tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
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[ Hello! ]
The child signs with a happy and kind expression upon her face and a curious light within her gaze.
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
Frisk didn’t know what to think of that,she personally liked to believe anyone could change.But she guessed that after what he’d been through that it would be hard for him to believe otherwise.At least he was open to the idea that some people could change.
The two had been out here for quite awhile and she just realized she was shivering a little.Upon realizing this the child become aware of just how cold she was and she figured this was a good time for a subject change.
[ So,uh would the amazing chef Dez like to come back with me? That way you can get settled.And we could get inside where it’s warm ]
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
Big ol’promo
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“*hey. you’s. you’s like skeletons? scottish demons? hijkins from every angle conceivable by th'average mind? dhen dhis is th’blog f’r you’s~”
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“*Dae us a favor mates. Hit th’like or reblog button if yae wanne chat ‘r dae th’ngs! Maybe reblog sae other’s c’n check us o’t?”
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——————————– (**Hey everyone! Considering these get around a lot faster, would you be a chill dear and REBLOG or LIKE this post if you’d like to interact with these nerds? It’d be greatly appreciated!)
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
The child in question had steadily slowed her struggling,mostly due to exhaustion but also because.She came to realize where she was and that she was safe now.
Toriel noted the man’s prescience with a harsh glare directed at his unconscious form.Heat seemed to raise up in her for a moment and she was so close to creating a ball of fire.She wanted nothing more then to take her anger out on this man who dare touch her child.But she couldn’t do so,not right now when her child needed her and they were much more important.
Toriel simply says as she took the child,cradling her within her arms as she begins to speak softly and soothingly to the child. 
Getting kidnapped... Again/closed
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
((Okay, guys. I hate to have to ask anyone this, but… Last week, our family suffered a loss that nobody expected. I knew this person for years, even before they became part of our family, and I’m still torn up about it.
I know that many of you are in rough situations, and I feel bad for even asking, but… If you can help even the slightest bit, it would be awesome. I may not be able to pay you back, but I can write you a drabble or something… And even if you can’t donate, spreading this around also helps. We are all… We’re all struggling with this, we don’t have enough to cover this all ourselves.
I’m sorry, guys, like I said, I feel bad for asking.))
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
Have you ever
wanted to rp with someone but you dont know how to ask them
so you just sit like this
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
Hearing the leaf crunch as if someone had stepped on it the child paused,in doing so the leaf she’d been blowing on.Came down to rest on her face,she laid still for only a moment before letting out a soft giggle.The child then proceeded to remove the leaf so that she could see who had spoken.
Turning to look at Chara the child gives them a kind smile,nodding slightly she brings her hands up to sign.
[ Uh-huh i’m Frisk,hiya]
So Frisk might be a little bored-uh actually make that very bored (Or just really relaxed and feeling rather calm) as the child in question.Was currently laying on the ground,within a pile of multi-colored leaves.It seemed as if she’d just been playing-jumping in the pile a few times.
But was now just laying in it,a few minutes pass by before the child makes any kind of movement.She grabs one of the colored leaves and holds it up to her face before letting it go.She then proceeds to blow on the leaf,attempting to keep it hovering above her as long as possible.
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
[ Yeah~]
She chirped,happily as she remembered that and it filled her with joy to know that finally they and all the monsters got to see the stars.They deserved it after the way they’d been treated and hopefully things will be better.
[ I mean,dad did mention something about being an ambassador for them so I guess there’s that too]
The child says with a shrug,in a way Frisk also had one of her dreams come true.A dream she had constantly while living in the orphanage,she finally had a family now.
Sitting there beside Chara,she could only smile as she talked of her future plans,part of which involved marrying Asriel.
[ I think that’s a great plan!]
She signs enthusiastically,smiling brightly before she goes on to sign in support of said plan.
[ Yeah,it shouldn’t matter what they think,you love him right and like you said it’s not like we’re blood related ]
@Lingering-Fragments - “I’m not sure how to split a throne evenly. We all have a sitting schedule?”
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[ Uh,nope we don’t have one yet,but we can always figure one out…Or maybe we can get another throne? ]
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
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She seemed to be happy and content to be nuzzled while within the comfort of her skelly father’s embrace.She was soon pulled into his lap as he went and sat himself down causing the child to smile softly as she leaned into him.After said monster’s yawn the child was unable to resist yawning as well.
[ What do you think the club name should be?] 
The child questions,I mean cause the club had to have a name right?
@Tinyambassadorfrisk - “Why is the world turning upside down?” (ut Sans)
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 “That Frisk, is what we call stupidity. Some people don’t know how to use logic and common sense. It screws things up for the rest of us..”
