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Bonus Squirrelstar with her leader star mark
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She gains a lighter streak in her tuft of hair after being revived from the rockfall that nearly killed her (I think that’s what happens; I don’t know, I didn’t read Squirrelflight’s Hope).
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Design Fact: He’s kind of pear-shaped. I gave him a noticeably pudgy belly.
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Design facts: All of his fur detail is swept upwards.
Also I know he canonically has amber eyes, but I always pictured him with blue.
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I subscribe to green eyes for Brightheart
Design Facts: She shares her heart-shaped nose with her sister Cinderpelt and her markings are heart-shaped
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I’m almost always late to these trends, aren’t I? I thought it be fun to try and imitate the drawing styles as well contrast all the different designs this character has. I’ve always found it fascinating how everyone has their own take on how these cats look based on a vague description. I know other book fandoms can have this characteristic (I mean you’re suppose to come up with an image of what the characters look like), but I don’t think any other fandom goes to this extent of having so many different ones. I’ll probably do another one of these with Firestar (my favorite orange cat) once I’ve decided if I’m still satisfied with the design I currently have.
Link to template: https://www.tumblr.com/shebpaw/189293189019/i-had-an-idea-theres-a-huge-amount-of-awesome
Designs used:
AlexHarrier - https://animatewarriorcats.tumblr.com/
TennelleFlowers - https://www.tumblr.com/tennelleflowers
Roseshards - https://warriorcatsdatabase.tumblr.com/
Nifty-Senpai - https://warriorsproject.tumblr.com/
GEKKOZILLA - https://killthechat.tumblr.com/
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On the previous Blue Eye Gray Cats challenge I did someone commented that Bluestar’s kids should’ve been included. The challenge only listed Bluestar, Cinderpelt, Ashfur, and Crowfeather. But for funsies I decided to do Stonefur and Mistystar, along with Cinderheart.
Mistystar - She’s basically just a fluffy version of Bluestar, but the silver on her muzzle extends further and connects with the silver on her chest/belly. Also I know a lot of fans depict her coloring to be darker than Stonefur’s but I’ve always imagined her to be lighter than both Stonefur and Bluestar. Mostly because her prefix is “misty” and mist is translucent.
Stonefur - Just wanted to make him look like an honorable, noble guy. His facial structure/cheek fur is a mix between Bluestar and Oakheart (whose design I haven’t posted yet).
Cinderheart - Cinderpelt with a heart theme motif and a less petite look (her nose bridge is longer than Cinderpelt’s and her chin is bit more strong).
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I saw this challenge to draw Cinderpelt, Bluestar, Ashfur, and Crowfeather floating around to see if people could make them distinct from each other. So here’s my version.
EDIT: I decided I’ll give a little rundown to the thought process behind each design, because why not?
Cinderpelt: Main objective was just to make her look friendly and cute, so I gave her large eyes that are a vibrant cerulean blue with soft features. She has a shorter nose bridge than most as I wanted her to look youthful to accentuate her excitable and peppy personality. I imagine her fur to by fluffy in a wispy kind of way. Out of the others here, her gray is on the warmer side since she’s more approachable than the others.
Bluestar: She is regal looking with slightly broad features. I tried to give her an almost Sarabi-esque (from the Lion King) look to her. She gains small lines under her eyes in her older years when she has her mental breakdown. Also I don’t see her silver highlights as being to due age. In my mind she always had a silver muzzle, even when younger, it’s merely just markings. Her eyes are deep, clear blue.
Ashfur: Despite his larger, more villainous role in latter books, I still see Ashfur as just some guy, mainly because that’s how he was introduced at first. So honestly, I didn’t want him to be that remarkable in design. He’s pretty average looking. Although I’m fond of the idea that he becomes scruffier and more unkempt from series 3 onward. In the first two arcs he doesn’t have his little goatee and his cheek fur was rounder. I think making him look unexceptional and unintimidating adds to his design because he’s not introduced as a villain or anyone special and when you boil him down he really is just some pathetic guy. I might revamp his facial spots though, I’m not sure I’m completely satisfied with how they are.
Crowfeather: Crowfeather always seemed unpleasant to me, so I made him very unapproachable and grumpy looking (that’s where Jayfeather gets it from). He has a long, severe looking face with a few angular features such as triangle-arched eyebrows and a pointed chin that curves into a goatee. I used a shade of blue that boarders a stormy gray for his eyes. I’ll never understand what Leafpool or Feathertail saw in this guy.
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This was meant to be a tribute for the 21st anniversary of Warriors coming out (which was two weeks ago, oops). Anyways, happy belated birthday Warriors! I started reading this series of murder cats back in 2014 (good grief it’s been ten years, what’s going on???) and while I haven’t kept up on the two latest arcs, The Broken Code and A Starless Clan, I’m still active in the fandom. Alongside Lion King, Warriors has been my main source of content that I draw.
So I’ve decided to celebrate with a redraw of the Into The Wild cover. I got the inspiration to do a redraw of the Into the Wild Cover by another redraw I saw: https://www.tumblr.com/cryptidclaw/729650277333008384/guess-who-redrew-their-redraw-of-the-into-the-wild
I know the font isn’t correct, but I didn’t know how to get the Warriors title font.
