Beauty tucked under chaotic mess is just the shell of it all. It goes deeper. How deep? It’s hard to say. Depends on the day. How so? Today, I dont know. Tomorrow, I will know every detail.
That’s how it works sometimes. Sometimes you think clearly and everything makes sense. Other days your as clear as mud. Today is my mud day. I cant figure out why. I dont know what’s wrong. I just know it’s not right.
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I’m so fucking tired it doesn’t make any sense, barelyong getting four hours of sleep at night. I cant fully shut my brain off and it’s frustrating. Mental health has a way of hitting you one way or another. Fix one problem and another one pops up. Then those days when you just don’t care, feel like blah, or just don’t have much to say yet you’re feeling emotional and needy. Ridiculous. I know there’s not a normal, but I wish there was.
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I’m looking for donations!!! My birthday is coming up and nothing is more important to me than becoming a better woman versus just materialistic things. Please check out giftcard.talkspace.com and consider helping. My email is [email protected].
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Nights Like This....
Nights like this I wonder, you sleep peacefully and deeply. I am wide awake. I'm craving you. Every piece of you. I want you inside of me, on me, loving me, tickling me, kissing me..... I want you awake. I want you to go to work tired because you couldn't get enough of me the night before. I want your attention. I want your love. It's deeper than sex, it's intimacy. It's passion. It's desire. It's fulfilling. It's breathtaking. I want my heart to flutter and my knees get weak. I want my panties wet and my lips glued to yours. I want to feel your kisses on my neck and your hands deeply caressing me. I want all of you. I desire you so strongly, but you hold back... so I hold back. I want the bumps gone so the love and excitement continues. I want you happy. I want you pleased. I want us to have what we never had.
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