tnh16 · 6 years
“Respect yourself enough to say “I deserve peace,” and walk away from people or things that prevent you from attaining it.”
— via @wizdomly
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tnh16 · 6 years
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“I think we’ve loved a thousand lives.”
PVRIS - Same Soul
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tnh16 · 6 years
you don’t have to be more attractive. you don’t have to be attractive at all. you don’t have to attract anyone or anything. you are not a magnet, damn it. you should be you for you and only you. and yes I am talking about you and you and you.  
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tnh16 · 6 years
♈ Aries - fortis et liber (strong & free)
♉ Taurus - ad meliora (towards better things)
♊ Gemini - cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am)
♋ Cancer - esse quam videri (To be, rather than to seem)
♌ Leo - luceo non uro (I shine, not burn)
♍ Virgo - luctor et emergo (I struggle and emerge)
♎ Libra - dona nobis pacem (give us peace)
♏ Scorpio - faciam ut mei memineris (I’ll make you remember me)
♐ Sagittarius - audentes fortuna iubat (fortune favors the bold)
♑ Capricorn - concilio et labore (by wisdom and effort)
♒ Aquarius - locus standi (a right to stand)
♓ Pisces - ab intra (from within)
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tnh16 · 6 years
what the signs want you to understand
aries: they are not emotionless, they are just so used to having to be the strong one in every situation. they are surprised when someone genuinely asks how they’re doing, so it takes them a while to respond when having to gather their emotions and explain them to another human. 
taurus: just because they are stubborn, does not mean that they don’t care. they usually can come to their senses if someone is patient and understanding towards why they may be reluctant to compromise. it usually has to do with something else, like being afraid.
gemini: they are not two-faced, they just are able to see both sides of a situation and react accordingly to both. they aren’t deceitful in this way, they simply just know how to empathize with almost every person they encounter.
cancer: just because they are very generous with love, does not mean you should take advantage. they can easily cut people off if it means it is for their well-being, and especially if they come to the realization that you don’t love them, you just love what they do for you.
leo: they shut themselves away because they do not want to bring anyone else down with them. it does not mean that they do not care about you, it means that they actually care about you more than you know. they only want the best for you.
virgo: they need to be with people the most when they act like they don’t need anyone. a virgo likes to act as if all they need is themselves, but they crave love just like any other individual and they need someone who cares enough to break their walls down.
libra: they need to express themselves. and sometimes when they are quiet, it simply means that their brain is moving too fast with new ideas and new things to say that they can’t slow down and express it all to you at this moment, but something great will come out of the silence.
scorpio: they need to know how you feel. a scorpio wants to know everything, and that’s why they openly show you everything about them with the passion and intensity that they do. they want the same energy back from you, and everything that may come with it.
sagittarius: being listened to is the best thing you can do for a sagittarius. sometimes the things going on inside their head are too deep to bare alone, and all they really need is for someone to show that they care. 
capricorn: a capricorn has enough ambition for the whole world, however, they do get tired just like everyone else. they are scared of disappointment to the point where they push themselves too hard, and need to be reminded to slow down sometimes.
aquarius: they are loyal enough to the point where they will not ever let you believe that you are alone. they will do this to a fault. but they need you to understand that underneath all of this, it is because they do not want to be left alone by you, either. they want the same amount of effort from you that they put in. 
pisces: a pisces has to be alone more than the average individual, because they soak in everyone else’s emotions. it does not mean they are tired of you, it simply means that they need to rest and take time to understand everything that they are feeling.
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tnh16 · 6 years
the signs grouped
taurus, cancer, libra, saggitarius: mom friend of each element, equally craves balance and excitement, can have lots of emotions but don’t always express them in the best way, always unsure of where to focus their energy, indulgent in expensive or nice things
capricorn, scorpio, gemini, aries: the self-proclaimed badasses of each element, intense energy, work hard, can be hard to read emotionally, typically full of interesting things to say and blunt playful/witty banter
virgo, pisces, aquarius, leo: the independent signs of each element, introspective, tends to live in their own world, a lot of energy focused on the self, usually does things a bit differently, wants to stand out
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tnh16 · 6 years
Aries: you burned your past to the ground. Let the bridges and homes you destroyed light your way out of town. Was it worth it? I’m not judging. Just asking
Taurus: not getting to succeed is not failure. Sometimes letting go of your dreams is the healthiest thing you’ve ever done.
