, she was from Samezuka then. That explained her blatant lack of etiquette. He couldn’t exactly blame her for wanting to get away, though. With her physique she must certainly be good motivation for those Samezuka boys. From what Haruka had just seen, she was fast too. 
He cringed at the use of his given name, nodding in response. More for the purposes of keeping track of her at competitions than being conversational, he returned the question. “And you are?”
"Kaira Jhila, the only female swimmer and thus, the only non-competing swimmer on Samezuka’s team." She bowed her head respectfully, "I’ve heard a lot about you, Free-san.”
She giggled at the name, hoping it didn’t come off too rude. Matsuoka had spoken at great lengths about him, mostly about his unrivaled free-style. She leaned back, floating like Haruka had been before and smiled at him, “Could I possibly challenge you to a quick race?”
Kaira Jhila. He’d never heard the name before, but he quickly understood why. She didn’t compete in the swim meets. If that was the case, why was she even on the team? He wondered what sort of things she’d heard about him. She would’ve had limited sources over at the rival school, and depending on who she talked to, the information could vary pretty wildly..
He wanted to brush her off. Give her a simple “I don’t race outside competitions,” and be on his way. But something about the girl intrigued him. With a quiet sigh, he set his towel aside and crossed the pool yard. He climbed onto the starting block and waited for her to follow suit. 
Kaira’s smile widen as she swam back over to the block and climbed out. Rumors were rumors, sure, but there was one thing consistent. Haruka Nanase was damn near unstoppable in the water. Samezuka had an impressive team, but there was no one that got them talking faster than this guy. She’d overheard Aiichirou talking about how Matsuoka would just not stop talking about him. She was beyond eager to see exactly what this guy had.
She quickly plaited her hair back as she stepped onto the block, her heart racing with anticipation.
"Best of luck to you, Free-san!"
He shot her a quick glance as he crouched, giving a nod in reply. Good luck to you too. What was it about this girl that compelled him to race? And why had she asked? Samezuka must have some sort of rumor about him. For some reason, the thought pleased him. He didn’t care about times or winning, or so he always told himself, but the thought that he was a powerful enough opponent that they would talk about him was flattering. 
He gripped the start block, muscles tense, his heart beating in his ears. She would have to count them down, since they had no one to ref. The pool was still rippling from where she’d climbed out, bright patterns of light playing across the concrete beneath the water. He grit his teeth in anticipation, ready to win. 
"A man of few words, I can dig that." Kaira rolled her shoulders and leaned down to grasp the edge of the block, "I’ll count, then."
Her muscles tensed and she couldn’t stop smiling.
She focused on a spot just ahead of her in the water.
She bent her knees.
Start! The single word sent him flying through the air, focussed entirely on his point of entry. Without goggles, he had no choice but to close his eyes as he neared the chlorinated water. He was lucky that he naturally swam straight. 
The water felt cool against his skin, bubbles tickling past him as he slid into its embrace. He kicked out, pushing himself back to the surface. There was nothing around him. No Kaira. No race. Just him and the water. He released his breath, sucking in fresh air before plunging his head below the surface again. His arms cut through the water with vicious precision, pulling him closer to the rapidly nearing far wall. 
Kaira’s starts had never been very strong. In fact, she was already lagging quite a bit behind Haruka. But with every stroke, she could feel the wall edging closer. The water wrapped around her body. Every little bubble that rushed past her skin tickled. With one last gasp, she could sense the wall.
Haruka tucked himself into a ball, turning and kicking out to push himself off from the wall. He’d made the final stretch, there was no time to slow down. He kept pushing himself, slicing through the water at top speed. 
A few yards from the wall he gave one final kick and allowed himself to glide. Rough cement brushed against his fingers and he came to a stop. Did he win? He shook the water from his hair, wiped his eyes, and checked the other lane.
Kaira was smiling at him, leaning her face against the block. Her turn helped her catch up, but it took a lot more push to keep up than it usually took her back at Samezuka.
"Looks like a tie, Free-san." She said between deep intakes of air, "Guess we’d have a better idea if we had a third person watching, haha. You are impressive, my arms are tingling from that last stretch. Matsuoka has every reason to be ranting and raving about you.”
