meysetyva · 5 years
What I dislike about the sasusaku fandom as a whole is how they always downplay sasuke’s strength and intellect to prop Sakura. He’s always made to be scared of her and a complete weakling. It’s so annoying. To me the do not respect sasuke’s character at all, they just want a trophy husband for Sakura. Like in the retsuden novel he’s literally useless, he’s written like a complete moron who cannot do anything without Sakura there.
Everyone knows that Sakura is completely outmatched by Sasuke in terms of combat skills.
Everyone knows that Sasuke isn’t scared of Sakura in the slightest.
Everyone knows that Sasuke is no weakling, and that his strength is rivalled only by Naruto.
Everyone knows that Sakura has Sasuke beaten in terms of pure intelligence, but Sasuke has more battle smarts.
If you’ve seen differently, then that was either in their fan fictions, or by a select few people who allow their Sakura bias to severely cloud their judgement.
However, please explain exactly how Sasuke was depicted as being “literally useless” and “written like a complete moron who cannot do anything without Sakura there” during the Sasuke Retsuden Novel. I wanna hear this.
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meysetyva · 5 years
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This is my fanfict cover💞
The tittle is "AI-Akai Ito no Monogatari"
The pairings are SasuSaku, SasoSaku, NaruIno.
Yes, i'm a Sakura centric after all XD
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meysetyva · 5 years
AI - Akai Ito no Monogatari (Naruto Fanfiction) Part 1
Love doesn't have to look at caste and position, as long as the two people complete each other and can give each other happiness. But sometimes we all never realize, that perfect love comes from people who we didn't really love. Loving someone, but that person cannot give us happiness. Even though, the one who gave us a happiness sometimes comes from the person we didn't notice before.
AI~akai ito no monogatari~
( LOVE~ the legend of red thread~ )
Disclaimer : Naruto is Masashi Kishimoto belonging.
Genre : Romance, Angst, Tragedy, Hurt/comfort
Rated : M
SasoSaku, SasuSaku, NaruIno, NejiIno, NejiHina, SaiKarin
Warning : OOC, AU, maybe some of typo. And i'm so sorry fo my terrible grammar.
The rumbling voice was heard in a house where samurai gather to rest after their duties. In Tokugawa era, the Japanese people are divided according to the class system based on the class division. The samurai class is at the top of the hierarchy, and then followed by farmers, craftsmen and traders. If Samurai are more likely to do their job by directly into the battlefield, things are different from a Ninja who is more clandestine. Therefore, the ninja is more used as an intruder or bodyguard.
In this era, there are several groups that are seen respectly by the public, Daimyo is one of them. Daimyo is a person who has a big influence in some of region. Luckily for someone who was born in a Daimyo environment, especially women. Because some women who are born among the poor environment will become a Geisha, they will learn how to be a good Geisha which later will grow into Oiran or also can be called as elite class prostitutes.
The humming sound of music sounded in a bright room filled with several samurai who were drunk and shouted happily for successfully defeating their enemies. While hugging some geisha provided by a place called 'Aoi Tori' which means blue bird. Aoi Tori is also often associated with the meaning of happiness.
"Kurenai-samaaaa, come on, show us your best geisha!" shouted one of the drunken samurai while waving a bottle of sake.
"Hihihihi, are the beautiful geishas here not good enough for you, sir?" said Kurenai, a beautiful black haired woman who rolled up while pouring sake on the other samurai, her red kimono made her look elegant.
"Oiran!" one of the samurai who was sitting in the corner speaking, "I want the best oiran you have."
Kurenai smiled and approached the samurai, carrying a filled bottle of sake, slowly pouring it into a small cup and then serving it to him, "Are oiran like me ... still not good enough for you?"
The man is grinning, "No ... not for me, but for him," he pointed to the figure of a red-haired man with a baby face.
Kurenai turned to the man who was appointed, the man just kept quiet while drinking his sake calmly, his eyes were very cold and seemed to not care about the things around him. Black Hakama makes him look even more mysterious.
"I heard, that child was just appointed as an oiran," said the man who made Kurenai turn to him.
Kurenai smiled and took the initiative of pouring sake back into the small empty cup in the hands of the man who was the leader of the group, "You know a lot about the information in this place, Mr. Asuma."
"That's because Aoi Tori is my favorite place."
"That's not fair!! how can only Sasori who get an oiran!" protested one of his men.
"Shut up, if your work was good as Sasori's, I will not hesitate to give you a gifts either."
"Besides ... Sasori, it's time to let go of his virginity, mwuahaahahahahaha!" Asuma said with a loud laugh.
"Hahahahahaa, come on Sasoriiii! Let go of your childhood thing!" the other members exclaimed and the geisha laughed.
Their relationship with the geisha at Aoi Tori was already very close, there were even some samurai members under the auspices of Asuma who had a secret relationship with the geisha.
"Alright then, I'll call her," said Kurenai.
As Kurenai was about to stand up, Sasori opened his mouth, "No need, miss."
"Ehhh ?! How stupid if you refuse!" said one of his partner.
"Hahaha, come on, son. Every once in a while you need refreshing." Asuma suggested, "how about you just meet her first. I'm sure you will be comfortable with her."
"Moreover, I heard that she is very beautiful! Sasori you asshole! Asuma give you a beautiful woman to serve you and you rejected it. Tch, what a kid" teased one of their members with white hair.
And the one seat cushion Sasori threw hit his face.
"You wanna fight, huh!" screamed the man who was hit by Sasori's throw.
"I am 22 years old, and I am not a child," Sasori said without turning his head.
"But your face looks like a 10-year-old boy, hahahahahaa."
"Hidan, watch your behavior," Asuma, who already knew that the man named Hidan was heavily drunk scolded him, "Sasori, today you are the one who defeated the bandits the most, at least accept your gift."
Sasori glanced at Asuma who was now grinning broadly at him. He knew what Asuma was thinking right now, that man wanted to spend his time with a woman named Kurenai. Even though Kurenai is an oiran, his relationship with Asuma is very deep. Sasori was sure that Asuma loved Kurenai, just like Kurenai loved Asuma.
Then why don't they just live together?
That was what Sasori once thought, he had followed Asuma's steps since he was seven years old. Asuma found Sasori who was sitting quietly next to the corpses of his parents. Due to very low economic reasons, Sasori's parents were willing to die of starvation. Let Sasori eat the rest of their staples. Until Asuma and his entourage came and took Sasori, since then Sasori vowed to always be loyal to Asuma who was considered as his own father.
Asuma taught Sasori to be a great samurai, until now the name of their group is known by the whole community with its advocates of justice, 'Rebellion'.
Yes, they rebelled against the government which regulates the caste system of the community which is very unjust, causing protests from the poor people who of course are not listened to by the governments.
So Asuma moved from his own desire to form a group of great samurai from village to village.
Sasori who really appreciates Asuma couldn't possibly refuse what Asuma gave, so this time Sasori only sighed when he saw Asuma grinning at him.
"Alright, I'll meet her," Sasori said.
Kurenai smiled softly at Sasori. She'd really admire Asuma and Sasori's relationship, even though there was no blood connection but their relationship was so strong.
"Alright, I'll call her," said Kurenai softly.
Tbc to part 2
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meysetyva · 5 years
Gak singkron 😂😂😂
Gaiden : Sasuke says that only Sakura, Naruto and the other kage should know about his mission and whereabouts.
Boruto anime : Sakura tells Ino that Sasuke never contacted her while on his mission.
Sasuke Retsuden : Sasuke says that both him and Sakura kept in contact during his mission via letters sent to one another.
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
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