#simon snow roleplay
Strangers Like Me || Open RP
Baz knew he didn't know anything about being a vampire, but he didn't realize just how clueless he was until Eliot clocked him coming into the library. He'd chosen to sit at one of the long reading tables in the center of the room and was leaning down to retrieve a textbook from his satchel.
"I know your secret," He felt the whisper on his ear as much as he heard it. He forced himself not to turn around, not to give in to the mysterious voice. "I'm not the Batman." He responded sarcastically, placing the textbook on the table and making a small show of flipping through it to find the right chapter. All he wanted was one afternoon to read about linguistic morphology in peace. Dating a prophesized hero already got him into enough scrapes- he didn't need the university library to add more intrigue to his life. As the stranger moved into view, Baz recognized him from the front desk. The librarian half leaned, half sat on the table where Baz had intended to work, even scooting his book a little out of the way to accommodate him.
"Studying linguistics?" The librarian was clearly relishing the power he held in this moment. Baz's social etiquette dictated that he not tell this person to fuck off, raise his voice, or cause a scene. He hated being pinned down by someone like this. (Unless it was by Simon.) (And even then it had to be the right moment.)
"What do you want?" Baz gave in, meeting the stranger's gaze. The glint in his eye, his coy smile, everything about him said he wasn't just there to make small talk.
"I'm sorry, where are my manners?" The librarian offered a hand, "Eliot Waugh, child of Lamia." When Baz didn't take the offer, Eliot adjusted the cuffs of his shirt. "Lamia." Greek mythology. An early predecessor to modern vampires in literature. Baz felt a trickle of dread creep down his spine. He twisted his wrist, checking that his wand was still tucked in the holster on his forearm. If a vampire wanted to have a go at him it would be a nightmare to spell it out of all the Normal students' minds.
"Should that interest me?" He sat back and crossed his arms, still not sure if this person intended to be friend or foe.
"Drop the act, Pitch." He must've seen Baz's name when he scanned in.
* * *
Hurrying along in a torrential downpour, he replayed the scene in his mind. There was another vampire at school. And so far he didn't seem to be evil. (Then again, what villain reveals their true nature a few hours into meeting someone new?) Baz was running late getting home. He'd lost track of time in the library, having made a hasty exit as soon as he realized the hour.
Normally he'd love the rain. (Or at least he'd prefer it to sun.)The wind whipped rain and debris sideways, blinking in and out of pools of streetlamp light like a slow, wet strobe. A paper bag brushed defeatedly into him as he made his way through the city. He adjusted the strap to his bag- at least it was much lighter now that it was the summer term- and side stepped to avoid a puddle that was beginning to look more like a small pond had been dropped on the sidewalk. Rain hadn't been in the forecast- it was supposed to be perfectly clear the whole day. A perfectly clear, sunny day is what Basil had dressed for.
By the time he walked through the door to his boyfriend's apartment, he was soaked thoroughly through. His jade floral shirt clung to his skin, making him feel even colder every time he moved. "Snow, are you here?" He called out to the seemingly-empty flat, nudging the door shut behind him. Simon had to be around, it was his flat after all. A pair of trackies had been discarded by the floor mat, one laying on its side like it'd fallen asleep. He lined his loafers up next to each other, off to the side of the mat. "It's biblical out there." He called again. The thin little floor mat underneath him was already saturated almost beyond its capacity. His trousers were too wet to store anything. Everything was too wet. He gripped his keyring in his teeth for a moment and, modesty be damned, started to unbutton his soaked shirt.
((Seeking Simons but open to others!))
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theearlgreymage · 2 years
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Or Thursday. It's fine. We're pretending yesterday wasn't real right now.
These last two weeks have been brutal to my writing schedule. Being an adult is too much. Being responsible for other humans is overwhelming.
On the positive side, I have a million ideas and plenty of WIP's!! Just need to find the time to get to them. There's FOUR snippets under the cut that I need to stop staring at and just finish.
My current baby is still Infinity In Your Chest Pocket. Chapter 3 is coming along smoothly. It should be up SOON (I'm sorry it took so long @ionlydrinkhotwater )
Snow looks like a lost puppy as he follows our group through the shopping center. Or really, follows my cousin.