Haurka waited for her to finish talking before he pulled himself out of the water. Though he’d pushed himself hard, she’d still managed to keep up. The thought frustrated him. Though, he had to take comfort in the fact that it seemed like a lot of effort for her to do so. 
He crossed over to his towel again, restarting the process of drying himself off. 
Kaira hung over the edge of the pool, pouting a little at his out right dismissal of her. She admired his back. If there was anything swimmers had going for them, it’s all those lovely muscle. She smiled again.
"C’mon, don’t be so sour about it. That was a lot of fun." She began to pull herself out, "Indoor pools just feel so restricting. You guys are lucky to have an outdoor one."
0 notes
thomasrpblog · 11 years
LOG: Afternoon || freestyle-nanase/theroleplayingedson + makoto-tachibana-and-cuddles/
The sun felt warm on Haruka’s face. He could still feel the chill of the wind through his uniform, but the warmth of the sun’s rays made it bearable. Comfortable, even. Waves sloshed idly against the pilings where he sat, his back resting on a rough, sun bleached wooden pillar. They murmured and hushed invitingly. The ever-present smells of salt and fish blew across the water, and Haruka was tempted to strip down and dive in then and there, but even he had sense enough to know the ocean was heart-stoppingly cold this time of year. 
The sun and the sounds of birds singing promised spring, and Haruka could almost smell it in the air. Soon the cherry trees would be in full blossom. People were already shedding their heavy coats and mittens in favor of sweatshirts and thin gloves. The world was coming alive again, after hibernating through a bitterly cold winter. Haruka didn’t care about spring, though. It was summer he waited for. When it would be warm enough to swim in the ocean everyday, guaranteed..
The sound of approaching footsteps roused him back to the real world.
Makoto walked along the beach, shoes in hand. He thought he would be able to find his friend here. The man had been in dire need of a good swim, but the seasons had betrayed him. This had been the best choice of a place to look, and the choice had proven to be a good one.
Sitting down beside Haru, Makoto smiled and looked out at the water as well. School had just gotten out, and he was on his way home. “You wandered off before I could find you!” the taller boy said, looking at his friend, a smile on his face. He wasn’t upset or anything. In fact, he wanted to get home himself. There was someone he had met while playing video games after he had finished his homework.
Of course, Ren and Ran had hung around him the night before, knowing he would get on his laptop eventually. They usually played on the xbox while he was busy on the computer. “Would you like to come over? I think my mom is making okonomiyaki tonight.” 
Haruka met Makoto’s bright eyes steadily. “You were taking too long,” he stated, though justification was hardly necessary. Around his best friend, he didn’t need to explain his actions. He could express every thought in his mind with a single glance, so why bother with words? It had been this way even when they were little. Makoto was, perhaps, the one person in the world that could read the subtleties of Haruka’s seemingly unchanging expression. 
He turned his gaze back to the water, watching it shimmer in the bright afternoon light. The glare bit fiercely into his vision, and he saw dark spots when he looked away. Their fading was painfully slow, Haruka blinked to try and speed the process. 
Instead of wasting breath, he merely nodded. After all, Haruka rarely turned down a chance to spend time at the Tachibana residence. He liked his alone time well enough, his empty house did get a little lonely sometimes.. Besides, they could get their homework done quicker if they worked together. 
Makoto smiled and stood up after Haruka nodded, holding his hand out for him. He was looking forward to spending more time with his close friend, and he knew his family would be happy to see him as well. Haru came over often - that was true - but Mako always enjoyed his company.
While he helped his friend stand up, the boy looked around at the beach. They were the only people there, except for an elderly couple sitting on a bench not terribly far away. His head tilted as he watched them talking and laughing. It was an adorable sight, no one could deny that. He remembered seeing them there before when he and his friend walked home. He’d always wanted a relationship like that; being able to talk and tease the other like they were still young. 
