#snowbaz roleplay
Strangers Like Me || Open RP
Baz knew he didn't know anything about being a vampire, but he didn't realize just how clueless he was until Eliot clocked him coming into the library. He'd chosen to sit at one of the long reading tables in the center of the room and was leaning down to retrieve a textbook from his satchel.
"I know your secret," He felt the whisper on his ear as much as he heard it. He forced himself not to turn around, not to give in to the mysterious voice. "I'm not the Batman." He responded sarcastically, placing the textbook on the table and making a small show of flipping through it to find the right chapter. All he wanted was one afternoon to read about linguistic morphology in peace. Dating a prophesized hero already got him into enough scrapes- he didn't need the university library to add more intrigue to his life. As the stranger moved into view, Baz recognized him from the front desk. The librarian half leaned, half sat on the table where Baz had intended to work, even scooting his book a little out of the way to accommodate him.
"Studying linguistics?" The librarian was clearly relishing the power he held in this moment. Baz's social etiquette dictated that he not tell this person to fuck off, raise his voice, or cause a scene. He hated being pinned down by someone like this. (Unless it was by Simon.) (And even then it had to be the right moment.)
"What do you want?" Baz gave in, meeting the stranger's gaze. The glint in his eye, his coy smile, everything about him said he wasn't just there to make small talk.
"I'm sorry, where are my manners?" The librarian offered a hand, "Eliot Waugh, child of Lamia." When Baz didn't take the offer, Eliot adjusted the cuffs of his shirt. "Lamia." Greek mythology. An early predecessor to modern vampires in literature. Baz felt a trickle of dread creep down his spine. He twisted his wrist, checking that his wand was still tucked in the holster on his forearm. If a vampire wanted to have a go at him it would be a nightmare to spell it out of all the Normal students' minds.
"Should that interest me?" He sat back and crossed his arms, still not sure if this person intended to be friend or foe.
"Drop the act, Pitch." He must've seen Baz's name when he scanned in.
* * *
Hurrying along in a torrential downpour, he replayed the scene in his mind. There was another vampire at school. And so far he didn't seem to be evil. (Then again, what villain reveals their true nature a few hours into meeting someone new?) Baz was running late getting home. He'd lost track of time in the library, having made a hasty exit as soon as he realized the hour.
Normally he'd love the rain. (Or at least he'd prefer it to sun.)The wind whipped rain and debris sideways, blinking in and out of pools of streetlamp light like a slow, wet strobe. A paper bag brushed defeatedly into him as he made his way through the city. He adjusted the strap to his bag- at least it was much lighter now that it was the summer term- and side stepped to avoid a puddle that was beginning to look more like a small pond had been dropped on the sidewalk. Rain hadn't been in the forecast- it was supposed to be perfectly clear the whole day. A perfectly clear, sunny day is what Basil had dressed for.
By the time he walked through the door to his boyfriend's apartment, he was soaked thoroughly through. His jade floral shirt clung to his skin, making him feel even colder every time he moved. "Snow, are you here?" He called out to the seemingly-empty flat, nudging the door shut behind him. Simon had to be around, it was his flat after all. A pair of trackies had been discarded by the floor mat, one laying on its side like it'd fallen asleep. He lined his loafers up next to each other, off to the side of the mat. "It's biblical out there." He called again. The thin little floor mat underneath him was already saturated almost beyond its capacity. His trousers were too wet to store anything. Everything was too wet. He gripped his keyring in his teeth for a moment and, modesty be damned, started to unbutton his soaked shirt.
((Seeking Simons but open to others!))
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theearlgreymage · 2 years
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Or Thursday. It's fine. We're pretending yesterday wasn't real right now.
These last two weeks have been brutal to my writing schedule. Being an adult is too much. Being responsible for other humans is overwhelming.
On the positive side, I have a million ideas and plenty of WIP's!! Just need to find the time to get to them. There's FOUR snippets under the cut that I need to stop staring at and just finish.
My current baby is still Infinity In Your Chest Pocket. Chapter 3 is coming along smoothly. It should be up SOON (I'm sorry it took so long @ionlydrinkhotwater )
Snow looks like a lost puppy as he follows our group through the shopping center. Or really, follows my cousin.
It reminds me of fifth year, when we couldn't do anything without Snow sniffing around us like a blood hound. Baz was going out of his mind by Spring.
He'd come out to his family the prior summer, and while it hadn't gone terrible it also wasn't great. Uncle Malcolm tried to act like Baz had never opened his mouth. So, Baz kept his mouth shut at school. Niall and I knew, but that was it.
There were a few opportunities when Baz could have made a derisive comment to Snow about his stalking habits that year, but he never did. I've always suspected his attitude towards Snow. I know how Baz treats someone he detests, and his treatment of Snow is not that. Not that I’m dumb enough to point that out to him. 
Right now he's leading Snow around from shop to shop, acting like this is something we've always done together. As though Niall and I are just supposed to follow his lead.
Well, Niall does. They are best friends, and love shopping together. I'm more so here to carry their haul like some pack mull.
Snow has muscle, though, so when my arms start to get tired, I toss some bags his way. "Here, consider this your initiation to our group."
