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I’ve been waiting a year to post this
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
Here's a tabletop RPG history question, and also an etymology question if your nerdery bends that way.
d66 tables – as in "roll a six-sided die twice, reading the first roll as the 'tens' place and the second roll as the 'ones' place, yielding a number in the range from 11 to 66" – have been around at least as early as 1977, when the Starships book for classic Traveller used them to randomly generate trade goods for players to buy. However, the term "d66" wasn't yet being used to describe them – the book's text simply describes in detail how to roll on them each time such a table appears.
Conversely, we know the term "d66" was being used to describe this type of random lookup table no later than 2004, because several popular Japanese indie RPGs which came out in that year use it. However, none of these games seem to have originated it – the way they're using it suggests they're dropping a piece of jargon that was already well established at the time.
So the question is: what's the earliest tabletop RPG that specifically uses the term "d66" or "d66 table" to describe this type of random lookup roll? i.e., not "d6/d6" or "d6,d6" or any alternative verbiage, but "d66" specifically? It has to have been published in or before 2004, and (probably) not earlier than 1977. No speculation about which games might have used it, please; if you're going to suggest a candidate, be prepared to cite a specific title and page number.
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
now that my post about breaking down one's idea of what a woman looks like has circulated for a while (thank you all), i'm now going to make this post, as i do not want people to derail that specific conversation, nor this one.
we also must break down our idea of what a man looks, acts, sounds, behaves, and presents like.
men are not cis, het, allosexual or highly sexual beings, tall, muscular, strong, hairy, deep voiced, broad chested/shouldered, emotionless, mean, aggressive, unemotional, uncaring, distant, cold, stoic, heartless, standoffish, bread winners, bad/absent fathers, macho, obligated to work despite disabilities, or obligated to be "the man of the house."
men are people. first and foremost.
men are allowed to express just like anyone else. men do not have to be pillars of their communities. no obligation. men are allowed to be disabled, tired, weak, emotional, caring, compassionate, asexual, aromantic, friendly, warm, in need of support, neurodivergent, mentally ill, chronically ill,and have personality disorders. men have their own struggles and we have to stop telling them to "suck it up" and "move on" and "pull yourself up by your boot straps".
we are forcing men to do this: this is a cage of our own design.
once we dismantle this idea of how a man "should" be, once more: we will move past radfeminism, patriarchy, trans/androphobia, and fostering a culture where this is an acceptable way to treat men. it's not. we must allow men to be diverse. we must allow men to be who they are on the inside
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
hey, yeah you! the angry ones, the aggressive ones, the violent ones. cm'here i got something to say to you.
hey there...
the ones who get irritated really quickly and snap at the wrong person.
the ones who get angry quickly but it goes away quickly, especially when the ones around you don't get over it so fast.
the ones who first thought is to hurt the one who caused you this anger, or just the first person in sight.
the ones who direct their anger at themselves.
the ones who direct their anger at their environment instead of themselves or the people around them.
the ones who get so angry their body burns with heat, causing the anger to worsen.
the ones who get so angry they flip the numb switch and can't feel anything for a while.
the ones who act on those violent thoughts.
the ones who hide their anger and bottle it up over and over again until it explodes.
the ones who can't tell their anger apart from other emotions.
the ones who get stuck in their head due to their rage.
the ones who spiral when they get angry.
the ones who get even angrier when you let yourself spiral cause of your anger.
the ones who get angry over the littlest thing.
i see you, and despite all of this you are still worthy of being loved. worthy of being seen as an equal. worthy of being cared for. worthy of being treated as another 'normal' person.
i love you (/p). your anger doesn't define you, even though it might seem like it does.
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
sometimes a girl is a little robot maid with a screen for a face that always makes cute ascii expressions when you pat her head
and sometimes a girl is a massive digital construct that requires an entire facility just to house her intelligence and could theoretically bring about the destruction of mankind but she doesn’t do it because she loves you very much
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
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bad science
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
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really helpful technique ^ once you know how to divide by halves and thirds it makes drawing evenly spaced things in perspective waaay easier:
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
i wish disco elysium was on the nintendo wii
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
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Body practice
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
reblog to manifest gender euphoria for the person you reblogged this from
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
i like w,hen ......... theres a Big scaresy fantasies beast ok .... and then the big beast has a litter of babies,,,., and the babeis are veryvery small . ok
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thors-mithochondria · 10 days
A friend of mine was standing shirtless in the middle of the interstate. 
I drove by him and asked him what he was doing. 
He said, “Oh, I don’t really know. Just standing here.” 
I continued onward. 
As I passed by, I heard people angrily honking at him to move out of the way.
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