With a demanding buzz from his phone, Makoto was pulled out of his thoughts. He dug around in his pocket and held it up to his ear, nodding. “Yeah, Haru’s coming over. Is that okay?” after a slight pause he hit the ‘end call’ button and slipped the device back in his pocket. Of course it was okay, but he asked to be polite. His mother had always told him to be such, and he hadn’t let her down yet.
Haruka wiped the excess sand from his palm and grabbed a hold of the hand his friend offered. Using Makoto as an anchor, he pulled himself to his feet. It was a pity they couldn’t stay to watch the sun go down. He had a feeling it would be a particularly beautiful sunset tonight. Sure, they’d be able to see it out the windows from the Tachibana house, but it was always best viewed from across the water. 
When Makoto didn’t start walking right away, Haruka followed his line of sight to the old couple on the bench. They looked so comfortable, as if they’d spent their whole lives together. Come to think of it, they probably did. Iwatobi was that sort of place.
Whether he meant to or not, Haruka found himself listening to the one side of his friend’s phone conversation. There was nothing terribly interesting being said, but Haruka had grown bored thinking of the old couple on the bench. He shifted his gaze back to the ocean once more and pulled the strap of his schoolbag onto his shoulder. 
Turning in the direction of his house, Makoto started walking, listening to make sure his friend was following. He kept a slow pace, wanting to enjoy the walk there. The air was cool; the sun was giving it’s last bit of warmth, and Mako couldn’t help but enjoy the temperature. He looked over at Haru, a small warm smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
Blinking against his contacts - one of which had just shifted uncomfortably - Makoto moved his gaze forward again. The two boys walked along in a comfortable silence, following the path they were both so used to. It was nice to Mako, the familiar path and the companionable presence. It was something he loved about their friendship; they didn’t have to talk all the time.
He thought back to the couple on the beach, the old lady reminding him of Haruka’s grandmother. The woman on the beach had a similar way of smiling. How her entire face lit up with it.
His grandmother had always been a pleasant person, and he remembered the story she had told him about when his friend was born. She always told them they’d do something beautiful, and the setting he had seen the couple in brought it to the front of his mind. He wondered why.
Haruka followed Makoto obediently, making his pace just barely faster to bring him abreast of his friend. The town looked much the same around them, he liked the way it never changed. Like him and Makoto, in a way. 
They passed most of the trip in silence, staying companionably separate. Their feet shuffled in unison, steps naturally lining up despite the difference in stride. As they walked, he thought of what might await them at Makoto’s house. The smell of cooking, Ren and Ran running to greet them, all the things Haruka’s own house lacked. It was usually so full of life, and it made spending time there that much more comfortable.
Haruka checked the other boy’s face, and saw the nostalgia written there. What was this moment reminding him of? Nothing seemed to stand out as particularly different about this afternoon from any other time they walked home together. He knew he wouldn’t stop wondering until he found out, and rather than waste time and energy puzzling through it himself, he asked outright. “What’re you thinking about?”
"Nan." he replied, looking at his friend. His contact was back in place now, and he was much more relaxed. "The beach and the sunset reminded me of her." he added, leaving out the couple they had seen. It might seem odd if he mentioned them. 
As they walked, Makoto slowed down when he heard the familiar ‘mew’ come from the side of the stairs. Stopping, he knelt down as the small white cat made itself visible. He chuckled and unzipped his bag, fishing out the leftovers from his lunch. He tore a piece off of his salmon and put it beside the little cat, straightening up afterwards and starting towards his house once again.
The small animal resided not far from his home, so he stopped shortly after, opening the door for his friend. 
Haruka resumed walking in silence, satisfied with his answer. Now that Makoto’d planted that seed, Haruka found himself reflecting on his late grandmother as well. He was right, the beach and the sunset would’ve been the type of thing Nan would’ve loved. She’d sit in her old folding chair watching the sun sink lower and lower, weaving stories endlessly for the boys’ entertainment. 
It never failed to surprise him how small Makoto’s little kitten friend was. The thing looked like it could barely be old enough to leave its mother, yet here it was. Living on its own in the streets of Iwatobi. If not for Makoto and his food offerings, Haruka had no doubt it would’ve been dead long ago. But that was Makoto’s way. If he could help he always would. He waited a polite few steps away. The little white cat was still a little skittish around other people, and Haruka didn’t want to scare it off before it’d gotten its dinner. 
