tigertabbycat · 5 years
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Lots of people do Draw The Squad stuff, so I decided to get in on the action. Here's my tribute to the meme. I don't really use Tumblr anymore so @ me on Twitter if you can. I wanna see what you do with this! =3 My Twitter handle is @_STiTChKiTTy
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tigertabbycat · 6 years
A Story Within A Story
Genre: Romance
Person A is an author. Person B is a close friend or the significant other of Person A and a big fan of their work.
Person A writes a new story/book and lets Person B be the first one to read it.
It takes Person B some time to read it and in between the times they read, they do things with Person A that represent events that happen in the story.
The story that Person A wrote is about two characters and their relationship. Character 1 takes Character 2 to a few different events or takes them to certain places. In real life, Person A is doing the same exact thing with Person B but Person B doesn't realize it at first.
As Person continues to read the story, however, they begin to notice the similarities and starts making connections. For example, Character 1 takes Character 2 to a Museum of Arts while in real life Person A takes Person B to a History Museum or something related to their intrests.
Point is, the characters in Person A's story are a lot like them and Person B but with different yet similar intrests. They also share the same relationship as Person A and Person B.
Toward the end of the story, Person A is doing their best to keep track of Person B's progress. In the last chapter of the story Person B is reading, Character 1 and Character 2 are together in a certain setting. Character 1 confesses/proposes to Character 2 and the story ends there without Character 2's response to Character 1.
On the last page, however, is an "Author's Note" saying: [Person B's name], you are Character 2 and I'm Character 1.
Person B lowers the book to find that Person A is at their house. Person B answers the door to find Person A confessing/proposing and Person B realizes that the story they just read is the story of them and Person A.
Their answer could be either yes or no, however, because Person A's book ended before Character 2 gave their answer to Character 1's confession/proposal.
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tigertabbycat · 6 years
A Fact About Writers.
You know you're a writer when you start explaining your own story(ies) to yourself.
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tigertabbycat · 7 years
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Created a poster for suicide awareness and prevention. Nobody is ever alone and always had the ability to seek help. I had thoughts of suicide one not to long ago, in 2016, but I told my family about it and some changes were made. Now I'm happy with what has happened and am glad to be alive. Just remember that no-one is alone with their problems our their pain. But there is a way to take care of it. A way to Pull Through.
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tigertabbycat · 7 years
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Credit to original artist (Marcel's thumbnail drawer) I went and blacked out some of it to focus on this particular part. TERRORLADD MINIRISER
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tigertabbycat · 7 years
How I discovered my Subscriptions
At my first discovering of FNAF, I didn’t really understand it. But then I learned properly what it was and wanted nothing to do with it just because it looked really scary. Now I’ve played all the games a little. Not the full thing, just a night or two and I haven’t actually played sister location yet, though I want to. But I started out not wanting anything to do with the games. Then I suddenly found a curiosity as to what it was like, so I checked it out.
That’s how I found Markiplier. From Mark, I found Jack. Then I shipped Septipler, LOL.
I watched Mark and Jack for a long time, enjoying their content and loving how dorky those two can be. And then they played Gang Beasts. The game was just too funny and I wanted to watch some other gameplay videos of it. So I typed Gang Beasts into the YouTube search bar and clicked the first video I saw. It was titled as an episode, and there were five of them, so I got excited. I didn’t actually know who the people in the videos were, but then I got distracted and looked at the channel of the guy I was watching.
This is how I found H2O Delirious. I subscribed in August 2016 after watching through his Among The Sleep play through.
You can probably guess what happened afterwards. I found CaRtOoNz, and then Vanoss. Next came Ohmwrecker and Bryce McQuaid. After that, Nogla, Mini Ladd, Terroriser, I AM WILDCAT, BasicallyIDoWrk and Moo Snuckel found their way into my subscriptions.
Thinking back, I realize that if I had never found a sudden interest in Five Nights At Freddy’s, I never would found these guys. But I’m glad I did, because they make my day every time I watch one of them. I’ve been opened up to a whole new view on things.
Another thing is that I never would have started posting videos on my own channel, either. My very first video is a speedpaint/draw of H2O Delirious, and because of the Banana Bus Squad, Markiplier, and Jacksepticeye, I’m trying to turn my channel into something worth watching and working for.
I want to thank them all personally some day for all that they’ve done for me.
See my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMjc6cdm97ffUzMPRHVnd8A?view_as=public
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tigertabbycat · 7 years
How I shipped Delitoonz
Delitoonz (H2O Delirious x CaRtOoNz)
I would rather die than say that it would only be weird, since they’re “brothers”.
