h4njin · 3 months
new oneshots coming soon
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h4njin · 2 years
Kim Chaewon - Wish You Were Sober
[male reader]
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see, none of this was supposed to happen. you were supposed to simply go to your weekly grocery runs until you stumbled upon a very drunk kazuha sitting on the bus stop seat near the supermarket— scratch that, she was practically passed out and barely awake. until she saw you that is.
now, suddenly, you’re here.
a fucking party. at 11 P.M.
you’re in your pajamas.
you didn’t think you could be swayed so easily by her, but alas, kazuha sure did have her way with words.
and, well besides. she’s here.
the initial excitement of seeing her faded away the second you entered the house. just a bunch of highschool kids getting faded and making out on the couch. you make your way deeper into the house, emerging out the other side to the pool room.
and there she was.
it was the first time you’d seen her drunk, and you didn’t know what to expect. what you didn’t consider an option was that.. she’s the silent drunk type. the cheerful and energetic girl was not there when you saw her. just a sad little girl.
she was staring blankly at the pool while the 2 other girls sitting around her were laughing and drinking.
“oh! there they are! hey guys, I brought him with me!” kazuha practically screamed at the other girls.
“wow, zuha! i was w-wondering where you went!” the blonde girl, yunjin replied.
the other girl, sakura, at this point seemed to be nearly passed out.
“don’t just stand there,” kazuha, in a moment of soberness, whispered in your ear. “talk to her.”
“okay.” you replied.
you walked up to her.
she looked at you surprised, as if broken from a trance. “hey,” she smiled. “do you want to go take a walk? it’ll help you sober up a little. i’ve never seen you like.. this.”
she simply hummed, as if to think of a reply. “okay!” she got off her seat and quickly walked out the door, with you following close behind.
outside, the cold night breeze finally catches up to you— hilariously wearing a big shirt and grey sweatpants to a party.
she was unusually quiet, so much so that it was unsettling. she walked slowly, looking up at the moon. that reminded you.
it was just you, her and the moon.
“why so quiet?”
“i’m.. n-not sure.”
“i didn’t think you’d be a quiet and brooding type of drunk. i was imagining anything but that.” she giggled at your comment but said nothing else.
chaewon noticed a bench on the peripheral of her vision and ran to it, sitting with her legs on the seat, arms hugging her thighs. she patted the spot next to her. “sit with me. you look like an idiot standing here.” you snicker at her jab, walking to the bench and bending down on it.
you and chaewon sit in silence as you stare into the moon, basking in its celestial glory.
“it’s pretty, isn’t it?” you slowly whisper to her. you turn your head, only to see her staring at you.
“it is.”
you freeze. you look behind your shoulder, seeing if she was staring at something else. no— she was staring at nothing else in particular, just you. you could only hope the night was dark enough to cover your dim cheeks.
you blink at her, her face not even 50 centimeters apart from yours. you break eye contact only for her hands to hug your face— by the time you realized what had occured, chaewon had pulled her lips away from yours.
did she just kiss me?
“did.. did that just- what?” your voice was nothing but a slight whisper. chaewon looked down in response, mumbling a quiet ‘..they told me to do it.’
there was no doubt that your face was redder than the roses on the garden across the bench you and her were sitting on. you take a breath and stand up before shaking your head
“i guess you really are drunk, chaewon. you’ll forget about it tomorrow. c’mon, let’s go home. wish you were sober, though..” you reach out your hand to her— which she didn’t grab.
“i’m not.. really,” she responded.
“i only drank a little. t-they planned it all. they knew you would come. i’m not really drunk.. just a little.. well, you know.”
“s-so then you kissed me.. sober..?”
there she was again staring at you with her pretty eyes.
“i’d.. i’d do it again if you let me.” she shyly smiled.
“chae.. are you teasing me?” you ask a little confused, but your heart was pounding hard. a little more and a heart attack was bound to happen.
“no. but.. i have a question. do you like me?”
“..yes.” you reply with a whisper.”
“then come here and kiss me back.” she smiles. you couldn’t muster up the words to reply to her.
“..i’m sure you’re just a little drunk, aren’t you..?” you ask.
“well, yeah. i don’t think i’d be able to do this if i weren’t. but i’m still.. basically sober.” she giggles.
you sigh at her silly actions. “then let’s talk about this tomorrow after you’re completely sober. no buts or ifs. you’re coming to my house.”
“are we gonna do the dee-“
“NO!” she cackles hard at your reply.
the walk back home was almost completely silent— a comfortable one. your heart was still pounding from the interaction at the bench. was it finally going to happen? after years of admiring your friend?
before you knew it, you had already reached your home. you looked to your side seeing a yawning chaewon, her eyes glazed.
you open the door lock and quickly enter your bedroom.
“here’s my bedroom. you must be tired, chae. let’s just sleep.”
chaewon simply quietly laughs. “what’s wrong?” you ask. “no, it’s just.. this is weirdly casual, just letting me in here like that.”
“is it bad?”
“no, it’s just a little funny to me. besides, i’m sleepy.” she quickly jumps on the bed, posed like a snow angel.
“get in here, loverboy!” she commands, her voice muffled by the pillows. you couldn’t help but grin widely at her antics. you get tucked into the bed, her sitting right beside you.
“you know. i thought you’d be more nervous with me sleeping right beside you.” chaewon muses.
“i know right? i thought i’d be too. i’m in bed with my c-“
“crush.” she continues. “i knew. i liked you for a while too.”
you look away from her in embarrassment .
“i should be the one embarrassed , y’know. i just kissed you, remember?” she giggled.
“i don’t care. i’m sleeping.” you cover your face witht the blanket, hoping to cover your red rosy cheeks. she grabs the blanket and covers it over face too, revealing her own blushing face.
“let me be clear. i like- no.. i love you. do you feel the same?” she asks in a short moment of seriousness.
“stop acting serious. it freaks me out.” you laugh.
“hey! i’m not joking here!” she giggles as well. as your laughs fade, the room falls silent.
“..i do. now, let’s sleep.” you caress her face with your left hand, earning a smile from her.
“..okay. good night, love.” she replies before closing her eyes.
the last thought before you finally drift off to sleep was ‘i should definitely call those girls to say thanks’.
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h4njin · 2 years
karina — when i fall for you.
[gender neutral]
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the school bells ring; echoing through the halls, signaling the end of school for the week. your whole class sighs in relief, packing their bags.
“okay, kids. that’s all for today. enjoy your weekend.” the teacher dismisses the class; the students replying with their pessimistic greetings, tired from a week of school.
you look to your left, seeing karina still busy packing her bag. though, she suddenly pauses and turns around, facing you.
“can i come to your house today? let’s watch some netflix!”
“sure! let me just text my mom, hold on.”
you texted your mom letting her know that karina was coming in for a bit, to which she replied with a thumbs up emoji, making you chuckle.
“what did she say?” karina asks as she peers over your shoulder.
“yeah, let’s go.”
you and karina walk out of class, walking together back to your home.
you and her go way back, 10 years ago. it all started when your family first moved in to the neighborhood, and you (with just a tiny, tiny bit of help from your dear mother) made cookies for almost the whole neighborhood, where you happened to meet a little 7 year old karina.
ever since then, you and her have been best friends. you and her do practically everything together.
but karina has always viewed you as more than just that.
it started when you cheered her on as she did a presentation on front of the whole school, giving her the confidence to continue with her explanation, doing it flawlessly. ever since then she’s always noticed the little things you do for her.
case and point: when you’d put on her headphones as she’s sleeping in class to make sure she didn’t get woken up. or how you’d always bring her a coke after she finishes her weekly dance classes— or even simply when you’d lend her your hoodie when it’s a bit chilly outside.
she’s always felt like she hasn’t done all that much for you, even though you’re content with everything. sometimes she’d get insecure about the gifts she gets you for your birthdays even though you were perfectly happy with them.
today is the 10th anniversary of your friendship with her, (which, of course she kept track of. every. single. day.) she’d been thinking of this day for months— it was the perfect time to confess to you. a chilly november evening with you finally as her partner was everything she had always dreamed of. maybe even more.
karina had planned for everything for today. she could only hope it would go well.
“rina, we’re here,” you announce, breaking her out of her trance.
“oh— yeah. let’s go inside.” she takes off her cute sneakers, opening the door to your house to see a warm and cozy living space.
“it’s been a while since i’ve been here.” she says.
“true. it’s been a month. nothing’s really changed though. but my home feels better now that you’re back here.”
karina shyly smiles at your comment.
“anyway, what did you wanna watch so bad with me? or maybe.. did you miss me that bad? i’m honored,” you tease her.
“who knows? maybe i did miss you,” she grins.
“you’re acting all sappy now? gross,”
“you asked first.”
“i didn’t ask for you to be so corny.”
“whatever.” karina picks up the remote and turns it on, selecting netflix on the TV.
“seriously, what did you wanna watch?”
“it’s just this.. romance movie that just came out. you’ll see.” she scrolls around the app, finding the movie.
“when i.. fall for you? what’s it about?”
“it’s a love story about… two childhood friends.”
“just like us?”
“y-yeah.. just like us.” karina could feel the heat rising up to her cheeks.
“just play the movie!” you suddenly whisper in her ear, making her jump a bit.
“a-alright! you didn’t need to do that.”
she pressed the button on the remote, playing the movie.
“i’m actually pretty interested. it sounds like a fun concept.”
the movie starts, depicting a boy and a girl running around a field of grass, playing among themselves.
karina watches the movie intently, which didn’t go unnoticed by you. you saw her cutely biting her lips, with her big doe eyes glued to the screen. you chuckle at the sight.
the movie made you recall things that you did with her— things that you could never forget.
see, karina— she had never seemed to realize it, but you’ve always loved her. you love the way she subtly takes hold of your hand whenever she needs comfort (which was often). how she would giggle when you did something small for her— at first you didn’t know what the hell you were feeling. but after a whole night of reminiscing and thinking about her, you were sure it was love.
though, you weren’t sure if she felt the same.
halfway through the movie, karina had begun crying on your shoulder, crying at the fact that the main characters were being split apart by their homophobic parents; to which you could only smile at and gently caress her back.
“that— that’s horrible,” she says in between her sniffles. “i hate this movie!” she shouts.
after an hour, the movie ends; surprisingly happy, though bittersweet in some ways. karina could only look at you with her reddened eyes, glad that the movie finally ended.
“that was horrible,”
“that was great,” you reply, with a smile.
“it was both.” she says, a small frown in her lips.
she turns the TV off, stretching out her arms and legs in the process.
“do you wanna take a walk outside? it’s just 8 P.M.” she asks.
she quickly stands up, a bit dizzy from sitting for so long. you follow her from behind, opening the front door for her.
the instant you open the door, a breeze of cold fresh air enters your lungs, making you softly smile.
karina walks down the porch into the empty neighborhood road, with you following right behind again.
“the moon is really nice today.” you murmur.
“i wish it was like this everyday.” karina softly grabs the hem of your hoodie, playing with it.
“if it was like this everyday, wouldn’t moments like these feel less special?” you chuckle.
“hmm, you’re right.” she smiles. “..but you know what? i think… every moment with you is special.”
a moment of comfortable silence falls upon you and her.
but karina’s heart was beating faster than ever. now was the time. she just knew it.
karina plays with her fingers out of nervousness. every step matched with the beat of her heart. the butterflies—which previously lay still began to come alive in her stomach.
“um.. i uh.. i wrote this story a while back. i thought it was cute. would you like to hear it?”
“hmm? of course!” you smile at her.
she takes a deep breath.
“so.. there’s this girl and her best friend end. they’ve been best friends for.. a long, long time,”
“just like us?” you ask.
“just like us.” she reaffirms.
“her best friend has brown eyes and dark brown hair.”
“just like me..?” she nods.
“and— and the girl has black hair and light brown eyes, too. just like me.”
you gently smile.
“they have lots of fun together. they know each other’s family members well, they know each other’s friends well, they go to the same school, they have the same favorite foods and colors… just like us.”
you simply nod.
“but.. h-here’s the catch. the girl had always liked her best friend… a lot. no— not like. she’s always loved her best friend… since they were little.,”
you slowly raise an eyebrow.
“she… she loves the way her best friend looks at her, how her best friend treats her, how they would cheer her on and support her with anything she does. and— and she’d always notice the small things her best friend would do for her. it all makes her so happy that her friend cares about her that much.”
she pauses for a bit.
“so.. the girl wanted to tell her best friend that.. that she loves them. so much. more than they could ever imagine.”
your eyes widen.
“and.. yes. just— just like us.”
you grab her hand as she reaches out to yours.
“the girl wanted to tell her bestfriend that… that when she falls for.. you..even harder than she already is.. she wants you to grab her hand and jump in with her. together.”
you frantically embrace her in your arms.
you feel her tears wet the back of your hoodie; her soft sobs echoing in the night.
“karina.. i love you too. i’ve fallen for you too.”
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h4njin · 2 years
Cozy - liz
[gender neutral]
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- I just wanted you to hold me.