It reminds me of fifth year, when we couldn't do anything without Snow sniffing around us like a blood hound. Baz was going out of his mind by Spring.
He'd come out to his family the prior summer, and while it hadn't gone terrible it also wasn't great. Uncle Malcolm tried to act like Baz had never opened his mouth. So, Baz kept his mouth shut at school. Niall and I knew, but that was it.
There were a few opportunities when Baz could have made a derisive comment to Snow about his stalking habits that year, but he never did. I've always suspected his attitude towards Snow. I know how Baz treats someone he detests, and his treatment of Snow is not that. Not that I’m dumb enough to point that out to him. 
Right now he's leading Snow around from shop to shop, acting like this is something we've always done together. As though Niall and I are just supposed to follow his lead.
Well, Niall does. They are best friends, and love shopping together. I'm more so here to carry their haul like some pack mull.
Snow has muscle, though, so when my arms start to get tired, I toss some bags his way. "Here, consider this your initiation to our group."
I swear I haven't abandoned Let's Avoid Spoilers, Darling either. The plot for this keeps shifting in my head. Originally, it was supposed to be very serious. But more and more ideas keep popping up in my head that border on crack. So I have to squash them routinely.
It’s locked. I growl, frustrated and try to turn the handle again. 
“Stop.” Baz whisper-hisses at me, getting in my personal space. 
“What are they hiding from us?” I demand. 
“I don’t know, but my future-self is going to hear us if you keep trying to force that door open.” 
Resigned, I let the door knob go. “So what do we do now?” 
Without answering, Baz grabs me by the elbow and pulls me back into the room we’re sharing. “Right now? Nothing. We can’t go sneaking around this house so openly.” 
“You think any of our future selves are going to leave us unsupervised long enough to sneak around except at night?” I ask. 
This forces Baz to pause, crossing his arms and bringing one hand up to his mouth. He does this sometimes, it’s one of his plotting faces, chews on the pad of his thumb while he thinks. 
My submission for EGF is also taking shape. Realistically, I wanted this to be a multi-chapter endeavor. But I think it's going to be a one-shot. We'll see.
I never thought that the hands that so deftly wield a sword, could be this delicate. The way Simon plucks my shirt buttons open with a smooth finesse is borderline hypnotic. He's gotten so good at it. If he really wants to, he can get a couple buttons undone without my noticing.
Normally, Simon is brute force and strength in everything that he does. But with me, it's the opposite. He treats me gently, reverently, just like I asked for when he decided to genuinely try.
When I finally feel the tips of his fingers on my newly exposed skin, it makes me shiver. The temperature contrast between us has my nerves feeling extra sensitive.
Finally, I had a random thought (and was then bribed by @ic3-que3n with their stunning artwork that I am willing to sell my soul for) to create a Witcher!SnowBaz AU. This is still in the planning process. I probably won't post anything for it until after EGF to balance my plate. So, it's just an outline for now.
Open the scene in a small desolate village at night with the streets empty 
Simon is in the middle of battling [insert dark creature] 
He defeats it easily with just a couple of scratches, nothing to be concerned about for him 
Payment is left outside the village leaders home - no words are exchanged 
Flashback Scene 
Simon on his first hunt with [insert Witcher Mentor] 
They’re explaining to Simon the real world practices of the Witcher trade 
Hunting monsters at night 
How villagers will likely not want to talk to him 
How the world relies on them to keep the monsters in the dark at bay 
Jump to next scene of Simon in a different town, talking to an innkeeper about a monster problem 
Someone tries to hire Simon as a mercenary 
Comments about Witcher’s not having emotions/feelings & only looking for coin are made 
Simon ignores them and the men  
Flashback Scene 
Simon is in the market with other young boys from Kaer Morhen 
The boys are offered coin for a small job 
End up robbing an innocent shop-keep 
Simon feels extreme guilt for his actions
While I have been spending too much time just staring at blank documents lately, I have still been writing a lot. But not alone. So I won't share pieces from them. BUT I have been role-playing with two amazingly talented individuals.
@buffy has me going feral over our snowbaz mpreg plot. It's so emotional. Has literally made me cry. I love it. We need to check our word count cause I think we’re over 40k now.
And @upuntil6am has me head over heels for our tender snowbaz a/b/o dynamic plot. It's tooth rotting sweet (for now, I swear you can trust me though) and I need more of it at all times.
