tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
if you get murdered by a jackass i'll, uhhhh. uhhhhhhh. throw a? newt at them? dammit, i'm useless!
love u girl
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
psa tho roxy is chronoligically deceased at this time
id recommend staying on board as a follower until the end of her death scene
if you want to send any goodbye messages (if you missed her goodbye) ill respond as if she got it before she left to fight lord english!!!!!
kisses all your faces <3
posting a general psa that i might be on really sparingly 
i was in a really bad car accident and sprained my neck and back
im ok mostly but i lost my glasses so until i get eyes again im gonna be offline
smooches u all if u want my skype its dissidentocculist
thats not a typo btw its actually like that
ps happy solstice <3
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
Your heart catches in your throat when the sound of knuckles against wood rings through the apartment. You hadn't asked anyone to come over, and you weren't used to getting guests. There was only one idea in your mind telling you who was going to be on the other side of that door. "I love you," you say, squeezing his fingers once before you draw Ahab's Crosshairs from your strifedeck. You had been given the gun as a gift, to keep you alive in Sburb, and now it might keep you alive today. At least, you hoped so. You aim for the entrance as you ready yourself, not answering the door. It's locked, but you assume he'll come through anyways. You highly doubted a door was going to stop this guy.
You don't want to say anything else in the moment. Even having said I love you felt like it was too loud. You knew you could turn invisible, act like you weren't there, but your presence was a distinctive one. The general empty feeling your presence left couldn't be helped. You couldn't make the void's touch go away. If you could, you would do so in a heartbeat.
==> Roxy & Dirk: Til death do you part.
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
==> Roxy & Dirk: Til death do you part.
{ You hadn't been able to keep from touching Dirk. You're holding his hand, sitting on the couch. The two of you had been discussing where you were going to go, what you were going to do. Were you going to run away to a hotel? Would that even work? Nothing kept coming to mind, and you didn't have enough of a head start to really get a plan going. You squeeze his fingertips, trying to make him calm down. AR had predicted the worst, and, if you believed anyone, you believed him. The end might be coming, and you almost wanted to just lay back down in bed - make last night when you were doing nothing but watching him breathing be the last moment in your world. Not this panicked fray of action, where the both of you kept getting up to do things, and pacing, only to realize there was nothing you could do. It seemed like you were going to be trapped either way. At least you were at home. You'd had another surprise to tell people when the chance came up. Your last date with Dirk, you'd spoken to him. You'd told him loved him. You had talked again, and now it felt like you'd wasted your time. You could have had so much more to say, but you might never get the chance now. What if you died and they still thought you were a mute, who was too scared to scream for help when she needed it? You were still too scared to scream for help though, weren't you? You didn't want to risk anybody else. Your most important person was already risking his all. "itll be okay dirk we just need to think of a better plan than 'hotel'. i was thinking maybe we could hide in the void but i mean we gotta collect food and water if were going there. you cant just dream it up. maybe lets just do that and we can come through to grocery stores if we need to?" The plan sounds dumb and risky even to you. You knew what kind of dangers lurked in the Void, and you knew the two of you would be sitting targets there. You could probably do it alone, but you had already insisted that you weren't going to part from him. Til death do you part, that was the mantra you'd sworn to the day he offered you that ring on the beach. Even if that ring hung around your neck, even if it didn't mean the same anymore, you had made a promise you intended to keep. "i dont know if you want to accept but we do have the gamzee option still but i dont know i dont want to involve a stranger." Each touch of his skin against yours right now feels like lightening, hot in your veins. It might be the last thing you remember - holding his hands. Or would you remember anything at all? Would you die and cease to be or would you get a ghost? Did it even matter? Could you even die? The fact that you didn't know just made this so much more frightening. You didn't know if you could die. You'd die for Dirk. Was that heroic enough to count? You'd more than die for him if you were given the chance. Your free hand moves to your necklace, grasps the ring there as you look down. "its times like this that make me think of the beach." Times like impending doom that make you wish your last-nights-on-earth presburb could have really been the end. Times when you wished you could have died so madly in love that you couldn't stop smiling. Now you were so in love you couldn't stop frowning. What a great person the world might lose, your Dirk. What a great person who deserved more love than he was getting, who deserved a better fate than he had. }
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
-- tipsiestGamer [TG] began pestering calibornsAquarium [CA] at 15:45 --
TG: hey eridan
TG: im sorry i wont be able to keep my promise
TG: i love you
-- tipsiestGamer [TG] ceased pestering calibornsAquarium [CA] at 15:46 --
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
now i just gotta wait for my dave and then i can move
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
thank you SO so so much
yeah sure sis i’ll send them at you. 
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
ill back u up and put u into my phone!!!!
ill start the upload now ok
might be weird having two yous but u deserve the back up anyways
if u end up wanting to delte urself after its done that s okay
ill miss you
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
i promise i wont trash the place and its probably best ur not there?
if u wanna offer just send me coords via ask or smth
i mean u dont have to but i would rly appreciate it
im running out of time
any volunteers would be rly appreicated but u gotta know theres a huge universe demon come to try and kill me so theres like a downside “may die” if you step up to bat to play shelter
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
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missplacedengel liked your post: any volunteers would be rly appreicated but u...
things that are not ok to like
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
any volunteers would be rly appreicated but u gotta know theres a huge universe demon come to try and kill me so theres like a downside "may die" if you step up to bat to play shelter
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
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status update still alive
still need a place to go
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
— centaursTestimonial [CT] began trolling tipsiestGamer [TG] at 13:16 —
[01:16] CT: D —> Ro%y
[01:16] CT: D —> Are you there
[01:16] TG: yeah im here!
[01:16] TG: got some bad news tho
[01:16] CT: D —> What is it
[01:16] TG: i have nowhere to go
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
so things are looking more grim than expected
im gonna get offline
i need to be w dirk and finish our plans
i love you guys i really truly do 
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
how ya doing, pop-rox?
p shit hon
i just got a message
i might not be around anymore
but hey you were great 
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tipsiestgamer-blog · 12 years
okay wel if all else fails do me a favor
i know u have the log in infor for my blog
can you post a message saying what happened
Words lie, Rox. People lie.
Numbers don’t.
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