Meeting friends at school was always something you liked. You were definitely no extrovert, but the feeling of having fun with friends was just something else; and if nothing else you were just pretty good at socializing.
But when you found out that your partner for the social sciences project (which, of course had to be worth 40% of your grade) was liz, the class’ resident smug loner with amazing grades, you were absolutely terrified. You and her go way back, when she stood still watching you get bullied in 6th grade. That was nearly 5 years ago. Ever since, though, you’ve always been terribly intimidated by her.
See, the worst part about all this was the fact that she was just… ethereal. Her beautiful blonde hair comes down to just about her chest, her eyes were like black holes that could suck you into them, just like any celestial object near a real one. The way her face would slightly scrunch when thinking- don’t get it all wrong. You definitely weren’t crushing on her. But given enough time, you probably could. With all that in mind- you weren’t looking forward to working with her. Who knows what she might do? She might beat you up for getting some parts wrong.
Going to the library used to be a fun pastime. Now you’re standing in fear and anticipation, waiting for liz to arrive as you pace back and forth. Instead of waiting any longer, you decided you might as well go look for some nooks to use as reference material.
Walking to the sociology isle, you look around, seeing if something could be useful. looking up at the higher shelves, you find something interesting. You walk up to it and pick it up. The title of the book read, ‘outliers’ by an author named Malcolm Gladwell. You sit down and open it, skimming through the pages.
“Outliers..? That’s… that’s a good one.” Surprised, you look up to find liz, standing there with all of her glory. The sunlight through the window shining a light on her incredible features.
“Oh, uh… hello. I didn’t notice you arrived. Uhm.. should we.. get started?” You say with a stutter. To your surprise, liz replies with a smile, seeing her dimples for the first time ever. it was a sight to see, alright. “Yes. Let’s.”
You stand up, seeing the height difference between you and liz. You thought it was somewhat charming, how tall she was. Either way, liz held the sleeve of your school uniform, pulling you to the tables where she had set up her laptop on. You were surprised aut how chill she was with all this.
“So, uh, I’m not the best at sociology, so.. would you mind starting it off?” Liz grinned at your words. “Of course. I’ll.. try to do most of the work, so you can just help me with the smaller things.” The way she was speaking to you in a manner you thought she was incapable of, somehow made your heart flutter.
“By the way.. uh.. we haven’t talked at all this semester, right? Or, ever, really.” You nervously tried to instigate a conversation with her. Liz took her eyes off her laptop, eyeing you. “Oh. That’s right. Sorry, I’m… not much of a speaker. Hehe,” she awkwardly smiled. Somehow you found it cute. ‘No, wait, really? After what happened in 6th grade?’ You thought to yourself. Managing to pull yourself together, you begin to reply.
“No, it was my fault. Sorry.. I just.. found you a bit intimidating, liz.”
To your surprise, she looked down with just a hint of sadness inside her orbs. “Yeah, I know. I.. get that a lot. I just… can’t really make friends. Every time I try to talk, something always goes wrong.” You began to feel bad for her. “Well,” you fake cough. “You’re talking with me right now. I’ll be your friend, then.”
Suddenly, her eyes widened and she gasped with a smile, once again exposing her perfect dimples. “Wait, really?! I… I thought you hated me!” You were shocked at how different she was from your image of her. “Of course I didn’t! I was just… nervous to talk to you, that’s.. all.” That was sort of a lie. You were trying to avoid her, back then. Liz then giggled for a few seconds before trying to compose herself.
but.. something you never expected happened. “Oh. God. Wow. I… I finally found a friend… mom…” suddenly… her eyes began to get wet, making your eyes widen. She then finally broke down in tears. “Liz! Are you.. okay…?” You began to see a small smile forming in her lips. “I’m… I’m sorry. It’s just.. you’re… you’re my first ever friend in so, so long. Ever since my mom moved to America, I’ve never really found the courage to look for a friend… but.. here you are.”
You began to feel a pang in your chest, making you frown. you stood up from your seat and walked over to hers. With a bit of unfounded confidence, you slowly reached out your arm to her head and patted it. “Liz, it’s okay. Everything’s okay now. I’ll.. I’ll be your friend.”
Liz chuckled at your words, wiping her tears. “You sound.. a lot like my mom.” You smile. “Thank you… I’ve been alone for so long. Let’s… let’s be friends.”
She took your hand off her head and held it tight. She looked into your eyes, smiling deeply- making you a bit shy. With her eyes wet with tears and her dimples peeking out, it made you shy all of a sudden. Though, you reply with a shy smile.
liz took a big breath, inhaling and exhaling. She seemed to be trying to compose herself. “Okay. Well.. we got a bit off track there.” She grinned. “we did, didn’t we?” You joke, making her happily laugh. “Then.. let’s.. get back on track, shouldn’t we, friend?” She smiles as she stares into your eyes.
“Of course, friend.”
- Baby, we could just get cozy.
Ever since that day at the library, you felt a lot more comfortable with liz. You noticed yourself looking at liz in class more- which would not go unnoticed by her. She would always look back at you, giving you her signature cute smile and a wave, which would never fail to make you a bit flustered.
One might even say you were getting fonder and fonder of her as the days pass by. But you didn’t mind any of that now, since you’re too busy worrying about the fact that you’re going to liz’s house for the project later today, after school ends.
Earlier, liz had decided that in order to become better friends, one must first visit the other’s house (you being the powerless friend who tags along with her shenanigans, could only say yes) although you question her logic, you didn’t mind. It’d be a fun experience. Except for the fact that you’re going to some girl’s house just a week after becoming friends. But everything’s gonna be fine, right?
The school bell rings, snapping you out of your thoughts. You glance at liz, only to see her already looking at you with a grin on her face. ‘We’re going now?’ You mouth at her, which she replies with a small nod. You sigh and get up from your seat.
Walking out of class, liz follows behind you as you both walk to the school gates.
“Is someone picking us up or.. do we have to walk?” You ask liz.
“Uhm.. my… um.. butler is coming. I think she’ll arrive in a bit.” Liz whispers.
“Butler?” You ask surprised.
“Yes. My butler. She’s nice, don’t worry.” Liz raises her hand, giving you a thumbs up. ’That’s adorable,’ you thought. You raise yours, giving her a pat on the head. “You’re so cute.” you mutter with a small grin. Liz could feel heat rising up to her cheeks. “S-stop that..”
Before you could reply, you saw a black car stop by the school gates. Shiny and new looking, you were surprised to see a nice car pull up to the school.
“That’s… our ride.” Liz explained. “Tell me again why I’ve never seen you in this?” You question her with a bit of disbelief. “Well.. I always wanted to make the first time a friend has ever visited my house.. just a bit more special,” She explains with a smile. “And you’re the first one.”
The car windshield opens to reveal a smiling 40-something looking year old woman, which you presume was liz’s butler. “Dang,” you exclaim. “Your butler’s pretty cool,”
“I know right. Let’s go!” Liz grabs your arm, pulling you with her as she runs to the car, the door opening on its own. Liz enters the car, with you following shortly after. The trip to liz’s house wasn’t a quiet one like you had expected, liz’s (actually 67 year old) butler was a joy to be around.
As the car takes a left turn in the road, a mansion that was then superimposed by a legion of trees covering it reveals itself. “We’re here!” Liz remarks.
The car stops infant of the gate of the house, dropping you and liz off. She opens the gates with her face, signaling to you that the gates had Face ID thingamajigs installed on them, adding just a tiny bit to your disbelief. Liz opens the door to the actual mansion. “Come on in!”
The interior of the house looked and felt just as extravagant as the house looked from the outside- maybe even more so. But you shrugged all those thoughts off, as you and her were here just to work on the sociology project once more. “Liz, where should we do the project?”
“In my room, of course! Where else?”
“Oh, yeah, that’s obv- wait, what?!” You whisper-shouted at her, careful not to make too much noise in a home that’s not yours.
“Oh, come on! It’s no big deal. My room is nice!” She explains.
“No, I mean- you know what, never mind. Yeah, let’s.. go to your room.” You give up.
“Mm!” She hums in approval. She leads the way to her room, making her way up the stairs into the second floor, where her room is a sharp left next to the staircase. As she opens her room, you were greeted by a bedroom filled with pink themed items, which somehow added to liz’s charm even more. She walks in, encouraging you to walk in after her.
“Here. We can sit on the floor. I’ll just drag that little table over there.”
As you sit on the floor, you couldn’t help but notice how nice her room looked and felt. “Your room’s really pretty, liz,” you commented.
“Aww, thanks!”
“Just like the owner of it, in fact.” You continue, making liz giggle. She pulls out her laptop from her drawing, placing it on the table that she had pulled earlier. You open your backpack filled with sociology reference books, taking them out.
Liz eyes you with a determinate look. “Alright, let’s do this!” You could only smile at how cute her gesture of pumping her fist to the sky was.
After hours of cooperating and teamwork, you were exhausted. You could see liz was too, judging on how she was lying on the ground with a popsicle stick from her mini fridge. You sigh. “Should we stop for today? It’s getting dark anyway,” you check your phone, the clock reading 05:48.
“Hmm… no. you should stick around for a bit. Let’s have fun!” She turns on the TV in her room, which conveniently had a karaoke system jacked up to it, surprising you. “See, there’s this song I’ve been addicted to for a while now. It’s called.. rest. By Yerin Baek. It’s about being tired after a day of hard work. Just like us right now, right?” Liz excitedly explains. You could only make ‘ooh’ sounds, nodding.
Liz starts the song, which started off with a countdown to help the singers get ready. A handy function of the karaoke system, you thought.
“Ready?” Liz asks, which you reply with a small hum.
The song starts, with piano chords, with liz beginning to sing.
And to you, that moment was just.. something else. By the time you had realized this, liz had started singing with her angelic voice, accompanied with the simple instrumental of the song. The way her dimples showed as she sang made your heart go haywire. ‘Was she always this insanely pretty?’ You thought. But you knew the answer to that. It was, of course, yes.
Liz continued singing with her voice that felt like you were touching the clouds, with how soft it was. Liz then turns her head, looking at you while she continues her performance. Something about that moment… it made you feel happy. Sad. Nostalgic. Most of all… cozy. The combination of the setting sun’s blaze from the window lighting up liz’s face, along with her pretty face and voice.. it made your heart melt.
The song ends, with liz exhaling. You couldn’t help but clap, flustering liz. “Was.. was I really that good?” She asked shyly, a blush rising up to her cheeks. “That was amazing! Wow, I’m all refreshed now. That was great,” you compliment her, making her giggle. “Now, let’s sing together.” She declared. It took you a while before finding a song you could sing to, which liz thought was cute. You ended up singing tons of songs with her.
Without realizing it, it was pitch black outside. Liz was sitting right beside you, facing the TV, taking breaths of air. “That… was fun.” She manages to utter in between her breaths. “For sure,” you smile. You open your phone, only to find that it was 9 past 37 P.M., shocking you. You hadn’t realize it’d been that long since you came into liz’s house. “Liz, it’s pretty late now. What should I do?” You ask with a tiny amount of worry in your voice. “Oh! Uhm.. I’m sorry, I kept you for so long..” She replies sadly, making you chuckle. “It’s okay, liz.” You caress her hair, making her cheeks red.
Suddenly, thunder struck, making liz jump.
“So it rained…?” You frowned. It’ll be really hard to get home now.
“Umm.. you can.. stay here for the night if you want,” liz offered.
You sigh. You debated on just walking home with an umbrella, or with a bus, but with this type of visibility, those options could be dangerous. In the end you settled with staying at liz’s home for the night. “I think I might have to, liz.”
“Agh!” Thunder strikes again, making liz jump into your arms.
You laugh. “Besides, I think you might need company,” you joke, which liz replies with a pout. “Alright, I’ll tell my parents first. It’s the weekend tomorrow anyway.”
The rest of the night was spent with you and liz playing animal crossing on her switch, which she connected to her TV. With the rain still pouring hard, the thunder and lightning made liz occasionally jump, which made you laugh.
After a while, you yawned, signaling to liz that it was time for bed. She turned off the TV, and you decided to sleep on the couch in the corner of her room. Liz tucked herself into bed after doing her nightly routines.
Minutes pass with complete silence between you and liz, aside from the ‘good night’s from earlier. Suddenly, thunder strikes again, with liz making an indescribable sound, making you laugh a bit. “You okay, liz?” You whisper to her. “Yeah. Yeah. I’m… I’m fine.”
Once again, the sound of thunder echoes through the night sky, making liz shout. she sits up from her sleeping position. You wipe your eyes and yawn. With the lights in her room off, it was hard to make out what type of expression she was making.
“Hey, uh.. do you.. wanna.. sleep beside me.. maybe..?” Liz awkwardly asks with a smile. You sleepily walk away from the couch with liz’s bolster, approaching her bed. You quietly slip yourself beside her, with a small amount of distance between you and her.
Liz finally gained some peace of mind seeing you beside her.
She drops back into a sleeping position beside you, murmuring the words ‘thank you’.
You turn to her side in a face to face position, barely visible with darkness covering her and yet- she was still so beautiful with her eyes closed, making you smile a bit.
