timothypagliara · 2 years
Building a Profitable Investment Portfolio
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A well-diversified portfolio is essential for any investor to achieve their goals. As an individual, you must know how to allocate your assets to meet your goals and risk tolerance. Having a well-designed strategy can help you avoid unexpected expenses and ensure that your investments are well-positioned for the long run.
Step 1. Determine Your Asset Allocation
Before you start building a portfolio, you must clearly understand your goals and financial situation. Some of the most common factors affecting a person’s investment strategy are their age, income needs, and the amount of available capital. For instance, an unmarried 22-year-old college graduate may need a different approach than a 55-year-old who plans on retiring in ten years.
If you’re not willing to risk losing money, then your investments might not be able to provide you with the high returns you’re looking for. Having a good understanding of these factors will help you determine how you should allocate your investments.
Another important factor you should consider when building a portfolio is the risk/return tradeoff. For instance, if you’re planning on having a relatively stable lifestyle and are not planning on relying on your investments for income, then you might want to take more significant risks. On the other hand, if you’re planning on having a more tax-efficient retirement, you might want to focus on protecting your assets.
Step 2. Achieving Your Portfolio
Once you have determined the appropriate asset allocation, you must divide your capital into two equal parts. For instance, you should allocate your money between bonds and equities. You can also break down the various asset classes into subclasses to better understand each class’s risks and potential returns. For instance, an investor may divide the equity portion of their portfolio between foreign and domestic stocks and companies and industrial sectors. On the other hand, the bond portion may be allocated between government and corporate debt and short- and long-term bonds.
Step 3. Reassess Your Portfolio Weightings
After you have an established portfolio, you must regularly re-evaluate and adjust the components of your portfolio to keep up with the changes in the market. Doing so will allow you to determine the appropriate asset allocation for your needs.
Factors affecting your financial situation and risk tolerance will also change over time. For instance, if your risk tolerance has decreased, you might need to reduce the number of stocks in your portfolio. Or, if you’re at the stage where you’re ready to take on more risk, then you might want to allocate a small portion of your assets to small-cap stocks.
Step 4. Rebalance
Before you start re-evaluating and adjusting the components of your portfolio’s details, you must determine which securities you should reduce and how much you should sell. This will allow you to determine which under-weighted securities to buy.
If you’re planning on reducing the number of stocks in your portfolio to re-balance it, you might owe a significant capital gains tax. However, it’s better to maintain a steady allocation of assets to other asset classes instead of selling all your growth stocks. This will allow you to reduce the overall weightage of your portfolio without having to pay taxes.
Even though you may be planning on selling some of your growth stocks, you should still consider the market’s outlook. If you’re worried that the same stocks may fall, you might want to sell them even though the tax implications are still significant. One way to reduce your tax bill is by selling some of your growth stocks through tax-loss selling.
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timothypagliara · 2 years
Important Finance Tips for Preparing Retirees
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Many people in the US are considering retiring early due to the economic crisis. The pandemic could cause many people to have fewer savings for retirement. It’s important to review your retirement plans at any point in time. Regardless of your current financial situation, the same principles apply to planning for your retirement. These include: planning for unexpected expenses, keeping an eye on your savings, and making conservative decisions with Social Security.
Here are tips that will help you improve your retirement planning. Some may sound familiar, while others are new. Getting started is the best way to ensure you have the necessary resources to retire successfully.
Start Early
It’s common knowledge that many workers are forced to retire early. According to a survey conducted in 2019, almost half of retirees leave the workforce before their scheduled retirement age. According to Desmond Henry, a financial planner based in Topeka, Kansas, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend.
According to Henry, some people are forced to retire early due to the economic crisis or the fear of getting sick. Others are not comfortable returning to their jobs. Regardless of the reason, the timing of this trend is earlier than most people had expected.
It’s essential for workers in their 50s and 60s to start planning for their retirement. Although it’s not a sure thing that they’ll retire simultaneously, a recovery in 2021 could make jobs more available and layoffs less frequent. This is why it’s crucial to establish a contingency plan.
2. Deal With Your Debt
If you plan on retiring in the next 12 months, you must eliminate all of your debts, including student loans, credit cards, and mortgages.
