note to all the future TADC Fictives which form when episode 3 drops:
please survive/j
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i am just gonna put this out here and hope that people find this funny
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These ominous signs are on all the office bathroom mirrors.
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look I'm not gonna name names or anything but please for the love of god don't do this. i can't speak for fictionkin but i do not exist for you to have roleplays with, i know some Fictives like to roleplay as themselves (for example our herobrine Fictive) but it's kind of weird to view us as characters from a fandom you like when we're more complex than that.
Anyway sorry for derailing this post :-]
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tidal-council-system · 2 months
Me: Damn. That was some life altering trauma.
Brain: We should be Garfield about it
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tidal-council-system · 3 months
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An alteraffectis term for the way a dog feels for a cheetah (e.g. when kept as a companion for one in captivity), or vice versa.
[This post has no DNI other than not to involve it in discourse, mockery, or other harassment]
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tidal-council-system · 3 months
Lego movie cop is plural
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tidal-council-system · 3 months
Speaking as a system with trauma triggers including of things that are outside of the triggering person's control, other people's existing or other things about them or that they do that are outside of their control, does not make them responsible for you being triggered, upset, or feeling hurt.
If endogenics existing and talking about their plurality hurts you, that hurt is not their fault.
Just like it's not the fault of an angry tall man or masc presenting person that they're masc and tall and so their anger (regardless of what direction it's in) becomes triggering for us, it's not endogenics fault that their experiences of plurality are a trigger.
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tidal-council-system · 4 months
-our front room is literally the security room from fnaf
-at some point the world gets blocky and theres a old-generation minecraft cave, this is where herobrine hangs out
-its is very outdoorsy
Headspace lore is so real
Feel free to reblog with a random, our of context peoce of headspace lore it you want
(No fake claiming please)
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tidal-council-system · 4 months
fictive culture is really wanting to talk about your source world and your source character but not wanting to come off as weird because you "should" be striving for source separation, and you're a tad bit too enthusiastic about it
Source separation is really only if source hurts you and you wanna move away from it you can be as source as you wanna be :)
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tidal-council-system · 4 months
Shoutout to brainmades with exomemories. Shoutout to introjects with non-canon/non-factual exomemories.
Your memories are just as real and valid, and it's okay to be affected by them.
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tidal-council-system · 4 months
Saw an anon somewhere else make a great point and we wanted to elaborate on it:
There should NOT be the hard lines between concepts of traumagenesis and endogenesis that currently exist in the plural community. There's a ton of overlap between the two in reality, and it's a little disconcerting that while "endogenic" is very explicitly an umbrella term, "traumagenic" is constantly considered a singular origin with no leeway, and anything not labeled specifically with that word (EVEN when the definition explains trauma is involved) is thrown under "endo" by medicalists & anti-endos.
Have people not come around to the understanding that "traumagenic" is also an umbrella term? That there are many, many ways for a system to be traumagenic, and sometimes those ways entangle inseparably from other origins? Has no thought gone to the autigenic-identifying system whose plurality came from masking trauma? To the soulbonder that connected with their companion out of desperate isolation and pain? If it were not for the manufactured divide claiming "traumagenic" as singular and separate, there would be a wide range of terminology and conceptions to describe the various ways one can be traumagenic, and it'd be a dramatic boon to the traumagenic plural & CDD communities.
Instead, we're severely lacking in a significant point of plural understanding because of the lateral aggression around here, and it's extremely damaging to our progress as a marginalized group attempting to make our voices heard and understood. How can we articulate the way traumagenesis and endogenesis intertwine and contrast if we're too afraid to even look?
The origin binary in the plural community needs to end. If "endogenic" can have many specific origins fall under it then so can "traumagenic".
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tidal-council-system · 4 months
So AspenFrost fans are making casual death threat posts in the Pluralgang tag again, that's just a lovely thing to see.
Just a reminder that the side wishing death or destruction on others is more often than not the one in the wrong. Most of my system's time is spent in more 4chanish spaces so it isn't that big a deal to us personally, but it is a clear sign of the quality of their arguments and maturity. We say this especially since they're coming onto this platform specifically to do it.
We recommend just blocking and maybe reporting, it isn't worth arguing with what we can only assume to be young teenagers and people just looking for a fight to prop up their own egos.
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tidal-council-system · 5 months
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Little Gummygoo version 🐊💚💛
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tidal-council-system · 5 months
[pt: miscepinni]
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[ID: three 5 stripped flags, colors from top to bottom are dark grey, grey, off white, grey-purple, dark grey purple. flag one has an off white circle in the center with an upside down crescent moon on top and a dark grey seal. middle flag is plain. third flag has an off white circle in the center with a yellow upside down crescent moon at the top and a 4 pointed golden star at the bottom. /end ID]
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Miscepinni : a misceverse term for seals ; verses based in seal-like behavior.
[pt: miscepinni]
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etymology: pinnipedia - scientific name for seals
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tidal-council-system · 5 months
fictive culture is forming before your source character gets a canon romantic partner and just.... not finding them all that attractive. I mean sure the romance itself is beautiful and the song about the two of them makes my heart hurt, but I'm just not all that interested in my own "canon" boyfriend 😅
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tidal-council-system · 5 months
Stop "Selling" Systemmates
Hey, if I see you "selling" systemmates, consensual or not, I am going to whap you on the head with a rolled up newspaper. That sh!t is fucking YIKES.
You're "selling" PEOPLE, full fledged people, which, I don't think I have to spell out why that's so fucked up.
How the fuck do you "sell" a systemmate? I personally think system-hopping is a load of bullsh!t, and whoever is "selling" systemmates is using that belief to scam people. (No offense to spiritual systems who have those beliefs, but in this case, it's being used to scam people).
Making systemmates for the purpose of "selling" them is just... god, imagine how YOU'D feel if you were brought into existence, just to be sold to some someone you've never met.
Why the hell would you pay for a systemmate? Tulpamancy is 100% free. That is such a scam. I get selling services like setting up Pluralkit bios, commissions for systemmates, etc, but not this.
So yeah! If you're "selling" systemmates, stop it! Just stop. If I see anyone follow me who partakes in that sh!t, it's a block on sight.
Can't even believe I need to make this post.
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