#Writing Stories
graceshouldwrite · 1 year
How to Write Devastating Betrayals (Pt. 1)
Here are some elements + tips on satisfying betrayals that will destroy both your characters AND your readers!
1. Relationship Between Trust and Betrayal 
The #1 Betrayal Rule:
This is because TRUST implies 2 main things:
The traitor has probably PROVEN their trustworthiness, and now has a shared history + bond with the character they’re betraying 
The traitor probably has access to a LOT OF INFORMATION about the character, whether it’s career-wise or personal. Probably at least some information the character considers STRICTLY confidential 
An act of betrayal undermines Point 1 by manipulating Point 2 to their advantage.
So, if you want your betrayal to DESTROY, have the traitor be CLOSE with the character they’re about to betray. Lets compare examples: 
you are a gang boss. You hire a new recruit who doesn’t really know anything except one insignificant operation, like “today we buy groceries at 2PM”
your recruit tells the rival gang about the grocery trip   
→ betrayal doesn’t really matter that much
you probably didn’t place much trust in a new recruit 
the implications of information leak are insignificant 
→ not much plot weight 
On the other hand:
you find out that the entire time, your RIGHT HAND MAN (also your childhood friend!) has been feeding information to the rival gang and sabotaging your operations 
→ HURTS a lot more emotionally
might ruin everything you’ve built, career-wise, for good 
→ LOTS of plot weight
From a completely SECULAR PLOT STANDPOINT (please don’t come for me, theologians), Judas’ betrayal of Jesus is a good example because:
Judas was one of Jesus’ disciples, a.k.a. the people considered closest to him, and who followed Jesus throughout all of his preaching years
Judas’ information about Jesus’ identity and whereabouts led to Jesus’ crucifixion → LOTS of plot weight (the entire Bible from a Christian standpoint foreshadows this moment, and every point after is spreading word of this moment. Talk about plot implications!)  
ONCE AGAIN, I know all the “Jesus knew and allowed it to happen” “it was the will of God” stuff but this is purely used as a good plot example!!!!
2. Reason for Betrayal
“’Cause it’s super edgy/evil/cool” is DEFINITELY not a valid option. 
All the plot points in a book build towards achieving a goal, and all the characters do things they think will get them closer to what they want. Likewise, the traitor must want a specific thing that ONLY betrayal can get them, or that betrayal can get them more efficiently. 
People generally portray typical traitors as: 
completely selfish with no personality trait aside from infinite ambition and ruthless pragmatism
a hero whose had enough
someone who sees the person they betrayed as a “worthless disposable” or something 
Traitors don’t have to be morally bankrupt, even though betrayal is typically seen as something inherently bad, or just a bad means to a good end at best. 
They can be conflicted about the betrayal (like Macbeth delaying his murder of King Duncan), remorseful about it (like Discord from MLP feeling super guilty after he hands the main protagonists over to the villain), or even do it for the “greater good.”
e.g. Brutus thought Caesar was becoming too power hungry, and would destroy the republic by becoming a dictator, so Brutus betrayed him to preserve the republic 
→ example of a betrayal that was NOT self-serving
However, building on the MLP Discord example, a traitor can also have been manipulated into it themselves. 
(For context, the villain basically promised Discord lots of power if he handed over the protagonists, but then the villain also sucked away Discord’s powers afterwards—won’t bother explaining MLP magic mechanics LOL) 
3. Foreshadow It 
A satisfying betrayal is usually a subtle, looming shadow that creeps over your plot before it makes its grand entrance during the scene when the character realizes the traitor sold them out. 
A good example is in Shakespeare’s dramatization of Brutus’ betrayal: 
Brutus’ loyalty to the REPUBLIC is made super clear throughout. When Caesar starts deviating, seeming more dictatorial, Brutus remains firm.
Their values are CLEARLY conflicting, so SOMETHING has to be done. Either:
they reconcile by both agreeing on either dictatorship or democracy
they turn on each other...and that’s what happens
Basically, planting the possibility in your reader’s mind is a great way to foreshadow a betrayal. 
