swo-rd · 8 years
Anonymous said: #40 with Cap and Mattie
A/N: Mattie is my character in the Marvel-verse. You can get to know Mattie, along with a few more characters, over at @swo-rd!
40. “How do you look at the person you love and tell yourself it’s time to walk away?” (By the way, this hurt A LOT)
*Takes place pre-Civil War*
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swo-rd · 8 years
S.W.O.R.D. // Empty Gold by Halsey
all clips and sound are credited to their rightful owners
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swo-rd · 8 years
The girls have picked a side, have you?
*Clips and audio are not mine. They belong to their rightful owners. I claim nothing but the idea of the video*
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swo-rd · 8 years
Valentine’s Day: part 2
Valentine’s Date: 3rd
Mattie and Steve:
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Maybe giving Mattie a camera wasn't the best choice. Instead of enjoying a nice walk through Central Park, Mattie was busy taking pictures of Steve. Bouncing and giggling, Mattie snapped a dozen photos of Steve either laughing, hiding his face, or rolling his eyes at his girl. Truth be told, Steve would do even the stupidest poses just so he could hear Mattie laugh and smile that dazzling smile that made his knees weak and his heart beat faster. 
Max and Nat:
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Paris: The city of love and romance where all lovers are welcomed. And Max and Nat were no exception. Nat ushered Max onto a private jet and gave no clues as to where they were headed, no matter how many puppy eyes Max made. As the the Eiffel Tower came into view in Max’s window, she jumped up from her seat and peppered Nat’s face with kisses. Once the jet landed, Nat took Max on a tour of the beautiful city. Showing her all the tourist spots and some hidden gems. They ended their day with a picnic in front of the Eiffel Tower and as the sky turned a light pink, the tower came alive. Glittering like a jewel in the setting sun’s rays, Max’s face lit up with pure joy. Watching Max, Nat couldn't help but be reminded on how much she loved this hyperactive woman and how much Max’s love for her changed Nat for the better
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swo-rd · 8 years
Valentine’s Day: part 2
Valentine’s Date: 2nd
Cel and Bucky:
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Sneaking into the pool after hours was no big deal for Bucky but for Cel, it was a rush. Asking Bucky every 5 minutes if they were going to get in trouble or caught and every time Bucky would assure her that they would be okay. After another 15 minutes of reassuring that his arm wasn’t going to short-circuit or be damaged by the water, Cel finally began to relax. Stripping down to their undergarments, Bucky and Cel ran and jumped into the heated pool. Splashing around and playing Marco Polo, Cel and Bucky were having the time of their lives. Pretty soon, Cel found her legs wrapped around Bucky’s waist and her arms around his neck, her lips ghosting his. Even in the heated pool, Bucky still got chills. As they floated there, Bucky was asking himself how did he get so lucky to be able to love someone as wonderful as Celestia Zarkoff. 
Kat and Scott:
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As Kat scaled the wall, Scott was struggling to keep up. Out of breath and sweating, he watched as Kat gracefully and skillfully go up the wall. Sure, he was able to do this back in his thieving days but that was a while ago. Now, here he was, an Avenger and boyfriend to a gorgeous woman, and yet he couldn't climb a simple rock wall. Giving up, Scott lowered himself to the ground and laid on his back, watching as Kat reached the top of the wall. Turning around and seeing Scott on the floor, Kat began to laugh. The musical sound filling the room and bringing a smile to Scott’s face, his screaming muscles and labored breathing was temporarily forgotten, thanks to the woman who stole his heart.
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swo-rd · 8 years
If you want to hear more about Crimson Cards, do ask and I'd be happy to answer.
