tinytime10 · 2 months
This is my other account with my Zelda AU call the show of arms I’m just about to post the first chapter.
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tinytime10 · 2 months
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The three War siblings Tune Mask and the captain are my absolute favorite sibling trio ever I love them so much
my best friend and I were looking at this picture and she made a joke about the gauze pad on his knee so now the official reason of why that is there
Warriors : mask don’t run on the cobblestones
mask a few seconds Face plants on the cobblestone street after sliding a good inch and a half he gets up trying not to cry: “Don’t tell me what to do!”
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tinytime10 · 2 months
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the precious baby boy is so tired and The captain is such a big brother. I love them so much.
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tinytime10 · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 100 likes!
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tinytime10 · 2 months
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Hey look what I drew. No this is not a ship! please don't interpret this as me shipping the two of them because I don't. I think the Fierce Deity sees time as his precious baby boy no matter how old he gets. even when he can't be by Times side, through the connection of the Mask the deity was traveling and living beside the hero of time throughout his life. he thinks of him as a son more than anything he probably would have adopted the entire chain given the chance.
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tinytime10 · 3 months
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Lets all be honest, Time should have been wearing this shirt the entire time During this newest link universe update. I'm pretty sure I saw him go through all of the 5 moods This Update
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tinytime10 · 3 months
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I'm so mad that they didn't put a light dragon set in tears of the Kingdom. So I made one of my own I used a reference of another artist's depiction of the charged set. I can't find the picture I used but I remade it as the light dragon set, or at least my idea of it.
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tinytime10 · 3 months
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I drew a really cool picture. It does not matter how powerful of warrior or how high a rank you get, there will always be paperwork
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tinytime10 · 4 months
I can't be the only one who sees how horribly heartbreaking this is and simultaneously really funny. My poor boy Warriors has conditioned himself to assume everything wants him dead.
LU Madness #1
Warriors: Whoa there, what are you trying to do?
Legend: Um, I was actually trying to give you a hug…
Legend: Wa-wait, what did you think I was doing!?
Warriors: I honestly don’t know. I saw you raise your arm towards me and prepared myself for the worse.
Legend: …
Legend: You thought I was going to hit you?
Warriors: …maybe. I don’t know.
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tinytime10 · 4 months
I got Riders block and so I found a random writer's prompt and the Word was
And I was obsessing over the Legends of Zelda so I wound up with this
The captain flopped fully armored onto his cot. He felt the weight of his little brother flop right down on top of his back. He groaned in surprise and pain, which prompted Mask to get off of him. His little brother snuggled into his side on the cot they had started to share. During the two war torn years they'd spent as his brothers, the nightmares had gotten so bad they gave up sleeping in separate beds. Now three cots were pressed together, shared by the captain, they're mad pirate brother Tune and the littlest by far their baby brother Mask. Tune looked down at them, “it's too early to go to bed, we also need to eat still.” The sailor sat down at the desk to look over the list of orders they've been given. Mask groaned from beside the captain “We marched 10 miles with an entire Army. There's no such thing as too early at this point.”  “Oh come on Sprite at the very least we need to eat.” the captain pointed out. Sprite rolled over so he could look his big brother in the eyes. “Are you going to eat anything other than oranges?” The captain buried his head in his pillow and let out a frustrated sigh. He lifted his head to glare at his little brother. “Are we still doing this?” He asked, hating how tired his voice sounded.
Despite the fact that mask was abnormally small for being 14, poor thing looked about 9. His ferocity matched even the 19-year-old captain. His glare was just as cold and icy as the captains. “we're going to do this until you start trusting food enough to eat something more than oranges.” 
“Oh come on Sprite I was poisoned three days ago. I don't trust food enough to eat anything yet. At least I can tell if oranges have been tampered with because of the peel. ” 
“I'm not going to eat anything other than sugar water and fruit then.” mask said stubbornly. The captain shot his brother a dirty look. Their mad pirate brother poked Mask in the ribs with a laugh. Mask shrieked and fell off the bed trying to hit his older brother. The captain rubbed his pointed ears as he laughed while Mask out cussed the sailor. The current of language finally died off as masks sprawled out on the floor staring up at the tent ceiling. The war camps had become home for all of them and they had a strange balance in life. As the war dragged on he'd expected the two Heroes to be much more grouchy about having to live in tents and constantly being on the road. But they seem to prefer it overstaying towns. well it made the war effort and his daily life much easier so the captain certainly wasn't complaining. The Sailor pulled him from his thoughts when he got close enough to start reaching out to touch the captain. The pirate knew to move slowly making sure his Big Brother's eyes were tracking his movements before he let his hand settle on the captain's shoulder. “I understand your paranoia when it comes to eating anything right now. I swear whoever wants you dead must pride themselves on being persistent. The assassination attempts have ramped up to nearly every week now, but you should eat something.” “The captain plastered on a fake smile. “I'm fine right now, really I ate a few oranges while we were on the road. How about this? I make us some warm cinnamon milk.” The excitement of his two little brothers made dragging himself out of bed worth the effort. 
