tomeitsme · 5 years
Gish University
During gish we stretch ourselves to the limits of our creativity, often learning new skills at the same time. The Gish University item was loads of fun for us this year as we each tackled something new. But it also brought to mind the growth each of us has experienced through the many years of Gish. Looking back at some of our first submissions makes us laugh but also gives us the opportunity to see just how much our skills have improved. Take a gander below at 2019's Gish U submission and stay tuned for the start of our Throwback Thursday. As always if you have a question about a photography or video technique we used or anything really, comment below.
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tomeitsme · 5 years
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Something we’ve been asked is how do we communicate and stay organized during the hunt.
For us it all starts in the weeks leading up to the hunt. That’s when we discuss recruitment if we need new people, make sure everyone understands our approach to the list and generally getting to know each other/new people and identifying any known issues (like someone may have to disappear for a couple of days to deal with work etc). We make sure everyone has chance to practice using our systems (last year Trello, previously spreadsheets) and we are chatting constantly on Slack and via video hangouts). That way we are confident everyone is ready to go at list drop and we have anticipated any foreseeable problems.
During the hunt we talk all the time on Slack and have a number of different channels we use to keep things organised. This helps us keep track of urgent questions, one’s we can address later, anything we want the team to comment on before submitting (which photo is best, that kind of thing), copies of final submissions so they can easily be found. We also close down some of the fun things we use between hunts so they are not a distraction.
On Trello/spreadsheet we keep track of what’s been claimed, by whom, whether it’s in progress, completed, submitted, needs editing help, etc. It’s a very live and interactive document during the hunt.
We also continue having hangouts. If we were around and wanted to do so we could leap on a chat or call one ourselves if we needed a chat. Sometimes there’d be a couple of people on, sometimes lots. For us these were a nice way to take a moment to relax and have a chat during such a chaotic week. We found having those moments to chill, support each other and laugh about our failures together were really helpful. Gish week gets intense and when people are tired tempers become a bit frayed even amongst the best of friends and we find keeping talking works well for us. It means no-one is left stressing out by themselves if they don’t want to be, and no-one loses sight of other people’s feelings. It acts as a reminder that the whole team is going through the same things and stops tensions building up. The Captains check in regularly to make sure team is feeling okay and to give encouragement.
In a nutshell that’s how we do things; having systems, making sure everyone understands them and can use them, and talking to each other.
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tomeitsme · 5 years
I'm so excited. The image used here is one of my gish submissions from 2018. It also made the book and the hall of fame
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CONGRATS to our first 5 random #GISHWishes winners! JOIN THE HUNT and opt-in for your chance to have a wish granted: gish.com/help-a-gisher/
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tomeitsme · 6 years
GISH 2018 Item #38
Create a stunning wind chime using unique household items. - Hannah T.
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 186 GISH 2018
You're enrolled in GISH U! On Day 1 of the Hunt, everyone on your team should identify a skill you’ve always meant to learn but have NEVER tried. During the course of the Hunt, you will take one meaningful step toward learning that chosen skill. Submit a collage showing you all attempting your newfound skills.
I learned how to spin my own YARN! And I created this spiffy collage!
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 167 GISH 2018
Get at least 100 citizens of voting age in your country to pledge to you that they will vote in the next upcoming election publicly on social media. If your pledges are from US citizens, they must additionally pledge to register to vote or, if they are already registered, confirm their registration status in the next 10 days because many states are purging voters from the registration roles. If you are not registered to vote, encourage them to register as an absentee voter, because it’s easier and you don’t have to show up to the polls on election day. Your job in doing this item is to both collect the pledges and to pledge to remind your pledges to vote in the week prior to the next election in question. Submit your proof in the form of a collage of 100+ pictures of people holding up “I WILL VOTE!” signs along with their proof of registration (personal information redacted).
