#Writer Woes
the-blind-geisha · 1 month
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Made this as a joke when bestie commented her writing fairy must have visited me to get me to pump out 3K words tonight.
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tavina-writes · 6 months
horrible news: in order for you to finish a wip, you have to work on that wip and not the 2543524 other wips you were brainrotting over instead of that one. more investigations at 7.
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the-golden-comet · 3 months
Please stick to ONE TASK, brain!!
🧠: No. :)
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Me when I plan out a story and want to tell everyone
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wordsofwilderness · 8 months
You'd think writing a chapter would make you one chapter closer to being done with a fic. You'd think that, wouldn't you??
But no, you are in fact 3 chapters further away.
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haley-harrison · 1 year
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ozarkthedog · 2 months
I must remember that I love to read the same tropes and plots over and over so that means everyone else does too.
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ernmark · 21 days
You know how there's certain details that will immediately yank you out of a story-- usually it's when you've got a particular special interest or professional background or whatever, and the writer of the story just plain didn't know.
Clothes-sharing is one of those for me.
For context: I'm six feet tall, fat, size twelve shoes. I have a shortlist of stores where I can buy clothes that will fit me. I do get hand-me-downs, but they tend to come from a specific person who has already been pre-established to be my dimensions. It's a whole thing.
So let me tell you that I tend to Notice the ways in which characters share clothes.
In my case-- like I said, I'm fairly big. In a pinch, I could yank a shirt out of my closet and give it to any one of my coworkers and it would cover them (on two of my coworkers, if you cinch it at the waist with a belt, one of my t-shirts could pass for an entire dress). I think maybe two of my female coworkers would be able to lend me one of their shirts and have it actually get past my shoulders, thanks to the stretchiness of modern fabric. I think maybe one of my male coworkers, statistically, might have shoes that I could get onto my feet without some Cinderella-style body horror involved.
It's one thing in more historic settings, where you have those giant voluminous shifts and undershirts that even a fairly large person could swim in, and where you can account for a lot of leeway via lacing, or for settings where the dominant form of clothing can be summed up as "rectangle + draping/pinning".
But show me something western post like 1890, and I'm going to start asking questions if one character just casually hands over something out of their closet to wear. Especially if the recipient is repeatedly described as being significantly larger than the giver.
As someone who doesn't fit the mold, it hits some particular sore spots for me in that there's this default assumption that female characters in particular are automatically going to be uniformly petite. And I'll see writers making a clear effort to say that their character is actually taller/curvier/whatever than average-- but then still have them casually trading clothing with someone who pointedly isn't, as if it didn't make a difference.
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phloxsmenagerie · 16 days
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Oh no 🥺
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levispersonalslave · 6 days
List of Furniture You Want, But Don't Know The Name of, Part I
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᯽ Garden arbor
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᯽ Tiffany style lamp
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᯽ (Japanese) Koi pond
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᯽ Conversation pit [sunken living room]
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᯽ Bay window seat/bench
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hallwords · 1 year
love my ocs. let me project my problems on you, babygirls. take all my pain and run free.
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 1 month
there are hammocks instead of beds simply so the crew can laugh at us and our fics
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tavina-writes · 4 months
love how every time I finish up a major wip I'm always like "I'm done! I've did my best! I wrote the best thing that I've ever written!" and then I wake up the next day and it's like "oh yeah actually I have more to say" and when I do finish the next work it's a better work than the one that came before it.
And that's nice because sometimes I'm like, "what if I have said all I have to say about a beloved ship/trope/fandom/whatever" and you know what that's the devil speaking because in the past I've always found something else to say.
anyway! if you're down in the dumps like me today about "have I actually peaked?" the answer is no you haven't. You're just getting started.
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the-golden-comet · 3 months
What? Rest? What rest? You mean finish the “rest” of my novels? 🫠
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Seriously, everyone: make sure you give yourself time to rest and take care of your bodies and minds ✨
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killerpancakeburger · 5 months
Had Reader lift Soap's shirt before remembering his bulletproof vest is in the way 😭 Hey google can you remove someone's bulletproof vest when pining them against a wall? Asking for a friend-
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sotwk · 8 months
This morning I learned there is now such a thing as online courses for "writing using AI" and I swear I felt physically nauseated (and frankly, a little violent). What in the seven hells is this dystopian *bleep*?!
I'm not anti-technology and AI has its uses (esp. since my job is tech-related), but AI has no place in the HUMANITIES.
I foresee the book publishing world becoming so bad in the near future, that I will be stuck reading the only things that are reliably AI-free: the classics (or anything pre-2000s), and fics/fanfics of friends whom I know hate this as much as I do.
I try to avoid even discussing controversial or negative topics on my blog, but this goes to show you how much I truly hate this and I just need to vent.
Putting some screenshots on here because I don't want to promote this crock other than to remind people this is why you need to please be mindful of your AI usage.
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