Due to recent things with cry virus and av will be retired for a bit I've grown them to much to completely get rid of them but I think I'll break them away from cry and turn them into their own thing I'll return them later once they are remade
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It's pride month! So here's some sexuality/gender identity headcanons warning they are mostly not creative if you have a headcanon for this please let me know!
Darkiplier: I see them as genderfluid going by he/she/them depending on their mode only peevils really knows which it is without asking, asexual and panromantic
Antisepticeye: I mostly see him as bisexual I don't really have a reason for it though
Blankgameplays: demisexual biromantic again not sure why ;^; part of me wants to say he's non-binary cause I think it would fit but I'm not sure yet (I'll edit this if I finally decide)
Peevils: heterosexual idk why I just feel like this is what she is but I also think she's a very big ally
Death-wiish: pansexual demiromantic
Virus: asexual hetroromatic
AV: asexual and aromantic
Hopefully no one finds these offensive.Those are all I have atm give me your headcanons for their sexualitys! Whatever their sexualitys and gender identitys they all support you and your all valid!
Unless your a pedophile
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My Au Blankgameplays stuff
Blank is a mechanical demon which means his powers revolve around machines or anything technological he can control robots and sometimes phones and other electronics,he can also shock you if he wants
Side effects or being a mechanical demon include a form of tourette's but for demons he makes random mechanical sounds mostly sounding like a old rusted machine,his body will also twitch again making those machine sounds when he dose and he stutters with a sort of broken record sound to his words I imagine him having a voice that's a mix between Alistair from hazbin hotel and Ethan
Like Ethan he can sing it just sounds like it's coming from a old record so he's self cautious about it and doesn't sing often
He's half human like peevils and he actually has a old journal that his human mother wrote for him since she knew she would die when she gave birth to him
That ones like super random but it popped into my head so here it is
He has a very hard time with his human emotions he mostly has a blank expression and easily gets confused by his own emotions
He's darks apprentice and he's the first apprentice dark has tried to actually be somewhat nice to by request of both mark and peevils
He sees peevils as more of a big sister type thing but they are not related at all
He's very good at building stuff he has made small robots to help around the house and ended up scaring Ethan because he forgot that you need to tell someone when you make a self sufficient robot that talks
He's probably the tamest of the demons Bros
He shares his singing talent with anti and can sometimes convince him to sing with him since it makes him feel less anxious about it
If you have any questions for or about blank please ask!
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My au death-wiish stuff:
She is a chaos demon which pretty much means she is chaotic personality,looks,and powers wise
She is extremely powerful for her class and could probably beat anti in a battle and get pretty close to defeating dark
Much like peevils she prefers to stay away from the camera
She's mostly a mystery and she prefers to keep it that way
Though she may be powerful and very dangerous she to has her soft side,she much like the others with their hosts will defend wiishu to the death if needed
Like peevils I don't have to much info for her which kind sucks cause she's really cool ;^;
If you have any questions for or about death-wiish please ask
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My au peevils info:
She is half human which is why her eyes are pure white,and extremely light when acting as a human
She is a siren demon or one that uses there voice this includes powers such as mind control when she sings and screaming at such a high note that it can literally kill you
She is alot stronger then she looks. If she wanted she could easily pick up dark with one arm
She is fairly close with blank they have a bond because of them both being half human and both being part of darks little group
Much like Amy she prefers to stay out of the spot light she doesn't really like being in videos or anything like that at all
I don't have to many for her yet ;^;
If you have any questions for or about peevils please ask!