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 214 GISH 2018
Over the course of the Hunt, you have accomplished so much! From overcoming fears to taking on the impossible to helping change hundreds of lives, this week has been a LOT. So for this Item, we want you to reflect on yourself - literally. Make a collage around your reflection on a mirror that reflects all the good things about you and your teammates & what you've accomplished this week. (You may submit a single gisher doing this as your Item or submit a collage of as many teammates as you like doing this.)
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 210 GISH 2018
A perfectly rendered Etch-a-Sketch drawing of an iPad desktop, complete with apps.
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 199 GISH 2018
Today is Random Acts' executive director Rachel Miner's birthday! She's one of the fiercest, kindest people I've ever known. I'm also pretty sure she's a magical creature. Digitally create a portrait of Rachel as a fairy, mermaid, or other magical creature of your choosing. Post it to social media tagged #HappyBirthdayRachel and put the link of your social media post in the comments.
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 192 GISH 2018
Toilet-seat art maker Barney Smith is looking for a buyer for his museum. We think GISH is the perfect candidate to take on the museum. To help us show our interest, create a toilet-seat artwork worthy of his collection and deliver it to the museum with an application to take over (written on toilet paper. Of course.) https://www.facebook.com/SATXTSAM/ htttps://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/toilet-seat-museum-barney-smith
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 190 GISH 2018
Get Maury Povich, Dr. Phil, Montel Williams, or Lauren Lake to announce that Misha Collins is NOT (or is!) Alex Calvert's biological father.
*Lauren Lake responded to all GISH teams requesting a formal tweet in exchange for the points
I created the image we tweeted to her for this item
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 168 GISH 2018
Work with a child under 12 years-old to write notes of love and encouragement for motorists. Place them in official-looking envelopes marked “GISH Dept. of Parking Salutations” and put them on the windshields of cars together. Show us your little parking fairies at work or with one of their notes.
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 163 GISH 2018
The Flat Earth society says Australia doesn’t exist. Prove them right (or wrong.) Perform an experiment to prove your hypothesis! Bonus points if you can measure the diameter of the Earth to within 10% of its actual value. No fudging numbers – just like in school, you have to show how you arrived at your answer! - Bobak Ferdowsi, System Engineer, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
I’m REALLY bad at math as these numbers are no where near accurate!
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 144 GISH 2018
 Out there somewhere, there's a special child who is just about to give up on magic. Don't let it happen! Find out something they secretly (or not-so-secretly) believe in and help bring it to life for them. Whether it's a wizard, a pirate ship, a space adventure, a fairy princess, or more, help keep magic alive!
This was accomplished with the help of my good friend Brittany (the fairy) who runs the non profit Unicorn Hugs! Bringing smiles to children in hospitals all over the USA. This was a Make A Wish event.
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 130 GISH 2018
Your resume says you’re a Dreamweaver. Prove it: Create an image from that dream you had last night, handwoven on a loom.
My first time weaving ANYTHING! I even warped the loom myself
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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ITEM 126 GISH 2018
In Rwandan culture, there exists a principle called Umuganda (from the Kinyarwanda word meaning, "coming together in common purpose to achieve an outcome.") The last Saturday of every month, all citizens of Rwanda must all come together to participate in Umuganda for 3 hours to complete a difficult task to help the community. I think the world could use more of this, so at the risk of cultural appropriation I'm implementing it for GISH. Identify something in your community that needs to be fixed and then, organize members of your community to meet from 5pm - 9pm in your time zone on Saturday, Aug 4th. Come together to improve one thing in your community: plant a garden, do a cleanup or improvement project, or find something that needs to be fixed and work together to fix it. Participation is key: the more hands on your project, the more points you get, so scramble to get as many people as you can in on this.
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tomeitsme · 6 years
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iTEM 125 GISH 2018
In Los Angeles, food trucks are really popular, but I don’t think your mobile shopping purchases should be limited to food. Set up a “food truck” for your neighborhood that offers Compliments, Encouragement, Friendship, Education, Literacy, or something else that feeds the soul. Decorate your van or truck with signage accordingly.
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