We're not going to talk about the fact I need an idea for COBB still.
Thank you to @confused-bi-queer @hushed-chorus @shrekgogurt @johnwgrey and on Sunday @palimpsessed for all the tags these last few days ♥️ I do see them and they make me so happy to be included in the community of this lovely Fandom.
I'll forgo tagging back since it's. You know. Thursday.
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findyourrp · 10 months
hey hey! ✨✨
sorry for the blank blog, just coming back to tumblr after literal years away since twitter has gone to shit. I'm Em, 25, they/them, central time. open to any time zones and and any partners 21+
Fandoms are below, like this and I'll reach out!
-red white and royal blue (i can play alex or henry)
-top gun maverick (I can play jake/rooster/payback/fanboy/bob - my bob is a trans man)
-marvel (ships are bucky/literally any man, tom holland's peter aged up/any man, sam/joaquin)
-glee (any ships that include dave or sebastian have my heart)
-simon snow trilogy (i can play simon or baz)
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buffy · 2 years
I've submitted this to three different rpfinder blogs and had like two bites. So I've lost my shame, I'm posting it to my main. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m looking for an 18+ partner for a SnowBaz rp to be Simon Snow for my Baz (Carry On) For an MPreg story. (Baz as the carrier just to be clear) No specific plot line but I’d like to do a full story, not just a quick one off.  I do have a few specific ideas however if you have an idea I am more than happy to build a story with you!
NSFW encouraged
Teen pregnancy plotlines are fine but nothing under 16. 
Triggers to be discussed
Canon and AU is fine 
I rp solely on Discord. If interested please like this post. If you're not comfortable calling it an rp, I'm perfectly happy to call it co writing a fic!
PS. I don’t need you to be active all the time and hope you’ll extend that courtesy to me! Thank you!
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bicanthropus · 1 year
i made a spreadsheet for simon snow spells!! it includes all the canon ones plus ones i made up & eventually ones i pull from fics i've read (with credit). i'm hoping this is a good resource for anyone who writes simon snow fanfic and/or roleplays the characters!
check the source link to see them all & send me any spell ideas you have and i'll record them with credit to you!
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pryings · 24 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
thank you neffi for this template!!!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: ruaidhrí (said pretty much like the english name rory and if you want to spell it that way that's fine too, ik irish names throw people off)
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday (no year): 25th of october!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? i live in colorado and my timezone is MST
How long is your roleplay experience? i don't know exactly how many years since i sometimes have years where h don't rp but i've been rping on and off since i was 11-12.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? oh gosh, so ff.net used to have (maybe still has, i literally have not been on that site in ages) these like... forums? and i joined one for elder scrolls rp a little after oblivion came out. i was far and away the youngest one there but everyone was so nice in helping me turn my character into a proper oc with like... backstory, a real personality, etc. after that, i spent a lot of time using it to try and grow my creative writing skills.
How were you introduced to TOA? honestly i just stumbled across it randomly! i had just replayed a few fe games and was looking through some tags and thought it might be fun to try fire emblem rp (i'd done some on indie tumblr back in the day, as well as in an mfrp a little bit, but never fire emblem exclusive rp) so i sent arden to check it out and, well, here we still are.
Do you have any pets? simon (mini poodle), john hancock (tabby cat), and tim & geeb (fluffy black cats)
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) early spring! i also like late fall for its temperature, but i dislike snow/sleet/wet socks so spring is preferable because it's not very snowy here!
What is your IRL occupation? blessedly unemployed (health issues have prevented me from working aha)... i used to work IT though!
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? i like birdwatching, reading academic articles about ancient civilizations, and making espresso drinks
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? currently enjoying bg3 + doing a dragon age replay (in preparation for veilguard). outside current, i really like most single-player rpg type games (esp. with customizable character), stealth games (dishonored favorite), and Identity V is the first asymmetrical horror mobile game developed by NetEase for
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: my favorite pokemon ever is alakazam (and its whole line) i've loved alakazam foreverrrrr! favorite type is steel, though! apart from my psychic baby most of my other favs tend to be steel types
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! oh gosh i'm so bad at fun facts...