But that’s a funny story actually; that I would say that. Because I did! Before, when I learned that Delirious and CaRtOoNz had a brotherly bond, I thought that it was cute and all, but that only fueled my opinion on Delitoonz being weird. After a while thought, I started growing to accept it, and as I was writing a story that also involved Septiplier, I came to a scene and started messing around with the words. My plan was to delete the scene after I wrote it, but I suddenly found way too cute and adorable to get rid of, and I ended up keeping it. From that day forth, I am a HUGE Delitoonz shipper and couldn’t love the ship more than I already do if I tried.
The scene is below:
The trees parted around him, forming a small clearing, and other than the mine entrance, there was nothing else. Wait, there was something else. Upon closer inspection, Cartoonz realized that it was a generator. He wanted to repair it, but Delirious was most important right now. Even so, Cartoonz found himself slowly moving towards the machine. There was nothing around it, and he was about to turn around to keep looking for Delirious when he noticed something.
 It was a flicker of movement, and Cartoonz stopped. He looked towards the generator harder, and then realized that what he was seeing was a leg. Getting excited, Cartoonz got closer and paused just beside the generator.
 Delirious was sitting against the generator with his legs brought up to his chest. His forehead was resting on his knees, and his right arm was over the back of his head. Cartoonz heard a sniffle and felt his heart breaking.
 “Del?” Cartoonz whispered softly.
 Delirious’ head shot upwards and for a moment, he looked terrified. But then he calmed down again when he saw who it was. “Oh. . . Cartoonz,” he sighed. “What do you want?” Delirious adjusted his position so that his legs were out a little, and lay his arm in his lap.
 “I was looking for you,” Cartoonz explained. “We all are. Do you have any idea how worried you’ve got us all?” he demanded.
 Delirious sniffed, but he didn’t answer. After a moment, he looked up at Cartoonz again. “What are you still doing here?” he asked, the question startling Cartoonz. “Shouldn’t you go look for the others?”
 “Yeah, I should,” Cartoonz sat on the ground next to Delirious. “But I’m not going to go anywhere unless you’re with me.”
 Delirious groaned.
 “Del,” Cartoonz started, and Delirious looked at him. “Why did you wander off in the first place?” he asked.
 Delirious stared at him for a couple of seconds. “I don’t know. . .” he said finally.
 “I get the feeling that you do know,” Cartoonz pressed.
 “Why is this so important to you?!” Delirious demanded.
 Cartoonz didn’t flinch by his sudden outburst, though. “Because you’re important to me,” he said.
 Delirious went quiet, then he said, “I. . .” he tried to think of the words. “Ever since I got hurt, I haven’t been able to do anything useful, and I really think that I’m just slowing everything and everyone down.”
 Cartoonz blinked, but he let Delirious continue. “It’s just that. . . when I woke up here on MacMillian Estate, I found a generator and wasn’t able to repair it because I’ve only got one arm.” Delirious coughed lightly before adding, “An arm that I’ll never use again. . .”
 “Hey, that’s not true,” Cartoonz assured.
 Delirious basically turned on him. “What do you mean it’s not true?! I can’t even feel anything from my shoulder down!” he exclaimed.
 “Well, when I was told about what happened to your shoulder at the hospital, they said that you’ll be able to use your arm again, just not fully without a lot of fucking therapy sessions.” Cartoonz explained.
 Delirious stared at him in slight shock. “Wait, you’re serious?” he asked, feeling hopeful. Cartoonz nodded, and Delirious sighed with relief. “Of course, that all really depends on if I’ll even get out of this alive.” he pointed out gloomily.
 “Well, for now you’ll just have to do what you can-” Cartoonz began.
 “Which is nothing,” Delirious interrupted. “I can’t use my arm, so I’m totally useless!” he choked. “It’s like I’m not even worth saving at this point. . .” Delirious started sobbing behind his mask.
 Cartoonz leaned closer to Delirious and lifted his mask up, revealing Jonathan’s face beneath. He let the mask rest on the top of Delirious’ head while he took his hand and brushed his fingers gently over Delirious’ face, wiping away the tears. He hated seeing him like this, but he managed to remain calm and not break dramatically over the huge amount of sadness in Delirious’ eyes.
 “Don’t ever say you’re not worth saving, Del,” Cartoonz said, putting his hands lightly on Delirious’ shoulders.
 Delirious looked at the ground. “But. . . what the hell am I supposed to do now, huh? I’m useless, Cartoonz.” Delirious sobbed again.
 “There are still plenty of other things you can help with, Delirious,” Cartoonz said softly, wiping away some more of Delirious’ tears. “You just have to figure them out, is all.”
 “Who am I kidding?” Delirious said suddenly. “I can’t even fix a single stupid generator!” he pounded his fist on the machine behind him angrily.