The number of people in their 60s and 70s with student loans, credit cards, and mortgages has increased significantly. It can be very challenging to pay these debts off when you have a fixed income, so it’s vital to put in the extra hours to make the payments.
3. Make a Health Insurance Strategy
You are allowed to sign up for Medicare at age 65. To avoid penalties, make sure you have a plan before your birthday. This will let the coverage start earlier.
In addition to Medicare enrollment, it’s also essential to establish a comprehensive retirement healthcare strategy. According to Fidelity, a couple retiring in the US will spend around $300,000 on various medical expenses during their golden years. This includes co-pays and premium increases.
If you are forced to retire before you reach 65, you will still need to find health insurance. You will also need to decide if you can get a bridge from your old employer to Medicare or if you can get health coverage through the Affordable Care Act.
4. Increase HSA Contributions
One way to pay for these expenses later in life is by setting aside a large nest egg in a health savings account. This account can grow tax-free for up to twenty or thirty years. If you start contributing to an HSA this year, you could potentially have a massive pot of emergency cash.
According to Liz Weston, a certified financial planner, health savings accounts offer a variety of benefits. These include tax-free withdrawals, the ability to grow tax-deductible, and the ability to use the money for qualified medical expenses. Many companies also contribute to these accounts as an incentive to encourage their workers to sign up.
Although health savings accounts are generally associated with high-deductible health plans, they can be a good choice for healthy people with little healthcare expenses
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timothypagliara · 2 years
Five Qualities of an Active Philanthropist
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As organizations face increasing pressure to distinguish themselves from their competitors, they are also trying to figure out what qualities a good leader should have. The following personality traits can help them figure out what makes a good leader.
A study revealed that certain personality traits are associated with incompetence in leaders and managers. These include over-control, irritability, micro-management, and untrustworthiness. In addition, poor decisions, poor discipline, and dealing with underperforming workers are also cited as traits that can be detrimental to a company’s operations.
Being An Extrovert
This personality trait is characterized by high emotional expressiveness, sociability, and excitability levels. It can be exhibited dominantly or assertively. Other characteristics, such as social participation and speech fluency, are also included in this trait.
2. Being Agreeable
This personality trait is characterized by various pro-social behaviors and attributes such as generosity, kindness, and affection. Individuals with this trait tend to be friendly and approachable.
3. Being Conscientious
This dimension is characterized by high levels of deliberation and goal-directed behaviors. People with this personality trait are likely to be organized and mindful of details. They also have a good sense of responsibility and ethical conduct.
4. Being Emotional Stable
Emotional stability is often used to describe this personality trait, which can manage and adjust one’s emotions in a self-confident manner. On the other hand, individuals with this trait tend to experience various types of emotional instability.
5. Being Able To Be Open
People with this personality trait are likely to have a wide range of interests. They also exhibit characteristics such as insight and imagination.
How Charities Can Benefit From The Traits
Leaders must have the emotional intelligence to lead their organizations in today’s competitive environment effectively. This ability is critical in the charitable sector, where values, ethics, and social justice are often considered normal. This capability can help organizations foster an environment that encourages participation.
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timothypagliara · 2 years
Steps to Starting an Impactful Fundraiser
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One of the best ways for a nonprofit to raise money is through fundraising. However, it’s also not enough to set up a website and hope people will click through.
To successfully drive donations, a nonprofit needs to develop a strategy, build a strong relationship with its potential donors, and constantly pivot. There are lots of ways to raise money for a charity, and you can try different strategies to find the best one for you. In this article, we’ll talk about steps you should take to ensure that your next fundraising event is successful.
Set Goals
Successful fundraisers start with a clear vision and a set of goals. A deep understanding of these goals will allow you to make informed decisions and improve the efficiency of your fundraising efforts. One of the most critical steps that you should take when setting goals is to follow the SMART model, which is a framework that focuses on goals that are specific, measurable, and achievable.  For instance, if you’re in an animal shelter, a goal of $25,000 can be set to purchase new medical supplies. To help with goals, think of these questions.
Why do you want to fundraise?
Before you start a fundraising campaign, you must have a clear understanding of the goals that you want to achieve. This will allow you to make informed decisions and improve the efficiency of your efforts.
What will the fund’s impact be?