At that moment, she felt like home to you.
- Had enough of all the years I was spending with myself.
Recently, liz has been feeling… not herself. And even stranger, all of the things she’s been feeling lately have been connected to you.
Case in point: recently she’d always feel her face heat up every time you’d look at her in class with a smile. And it’s been happening a lot, to liz’s dismay. ‘I must be sick or something. It’ll probably go away in a while.’ She thought. Then she’d take a look at you focusing on your assignment again and she’d feel it all over again.
Or that time a few days ago when you picked her up for a piggyback ride to the bus stop. She couldn’t understand what she felt at the time, when she felt her cheeks burn up and her stomach start to ache a little. But somehow… she didn’t exactly hate it either.
She liked how you made her feel.
Today was the last day of you and liz working together for the sociology assignment, since you and her were almost finished. Liz decided to do the assignment at the school library again.
But liz- she felt strange about it. She felt like should be happy to get it over with. And yet… it was almost as if she felt sad about not being able to work with you anymore. No more important reason for you and her to meet up again everyday after school.
Brushing all that aside, she walks out of the class feeling determined to finally finish the most important assignment of the year. You follow behind liz, with your backpack sling on only one of your shoulders, her laptop with the whole assignment on it in your other hand.
It had been 2 weeks since you first became friends with liz, with every single day since then being full of your misadventures with her. Liz’s sudden entry into your life was a surprise, albeit a welcome one. You’ve had the time of your life doing this assignment with her. Now it was time to end it.
Arriving at the school library, you and liz sit down at one of the chairs in the corner of the room, near a big window, where the 3 p.m. sunlight passes through. You lay down her laptop on the table, and your backpack on the ground.
“Alright! Let’s finish this!’ You exclaim.
“..yeah.” liz timidly replies, which did not go unnoticed by you.
“Liz, something wrong? You’re a bit less enthusiastic today.”
“Well… it’s nothing really. Let’s just.. get on with it.”
You sensed something off about her demeanor today. “No, tell me what’s wrong first.”
Liz takes a deep, long sigh. “I mean.. we’re basically done with this assignment. After this is finished.. there’s no reason for us to hangout anymore.. right?” She didn’t realize it, but her lips were poking out in a pout, making you giggle.
“Ya- why are you laughing..” Her eyes begin to glimmer, tears threatening to fall, making you panic.
“Ah- no, no, no, no. liz, listen.. you know we can just hangout normally after this is done.. right? We can go to cafes, amusement parks, the mall.. there’s lots of places we can go to.” Liz’s ears begin to perk up like a kitty.
“We can.. do that?” Her cheeks sink in, revealing her deep dimples; one of your favorite things about her. You chuckle at how adorable she looked. “Of course we can. Now, do you wanna finish this?”
Liz couldn’t contain her happiness.
You and her spent several hours finishing off the project, her finalizing all the details and you typing all of the rest of the words in on her laptop. You shared your earphones with her the whole time, your phone playing your favorite playlist which she enjoyed as well.
“And.. that’s it. We’re done!” Liz submits the assignment on the google classroom. “Finally!” You stretch out your arms, sore from all the typing you did today. you lay your head down on the table, getting some rest.
“You’re not sleeping there, are you?” Liz asks with a laugh. “Nope. Just for a bit.” You turn your head to face liz, your head still stuck to the table.
You see liz looking at you with a smile, the sunset orange hue from the window hitting her skin, doing nothing but help her features look even more beautiful than it already did.
It made your cheeks heat up, with how picturesque this moment was. Like It was from a romantic high school movie. Well, if it was, you’d never want it to end.
“Something on my face?” Liz tilted her head to the side like a cat, curious.
“Yeah. Beauty.” Liz giggles cutely. “That was cheesy but I meant it.”
“Ah.. really?” Liz shyly smiles. she looks outside of the window seeing the city skyline outlined by the red glare of the sun, the sky a pretty mix of orange, purple and blue.
in liz’s mind.. it came up again. You. Her question that she’s been wondering for a while now. After some thought.. it seemed like she had found the answer.
Suddenly, she took a big breath.
“Hey, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course,” You answer. You see liz’s orbs wander all around the room, seemingly avoiding yours, making you a little curious.”
“Why… why do I feel.. so weird when I’m with you?” Her question confused you.
“What do you mean?” You reluctantly asked.
“I… don’t know. You just simply make me feel cozy. Whenever I’m with you it almost feels like my problems disappear and I’m always smiling. And my stomach hurts too.. my cheeks feel hot. I like how you make me feel.. and.. I just can’t explain it.”
You instantly sit up, your eyes widening with shock. “Liz.. do you know what that means…?”
Liz slowly nods her head, her cheeks burning crimson red. She pulls your hand into hers, intertwining her fingers with yours.
“I’ve thought about it for a while and I think I know the answer to that question.” Liz smiles, her expression a tiny bit melancholic. To you— that moment felt like it was misplaced from time itself; frozen.
“I… think I’ve fallen for you.”
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h4njin · 2 years
Gaeul — Midnight Love
ft. Jang Wonyoung
[male reader]
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kim gaeul.
gaeul and you have lived next to each other for almost your whole lives. it all started almost 10 years ago, when she moved into the house next to yours in the neighbourhood. since then, you’ve been friends with her.
there was one thing special about gaeul’s friendship with you. every saturday, gaeul and you would hang out in a field of grass a few hundred meters away from the neighborhood. there, gaeul and you just did whatever both of you wanted to do. sometimes it was a night-time picnic while watching the sky, sometimes you would read books together, even if it was hard to read in the dark. and sometimes, gaeul and you would just talk. gaeul—being older, naturally had more life experience than you, so sometimes she would just listen to your stories and dish out advice.
gaeul had always liked the fact that you really cared for her. being that she’s not the most outgoing person, finding more friends was a challenge for her. but that didn’t matter to her, since she had you. her best friend.
…but at the same time, she absolutely despised you. she hated how you always made her feel. she didn’t like how your fingers would accidentally brush up to hers, how her shoulders would occasionally bump into yours, how you would give her flowers from your mom’s personal garden; it all made her sick to her stomach. it made her feelings for you grow stronger every passing week. at some point in time, you weren’t just her ‘little brother’ anymore. nevertheless, gaeul would always act as normal as possible around you.
— just a biker
it was a friday, just like any other. gaeul had woken up for her sleep at around 6 o’clock in the morning. she did her daily routine— which would include her screaming out her window (which was right next to yours). once you woke up, you would quickly get ready and wait for her outside her house. gaeul would take a bit longer than you to get ready for school; mostly because she’s a bit of a slow eater.
today, though, she went to your house.
“ya, why are you taking so long?!” gaeul shouted in front of your house.
“wait! hold on,” you replied hurrily. you step out of your front door, chewing on the breakfast your mom had made you.
“honey, be careful! gaeul, take care of him for me, okay?” your mom asked gaeul.
“okay!” gaeul replied. gaeul had always been close to your mom, her practically going over to your house almost everyday.
as you both were walking to school, gaeul had noticed something on your face; a small grain of rice from earlier.
“wait,” you stopped in your tracks.
“what’s up?”
she tiptoed on her feet, almost reaching your height. gaeul reacher her arm out to your face, brushing over the small grain of rice.
“there we go.” gaeul smiled.
gaeul and you continued walking. deep inside her heart-rate was skyrocketing, even though she was playing it off well.
“why is your face red?” you nonchalantly ask.
the panic in gaeul’s face was evident. “oh, uh, it’s just.. i’m a bit tired. i pulled an all-nighter.” she didn’t of course, but she’d never tell you that.
“oh! here, let me carry your bag then,” you said. “you shouldn’t pull an all-nighter too often, you know. what if you’re too tired for our saturday night?” you shrug off one strap of your bag, grabbing gaeul’s and putting the strap on your free shoulder.
gaeul’s blush was only getting stronger. “y-ya, just leave it be, i’m fine—“
she was cut off by you pulling her in for almost a hugging position. if not for your bag, your bodies would have been touching.
gaeul’s heart felt as if it was going to pop out her chest. ‘wh-what? why did he—‘
“jesus christ, are you okay? are people riding bikes really that stupid?” you scowl. the biker that had just passed by started biking faster, leaving you, with gaeul in your arms.
she bit her cheeks. it was just a crazy biker. nonetheless, she was happy you saved her. “i’m okay.” ‘i’m not,’ she thought. ‘no more skinship, please.’ she internally squealed.
you sigh. “okay. let’s go, noona.”
gaeul nods. the rest of the walk to school was filled with gaeul silently staring at you.
the school bells ring, signaling school has ended. gaeul picked up her bag, leaving her class. you, being a few years younger than her, weren’t in the same class as her. you stood in front of gaeul’s class.
“oh, wonyoung noona! hi!”
“oh, hi! you’re picking up gaeul, right? she’s packing her stuff.” wonyoung replied nonchalantly.
“oh, and also,” you turn your head around, facing her. “i’ll make some tonkatsu for you on monday. i hope you’re gonna like it.” she whispers to you. you gave her a thumbs up and a smile.
“ya! i’m done!” gaeul shouts at you from inside the classroom.
“bye!” wonyoung waves goodbye at you, and you reply with a big, happy smile.
“what’s up?” gaeul approaches you, curiously.
“wow, wonyoung noona is so cute,”
gaeul frowns at you, nudging you with her elbow. “i’m kidding! anyway, maybe tomorrow we should bring some new books! let’s read in the field, i’ll buy some new
books tomorrow morning,”
gaeul’s sour face turns into a smile. “that’d… be fun, actually!” she replied.
the following walk home was filled with you and gaeul talking about which snacks to bring for saturday.
— saturday night… love?
saturday night. 10 P.M. gaeul was getting ready just for you.
‘what should i… wear?’ she thought.
it had just dawned on her that she’s started overthinking about the little things, like the outfit she wears every saturday, or how good her hair looked, or how red her lips should be, just in case you pay even a bit of attention.
her parents have gotten used to the weekly meetups, even encourage it (gaeul once cried about not having many friends), happy that their daughter was hanging out with a friend that they trusted completely.
on the other hand, you were busy packing the books you had bought earlier in the mall. you were broke now, but that didn’t matter. it was all to spend time with her. you had bought several different books, mostly of the romance genre, since you knew it was gaeul’s favourite.
after a while gaeul had left her house, walking to yours. she entered your house with a spare key that your parents gave her. she walked up the stairs, leading her to the door of your room. she was about to begin knocking, until she heard something from the other side of the door.
“….do i like her…?”
gaeul was speechless. ‘was he talking about me…?’ she smiled.
‘but…. what if it’s not…?’
suddenly, the door opens; revealing you. gaeul’s eyes flickered, her thoughts suddenly interrupted.
“oh, noona, you’re here! are you ready? let’s go.” you began picking up a big bag, filled with new books.
“o-oh, uh.. yeah, let’s go,” gaeul was conflicted.
gaeul and you began walking to the field where so many memories were made between you two. but she was obviously distracted. something was in her
…were you talking about her?
maybe you were just talking about someone else you liked. after all, you were younger than her. what if you liked younger girls, instead of someone 2 years older? even if you liked older girls, could it be her?
for one, gaeul has never been confident in herself. she had always perceived you to be the more outspoken out of you both. who knows? maybe you do like her. but in her head, she thought it was unlikely that her annoying feelings for you would ever be reciprocated. her unwelcome thoughts were overstaying its welcome.
without realising it, gaeul and you had arrived. she was still spacing out, though. you immediately put the bag down, sitting beside it on the grass.
“tonight’s really pretty,” you mused. “c’mon, sit, noona!”
“o-oh.. yeah,” gaeul snapped out of her trance, sitting beside you. you started zipping open the bag, taking out a book.
“what’s the book we’re reading?” gaeul peered from the side of your shoulder. “she likes spring… i prefer.. winter?” she thought it was an interesting title.
“it’s about someone who has a crush on this girl. his friend is trying to set him up with her”, you explained. “it’s apparently supposed to be friends to lovers.” gaeul choked. while she wasn’t trying to set you up with anybody, she was curious about the ‘friends to lovers’ trope. she had seen similar things happening in her favorite netflix romance shows. similar to the certain scenarios gaeul had made up about you.
“ahem,” you cleared your throat, gaining gaeul’s attention once more.
you started reading the book that you had picked up. while listening to you though, she couldn’t help but once again gaze at your features. she had always thought the details of your face weren’t things that were easy to ignore.
“i can keep you warm ‘til spring comes,”
hours passed by, with you just reading the book; finally finishing it. you look to your side, seeing gaeul putting her head on your shoulder, struggling to stay awake. gaeul yawns. you hear a notification from your phone, prompting you to pick it up. it was a message.