Crimson Cards😏 (for the shipping thing)
You’re funny. Alright I’ll answer this. Crimson cards is the name for my Oc (Thea knight) and Remy LeBeau
falls asleep on the couch: Thea. She’s an insomniac so when she’s tired she falls asleep where ever she is, which is usually the couch for late night movies she watches with Cel.
makes friends with the neighbors: Remy. Thea doesn’t like getting to know anybody. She’s use to being on her own and keeping to herself so she doesn’t need to know the neighbors.
is the adventurous eater: both of them. Remy tries the wacky New York take out Thea grew up on wondering how she’s still living and Thea tries the gumbo and spicy food of New Orleans.
hogs the covers at night: Thea. She’s not use to sharing anything and when living on the streets you take the warmth when you get it. Remy and Thea have to have two blankets on the bed because Thea hogs it and then burritos up and Remy doesn’t want to disturb her, he lets her be.
forgets to do the dishes: both of them. They rather leave it for someone else to clean, knowing Mattie will do it if they let it sit long enough.
tries to surprise their partner more often: both are guilty of this. Remy knows Thea can’t read his mind so he always surprises her with gifts; flowers, chocolates, the finest wine, and Thea likes to surprise him during their sparring sessions.
leaves dirty laundry on the floor: Remy. Thea spent a lot of time in prison and is all about routine because of it. Her clothes go in the hamper where hey belong.
stays up til 2 AM reading: Thea. The nightmares keep her up so she reads the occasional book, but Remy stays up with her playing with her hair as he plays World Series of poker on his phone.
sings in the shower: Thea and Remy. Thea uses the shower to relax and sings whatever is stuck in her head. Remy likes to sing in French about the beautiful woman waiting for him.
takes the selfies: Remy. Thea doesn’t like pictures of her but Remy always like to capture her when she least expects it.
buys the best gifts: both of them. They are both very thoughtful people and know what it’s like to be fighting to survive. They also like to one up each other on gift giving. Even if it requires stealing it.
how do they: takes care of the other when they’re sick: When ever Thea is sick she’s gets all cuddly and needy, the exact opposite of how she is to everyone else. Remy stays with her and attempts to make chicken noodle soup and just lays with her. Reading to her, telling her stories. Sometimes they play cards. Remy doesn’t get sick but when he does he becomes stubborn. He doesn’t admit that he’s sick even when he’s using the wall to stand. Thea has to drag him to bed, force feed him some medicine until he passes out.
raises an issue for discussion: they both don’t know what it’s like to be in an exclusive relationship so they don’t always know how to address their issues. Usually it’s a lot of yelling and screaming and then kissing until they fall into bed and talk about it the next morning, curled up in each other’s arms.
respond to the question ‘how was your day’?Remy: a lot better that your here now, mon amiThea: my day was shitty, and I need a drink, care to spend the night on the town?
celebrate birthdays: Thea throws Remy a surprise party with all their close friends with Tony’s help. It’s poker tournament party and Remy loves taking all of Tony’s moneyRemy takes Thea on a day trip to a museum which Thea enjoys because she gets to spend the day slowly strolling along the beautiful portraits with the man she loves and later that night when Thea thinks the night is over Remy hands her a black outfit and together they steal some art and spend the rest of the night seeing who has the better plan at returning it before the museum ever realize it’s missing.
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swo-rd · 8 years
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Gambit aesthetic
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swo-rd · 8 years
Sorry I Hit You With A Table
    It had been exactly 3 weeks since Mattie had moved from New Orleans to Manhattan to live and train with the Avengers. 3 weeks since Director Fury and agent Katherine Black first saw what Mattie could do. 3 weeks since she left her family and everything she knew to become an Avenger.
    Mattie should’ve been adjusted by now. She’d been here almost a month and she really didn’t have time to think about how homesick she was because of the constant training and endless “schooling”, as Tony liked to call it, on SHIELD and the future SWORD program. It wasn’t until the evening rolled around that Mattie’s heart began to ache for her family and her city.
    Every night since she arrived at the tower, no matter how early she went to bed, she’d always wake up at 3 AM. The first three nights she woke up, Mattie would just sit in her bed and cry until she fell asleep again. On the fourth night, Mattie would sneak into the kitchen and have a little plate of cookies and some milk, something her mom did for her whenever Mattie woke up crying from nightmares.
    “Sweets kill the bad dreams” is what her mom would always tell her. So that became Mattie’s remedy whenever she had dreams or couldn’t sleep.