Gemini: I am proud you survived. You should be to. The demons that keep trying to kill you have not won. Will not win. I believe in you.
Cancer: Those scars didn’t end up there by accident. They like the tattoos are stories of all the things you survived. Wear them like a badge of honor.
Leo: You did good kid. You did really good. I know you don’t hear it enough and I know me saying it won’t be enough. But you did so god damn good. I am so proud. You should be to.
Virgo: I hope you get your life together. I hope you are happy even if we never get to talk again. I hope things go easy for you. I wish you nothing but the entire world on a string.
Libra: just because people leave doesn’t mean they want to. Just because your reality breaks doesn’t make it your fault. You are trying so damn hard. I know.
Scorpio: you are not defined by the labels they stuck on you. You are not what they tell you you are. Make your own way. Fuck them and fuck the judgement. They will never understand what you survived
Sagittarius: The Graves we’ve filled of people we’ve lost pile up this time of year. Another birthday another reminder of darker times. It’ll get better
Capricorn: stubborn to a fault you cling to your ignorance. I know the world is cruel and I know the world is scary. But you have razor sharp teeth. Just use them on something other then those who love you
Aquarius: They can’t get to you anymore. Stop running stop hiding. Your brain lies to you so much. They aren’t around every corner. You are safe here.
Pisces: No good thing deserves a blood sacrifice. If you find yourself bleeding repeatedly over someone then it’s time to walk away. I’m sorry
This weeks zodiac
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tnh16 · 6 years
The signs aesthetics
(check your sun, moon, and rising)
Aries: bright red lipstick, combat boots, a night city lit by neon lights, wrestling with your friends, mona lisa’s smile, wondering if someone thinks about you, fairy lights, baseball bats, biting into a fresh apple, converse, doodling in class, stained glass windows, fields of daises, making snow angels
Taurus: forest fairies, strolling though an orange grove on a warm day, mossy rocks, singing into your hairbrush, wild horses, fluffy socks, fresh baked cookies, dark lipstick, orange sunsets, polaroids, soft bunnies, laughing so hard you cant breathe, placing succulents everywhere
Gemini: clouds, writing in the air with sparklers, fruit trees, stargazing with a best friend, minimalist art, carefully stepping around delicate flowers, old records, rainbows, watching people in a busy city, listening to music in the shower, iced lemonade, violets, getting lost in happy memories, typewriters
Cancer: a mediterranean breeze, peaches, holding you breath as long as you can, dangling your feet over a watery cliff, angels wings, shy smiles, fields of lavender, laughing at old photos, sunlight glistening off water, drinking tea and staring out a rainy window
Leo: diamond earrings, feeling the warmth of a bonfire, entertaining your friends and loved ones, bright early mornings, giving flowers to your favorite person, reading for hours, milkshakes, wondering how many places you’ll go, gold glitter, rollerblading, heart shaped sunglasses
Virgo: the london skyline, cheering for your friends, floral patterns, beautiful hair, riding a bike down an old brick street, finding the perfect candle, a peaceful yellow house on a hill, silk dresses flowing in the wind, watching the fog roll in off the sea, reading into the early hours of the morning, snuggling in an oversized sweater Libra: pastel smoke bombs, picking sunflowers at dawn, falling in love with the moment every time your friends laugh, tea with milk and sugar, a cat basking in the suns rays, bubble baths, freeze dried roses, holographic paint, sleeping under a skylight, the babble of a coffee shop, collecting stickers to put on your laptop Scorpio: a shadowy forest, setting off firecrackers at midnight, fluffy white cats, pink rain boots, falling asleep to the sound of a storm, wearing multiple bracelets, hiking with your buddies, knowing what people are thinking just by looking at them, a mysterious crystal ball, taking hot hour long showers, watching smoke rise Sagittarius: wandering though the woods, wishing on shooting stars, tall evergreen trees poking though heavy fog, multicolored sunsets, hugging your best friend after