tmntheadcanons173 · 5 years
Uhh, I'm a big ass nerd that's here with a mutagen theory
Yoo I’ve been dead for like,, decades lmao. I’m DEADASS serious about this theory tho aksksj I literally logged back on to this blog just to share this with y'all. Ok ok so like, I’ve always wondered if there’s any rhyme or reason to how ppl are mutated in tmnt 2012? But there’s actually a reason to it, and it’s about how much animal DNA the person has before they’re mutated. Check it out: Turtles: They’re actual turtles and are mutated into humanoid turtles. They have lots of animal DNA (ofc, they’re literal turtles lol) = they’re in their right minds. DogPound: Was BIT by a dog before mutating. Eww dog spit got in him, but at least that means that there was a lot of doggo DNA in him! He’s not feral! FishFace: FishFace handled a live fish before mutating. Probably prepared the fish and ate it. Like with DP, he had fishy DNA in him when he was mutated! Not feral! Mondo Gecko: Was FUSED with his gecko when mutated. Lots of gecko DNA = he’s not feral! —- Kirby/KirbyBat: Only fell ONTO bats when he was mutated. Not enough DNA = FERAL MUTANT. Timothy: Got touched by Donnie boy last and,,, he became a glob of green goo lol. Not enough DNA at all = FERAL MUTANT
Karai: Was only mutated with the serum(??) of snake DNA, so she was barely conscious. Not enough DNA = FERAL MUTANT. — So yeah! If a person was NOT GIVEN ENOUGH ANIMAL DNA before they mutated, they became feral! This may have plot holes in it or whatever kaksjsj but I think I’m close. Please feel free to add on, use this in fics, drawings, whatever, idk lol. Idc, but tag me so I can see! *smooches u all* love y'all
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tmntheadcanons173 · 6 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
There’s never a bad time to have a TMNT marathon. 
You can watch the entire 1987 series by clicking here!
You can see the 2003 series by clicking here!
You can watch the 2012 series by clicking here!
But wait, there’s more!
Want to watch The Next Mutation series? Click here!      - Here’s where you can watch the TMNT/Power Rangers crossover episode!
And of course, the movies! 
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)? No problem, click here!
Go ninja, go ninja, go! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze (1991) is right here!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993) would be located here!
TMNT (2007) can be watched here!
Wanna see Turtles Forever (2009)? Here is where you need to click!
Knock knock, you about to get shellshocked! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) movie here!
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tmntheadcanons173 · 6 years
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Woah, their sleeping positions! I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before.
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
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(I left the time in so y'all could go see for yourself) No... God.. Please, let the Apriltello ship die. PLEASE!! THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO DRAW IN TEENAGE AUDIENCES! As you can see, the new voice actors for April and Donatello are very... Close... In the trailer for the new tmnt show (can be found on my page, just scroll down) and it's safe to say that the new show is going to be absolute garbage. A new show regurgitated for lil ones, with Donnie fawning over April. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Thanks, Nick, you truly are a wonder :)
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
I know I’m reblogging a lot of Net Neutrality stuff and I try to overall minimal involvement in politics because some people come to the internet for a break and not to think about this shit. But if Net Neutrality is axed, well, your internet experience will be censored, slowed and all in all not pleasant. Even if you are not American, guys please do something!
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
Nickelodeon just posted a video about the new TMNT series and its new voice cast. You can hear what they will sound like.
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
Oh my god, I absolutely love this headcanon to pieces, and support it fully. But! What Mikey said was actually a reference to an old game you could play on Nick.com. You could play as one of the turtles or April on Halloween, and defeat bad guys while grabbing candy. The running joke in the game was that Raph forget to get a Halloween costume until last minute, and had to wear the Fairy Princess costume because it was all that was left. I believe there was a part where he actually mentions this during the game (you know how characters in a video game have certain phrases they say throughout the game, like "Oh yeah!" or "I'm so pumped up!" right? One of his was "I shouldn't have waited until last minute to get a costume..") But I like this headcanon much better!!
