threehouseplants · 10 months
so we’re all familiar with the little animations that happen during important romantic scenes
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but let’s talk about Issac. Issac spends most of the season confused about his sexuality and feeling that something is wrong with him.
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When he discovers asexuality at the art school, he gets the leaf animation we’re used to seeing for the couples. When the art about crush culture is being explained to him, Issac can see that the artist is proud of being asexual; eager to explain his identity to a stranger viewing his piece. He is overwhelmed with the fact that he not only isn’t broken, but that his sexuality is something someone could be so proud of having.
The leaves still represent love, but instead of romantic love, it’s self love.
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threehouseplants · 1 year
I present you Neil and Todd sharing that are you seeing this shit look
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threehouseplants · 1 year
everyone talks about todd and neil smiling at each other in the cave but nobody talks about these glances afterwards
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so anyways what was the reason @ peter weir
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threehouseplants · 1 year
dock scene but todd and neil end up falling in the water and spent the next day in their room with a mutual cold
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threehouseplants · 1 year
If Neil & Todd weren't in love then why'd they act like that
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threehouseplants · 1 year
You can switch them and they'd still prolly work
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threehouseplants · 1 year
ok here’s the thing: people misunderstand michael holden.
i don’t say this in a holier-than-thou, “ooh i’m so much better than everyone” way, although i know it might come across like that.
the main thing to realize is that michael is not a manic pixie dream boy. yes, he’s quirky and outgoing and is, on the surface, very different to tori.
but that’s just it - it’s all surface level stuff. the further the story develops, the further tori (and us, the audience) realizes it’s all a façade. it’s a coping mechanism to hide how fucking angry he is all the time.
the first time tori gets a glimpse of this anger is when he calls her a “manically depressed psycopath.” it surprises her, because she’s never seen this side of him before and only thought of him as this weird kid who tried to start a flashmob in year 11.
but the second time tori sees his anger, it’s in full force. he comes in second at the speed skating semi-finals, and this is the moment she sees the true michael underneath. this is the moment when she starts seeing michael as a real person, not just as a figment of her imagination.
when michael notices her, “the anger softens into sadness.” now that tori has seen the real him, he’s afraid he’ll lose the one person that understands him. but she’s not scared. he tells her that he’s “always angry” and she hates everyone in the crowd, and probably herself a little, for not noticing it.
in this moment, tori, who presents to the world a disinterest and disdain for most things, realizes she doesn’t know anything about michael’s life, then realizes she wants to know. she wants to be an active participant in what makes him tick.
this anger continues to build throughout the book, culminating in michael playing a major role in burning down a fucking school. he sees this building as “the land of oppression,” the source of all his feelings of unworthiness and self-loathing. he takes the fire extinguisher out of tori’s hand and hurls it out the window. he thinks this will solve all his problems.
but it doesn’t. he let the anger take over, and it almost cost tori her life. he thought it would make them both feel better, but he was wrong. the self-loathing comes rushing back, but this time tori is able to voice her feelings towards michael, saying that he “makes [her] believe that there are good people in the world.” because michael is a good person, despite what he’s believed for the past 18 years.
yes he’s quirky, yes he likes disney and bbc sherlock because “it’s the only adaptation that gets the bromance right.” but he’s also a much deeper, more complex person that feels things so deeply that it manifests into anger. and that is a central part to his character.
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threehouseplants · 2 years
The day people stop treating Todd as a feminine character is the day I rest
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threehouseplants · 2 years
one thing about me is i refuse to believe that the gay subtext in dead poets society was a coincidence. neil perry was always gay and i truly believe that!
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threehouseplants · 2 years
Like I get no one wants a game ruined because a key player starts the game booked or something else but isn’t the whole point of choosing to wear the One Love armband is that you’re deliberately trying to provoke some sort of response/reaction/conversation and what better way to bring it all to attention than showing how beyond absurd it is to get a yellow card for a fucking captains armband with the words “one love”
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threehouseplants · 2 years
btw this irianian team is prime example of how men can and should be allies of demands that affect mostly women. they're not stealing their spotlight but rather amplifying their voices and joining in the fight
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threehouseplants · 2 years
Each time I think about him I fall to the floor in agony
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threehouseplants · 2 years
thank you tumblr users very cool!
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threehouseplants · 2 years
i love how i see so many mean posts and then when i get scared about it the response is positive and sweet and it’s like. i was expecting so much worse but i forgot everyone just pretends to be a dickhead on the internet.
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threehouseplants · 2 years
It's all good! You're good! Despite what the few nasties around here would have you believe, it is not actually hard to slide in and find your way around. Basically just remember to tag, reblog more often than just slapping on a like, don't give people grief, and block people that give YOU grief. And despite the fact that I am sending this anon, always be ready to turn off anonymous messaging if people start to get pushy in them. Oh, and don't forget to go introduce yourself to Wil Wheaton, Diane Duane, and Neil Gaiman! Welcome to Tumblr!
that’s very kind of you :] im just not that great at picking up on those sorts of rules irl let alone on social media so i feel like im going to piss off a lot of experienced tumblr users before i get to know everything! although the responses so far have made me hopeful that people aren’t that bothered as long as im making an effort I hope :)
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threehouseplants · 2 years
someone please for the love of god hand me. Like a tumblr rule book or something.. every time i think ive got the hang of it a new unspoken rule pops up and im like Shit have i been outing myself as a filthy twitter user this whole time
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threehouseplants · 2 years
lloris just doesn’t give a shit does he. what about punishing gay people for existing is “culture”
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