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My au Darkiplier stuff:
He is a manipulation demon which pretty much means he has abilities like manipulation of the mind,he can make you see what he wants you to see,believe what he wants you to believe,and hear what he wants you to hear he can manipulate memories as well and can even read minds if he wanted to but he prefers to stay out of the "disgusting human mind"
he is genderfluid mostly going by he/him for obvious reasons but will sometimes prefer she/her or they/them depending on his mood only peevils can really tell which he prefers at the moment
He used to be pretty bad,cruel, abusive,ya know the works but much like anti with jack he has gotten better because of mark. He refuses to admit it just like anti
He has mentored 2 demons them being anti and blank
He loves chica nearly as much as mark will 100% fight someone for that dog
He has a soft spot for Wilford and once again will 100% fight someone for him however he will completely deny it and will claim it was for a different reason
He is the only known demon that was once completely human
He dose appreciate his fans but probably doesn't feel as find of them as anti
He does have problems trusting mark at times for obvious reasons
He hates being touched only peevils, wilfird and very occasionally blank,are allowed to touch him
He will kill someone if they hurt peevils and won't even deny it,she can 100% defend her self she just thinks it's sweet that he protects her
He is more than one entity in one body and has mood swings due to this,he will often change his mind a lot as well but he has gotten better over time
He has problems with migraines,ether as a side effect of his powers or from being multiple entitys
If you have any questions for or about dark please ask!
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My au Antisepticeye stuff:
anti is a chaos demon which pretty much just means he's chaotic in both power/looks/and characteristics
he used to have wings but a certain demon decided that anti didn't deserve to have them
anti dose not form bonds with people easily it takes him awhile to fully trust anyone it took nearly all of Jack's YouTube career to get anti to trust him and consider being friends
now that anti dose trust jack he would defend him even if it cost him his life
anti has had about 20 hosts before jack and has never grown as close to them as he did to jack
when anti was young dark took him as a apprentice but anti never truly finished his apprenticeship and this relationship caused many of antis trust issues and fears
anti has also grown a bond with vira and blank seeing blank mostly as a younger brother and vira as his partner he would protect them the same as he would for jack
while he hates to admit it he loves the fan art people draw of him and will sometimes change his image to match one that he likes
anti decided to keep his hair green because he thought it looked cool
he also hates to admit that he would happily protect his fans if he needed to,they make him feel loved and appreciated something he rarely feels so he feels the need to watch out for them even if he can't protect all of them
but he is still a demon so he's still cruel,but due to rules set by jack and the others both anti and the other demons have has to stay pretty tame that doesn't keep them from terrorizing people they believe deserve it though
If you have any questions about/for anti feel free to ask!
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Vira-gab smolders
I drew the demons eyes I'll give more info about em later since some stuff has been updated
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They look super cool! I can finally add gab to my universe-
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LONG TIME NO POST!! I’ve been so busy with life but I strived to make this cuz my brain thought this a great idea I don’t know why! I made Gab a dark ego calling her Vira (Virus).  I am sure you get the pun. ;)
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So the Instagram peeps wanted more stuff to color, sooo Imma leave this here, if ya guys wanna color this one too! Have fun!
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I'm curious has anyone made a dark gab/ dark Mika yet? I really wanna see if anyone's come up with one I feel like Mika would have a pretty cool dark ego (I just really like making egos for people lol)
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I colored a line art @stained-puppet drew! I just really wanted to do something anti related but I was to lazy to completely draw it ;^;
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Its them dark boys
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Admin: im curious what do you think Mika's demon would look like if she had one?
"probably goth"
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Dark who's your best friend out of the other egos?
I wouldn't say that I have one, Wilford would be the closest thing I have to a friend so I will go with him. Out of the demon egos I'll have to say none of them.
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Blank and anti friend-canons:
-anti is very worried about blank being darks apprentice due to his own apprentice-ship with the dude
- blank picks on anti sometimes because he acts all tough but is actually just a really soft boi
- sometimes they just hang out together, watching movies,videos, or just looking through fanart cause just "people freakin like us"
-singing buddies
-blank hates his voice so anti has to reassure him often
- soft boios
-anti is kinda like blanks big brother
- must protcc the innocent boi
-blank insists that dark won't hurt him but big bro anti still ends up in fights with dark over blanks training
- anti refuses to admit that he cares so much about blank cause he's a tsundere
- the one time blank smiled antis non-existent heart just melted it's just that adorable
These dudes are supposed to be scary why do I keep making nice happy headcanons?
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(this isnt a question but I wanted to share with you lol) I have a headcannon that Dark is gender fluid.
*gasp* we have the same headcanon!
"wait so dark could be a girl?"
"shut up anti"
This is why dark didn't wanna say anything yet ;^; cause anti refuses to be nice to him
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