Still working on getting backgrounds how I want them to look….
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Stinky brother and happy brother
I wish the Erins would have done something with the fact that Darkstripe and Graystripe are brothers. Give them a real relationship.
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I did the Tiger Clones, now let’s do the Fire Clones!
Also, Squirrelstar
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Have some Tiger Clones. I wanted to see and compare all of them together.
Bonus: The unofficial members of the Tiger Clone Club
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“Violetkit felt numb. She stumbled after Needlepaw, Sleek-paw and Juniperpaw flanking her. Her thoughts whirled. Was it true? Had she brought only trouble to Shadow Clan?
Overwhelmed, she followed Needlepaw through the entrance tunnel. As it closed around her, she glanced back and saw the familiar dens. She was leaving another home. Was she making the right choice?
Her eye caught Rowanstar's. His gaze was as hard as ice. It's not a choice. Despair washed through her pelt. I'm not wanted here. I never truly was.”
— Thunder and Shadow pg. 177
I’ve been wanting to draw this scene for a long while now. I think I first made an attempt a few years ago but I didn’t like how it was progressing and I scrapped it. But I finally did it.
Boy, was this an experiment with perspectives and especially backgrounds. I hope it looks ok.
Cats seen, from forefront to furthest away: Needlepaw, Violetkit, Tawnypelt, Rowanstar, Tigerheart, Leafpool, Puddlepaw, Dawnpelt, Crowfrost, and Ratscar.
Puddlepaw, Crowfrost, and Ratscar are cats I’ve never drawn nor had a solid design for so I kind of just winged it. I decided for Crowfrost I’d pull from the black and white cat on the cover of Thunder and Shadow (pretty sure that it’s suppose to be Violetpaw, but I see her as being more white than black). Ratscar I just made a mean, raggedy, old looking cat (he’s one of the elders in ShadowClan that’s constantly questioning if Violetkit belongs in the Clan). Puddlepaw isn’t too special in what I came up with, but I like him anyway. Additionally, I took inspiration from PureSpiritFlower’s design of Rowanstar for mine.
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“With this life I give you nobility and certainty and faith. Use it well to lead your Clan in the ways of StarClan and the Warrior Code”
-Darkest Hour pages 53-54
Bluestar giving Firestar his ninth life.
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I’m rereading New Prophecy so I decided to start draw some of the characters.
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This took me awhile. Hopefully that time paid off, for me it did. I’m really happy with this piece.
Obviously this fanart is for the Starclan’s Chosen map call: https://youtu.be/0_Erws0zZko
I fell in love the whole concept and it inspired me to do this piece.
I put a stupid amount of thought into how I wanted this piece to look and so I’ll give a rundown of my thought process:
The composition for this piece takes inspiration from the MAP call’s unique use of different aspect ratios for each part. Each leader is directly opposite from the other leader of the their same respective clan, i.e. Firestar is opposite from Bluestar.
I also wanted each of the character’s poses, expressions, and accompanying background to have some underlying significance.
•Tallstar is proud and content and his background is dawn rising over Windclan’s moor territory, symbolizing Tallstar’s hope for a bright future for his clan with the aid of Thunderclan.
•Onestar oppositely has a more discontent expression as he side-eyes Firestar jealously. Similar to Tallstar, the background is Windclan’s moor but it’s during the evening dusk. This is to represent Onestar and Firestar’s deteriorated friendship and the crumbling of the warm alliance Thunderclan and Windclan had in the first arc.
•Crookedstar has a resolved expression, signaling his strong leadership of Riverclan, despite the personal hardships of his past. The background I don’t have much to say except that it’s just Riverclan’s terrain at midday.
•Leopardstar I gave a haughty, stoic look. She watches as a bright orange bathes over Riverclan during sunset, the end to Crookedstar’s honorable reign. This foreshadows an oncoming eve Leopardstar plunges her clan into as she makes countless selfish decisions during her reign, most notably merging with Tigerstar’s Shadowclan forming Tigerclan.
•Brokenstar looks back sinisterly, but he’s mostly turned away from the “camera”. The background is Shadowclan’s swampy terrain in the forest territories, it is dark, haunting, and unwelcoming, reflecting Shadowclan’s dark era during Brokenstar and Tigerstar’s reign.
•Blackstar is positioned in a similar way to Brokenstar, but he looks forward with a determined manner, representing his drive to reconstruct Shadowclan after the tyranny of Brokenstar and Tigerstar. The background is Shadowclan’s pine forest territory around the lake, which is much brighter than Brokenstar’s background, signifying that Blackstar is trying to move away from the dark history of Shadowclan.
•Bluestar has a somewhat contemplative look, reflecting the numerous sufferings and tragedies she has experienced in her life and leadership. The background is a starry night, signifying the importance of her relationship to Starclan.
•Firestar has an unwavering hopeful look, indicating his faith in the clans, no matter what hardships the clans have faced or will face in the future. The background is simply Thunderclan’s forest territory, with a warm midday glow, representative of the the everlasting altruism that marked the era of Firestar’s leadership.
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