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
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{ Okay,with that done and out of the way it’s probably about time I get to some overdue replies.}
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
raise your hand if you've got the sweetest followers and you appreciate each and every one
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
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Tinyambassadorfrisk’s followers forever ~
So here it is,my 100+ follower forever and I’d like to say thank you all sooo much.You are all amazing and I appreciate each and every one of you,even if we haven’t really interacted.For those I have interacted with your all great and really cool,talented people and I’ve really enjoyed our threads and all.I look forward to doing even more stuff with you all in the future.So,uh once again thank you ^-^*
@maternacapra @childofperseverance @little-pocket-goopster @shatteredtellurium @dez-the-butcher @valmuns-rp-hub @inkzarths @axlfnaffan @Ingrid-matoi @nibus-loquitur @justanotherpasafrisk @papipapyrusrp @asriela24 @suplexqueen @thedragonkingdom @theobservantskele @kittyliciouslyanonymous @fullyphantom @sinfulskellybab @red-rosesnstars @theprotectiveskelebro @fruity-hub-blog @rebornswap @thatfallenkid @dragonfirelady2 @yukifellwilde @sopor-addict-rps @jewel-undergem @dramaticalxbot @permafrostsentry @tenthinthetardis (Hello there Doctor ^-^ ) @askpacifistkiddos @halfgearrod @omaima83 @goatdadsruins @saturdaymorningsans @askcharadreemurr1 @i-like-so-much-stuff @such-a-pretty-knife @nebula-gaster  @dragon-forest @kiralushia @goldenprinceasriel @spacec0p @napstablook-reborn @shiedaiisms @toriel-the-goat-mom @darkdxrkeryxtdxrkxr @thatpigmaskcolonel @felinaxd @shaes-muses @burningflamesandmagiclight @a-crazy-bunny-and-a-tubby-puppy @frillsandpastries @myheartismadeofstars @lamentingflower @imgoinghost @holdusfast @flambc @floatingbravery @chocolate-smokes @discordslair @h2marchitectsandengineers @torielly-lovely @error-four-oh-four @creepingbuttercups @miss-element-of-kindness @eclectichonest @kumatxtsu @cool-sk3l3on-95 @puns-and-ketchup @the-poor-saddened-skeleton @mylittlestar @hopeful-hugz @boxmcn @underswap-rial-ity @another-fucking-batim-blog @babethhensart @bowties-scarves-and-impalas @thetimelessgxardian @the-fish-tank @witch-of-the-world @thephoenixnomore @artisticallyunsatisfied @dreamingjustice @fallingrubrum @sonofxaymaca @xxcopycat7151xx @gravefallensoul @mercy-to-spare @bronyfurrywhovianbookwarm @cxnnamonmom @nvart1 @subject-3-frisk-archived @alex-andsometimeschara @makonatoshimi @lvledjudgement @im-sans-ational @the-puntastic-skeleton @nocturnalinventor @sangria-la-la @resurgensvelis @happy-red-eyes @soulofrainbows @ofmegalovania @amicatholicorprotestxnt
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
Send in 🌟 to have a snowball fight with my muse!
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
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{ So uh,hiya ^-^/ so I know I’ve not really been around these last few days-reasons,I have been sick.I’m feeling a little better now,i’m not a hundred percent but hopefully I’ll be back to my normal and not sick self soon. }
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
autumnal asks
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
bonfire - describe your dream house.
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
cobweb - (if you’ve graduated) do you miss high school?
cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on?
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)?
pumpkin - do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?
moonlit - are you a neat or messy person? Is your room / house orderly?
flannel - have you ever gone on a bad date? 
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
ghost - is there someone that you miss having in your life?
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
Fighting Starters
“What is your problem?”
“What were you thinking?”
“Leave me alone!”
“It wasn’t my fault!”
“Of course it was your fault!”
“What was I supposed to do?”
“I hate you!”
“I wish I never met you!”
“I’m breaking up with you!”
“Fuck you!”
“Go fuck yourself!”
“You should have told me!”
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t tell you because it was none of your business!”
“How could you lie to me like that?”
“You think I can’t do anything right!”
“You only won because you cheated!”
“You’re just mad you lost!”
“You’re being so immature!”
“Your face is immature!”
“You wanna say that to my face?”
“You wanna take this outside?”
“We can’t be friends if you’re a fan of [sports team]!”
“I know how to fix your computer: throw it away and get a Mac/PC/Linux.”
“You wasted [our/my/your] money on what?”
“Get a job!”
“You were supposed to be here an hour ago!”
“Why are you always late?”
“Why can’t you cut me some slack?”
“Things aren’t as important as you think they are!”
“It’s like you’re avoiding me!”
“I don’t have to hang out with you 24/7!”
“How come we never do what I want?”
“You were supposed to do the dishes as of three days ago!”
“I was gonna do it!”
“Get your stuff off the floor!”
“Do your own laundry!”
“I’m busy, I’ll get around to it!”
“Stop complaining all the time!”
“It’s my turn to drive!”
“You can’t take the car all day, I need it!”
“Turn that off, I’m trying to concentrate!”
“Do your own damn homework!”
“But you promised!”
“I’m never letting you borrow anything again!”
“You still owe me forty dollars!”
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tinyambassadorfrisk · 7 years
Fast replies make me feel like you actually want to talk to me. But slow replies make me think you’re talking to someone better.
Wordsbymymind (via wordsbymymind)
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