Your impact statement should be the first thing people see when they open your campaign materials. It’s the one that you use to convince them that they should make a gift. Your campaign materials should also include a compelling call to action.
2. Choose the Type
An excellent fundraising campaign often features a few of these options.
You can create a compelling letter to send to your existing donors to ask them to support a specific cause. This can be done by sending it along with a donation form and a pre-addressed reply envelope.
You can also create a series of emails that you can send out to your existing supporters to encourage them to donate through your online donation page. You can use social media and advertising to reach new donors. You can additionally set up Google Analytics to track the effectiveness of your efforts.
Texting a code word to invite people to make a gift can be a great way to encourage them to donate. This can be done in just a few minutes, allowing them to add a gift to their phone bill or access your online donation page.
Your existing supporters can also help you raise funds by participating in various activities, such as walking or running. They can also organize their mini fundraising event or hold a Facebook fundraiser.
Social media and crowdfunding platforms can reach out to new donors. It’s much easier to get a few thousand people to donate $2 than to get a single individual to give $20,000.
-Fundraising Event
A fundraising event can be of various types, such as a bake sale, an elaborate gala, or a virtual event. You can also charge people for admission, hold a silent auction, or sell goods.
3. Make A Plan
-Make A Budget
Before you start planning a fundraising event, you must identify the people involved and the event’s responsibilities so you can figure out a budget. Having a budget will allow you to prepare for the expenses involved in the event.
-Know Your Timeline
Having a precise end date will allow you to monitor the success of your efforts and keep track of all the critical milestones.
4. Pick Your Platform
You’ll need fundraising software to manage your event’s details, including accepting donations online, processing payments, and managing your donors.
You may also need a platform that allows you to register the attendees for your event. Even if it’s held in person, you must have a mobile device to track attendance. You may also need a platform that enables peer-to-peer fundraising, crowdfunding, text-to-give, and silent auctions.
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timothypagliara · 2 years
A Guide to Obtaining a C-Level Position
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C-level positions require a wide range of skills and experience and a certain amount of personal commitment. Getting a C-level job is a personal goal, and there are various milestones that you need to reach to secure this type of position. Let’s discuss what a C-level executive is, how you can position yourself for this role.
The term “C-suite” refers to an organization’s top executives. These individuals are known for their extensive field experience and strong management skills. They also serve as leaders who help guide their companies toward their goals. In addition to leading their organizations, these individuals also play a vital role in developing corporate strategies.
How To Get A C-Level Job
One of the most effective ways to get a C-level job is networking with other individuals in your industry. This will allow you to develop and showcase your skills to help you land a position in the C-suite. Although it is very challenging to get a C-level job, there are many ways that you can improve your skills and experience to reach this level.
1. Gain Experience
Although getting a C-level job from within an organization is not always possible, many high-level managers can still pursue management roles. To succeed in this type of position, you need to impact the company’s culture and develop strong leadership skills. Aside from developing your leadership skills and management abilities, you must also develop a vision for the company’s success. This can be done through various forms of networking and publications.
2. Take the Lead with Company Changes
Due to mergers and acquisitions, many individuals can take on new roles as executive leaders. These positions can be very beneficial for individuals looking to expand their scope of experience and develop their leadership skills. If you can demonstrate that you can lead effectively, you can be considered for a future C-level position.
3. Offer Consultative Help
Consultants can gain valuable experience working at various companies within a single industry, which allows them to position themselves as experts in their field. This type of work can also help prepare them for potential C-level positions. If you plan on taking on a consultant role, then make sure you have a well-defined path ahead of time. Before you start working at a company, ensure you have the necessary skills and experience to connect with the industry’s biggest names.
4. Try and Become a Board Member
As a board member, you can gain valuable experience in various areas, such as management and decision-making. This type of position can also help prepare you for potential C-level positions.
5. Be An Entrepreneur
If you are a startup founder, consider becoming a C-suite candidate if you are also focused on developing strong leadership and management skills. Before you start thinking about a potential C-level position, ensure you have the necessary skills and experience to navigate the organization’s political and cultural issues.
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timothypagliara · 2 years
Why is Transparency Important for a Leader?
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The rise of transparency and trust in the workplace has become a common demand among employees. They want to be able to have a clear understanding of what is real and what is not. This is because people are tired of being surprised by the unknowns in their lives. A clear understanding of what is happening in our relationships and decisions allows us to make better decisions.
