toacodor · 4 years
This tumblr will no longer have the stories of BTTL available to read. The stories are going onto an official website (wip). This tumblr will become a journal for Codor to document things, as well as an ask blog for me (the writer) or the characters. In addition, my mocs will be posted here as well (canon or otherwise).
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toacodor · 4 years
Moc: Turaga Tahu
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toacodor · 4 years
Moc: Codor (Matoran) and Ussanui V2
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toacodor · 4 years
Book 1: A New Tale - Chapter 2: Life Will Change
Codor begins his new life, breaking his “in-case-of-leaving-job”-marked Mahi bank. Upon smashing it with the firestick he kept, tons of widgets flowed out of it. He had planned this day for years. “Well, I think I’ll be ok until I can find a new job… still gotta work that out.” Codor said to himself. He decided he could walk around Ta-Magna, and see what everyone was talking about, perhaps he could sell or trade for items a ton of people wanted. Codor walked out of his hut, and the first thing that he heard was… “Did you hear about the attack from the Dark Hunters on Ta-Wahi? I thought they were gone for good!” Dark Hunters? Here? Impossible, likely some kind of rumor. Codor decided to go to the Turaga’s hut to see if he could sort this out.
“Yes, I will send resources and matoran down to Ta-Wahi as soon as possible.” The Turaga said. “So it’s true,” Codor said, “The Dark Hunters are back?” 
“I am afraid so, my young friend. There have been reports in other areas of Ta-Magna as well, not just the Wahi.”
“But I thought the Dark hunters were captured, and either corrected or jailed.”
“They were, but these are no ordinary Dark Hunters… I fear we may see the return of-”
Suddenly a loud explosion sounded off, like that of a bomb. Codor and Turaga Tahu ran outside to see what happened. They were here. The guards could do little, as they were trained to fight off Skrall, Bone Hunters, and Rahi. These Dark Hunters burst through the gate like it was nothing. The matoran guards were knocked away seemingly without effort. The turaga pulled Codor into his hut and quickly spoke “I knew this would happen… Quickly, there is not much time.” Tahu handed Codor a small, flat figurine of some sort of toa. “You must go to the old world and venture into Karda Nui. There you will find the Codrex. Go there, I will keep them at bay.” “But what about you? I should be fighting, not you.” Codor said. 
“Codor, It is my destiny to do this, and it is yours to find the Codrex.”
Suddenly, the roof was torn off the hut by one of the dark hunters who tried to skewer the turaga with his massive tail. 
“GO CODOR!” Tahu said, firing a stream of flame from his firestaff.
“But I can’t just leave you here!” Codor added.
Tahu turned back to Codor for a moment, which gave the dark hunter a moment to strike. His tail plunged straight through Tahu’s chest, at which point the dark hunter flicked him off his tail, and into a wall.
“TURAGA!” Codor shouted in anguish. He rushed over to the slumped over elder’s body, holding his back with one hand, and gripping the turaga’s hand with another. 
Shakily, Tahu spoke. “G-go to the Codrex, I w-will be with you…”
When the turaga finished, the Dark hunter aimed his tail for Codor. He struck, and grazed Codor’s back. Codor felt this, and grabbed a pipe from Tahu’s stove. He smashed its tail, and the Dark hunter flinched and yelled in pain, which gave Codor a moment to escape.
With tears of sorrow and anger sliding down his face, he ran from the hut, and looked around for some way out of the city. He ran to his hut and remembered his old hoverboard project, the Ussanui V2. It was old and made mostly out of scrap parts from the forge, but it might work. He jumped on it, disabled the landing gear, and kicked the ignition. Like a rocket, Codor was off. 
The Dark Hunter who fought with Tahu and Codor walked over to another Hunter who looked to be the commander of the attack.  “He got away with the Keystones sir. Should I pursue?” 
The commander answered. “No Kraata, you did well. Send Phantom to follow him.”
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toacodor · 4 years
apologies for no new chapter this Saturday, finals caught me off-guard. I’ll upload it as soon as possible!
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toacodor · 4 years
Discord channel bois!
I realize this is still a tiny blog, but I like making servers, so... here you go!
https://discord.gg/jVy9Nv <the link
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toacodor · 4 years
Chapter 2 coming this Saturday!
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toacodor · 4 years
Book 1: A New Tale - Chapter 1: Origins
Gathered friends, let us remember the story… of the Bionicle. 
In a time before time,
The great spirit descended from the heavens, carrying us, the Matoran to his oasis. We were separate, and without verse, so the great spirit enlightened us with the three virtues: Unity, Duty, and Destiny. We embraced these gifts, and in thanks, we named our island home after the great spirit himself, Mata Nui. But our happiness was not to last, for Mata Nui’s Brother, The Makuta,
was jealous of these honors and betrayed him. He cast a spell over Mata Nui, sending him into a deep slumber. The Makuta was free to unleash his shadows. And unleash them… he did. In these dire times, Mata Nui sent forth his heroes, The Toa, representing all the elements of the world. Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Stone, and Ice. And together, they fought back the Makuta. Generation after generation of Toa was called and took each other’s place. Mata Nui was finally awoken from his slumber and struck down his brother for all of his evil deeds. 
