tnyj Ā· 3 years
Listening to a wokie fuckhead go on and on about how dare we put Shakespeare on still becauseā€¦.ummmā€¦.racismā€¦.sexismā€¦Umm wolf shit? These unfucking cultured swines honestly need to fuck off they donā€™t have the fucking brain power for it.
ā€œIt is a tale; full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.ā€
-ā€“ Macbeth
There's a profound irony in these pseudo-intellectuals and their extremely shallow takes on the Bard. They come from the same outrage mob mentality prevalent on Twitter, where the objective is to actively find a problem or invent a way to be offended, whether it's there or not, whether it's intended or not (Problematization).
Of course, these are the smooth-brains who insist that CRT is just about "teaching history" (it's not; or alternatively, is an obscure legal framework, which nobody is teaching - they can never decide which Motte to retreat to), and then proceed to get To Kill A Mockingbird removed because of the racism present in a compelling portrayal of history.
For people who declare themselves to be the most enlightened and awake of us all, aware of the invisible nuances the rest of us miss, they have only a few superficial dot-points cherry-picked from the stories, missing or ignoring the point entirely.
Othello is arguably one of the earliest examinations of racism; the lead and protagonist is the dark guy, not the white guy who's manipulating him. And when he succumbs to resentment, things go tragically wrong and there's no going back. A lesson the activist elite among us could well learn.
The Taming of the Shrew is literally a farce, and almost everyone in it is a terrible person doing terrible things; youā€™re not supposed to admire them. Itā€™s like ā€œRuthless Peopleā€. It's the "shrew" herself who is the sympathetic character. In Macbeth, it's Lady Macbeth who motivates and pulls the strings of the entire thing, exercising her power and influence over her husband. (It actually reminds me, without the machiavellian aspects, of how Obama bragged that he ran every presidential decision by Michelle, effectively giving her the power of the Presidency; without the credit for success, but also with immunity to the consequences for failure. Women have always held power and influence, even when it wasn't in formal seats, in many ways more than the men who acted on their behalf.)
Romeo and Juliet is literally about two people who die directly as a result of tribalism and their families' inability to put aside old disputes.
Across all his works, one of the most consistent lessons is that people are complicated and flawed, because that is humanity. People can do good in their own way, and others who have good intentions can do bad things by circumstance, misunderstanding or manipulation. This is unforgivable to Wokistanians, as they hold fast to two-dimensional stereotypes and cliches. In order to sustain a war of "us vs them" collectivism based on superficial attributes, the individual must be kept at arm's length. It cannot and does not deal with an individual except through membership in its power categories.
Another is that of personal responsibility, which is outright rejected in preference to exalted helplessness in the face of a numinous "system," requiring wholesale emancipatory insurrection.
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
-- Julius Caesar
It's ironic in an almost Shakespearean way, that the people who could most stand to learn from Shakespeare are the shrill scolds who reject him.
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."
-- A Midsummer Night's Dream
"This above all; to thine own self be true; And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."
-- Hamlet
"Reputation is an idle and most false imposition: oft got without merit, and lost without deserving."
-- Othello
ā€œStrong reasons make strong actions.ā€
-- King John
ā€œLove all, trust a few, do wrong to none.ā€
-- All's Well That Ends Well
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
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Nothing in the universe requires or indicates a god.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
1 Year, 3 Weeks.
I have 1 year, 3 weeks until I finally end Hospital Hell.
After 18 years (at that exact point in time), Hospital Hell will finally be over.
This very chapter of my life has been going on since my very birth (Day 0), and it's finally about time I permanently end it.
Hospital Hell may have improved my life by a few factors, but at this point it is beyond frustrating, tedious and annoying. It should have ended long ago.
It should have fuckingĀ endedĀ in 2018 or even in April 2020!
It's about time.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
404 Track Hyper-Album?
Iā€™m contemplating a sequel to Reality Has No Meaning (RHNM) later this year (most likely in December), and it's going to be based on the exact same concept as its predecessor. It will have glitchy and chaotic sounds and sound structures.