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Listen you guys. important headcanon that i believe you all will find agreeable.
so you know that all the ninja turtles are absolute nerds (2012).
Michelangelo mentioned Raphael once dressed up as a fairy princess (the halloween episode)
listen you guys.
Raphael watches magical girl animes.
why? because my guess is that it was a magical fairy WARRIOR princess he dressed up as. he thought she was supercool, absolute buttkicking, looking awesome while defeating evil, and thought “oh man, i want to be her for halloween”
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
That moment when 1. Your post almost gets 100 notes 2. Fucking inkyturtle and onthespectrumwriting reblog your hecking post (Ily you guys sm like holy shit???) 3. Donatello is taller than you I’m crying what?!?!
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
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Just wanna put it out there: There are more episodes, guys. “The Big Blowout” is the final episode. Don’t cry, yet, it’s not over just yet 💕💕
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
“All of these episodes are canon, and this is how the show ends.”
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
Found out what happened to Mutagen Man
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He’s dead, lol.
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
Here's what I have to say about the ending: It Sucked Ass. They could have done so so so much better. I'm glad it's not canon, but still. I want a better ending!
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
Reblog if  the TMNT 2012 Crossover episode was the ACTUAL Series Finale for you
TMNT2012 deserves the best ending
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
Concerns On The Mutant Apocalypse Story
So I’ve watched the Mutant Apocalypse story arc in better quality. I will do my thoughts later but I at the moment I want to talk about my concerns.
I did enjoy it and I did get a bit teary eyed at the end but it didn’t feel like a final to me because
All 4 turtles should be there from the start to finish. I didn’t like the fact that they were separated for a number of years.
They should have mentioned of what happened to April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, The Mutanimals ect. - Did they die/how they died, did they mutate or double mutate.
There should have been longer flashbacks - Explain who had this mutagen bomb and what happened to New York, the world, the moon, the lair. I also would have liked to see how Donnie got seriously injured and transform his mind into Metalhead. I would of liked to see how Mikey ended up in the middle of the wasteland.
I wasn’t keen on the turtles new looks, but I did like Donnie’s robot design. 
So due to these concerns, i’ve decided that this story is non canon and the crossover is the final for me. and by that way I can think of ideas for new stories but only as headcanons because I’m not good at fanfiction and don’t have the time for it. 
I would probably do few ideas on what happened after the Mutagen bomb went off in the Mutant Apocalypse but that’s it.
So again, for me The Mutant Apocalypse is Non Canon and the Crossover arc is the final and i’m sticking with it.
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
Me to everyone who ships to defends people who ship t-cest
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in case anyone forgot
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tmntheadcanons173 · 7 years
Top Five Things that Make TMNT (2012) Utterly Horrible
A quick list of things that irk me about tmnt (2012) in no particular order. Also, I do not hate this series, I love it to bits, but there's quite a few bad things about it: 1. Toy gimmicks We all remember the filler episode where the turtle blimp was introduced. Or... Do we? The turtle blimp and many other inventions, characters, and items are used as toy gimmicks in tmnt. They're used once or twice, but never spoken of again, so we sadly sit there with our cheap plastic toys, wondering /why/ we spent $50 on a toy that was only shown once. 2. Fat "annoying" characters This is one that hits close to home, as I'm not exactly fit myself. Each character that is chubby or overweight is shown as either a bad or annoying character. Timothy is a great example. He's chubby and shown as an annoying and overbearing character that the turtles seem to downright despise. While I personally think he's awesome, most people do not care for him. But come on, if any of us met the turtles, we'd probably act jumpy and excited, too, and want to impress them. Another example is the fat old man who mutated into Spiderbite. He even has a bit of his stomach hanging over his pants. He's shown as an irritating and rude character. Everyone else in the show, who is skinny/fit, is usually shown as cool/wanted. 