I swear I haven't abandoned Let's Avoid Spoilers, Darling either. The plot for this keeps shifting in my head. Originally, it was supposed to be very serious. But more and more ideas keep popping up in my head that border on crack. So I have to squash them routinely.
It’s locked. I growl, frustrated and try to turn the handle again. 
“Stop.” Baz whisper-hisses at me, getting in my personal space. 
“What are they hiding from us?” I demand. 
“I don’t know, but my future-self is going to hear us if you keep trying to force that door open.” 
Resigned, I let the door knob go. “So what do we do now?” 
Without answering, Baz grabs me by the elbow and pulls me back into the room we’re sharing. “Right now? Nothing. We can’t go sneaking around this house so openly.” 
“You think any of our future selves are going to leave us unsupervised long enough to sneak around except at night?” I ask. 
This forces Baz to pause, crossing his arms and bringing one hand up to his mouth. He does this sometimes, it’s one of his plotting faces, chews on the pad of his thumb while he thinks. 
My submission for EGF is also taking shape. Realistically, I wanted this to be a multi-chapter endeavor. But I think it's going to be a one-shot. We'll see.
I never thought that the hands that so deftly wield a sword, could be this delicate. The way Simon plucks my shirt buttons open with a smooth finesse is borderline hypnotic. He's gotten so good at it. If he really wants to, he can get a couple buttons undone without my noticing.
Normally, Simon is brute force and strength in everything that he does. But with me, it's the opposite. He treats me gently, reverently, just like I asked for when he decided to genuinely try.
When I finally feel the tips of his fingers on my newly exposed skin, it makes me shiver. The temperature contrast between us has my nerves feeling extra sensitive.
Finally, I had a random thought (and was then bribed by @ic3-que3n with their stunning artwork that I am willing to sell my soul for) to create a Witcher!SnowBaz AU. This is still in the planning process. I probably won't post anything for it until after EGF to balance my plate. So, it's just an outline for now.
Open the scene in a small desolate village at night with the streets empty 
Simon is in the middle of battling [insert dark creature] 
He defeats it easily with just a couple of scratches, nothing to be concerned about for him 
Payment is left outside the village leaders home - no words are exchanged 
Flashback Scene 
Simon on his first hunt with [insert Witcher Mentor] 
They’re explaining to Simon the real world practices of the Witcher trade 
Hunting monsters at night 
How villagers will likely not want to talk to him 
How the world relies on them to keep the monsters in the dark at bay 
Jump to next scene of Simon in a different town, talking to an innkeeper about a monster problem 
Someone tries to hire Simon as a mercenary 
Comments about Witcher’s not having emotions/feelings & only looking for coin are made 
Simon ignores them and the men  
Flashback Scene 
Simon is in the market with other young boys from Kaer Morhen 
The boys are offered coin for a small job 
End up robbing an innocent shop-keep 
Simon feels extreme guilt for his actions
While I have been spending too much time just staring at blank documents lately, I have still been writing a lot. But not alone. So I won't share pieces from them. BUT I have been role-playing with two amazingly talented individuals.
@buffy has me going feral over our snowbaz mpreg plot. It's so emotional. Has literally made me cry. I love it. We need to check our word count cause I think we’re over 40k now.
And @upuntil6am has me head over heels for our tender snowbaz a/b/o dynamic plot. It's tooth rotting sweet (for now, I swear you can trust me though) and I need more of it at all times.
We're not going to talk about the fact I need an idea for COBB still.
Thank you to @confused-bi-queer @hushed-chorus @shrekgogurt @johnwgrey and on Sunday @palimpsessed for all the tags these last few days ♥️ I do see them and they make me so happy to be included in the community of this lovely Fandom.
I'll forgo tagging back since it's. You know. Thursday.
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buffy · 2 years
I've submitted this to three different rpfinder blogs and had like two bites. So I've lost my shame, I'm posting it to my main. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m looking for an 18+ partner for a SnowBaz rp to be Simon Snow for my Baz (Carry On) For an MPreg story. (Baz as the carrier just to be clear) No specific plot line but I’d like to do a full story, not just a quick one off.  I do have a few specific ideas however if you have an idea I am more than happy to build a story with you!
NSFW encouraged
Teen pregnancy plotlines are fine but nothing under 16. 
Triggers to be discussed
Canon and AU is fine 
I rp solely on Discord. If interested please like this post. If you're not comfortable calling it an rp, I'm perfectly happy to call it co writing a fic!
PS. I don’t need you to be active all the time and hope you’ll extend that courtesy to me! Thank you!
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clayberry24 · 8 months
My roleplay buddy and only friend "dumped" me last night, so, in coping, im writing a Snowbaz Fanfic
I just got finished reading Fangirl, so thats definitely helped with the motivation
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saturnsrps · 3 years
Character Name: Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch (Baz Pitch)
Fanbase: The Simon Snow trilogy (by Rainbow Rowell)
I prefer to write them in/around the years of Watford! I'm also okay with going a bit past this, though I haven't read Wayward yet... I do know some of the events that take place, and I don't mind spoilers too much.