Besides securing a job, employees also want to be part of a culture that values the truth. They expect their leaders to be honest and transparent in leading the company.The traditional workplace is no longer the utopia it once was. Employees now expect their employers to take the time to look out for them. Companies will lose top talent if they ignore their employees’ needs.
Being honest and transparent is powerful, as it allows people to trust you and your actions. Unfortunately, many leaders are not transparent because they believe that they will be viewed as less powerful.  People relate to leaders because they can relate to their struggles. They want to know how their leaders have overcome their problems.
Through the rise of social media, people have gained access to a broader range of information about their leaders. This has also changed the expectations of people about their leaders.
The need for transparency in society has reached an all-time high. People prefer to watch videos rather than reading blog posts. They want to see how one’s body language, facial expressions, and eye contact compare to others. They also want to know if one is genuinely being sincere.
This means it is time for leaders to be more transparent in the workplace. They should start communicating less over email and through third-party platforms such as video and face-to-face interactions. This will allow them to build trust and establish a new attitude and loyalty within their organizations.
1. Faster Problem Solving
Being more transparent can help employees develop a deeper understanding of one another and work toward solving their problems faster.
2. Better Teams
Transparency is one of the most powerful factors that can improve a team’s performance. This can help them work together seamlessly. The building of a team can only be improved by the presence of its leader, who is willing to talk about the team’s weaknesses and strengths.
Being transparent allows everyone to share their opinions and perspectives on the team. This can help the leaders identify the best individuals to handle specific tasks.
Talking about the team’s concerns and profile allows the leaders to identify the best individuals to handle specific tasks. This can also help the group grow together. It enables them to find creative ways to deliver on their performance expectations.
3. Authentic Relationships
One of the most effective ways to bring people together is through transparency. Being more transparent can also help relationships develop faster, as it can avoid misunderstandings that can lead to tension.
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timothypagliara · 2 years
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Are You Advertising or Engaging?
The traditional view of advertising is a bit of a one-way street.  You create a marketing strategy that is designed to deliver a particular message to your target audience.  This can be used to tell customers how your product is better than others, how it’s more affordable, or how it’s different than anything they’ve seen before.
The problem with all of this is not what it does, but how it does it.  The internet has changed society in countless ways.  One of the most relevant to marketing is that people now expect some sort of interaction.  Your audience wants to do more than just read something, they want to discuss it…with you, even!
Learning to market in a way that engages your audience will increase the effectiveness of everything you do.  Let’s take a look at a few common engagement strategies and how they benefit marketers.
Nearly every website will have a comments section.  Visitors stop by to read an article and then stick around to discuss it.  The same is true on social media sites such as Facebook.  This sort of engagement is so popular, in fact, that websites such as Reddit are designed to do nothing else but hot these kinds of discussions.
Encouraging discussion benefits marketers by creating buzz.  Something that gets talked about is something that gets a lot of attention—and people remember it.  Since people love sharing their opinions, this is a great way to engage your audience….continue reading
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timothypagliara · 2 years
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6 Steps to Creating a Killer Offer
There are tons of offers to promote, but few will ever have the power and uniqueness needed to put a lot of money in your pocket.  Creating your own killer offer is the way countless people have managed to build lists, generate revenue, and grow their business.  It may seem like a daunting task at first.  It was a big step for me too but I’ve created a number of successful offers myself.
This is how I do it:
Know the Target Market
Your target market is the first thing you need to consider.  A killer offer is designed to appeal directly to a specific group of people.  You’ll need to offer something useful—something they’ll want to use or learn from.  The key to a successful offer is simply creating something your target market is hungry for.
You can discover what this is by doing a bit of research.  Try to find a relevant message board and look at the questions being asked.  Investigate offers from other people, keeping an eye on what they’re offering and the way their offer is presented.  This research phase will often give you all the answers you need….continue reading
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timothypagliara · 2 years
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The Salvation Army filling Christmas baskets with goodies to be distributed to needy families, December 24, 1924. Thousands of baskets were distributed.
Photo: Bettmann Archives/Getty Images/Fine Art America
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timothypagliara · 2 years
We have enough critics, speak less and do what you believe to be right.