- i can put both my feet behind my head but i can't touch my toes - my favorite non-ancient empire to read about is austria-hungary - my cat tim was rescued from Outside
How did you get into Fire Emblem? friend's cool older brother was playing a bunch of the games in a seemingly random order. when i'd hang out at that friend's house sometimes we'd sit and watch. i asked him to lend me some and he did!
What Fire Emblem games have you played? i have now played all of them! (last year when i answered this i hadn't technically played them all, but i'd seen playthroughs and watched let's plays of all of them at the very least)
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: a bad translation of fe4 was first, por is still my favorite—but tbh there's not really one i dislike
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! - KNOLL (promoted to number one he's my special guy) - reyson - canas - ashnard - pandreo
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! QUAN—i have such a distinct memory of seeing him come in but i don't remember my initial thought, only that he would have my heart forever
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 vander. duessel. hardin.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: first was sumia! i don't have a set nowadays because i've done a different one on each playthrough - Fates: first was xander, would probably still do xander if i were to replay - Three Houses: first was seteth, if i replay i'll go for hanneman - Engage: first was pandreo! next time i plan to do ivy though
Favorite Fire Emblem class? i like shapeshifter classes! beasts, dragons, laguz, etc. i just think they're fun to play with
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? oh gosh, i'd be an infantry axe unit probably. middling starting stats but high growths if you really work at making me good (there would be heated debates over whether the necessary time investment would be worth it)
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? black eagles!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? axe boon, heavy armor bane, budding talent in faith magic (could be classed into an fe:a style war cleric and it would be my suggested goal)
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? i want to say brodia!
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 toh-ah
Current TOA muses: just knoll <3
Past TOA muses? robin, niles, almedha, reyson, hardin, iago, perceval, lachesis (i think that's all?)
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? my first muse was m!robin and thankfully i am spared any temptation on picking him up as he is currently being written.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) i'm kind of all over the place, aren't i? i like characters where i can poke at hidden depths but ones who aren't too closely guarded. i like characters who are shy, withdrawn, standoffish, guarded, etc. in some way but who open up when spoken to. i don't think this has changed since last year, i've been writing for a long time and kind of know my comfort zone.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? boisterous/loud and over the top characters always challenge me, but i've never really managed to make them work, which is a shame because i tend to enjoy lively characters!
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) -i love writing threads where setting/scenery is a focus, where i get to sort of use the landscape as a bit more than set-dressing - i enjoy throwing my muse at characters who mistrust him for whatever reason, and like to explore the kind of slow, mutual understanding that comes from two people getting to know one another - i really just like putting him in situations in general, forcing him to socialize—he's a very withdrawn character so any excuse to have him meet new people is very enjoyable
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? nothing specific! i have kind of an arc for him but it's loosely-defined right now
Favorite TOA-related memories? HAPPYLAND WAS SO MUCH FUN. sincerely i loved the interactions he had there <3
Present or past tense? i default to present, but adapt to what my partner prefers on this!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? small text, bolded dialogue. just easier for my eyes to take it in that way.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 oh gosh. i recently had to go down to just one muse because my health is not so good, but i will admit i already have a few delusions. if i can get myself back to a spot where i feel like i can write a second, someone may return.
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jenyifer · 3 months
Wandee Goodday ep 4 initial reaction
Shhhhh I didn’t say I’d watch anything this weekend…. I had to…. Ugh… stare at the ceiling and relisten to an audio book after the disappointment of the Simon Snow Series ending. Anyways let’s get into this
photo review
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Oh noooo dead parent dreams very scary
However I can’t help but think of OffGun in Not Me.
Still was cute if a little shocking. I started off the ep and checked my YouTube to make sure I was on the right track.
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Okay but Dr Ter can’t have anymore red flags idk how Dee liked him for years. He’s the devil?! I wish there was something redeeming about him.
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Try to resist his puppy dog eyes you can’t
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Okay well… I hate this the whole scene is very “oh I need to keep you on the hook.” Idk why he keeps going for kisses when he wants to have his sex buddy help him with a girl? Is he just in denial or what? Really this is making him look bad bad. Also how did he get up there? He has a key for the gym at Dee’s building seems like a safety concern. Don’t you know how many women are attacked at their apartment gym by a random stranger just coming in? If they have to scan at least management knows the scumbag.