Plot wise I only really have one or two ideas in mind at the moment, but would love to hear any you may have (or we can brainstorm)!
Please let me know any triggers you have ahead of time, my characterization of Baz can be a little bit dark at times so it would be useful for me to know!
Send a message if interested!
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thomasrpblog · 4 years
Maybe-vampire seeking prophetic hero because life isn’t hard enough already
Me: An undead aristocrat who enjoys classic cars, a well-cut suit, and excels in all areas of academics. 
You: The worst chosen one ever chosen.  DM me, Snow.  ((18+ required, 21+ preferred. Add me on Discord if you want Brackett#8388))
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bianxiousdragon · 5 years
I really want someone to roleplay SnowBaz on Discord... if you’re interested please wave 
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speck-of-dirt · 6 years
Anyone want to do a pride au SnowBaz or Spierfeld roleplay?
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levi-ackerman27 · 2 years
Hello! I’m looking for a role play partner for a SnowBaz RP!
I am a literate writer with story style writing, I am down for most plot lines but don’t prefer anything that is too extreme in the fields of (SA, SH, Abuse, etc).
I love AU’s and adding depth to the worlds and characters! I prefer to play Simon, but I do enjoy role playing as baz as well!
Dont hesitate to message me if you would like to rp!
Below is an expert from a RP I am doing with someone else to give you an idea of how I write!
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roleplayfinder · 2 years
Someone please roleplay SnowBaz with me! I'm 23, so 18 and over. I can play any of them, preferably in Watford era. English isn't my first language, but I'll try my best really.
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cupidofcaravaggio · 4 years
Welcome to things said/done in the Snowbaz rp out of context:
“I know you’d come back though, his legs aren’t nearly as nice.”
“I love you, asswipe.”
“I’m sorry madam, but your bare ankles looked so inviting, I just had to take a peek.”
“I mean who do you think I am: Satan’s bitch?”
“Meet me in hell at 7, we have to go smack Hitler with a chair.”
“I’m just gonna die here. Tell everyone to dress slutty at my funeral, it’s what I would have wanted.”
Simon: *preforms a mating dance for Baz*
And then for the general chat:
“Baz Pitch is not Satan’s bitch, and I live by that.”
“Because Simon has a fang kink.”
“I’m not special enough for any man to break the law for me.”
“Some should edit the cover and give him some ass, damn.”
This is the fault of I and @arieale
You’re welcome ✨
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bi-steggy-blog · 6 years
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Hello Tumblr users! Steggy here. I'm looking for someone to help me and a friend create lore for our amino. We've got a really good start but need help. These are a few of the tribes that we have worked on! Message me for more details. You must be willing to use or create an amino account
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facewithoutheart · 3 years
college/normal snowbaz au where baz is not a vampire BUT they have vampire roleplay sex
Omg I can imagine Simon buying Baz those super cheap fake teeth and they make Baz drool which he can’t stop being self-conscious about. Simon also buys those blood capsules you can bite into and they ruin their sheets. They don’t live together and so one of their roommates comes home to find Baz yelling at Simon, who is trying to convince Baz that wearing a bib will solve the drool problem, and they are surrounded by bloody sheets.
They don’t notice the roommate, who slowly backs out and then posts an ad for a new roommate on Craigslist.
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anlmetiddies · 5 years
Roleplays! ~Open~
I've made a post like this before, but I deleted it. Now I'm bored and need more rps lol
Here are the ships I do!
Hunter x Hunter
Killugon (Killua/Gon)
Hisollumi (Hisoka/Illumi)
Leopika (Leorio/Kurapika)
Haikyuu (idk the ship names aaa)
Sheith (Shiro/Keith)
Yuri!!! on Ice
Viktuuri (Viktor/Yuuri)
Otayuri (Otabek/Yuri)
Ironstrange (Tony/Stephen)
Stucky (Steve/Bucky)
Veddie (Venom/Eddie)
Side note: I'm still new to Marvel, so excuse me for not knowing everything!
Detroit: Become Human
Hankcon (Hank/Connor)
Reed900 (Gavin/RK900)
Harry Potter
Wolfstar (Remus/Sirius)
Drarry (Draco/Harry)
Rarry (Ron/Harry)
Linny (Luna/Ginny)
Good Omens
Carry On/Wayward Son
Snowbaz (Simon Snow/Baz)
Maxian (Max/Ian) +Joji if you want :)
Rules & Stuff
Must be paragraphs, no asterisks
Paragraphs don't have to be novels. They could just be a sentence, but give me something to work off of
Smut is allowed
Please be active at least every other day
Third parties can be added to the ship
OC x OC is allowed
Please understand that I have stuff going on outside of tumblr, so sometimes I go awhile without responding. That, or I just kinda lost interest in the rp
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Someone please roleplay SnowBaz with me, help
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snowxpitch · 6 years
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Okay so my friend Maria and I (Nilo) are doing a snowbaz roleplay based on this prompt. I'm playing Baz and she's playing Simon and I'm really hoping it turns out as iconic as we planned it because we put too much thought and time into it✌️ @soft-baz
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