A crowd of Ta-Matoran huddled around a pit of sand began applauding, some cheering quietly. A  robed Turaga waved his hand, signaling everyone to quiet down. “This,” he said, “Is the history of our people. May it never be forgotten.” The crowd went silent. “Ahem,” The Turaga began, “Let the festival… commence!” Hundreds of cheers and whistles came from the group, who then rushed outside the gigantic hut they were just in. some playing music and dancing, others tending to carts and stands which sold food, traditional robes, and festive masks. However, one Matoran stayed behind. He was small, about the same height as the Turaga. Which was small, considering he was a Matoran from the new generation, being born on the newly-reformed planet Spherus Magna, which tended to be rather tall. The Turaga approached the small villager. 
“Oh? It appears my young friend isn’t taking a liking to these festivities.” 
The Matoran spoke up. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Tell me Codor, why are you staying in here?”
“Parties just aren’t my thing I guess.”
“Hmm, you seem sad, why might that be?”
“Because Tahu, they hate me. They all laugh at me because of this.” The Matoran held up his left leg, which was thin, completely metal. A prosthetic leg. 
“Oh come now,” The elder began, “why would they do that?”
“You tell me,” Codor followed, “They all laugh at me for no reason. They call me a “Loose pile of ashes”. Have you seen them!? They get heated over the smallest things. And just because I tell them to stop screwing around with me, they say “Augh, get thicker skin buddy.” Just because I’m from the New Generation. Ugh, it drives me insane! You’ve known me for how long Tahu, you know what I’m like, can’t you say anything to them?!”
“Their arrogance cannot be snuffed out like the flame of a candle. You must first build your own candle and snuff yours first.”
“What does that even mean?” Codor asked, somewhat aggressively.
“Well,” Turaga Tahu began, “Be like them, let them get to know you first. Then, when the time is right, set an example.”
“I suppose that makes sense, but I’m going home”. Codor said. With help from The Turaga and his Kohlii stick, Codor stood up and walked home. “Be like them,” Codor said to himself, “As if that’ll ever happen.”
The next day, Codor went to his job in the Ta-Magnan forge. He was a mask maker, who, unfortunately, couldn’t make masks, save for the jet-black Miru he currently wore. He was not content with his job. But being a metallurgist or a mask maker were the only two jobs a Ta-Matoran could take. Once he got inside, he unpacked his things, put on a protective apron, and began working at his forging station. Today He was working on an Akaku, the mask of X-ray vision. Codor kept trying to sculpt the protodermis with his firestaff, however, due to his lack of experience as well as the faulty equipment which was given to him, he kept breaking his attempts. After hearing Codor’s disgusted “Ugh”, an older Ta-Matoran walked over to Codor’s workstation. He was around the same size as Codor and had a massive prosthetic arm which doubled as a forging hammer. “Hey-Hey-Hey! Workin’ hard or hardly workin’? How ya been Codor?” Codor, annoyed didn’t give a reply. “Ey, c’mon man, answer me!” The Ta-Matoran foreman said “Could be better if I wasn’t stuck in here.” Codor answered. “EY! Don’t get snappy with me young man, ya gotta be positive! ...Unless of course, you’d like a pay cut.” “Fine,” Codor finally spoke up, “What do you want?” The foreman spoke, “Well, rumor has it that you weren’t at the festival yesterday, and I would like to know why.” Codor answered the foreman “Well, let’s just say the majority of the work environment and I don’t exactly get along.” “Ho-HO,” The foreman let out a booming laugh, “Is that so? Well If ya don’t agree with the forge, maybe you should look somewhere else fer’ work.” The rest of the immediate area in the forge laughed. “Ey, no hard feelin’s right buddy?” The foreman rested his massive hammer-arm purposely on the nearly finished akaku, breaking it like glass. “Oh, whoops... hehe. Sorry ‘bout that” Out of rage, and years of this happening to him, Codor snapped, and his fist found its mark right in the center of the foreman’s red hau, breaking it in two, to which the foreman replied, “Wh-EY’ Get over here and make me a mask, or you’re gettin’ a hefty pay cut my friend!” “Do It yourself.” Codor said, taking his protective apron off and packing his things. “HOW DARE YOU TREAT YOUR SUPERIOR THAT WAY?! DO YOU WANT TO BE FIRED?!” The foreman shouted, maskless. “Go ahead,” Codor said, “you can fire me all you want, because I quit!” He threw down his apron and squashed it into the floor with his “good” foot, leaving the forge.
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toacodor · 4 years
Story Announcement
First Chapter (and book by that extent) is going to be posted this Saturday, 10:00 AM Eastern!
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toacodor · 4 years
Greetings fellow chroniclers!
This blog is where entries for the unofficial (and somewhat canon) Bionicle continuation series Bionicle: The legend Lives are posted! Come back often and there could be new bonkle content (Story, Mocs, etc.)!
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