tokenofmydevotion · 4 days
I need everyone to watch this video, it's SO WELL DONE and has less than 1k views which is criminal. It so beautifully encapsulates everything we love about our little weewoo show and I am in awe of both the skills of the editor, and of the people who make this show
if you haven't seen 9-1-1, please watch this video and tell me you're not at least intrigued by this show!! it's a beautiful, raw, very human story
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tokenofmydevotion · 11 days
Satan just said "the family business" on the weewoo show. I'm dead.
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tokenofmydevotion · 12 days
I did NOT see that coming.
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tokenofmydevotion · 13 days
Season 4 is cracking me up. And that includes Eddie's hair.
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tokenofmydevotion · 15 days
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Me having to interact with other people...
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tokenofmydevotion · 17 days
After reading 100s of 911 fanfics, and Tumblr posts, I finally broke brokedown and got Hulu and started watching. Y'all were not kidding THIS IS INSANE!!
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tokenofmydevotion · 1 month
My kink? Stealing t-shirts.
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tokenofmydevotion · 1 month
Find you a man that eats bacon and watches the Barbie movie for the 5th time with you on a Sunday morning
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tokenofmydevotion · 2 months
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This guy is having a day
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tokenofmydevotion · 2 months
I'm not a writer but I have this Buck/Tommy/Eddie 3 dads fic idea that won't let go of my brain, so I'm just gonna spit it out here:
Chris is in high school now. Eddie gets a call from the school that Chris is in trouble and a parent needs to come meet with the principle. They're all off work, so they all go to the school. Hilarity ensues.
Principal: so which one of you is Chris's dad?
Eddie: I'm his dad, Buck is his other dad, and Tommy is his stepdad.
Principal: Ah, child of divorce. Which one of you is married to Chris's mom?
Eddie: oh my wife died when Chris was young.
P: So Chris has no mom?
E: well Carla has been his nanny for years, she can stay with him overnight if we're all working. Or my Tia Pepa.
B: or my sister Maddie
(P glances at Tommy)
T: oh I don't have any family here, but if we're just listing strong positive female role models there's...
(all 3 begin to tell P about Hen, Karen, Athena, etc)
P: I'm sorry, what is that you do that would keep you away from home so much?
E: oh we're all firefighters
T: I'm also a helicopter pilot
P: ok, so Chris has 3 gay firefighter dad's-
B: umm, actually I'm bisexual
E: I'm demisexual
(P once again looks to T for his response)
T: me? Oh yeah, I'm gay.
P: ok... I think I've got the picture here.
E: now that that's out of the way, why are we here?
P, sighing heavily: Chris hit a kid with his crutch for "being homophobic"
Chris is called into the office and explains that Mark was saying nasty things to Marie and her trans gf, so he whacked him in the shin.
E: Chris, you know that was wrong.
C: I know! That's why I hit him!
At this point they can barely keep from laughing.
T: You know, we're also both medics. We could take a look at his leg if you like. Unless you think he might be scared of the big gay firefighter.
P, head in hands: No. Just... just go. Make sure it doesn't happen again.
E: Chris, we'll discuss your punishment when we get home.
Halfway down the hall:
C: Am I really getting punished for this?
E: No bud, you're not.
B: No, you're getting ice cream.
T: No. No ice cream.
All stop to stare at him. Tommy puts his hand on Chris's shoulder and leans down to eye level.
T: Chris. You didn't earn ice cream...
They're all holding their breathe cuz Tommy looks really serious.
T: You earned Cheesecake Factory buddy.
And scene.
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tokenofmydevotion · 2 months
I'm begging on my knees. I broke my phone and had to get a new one, how do I get dark mode? I am not tech savvy.
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tokenofmydevotion · 2 months
Oh shit. This is dangerous. I felt content for a minute there. I can't afford another mental breakdown.
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tokenofmydevotion · 2 months
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tokenofmydevotion · 2 months
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I stole some roses on my mental health walk last night.
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tokenofmydevotion · 2 months
I went to go donate plasma for the first time in 6 weeks today, and my protein was too high. That has NEVER happened. So my challenge now is to eat as little protein as possible before I go back tomorrow and all I can think about is Dean Winchester saying "I can't live on rabbit food, I'm a warrior!"
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tokenofmydevotion · 2 months
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Text: Sometimes in the dead of night on the way to the kitchen for a glass of water, I see an extra door in the hallway, black and imposing. 
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tokenofmydevotion · 2 months
I quit my job 2 weeks ago. Just straight up walked out. I had burnt myself out by picking up everyone else's slack. I gotta remember this when I find a new job.
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