tinomu · 2 years
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22.02.23 Photos UKZN Howard College Campus
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tinomu · 2 years
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The design process is fluid. The design process is fluid, Inspiration can come from anywhere, and solutions can also come from necessity. So there is ultimately no fixed way to design rather are you willing to be a servant to design and facilitate it as it should be. Our design team will always be willing to deep dive into a project to unravel its inner workings so that a worthwhile design solution is found.
There is no one architectural style, just an attitude to design. Architecture lost itself in an identity crisis not long ago. The discipline wandered in self-reflection, reexamining how practitioners go about their work, how the built environment should appear, and why. A breach has been made with the past, which allows us to envisage a new aspect of architecture corresponding to the technical civilization of the age we live in; the morphology of dead styles has been destroyed. (critical of the times) We will focus on designing with an attitude for that project and not limit creativity to a single predetermined style
We do not just design buildings, we create spaces and draw. Architects explore more than just architecture and branch out and that's a beautiful thing, our office will encourage its employees to explore their interests outside of the office, to introduce their interests into the office. Videos games, filmmaking, music, graphic design etc. There is always a way to improve the design of spaces through understanding how things work outside of architecture. Through drawing, model making, investigations and experiments, the design of buildings will have more potential for new interpretations.
Sorry if we scrutinize about taking on your project. We will be selective when taking on projects because we are considering a number of things, mainly compatibility with our office. Other specific considerations are made towards the actual project logistics. We want to be able to dedicate sufficient time and energy to deliver well-considered solutions to our clients.
//This manifesto is a work in progress... please feel free to check regularly how our ideals adapt and grow.
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tinomu · 2 years
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tinomu · 2 years
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tinomu · 2 years
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