    And tonight was no different.
    Mattie was on the floor, her back against the kitchen island with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk on either side of her.
    As she grabbed the last cookie, the doors to the dining room ‘whooshed’ opened and heavy footsteps started toward kitchen.
    Mattie froze.
    Kat had told her that it was only her and Mattie in the tower for the night. As the footsteps stopped on the other side of the island, Mattie’s mind began to race with thoughts of the worst scenarios that could play out.
    Maybe it’s a murderer.
    A murderer? Really? They couldn’t get past the front door with all the security measures Tony has taken.
    A smart murderer then. One that could hack into Tony’s systems and override everything and get in with no problem.
    Okay, now you’re being irrational.
    Am not!
    Are too!
    Am no-
    Mattie put her hands over her ears, as if that would shut up the voices in her head.
    After taking a few (quiet) breaths, Mattie looked around for anything that she could use.
    The empty cookie plate? No.
    One of the barstools? Not likely.
    The pans hanging above the island? Eh.
    The dining room table? Bingo.
    The table was about four or five feet away from Mattie. The bottom half of the table was metal while the tabletop was glass, something that could definitely take out a security hacker murderer.
    Mattie squared her shoulders, took a deep breath, and focused all her attention on the table.
    At first nothing happened but as Mattie tuned out the voices in her head, the table slowly began to rise from the ground. Mattie began to smile but that smile quickly turned into grimace when Mattie saw a pair of boots on her left side.
    The table began to shake as Mattie’s body began to skyrocket into panic mode.
    “What in the-”
    But the table slammed into the intruder before they could finish their sentence. Grabbing the plate next to her, Mattie rushed up and held the plate over her head and as she walked toward the intruder.
    The moonlight coming from the window illuminated how much damage Mattie actually did. She’d made the table hit the intruder so hard, they slammed into a cabinet, shattering the wood and everything in it (plates, cups, bowls, etc.). The table, with only the metal legs intact, laid next to the intruder with glass all around them.
    Thanks to the moonlight, Mattie was able to get a good look at the intruder. And once she realized who it was, Mattie was ready to jump on the first flight to New Orleans and live in the swamps as a hermit.
    “Oh God. Oh God, oh God, oh God-KAT! KAT HELP!”
    Frozen in place, Mattie just stared at the unconscious man...The Man With A Plan.
    “Mattie, what’s wrong? What happened? Are you-?” Kat ceased her questions when she saw what Mattie was staring at.
    “I think...I think I gave Captain America a concussion.”
    “Oh, you did more than that kitten. You knocked him out cold.”
    “Oh God.”
    Kat turned to look at the small girl. She was hugging herself and tears pricked the corner of her eyes.
    “Hey, don’t sweat it. 70 years in the ice didn’t kill him, a little bonk on the head won’t faze him. Okay?”
    Mattie, her eyes still on Steve, just nodded.
    “Okay. Now, next question: how are we going to move him?”
    20 minutes later, Steve was floating, on his back, through the tower with Mattie and Kat behind him. Mattie’s eye trained on the top of Steve’s head, never breaking her focus.
    Slowly, they made their way to Mattie’s room where, ever so gently, Mattie lowered Steve onto her bed.
    “Damn. No first date and you already have him in your bed.”
    “I’m ignoring you,” Mattie said as she pulled her arm chair from the window to the side of the bed.
    “So, you’re going to pull a Coulson and watch him sleep?”
    “Who? Never mind, not important. Thanks for the help, Kat. I think I got it from here.”
    Kat, smiling ever so slightly, walked out of the room.
    “I ship it.”
    “Goodnight Kat.”
    With one last giggle, Kat closed the door and Mattie began her watch, praying that he would wake up with no recollection of the night’s events.
    “Um, excuse me, ma’am?”
    Mattie jerked awake at the voice, her head snapping up from the arm of the chair but she groaned in pain when she realized she had a crick in her neck.
    But that pain was forgotten when she bright blue eyes trained on her face.
    Mattie swallowed.