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timothypagliara · 2 years
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Tip: Critical thinking skills can be really valuable for many walks of life. It’s about approaching new information with a mix of humble curiosity and doubt.
Think independently and ask good questions that help make thoughtful decisions.
In broad strokes, some of the questions I like to ask based on critical thinking are:
➡️ How do we know we're solving the right problem? ➡️ How do we know we're solving the problem in the right way? (i.e. balancing rigor and efficiency, given our understanding of the problem and constraints) ➡️ If we don't know the sources of our problem, how can we determine the root cause? ➡️ How can we break the key question down into smaller questions that we can analyze further? ➡️ Once we have one or more hypotheses, how do we structure work to evaluate them? ➡️ What shortcuts might we take if we're under constraints (time pressure) without unduly compromising our analytics rigor around the question? ➡️ Does the evidence sufficiently support the conclusions? How do we know when we are done? When is the solution "good enough"? ➡️ How do I communicate the solution clearly and logically to all stakeholders?
I've found these questions often help. Sometimes we'll address the symptom of a problem, only to discover there are other symptoms that pop up. At other times, we might quickly ship a solution that creates more problems later down the road.
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timothypagliara · 2 years
Can you give an example of what you write for your goals? I want to start, but I'm not exactly sure how to write it
For example:
(Short term 1-3 months)
1. Get promoted at work & negotiate a 50% raise
2. Cut any excess spending (gym membership/phone bill/etc.)
3. Increase emergency fund to X,XXX
(Medium term 3-6 months)
4. Refinance car loan
5. Make more money —> Launch side hustle
6. Open another line of credit (discover/capital one?)
(Long term 6-12 months)
7. Pay down private student loans AGGRESSIVELY
8. Increase emergency fund to $XX,XXX
9. Grow social media fan base —> sponsors
10. Contribute max amount to 401k & Roth IRA
Etc. Etc.
Hope this helps you get started, honey!
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timothypagliara · 2 years
What are some finance books you recommend? Love your blog <3
Hi love – thank you so much! These books come to mind:
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle 
The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness by Morgan Housel
Rich As F*ck: More Money Than You Know What to Do With by Amanda Frances 
Rich Bitch  by Nicole Lapin 
Get Good with Money: Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole by Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche
Die With Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life by Bill Perkins 
Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach 
Hope this helps xx
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timothypagliara · 2 years
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Do you want to talk about climate change but you’re not sure where to start? ecoAmerica can help. Check out our climate action sheet, 5 Steps to Effective Climate Communication. It provides steps to help you craft emotionally resonant, personalized, and effective messages on climate change so we can all be part of the solution: https://ecoamerica.org/climate-action-sheet/5-steps-to-effective-climate-communication/
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timothypagliara · 2 years
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How To Make Full Use of Networking Events
Networking events and conferences are great because you get to meet and learn from experts but also connect with peers. I recently attended one and I wanted to share things I wish I had done before and what I learned.
1. Define an Objective
You have to determine why exactly you want to go to the event. Are you looking for a career change? A job? Advice on how to be better at your current job? How to tackle some issues in your start up? Networking? Make a list of the reasons.
2. Research
You need to research the speakers extensively. Go over their Wikipedias, LinkedIns and other social medias. Read their company websites from top to bottom. If they’ve released a book, take a look at the summary and read the reviews. Read some of their published articles.
Take this time to prepare at least 3 questions per speaker. Try to make at unique and interesting as possible, don’t ask the usual generic ones.
3. Business Cards
Definitely carry business cards. Make sure that your email, LinkedIn is mentioned clearly. Even if you work at a different company, that doesn’t matter- show your job title on the business card. Better yet, ask your HR if they can give you business cards as you would be promoting their company through your event. If you’re a student, I’d recommend you make a portfolio website of your internships/ project/ past work/ volunteer work/ hobbies/ interests.
4. Actually Talking
During the event, don’t be shy to ask questions. It doesn’t matter whether the rest of the audience thinks they’re stupid. You have spent your money to come there for your gain. Make full use of it. Ask questions. Meet the speaker after the event. Thank them for the insight, introduce yourself, ask them questions related to your objective of coming to the conference. Exchange business cards.