“who’s that…?” gaeul had noticed that you were smiling like an idiot, staring at the phone. “um.. it’s.. no one.” gaeul frowned. “don’t lie to me now,” she snatched the phone from your hand, seeing the contact name ‘zzang wonyoung noona’ on the screen. her face began to turn sour. “oh.. you talk with her now?” you were a bit confused. “yeah. i do. it’s nothing serious though.” gaeul sighed. “whatever. i’m tired.”
after a bit of peaceful silence, she began to yawn again. “noona, scoot over for a bit,” you start taking out two sleeping bags, for you and her to sleep here. even if it wasn’t that far away from home, it was nice to just sleep in a bit of nature.
you laid down the sleeping bags, gaeul getting into one of them. you specifically brought the pink one, her favorite color.
“good night, noona,” you were about to drift off to sleep.
gaeul though, suddenly remembered what happened earlier in front of your door. “good night.”
minutes pass by in silence, yet gaeul couldn’t shake away the thoughts. it was eating at her inside. maybe she had misheard you?
“….still awake?” gaeul asks you, in a sort of whisper-shout. “..yeah. what’s up?”
“what’s wrong, noona?”
“this might be a weird question, but… do you have someone you like? just… tell me. if it’s a girl.. or maybe a guy, if you swing that way.” gaeul hesitantly asks.
it took you a while to think up a response. “i think i do, actually. just.. not sure if she likes me back. you might or might not know her. what about you, noona?” as you turn your head to face her sleeping bag, you see gaeul with both of her eyes nearly closed, lips just shy of curling up to a frown. you gently move part of her hair covering her face, smiling. you go back to a laying position, getting ready to fall asleep.
“..i do.” you hear gaeul mutter in her sleep. tears were building up in her eyes. that part though, you didn’t see.
— i can’t be your midnight love.
the weekend came and went by just as fast. monday had arrived, and with it— school.
gaeul couldn’t stop thinking about the events that had happened 2 days prior. she couldn’t get her mind off of the fact that you had a crush;
‘and it probably isn’t me.’ she thought.
“gaeul noona!” you shouted in front of her house, gaining her attention. “hold on!” she replies with equally as much energy.
she lazily got out of bed and went to her bathroom, getting ready. after eating some of her mom’s cooking, she went out the door, greeted with fresh air and your smile.
“let’s go, noona!”
the following walk to the school was quiet. far from awkward, though; atleast in your opinion.
the reality was gaeul didn’t know what to say. since saturday she’s fallen even harder for you. the way you tucked her into bed, the way you read out the romance book— it was starting to drive her crazy. but in her mind knowing that you probably didn’t like her was going to drive her insane.
arriving at school, gaeul and you went your separate ways for now.
at school, gaeul tried her best to distract herself. ‘something’s gotta work,’ she thought. but the truth was her mind kept wandering back to the way your eyes glowed in the moonlight. knowing it was pointless, gaeul gave up.
“kim gaeul!”
gaeul jumped. her history teacher walked to her desk, face frowning.
“y- yes, miss?” gaeul hastily replied. “why have you been spacing off so much lately? what’s on your mind? your grades have been consistently dropping, you know.”
“i-is that true, miss..? i’m sorry.. i’ll try to do better from now on,” gaeul was incredibly embarrassed. not only was she caught spacing off, her grades had been dropping too. “i would hope so; you’re gonna need those grades, kim gaeul.” the whole class had begun staring at gaeul, making gaeul shrink into her seat. tears were threatening to fall. her cheeks started heating up and her fists unconsciously started to clench— this was her worst fear; being called out in front of people.
“y-yes… miss…”
the school bell suddenly rang, practically saving gaeul. class was dismissed; giving her room to breathe. before the teacher left, she decided to give gaeul one last stare, as if to warn her. she sighed in her seat. sweat dripping down her face, a single tear fell. she was terrified. she tried to keep herself composed, standing up from her chair. she walked to the restroom to wash her face.
coming out of the restroom, her stomach growled. needless to say, she walked to the cafeteria to get some food. after all of that, she thought she deserved it. she wanted to eat in the roof of the school, to get away from everybody for a while— you included. her thinking about you was the reason she got into this mess, afterall. she thought she could have some time for herself.
well, that was until gaeul found you in the rooftop with her classmate, jang wonyoung, feeding you her homemade food. you looked pretty happy too, smiling while wonyoung’s food entered your mouth. gaeul almost dropped her tray of food. her legs became weak. almost falling down herself. she put down her tray on the ground and began slowly back off to the stairs, making sure you and wonyoung didn’t notice her barging into the scene.
walking down the stairs, gaeul felt tears dropping down her face once more. she swiftly wiped her tears with the sleeve of her uniform. perhaps it was the fact that you, her ultimate crush, was hanging out alone with a girl gaeul barely knew that made her cry. or maybe it was the fact that you had unintentionally made her day absolute hell. and yet she knew none of it was actually your fault— you didn’t know her mind was always thinking of you, distracting her from school. you didn’t know she liked you that much that the sight of you with another girl pained her heart that much. gaeul chalked it up to all of it being her fault. the fact that she liked— no, loved you.
with her crouching on the ground, hands wrapped around her head, she decided on something; to try and stop loving you. it was beginning to get too troublesome for her. ‘it’s not right to like your own best friend anyway,’ she thought.
after school ended, gaeul rushed out of school, trying to get back home as soon as possible.
“noona!” she froze. she almost turned her head to face you, just out of habit.
but she decided she didn’t want to face you after… earlier. she ran away, not even looking back at you. you were obviously confused. she had never done that before. you two used to always go to and from school together. in your 10 years of being friends with her, she had never acted such a way before. you chalked it up to her maybe being tired. you walked back home, kicking tiny rocks down the road, feeling a bit… sad.
the next day wasn’t any better for you. when you walked to her house, gaeul’s mom told you she went to school earlier, alone. confused, you began walking to school alone again.
you texted gaeul to no response either. with how her profile picture disappeared, it seems like she had blocked your number, confusing you even further than before. you thought of what you could have done wrong, finding nothing of significance. for now.. you thought of simply giving her space.
— i hope that the right time one day arrives.
it was friday and things didn’t even begin to get better. gaeul was still ignoring you, and pretending that you didn’t exist. she even told her mom that she didn’t want to talk to you, so barging into her house was something you didn’t consider an option. you were starting to get annoyed, though. 10 years of friendship and she didn’t want to talk about what the problem was? it wasn’t like you were kids anymore. even back when you both were kids if there was a problem, you’d simply talk it out with her and make up. this, though, was a whole different beast. it was like she was doing everything in her power to push you out of her life and you had no. idea. why.
“ya! you’ve been blanking out a lot lately. are you okay?” wonyoung called out to you.
“…i don’t know. i think my best friend hates me now,” you didn’t know why you were telling her this, but you felt like you needed to tell someone.
“gaeul? from my class, right?” wonyoung gave you a small smile. “yeah. are you friends with her?”
“well… not exactly. it’s not like i don’t want to be friends with her, she just didn’t seem like the person who wanted friends, per se. anyway, what’s the deal with you and her?”
“we’ve been friends for 10 years. but then suddenly she doesn’t talk to me for a week? does that even make any sense? we used to talk to each other about problems. she’s not.. usually like this.” you sighed.
“it’s okay.. eventually you two will talk. um.. let me know if there’s maybe something i can help with!” with a small laugh, she held onto your hand with hers. “no, it’s okay noona. this is my problem.” you reassure her, grinning. “thank you, though.” she stares into your eyes with a shy smile on her face.
“anyway, i brought some food again today. you wanna try? i made jjajangmyeon for you today,” she took out a container out of her school bag, chopsticks tied on top of it with an elastic band. she opened it, taking a small portion with her chopsticks, aiming it at your mouth. she motions with her other hand, telling you to open your mouth. you oblige.
“ah- that’s really good, noona!” you ate the spoonful of jjajangmyeon with a big smile. wonyoung tried to hide her blush, looking down on the ground. “thank you, i tried a new recipe for you today,” she smiled. she picked up her fork and fed you another bite.
while she was feeding you, though, a thought popped into your mind. “but… wonyoung noona, why do you keep bringing me food and taking me to the rooftop? it’s been a while,” you asked curiously.
she took a moment to think. “umm.. i’ll tell you if.. you tell me something first.”
“okay… shoot me a question.”
“do you… have a crush?”
you blush. you thought back to the question gaeul asked almost a week ago. “well…. i do.” you squirm. “now, for my question, noona!”
“no fair! who is it?!”
“that wasn’t your question! just answer mine now.”
wonyoung began to purse her lips. she put down her chopsticks and sighs.
“listen.. i think.. i really like you. do you want to be mine?”
you choked on the food she gave you.
“oh no! are you okay?” wonyoung took out her bottle of water, and gave it to you to drink.
“ugh.. sorry.. that.. took me by surprise,” you were obviously shaken by her sudden confession, but you did your best to act it off.
after a moment to breathe, you decided it was time to reply.
“noona, can you… give me some time to think about it..?”
“of course. i thought it was… pretty sudden anyway,” she blushed once more, her heat reaching almost up to her ears.
the atmosphere, of course, began to quickly become awkward.
“n-noona, why do you like me, though..? i’m just me and, well, to be frank, you’re one of the most popular seniors in our school.”
“…well, i can’t exactly point out why i like you so much. but.. you just make me feel some type of way. when i’m with you, in this rooftop, it just feels like all of my worries go away. i just feel.. comfortable with you. you’re like.. my home. hehe.”
wonyoung takes your hand, making you take a sharp breath.
“i hope you feel the same way. if you don’t.. then i’ll just make you feel the same way. eventually.”
“..okay, noona.”
the bell rings, interrupting the intimate moment— saving your heart from even more trouble.
“let’s go back to class.” she helps you up, taking your hand into hers.
the school day ends with you saying goodbye to wonyoung in front of the gates.
while walking home, you caught a glimpse of the person that’s been avoiding you this whole week. your own bestfriend, kim gaeul. you waste no time by dashing all the way to the other side of the road.
“gaeul noona! wait!” you hold her arm, stopping any chance of her escaping your grip. she kept trying to run away. eventually, she gave up, knowing there was no point in trying to escape.
“i know. i know that you probably have a lot of questions. but, please... i’m not ready yet.” she holds your arm, pulling it off of hers.
you sigh. “okay, tell me when you’re ready to tell me, okay? just like when we were kids.”
“i wish we could go back to when we were kids.” she whispers.
“noona, please, tell me everything tomorrow. you know the place and time.”
gaeul just walks away, leaving you alone.
— i keep going back for more when there’s nothing from before.
saturday. 11 P.M.
you put on a hoodie and walked over to the field of grass where you and gaeul would always hang out in. on the way, you took notice of gaeul’s house. how her room’s curtains were closed, when they would usually be open. you looked at the moon, the only thing that knows everything, all 10 years of events that took place in that field of grass. it accompanied you and gaeul as you two grew into high school students.
as you arrive, you wait, in the hopes that gaeul would show up. you stare into the night sky, waiting. eventually you open your phone, checking the time. 12 P.M.
“hey,” you turn around to see the person you’ve been waiting for. “noona,”
she sits down on the grass beside you, but keeping a bit of distance. it was as if an invisible wall had suddenly appeared between you and her.
“noona… why haven’t you been talking to me this whole week? did i do something wrong?”
“no, you didn’t.”
“then why are you—“
“i don’t know.”
“please, noona. just tell me what’s wrong!” you were beginning to get angry. “just tell me why you’re so angry at m—“
“you wanna know why i’m fucking angry? i love you, okay? and you like wonyoung!”
you froze.
“noona.. i… don’t like wonyoung!”
“it didn’t seem like it when she was feeding you her homemade food in the rooftop!”
you stayed quiet.
“i knew it.”
“gaeul noona.. i don’t know what to say….”
“then don’t say anything.” you grabbed her arm.
“noona, wait… please don’t leave me…”
she turns around to face you, tears building up in her eyes, reflecting the moonlight.
“you… you like wonyoung.. don’t you..?”
“noona.. i don’t know…. she confessed to me yesterday.”
gaeul suddenly felt her legs go weak. she falls down, unable to contain her sadness. this was what she had dreaded so, so much— losing you to someone else.
“noona,” you crouched down, attempting to comfort her. you had never seen gaeul in such a state. after 10 years, you didn’t expect to see something new from her.
“please… i love you.. don’t leave me,”
“noona, i..” she begins to hold your hand, hugging you.
“i love you.”
gaeul’s eyes began to widen. she had just heard the 3 words she had wanted to hear for so long.
“but.. gaeul noona, i don’t love you like that.”
you give her a sad smile.
her heart pains hearing you finish the sentence. in the end, the 3 words she always wanted to hear is but a part of a sentence that she feared so much. she was devastated. and yet— she was relieved. she had atleast gotten an answer, even if it wasn’t one she wanted, but she did expect.
she took a deep breath. “..i know,” gaeul let go of your hand.
“i know that you like wonyoung, not me. i knew that i never had a chance. but i’m glad i atleast… got the chance to confess.” she paused for a few seconds.
“can we.. still be friends.. after this?” she was nervous.
“only if you want, noona.” you smile at her, with melancholy. “but i’m sorry that i don’t feel… the same way.”
“no, it’s okay. i understand now.” she took a while to stare at the moon, which was a full circle tonight. beautiful— exactly like you, in her mind.