Other ideas could be: 
traitor begins suddenly acting a lot warmer to the unsuspecting character, or even colder right BEFORE the betrayal
traitor is always TOO obedient and/or sycophantic 
traitor acts suspicious, e.g. caught in lies, using inconsistent body language (ex. pretending to cry when talking about something really bad), caught talking to people they shouldn’t be talking to (e.g. rival gang)
∘₊✧────── ☾☼☽ ──────✧₊∘
instagram: @ grace_should_write
stay tuned for part 2!
Hope this was helpful, and let me know if you have any questions by commenting, re-blogging, or DMing me on IG. Any and all engagement is appreciated <3333
Happy writing, and have a great day!
- grace <3
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sprinklesdonut15 · 11 months
Upset Stims
hit hit hit
force shoes off
c l a w s
rocking but loud
rocking in general
making fist but nails dig into skin
scraping against the edge of desk/whatever
straining i will fucking pull and pull even though it's not gonna move
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Would you talk about your process of writing short stories, if you don't mind? Do you outline it before hand? do you make it up as you go? is it the same w the prompts you get vs stories like The Blue Key or The Art of Turning 30?
It's different for stories that are prompted on here and stories like The Blue Key, The Gallery of Broken Things or the Art of Turning 30 which I have come up with entirely independently and unprompted.
It's also sometimes different for stories that are prompted on here, and other stories I've written based on a prompt from a friend, such as Escapology, Half Sick of Shadows and My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose - but these are more similar because they are still varying degrees of prompt based.
The first question, when I have an idea/prompt, is how big do I want the story to be. Some ideas require novels, some are perfect for short stories. Figuring out which is which comes with practice.
Writing from a prompt
Stories that are triggered by a prompt come (to a point, some prompts are more specific/detailed than others) with a certain amount of inbuilt scaffolding or clues as to what the story must be about.
I talk about different sources of ideas, including writing from a prompt, in this post. The prompt bit gives a sense of my general process when writing tumblr stories with more specific prompts.
For a non specific prompt...
The next tumblr inbox prompt I think I'm going to write when I have a sufficient moment is:
ah, could you write something about a vampire x mortal who always reincarnates
It's a tumblr drabble, I'm thinking 2000 words max, so fairly simple without an elaborate planned plot. It's just for fun. I don't go into the story assuming I am going to continue it. I also don't assume someone on tumblr is going to read loads of backstory and set-up, so I just skip to the most interesting scene that comes to mind with as little set-up as possible.
So, I know I have a vampire character and a reincarnating mortal character. The 'x' implies that the story is going to have, to some level or another, a romance thread.
However, the prompt otherwise immediately raises a lot of questions; the decisions/answers I make to these questions shape the story. Examples of questions that pop to mind.
Am I writing in the POV of the human or the vampire?
Does the mortal remember that they reincarnate or do they start from scratch every time?
When the story starts, does the vampire know that the love of their life reincarnates, or is this the first time that they are seeing their love after thinking they were going to live the rest of their immortal life alone?
How did the mortal die the first time? Was it happy or traumatic?
If it's not the first time they are seeing each other post reincarnation, how did the previous lives go? This will colour the relationship dynamic.
Why is the mortal reincarnating?
Why are the two of them seeing each other in the present of the story? What does each character want out of the scene?
I love an antagonistic dynamic and conflict is brilliant for short stories, so I might go one step further and immediately decide that I want the vampire and the mortal to be opposed/in conflict in some way.
If conflict, what conflict should I pick?
After a certain amount of this, it's just pick whichever answer I am in the mood for on any given day and go.
Writing without a clear prompt
This is more difficult, but I also tend to love these stories more when I do get inspiration for them. There also isn't one process that works for all of these as it tends to change a bit with every story.
(Although I don't tend to outline short stories.)
More often than not, when these stories happen it is because a very clear idea or nugget pops into my head or a strong urge to write about something in particular, and I tend to write the whole thing in a matter of days or hours. They have a lot of iceberg time in my head where I'm sort of thinking about them, then there's a click.
As an example:
I wrote The Blue Key because I love fairytales, the mythos of Bluebeard and haunted houses. I knew I wanted to write something inspired by Bluebeard in this instance, so I knew that I needed a house, a couple, a key and a locked door that must not/should not be opened.
Because I love these stories, I had them on my mind so I wanted them to play into the story. What does it mean to have so many stories about curiosity and its consequence, about having a love that you are not allowed to look at? I re-read some of my favourites and I came across this quote about Bluebeard by Margaret Atwood. I read people talking about how they would be smarter than the wife, or how they just wouldn't look, as if it's always that easy.
