tinypocketowl · 6 months
u know how people say a character is so character? hockey is SO sport. like more sport than any other sport. effort so effortful that players can only play for 50 seconds at a time? scoring attempts that can kill a person? players moving at 25 mph? time-out corner for the naughty? refs can break their bones? human dart board (goalie)? yeah.. sport
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tinypocketowl · 6 months
The last two? three? days have been a wild ride, low lows and high highs. But I made it through my beit din and the mikveh, received an aliyah and pulled my dad up to the bimah with me so we did it together, he brought champagne and orange juice and cookies for an oneg and everyone partied, and then we partied even harder a few hours later for Purim. As my dad keeps saying, "Life is good! Who knows what will happen tomorrow, but right now, life is good."
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Not bad for a first hamantaschen attempt! I have ideas for more effective jam dyking (heheh) in future. It meant a lot to share them with my dad and that he liked them so much, and my partner loved them too. These ones are cherry, I think I'll be workshopping both more traditional fillings and also more creative ones for next year. I'm happy to share the recipe and I think it's actually a stunning recipe for being gluten-free.
I didn't get a picture because it was Shabbat but I also made cholent for the first time! Delicious, a veritable meat party, next time I will be more heavy-handed with the beans and try adding rice.
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tinypocketowl · 6 months
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tinypocketowl · 6 months
Sorry man I have to dress up in a costume and go to the synagogue to be in a play and eat triangle cookies and read from a scroll and make booing noises whenever we hear the name of the guy who tried to commit genocide against us in ancient Persia. Yeah it’s gonna be all day sorry.
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tinypocketowl · 6 months
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tinypocketowl · 6 months
Hey I was out and about today and was having trouble steering, so while on the train I transferred to a seat and my husband flipped it over.
One of my wheels is totally borked. It looks like the bearings cracked and were lost somewhere.
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The set pin for the incline of the back rest has also been failing when I hit bumps, causing it to try and fold on me.
I've been waiting for the NDIS to deliver my new chair for over a year and I don't have an alternative. I can't mobilise independently without a power wheelchair.
I'm going to organise a taxi home but once I get home I will be stuck there.
I'm hoping to get this...
as it will be useful as an option that fits in a regular car, even when I eventually have my new standard power chair.
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
Pickled beet! Pickled beet + fried egg on a lamb burger is So Good.
I think we need to get Jumblr to argue about something that doesn't matter. What's the best burger topping that can be reasonably described as "unconventional," GO!
Mayonnaise, easy (is that considered unconventional?)
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
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Man photographing food at night is hard. The red plop on top is za'aluk, a Moroccan dish here made of roasted eggplant, tomatoes, bell pepper, jalapeno, and garlic. I served it with a perhaps-familiar salad, the apple and cucumber one I first tried a few weeks ago. It's still good but the onions need to calm down and think about what they did in the fridge overnight. The za'aluk is spicy, warming and complex, and this is frankly a very easy way to get some vegetables in while also heating the apartment for the night.
There is less joy in it tonight than there should be. I don't share a lot of the truly personal stuff; this isn't a safe place for it, and frankly I think most anything that needs saying is being said better by someone else, and all of us could do with a lot less talking and a lot more shutting up and listening. But it was a particular punch to the heart to see tonight that someone who I might once have called a friend, who I have had to distance myself from over the last few months, has firmly slid into the, "that's not a safe person and I imagine my grandparents heard that same kind of talk as they fled," kind of place.
I don't even know what to say beyond that. I am tired and sad and every day I question which of my relationships--and I do not have so many of them, I am introverted and shy and awkward until I learn to warm up with people--which of my relationships might fall apart that day. If you are not purposefully listening in Jewish spaces, I do not think you can know what it is actually like right now.
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
Ruckus just drank almost 60mls on his own. He was 546 grams before eating, and an even 600 grams after.
He is a sphere
He rolled off the little bed i use while feeding them, onto his back, and slept like that for about 15 minutes
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When he woke up however....
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
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I've spent the last few days being sickly and working from home, and today was literally so exhausted by noon that I fell asleep on my couch in the middle of watching Shabbat service (my shul has an online option for occasions such as these).
But the sun was out and today is the only day it isn't going to rain for probably the next month. So I took my dog for a slow walk through the park, and when the sun set I walked to the grocery store and back for ingredients, and made a nice dinner for myself. Shakshuka, a carrot salad, and a "lemonade apple" because I recognized it from a Tumblr post. Garbage apple do not recommend. Everything else is so good though.
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
Dreaming of Good Times
A wonderful Pokemon chinese animated short film directed by DaiWei (All Saints Street) and produced by MTJJ / HMCH studio (Legend of Hei) for Chinese New Year.
Youtube link
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
im currently completely losing it about the great stalacpipe organ. are you fucking kidding me they made an organ out of a CAVE???? IT TAKES UP THREE ACRES??? i legit am about to lose it
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
I purchased my tallit recently and, after some research and feeling confident (and nerdy!) about the science involved, opted for tsitsit made with tekhelet. How cool to live in a time when something ancient and lost could be known again! Also I would like to take a snail class.
so I work in education at a science museum
we recently had a snails class for 2-3 year olds
we had a staff meeting beforehand to go over the lesson plan for said class
my manager: maybe we can bring up the historical usage of snails to interest the adults... there was a snail that was used for blue dye in like, ancient Roman times I think?
me, about to pull out the most obscure piece of jewish historical knowledge that suddenly became relevant
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
asking for advice on reddit.com
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
The chicken broth lives on, here in sweet and sour cabbage soup. This one is simple enough that the higher quality ingredients are really shining. I'm thankful for leftovers--though I appreciate my workplace having free snacks, it does encourage some dodgy lunch choices.
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I did make the tzimmes too, just earlier in the week. I was side-eye about this recipe--and opted not to add in the optional dried cranberries, for fear of making it too sweet--but I was wrong and am a fool. I want to live in this juice. I drank it like soup. I will eat any kind of tzimmes any time forever. Also now you too have to look at the suggestive carrot I found.
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
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These! Are really good! I know how to make bagels now!! I am inviting you all to breakfast (for dinner) immediately!
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tinypocketowl · 7 months
Achievement unlocked! I made bagels.
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Lessons were learned, namely that there can be too much hole. These guys tasted pretty darn good toasted and loaded with shmear, but cutting them in half felt like surgery. Toppings make them look more charming and less... rustic. Also you earn boyfriend points with your partner who loves sesame best.
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Making broth continues to be delightful. Making broth makes me feel some kind of big way. There's something really big about making one meal, then taking its scraps and water and making liquid gold, which makes its way into tonight's tzimmes and tomorrow's soup...
I'm writing an essay for my beit din. It's the realest thing I've written in years and I don't have great words for how the task makes me feel. There's something disorienting in tugging on that through line between the me of now and the child of then; I can hold up some of the pieces and say, I carried this all this way, even without meaning to. I've passed it down to myself ever since I was old enough to sense that I couldn't feel things like other people seemed to feel them, or believe in things other people seemed to believe in. It's not the same shape now that it was back then but it's all the same pieces.
Like thread, or like broth.
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