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IT MADE ME THINK OF YOU!!!!! (Boston my boy my babby’s bedroom. I was expecting a sexy scene against the cube walls again. But I was happy to see his home transformed into a gym)
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Okay Kao just made some terribly bad suggestions this episode. He starts off saying Dee should just guard his heart. Bitch he’s already signed and delivered it. Then? Dee and Yoryak are happy? Only when they are living in delulu land. Finally that roleplay would help them? It didn’t they can’t be honest with their feelings ever.
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Okay now maybe suggest getting on prep too. It’s also something you should get regardless of gender if you’re having risky spicy time. I did like their health promotion. HPV shot does actually hurt or mine did. Every time my arm hurt terribly afterwards.
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cutestkilla · 2 years
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Fic Rec Wednesday
Hey hey! So while I actually am hard at work on CO content for the Picture Book Project (several illustrations of the gang in third year for @captain-aralias’ amazing take on Simon Snow and the Third Gate), I have nothing that’s really ready for main in terms of sharing. Thanks to everyone who continues to tag me over these past weeks (I tag you all back under the cut for today, or Sunday or to share your own fic recs)! I do love to see what you all are working on even when I have nothing shareable.
I thought I might do a little fic rec post today instead, dedicated to one-shots that were posted in the mad rush of December that I love and think are a little underappreciated. There’s such a flood of amazing content during COC that it’s hard to keep up, and then once we move on to January, there’s still new amazing content coming out. As a result there are some real gems that folks may have missed out on. And so, here is a short (no doubt incomplete because I myself am still catching up) list of my fave hidden gems from December 2022.
And We Still Do by @facewithoutheart (T, 8K)
This is the fic that inspired me to write this post, actually, because I was discussing it with @facewithoutheart earlier and saying I can’t believe more folks haven’t read it. Anyway, it’s so great! The story includes a bunch of AU meet-cutes/meet-uglys framed by post-SFC Simon and Baz being fluffy and cute, with a bonus ACTUAL first time they met via the crucible. Each AU is a great little one-shot in itself and to quote the comment I left on AO3, “I loved them all, I would read a full fic of literally ANY of these”. (That is not actually a direct quote because I appear to have misspelled the word “would” somehow, but I digress.) You get post-canon fluff, a Boy Band AU, a Royalty AU, a couple of really neat canon-divergence AUs, and a combo Coffee Shop/Sci Fi AU all rolled into one, with amazing results. I think it’s brilliant like everything that comes from Christina’s mind and everyone should check it out.
Baby It’s Cold by @larkral (T, 2.6K)
This is a post-canon story told through a series of vignettes with Simon helping Baz accept something (something cold, maybe?) about himself in a really cute and creative way. It’s just really sweet, the prose is lovely as one knows to expect from this author, it gave me the warm fuzzies in a major way and guess what else? IT COMES WITH 3D LEGO ART. It’s short and sweet so you have no excuse not to check this one out folks.
Nice Spread by @messofthejess (T, 1.2K)
Post-canon Brobelove! The age old mystery of whether tea actually can be served on Niamh’s thighs is solved! And just generally this is packed with excellent banter, excellent novelty mugs and excellent tea puns. Very fun!
Another Way We Match by @thewholelemon (M, 1.7K)
Gotta include some spice, amirite? This one is post-canon and packed with great dialogue and banter that pays homage to some of my favourite fanworks (This Will All Go Down in Flames by @facewithoutheart, Monsterfucker, Baby by @sillyunicorn and Property of Tyrannus by @starwarned and @seducing-a-vampire, to be specific) in the funnest way. Simon and Baz are doing sexy roleplay! Only all of Simon’s suggestions are causing Baz eye-rolling injuries. Really hilarious, sexy and also with the perfect amount of domestic fluff mixed in. I love me a sex scene full of funny dialogue and awkward moments, and this sure fits the bill.
I could go on and on with this list, only I’m supposed to be working instead of writing this post, so I’ll stop here for now. Hope you all check these out!