What would happen if you didn't know which story you were in? What would happen if the Bluebeard character was also trapped in a story that he didn't want to play out, where there was love as well as horror? What happens if you are in a story where you have the fairytale rules where you must give your wife a key and you must not tell her what is behind the door.
What happens then?
The Blue Key was my answer to that general brain mulch.
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l-michalska-writer · 1 year
Random bookolots pt.1
Maybe loving me is the reason you cant love yourself.
I always said I love you too soon.
So it seems I broke your heart…
So it seems you broke my heart.
The monsters have their own disguise.
I know loving me was easier in your head.
Would you like to fuck off?
Some tears just dont dry.
If I cant have you no one should.
Monsters wont have power over you if you’ll become one of them.
Why can’t I say that you’re the reason I’m still awake?
Was that a metaphor for something more?
It’s like I can’t get close to you.
What makes me so emotional?
I never saw it coming.
You know you saw it coming.
You know where to find me.
Loving her seems tiring.
Haunted by your love…
You know you’re the reason you’re alone.
Moje serce… moje serce ma dość.
I should have bet on us.
I would have loved you…
And if you finally had enough… you know where to find me.
Sorry for your loss.
I heard what happened.
I really thought I lost you.
What a privilege it was to matter to you.
Break my heart again, I don’t wanna heal anyway.
She always comes first.
I mean the best but sometimes I’m wrong.
I’m just really grateful that I had you.
I would have loved you if you only gave me a chance.
You got one chance to make it worth my wait.
And I’ll tell you what the worst is. It’s the way it doesn’t hurt when I wish it did.
I don’t wanna go until you see everything you lost when you backstabbed me.
You give me much to say.
I killed him for you.
And if I had to break you… I wouldn't hesitate.
I think I could love you, but I’m not sure.
Hearts don’t only beat, they break.
But she always comes first.
You don’t see me.
I hate that I want you.
Take me back to the night we met.
You can think that you’re in love when you’re just in pain.
If you met my family, you would understand.
If I could only make my heart your home.
You don’t remember, do you? Or do you just not care?
If you wanna talk, I’m gonna listen.
I’m not as evil as you think.
You get what you deserve.
I’m a nightmare when you’re fast asleep.
Revenge has never felt so sweet.
I’ll be your worst and darkest dream.
You won’t see it coming.
What about us?
I’m still holding on to everything we had.
I would have bet on us too.
Do you love my daughter?
Look me in the eyes and repeat every word you said.
I shouldn’t have come.
Just say it already.
Now look her in the eyes and tell her what you told me. Are you capable of that?
You’re the only thing I can’t live without.
You let me down and I’m used to it.
We were untouchable, you and I.
What started so perfect ended too fast.
Finally ending all alone.
You miss the old me, but she’s not coming back.
I’m tired of it.
You call yourself a man?
You knew your time would come.
You know the words you weren’t supposed to say.
See the satisfaction on my face.
I knew they would call me to end you.
You changed and so have I.
I could kiss you a little bit harder so you’d know how much I care.
You nearly gave me a heart attack when you said you’re doing fine.
Isn’t it obvious you’re all I have?
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blabbershere · 3 months
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— @zenwannabe
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guildofscribes · 2 months
Why the Good Ones?
Okay, so I've been watching the fandom culture for a while now, and I have a question; why are they breaking the good characters? Like, the characters that were built to be not so dark, to be more upright, morally accountable, who have it in their character makeup to just always try to do the right thing because that's what they believe in from the deepest parts of their being... why are they being broken down? There are already very awesome characters that we love who struggle with morally upright decisions, who struggle to make the right choices for some reason or another, and we mostly can all agree to respect and enjoy those characters and their arcs. They're characters created to struggle, and so many of us can get behind that because we struggle to make good choices all the time too. But why are the "model" characters being broken down into something base and detestable? Why can't we have Superman who chooses to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do, who is Clark Kent and chooses to be kind and give chances and hope for the better? Why does he have to be broken from the ideal we're supposed to strive for? He's an alien who saw the best of humanity and said, "Yes! I want to be this! They're so worthy, they have so much potential to be amazing, and I want to be all of that because I choose to! Because there's worth in that decision, and I'm free to make it because of these amazing creatures on this planet." Why can't we have morally upright characters who just try to treat people right and make good choices? I thought that was the point. I thought we were supposed to strive to be better than our faults, not just sit in the wreckage of our own bad choices. What happened to stories that inspire people to be better than their current state, to treat people the way you'd want to be treated, to do everything to the best of your ability because it's building you up as a person and not just doing a banal task? I understand the use for catharsis, writing tragedies that don't have an easy out, writing grim and dark realities... I get it. I really, really do. But where are the hopeful stories? Where are the Actually Good characters that are still engaging? What happened to defining our faults, but then working very hard to overcome them? It seems like those stories aren't being put out there anymore, and it's depressing.