not seeing them for awhile, paint stained hands, an old grand piano, fishing in a creek, kicking a rock down the road as you walk, a bouquet of tulips, large windows with drawn back curtains Capricorn: sage, 80s blazers, being stuck after sitting in a leather seat for too long, roadmaps scattered around, staring in awe at someones eyes, tall gates on a graveyard, bird watching, waking up in a new city, walking through a greenhouse, the scent of old books, getting lost in your favorite music Aquarius: jelly shoes, admiring a child’s wonder, looking though a thrift shop for hours, sitting on a sidewalk watching people as they go by, knit socks, collecting plastic shopping bags, house plants, wearing odd colors of nail polish, standing on a tall building and taking a deep breath, ivy crawling up a garden wall, Pisces: daydreaming, walking though a field barefoot, closing your eyes and listening to the sound of a waterfall, clear puddles, chocolate milk, moonlight shimmering off the ocean, getting lost in a garden of flowers, a ships sails, sea foam, dandelions growing out of the sidewalk, crystals, betta fish
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tnh16 · 6 years
Your gift to the world ❉
✥ a r i e s:  your tenacity. your nerve. Your willingness to scream when the world awaits in silence. Others are drawn to the fire that burns in your blood.
 ❀ t a u r u s:  your unconditional loyalty, which knows no boundaries. The vow you take to seek out a soulmate, and share your life with them, even within a universe of misfortune and disappointment.
 ✲  g e m i n i:  Your message. You capture this world with your words. If you have faith in what goes on in your mind, you can challenge us all to broaden our mental horizon.
✹ c a n c e r:  Your protection. The way you keep an eye and ear out for everyone else. Like the stars finding solitude in the moonlit sky, the world seeks shelter in your arms. They would be lost without you there to catch them.
✣ l e o:  Your influence, which illuminates the earth, like the sun. You have a flame burning in your heart, fiery and bold, bright enough to lead a village out of darkness. 
 ❉ v i r g o:  Your truth. You preserve the purity of life. The sincerity and authenticity of autumn morning memories from long ago. You remind us all to stay tied to our roots, and not to let facades cloud our obligation to reality.
✲ l i b r a:  Your judgement. Your allegiance to justice. You are the mediator of cosmic chaos. You divide the sky between night and day–always equal and impartial. Like the air after a storm, you being a peaceful breath of fresh air. 
✾ s c o r p i o:  Your drive. Fueled by your relentless passion, your actions conduct a quiet storm. Your heart’s core is as deep as the ocean, and the world gets lost in your inexorable current.
❅ s a g i t t a r i u s:  Your initiative. Your insatiable need to reach out to the lives around you. You light a match in other people’s hearts. You set their souls on fire. You may just burn the whole world down with you.
❀ c a p r i c o r n:  Your wisdom. It seems as though you’ve lived a thousand lives. You’ve remained perfectly true to who you’ve ever been, as sure as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Your word is your honor.
❉ a q u a r i u s: Your rebellion. Your curiosity. Your unwillingness to trust conformity, or allow the tradition of yesterday to dictate the fate of the future. You challenge us to embrace change like a summer breeze. 
✿ p i s c e s: Your empathy. Your ability to share your heart with another person, and feel their emotions rush through your veins like a winter rapid. No one knows the feeling like you do.
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tnh16 · 6 years
What kind of drunk are you 🍻
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tnh16 · 6 years
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tnh16 · 6 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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tnh16 · 6 years
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tnh16 · 6 years
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I think we fight it. 
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tnh16 · 6 years
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Make love to her soul 💕
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tnh16 · 6 years
Spiritual Connections.