Tags: @alleycat0306 @aristocratic-otter @artsyunderstudy @basiltonbutliketheherb @blackberrysummerblog @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @confused-bi-queer @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @forabeatofadrum @frjsti @hushed-chorus @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @j-nipper-95 @johnwgrey @larkral  @martsonmars @nightimedreamersworld @onepintobean @palimpsessed @shrekgogurt @stitchyqueer @takitalks @tea-brigade @technetiumai @theearlgreymage @thewholelemon @whatevertheweather @you-remind-me-of-the-babe                             
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vyrulent · 10 months
this is a multimuse roleplay blog with muses that i’ve rp’d from over the years. due to working a full time salaried job, i am a primarily queue based blog. i’m 30+ and have been rping since like 2014/15.
i'm foxxy. she/her. selective. no discord available.
( rules ) ( memes )
muse list beneath the cut:
Chloe Decker ( Lucifer ) Ebenezer Scrooge ( OUaT ) Frederick Chilton ( Hannibal ) Hadley Rockefeller ( TWD ) Jack Frost/Snow Miser ( OUaT ) Jolene July ( NOS4A2 ) Lisa-Marie Andrews ( TWD ) Russell Edgington ( True Blood ) Santiago ( Interview with the Vampire ) Simone Grove ( Why Women Kill )
Aleera de la Fuente ( Van Helsing ) Abigail Samuels ( IT deleted scene ) Amy Peterson ( Fright Night mythos ) Anna Valerious ( Van Helsing ) Ariel Triton ( The Little Mermaid ) Damien Thorn ( The Omen mythos ) Deacon Frost ( Blade mythos ) Harper-Lee Smith ( Texas Chainsaw Massacre mythos ) Kristof Lazar ( Abigail ) Lawrence Talbot ( The Wolf Man mythos ) ( HIATUS ) Lena Dupree ( Scooby Doo on Zombie Island ) Lydia Deetz ( Beetlejuice ) Sibella Dracula ( Scooby Doo & the Ghoul School ) Simone Lenoir ( Scooby Doo on Zombie Island ) Tiana Broussard ( The Princess & the Frog ) Winnie Talbot ( Scooby Doo & the Ghoul School )
Amber Davies ( Wolf Creek: Desolation Game ) Hades ( Greek mythos ) ( very low activity -- ask interaction only ) Jack Seward ( Dracula ) Lucy Westenra ( Dracula ) Micah Nicolescu/The Big Bad Wolf (The Company of Wolves/Little Red Riding Hood) Minthe ( Greek mythos ) Psyche ( Greek mythos ) Virginia Dare ( Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter & The Last American Vampire ) Zeus ( Greek mythos ) ( very low activity -- ask interaction only )
Anita Bergese
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grimmusings · 10 months
@birdswings thank you for the tag, lovely! 💛
how long have you been roleplaying?
I started passing a notebook back and forth with my friend in middle school. My first muse was a canon character from The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike against her LOTR elf. Then I wandered into the cesspool that was AOL chats, made my own storyline because I was so awful no one would let me play with them (I'm still writing in that storyline and made some lifelong friends in it), played a bit on Myspace, had one hideous Facebook experience, and then moved on to the golden age of InvisionFree before discovering Tumblr and Discord rp. I've always played in groups or with a couple people I already knew until this year though, so I'm actually pretty new to Tumblr indie!
what got you interested in roleplaying?
All my favorite games when I was a kid involved making up stories with my toys (Barbies, Beanie Babies, stuffed animals, dolls, the little plastic figurines I called my "friends"), so I consider this a slightly more sophisticated extension of that. I just play with my dolls inside my head now. 😂
are there any lesser played canon characters you’d like to see in your community?
ARE there. I'm going to stick to some lesser known fandoms rather than listing specific muses from all of them, but I'd love to see more from: Sin City, The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, The Lost Boys, Fright Night, All for the Game, Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter, Dreamcatcher, Simon Snow, and The Raven Cycle. From my larger fandoms, I'd love to see more King Ezekiel (TWD), Scott Lang, Ian Rogers, Natasha Stark, & Yelena Belova (Marvel), and Jack Kline (Supernatural).
would you consider writing them?
Girl, don't tempt me. We're already out of control.
what do you enjoy the most about creating ocs?
