tolkiensecretsanta · 9 years
Is this going on for the 2015-16 holiday?
Apologies but no, there are no plans to run the event again this year. 
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Remember to Reveal Your Identity
If you are still in communication with your Secret Santa, and haven't yet given up your identity, now is a great time to reveal yourself!
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Remember to reveal yourself to your Secret Santa if you haven't already!!!
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
If you haven't messaged your secret santa yet, PLEASE DO SO. And if you got assigned with someone and you are currently inactive, PLEASE message me!!! A lot of people are missing asks!
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Hey! This isn't really secret-santa related, but spread the word!!!
Tumblr media
Hey guys! The Battle of the Five Armies comes out on wildly different dates around the world, not to mention reviews and film clips, so to try and keep tumblr free of spoilers for those who don’t want them, please use the tag #botfaspoilers for BotFA related things! Even if it’s just your impressions, thoughts, reactions, play it safe by always tagging! THANKS!
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
I filled out the form a long time ago, maybe a month ago, and I see a lot of people on my dash conversing with their secret santas, but I never got a url to be a secret santa to :((
If you message us off anon we will be able to get you your group.
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Hey the-cherno-alpha and witchesdelite , if you want to participate in Secret Santa, can you please turn on your askbox? Thanks :)
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Sorry about this-the person who just messaged me about not filling out the survey, can you message me again? I completely forgot to write down your URL :P
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Hey guys!
Quick update-the message sending took us longer than we thought, due to time zones/ask limits. So we're still technically sending asks at the moment, so if you haven't received yours please be patient! I'm really sorry about the delay.
Also, please make sure to have your askbox turned on with anonymous enabled so your secret santa can message you!!!!
However, if you HAVE received your Secret Santa, start sending them messages now!!!!! 
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Hi! Sorry, if the question is dumb, but I don't fully understand, how Secret Santas are supposed to send their messages. Through the ask box? I thought, you can only send text messages in an ask. What about pictures, fanart?
Yes, through their ask box. For pictures and fanart, you could submit it to them, but I’m not sure that’s available for anonymous. If it’s not, you could send it to them after the Secret Santa is over as a “gift” (on Dec. 21) 
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Hey guys! If you receive two messages, please take the second one as your Secret Santa.
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
PLEASE make sure to have your askboxes open! If not, we won't be able to sort you!
Also, I have gotten a flood of messages from people asking if they had been sorted yet. While I understand the concern, PLEASE be patient, some of us live in different timezones and therefore haven't finished sorting yet or will get to them at odd hours. Also, tumblr has a weird ask limit where we can only send so many asks an hour, so it may take us a while to get to everyone. But don't worry, you are definitely in the list somewhere, it just may be a little bit :) By tomorrow, if you haven't been sorted, I would check back here.
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Hey! I have a question... Do you have to send a message to your secret santa every day? Also, what should you do if you delete their message by accident?
If you're unable to do it every day, that's alright, but a few times a week should be the minimum. If you delete their message, you could possibly make a post about it, saying you got it but you deleted it.
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
hey aspiring-catlady , I was not able to send you your Secret Santa because you had a share function that made it unable for the askbox to work. If you could please message me so I can get it to you that would be great!
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Just to double check is this still happening?
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Hi 😄 I was just wondering if you've sent people their URLs yet? I don't think I've had mine x
The URLS should be all sent by today or tomorrow, depending on your time zone :)
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tolkiensecretsanta · 10 years
Hey volunteers, there are about 3 of you that didn't claim groups or anything-would you mind responding to my email just saying you did? thanks :)
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