3. Animation flaws Is it just me, or the series's animation can be really shitty sometimes? The baby turtles episode made me cringe so hard, due to the way the turtles were shown, and GOD the voice acting is so horrible I wanted to cry. I know it could be cute in some aspects, but you have to agree with me when I say it could have been better. Usually, the animation is flawless and amazing, but if you re-watch the series, you'll catch a few mistakes and weird things during the episodes. 4. Ships Oh. My. God. The ships in this fandom are just,,, ugh. You guys know how much I hate Apriltello, so I'll only add that it's an abusive and horrible relationship that wants to make me barf. However, I can admit that the fanart is adorable. Kudos to you guys. The incest ships.... No. If you know me, you know I'm an open person and won't kick your ass if you ship a certain ship. I do dislike Apriltello, but I respect your ship and won't drool on you for liking it. However! If you ship incest, please unfollow my blog and reconsider what you're doing with life. This is not something you can argue. You cannot say "But you just gotta respect their ship!" No. Stop. This is the exact same thing as shipping an old man with a five year old girl. It's not okay in any sort of way. It's not cute, fluffy, sweet, or adorable. Siblings should NOT like each other in a sexual/romantic way. I shouldn't even have to say this, because it's so horrible, who would want to ship that?? How would you like it if someone shipped you are your sibling (or parent, if you don't have a sibling.) 5. Females in TMNT As a female, it physically PAINS me to see the array of females we have on the show. Let's have a look, shall we? April- Ah, yes, the queen bitch. She's a downright Mary Sue and while she could possibly be seen as a "badass, stubborn, cool girl," she's mainly stuck up and rude. She's yelled at Master Splinter, broke Donatello's heart so many times, he's now calling himself a freak, has super powers, nobody hates/dislikes her anymore, I could go on and on. Karai- Karai is definitely one of my favorite characters. She's independent, strong, and doesn't take shit, while not doing it in a snotty way, but also adding to her "Stubborn (in a good way) and rebellious teen girl," persona. The only thing I dislike is the Leo x Karai ship. It was cute at first, but became annoying to me very quick. It irked me that Karai, a badass and strong female, had yet again been paired with a male. Irma- Poor Irma. Sweet, sweet Irma. The first female that didn't have a love interest was actually a kranng. Of course. Her character was okay, it wasn't amazing, but wasn't bad. I feel like she could have been better, however. Tang Shen- Love interest and plot pusher. She could have been explored as her own character, but she was only used to develop Spinter's backstory. I do, however, think she's pretty damn awesome from what we saw of her. Mona Lisa- She's awesome! She's badass! She's sassy! She's kind and merciful! Buuutt, she's also Raph's pairing. No surprise there. Like always, the tmnt series drags in another "Blast From the Past," Easter egg, and totally ruins it. After becoming a love interest, Mona loses what makes her so awesome. Her persona is drained and becomes shriveled so badly, that I honestly wish she wasn't even in the series at all. If she wasn't a love interest, though, I'd love her to bits. Renet- How??? Do??? You??? Spell??? Her??? Name??? Anyways, yuck. Don't like her. Not in any way. She's a cute dork, I'll give her that, but god, her pairing with Mikey makes me barf. She has barley any quirks and anything special about her. The only thing about her that sticks out is that she likes Mikey. That's literally it. They could have done so much with her, but they failed terribly at this character. Shinigarmi- Hold on, I think I found another long and hard to spell name, maybe even worse than Renet. Anyways! I love her! She's great and awesome! I'm going to shove away her ship with Mikey, because that make me so fucking pissed because we literally cannot have ONE female without her being paired! But besides that, she's awesome. Her personality is defined and sharp. I love her connection with Karai, too, it really helps bring out a better side in her. Bigfoot- I'm not even going to say anything. This episode was a shit storm that I wish never existed. God help us all.
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