 “All you need is a little help, Del. Not everything is always possible alone, y’know.” Cartoonz took Delirious’ mask and used his jacket to dry the moist inside. “Tell me, what you have done with just the one arm?”
 Delirious sniffed before saying, “That first generator I came across, I did what repairs I could,” he turned his head to look at Luke.
 “There you go, now you’re thinking positive!” Luke said happily.
 “Measly repairs,” Delirious grumbled.
 Cartoonz took advantage of the extra comment, though, by saying. “Well, those measly repairs have us all one step closer to escaping.”
 Delirious was quiet for a moment, and then to Cartoonz’s surprise, he laughed. “You’re just not going to give up are you?” he chuckled.
 Cartoonz glanced to the side and then back at Delirious. “Give up on what?” he asked.
 “On cheering me up,” Delirious huffed. “You’re just going to take everything I say and turn it into something positive until I fucking feel better about myself, aren’t you?”
 “Pretty much, yeah,” Cartoonz said.
 Now Delirious was really laughing, and Cartoonz couldn’t help but smile. “That’s just typical of you, Luke!” Delirious giggled.
 “Yeah, yeah, I know,” Cartoonz rolled his eye. “Will you help me with this, Del?” he asked Delirious suddenly, gesturing at the generator behind them.
 Delirious looked at the broken machine and then at Cartoonz. “Why should I?” he asked.
 “I can’t do it on my own, that’s why,” Cartoonz teased.
 “You can’t or you won’t?” Delirious questioned.
 “Both,” Cartoonz stated.
 Delirious chuckled again, but before he could get to his feet, Cartoonz had suddenly grabbed his face in his hands. He held him there for a moment or two, looking into his eyes.
 “C-Cartoonz?” Delirious stammered, confused.
 “Do you know how much you mean to me, Del?” Cartoonz asked.
 “Uh,” Delirious thought for a second. “A lot?” he guessed stupidly.
 Then, Delirious’ eyes widened with shock and his body stiffened when Cartoonz leaned forward a little more and their lips touched. Eventually, his eyes rolled upwards, his lids closing and his body relaxing as he fell into the kiss. Cartoonz was ever so gentle with him, and Delirious actually felt a little disappointed when they parted at last.
 “You mean that much to me, Del,” Cartoonz said. “I love you, and nothing will change that.”
 Delirious gazed at Cartoonz’s face, feeling a new wave of emotion washing over him. He’d never felt it in this way before, but he knew that it was love. He’d always loved Luke, but never in this way. But now that seems to have changed.
 “Why didn’t I ever see it before?” Delirious mumbled.
 “Huh?” Cartoonz was puzzled.
 “I really can’t believe that I never saw it in you before now,” Delirious said.
 “What are you talking about, Del?” Cartoonz asked, getting only more confused.
 “I really wish that I had seen that what I needed was you, man,” Delirious stated.
 Now Cartoonz understood what Delirious was saying. This time it was Delirious who kissed him, and Cartoonz practically had to pull them apart just to breathe.
 “We should really fix the generator,” he said.
 He laughed when Delirious’ face turned bright red, which only made it go redder.
If you want to read the story, you can find it with the links below
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12254424/1/A-Living-Nightmare https://www.wattpad.com/story/80970946-a-living-nightmare https://www.quotev.com/story/8360897/A-Living-Nightmare https://archiveofourown.org/series/596482
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tigertabbycat · 7 years
Can’t agreed more. You speak true words.
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Just finish watching Ohm plays Golf with your friends, it was nice until I saw these kind of comments
Guys, tbh I like Bryce’s personality, He doesn’t swear every 3 seconds like Cartoonz does, he doesn’t have crazy idea’s like Delirious or sexy voice like Ohmwrecker. Because he is Bryce which makes him special in his own way.
I don’t know Bryce in real life so I can’t say much about him, but from what I have seen he is doing pretty good! So I don’t understand why he gets so much hate. Because he is new? because his voice? well…let me tell you something, as long as I enjoy watching them playing together, they laugh and having fun together, I’m happy with everything they do for us.
That’s all. I have to go now, have to take care of myself so that I can take care of my best guy XD See ya all next time!
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tigertabbycat · 8 years
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Part 2 of my little comic!
Don’t repost without permission.
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tigertabbycat · 8 years
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Part 1 of a little comic I drew.
How often I think about these 3 playing together!
Sorry if the drawings look a little crappy.
Part 2: http://tigertabbycat.tumblr.com/post/154175743175/part-2-of-my-little-comic-dont-repost-without
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tigertabbycat · 8 years
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Here are the pictures of the puppies and their mom Ava from my video.
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