“can we just… stay like this for tonight…?”
“of course, noona.” you stay with her, gaining a new understanding for your… best friend.
— close, but not your favourite.
monday comes once again, this one…
different than the rest.
but now you think you know how to respond to wonyoung’s confession.
you do love her.
last saturday, gaeul told you that she wanted a bit of space, just for her to move on. but after that, you and her will go back to normal. ‘hopefully.’ that was the word she used. it saddened you a lot— but what else could be done?
you walked to school alone, even if it felt weird. even after all that, you still missed gaeul. arriving exactly as the bell rang, you sprint to class.
recess begins, and as as the teacher starts to leave; you see the face you’ve been dreading to see the most today— jang wonyoung; as of today, the love of your life.
“ya! let’s go! i made some kimbab for you today!”
you smile. “okay, noona.”
“say aaah,” she picks up a roll, feeding you. you chew, fidgeting while at it.
“hmm.. something’s off. you’re a bit quiet today. did something happen..?” she looked a bit worried, making you flutter a bit. truth be told, this was what made you fall for her.
“..noona, can i tell you something..?”
“of course! what is it?”
“gaeul noona… confessed to me on saturday.”
she dropped her chopsticks she was holding. she looks down, thinking she had lost you to her.
“…ah..? is that so?” her face coloured with disappointment, it was obvious she was sad. but you— you’re smiling. “but, noona.. i rejected her.” she looks up in surprise, yet painted with curiousity. you held her hand, which was trembling.
“noona, the one i love is you,” you smile. “…can i be yours..?”
her face gradually beams with a big smile. she hugs you tight, tears of joy building up in her eyes.
“y- yes! of course, i… i love you!”
gaeul looks up to the sky, sitting on the ground with her back on a tree, knowing she’s the one who lost. she could hear wonyoung’s screams of joy from the ground— that’s how happy wonyoung was. she lays her head on her knees. her tears were building up in her eyes too— for a different reason. after 10 years of being your bestfriend, she had never felt so distant from you.
knowing she really did have no chance anymore, she sighs.
‘i couldn’t be your midnight love, even after all the time we spent together.’
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h4njin · 2 years
Xiaoting - Love Galore
[male reader]
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meaning - in abundance, a big amount
for as long as you can remember, you’ve had a crush for xiaoting.
and, well, for as long as you can remember, xiaoting has been…trying to avoiding you.
considering the fact that you’ve been professing your love to her as long as you can remember— i guess it’s understandable. you had always been pretty clingy with her, something that you knew she had always noticed.
it was a thursday afternoon. classes had already ended, everyone was just hanging out at school.
as you turned the corner of the school library hallway, you saw xiaoting, peacefully sitting on one of the tables, reading a book.
xiaoting had always loved reading. it had been one of her favorite hobbies ever since she was a child. it was one of the things that made you fall for her.
“xiaoting!” you call her, whisper-shouting.
the second she sees you, her eyes roll and she gets up from her seat.
“ting! wait for me!” you smile.
“…what is it?” she sighs.
“i got some tickets to a movie last night. you wanna go with me?”
“go ask someone else.”
“oh, come on! just for tomorrow night! then i won’t bother you for a couple of days, okay?“
“fine. but after that, leave me alone okay?”
“yeah, of course! see you later, ting, love you!”
she instantly returns to her book, with a small frown on her face.
you left the library with a smile on your face.
when talking to shen xiaoting (or asking her out on a ‘date’), there was always a few things you kept in mind.
1. always keep a little bit of distance. xiaoting isn’t exactly too fond of you, so you keep a little bit of distance.
2. when making plans with her, make sure to pull the “i won’t bother you for a couple of days if you do this with me.”
3. always say “i love you” to end the sentence off, in hopes that, one day, she’ll say the words you’ve always wanted to hear:
“i love you too.”
“ya, xiaoting. why don’t you just give him a chance?” yujin told her best friend.
“you’re kidding, right? have you seen the things he does? last year he gave me a whole big bouquet of flowers and expensive chocolate in front of the whole class. it took me so long to convince everyone we weren’t dating,” xiaoting retorts.
“but you know he likes you, right? a lot, actually. he messages me about you, sometimes.”
“of course i do. how could i not? he’s really annoying about it.”
“yeah, but maybe just give him a chance. he’s really nice, actually. maybe he can make you happy.”
“just…. stop. i don’t wanna talk about him anymore. i have enough worries as is,” xiaoting sighs.
“what do you mean?” yujin asks, confused.
xiaoting recalls back to earlier, when you had talked to her in the library while she was reading.
“earlier at the library, he asked me to go out for a movie again. i only said yes because he said he’d stop bothering me for a bit. we’re going on saturday.”
“that’s great! bonding time,” yujin smiles.
“shut up.” xiaoting replies, annoyed.
“i mean, it’s good that you’re hanging out with him,”
“i might just make up an excuse to not go with him. he’s nice and all, but he’s… way too annoying,”
“well, ‘types’ are just your ideal types. you could end up with someone totally different from your type.”
“i don’t know. i don’t know if i’ll go.”
“well, if you’re not interested in him, you have me still,” yujin gave her a teasing smile.
“shut up.” xiaoting replied with a smirk.
the school bells ring, signaling that class is starting. xiaoting and yujin go back to class, both of them being in the same class as you.
xiaoting looks to her table, to find paper hearts on it. xiaoting saw you smiling at her, making her sigh. she then took the paper hearts and put them inside her table drawer.
as the teacher starts class, xiaoting looks behind her seat, seeing you stealing glances at her the whole time. you were noticeably curious about something.
“what is it?” she sighs.
“…what time are you gonna go? the movie starts at 6 tomorrow,” you ask with a small smile on your face.
“i’ll arrive before then. just stop bothering me.” she replies, deadpanned.
“o-oh.. okay, then! i’ll wear a cute outfit i just bought. i think you’ll like it,” you reply, with a bit of excitement.
xiaoting ignores you, turning back to face the teacher.
you sigh. yujin looks to her right, looking at you and giving you a sad look. you look back at her and give her a thumbs up and a smile, signaling that you’re okay.
school has ended for the day.
earlier in class, you had written another one of your love letters to xiaoting. but this time, you really wanted to show her how much you love her.
you found xiaoting sitting alone at the busstop, staring into the afternoon sky. the orange sun getting ready to set.
you open your phone to check the time. 4:36 P.M.
you take a breath.
“ting!” you greet her with a smile plastered onto your pink cheeks.
she looks up and sees you.
she frowns.
“what is it?” she asks.
“i.. wanna give you something!” you reply.
you took out an envelope from your bag, decorated with stickers in xiaoting’s favorite colors. you gave it to her with a grin.
she took the letter and started to open it. you sat beside her.
“read it!” you say excitedly.
she nods slowly and started reading.
“dear xiaoting: this is my love letter to you.
the day we first met when we were 7 years old is a day i’ll never forget. the way you held my hand after i fell in the playground, comforting me is… a memory that’s always in the back of my mind, even now, 10 years later.
i know you don’t think about me much, but i just want you to know that i love you. i have for the past 10 years.”
she looks up to me, and i smile.
“what do you think?”
she closes her eyes and frowns.
“you wanna know what i think?”
she crumples up the letter and throws it to the side.
xiaoting stands up and leaves you, sitting in the busstop alone.
you don't have to see xiaoting's face to see whether she likes your letter or not— because by the time you do, the piece of paper you've written for whoever knows how long… it’s all crumpled and laying pathetically on the ground.
you pick up the crumpled letter and stare at it with a sad smile.
“ting, i’m sorry if you-“
it doesn't take a single word from xiaoting to know that she doesn't even bother dealing with you. cause by the time you try to apologize, she's already by your peripheral vision, walking away.
“..don’t like my… letter..”
it was the next day. you had arrived at around 4 o’clock. you spent the entire day figuring out what to wear for the movie with her. you bought some snacks in the convenience store close by to the mall, for you and xiaoting to eat while waiting for the movie.
despite what happened yesterday, you were still trying to be happy with what you have with xiaoting. being able to be close with her should be enough for you.
5:30. xiaoting hasn’t showed up yet.
you’re starting to worry. you’ve called her a couple of times already, with no answer.
6:15. the movie has started. but you didn’t go into the theatre. you kept waiting for xiaoting.
at this point— you had forgotten about the movie. xiaoting usually isn’t the type to just leave someone for no reason; even if she wasn’t fond of them.
“xiaoting…. where are you..?” you thought to yourself.
you waited, and waited. you sat in front of the mall, waiting for her.
7:00. she’s still not here. you called yujin earlier, saying xiaoting had went out of their shared apartment. she ended off the call with ‘are you okay? maybe something happened to her.’
but you still waited.
8:30. you went looking for her, near her house, in her favorite café, in her favorite library near her apartment, in her favorite book store.
9:00. you found xiaoting. she was in a restaurant, eating food with someone else. she looked happy with them. she was smiling ear to ear— unlike when she’s with you. you realized that every second with you, she’s spent with a frown. she’s never looked at you with a smile.
you don't know why your heart bothers plummeting further, but it does anyway, against your wishes.
with tears on your face, it was at that moment that you decided something.
to not bother her anymore. to leave her alone. to let her just smile a bit more.
the weekend came and went with you drowning in self pity. it’s now monday.
you had been trying to avoid xiaoting the whole day.
considering the fact that she’s the love of your life, the task was just as difficult as you expected it to be.
maybe even more so. your day felt a bit empty without saying your usual pick up lines every morning with a smile, or buying her chocolate bars when recess starts.
you also decided to move to a different seat in class, one that’s a bit farther away from your beloved.
it’s a bit hard trying not to sneak glances every once in a while… but you try your best to do so.
after the first few classes, recess begins. as everyone had left the class, you went out of your seat a bit slower than everyone else, so as to avoid xiaoting.
as you were going out of the class, you felt your arm being pulled, taking you back into the class.
“what’s going on with you today?”
it was yujin. you sigh a breath of relief.
“what do you mean?”
“you’re… not usually like this. usually you’d be all up in ting’s face, maybe buying her lunch or… i don’t know. tell me what’s up,” yujin replies.
“well… i decided not to bother her anymore. i’m going to try and move on from her.”
“what?! why?!”
“it… was because of saturday. she didn’t show up back then,” you reply, sadness evident in your eyes.
“then.. what happened after..?”
“well.. after looking for her, i found her with another person in a restaurant. she looked happy, so i decided not to bother her.”
“what..? what about that letter you wrote her..?”
you just looked at her with another sad smile.
yujin felt bad for you. she knew xiaoting didn’t exactly like you. but she didn’t think xiaoting would’ve done something like that.
“well, what time did you go back home?”
“i went home at 9:30.”
she sighs.
“i’m sorry.. do you want me to talk to her about this?”
“no, it’s okay. i think she’ll be happier without me clinging on to her all the time,”
she gives you a sad smile.
“i’m hungry now. let’s get some lunch!” you say to lighten the mood.
“okay. let’s eat.”
you and yujin went to the cafeteria together, chatting along the way. just shy of it being awkward but you suppose the atmosphere wasn’t too bad. yujin was a fun person to be around.
xiaoting felt as if something was missing today.
early in the morning, xiaoting saw you walking to class. she thought you’d sit behind her just like normal, and probably bother her with the things you’d usually do.
but you didn’t.
you took a different seat and ignored her.
she was confused.
did she, perhaps, go too far on saturday?
but she brushed it off. she thought, ‘you’ll be back to normal by tomorrow. that’s just how you are.’
xiaoting saw yujin passing by the school corridor after picking up her things from her locker.
“yujin! what do you wanna eat when you we get home?”
yujin stares at xiaoting; with a blank, unpleasant stare, worrying xiaoting just a bit.
yujin refused to talk to her while on the bus home, despite xiaoting initiating a conversation with her.
at home, yujin went straight into her bedroom to change, coming out of her room with sweatpants, a big shirt and her hair tied.
yujin had wanted to talk to xiaoting about you. about how you feel about her. but, for now, she had decided to respect your wishes. you didn’t want anything to do with xiaoting, for the time being.
xiaoting was just a bit more worried than yesterday.
yujin had stopped talking to her. and worse, you, who had always head over heels for her for as long as she could remember, suddenly stopped talking to her.
when class started, she had realized that yujin wasn’t sitting next to her. she looked back to see that she had taken a seat closer to you.
when class ended and everyone (including you) had left, yujin approached xiaoting.
yujin had been thinking about this situation the whole day. she couldn’t take it anymore. she felt that needed to talk to xiaoting. about you.
“xiaoting. we need to talk,” yujin told her bestfriend.
xiaoting, confused, looks at yujin with a curious face.
“..what is it?”
“i’m so confused. what the actual hell happened on saturday?”
xiaoting gulped. it felt as if her words were stuck in her throat.
“tell me your side of the story,” yujin commanded.
“i, uh.. i didn’t go. i.. went out with another friend,” xiaoting nervously replied.
yujin looked shocked.
she was speechless. she didn’t think her friend could ever even think to do such a thing.
and yet; here they are. yujin saw red in her eyes.