What does it mean when two people complete eachother spiritually?
Well it may differ from what they spiritually are and maybe even mean to eachoter, there are many ways two or more souls can spiritually be connected and fullfilling eachoter.
There can be created a bond between two people even after their souls were born and they have deliberately chosen to do it even.
I made a list of the most known spiritual or spirit connections one or more can have with. Remember that these kinds of bonds can happen between humans, between a human and any kind of spirit or deity, and so forth. Hope you enjoy!
1. Platonic Soulmate: Platonic soulmates are the most simple type of connection that two soul scan have. You can share with a platonic soulmate more than one life or even every life or just one, still tho, they will bet he best of friends and with them you may expect awesome aventures together! Sometimes people confuse a platonic soulmate with a romantic soulmate.
2. Past Life Soulmate: A past life soulmate is usually also part of our soul family. We have met them in another life and almost instantly recognize that. They usually come to us to remind us about something that you forgot about your own soul and they also bring information (usually about the past lifes you shared) to deepen your spirituality.
3. Karmic Soulmates: Karmic soulmates are usually coming to you to resolve unsettled buisness between you two or because there is an unlearned lesson, and for you to continue your path and become stronger and resolve the karmic imbalance, they present to you conflicts and challenges.
4. Healing/Teacher Soulmate: Healing soulmates usually come to us after a karmic relationship ends. Or after a difficoult period in your life. They can come in the form of a friend, a parent, a teacher, a lover, or even a stranger. They offer you comfort and help you back on your path. Healing soulmates are usually temporary as they mostly exist in our lives for a specific issues, however, some healing soulmates may stay for a longer period of time.
5. New Soulmate: Not all soulmates you meet will be someone that you knew from a past life and so is the new soulmate, someone we never had contact with and wasn’t originally part of your Soul Contract. Usually they come to you when you have completed all your karmic trials, when an important part of your journey is going to manifest, or when (for whatever reason) you reject your romantic soulmate or twinflame partner.
6. Romantic Soulmate:  Your romantic soulmate is the person that your higher self decided to unite with. Of course, you can always stray from your soul contract but most people choose not to. The romantic soulmate will give you very much much joy, happiness, emotional dept and love. They’re the person you’re likely to marry and will help to move you along your path with an open heart. When we unite with a companion soulmate, we experience unconditional love and bliss. Every relationship will still have it’s problems but you’ll be able to work through these things in harmony. The romantic soulmate may be a new soulmate or someone you’ve already had connection with in other lifes. You can have more than one romantic soulmate.
Twin Flame:
A Twin flame relationship happens (to make it short) when a single soul/conciousness splits itself in one or more smaller individual parts and they find eachother. Not everyone has a twin flame in this lifetime or a twin flame at all. It’s still possible to be whole without your twin flame but, when you two come together, it creates something incredibly powerful. 
Soul Family: 
Members of a Soul Family all come from the same branch of conciousness and have similar paths and missions and their souls have been created at the same time, in the same dimention or planet. They have similar beliefs, interests, vibrational energies and soul missions as you do. Some soul family groups can 10 people in it or 10.000, it really depends.
Spirit Spouse/Lover: 
A spirit spouse is a spirit (usually deities, gods and godesses, altho it can range from faeries to ghosts to angles or demons etc.) who courts you and later on marries you or creates a marital-like bond with you. A relationship with a spiritual spouse can range from only a flirtatious relationship to only a sexual relationship to a loving relationship or loving marriage. A spirit spouse can be a soulmate (mostly romantic) who has not incarnated with you and decided to stay at your side on the spiritual plane. An important thing to remember is that spirit spouse relationship is not any different from how humans have a relationship. You can have more than one spiritual spouse (if, of course, your first spirit spouse agrees).
I may update this list in the future.
Have a blessed day!
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tnh16 · 6 years
always follow what raises your vibration. anything that sets your soul on fire, makes you excited and gives you those goosebumps is in alignment with your higher self. that is your destiny, everything else will fall into place after
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