5. Utilising Coffee Breaks
Coffee and lunch breaks are a great way to talk to people. You may feel shy or awkward to talk to new people, but there’s very high chances that they feel the same way. You can start off by asking someone how they heard about the event, what they thought of the speaker, or pass a remark on the question they asked the speaker. Keep in mind that if the event has multiple speakers, there could be a chance that you’re talking to a speaker, even if you don’t recognise them… so be on your best behaviour.
6. Questions
Ask questions that are beneficial to you. During my conference, we had a women-leaders panel. An audience member asked the speakers how they divided their work between family and work. The speakers looked visibly annoyed at the question - because how generic is that?
Ask questions that could help you grow. If you’re in marketing, ask about their tried and tested marketing strategies. If you’re an early stage founder, ask them how they sourced their VC. If you’re struggling with time management, ask the speakers how they manage. Ask the questions for YOUR own benefit.
You can ask difficult questions but make sure you do it respectfully and tactfully. Best to start with a compliment and then ease into the question.
7. Dressing
Business casual, unless mentioned otherwise. What this means: blazer/ jackets/ trousers/ pencil skirts/ shirt/ co-ord sets/ no sneakers.
It doesn’t matter what other people wear. The way you present yourself is your brand. It also shows the respect you have for the other person - you respect them enough to not come shabbily dressed.
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timothypagliara · 2 years
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timothypagliara · 2 years
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The quick pace of technological change and global weather are some factors that have changed the world around us. These changes are also accompanied by the emergence of new black swan events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. These can also have a critical impact on investment portfolios.
Despite the increasing importance of wealth management, many people still try to manage their finances without the help of a professional. This is because it takes a lot of skill to grow and preserve wealth despite the advantages of using conventional methods. This article will discuss why it is important to start managing one’s assets professionally.
Wealth Management
The concept of wealth management is a consultative process that involves gathering information about an individual’s financial needs and goals and then coming up with a set of products and services that meet these needs.
Although it is commonly associated with the management of investments, wealth management is also a more comprehensive approach. This approach involves analyzing an individual’s financial situation and developing a strategy that fits these needs.
This approach can help individuals build an investment profile that fits their goals and circumstances. It can also help them manage their retirement planning. Usually, the proposed investments go beyond traditional vehicles.
1.Prepares For Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic is considered the biggest crisis the world faced in 2020. Not only did it cause the deaths of many individuals, but it also caused economic and financial losses to various levels of society.
One of the most common crises that can affect an individual’s investment portfolio is the collapse of a significant economic sector, which can have a massive impact on an individual’s overall financial situation. Other crises affecting an individual’s investment portfolio include political upheaval, natural disasters, and war.
Having a well-designed and balanced investment portfolio can help protect one’s wealth. One of the most critical strategies that wealth management can use is to create a strategy that doesn’t rely on one asset. It can help individuals manage their investments in a variety of ways.
Unfortunately, many people reach out to financial advisors after experiencing a significant life event, such as the death of a loved one or a divorce. This reactive approach is not always practical. Before a crisis occurs, people must reach out to a financial advisor to get a comprehensive view of their current financial situation.
2.Bigger View Of Opportunities
Despite having high levels of financial awareness, many high-net-worth individuals still have difficulty managing their investments due to the rapid emergence and evolution of new technology. New technology, such as automated trading systems and algorithmic trading, has drastically changed how funds are traded.
3.Smaller Taxes
An effective wealth management strategy involves finding value investments, but it also aims to put together a structure that will house these assets and minimize unnecessary expenses. Tax planning is a vital component of wealth preservation.
A good wealth manager can help an individual navigate through the various aspects of tax planning. They can also help them reduce their tax bill and benefit from the various tax incentives available in the country where their assets are located.
4.Better Time Usage
Getting the proper management of investments can be time-consuming for many people trying to maximize their earnings. It can be rather difficult to keep up with the latest financial reports and economic data, and it can involve studying multiple financial instruments.
Due to global catastrophes, investors must regularly monitor various economic and financial data and news reports to make informed decisions regarding their investments. Doing so can help them prepare for the changes in the market environment. Unfortunately, most people don’t have the time to keep up with their work and family commitments.
If you have recently reached a stage where your priorities have shifted to spending more time with your family, then having a good wealth manager can help free up some of your time.
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