“how could you?! did you know that he didn’t go home until 9 waiting for you?! he went to all of your favorite spots, only to see that you went to a restaurant with somebody else without even telling him!”
yujin took a breath to calm herself.
“xiaoting… you’re the type of person to apologize for being 5 seconds late. you’d say sorry to a book for writing on it with a newly sharpened pencil. why in the hell did you do that?!”
not a word came out of xiaoting’s mouth. she was scared of her bestfriend, in that moment.
yujin looked at her bestfriend, with tears starting to pour out of xiaoting’s eyes.
“i’m sorry,” xiaoting said.
“xiaoting, i’m not the one you should apologize to.”
xiaoting realized what her bestfriend meant.
“what you did was out of character. the fact that you promised that you’d go with him, and then you don’t show up, without telling him why?! and who the hell knows what you did with the letter he wrote for you?!”
xiaoting had started full blown crying.
“i- i.. i’m sorry. i know.. it was out of character… i was just annoyed. he wasn’t doing anything wrong.. i was just tired of him doing his usual things.. and on friday, i just… exploded because of his letter, and… didn’t feel like dealing with him anymore..”
yujin looked at her friend with sad eyes.
“that still doesn’t justify what you did,” yujin says.
xiaoting cries even harder, thinking of how sad you must’ve been, knowing you’re a delicate-hearted person.
yujin sighs.
“it’s okay… but i don’t think you should talk to him right now, it’s for the best,” yujin tells xiaoting.
“okay… i’ll apologize to him someday,” xiaoting replies sadly.
yujin and xiaoting walked to the busstop together. somehow, feeling as if their friendship had crossed a new frontier, now closer than they ever were.
surprisingly, you’ve been holding up pretty well. it hasn’t been too long since you started trying to move on from her.
xiaoting, on the other hand, felt guilty. every second that you spent ignoring her made her feel just a tiny bit guiltier than she was the second before.
xiaoting recalled something that happened just yesterday. your pen fell down near her table.
she picked up your pen, slowly walked to your desk and handed it back to you (albeit with a slight tremble to her fingers).
she mentally slapped herself for stuttering in front of him.
although she expected you to ignore her, what she didn’t expect was that you took the pen from her hands with a smile on your face, mouthing the word ‘thanks’.
it took her off guard, taking her a second to snap back to reality. by the time that happened, though, you had swiftly gone back to continuing your assignment, leaving her standing there. she went back to her seat, seeing yujin smiling at her. she returned yujin’s smile with one of her own, albeit, way more awkward.
though xiaoting thinks you didn’t realize how she was acting, the reality was that you— her long time admirer, had noticed everything. the way she was walking to you slower than usual, the way she stood closer to you, closer than ever before, the way her fingers trembled in a way that you had never seen before. the way that single simple word was getting stuck in her throat.
the trip home for xiaoting was hell. getting teased for that moment earlier had to have been one of the worst experiences in her life. she had started to hope that the next day, you would just ignore her again.
“no way he just did that to you, ting,” yujin teased.
“it’s okay, that was a nice start. work up your way to earning his forgiveness.”
xiaoting started putting on her earphones, to which yujin replied with a nudge nudge wink wink.
"he was... alright. a bit cute, I guess."
there was a gasp and a clap beside xiaoting. eyes almost bulging out of her head, a hand over her mouth while the other one shook xiaoting fervently.
xiaoting blinked, wondering what was up with that reaction?
but it had taken a while for it to finally sink in.
"wait…. no! no no no no, you've.. i.. that’s not what i meant, obviously!"
“you know exactly what you just said,” yujin replied with a huge grin.
at night in bed, xiaoting caught herself thinking of you a little, giving her a bit of a reality check.
‘did i just think of him?!’
she tried falling asleep to no avail.
a month had passed since tuesday.
in that month, xiaoting had started paying lot more attention to you. she had stolen glances at you while in class. she started to notice things about you that she had never noticed before.
things like your little habits and details.
the way you would purse your lips when writing down your notes. the way your eyebrows would furrow when confused. the way your bangs fall down just a bit under your eyes.
the way you’ve been driving her crazy this entire month.
she recalls when you would always do everything for her. she begins to miss your letters, the snacks you used to buy for her, the big bouquet, everything. she had always taken them for granted.
she checks her locker, her table drawer, her bag…
nothing. as usual.
well, only for the past month, that is.
xiaoting has been thinking of ways to apologize to you for a while, now.
earlier in class though, she had been brainstorming, writing a couple of things that she could do to potentially make up with you.
1. just straight up ask for your forgiveness, maybe at school. simple, no-nonsense. the most obvious one. yet also, probably the hardest one.
2. ask yujin to help you apologize to you. though, knowing yujin, she’d probably just say ‘this is your issue. i’ve meddled enough, i’m not doing anything else.’
3. …maybe ask you to go out somewhere with her..? potentially making up for that time she stood you up, and also ask for forgiveness. to xiaoting, this one made the most sense.
the school bell rang. xiaoting turned her head about 45 degrees, seeing you packing your bag.
she had found out the exact angle of your seat from hers during one of her brainstorming sessions. at this point, your seating position had already engraved been in her mind.
she hums.
‘maybe right now would be perfect?’ xiaoting thought to herself. she started mentally preparing herself.
though, as she started standing up from her seat, her legs started trembling uncontrollably.
she was scared.
scared that you would reject her, just as she did to you, countless times before.
in the end, she couldn’t do it. you had left the class already.
xiaoting sighed.
xiaoting went on the bus with yujin, feeling a bit… distressed.
“what’s wrong?” yujin asked her bestfriend, looking a bit worried.
“well.. i was thinking of finally apologizing to him earlier. in class. but.. i just… froze,” xiaoting told her friend.
“i think i might need your help.”
yujin put her head in her hand, thinking for a moment before she started to speak again.
“xiaoting,” yujin begins.
“…i can’t help you.”
xiaoting looked confused.
“this is between you and him. i don’t think it’s fair if i meddle in his business, either. you need to find out how you can apologize to him. you first need to sort out your feelings for him, because it’s obvious he’s all you think about. and then, finally, you can apologize.” yujin explained to xiaoting.
xiaoting thought for a second.
“okay. i understand. you’ve helped me a lot already. i’ll deal with the rest myself.”
the rest of the ride home was quiet, but not at all awkward.
…though, yujin was awfully quiet.
the next day, you had just finished gym class. all sweaty, you were just about to take a short shower at the school bathroom. you were going to pick up your extra clothes in class.
as you were about to go into your classroom though, you saw xiaoting. she was reading a book.
‘good to see she hasn’t changed,’ you thought. in that moment to you, she looked as beautiful as ever.
but you weren’t going to bother her anymore. you decided you were probably going to borrow a classmate’s shirt after the shower.
trying to walk away was not possible though, because, as you were trying to walk away, a hand grabbed your wrist. you turn your head to see her.
your eyes popped out of their sockets.
she pulled you inside the classroom, locking the door and closing the window blinds.
you were frozen in place.
xiaoting walked towards you, standing right infront of you.
“xiaoting, what’s wro-“
“i’m sorry.”
she looked at you with sad eyes.
“what do you mea-“
“for everything.”
“i know you probably hate me now. i’m sorry for crumpling up that letter you wrote for me.. i’m sorry for leaving you alone in the mall for hours even though i promise i’d come.. i’m sorry,” xiaoting’s eyes started to get wet.
“i know you’ll probably never forgive me. and i know that what i did was unforgivable, but i’m sorry. please.. don’t lea-“
“xiaoting, listen to me,” you cut off her sentence.
“i was never mad at you,” it was her turn to be shocked now.
“i’ve always forgiven you for everything. how could i get mad at you? besides, i realized i was really annoying back then. if anything, i should the one that’s sorry, for annoying you all the time,” you smiled.
“xiaoting, i forgive you. always have, and always will.”
tears started falling from xiaoting’s eyes.
“xiaoting, why are you cryi-“
“i really… missed you, you know,” she said in between her tears.
“i miss everything you did for me.. and it was all my fault that everything happened the way it did… i’m sorry. i don’t deserve it, but would you take me back..?” xiaoting asked with sincerity in her eyes.
“of course, how could i ever say no to a question like that?”
she smiled while tears unleashed from her eyes.
you hated seeing her cry like this.
you gave her a hug, to which she happily accepted.
you had an idea to tease her, though.
“well.. if you’re that sorry, maybe you can make it up to me tomorrow,” you looked at her, while smiling.
“go on a real date with me. let’s go to the amusement park and ditch school.”
it took a second for your words to finally sink in for xiaoting. she then smiled, her face showing how happy she really is.
“…okay.” she replied, blushing hard. she could only hope her hair was covering her cheeks right now, to save her from just a bit of embarassment. of course, you noticed. how could you not?
after a couple seconds though, you realized something.
“…xiaoting, could you stop hugging me for a second though? i need.. to take a shower first,” you teasingly smile.
she replies with a small laugh, eyes still red from all the crying.
she was glad that everything went well, though. tomorrow’s her chance to prove that she really wants him.
at the bus home, xiaoting enthusiastically retold everything that happened earlier to yujin.
“that’s fantastic! finally,” yujin grinned.
“i knew it would happen one day. tomorrow, i’ll help you find the best outfit so you can look as pretty as you can. you’re already pretty though, so i don’t think it’ll take too much effort. afterall, he likes you that much.” yujin complimented.
“you- shut up!” xiaoting blushed, nudging her friend in the elbow.
“ow! that hurt!”
“you deserve it!”
yujin laughed. she’s glad that you finally broke down her walls.
‘i hope things go well for them… i’m letting go of my love for xiaoting, just for the person she really loves.’
yujin looked outside the bus window, with a melancholic smile.
today’s the day.
this time, xiaoting was the one who arrived first.
she was the one who spent the whole day figuring out what to wear for you. she was the one who bought snacks in the convenience store close to the park, just for you and her to eat while on the date.
you arrived a bit later than xiaoting, surprised that she was first.
“xiaoting? you’re here already?” you asked.
“to make up for last time,” she replied happily.
you were happy.
“okay, let’s go!”
you and xiaoting played an uncountable amount of games and, well, had so much fun. and you were happy. because you’re finally with your beloved.
you played wack-a-mole with her, to which she accidentally hit your hand, making you groan. she ran to the store to get some bandages for you.
you rode on a merry-go-round with her. you took a video on your phone while on it. looking back, you were staring at her all throughout the ride.
‘she’s happy, too.’ you thought to yourself.
after, you rode on a rollercoaster with her. you held her hand all throughout the slopes and ups-and-downs of the track. she was screaming the whole ride. you were praying to god that you didn’t die. not before you made it official with her.
before long (or, atleast it felt like it, spending time with her), it was 9 P.M.
xiaoting was walking while holding your hand, happily eating her cotton candy that you bought her earlier.
“xiaoting, are you tired?” you asked her. truthfully, you were a bit exhausted after a whole day of walking around the place.
“no, but i am getting bored here. do you wanna go somewhere else?”
you thought of places to go to. something romantic, maybe?
while brainstorming for a few minutes, you finally figured something out.
“xiaoting, you remember the place where i fell when we were 7?”
“i do! that old playground! you were crying while holding my hand. eventually i helped you tell your mom because you were scared she’d get angry at you,” she replied.
“but why ask, though?”
“….do you wanna go there? it’s not too long of a walk,” you asked.
“…actually, that’s not a bad idea! we carved the tree in the middle of the park with our names, right? it should still be there!” she excitedly said.
the walk to the park where you two first met so long ago made you nervous. you’re finally on a real date with the love of your life, and now you’re going back to the place where it all started.
you had arrived. the playground was not as clean as it was 10 years ago. clearly, it’s not used as much as it used to. time had caught up to it.
xiaoting was right, though. the carving you made with her was still there, with all the memories with it.
you and xiaoting happily recalled what happened there, years ago.
you and xiaoting sat on the swing, the exact place where you fell in front of her, prompting her to help you.
the moon was shining bright, perfectly illuminating her pale skin. to you, she’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
though, being in this place has reminded you of some regrets in the past, regarding her.
“xiaoting, can i tell you something?” you nervously ask her.
“of course,” she replied, a bit confused.
“i was never confident. everytime i told you i loved you, or gave you gifts… i was trying hard to be someone i wasn’t. i was just trying to be someone you’d like… i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have made your life hell like that. i should have tried to get your attention like a normal person,” you confess to her.
“but one thing’s for sure. it’s that i really do love you.”
for some reason though, xiaoting giggled.
“it’s funny though. i will admit… it was annoying. but when you stopped.. it felt as if something, a part of me, was missing. and i think… that’s when i started realizing that i loved you too.”
when she said that, you felt as if the world had frozen. like there was a lump in your throat. you were speechless.
she held your hand, and intertwined her fingers with yours.
“and i know.. that i don’t deserve you at all. but i’m happy that we’re here and now i know that… you really have always loved me. but i was too dumb to realize.”
words could not describe how you felt at that moment.
her breath was heavy. her eyes were glowing like pearls. her pink blush, her hand, in yours… it all felt perfect. no— she’s perfect. you and your beloved, the one you love, underneath the moonlight.
finally together.