Someone had already started the fire in the center of their tent and he put a large cattle over it and settled it so it wouldn't slosh around. Mask offered a large bottle of milk to the captain, and he took it with thanks. Pouring it into the pot and rifling through their bag of supplies. He found honey and cinnamon pouring a generous amount of both into the pot and stirring it. Slowly dissolving the honey and cinnamon. He turned to his little brother's painting on his smile once more. “I don't think they got the box with our cups. Could you please go to the cart and get it.”  
“Of course cap'n,”  Tune said, grabbing Masks tiny shoulder dragging him out of the tent. The captain didn't miss Mask's distrustful side eye as his older brother dragged him out of the tent. The captain never understood why that smile never seemed to work on his youngest brother. It worked on soldiers, generals, women and children of all ages. But it never seemed to fool his little brother; he never seemed to trust his smile. But the captain couldn't think on that. He had to hurry. He reached into their supply box and pulled out a carton of eggs. With speed that came from practice he cracked a few eggs into the bowl. I hid the evidence and mixed them in with the milk  honey and cinnamon before his brothers came back confused. 
“We couldn't find the bag anywhere. It's not in the supply wagon.”
“Oh check over by the cot it might be over there.” As he had planned they found the bag as the captain stirred in his trickery. He poured the cups full and he and his brothers sipped happily at their drinks, none the wiser to the protein they were unknowingly being tricked into eating. “This is a delicious thank you.” Mask said and the captain hid his satisfied smile in his cup. “You're welcome, Sprite.” He said ruffling his little brother's hair, he squawked indignantly and pushed the captain's hand away and they all three laughed.
Many many years had passed since those days the captain remembered it fondly. His big brother role had shifted strangely. Because of the time travel shenanigans, he was now younger than Mask. Who now went by the name Time. The captain, now 25 was still known as Big Brother, to his now 30 something year old little brother, time travel was weird. That's what you get for breaking reality I guess. Despite the age difference he was still Big Brother and his little brother still didn't know the secret to why the captain's cinnamon milk tasted much better than any he could make.
The captain smiled as he overheard time complaining about that to  Twilight, one of their companions. “Hey Time the captain called, I'll show you what I do to make it taste so much better.” Times ears perked up and his one eye widened the other still sealed shut and horribly scarred over it left Times features looking a little bit lopsided. but his smile warmed the captain's soul. No matter how much bigger Time got he was still the captain's little sprite. The captain politely asked their resident cook to borrow some things taking a ladle and the cooking pot. He did the same steps he did his whole life, pouring in the milk stirring in the honey and cinnamon. Time watching with intense determination to figure out what he did differently. Twilight bemused at the older hero's intensity over such a simple dish, watched over his shoulder. The captain took eggs from the sack and cracked them into the bowl, watching times face carefully. 
The look of Horror on his little brother's face was too much for the captain to take and he burst out roaring with laughter. The whole camp exploded with laughter as time shrieked the most indignant cry of frustration. “You put eggs in it the whole time! I have never been so disgusted! I have never hated you so much before! How dare you trick me my entire life you traitor!” This went on for quite some time as he called his brother everything under the sun. By the time his rant had ended the captain held out a steaming glass to his little brother who took it with a pout and drank without hesitation. “I hate how good this is and I am never going to forgive you. What could have possessed you to ever think to put eggs in it.” The captain's side with a smile. “Oh Sprite you refused to eat anything but sugar water and fruit because you were angry at me for not eating either. Your attempts to guilt trip me into eating despite the anxiety of being poisoned, led me to desperately find ways to make sure you got some kind of nutrients in your diet. This is one of the few things you would drink. So I had to trick you into thinking you were getting your way. I don't regret it for a second and you have to admit it does taste better with eggs in it.” The captain folded his arms looking all too pleased with himself as Time pouted
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