It's not cool to be good anymore. It's not popular to try to be selfless, to make difficult decisions because they're right and because you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you didn't. It's not fun to believe in Good and Evil, that maybe the shades of grey aren't so overreaching that you can't try to do the right thing all the time.
What happened to just, deciding to be a better person? For the sake of just being a better person? I don't know. Maybe holding oneself accountable to a higher standard is silly. But it gives me hope.
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chordsykat · 6 months
I had a chat on Discord last night, covering my full process of creating comics (and high concept stories in general). Come give the video a look if you weren't able to make it. :)
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prettiuniversellc · 2 years
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Pretti Reminders 💎
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prompts-cemetery · 1 year
Villain prompt 03
After years of plotting revenge, the villain finally confronts their former childhood friend, who they discover has become a celebrated hero. As they begin to enact their plan for revenge, the villain realizes that the hero had betrayed someone else and was trying to protect them from their fury.
Too late for explanations.
The hero is dead, Supervillain cradles Villain's trembling shape in their arms.
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tiredandanxiouschaos · 6 months
How to describe your characters appearance without making it sound unnatural?
■ For describing side characters (not MC):
○ Make your MC reconize a certain physical trait/piece of clothing when your new character appears.
○ Make your MC find some photos. That way you can describe everyone in a perfectly natural way.
○ Make some other character make a remark about their apperance. It can be mean, or maybe even flirty?
○ Make some character reference to their looks in a certain situation. Ex: "Are you really going to cook in a white hoodie?", "Are you seriously planning to sneak out in the most colorful clothing ever?".
■ For the MC:
○ Mirrors are always a good idea, but make it natural. Like, your character passes next to a mirror and realizes their clothing is dirty etc.
○ Photos work for MC too!
○ Remarks of side characters are cool af too. Especially when it's a remark in a snarky mean way, because they are usually very accurate irl (when your friend tries to make fun of you for shit n giggles they are usually very specific because they know you, right?)
○ Make some other character notice the change of your MC looks. Ex: a childhood friend noticing how much taller your MC got then when they last saw him.
Okay, that's it! Hope I helped <33
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sstrangeprompts · 2 years
You're a typical Tumblr user going about your day.
Suddenly, you receive a message, only to realize it's from yet another one of those pesky spam bots. The username gives away the account's nature, and its profile picture is that of a beautiful, smiling woman sitting on the roadside. You block the account and move on.
Not much later, you receive another message. Again, it's a spam bot trying to get you to sign up for a scam. The woman in the profile picture is winking at the camera as she sits on the stairs to a home; you think nothing of it and block the account.
Some time goes by before, once again, you receive a message. You go and block the account without even bothering to read the message; the profile picture, this time, catches your attention for a little bit. It's another woman, this time leaning against a door that looks oddly familiar to you. Nevertheless, you block it and continue scrolling through your dashboard.
Less than 5 minutes go by when you receive another message. Irritated, you immediately fetch for the block button, except this time you can't help but feel a chill as you notice the profile picture. A smiling woman sits at the edge of a windowsill, the window behind her shows a glimpse of your bedroom.
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thewatcher727 · 6 months
Sonic X: The Next Adventure - A Continuation Of The Show FanFiction Coming Soon To A03 & FF!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go Gotta go fast, gotta go fast, Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, faster
Movie' at speed of sound (Make tracks!) Quickest hedgehog around Back where everything's just right No time for a slow night Full of energy and bright Ready for our home, take sight!
Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't blink, don't think, Just go, go, go, go, g-g-g-g-go, go!