“xiaoting… i love you.”
she smiles, with tears starting to fall from her cheeks.
“i.. love you too.”
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h4njin · 2 years
Yeji - I lost my phone number, could i borrow yours?
[neural reader short]
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it was 2 P.M.
you had just finished a tiring and boring day at campus. the teachers gave you a huge load of homework today, and you wanted to go to a café to finish them. and you were not looking forward to it, after finishing other due assignments the last night. you were very tired.
“could i please get a espresso?”
you waited a couple of minutes to take your coffee, and looked for a seat. it was relatively crowded with other students doing their homework, or people going on dates with their lovers. you were lucky to find a table near the corner, a small one with two chairs. you sat on it and began your work.
as you began doing your work, you slowly felt yourself fall from consciousness, falling asleep. until you suddenly heard a voice.
“excuse me... do you mind if i sit here?” a girl asked you. and... she was probably the prettiest girl you'd ever seen in your life.
you saw her holding a leash, which connected to a small black poodle, with a small charm on its neck, which said "HONGSAM", which you presumed was its name.
and then you had realised that you were just staring at her.
“oh, sorry, yes! you can!”
“thank you!”
she carried her dog onto her lap, and she seemed really happy.
“what's its name?”
you asked her.
“oh, hongsam!” she replied smiling. her eyesmile was worth dying for. she was adorable. maybe more than the puppy.
you felt yourself unconsciously smiling.
“say... you're doing an assignment right..?” she suddenly asked you.
“oh yeah, it's just a bit of schoolwork they gave me earlier. what's wrong?”
you answered curiously.
“well, what do you say we ditch it and go somewhere fun?” she smiled mischievously.
“i guess i am a bit tired…”
and so you did. she immediately dragged you to the arcade nearby and you played arcade games with her, having the time of your life. as you checked your cellphone, you had realised that a lot of time has passed. it was now 11 P.M. you and the girl left the arcade and were now walking in the park.
you suddenly realised something. you hadn't even gotten her name.
“do you wanna tell me what your name is? i mean, you know, after you dragged me to the arcade to go on a date, i'd say i deserve to know.” you told her, in a joking manner.
“hmm... tell you what. i'll tell you my name on out next date!” her dog was wagging its tail now. cute. also, NEXT DATE?
“oh, you're asking me out on another one already?” you laughed.
you followed her on her way back to her house, accompanying her and her dog. while walking, you realised that you weren't awkward with her at all.
you arrived at her home, and were about to part ways. before she started to talk. and you were all ears at this point.
“hey, you know, i actually lost my phone number. do you mind if i borrow yours?”
you smiled.
“of course.”
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h4njin · 2 years
Winter - She likes spring, I prefer winter
[Male reader]
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“ya! stop spacing off all the time!”
you are suddenly taken out of the nervous breakdown you were in, thanks to her. kim winter, your friend.
“that’s better,” she says. “we’re hanging out with her right now! talk to her!”
“alright, alright! just… be quiet for a bit!” you reply back, a bit nervous.
kim winter. your (maybe?) friend. your really, REALLY popular classmate. she’s really cute. she’s nice. friendly, if a bit shy. she’s also setting you up with her best friend, yoo karina. your crush. she took both you and karina to the mall to (hopefully) make you guys talk a bit.
“hey guys, here’s the chicken!”
she was ordering some chicken tenders from a close-by chicken shop. karina then took a piece of chicken from the paper plate.
“by the way, winter, did you finish the math homework from yesterday? i think i’m gonna need to copy off yours,” she pouted. “i’ve been really busy with my dance club activities.”
“nah, i didn’t yet. he did, though,” winter replied, nudging your elbow.
“o-oh yeah, i did,” you zip open your backpack that you layed under the table, taking out a beaten up notebook. “i finished it like early in the morning. here,”
“thanks a lot!” karina gives you a thumbs up. “but.. is it okay if i bring it back home and give it to you tomorrow? the teacher just texted me to come,” she said with a bit of a pout.
“oh, uh.. yeah, that’s okay,” you reply with a muted smile.
“oh, thanks! see you guys! chicken is on me, by the way,” she backs away from the table, waving at you and winter.
winter eyes you with a sad expression.
“what is it?”
“don’t even try to hide it. you’re disappointed, aren’t you?”
“of course i am,” you sigh.
“i just don’t know if i can keep on going like this. something always happens when i’m trying to get closer to her,”
“aw, it’s okay. there’s always next time,” winter puts up a fist, as if to say ‘you can do it!’
“i guess so,”
winter quickly finishes up the chicken that karina had treated you and her.
“you wanna go back now? let’s pick up some drinks in the store near the bus stop,” she smiles a bit.
“okay, let’s do that.”
after getting the drinks and getting on the bus, you finally reach your stop.
“bye! see you tomorrow, loverboy,” winter waves at you with a smirk.
“shut up,” you give her a middle finger with a smile.
you get off the bus and make your way back to your house while taking in the cold breeze of spring. your favorite season.
why though? because you got to meet karina last year, this season. the moment that you first got to meet her, while you were awkwardly looking around for clubs to join. of course, you didn’t join the dance club. you chickened out.
as you were just reaching your house, you greet your mom and dad, who were just eating dinner. you of course, had just finished eating a plate of chicken and a can of soda (and a half, winter didn’t bother finishing hers.)
as you were running up the stairs to your room, you feel your phone ringing. you unlock it to find that “winter, rina’s bestie” had called. you pick up the phone.
“DUDE,” she screams into the phone. “DUDE. THE WHOLE CLASS THINKS WE’RE A THING,”
what she said made your jaw drop, your phone joining along, rolling down the stairs.
the next day… it was a bit awkward between you and winter. you both met in front of the school gates and just stared at each other, until you grabbed her arm, pulling her to behind a tree.
“dude… did you tell anyone that we’re not actually like that?! what about her?!” you whisper-shout at her, in panic.
“i did! they didn’t believe me! and you pulling me here, kabedon-ing me on a tree isn’t helping at all!”
you return back to reality, seeing that everyone is staring at you and winter in this awkward position. you immediately retract your hand back to your side.
“a-ah.. sorry. i was just… a bit shocked,”
she sighs.
“it’s okay. we’ll just have to clearly tell them, especially her, that we’re not a thing, right?”
well, as it turns out, it wasn’t as simple as she said it was.
“god.. i can’t believe winter is the first one of us to date,” ningning snickers.
“right?! unexpected,” giselle chewed on her croissant.
“we’re not a thing!” you both say at the same time, making ningning and giselle crack up.
you sigh. you decided maybe telling them about your crush for their childhood friend would help.
“look… guys, this was a secret between me and winter… but the one i really like is-“
“oooo~~ new couple?!” karina shouts at the 4 of you, making you flinch. she then took a seat at the cafeteria table, next to giselle.
“o-oh, rina, did you finish the math thing yesterday?” winter asked nervously.
“oh, why of course, lovergirl,” karina smirked. “here’s your book, loverboy,”
“dude, that’s what i called you yesterday!” winter whispers to you.
“oh? keeping secrets are we? i’m hurt, you guys,” karina said, holding her chest, as if being shot in the heart. the heat rising up on your cheeks is now evident. this isn’t how you wanted things to go.
“guys, i think i have her class after this. you know.. that mean teacher. i’ll go now, i don’t wanna get lectured again,” you nervously say. you look to winter, who gives you a nod, though she has an unreadable expression, before you leave the table.
you walk to the rooftop of your school, feeling a bit disappointed. you took a seat on the floor.
shortly after, you hear a creak and footsteps approaching you. you look up, seeing winter bending over to look at you with a sad face.
“you okay?”
“i don’t know, honestly,”
“…here’s your book. rina gave it to me earlier,”
“thanks,” you reply. after taking a second to think, you decide to ask her something that’s been on your mind after yesterday.
“do you think i should just… i don’t know… give up on chasing her?”
winter’s eyes grew wide, shocked at what you just said. she looked up at the sky, thinking of an answer.
“well.. do you… really like her that much? do you think you could ever like someone else that much?” she asks.
“i don’t… really know,” you answer. truthfully, the question had lingered on your mind for a while now.
“then maybe.. you should think about it for a while.” she replies. the bell rings, signaling the end of recess. you pick up your book that winter handed to you earlier.
“let’s go back to class, win,”
“okay,” she smiles.
“agh! dude! stop pulling on my arm!”
“just follow me!” winter shouts at you.
“where are we going?!”
“the karaoke, of course! you’ll get to hear me sing for the first time,” she smiles at you. powerless, you just follow along as winter pulls your whole body. not long after, you arrive at the karaoke near your school. you stare at the entrance.
“let’s go inside,” she tells you. you nod.
after renting a room for 3 hours (for surprisingly cheap, by the way), you turn on the karaoke machine.
“what do you wanna sing first?” winter asks with a huge smile on her cheeks. the atmosphere was nice in the room. the AC was pretty cold, the room was nicely decorated. strangely though.. you felt hot.
“anything, i guess… ? it was your idea coming here.”
“fine! i’ll choose.” winter took the remote, blazing through the countless songs in the machine. eventually, she settled on a couple of songs
first, she sang ‘off my face’ by justin bieber.
the second she started singing.. you were just enchanted. you had no idea that winter was just… a natural born singer. as if a supernatural being had possessed you, you turn on your mic halfway through the song, deciding to join her singing. winter looked at you smiling, happy that you decided to sing with her.
after 2 hours and countless songs, your throats were dry, your voices were almost gone, but your mind and body was as energized as ever. you looked to your left, seeing winter.
the way her sweat was dripping down her forehead, the way her black and white two-toned hair was messy and the way the way she was smiling at you… made you feel things you’ve never felt before. before long, you find yourself staring at her, trying to make sense of your beating heart. heat was beginning to rise up your cheeks, and you began to realize why.
at that exact moment, you had finally realized that maybe… just maybe.. winter was the one for you.
you snapped out of your trance. “i’ve been calling you for like a minute now! are you good?!”
“…no, no, i’m okay.”
you felt your heart beating faster than ever before. shakily, you open your phone to check the time. “win, we still have 5 minutes left. one final song?”
“sure! but you choose this time!”
you nod at her. you open the search bar of the karaoke machine and look for your favorite song.
“she likes spring… i prefer winter?”
you smile at her.
“you like the title?”
you could’ve sworn you saw a small blush forming on her cheeks.
“okay! 3… 2… 1…. let’s go!” you shout.
the music starts and you start singing first.
then halfway through the song, winter joins in with her beautiful voice, enhancing the song by more than what you could have ever imagined.
“winter or spring, it don’t matter to me, as long as you’re here,” you both sing into the mic in harmony.
“i can keep you warm til’ spring comes,”
as the bus is about to arrive, you pick up your belongings. you look at winter sitting beside you with a huge grin on her face.
“what are you so happy for?” you ask her, with a smile on your face too.
“nothing. i’m just happy,” she looks at you.
you realized that after today, your relationship with winter would never be the same… and yet, you liked the idea of that.
“earlier was…really fun. we should go again sometime,”
“really?! you wanna go there again?” she looks at you with stars in her eyes. you nod at her.
“uh, see you tomorrow, winter. stay safe,” you stand up and walk backwards toward the door, still facing her, before you trip on the floor, just a tad bit away from falling, making winter giggle cutely.
“i should be saying that about you. bye!” she says.
you leave the bus feeling happy and embarrassed at the same time. while walking to your house, you get a text from winter, reading:
‘hope you got home safely! see you tomorrow <3’
after today, winter wasn’t ‘just the friend trying to help you get together with your crush’ anymore. you pull out your phone, opening the messages app. you tap her contact, selecting the ‘change contact name’ option.
‘i prefer winter <3’
after arriving at home, you quickly change clothes and went to bed, still thinking about the events that happened today.
you thought maybe, just maybe… you already knew the answer to the question winter asked you earlier.
several months have passed since then. it’s now november 27th. almost the season of winter. since that day at the karaoke, you and winter have grown much closer.
and… most importantly, you fell in love with her. completely. you remember vividly that day, singing your favorite song with her. the moment you fell. and you fell hard.
your crush for karina didn’t instantly disappear back then though. but when karina got a partner, that was when you really understood how you felt for winter. when she comforted you after you saw karina with her partner.
“ya, what do you wanna go eat after class?” winter snapped you out of your thoughts.
“huh? oh, maybe tonkatsu?” you answer her.
“oooh, sounds nice!” she smiles sweetly.
you blushed.
“okay, winter.”
“by the way, it’s finally almost winter, the season, not me,” she joked.
“i always thought it was a bit funny that your parents nicknamed you after a season,” you joked back at her.
“ya! my nickname is nice!”
“of course, it’s pretty. just like you.”
now she’s blushing.
“ya, what the heck… that’s not fair.”
“what’s not fair?” you smiled at her.
“tch, nevermind.” she looks away from you, acting mad.
the school bells rang as the teacher stopped his lesson. as everyone was about to leave the classroom though, he made an announcement.
