time-lady-swag · 5 years
Simm!Master: hey future me, how come you’re in love with the Doctor all of a sudden???
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time-lady-swag · 6 years
in the light of the newest tumblr purge, a lot of sfw content has been unjustly flagged by tumblr as explicit. all of us are here sharing the screenshots of this small dick energy. if you see a post that has been wrongfully tagged, take the time to shoot the OP a quick message (or send them an ask if they have their DMs closed) and link them the post you saw because while staff said they’d be notifying the OPs if their post got flagged, it’s not happening to all of us. my edits, for example, got flagged on accident and I didn’t get an email. I would have never known had I not seen a screenshot of my gifs. please help your creators out in this dumbass time.
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time-lady-swag · 6 years
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this is my mom, beverly goldberg, a shoulder-padded, crunchy-haired mother warrior whose top priority was always her kids.  before helicopter moms and attachment parenting, she was the original smother.
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time-lady-swag · 6 years
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                              a gin-clear mind, self-induced sleep, and clear intent.
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time-lady-swag · 6 years
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time-lady-swag · 6 years
someone: *mentions my favorite character*
me: *vibrating at frequency that shatters glass* yeah I love them a normal amount
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time-lady-swag · 6 years
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time-lady-swag · 6 years
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our dark lord is wise.  he senses her attachment to the mortal world and has sent us to see that his will will be done.  and see to it, we shall.
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time-lady-swag · 6 years
i have no idea how to use the updated tumblr app it's been a minute
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time-lady-swag · 6 years
Hi I have such a big crush on you 💕
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time-lady-swag · 6 years
Are you still going to live tweet unfortunate events on Twitter bc the last half of s2 is very good :)
omg hii absolutely am! strange but true story, i live in a steel house (not an tin orphan shack, a lustron) and the wifi connection isn't always the best. the last couple weeks i've been getting kicked off netflix so i've stepped aside for a min. i also strained my wrist on my dominant arm so typing is a bitch.i will def be live-tweeting as soon as possible. i love asoue and i think it rly picked up again w the ersatz elevator. i've literally only seen one episode w esme and want her to adopt me not out of love, but bc it'll make her look great amongst the elite. we love a kind, caring mother
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time-lady-swag · 7 years
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                                      missy, you’ve changed.                                           i know you have,                              and i know what you’re capable of.
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time-lady-swag · 7 years
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time-lady-swag · 7 years
how old are you
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time-lady-swag · 7 years
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Moffat Appreciation Week, Day 5: A favourite character arc
“Because it’s time to stand with him. It’s where we’ve always been going, and it’s happening now, today. It’s time to stand with the Doctor.”
We first meet Missy in the midst of an elaborate - and truly diabolical - plan. Missy has not come to destroy a mere planet or to conquer the universe. She sets out to slay the story itself. She walks into the history of Earth and takes its faith and its capacity for imagination and bent it to her purpose. The mythology of an afterlife becomes a storage place, human minds tempted into giving up their emotions, human minds utilised to wage destruction.
The Promised Land, the Nethersphere, is a cruel joke, with just more death as its punchline. And Earth’s dead are rising to mount a Cybermen invasion. The Mistress once weaponised humanity’s future against it, the nightmare of the Toclafane. Now she will defile and exploit its past. That this is done for what is essentially love - to woo a childhood friend - might only serve to make it more twisted.
Keep reading
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time-lady-swag · 7 years
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                                                                 —-  yeah, sorry.
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time-lady-swag · 7 years
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     i n t r o s p e c t i o n  [ LISTEN ] + [ SPOTIFY ] + [ PLAYMOSS ]         an angsty fanmix for missy        contemplating her past        locked in a vault w her piano        considering, as always, the doctor
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