tiredgaychild · 9 months
30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Are you tired of feeling like your art just isn’t improving? Do you want to do a 30-day challenge that’s actually useful? Welcome to 30 Days of Improvement Hell. >:D
I made this because I’ve been feeling super ‘blah’ about my art these days, and I needed something to kick-start myself. Who wants to do this with me!? Start now or whenever you can (now you procrastinators!). Challenge yourself and have fun at the same time!
Tag your posts with #Improvement Hell so everyone can follow along and see each other’s awesome artwork. I may even create a blog and reblog them! :D
What are you waiting for? START!
Self-Portrait - Introduce yourself
Draw a figure using a reference - link to reference
Draw a figure that’s in action, using a reference - link to reference
Draw a part of the human anatomy you have trouble with. x20, with atleast 5 being skeletal/musculature studies.
Draw more figures. Quick gestures and silhouettes. x20, with atleast 10 different body shapes
Let’s have some fun. Design a character from either This or This character generator! Be creative and bring something to life!
Pick the weirdest object in your house/room. Draw it. Shadows and Highlights.
Find 2-3 objects, make a scene with them. Draw it. Bonus points for creativity. Double points for dramatic lighting.
Draw a landscape of a place you’ve never been or drawn.
Draw a BG with 1pt Perspective. Negative points if it’s a railroad or an empty street.
Draw a BG with 2pt Perspective.
Look out a window. Draw what you see. Bonus points for adding something interesting.
Draw an interior setting with the character you designed on Day #6 in it.
BG with either bird’s eye or worm’s eye view.
Halfway there! Draw three 'action’ scenes with different compositions in each. Quick sketches are fine, just make them interesting and understandable! Bonus points if it’s the same scene, but different composition.
Draw a single page comic with 5-7 panels (the story begins and ends on one page). 
Draw an animal you’ve never drawn before. x10  Link references.
Draw a car. Negative points for whining. Hint: Use a perspective grid.
Think of the thing you hate drawing the most. Guess what? Draw it! Negative points for lying to yourself.
Pick an object in your house/room. Now design a character from it, using the shapes, forms, textures, purpose and colors as inspiration. Also link/post the object you used. Negative points for using a humanoid action figure.
Draw a character/object/scene, and shade them using ONLY solid blacks and whites. Bonus points for good use of lights/shadows
Draw a different object/scene/character. Shade using hatching, crosshatcing, and/or pointillism. Bonus points for lights/shadows and textures.
Colors! Pick a color palette, and paint a scene/character/object using only those colors (some blending allowed). Bonus points for good use of lights/shadows.
Draw and color a scene/object/character - no lines allowed! (aka - lineless art). Don’t forget light and shadows!
Draw a scene/character in a style you’ve never drawn before. If emulating an artist, credit+link. Bonus for color style.
Draw a character. Draw 10 emotions/expressions. Bonus points for 'uncommon’ emotions. (i.e. anxiety, guilt, despair, loneliness etc.)
Draw three random shapes using your opposite hand (or your foot). Now design characters from those shapes.
Turn on the tv (or load your illegally downloaded movies). Pick an actor and draw them.
Almost done! Let’s have some fun. Draw some fanart. Bonus points if it’s super obscure and unknown. Make people guess what it’s from.
Last day! Find a drawing you did within the last year. Now draw it again using what you’ve learned! Link it for comparison!
 Look at all that amazing improvement! Congrats!
[Update] There is now a sequel challenge, Draw All The Things!
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tiredgaychild · 1 year
Sometimes I just need a shower with the funky colored lights to make me feel better.
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tiredgaychild · 1 year
There is no "normal"- Say the people who are
If there is such a thing-say the agnostics
There absolutely is- say the people who aren't
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
How tf did you do that
Hey guys, cool new trick i found
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
Hey guys, cool new trick i found
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
"the curtains weren't blue on purpose. why should we care?"
my love! let me ask you this - did you eat breakfast today? this tiny moment in your life. just think about it. did you?
for some of you, the answer is yes and for some of you it is technically and for some of you it is does coffee count. some of you reached for cereal or gmo-free overnight oats or frozen waffles or 3-day-old pizza. sometimes we eat the same thing, every day, for weeks. i get tired of eggs randomly, only to go back to craving them desperately. i'm cuban; i take my coffee like my father showed me, very milky and sweet.
some of us ate in a hurry. some of us hate eating breakfast but if we don't we will get nauseous later. some of us took our meds first or took our meds after. some of us have a kitchen 5 feet wide and sometimes it's the biggest room in the house. some of us are confident there will be food in the pantry and some of us flinch and say well, the paycheck is coming. some of us turn on a podcast while we eat or we scroll our phones or write in our diaries.