Just inside the door, Haruka was hit with the scent of good japanese cooking. It truly smelled like coming home. He kicked out of his sneakers and lined them up aside everyone else’s shoes. Somewhere in the house, he could hear Ren and Ran talking loudly and laughing. Perhaps they’d made it in undetected, then. 
Makoto left his shoes beside Haru’s, putting his backpack down as well. For a moment he was hopeful that he and his friend wouldn’t be tackled by the twins, but that was shattered when his mom welcomed them. “Hello dear! And Haru! It’s good to see you!” she said happily, looking at the two boys as she set the table.
The talking from the upper floor ceased, replaced by pattering footsteps as Mako’s siblings ran down the stairs. “Mako!” Ran yelled, running to her brother. “Haru!” Ren yelled directly after, running over and pulling on Haruka’s shirt. He had his little arms held out for a hug, a big cheesy grin on his face.
Mako picked up his little sister and kissed her cheek, chuckling. They never came home unnoticed. It was impossible. They’d have to become invisible. “Hey there you two. What do we have to do? Mask our scent?” he asked, an amused grin on his own face. 
Haruka’s softspot was always younger siblings and younger sibling types. One only had to look at the way he put up with acted around Nagisa to know that. He greeted Ren by kneeling down for his hug. Ren wrapped his thin arms around his neck, staying attached there when Haruka straightened up again. He supported the little boy with one arm as his short legs snaked around the older boy’s waist.
With Ren in tow, Haruka stepped into the dining area to help set the table. It was moments like this that he loved. He came over to spend time with his best friend, of course, but also to experience this. The togetherness and the family atmosphere. Something his house had always lacked, to a certain extent. Being an only child had made his house a much quieter place, even when his parents had been there. 
He greeted Mrs. Tachibana, polite as ever, and fielded her few questions about school and their afternoon with short, simple answers. 
Though his friend’s expression remained mostly the same to someone else, Makoto could see it soften and the smile in his eyes. He loved bringing Haru home, just to see that. 
Moving Ran to his back for a piggy-back ride, Makoto followed Haruka, putting the food on the plates that were set out. His dad wasn’t quite home from work yet, but he was bound to walk in at any time. 
He looked at the clock, wondering if they might have any time to catch the last bit of sunlight after dinner. Mako looked at Haru and asked, “Do you want to take a walk after we finish up here?” After he finished with the food, Ran slid off his back, running to her seat and getting up on it. Okonomiyaki was the little girl’s favorite food, and such was obvious.  
Following suit, Makoto pulled out his own chair and sat down, pulling his plate towards him as his father walked in and took his own seat. “Well hello everyone! How’s it been, Haru?” he asked, looking at the boy.
"School went well today. We also stopped by the beach afterwards. The view was pretty amazing." Mako answered for his friend. He was used to doing so in public, and the habit carried on to situations like this.
Haruka nodded once, stealing a glance out the window for himself. If they washed the dished at lightening speed, they might just catch the end of the sunset. Perhaps they could bargain to do it after the sun went down, or, even better, skip it altogether. It’s not that he didn’t want to help out, it’s just that tonight’s sunset would be a particularly special sunset. He could feel it. 
With the table set and served, Haruka deposited Ren in his chair, taking a seat in the extra chair himself. Even though it’d be perfectly easy for him to answer himself, he let Makoto do the talking. He listened to Makoto’s father telling his wife how nice the sunset looked as he’d come down over the stone steps, silently agreeing with every word. 
With his chopsticks, he idly rearranged a few bits of garnish on his plate while he waited  for everyone to sit down. 
Ran and Ren both were already digging in, and Makoto chuckled as he pulled his seat closer. He tucked in himself, enjoying his mother’s cooking. He always liked her food, and was glad she was good at it. ‘Nagisa was definitely pleased with it.’ he mused, half listening to his parents talk, half lost in thought. He didn’t know why, but there seemed to be something different about that night. Maybe it was because he hadn’t talked to the friend he’d met online yet.