N-n-n-n-n-n-na N-n-n-n-n-n-na
Sonic, he's on the run! Sonic, he's number one! Sonic, he's back in style So watch out... For Sonic X!
Gotta go fast (Sonic!), gotta go fast (Sonic!), Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, faster! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! So... (Sonic) nic... (Sonic) X, Gotta go fast! Gotta go fast! Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, Sonic X!
In the soft morning light, as the sun began to cast its golden hues across the landscape, Sonic watched from the outskirts of the woods as Chris made his way toward Eggman's newly constructed ship. His keen ears picked up snippets of the conversation between Chris and the doctor, though the scientific jargon meant little to him. What he did understand, however, was that this was a one-time opportunity for Chris to return to his own world.
As Chris boarded the ship, Sonic's heart felt heavy. He knew he should have raced forward, bid his friend a proper farewell, and maybe even shared a grin or a thumbs-up to reassure him. But deep down, Sonic understood the gravity of the situation. If he were to approach, to let his emotions run free, it might make Chris hesitate, and that wasn't something Sonic could bear.
So, with remarkable restraint, Sonic made a silent promise to himself to show his goodbye in his own unique way. As the ship's engines roared to life and it began to ascend into the sky, Sonic sprang into action. His cobalt form raced alongside the ship, his eyes locking with Chris's through the small window.
At that moment, time seemed to slow down. Sonic's emerald eyes held warmth and reassurance, his trademark grin touching his lips. "I'll be seein' ya, Chris!" he called out, his voice carrying through the thin barrier of the ship's hull, reaching Chris's ears.
Their gazes remained locked, filled with a multitude of unspoken words. Sonic's farewell was not just a simple goodbye; it was a promise of future reunions, of adventures to come, and the unbreakable bond between them. In those fleeting seconds, the message was conveyed, understood, and treasured.
A wistful smile graced Chris's lips, a delicate veil of melancholy shrouding his eyes. It dawned upon him that this ephemeral moment marked the likely conclusion of his encounters with Sonic, his best friend. Yet, an unusual serenity draped over him, veiling the sorrow that lurked within. The yearning to linger in Sonic's animated company had dissipated, replaced by the solace found in the kaleidoscope of splendid memories they had woven together.
As his vessel ascended, piercing the ethereal realm of clouds, Sonic diminished into a mere azure speck amid the sprawling expanse of nature. The cosmic canvas held their final tableau. It was at this poignant juncture, where the sky embraced the earth, that Chris chose to articulate his silent farewell.
"See you, Sonic."
As the ship continued its ascent, taking Chris away from the world he had come to know, Sonic slowed to a halt, watching it disappear into the sky. The sun had fully risen now, casting a warm glow over the landscape, and Sonic couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions. Sadness at the departure of a friend, but also a sense of hope, hoping that their paths would cross again someday.
With a final nod of farewell, Sonic turned away from the receding ship and sprinted off, ready to embrace whatever challenges and adventures the future held. After all, for him, life was a never-ending race, and he was always up for the challenge.
Sonic's vibrant red sneakers skidded to a halt, their rubber soles making a subtle squeak against the ground. He gazed towards the endless path ahead with a bittersweet smile, a gust of wind ruffling his quills like a whispered farewell. Chris was gone, and the world felt a tad emptier without his presence. Sonic's eyes held a hint of nostalgia as he recalled the adventures they'd shared and the bond they'd forged between two worlds. It was an adventure that would forever hold a special place in his heart.
With a final nod to the sky, Sonic swiveled on his heel, each movement an embodiment of the boundless energy he was known for. He sped forward, the terrain a blur beneath his feet, until he came to a halt in front of Eggman, Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun.
Upon seeing the blur blur, Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun scrambled in an almost synchronized frenzy. Their mechanical movements were an amusing display of chaos, gears and servos whirring in a cacophony of comical desperation.
Decoe pointed a trembling metal finger toward Bocoe. His voice modulated in high-pitched panic as he chirped, "Don't be mad at us for sending Chris home! It's not my fault! Bocoe was the one who pushed the button!"
Bocoe instantly retorted with a staccato burst of mechanical chatter. "No way, it was Bokkun! He's always pressing buttons when he shouldn't!"
Bokkun tried to mount a defense, his voice a flurry of indignant beeps and buzzes. "Not true, guys! It was Decoe! He's the one who has the button-pressing habit!"