    “Uh...hi. Um, you’re probably wondering why you’re not in your room and why I was watching you sleep. Well, last night, in the kitchen, I thought you were a murderer that hacked into the security system and that you were going to come and kill me but it turns out you’re not ‘cause you’re...you. Anyway, I kinda threw a table at you and it knocked you out so Kat had the idea that I carry you to my room, because I have no idea where your room is, and I watched you to make sure you woke up but I kinda fell asleep but you woke up and you’re okay so that’s good.”
    Mattie was out of breath by the time she finished and Steve looked at her and then at her arms.
    “Oh! I didn’t actually carry you! I have....telekinesis. Kinda the reason I’m here…”
    An awkward silence fell between the two as Steve studied the small, awkward young woman while Mattie started getting jittery.
    “Well, I better go. Because you might want to take a shower and change and I’m pretty positive that you don’t need me for that.”
    Why do I even speak?
    Mattie got up from the chair and made her way to the door.
    “Sorry, again. For hitting you with a table. It won’t happen again.”
    Not looking where she was going, Mattie backed into the door.
    “There’s a...a door here. Watch out for it-okay, bye.”
    Practically running out of her room, Mattie shut the door behind her and put as much distance between her and her room as she could.
    If Mattie had looked back at Steve, she would’ve seen the small smile and heard the small chuckle he gave as she left.
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swo-rd · 9 years
send me an OTP and I will tell you
who wakes the other one up with kisses
who cooks for who
who is the morning person/night person
who is the romantic one
who is the top when it comes to sex
who would lead in ballroom dancing
who is the more cuddly one
who is the one to most likely pick the movie they watch
who is the one who would pay for dates
who is the one who would initiate a quicky during classes
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swo-rd · 9 years
What do you want to know??
Hey guys! So, I know we haven't posted any writing or anything except videos and stuff but hopefully that's about to change! We would love for you guys to get to know our girls more, so would you guys want to learn more about their: 
 Or baes😏 
 What would you want to know more about?? 
Let us know and thank you for sticking with us!! -Mod Jordyn
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swo-rd · 9 years
Opinions on spiders?
I don’t know about the other girls but I absolutely ADORE spiders!! I love spiders, lizards, alligators, snakes, just about anything that’s venomous or scaly or slithers or hisses! 
Thanks for the question!
-Mattie =)
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swo-rd · 9 years
Welcome to S.W.O.R.D
*clips and song are not mine. They belong to their rightful owners*
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swo-rd · 9 years
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Althea Knight aesthetic.
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swo-rd · 9 years
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SWORD Girls and their Disney Princess Counterparts
Part 2
*Gifs are not mine. They belong to their rightful owners*
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swo-rd · 9 years
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SWORD Girls and their Disney Princess Counterparts 
Part 1
*Gifs are not mine. They belong to their rightful owners*
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swo-rd · 9 years
SWORD Masterlist
All of SWORD drabbles and stories can be found here:
Althea Knight:
A Thief’s Guide to SWORD
A Thief in the Night
Arabella Rowe:
Ariana Mars:
Celestia Zarkoff:
Katherine Black:
I spy
New Beginnings 
Mattie Raison:
Preachers Daughter 
Maxine Madulin:
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swo-rd · 9 years
The Preacher’s Daughter
       “Rise and shine, kids! It’s a beautiful morning for church!”
        I groaned and threw my pillow over my head. My door was no match against my mother’s morning voice, chirpy and loud. And it wasn’t that I didn’t like church, I do, it was the getting there 2 hours before church actually started I didn’t like.
        My mother threw my door open, walked over to my bed, and pulled my covers off of me. I curled into a ball to try and stay warm from the cold air.
        “Mattie! C’mon, up and attem! We’re leaving in 20 minutes!”
        “Mom, please. Just 5 more-”
        “No ma’am! Not this morning. We have to get everything ready for the dedication.”
        I huffed and sat up, rubbing my eyes while my mother flung open my closet.
        “Coral dress with the white sandals. I want your hair down with that white headband that I bought Friday. Okay?”
        “I thought I wasn’t two anymore…?”