For the past few nights, he’d been talking with them. He would finish up his homework and get right on the computer. Admittedly, he was starting to like them, but his better judgement told him he shouldn’t. He had no idea who the person was, how old they were, if they lived close…
Makoto was pulled out of his inattentive state by his younger brother. “Can Ran and I play on the xbox tonight?” he asked, looking excited. Mako smiled and nodded, looking at his mother.
"Yes, but you’ll have to help with the dishes." he said with a nod from his mom. ‘Good, that means me and Haru can go out for a little while.’ he thought, looking at his friend.
With everyone holding up the conversation around him, it was easy for Haruka to sit back, listen, and enjoy his food. Mrs. Tachibana was a wonderful cook. A fact which certainly made it easier to spend time in her house. He ate slowly, letting the voices of his family blur to a backing track in his mind. 
His own name in Makoto’s voice brought him back to the present. He blinked, meeting the other boy’s gaze as he processed the half a sentence he’d heard. His brain filled in the gap easily enough, and he gave an almost imperceptible nod before returning to his food. 
Ren and Ran were now talking animatedly about what they’d done in school that day. Haruka decided to tune in, catching the tail end of a story about their class pet. The way they’d cut in over each other and seem to finish each other’s sentences was so endearing. Haruka thought so, anyway. Their mom, however, politely reminded them to talk one at a time. 
While he didn’t feel the need to contribute much to the conversation, he liked having it surrounding him.  If he was addressed directly, he’d consider answering, but he didn’t see the point in interjecting his thoughts to subjects that weren’t his concern. 
Makoto laughed lightly when Ren told him about what mischief he’d caused in class. Apparently the little boy had shot a rubber band at someone. He avoided telling why, but it was entertaining enough on it’s own. Luckily his mother hadn’t been listening at that particular moment.
Finishing his food rather quickly - he had been starving - Mako picked up his plate and put it in the sink before returning to the table. His parents had hardly touched their own food; they always ate slowly. They would get lost in conversation together and forget about it.
Actually, that was another thing Makoto wanted. His parents never failed to remind him. To be able to get lost in another person’s thoughts so easily. He loved his parents, and he always liked their relationship. Thinking back to the person he had met while playing online, it was something he’d found himself doing. They would just talk casually for a little while before going off on tangents.
Maybe that’s why he liked them so much. He could talk to them so easily, like it was nothing. Mako was always the one people talked to, but not so much the other way around. Actually, now that he thought about them, they seemed familiar. Just how they talked, and seemed to think. He wasn’t sure who it reminded him of, however.
Haruka didn’t eat quickly, but at least he actually worked on his food. Mr. and Mrs. Tachibana had barely taken a few bites before losing themselves in discussing the day. He cleared his plate and quietly excused himself to rinse it and put it in the sink. 
Although he would’ve liked to take off from there and walk back to the beach, he forced himself to return to the table until they were properly excused. Sitting back down next to Makoto, he flashed him a "waiting for your lead" glance toward the other boy’s parents. 
Once again, he’d have been perfectly capable of requesting to be excused, but he let Makoto do it for him. He was so used to the dynamic now, it wasn’t even a conscious decision not to speak. Besides, his best friend often articulated his thoughts better than he could. Though he might never understand how, he was grateful to have Makoto around. 
"Hey, mom, dad, Haru and I were wondering if we could go ahead and go on that walk?" Mako looked at his parents for their answer, but Ren interrupted them. 
"We can still play on your xbox though, right?" the little boy asked. Makoto nodded in response, ruffling his brother’s hair. "Thanks oniichan!" he said with a grin, hurrying to finish his food so his mother would excuse him.
"To answer your question Mako, yes you may." his father said with a smile. Standing up straight after, Makoto stretched his arms, waiting for Haru before he walked out of the door. He put his hands in his pockets - the air was cooler now that the sun was almost set - and looked at his friend. 
He yawned and returned his gaze forward, looking up at the sky. It was beautiful. The last few golden rays were still illuminating the buildings and such around them. The sky was a mixture of pink, purple, and orange and Makoto sighed contentedly. It was a beautiful evening indeed.