The album might actually be untitled.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
2 years of making Noise music.
This is a rather late post, but I think it's about time that I acknowledge the fact that my 2nd anniversary has came and went. I started this career because I wanted to make fast noise music myself. (Mainly Speedcore to Hypertone.) I would never have even thought of becoming the underground musician I am today.Ā 
I have changed a lot since the Acid Machine 2 Era from September 2019 to April 1st, 2020. I remember being so inspired by the likes of Diabarha, M1dy, (literally only because of Cold Pizza) and finally, the two mainĀ inspirations: DF and Blvck Hypertone. Blvck was actually the reason I got audacity, and ended the Acid Machine 2 Era.
Thanks to audacity, I was able to become more stylised, experimental and musically unique in my own right.
This will persist with the next phase of my career, from January 2022. I am planning the next steps for future albums, singles, aliases, genres, concepts and experiments.
It's just really weird how I went from an unknown nobody Speedcore-Hypertone producer to a relatively known artist within my field of music.
Thanks for staying with me for so long.
Thank you.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
Future aliases/genres?
Currently, I am contemplating yet another style and alias despite it being just barely a week since my last one. (Hyperchaos). I want to continue in genre experimentation and alias creation, only because I want to allow my experimental nature to flourish way more, itā€™s just that I feel limited by hardware.
I am very uncertain as to what new possible genre I will create and/or new style, and what that aforementioned style is based off of.
Purely because I just do it. There is no real thought put into my music and noise, other than a true expression of myself in one of several ways.
In reality, I only put thought into the styles and genres of my music, and just let my subconscious create the songs.
I innovate because I can.
No real purpose or goal, other thanĀ ā€˜because why not?ā€™. That is the reality of my music, in itā€™s entirety. Especially when every single song I have made, from April 2020 to this very dayĀ is a remix of my olderĀ works (2019 - 2020), just severely deformed and unrecognisable from itā€™s previous form.
I will continue to experiment and create, however.
It just takes time and consideration.
Because, at the end of the day, itā€™s the concept that needs to be proven and then fleshed out completely.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
Updated very infrequently.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
Innovation and music genres.
You just need to experiment with sound, and do it in a way that no oneĀ has thought of or hasĀ done priorĀ to your attempt.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
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art for my newest alias and style.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
Who and what am I anymore?
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
Based on the darkness within me.
It is indescribable.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
A meme track, by my meme alias.
This is a remix of a theme song from a kidā€™s show I used to watch in 2010 and 2011 on Cable Television, called Mister Maker, where it was an arts and crafts TV Show.
Methrack is a merge of the wordsĀ ā€˜Methā€™ andĀ ā€˜Crackā€™. It is namedĀ ā€˜Methrackā€™ because of how nonsensical my sense of humour is.
No context, no meaningful sense, just weird memes.
It sounds a bit awkward because of how the intro was originally made, and currently, I cannot find an acapella version of the intro.Ā 
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
Current State Of Mind
Do you ever feel like you have gone/are going downhill?
If so, welcome to my current mental state.
It has been this way since April this year.
I personally feel like I have been on a literal downward spiral for the last 2 years now. With 2018 being the best overall year of my life, and 2019 being my worst, with last year and this year being bad for me mentally. Because of apathy and possible depression in general. It is no coincidence that I named 2018 the last year of general innocence. It was before the identity crisis hit me subconsciously.
I have had the proper feeling of going downhill for around a year now, with it hitting hard with every reminiscence of the golden age.
Combine this with the identity and existential crisis I suffer now, you get pain and misery that is intensified by the above.
I want this to end, but I doubt it ever will.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
A remix of Whitewoods - Beachwalk.
I am lost, no purpose in life, no meaningful identity, no emotion.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
This series starts at -3.
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
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tnyj Ā· 3 years
Fresh Paint.
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