tnecniw · 2 years
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Earlier today (19-09-2022) did our 19 year old cat, Mondeo, pass away. Blind, Deaf, had Dementia. Wasn’t even aware where she were half the time. But with all the love a cat and family member could have or bring. I essentially grew up with her, as the family got her when I was just 6.  I miss her.
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tnecniw · 2 years
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So... as a amateur artist and a VERY new / casual fan of Pokemon... (Technically I don’t own any of the games, planning to get Scarlet / Violet) I thought “There are no Bug /Dark types, huh” So I designed my own. I am not 100% satisfied with the result but... It doesn’t look half bad.
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tnecniw · 2 years
This is one of the best ways to put it that I have seen in a long time.
I recently watched your top fails of 2021 video and I feel the need to say something. about the Cawthon thing. Harassment, Death Threats and doxing are absolutely unaccaptable, so putting that on the list is entirely reasonable. However I take issue with the idea that people should not judge others for their political beliefs. If you can't judge someone for the way they think the world should be run, what can you judge them for?
I've gotten a lot of questions like this, but I'll answer this one because it seems much more like it was asked in good faith.
We are all sinners living in a sinful world, trying our best to navigate it and do what's best for ourselves and the ones we love. We often don't have all the information about circumstances and we especially can't read hearts and minds.
So with that in mind, I present two pieces of advice from two very admirable people;
"Therefore by their fruits you will know them." Jesus Christ
"Look for the helpers." Mr. Rogers
Words and rhetoric are all fine and dandy, but in the end you gotta look at what people actually do. Personally, I would rather have a whiny d**khead actually get the job done rather than a nice person who doesn't do the job at all or does it half-a**ed. Of course, ideally I'd like to have a nice person who gets the job done, but in my experience those are the exception rather than the rule.
I look at all the actions that Scott has taken, how many people he has helped and inspired, and I genuinely believe he was never trying to hurt anyone. If you look at his response, it seems that rhetoric is a much less important factor than actions to Scott. He said he avoided donating to politicians who talk up a big game about supporting LGBT but whose policies he believed would actually do more harm to LGBT. To wit, Scott believes that the LGBT community is going to be hurt more by incompetent and/or disingenuous advocates rather than the actively hateful opponents. Is Scott correct? Maybe, maybe not, and that debate can certainly be had. However, in the end Scott made a judgement call based on the information he had and it was a decision made because Scott didn't want to hurt the LGBT community.
I often see many people who make questionable or harmful decisions but in the end are just trying to do what they believe is right. I don't agree with many of the people who voted for Biden to be president, but I understand many of the reasons why they did. I think they're wrong, especially when we look at many of the negative effects of his presidency that many opponents of his warned about. People voted for Biden because they thought he was the best foot forward for the country and many are coming to the notion that they may have made a mistake. (And no, I highly discourage unhelpful actions of "neener neenering" or "I told you so-ing" these people like children.)
In the end, I try to believe people who disagree with me are MISGUIDED, not EVIL.
90% of the people I associate with online? Friends and colleagues? We do not agree politically. Are you suggesting I should judge them constantly? Shout from the rooftops that they're wrong and engage them in political debate until one of us budges? I and many others I've seen have tried that before and all it's ever done is make us perpetually miserable and irritable. It's not mentally healthy.
I think we should actively look for the people who are genuinely trying to understand and help and we should disengage with the ones who don't want to change and want to just ideologically beat others into submission, passively or actively. I try (and tbh don't always succeed in) not to throw the pearls of my time to swine who don't engage in good faith and just want to be right.
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tnecniw · 3 years
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Yorr, The Frostfather. The God of Ice and Cold. Taking the shape of a Giant Living statue of indestructible ice. Carrying a giant Bladed Tower shield.
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tnecniw · 3 years
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Ads that suddenly appear at the top of the screen, pushing the entire screen down so that you missclick and are sent to a new page you didn’t want.
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tnecniw · 3 years
Darchenmagier makes the best fantasy art ever XD If I had enough money would I comission them like 50 times.
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Am I obsessed with using blue in my artworks? And maaaybeee giving my characters a bit too many staffs to hold…?
Naaah, all good! <3 
Prints and Commissions Twitter - deviantART - Insta - Kofi
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tnecniw · 3 years
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tnecniw · 3 years
Nuclear is more sustainable and environmentally friendly than solar or wind. Change my mind.
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tnecniw · 3 years
This is chaos incarnate
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tnecniw · 3 years
You know what kind of “Post-Superhero” content I wanna see?