Having gotten the okay, Haruka stood slowly and pushed his chair in behind him. Outside, he buttoned his jacket against the chill. It did feel sort of nice right now, but it was only going to get colder. He could feel Makoto’s soft eyes on him, and turned his head to the side to avoid his gaze. 
From the bottom of the Tachibana’s steps, Haruka decided to take the lead. He headed in the direction of the bridge, figuring it was the nearest spot where’d they could really see the sunset. It wasn’t far, they had plenty of time to reach it before the sun went down completely. He kept a leisurely pace. A light breeze kicked up, tousling the debris along the street. The boys’ footsteps seemed amplified in the quiet evening. 
Haruka was still thinking about his Nan. She was always one for wise words, but there’d had been more than a few times in his life that his Nan’s words had confused him. She’d once told him and Makoto the story of his birth, following it with “I’m sure you boys will see something just as beautiful, someday.” He’d always wondered what she’d meant by that, but he’d never gotten around to asking. What if, maybe, the beautiful thing had already passed and they’d missed it?
Makoto fell into step close behind Haru as the other boy began to lead. It was particularly quiet that evening; hardly any birds were chirping and the sound of cars was very distant. It seemed everyone had gone inside and left this part of the town silent. The taller man looked down the road towards the beach and noticed the elderly couple from earlier walking towards them. They were most likely on their way home.
The two people’s mouths weren’t moving, so Mako could only assume they were quiet, much like the evening. Their footsteps were much quieter than the two boys’, though the woman was leaning into her husband. Everything about the two screamed happy and content; it amazed Makoto. He often heard the married couples grew tired of each other - that their love often died - but these two were the complete opposite of that.
Turning his gaze away from them, a blush crept over Makoto’s cheeks. He hadn’t meant to stare, but he knew he obviously had been. The sound of the other two’s footsteps drew near, and started to fade once more behind him as they passed. He was right when he thought they were quiet.
Looking at Haruka, Mako yawned gently. By now he probably would have been in the shower, ready to get relaxed. Instead, he and his friend had opted to go on a walk, despite the chilly late-winter air. In all honesty he didn’t mind one bit, but he knew that was because it was Haru who was with him. If anyone else had wanted to, he would have politely declined and stood under the steaming hot water of his shower. 
Haruka looked sideway at his friend, watching him as he watched the old couple. He really seemed taken with them, as if old people were such a rare sight. Though, he had to admit, seeing the same man and woman twice in one night was an interesting coincidence. They’d walked into his life quietly, and here he watched them walk back out again with the same muted tranquility, giving them no more thought than any of the passing scenery. 
At the bridge, Haruka leaned against the railing, the rough wood with its chipping white paint scratched gently against his palms. Even as he watched, the golden light was fading, the sun dipping ever lower behind buildings and trees. “It is beautiful, isn’t it?” He asked quietly, directing the question as much at himself as Makoto. He thought it was.
The river burbled cheerfully beneath them, and a light wind rattled the soon-to-be-budding branches of the cherry trees. Yes, Haruka thought to himself, this is beautiful. he turned to check his friend’s expression, caught up for a moment in the way the warm, fading light made the boy’s brown hair shine. But not as beautiful as some things.. 
Makoto looked out at the setting sun, eyes transfixed on the colorful hues painting the sky. Thinking about how many people simply let this sight go by, it saddened him. Yes, it was something that happened every night, but it was something so beautiful. Something that deserved to be looked at and treasured. Not every sunset looked the same, either. Of course the were all very similar, and all very beautiful, but the colors were always arranged differently.
Looking out over the shore line, he turned his gaze around, studying his surroundings. This was the perfect time of evening to be outside. It all looked so ethereal with the faint golden glow. A warm smile split the taller boy’s face, and he watched the water as it sparkled with the last rays of sun. 
When he felt his friend’s gaze on him, he turned his head, making eye contact. A light blush crept over his cheeks and he averted his eyes, looking down at the railing; he was leaning on it with his forearms. “It’s very beautiful.” he replied, his tone hinting at a deeper meaning. He rubbed the back of his neck, still blushing, and looked up at the sunset again.
