tigcrballs · 1 year
🕷Mr. Nancy🕷
With his old friend being injured, and the news of his father's death fresh, Anansi went to go check in on the old god of war and justice. He really felt like he was doing the rounds lately, between Ima and her kids, and now her brother.
“I hope that niece of yours hasn’t spoiled you rotten. I won't be fluffing any pillows or making you any fuckin' tea." He mostly joked, and sat down in the chair by the bed.
"How're you feeling?" @strictlyoc
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tigcrballs · 1 year
🕷Mr. Nancy🕷
He'd already lit his cigarette but thanked the old king just the same. The trickster took a drag off his cigarette as he listened.
"Klaus? We're talking about the same Klaus here?" It was mostly a rhetorical statement, but Anansi was just surprised because it was NOT easy to bring back an old god. Especially one in Sweeney's situation- that was damn impressive.
"He did good though. How's it feel to be back?"
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[ ☘ ]
"Fuckin' tell me about it..."
Mad Sweeney responded. It's been a while since he had seen any of the other Gods, besides reconnecting with his wife that is. But Anansi was right, things were a mess. He glanced over to the spider god as he offered Mad Sweeney a cigarette. The leprechaun gladly took one and thanked him. He really needed a smoke after all that's happened. So without a word, he took out his lighter and lit it. He then offered the lighter to the other god. He took a long drag before answering him.
"'m sure," A pause as smoke trickled from his lips. "Can thank Klaus for that."
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tigcrballs · 1 year
🕷Mr. Nancy🕷
"That's like asking you how many people have met the end of your blade, Tiger."
The spider god smirked before he set on to get the fabric just right, each cut and trim made to perfection. Miracles like this, the god could do in his sleep. Once each piece of carefully chosen fabric was ready, and pinned, Nancy brought them to the golden and ornate sewing machine.
"Although it wasn't always haberdashery."
@strictlycanon from x
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tigcrballs · 1 year
🕷Mr. Nancy🕷
"What a fuckin mess."
The spider god had all of a sudden plunked down next to where Mad Sweeney sat, lighting his own cigarette as he offered one to his friend. The last time Nancy had seen him, the poor bugger had been deader than disco.
"All things considered, you're looking a lot fresher than the last time laid eyes on you."
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tigcrballs · 3 years
[ 𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖊𝖑 ]
  “Yes… I do like the band Mumford and Sons. Have you heard of them?” Not that Remiel listened to music often but the one time he did it just happened to be that band. With that though, Remiel relaxed a little. Maybe all they were going to do were to listen to some music. What else could one possibly spend the night doing?
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🕷Mr. Nancy🕷
Somehow that seemed fitting for the Angel, Anansi thought, wondering if that was Ima’s influence in their collective of friends. Maybe it wasn’t entirely his taste, but it was something he could work with.
 “Perfect. I think I can figure out somewhere   for us to go. Nothing too crazy.” Yet.
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tigcrballs · 3 years
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Step into a scene and let it drip from your fingertips. ~ MJ Bush
Indie multimuse/multiverse rp
Penned by MoMo
(Promo credit: @emmaxmeyer )
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tigcrballs · 3 years
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❝It’s not apples & oranges, okay? It’s reality & fantasy.❞  Introducing Shadow Moon from American Gods    cherished by crow
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tigcrballs · 3 years
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❝The secret of spoons forgotten, when my voice breaks on this song; remember old love gone & drink bitter coffee.❞  Introducing Czernobog from American Gods    cherished by crow
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tigcrballs · 4 years
[ ↑ ]
  Darius had tried everything but Donar had made up his mind about killing himself. The two brothers had fought over it and ultimately the oldest had failed. Now he was left with the aftermath. So he contacted the spider god because he honestly had no one else. “Yeah… I know,” He responded, defeated. “So will you help me or not?”
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“Of course I will. You know I will. Or else  you wouldn’t have called.”
 He took another drag before he gave the butt of the cigarette a gentle tap with his thumb, flicking the ashes off. He didn’t want to risk the ashes falling on his suit.
“Alright now, let’s get this done.”  Because as much as Nancy didn’t want to say it out loud, Donar’s loss hit him hard too.
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tigcrballs · 4 years
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But baby they say I’m a low life     ‘Cause I sold my soul to the devil          Gave up my life for the right price               But I survived, I’m just a low life type
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tigcrballs · 4 years
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Well     Reverend Reverend please come quick         ‘Cause I got something to admit              I met a man out in the sticks                 A good old miss
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tigcrballs · 4 years
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tigcrballs · 4 years
[ Ф ]
  Jonathan liked to think he knew almost everyone and their routines on this side of town. But this man was a stranger and Jonathan didn’t want any trouble, especially if he was a hunter of some sort. “Nothing I suppose,” He paused, trying to figure the man’s purpose here. “Well, besides the drug dealers and gangs…”
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@tigcrballs continued from x
🕷Mr. Nancy🕷
His hands slipped in the pockets of his suit jacket, and allowed a small smile to grace his lips. He was sure the other’s intentions weren’t ill, but - one couldn’t be too careful now a days.    “I hope that ‘drug dealers’ and ‘gangs’, isn’t code     for some sort of race thing. Which would be IRONIC    coming from Dracula over here.”
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tigcrballs · 4 years
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Just because we are few, and they are many, does not mean that we are lost!
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tigcrballs · 4 years
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❝I won’t be their puppet. Humans serve us not the other way around.❞  Introducing Donar Odinson from American Gods    cherished by crow
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tigcrballs · 4 years
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You follow the signs, you’ll never have any motherfuckin’ fun.
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tigcrballs · 4 years
Whose fucking shoes are these?
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