I write most of my OCs on Discord rather than Tumblr because the ones I have here don't get a lot of traction (which is fine, no shade, Steve and Bucky are my favorites too 😂). Most of them were created for a specific partner or group and then grew into their own things out of that, so I suppose it's the same thing I love about writing canon muses: the way the story and the characters come to life in ways I never expected when I'm building with another person. My muses constantly surprise me, OC or otherwise.
tagging: @defectivexfragmented, @pleinsdemuses, @tormentedsoldier, @velvetnviolentviolets, @pctentialbreakupsong, @cybernetic-asset, @theking-blackheart-muses, @kobikate, @nightmarefuele, @brooklynislandgirl
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penrose-rps · 2 years
Hi all!! It's weird to be starting fresh again, but here we are! 😂
I'm looking to get this blog up and running! I'm hoping to find some like minded roleplay/writing partners!
I tend to RP on discord but more than happy to do it here on Tumblr if that's your preference.
Some things I'm looking for:
M/M primarily
Anything from a few sentences to a couple paragraphs
3rd person
Reasonable grammar and spelling
Genres I lean towards:
Fantasy, angst, slow burn, romance, slice of life, adventure, morally grey (is that a genre?), superhero, hurt/comfort
If doing smut - kink friendly
My OCs all tend to be fantasy/supernatural but they can be switched to human if you prefer just straight up human world stuff.
Fandoms I will rp in:
Free! (As Rin)
Avatar the Last Airbender (as Zuko)
Night at the Museum (as Ahkmenrah)
Carry On/Simon Snow series
DC/Young Justice/Teen Titans/Batfamily (as Nightwing)
Criminal Minds
The Untamed
Word of Honour
I love angst, but usually prefer when there's a happy ending (life is shitty enough haha)
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solitaryaesthetics13 · 4 months
Roleplay Master List
Kinks And Limits
Original Characters
Hana, Bunnygirl, Futa
Mae-Lynn, Wolfgirl, Futa, BRAT!!
Cleo, Human, Female, NEET
Juniper, Oni, Futa
Alice, Catgirl, Female
Simone, Lioness Woman, Futa, BRAT!!
Ari, Snow Leopard Woman, Futa
Blaire, Catgirl, Futa
My Hero Academia
Genshin Impact
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thomasrpblog · 4 years
Maybe-vampire seeking prophetic hero because life isn’t hard enough already
Me: An undead aristocrat who enjoys classic cars, a well-cut suit, and excels in all areas of academics. 
You: The worst chosen one ever chosen.  DM me, Snow.  ((18+ required, 21+ preferred. Add me on Discord if you want Brackett#8388))
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levi-ackerman27 · 2 years
Hello! I’m looking for a role play partner for a SnowBaz RP!
I am a literate writer with story style writing, I am down for most plot lines but don’t prefer anything that is too extreme in the fields of (SA, SH, Abuse, etc).
I love AU’s and adding depth to the worlds and characters! I prefer to play Simon, but I do enjoy role playing as baz as well!
Dont hesitate to message me if you would like to rp!
Below is an expert from a RP I am doing with someone else to give you an idea of how I write!
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saturnsrps · 3 years
Character Name: Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch (Baz Pitch)
Fanbase: The Simon Snow trilogy (by Rainbow Rowell)
I prefer to write them in/around the years of Watford! I'm also okay with going a bit past this, though I haven't read Wayward yet... I do know some of the events that take place, and I don't mind spoilers too much.
Plot wise I only really have one or two ideas in mind at the moment, but would love to hear any you may have (or we can brainstorm)!
Please let me know any triggers you have ahead of time, my characterization of Baz can be a little bit dark at times so it would be useful for me to know!
Send a message if interested!
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cupidofcaravaggio · 4 years
Welcome to things said/done in the Snowbaz rp out of context:
“I know you’d come back though, his legs aren’t nearly as nice.”
“I love you, asswipe.”
“I’m sorry madam, but your bare ankles looked so inviting, I just had to take a peek.”
“I mean who do you think I am: Satan’s bitch?”
“Meet me in hell at 7, we have to go smack Hitler with a chair.”
“I’m just gonna die here. Tell everyone to dress slutty at my funeral, it’s what I would have wanted.”
Simon: *preforms a mating dance for Baz*
And then for the general chat:
“Baz Pitch is not Satan’s bitch, and I live by that.”
“Because Simon has a fang kink.”
“I’m not special enough for any man to break the law for me.”
“Some should edit the cover and give him some ass, damn.”
This is the fault of I and @arieale
You’re welcome ✨
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