Unperturbed, Sonic placed a gloved hand on his hip, his ever-present grin unfading. He turned to Eggman, whose mustache twitched with annoyance. "Well, Egghead," Sonic began, his voice carrying a playful edge. "Never knew you had sentimental feelings."
Eggman huffed indignantly, trying to mask his true emotions beneath layers of bluster. "Sentimental feelings? Sonic, I'll have you know that I consider such emotions to be one of the most repulsive things in existence!"
Sonic's grin widened, and he stretched his tan arms lazily above his head. "Oh really? Aside from your mustache, what else ranks on your 'most repulsive' list?"
Eggman's mustache quivered with indignant outrage as he let out a gasp of offense. He tightened his grip on his jaw, grinding his teeth audibly before jabbing a gloved finger toward Sonic.
"Now let's get one thing straight, Sonic!" Eggman declared with a fiery glint in his tinted glasses. "Our alliance with the Meterax was a matter of a mutual enemy! Now that they're gone, it's back to business! My dream of an Eggman Empire will come true!"
Sonic's trademark grin widened, a picture of nonchalance amidst Eggman's fervor. "Wouldn't have it any other way, Eggman!"
Release date April 6th!
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curlysgirl0202 · 9 months
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paulapuddephatt · 6 months
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(via Siblings in Fiction)
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the-wizard-writes · 2 years
Urban Fantasy Worldbuilding Long Post: Caring for Werewolf children [A step-by-step guide]
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Werewolves are a strange yet interesting species. Lycanthropy is a difficult situation that some people don’t understand. If you or a love one is in a relationship with a werewolf or are considering adopting a child with lycanthropy there are a few things to know before you decide to jump into the wonderful world of parenthood! 1. Werewolf pups are not the same as puppies from dogs. A very common mistake that non-lycan folk is that they assume that werewolf puppies are just as easy to train as puppies from dogs. PLEASE don’t take your werewolf children to the vet. They are not just wolves. They are people too. Werewolf children are just as bright and happy as most regular children are. The only difference is that they have small fangs and abnormal colored eyes. Puberty however...is well...more hairy. 2. Baby/Werewolf Proof your home Once you have your little bundle of joy, you must be mindful of the furniture around you. A werewolf child starts teething at around two years old so, your precious vintage wooden table becomes a chew toy to your little one. To combat this, I suggest pool noodles to be a perfect solution to keeping table and chair legs safe from your little ankle bitter [Please teach them not to bite people’s ankles it’s rude.] Lemon and other citrusy concoctions have also worked from keeping your child from biting. DO NOT use any household sprays or over the counter items that is for dogs, that stuff is toxic to not only humans but, to werewolves as well. Also, having toys to help with teething also helps. Warm firm toys will do and baby teething rings are very helpful for werewolves to learn not to bite things.  3. Support during the full moon Transforming for the first time is a very intimate and scary for young werewolves. This step is mostly for the parent who isn’t a werewolf themselves, support during this time is very important. Your child might have concerns about their changing body and how it makes them feel. You should reassure your child that their transformation is natural.  Once your child has gone through their first transformation make sure you sit down to talk to them about how they feel about the situation. Make sure they know that they are loved and that they’re transformation isn’t a bad thing. Some parents even give their child a safe space within their home to transform where there’s comfort items for them.  4. Hair! Hair everywhere! Hair is obviously going to be a bit part of your life now. Werewolves have a ton of hair and shed...A LOT. Different werewolves have different coat types that need to be taken care of. Talk to your doctor and or dermatologist about fur treatments for your child. Talking to other werewolves would also be helpful as well if you are a single parent who isn’t a werewolf. Getting a powerful vacuum is advised heavily but, if you are already living with a werewolf partner you should already know that, but getting another one wouldn’t hurt. Children are a wonderful gift to most parents, even when both parents are different species. As a human with a werewolf partner or a single human raising a human child on their own it’s important to learn the ins and outs of how werewolves are and how to be a great parent to a wonderful child.  
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tierney-aforauthor · 7 months
A lot of people say they can't write action and then proceed to write smut. My darling dears, action is just smut with little to no use of the word "cock" and "hole". If you can write decent smut, I promise you that with a bit of research and a synonyms website pulled up you can write some solid action scenes.
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