I wanna see a show or comic or whatever where the main character is a young, jaded, and cynical kid who gets superpowers. And he knows that it’s all a big sham. That these “superheroes” are actually a bunch of assholes who cause more problems than they solve. That they’re corporate shills and sociopaths who parade themselves around in spandex like its some kind of fetish. Especially that Superman knockoff. He knows the truth. He goes into the superhero community knowing that. That he knows how it works. That he’s better than these Silver Age wannabees.
Except… he’s wrong.
When he actually gets to know these heroes, really interacts with them, his misconceptions start crumbling down. Yeah they aren’t perfect, they’re people, no shit, but they really are what they claim to be. They really do fight for all that ham and cheese. They care, sometimes too much.
Turns out this worlds superheroes really are heroes, or at least try their hardest to be. They fuck-up, sure, but they aren’t malicious. They try. And more than that, they believe.
And that Superman knockoff? Is he actually an alien infiltrator and conqueror like Omniman? Is he a corporate sponsored sociopath like Homelander? Is he secretly some sort of monster?
No. He really is that goody two-shoes heroic nerd he looks like. He believes in people. He loves people, and he never gives up trying to make the world a better place.
And this kid, this edgy loser, feels every second of it. He thought he understood. He thought he had it all figured out. He thought cynicism was wisdom, and contempt was power. But he was wrong. And to make it worse, they forgive him. These heroes he scorned. They get it, that it’s hard to believe in heroes nowadays. And yeah, the world sure as shit ain’t black and white, but it never hurts to try and make things better.
They don’t cast the kid out. They don’t bash on him, they don’t scorn his arrogance and fear.
No. They do what heroes do. They help him. They teach him. They inspire him.
They teach him to believe that a Man can Fly.
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tnecniw · 3 years
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tnecniw · 3 years
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by  Fred Rambaud
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tnecniw · 3 years
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by  zexi guo
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tnecniw · 3 years
TO BE FAIR... they COULD be doing both... (even if they have been too silent on it)
Blizzard rn be like
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Renaming McCree was the most blatant smokescreen distraction possible and fuck them for doing so.
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tnecniw · 3 years
WoW... more americans need to know this O_O
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tnecniw · 3 years
I don’t get why modern Cinema has this hard-on for completely / almost near pitch black scenes. What are we meant to get out of it? or is it just to be cheap with the set / CGI?
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tnecniw · 3 years
I have to firmly agree here. I watched Jim sterling because he looked at plenty of titles but also made very honest and deep dives into AAA culture and the issues (and benefits it brought) but he has turned more and more into a political machine. Yes, I know that gaming contains politics and such, but I don’t want to hear about his complaints regarding Capitalism every. SINGLE. VIDEO. IT. GETS. TEDIOUS!  He was more and more negative and more and more cynical. Mixed in with an amplified focus on politics, economy and things I kind of don’t want to hear constantly.
I was wondering, do you still watch Jim Sterling. I know you were a big fan for years, but considering how people have been more critical of him as of late, I guess I wanted your input. I personally do feel he has become bit extreme, but understand where he comes from given his recent transition, how it has impacted his presence online, and his general worldview. I still like his content even if I don’t always agree with it.
Hm. On one hand, we do owe a lot to Jim Sterling.
Jim really helped get independent game journalists the encouragement and motivation they needed to start up what they do. Many people can tie their influences back to people like Jim, Yahtzee, Doug, etc. Let's not also forget, Jim went up to bat for us against YouTube and fought for our rights to monetize our content on there.
I honestly don't know why I personally fell out of interest watching them. I just haven't felt compelled to watch in a while. I think a part of it might have been that they directly support Zoe Quinn who a confirmed scam artist.
However, I've searched around, and it seems people have problems with hypocrisy as well as the face forming to fit the mask. Here are a few comments taken from a critique video, and boy is it damning if these are true:
"How most Sterlings videos these days are: "Hey, there's games/gaming in this political video""
"I was happy when he called out malpractice where it existed but was dismayed when he excused it when he felt it concerned his self-identified group. I also hated that he had to interject his political opinion into everything. I didn't start watching his channel because I wanted to hear politics. I started watching his channel because I thought he was comedic gaming youtuber who covered AAA news and games who had a character he played as for a bit."
"he pretty much said he doesn't like games anymore, that gamers disgust him, went into a rant about an apology about being an edgy gamer and I stopped, downvoted, unsubscribed. I just cannot watch such negative crap anymore. He's not a game journalist, he's anti gaming."
"Censorship wasn't censorship as long as he agreed with the changes. Cancel culture wasn't real until someone he liked was bleeding followers after attacking their own fanbase for the 40th time. The only consumer Jim ever advocated for was himself. He just tricked us into thinking it was for all of us with how much consuming he was doing."
"when he endorsed SWATTING people for being "assholes" online, I knew it was only a matter of time before he went down."
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