some of us are choosing, specifically, not to eat breakfast. some of us are too busy. some of us are pretending we "just forgot," but we are ignoring the warning signs that everything feels too-heavy. some of us are so consumed with anxiety or grief that we can't eat. some of us can't stand up long enough to make our coffee. some of us have no table to sit down and eat.
i cannot tell you what an artist "meant" by their choices. but they did have to make a choice, conscious or otherwise, to give you information. to give you a little bit more light. each of these choices are little stars of data; connecting speckles for you to weave through, drawing a line.
you cannot use a mirror in a dark room. for some of us; we will not care that the curtains are blue, because that will just be a data point and not enough light to see by. for some of us, the blue curtains will be the same as our childhood bedroom. it will make us seasick. for some of us, blue will be the color of frostbite. it might look like a pixel up close; but from a distance, oh! the picture blooms.
i cannot tell you what will stick out for you. what will carry meaning. some of you will read the sentence "i didn't have breakfast today" and say "this means nothing." some of you will read that and say "oh, me neither." some of you will say "this means the character is probably a little grouchy." some of you will say "oh, i wonder if they're okay. why didn't they eat anything?" ... art is a mirror. i am holding hands with you, over space and time, and asking you to feel something with me.
i want you to read my work and find a blue pair of curtains. i want you to read my work and find things in it that i never imagined placing. i have no way of knowing what will resonate with you, that's true. and maybe i just was hungry while i wrote this, and thinking about the eggs in my fridge. but if you found meaning, that meaning is yours. it cannot be erased just because i didn't "intend" it. you created a different world by interpreting my work. it's collaborative! that's beautiful! that's stunning!
just! imagine looking at the night sky and saying - it's stupid to have a favorite constellation or a favorite star. they're just there.
because here's the thing - across centuries and cultures, we look up. we still find meaning in the stars. these beautiful, lovely scattered accidents. are you looking? they call. and we look back and say oh! of course we are!
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
Your left ear smells distinctly of apple juice :)
say something nice to me
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
Im on tumblr for 5 seconds. FIVE
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
Guys… you’re not gonna fucking believe this one
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
Arthur is a fucking cat I swear to the gods. Jesus.
you’d think that in a symbiotic relationship between an amnesiac eldritch entity and a hardy 1930s private investigator it’d be obvious which one of the two regularly prevents the other from committing accidental atrocities, general recklessness and getting arrested. you’d THINK.
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
Hawks and bakugo: so let me be~
SM! Izuku: Reeses puffs Reeses Puffs
happy showman au hawks, bakugou, and izuku do bad karaoke and sing mamma mia
Hawks and Bakugou are fairly decent actually.
Izuku however sings a completely different song purposely off key
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
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Tiny Yoichi reading his little comic, reblog if you agree
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
Depends on the vibe.
Wait. Personality test. Reblog with whether you hate it when someone sings along to the music in the car or you think singing along is cool. Personally, I HATE it.
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
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i have some questions yet i find myself too afraid to seek answers
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
The Mummy is now their mother and somehow adopts them
A mummy on display at the British Museum gets fed up with all the small children constantly yelling at it (“Mummy? Mummy!”) and finally decides to get up out of its sarcophagus, and find out what the hell all these little British kids could possibly want from a 3000 year-old Pharaoh.
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
Completely unrelated, sometimes your grandpa takes you into his store room. And on nights where the wind blows hard and the rain sounds like a symphony of drums, he'll show you his coin collection. He only ever shows you onside of it though, slapping your hand lightly with a wink and a smart remark whenever you try to turn it over. One night, when it's only you and your granddad, curiosity plagues you. It's enough to make you sneak out of bed, watching every floorboard and stepping lightly on your feet even though grandad had already taken his medicine and grandpa was twenty miles away at a meeting. You sneak into the store room, into the very back, dialing in the code that'd you'd seen your grandpa put in do often. You take out the gold ordained box and unclasp the lock with a paperclip. Then you reach in and lift one of the coins delicately. You're slow to turn it over, but once you do, your scream is shrill and echoing. Because on the other side of the coin, is a man. And his eyes and mouth are open in a eternal look of terror. Yet, this isn't the worst part. Nor is it the fact that his eyes are moving. The worst part is that surrounding the man, is a name. A name that your grandpa often mentioned in his stories.
“But the real treasure was the friends we made along the way”, your retired adventurer grandfather always finished his tall tales by that sentence; but the thing is; you never met any of his so-called companions.
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tiredgaychild · 2 years
Perry the platypus confirmed as sus
What if I just-
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