"We should head back," Haruka said abruptly, pushing away from the railing. The light was fading quickly now, and if they didn’t leave soon they’d be walking back in complete darkness. He started through the streets in the direction of their homes without waiting, simply assuming Makoto would follow. 
Thoughts bounced around his head as he walked, the homework he’d need to finish, how he looked forward to a relaxing bath later, what he would do with the rest of his evening. Somewhere beyond their vision, Haruka could hear the sounds of chatting and laughter. A party? Or perhaps just friends enjoying dinner. It was of no importance to him, he let the sounds pass without much notice. 
Though the streets had been empty on their way there, the nighttime crew was beginning to take up residence. The dark clothed strangers, sticking to the shadows. Insomniacs sitting on their stoop, staring at the appearing stars, and cats. At night, the cats seemed to come out of no where. It was impossible to travel Iwatobi after dusk without encountering two or three. 
The taller boy blinked and watched Haru walk. It was getting dark, so that would explain it. It just hurt for some reason that he had turned and gone so suddenly. I mean, Haruka did that all the time, but it was different now. Mako wondered why.
Clearing his throat and stuffing his hands in his pockets, Makoto started after the blue-eyed man. His stride let him catch up quickly. He kept his eyes forward sans the occasional glance around. Iwatobi was so different at night.
Makoto remained quiet and watched his friend. “Do you think that’s a party?” he asked, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. As usual, he could tell what Haru was thinking. His glances towards the murmur of noise meant he was paying it attention, and his slight change of expression said curiosity.
Haruka hadn’t realized Makoto was watching him. He shot a glance up at his friend to read his expression. “I don’t hear any music,” he reasoned, adjusting his theory to something along the lines of ‘friendly get-together.’ Of course, not all parties had music, so it wasn’t impossible.. He reminded himself that he didn’t care, and kept walking. 
At the base of the stone steps, he paused. They both had homework, but he would let Makoto call whether they completed it together or separately. Either way, he wanted to have a bath before he started revising his literature essay. 
Makoto opened the door and stepped in, kicking off his shoes. “Want to do homework together?” he asked, putting them beside the door. A quiet yawn escaped him and he straightened up, stretching his shoulders. It seemed his siblings were asleep now. Based on the murmur from the living room, his parents were watching television.
He pulled off his jacket, slinging it over his arm as he went into the kitchen. His mouth and grown dry, so water sounded like a really good idea. “Are you thirsty?” Mako asked the raven-haired boy as he took down a glass and filled it up.
Haruka followed him into the house by way of reply, lining his shoes up next to all the others. The house lacked sounds of the twins giggling and playing, leading Haruka to assume they’d gone to bed. He could hear the monotonous drawl of a newscaster from somewhere down the hall, letting him know where Makoto’s parents were as well. He liked the way the house always sounded alive. Living alone, it could get very quiet. Most of the time he didn’t mind, though. Not when he had a second home here. 
He accepted the offer, gratefully rehydrating himself before rinsing his cup and tucking it in the drying rack. “I’m going to have a bath,” he said, excusing himself and padding away up the stairs. After that, he could buckle down and focus on homework. 
Makoto nodded in response and filled his glass up, starting off after Haruka. His room was down the same hall, only a few doors away. It made it very convenient when he had to rush out without a towel. Less chance of getting caught because of his forgetfulness.
The green-eyed man walked in, closing the door behind himself and flipping the light on in one movement. A yawn parted his lips as he walked over to his bed and plopped down, puling his books into his lap. Maybe he’d start off a little earlier than Haru. He was sure his friend wouldn’t mind.
As much as he would’ve liked to soak in the warm water for hours, Haruka forced himself to get out and dry off. He folded his own clothes into a neat pile, walking the few steps to Makoto’s room with just a towel around his waist. 
"Can I borrow clothes?" He asked, stuffing his dirty ones into his backpack and removing his Lit binder in the same motion. With the amount of time he spent here, he ought to store a change of clothes in Makoto’s closet, he thought. He tossed his binder onto Makoto’s bed for the moment. 
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