“okay, class,” the teacher started speaking again.
“this is new from the principal, she just told me to announce to you guys that… we’re going to jeju island!”
the screams that erupted from the classroom were chaotic.
“settle down everyone,” he speaks again.
“since it’s almost winter, it’s already getting cold even now. so, everyone bring their padded jackets and heatpacks, okay? class dismissed!”
everyone left their class, already chatting about their plans on jeju-do. you and winter walked to the small restaurant not too far away from school. “ya! wait up lovebirds!” you turned back to see that ningning, giselle and karina were following you two.
“wow, can’t believe you guys were planning to eat without us,” karina said, sounding disapponted.
“you gotta treat us now,” giselle pointed to you. winter giggles and hits your shoulder.
“alright, you guys can order whatever you want since my mom gave me some extra money this week.” they all shout in excitement, making you snicker.
“since they said that the whole school is going to jeju island, do you guys have a plan already?” karina asked, as they start eating the foot that each of them had ordered.
“we should just sneak out at night and hang out or something.” giselle suggested while chewing her food.
“sounds good to me!” ningning said.
“i don’t know, i’ll probably be with my partner the whole time.” karina said
you look at winter and she smiled back. unfortunately though, ningning and giselle saw that.
“god, i despise people in love,” ning joked.
“agreed. maybe we should just date, ning,” giselle smiled at ningning. she replies with a disgusted face. everyone just laughed at the absurd scene.
november 30th, the day of the trip.
everyone had their puffers on, as instructed. you met winter in front of the school gates. she was wearing a big hoodie, sweatpants and her puffer. she was so cute. it looked like she was drowning in the puffer.
“are you cold?” you asked her.
“very much so,” she laughed, her voice trembling.
“can’t believe my winter is cold. she’s freezing.”
“dude, that’s so corny.” she looked away, a small blush forming on her cheeks.
you heard the P.A announcing the departure of your plane in 10 minutes.
“oh, let’s get inside.” winter grabs your hand, running off into the isle leading to your plane.
inside the plane, there were tons of rows, each row having 2 seats. you sat with winter. you also saw karina sitting with her partner, ningning and giselle huddling together with a blanket, watching a crappy 90’s romance movie while eating snacks. you chuckle at the situation everyone was in.
“did you bring a blanket?” winter asked.
“no, i didn’t. i thought you said you would?“
“did i?”
“it’s fine. if we’re cold we can just hug each other!”
“ugh! again! you’re so freaking corny!” winter hid her face from you, who was laughing. deep inside though, winter was just glad you couldn’t see the pink in her cheeks coming back again.
as you arrived, you had to say goodbye to winter for a while, since the hotel rooms were separated by gender. you found out your roommate in your hotel room was a guy named choi beomgyu. he was cool, actually. after a whole day of school activities, everyone went back to their respective rooms. you checked on your roommate, who was sound asleep. you saw him listening to a band maybe? something with the word “tomorrow” in it.
you opened your phone to chat with winter again. she had asked you to meet up with her earlier. she set a time and place already, all you needed to do was sneak out of the hotel. after 11 P.M., you were sure everyone was asleep. except for winter, of course. you managed to find a way out and go to the place winter asked you to go to, the beach.
“winter, what’s up?”
“you’re here,” winter replied.
“finally. i was waiting for a while, you know?” the smile on her cheeks was sweeter than anything you had ever tasted.
“well.. what do you wanna do?” you asked her.
“i don’t know. actually, let’s not do anything. did you bring your earphones? let’s listen to some songs!”
you grab your earphones and give her the left side. you play your favorite songs in your playlist. you and winter stared at the cold night sky, with the moon’s light bouncing off of you and her.
…until ‘she likes spring, i prefer winter’ began playing. as the lyrics go by, the tension thickened. you look at her, your heart almost jumping out of its place.
she was staring into the night sky, her skin glowing, her eyes dazzling, reflecting the dark blue sky.
“i still remember this song,” winter smiled shyly.
“this is our song. i play it whenever i’m thinking of you. a lot, by the way.”
it was 12:01 A.M., december 1st.
the first snow starts falling.
you knew it was the time.
you look at her.
“winter, i think i love you.”
you saw drops of tears building up in winter’s eyes, eventually running down her face. you placed your hand on her cheek, wiping the tears away.
“..i was waiting for you to say that. took you long enough,”
she held your hand, your heart threatening to blow out your chest.
“i love you too, you know? for so long. ever since you liked karina. i just… didn’t want to show you.”
as the song was beginning to end in your earphones, she started to sing the lyrics, in sync with the music.
“winter or spring, it don’t matter to me, as long as you’re here.”
“i can keep you warm til’ spring comes, yeah,”
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h4njin · 2 years
wendy - honey
[Gender Neutral reader]
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don’t tell anyone. but there’s this girl at my workplace that i have the biggest.. and i mean BIGGEST crush on. like i feel like i would die if i didn’t get to see her for a day.
son wendy. that’s her name.
we met around 9 months ago? when i first got transferred into this department (which is frankly the best thing that’s happened in my life.)
wendy’s a senior at my workplace, and older than me by a couple of years. and honestly, she’s just a sweetheart. she’s friendly to everyone in the department, brings food, checks up on everyone every couple of hours. she’s just.. perfect to me.
my honey.
or, well… that’s what she calls everybody near our cubic. (she and i work on the same floor, and her cubic is next to mine.)
she calls everyone honey. and i know i shouldn’t be jealous, but i am.
she comes to work everyday on a bus, which, luckily for me, we go on the same bus everyday. more time for me to spend with her.
the way i fell in love with this girl is honestly crazy. her voice is as smooth as honey. her face is sculpted by the deities. her personality is straight out of a romance novel… it’s just crazy how hard i fell for her. i can’t imagine myself with anyone else.
but she just seemed a bit unreachable to me. until.. that one evening in november.
it was a friday evening.
right now, you’re in the bus stop, sitting next to her, with the ambience of the night as she’s rambling on about your department’s current project with a huge smile on her face. it’s 2 A.M right now…. you don’t really know if any buses are going to be passing by, since you both only got off this late because of said project.
“honey, do you think we should just go walk home…? i mean.. we live pretty close to each other.” she asks. there it is again. it took you a while to formulate a response.
“honey..? are you feeling okay?” she asks again, a bit worried.
“hu-? oh.. uh.. yeah! we should! are you sure you aren’t tired though..? the energy you brought to the workplace earlier was crazy,” you say, a bit jokingly.
“no, i’m fine. though i guess i am a bit dizzy.. though.” she replies with a smile.
you both stood up and start walking from the bus stop near our workplace. you pulled out your earphones out of your front shirt pocket. you don’t use it that much, though, usually only when you’re bored at work. that barely ever happens though, since you’re always sneaking glances at her.
you had an idea. maybe you should share the earphones with her?
“miss wendy, do you want to listen to some music? i can share the earphones with you.”
“oh, sure! a nice walk in the evening with some music sounds nice!”
she took the earphones and started putting them on. you opened your favorite spotify playlist and hit the shuffle button.
it’s a wonderful night. or morning? you get to walk with your crush at 2 A.M. while sharing your earphones with her.
though suddenly, she looked sort of shivery.
you took off your blazer and put it on her.
“huh- why did you do that, honey? aren’t you going to be cold…?” she asked with a small smile on her face.
“it’s okay, miss. you were shivering,” you replied back.
it was a moment of silence before she started speaking.
“…you know, you can just call me wendy, right, honey?”
“wouldn’t that be a little strange though? you’re older than me and a senior. it’d be kind of disrespectful. and what’s wrong with ‘miss’?” you reply.
“…it makes me feel… old.”
wait. what?
you snort a bit, trying to hold your laughter.
“ya, what’s so funny?!” she jokingly shouted at you.
“no… no.. nothing’s funny, miss,”
you say in between held in laughs.
“it’s just… you’re 28 and i’m 24. wouldn’t that be a bit weird..?”
“no, actually,” she replies.
“i find it completely appropriate. so you can start calling me that from now on!”
“roger that, boss!” you say jokingly.
“ya! not that either. just wendy!” she replies. you hope she doesn’t notice the subtle blush you have on while talking to her.
“….okay, wendy. if that’s what you want.”
“that’s better! hahaha!”
after a half and hour walk, you both start getting closer to your respective houses, being in the same apartment complex. as you walk past a convenience store, wendy started sneezing.
“mi- wendy? are you okay? you’re a bit cold, aren’t you..?”
“n-no, it’s okay. i’m a bit stuffy.”
“i’ll just go to the convenience store right there to get some heat pads. wait for me, okay?” you ask. she replies with a small nod.
after you purchased the heat pads, you sprint all the way back to where wendy was.
“wendy, i got them. here.” you pass them off to her.
“thank you, honey.” she replies sheepishly. though as you both walk, you realise that she’s still a bit shivery.
you don’t recognize where you got this courage from, but you put your left hand inside the right pocket of her blazer, and held her hand, while holding her heat packet.
“here, you can have some of my body heat too.” you say while blushing.
“ah, thank you again,” she looks away from you.
unbeknownst to you, she was also had a blush plastered to her face.
as you both arrive in the apartment complex, you took your hand out of her pocket. weirdly, she looked a bit sad.
“so uh… see you.. after the weekend?” you stammer out your thoughts.
“okay, honey, have a nice rest!” she replied with a big smile on her face.
as you both part ways, you feel a sense of relief and disappointment. you felt as if earlier was a great time to confess your feelings for her.
you open the key to your unit and took off your bag, changed clothes and did your nightly routine. as the weather around this time was starting to get cold, you turn on the heater. you jumped onto your bed, feeling incredibly tired after a hard day of work, your heart working just as hard after earlier. you start to drift off to sleep.
though, after what felt like 5 minutes of sleep, you hear knocks on your front door. you pick up your phone to check the time.
“ugh, 3:36? who’s knocking at this time?” you get off the bed to check the peephole on the front door.
it seems to be… wendy..?
you unlock the door. there she was. wearing slippers, a big hoodie, sweatpants, and your blazer.
“what are you doing here at this hour, wendy?” you ask, a bit curious.
“i, uh… could i.. maybe sleep with you? the heater at my unit… broke down all of a sudden.. and i was getting terribly cold. and i wanted to return your blazer too,” she replied.
you felt bad.
“oh, uh, okay. just get inside,” you say, a bit flustered that your crush is coming inside your apartment at what, 3:40 A.M?
“it’s more organized than i expected.” she said while taking off the blazer.
“what is?”
“your apartment.”
“what were you expecting, then?”
“i don’t know, a bit messier?”
she laughs cutely.
you smile.
“i think you can sleep at my bed. i’ll just sleep on the floor since i don’t have a couch.”
“oh, no! that’s okay, just let me sleep on the floor. i’ll feel bad!”
she replies, a bit worriedly.
“no, that’s okay. just go sleep there.” you smile, as you start to lay down on the floor with a pillow that your grabbed, along with your favorite bolster.
she starts to slowly lay on the bed cutely.
after a while of silence, you were starting to drift off to sleep again.
“honey, are you still awake?” she says while whispering. your eyes instantly shot up again.
“no, not yet. i was about to, though.” you say, yawning.
“oh, it’s okay, just go to sleep. i’ll talk about it later.” she moved her body, facing away from you.
“no, it’s fine. i’m awake now,” you reply. “what is it, wendy?”
she moves her body to face you again, but her face has an unreadable expression on it.
“you know.. my heater isn’t actually broken.” she whispers.
“pardon?” you were taken aback.
“i just wanted to spend some more time with you, honey,” she says, sitting up.
“i, uh, don’t think i understand, wendy,” you chuckle nervously.
“honey… i know that you like me. it’s incredibly obvious.”
staring into her eyes, you realize that she’s being completely serious right now. thousands of thoughts race into your mind to think of a way to reply to her.
“oh,” you say nervously. “is it… that obvious?”
“yes. and i like you too.”
she whispers to you.
your eyes instantly shot up hearing those words.
“wait, what?!” you stand up in shock. she then holds your hand.
“come here,” she gently pulls you in the bed. she tucks you into the bed with her, with the blanket on top of you both. she stares at you with a sense of warmth in her eyes, enough to keep you warm in the cold weather.
“would you…
like to be my honey?”
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h4njin · 2 years
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- Welcome to my blog! -
→ HAN—he/him—16
if you’re visiting my blog, welcome! you can call me by my username, or just han. i’ve been writing k-pop fanfics for a while now, just didn’t even think of uploading them until my friends convinced me to do so. writing has been a hobby of mine for some time, and writing fanfictions for my favourite idols is a fun activity!
for my hobbies, as i said i really like writing. but my other hobbies include: reading, dancing, singing, and exercising.
i don’t know if anyone will be reading my fics, but if you do, it’d be greatly appreciated!
[posts will be pretty inconsistent.]
Midnight Love (ft. Wonyoung)
Love Galore
I lost my number, could i borrow yours? [short]
She likes spring, I prefer winter
when i fall for you.
Le Sserafim
Red Velvet
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