        My mother put her hands on her hips and stared me down.
        “Abigail Matilda…”
        I put my hands up in surrender because once she said my full name, that was a sign that I was about to be in big trouble.
        “Coral dress, white sandals, hair down, and white headband. Got it.”
        My mother’s frown turned into the charming smile that was plastered on countless billboards advertising our church around New Orleans.
        “Good. I’ll see you downstairs in a few minutes.”
        My mother turned on her heel and left my room. Once I heard her heels walking down the stairs, I fell back onto my mattress.
        “UP MATTIE!”
        I groaned and sat back up.
        “Stupid sonic hearing…,” I muttered as I rolled out of my bed.
          True to my mother’s word, we were all in the car and pulling out of our driveway 20 minutes later. The drive to the church consisted of bumpy roads, potholes, and slowly driving through cramped streets to avoid hitting other cars. We got to the church 10 minutes later and we all clammered out of the car and up the steps to the big wooden doors. My dad pulled the church keys from his pocket and unlocked it. He held it open for us as we filed inside.
        “Alright. Mattie, go turn on the all the lights in the building and get the air going too. Esther, I want you to turn the computers on and get the powerpoints up for worship and the sermon. Joanna, go help your father set up his mic and make sure all the microphones for the band and choir work. Daniel, go wait in the lobby to greet the members and guests. Remember to smile and shake their hands. Lydia, you’ll be helping mommy with the presents and flowers for the babies.” Lydia nodded her head, her blonde ponytail bobbing along, and grabbed my mother’s hand as she walked to the church’s storage room which was in the building next to the church.
        As my siblings started doing their tasks, I simply sat on the pew and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and visualized all the light switches in the church being flipped and the air conditioning button being pressed. Not even a minute later, I heard the air kick on and the buzzing of the lights above me as I opened my eyes.
        “That is so not fair,” I heard Esther say from the control booth.
        “Build a bridge and get over it,” I told her with a smirk. Esther rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me.
        “The ‘devil child’ is at it early this morning.”
        I let out a loud laugh at the nickname and turned around to see my younger brother, Noah, and my sister-in-law, Marisol, come through the church doors with my niece, Stella, on her hip.
        I stood up from the pew and walked over to them. Once Stella saw me coming, she started squirming in Marisol’s arm and reached out for me with a smile (and drool) on her face.
        “Hello, precious! How are we this morning,” I asked her as I took Stella. I bounced her on my hip.
        “She was getting a bath this morning because she had an explosion in her diaper and decided to play in it,” Marisol answered, running a hand through her tousled black hair. “Because SOMEONE decided to feed her at 11 o’clock last night instead of putting her to bed.”
        Noah rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry that I can’t seem to do anything right concerning-”
        “Hey, hey. No fighting, especially not today. Mom wants everything to be perfect and you two fighting is something that she does not want. Okay?”
        Noah and Marisol nodded.
        “Good. Here,” I handed Stella to Noah. “Mom wanted to see her before the service started and I think I need to rescue Daniel,” I said as I peered around Noah to see some of the older church ladies surrounding him.
        “Yeah, I think you do,” Noah agreed as he took Stella. I walked around them and through the doors to the “welcome” area.
        “Good morning Mrs. Breaux, Ms. Pierre, and Mrs. Louis. How are you ladies on this lovely Sunday morning,” I asked the ladies as I stood next to Daniel. They turned their attention to me and all began to gush.
        “Oh, Mattie you are growing up to be a beautiful young lady!”-Mrs. Breaux
        “You look just like your mother! Same beautiful dark eyes and hair!”-Ms. Pierre.
        “Oh, are you blind, Josie? She looks like her father. She has his smile!”- Mrs. Louis.
        I smiled. “Well, thank you very much. I must tell you that my mother has been meaning to talk to you. She wants to know if you three could make some of your amazing desserts for the church picnic next week.”
        “Oh, we sure can! Where is she so we can tell her that,” Mrs. Louis asked with a smile so big I could see where her dentures met her gums.
        “She’s right over there.” I pointed out my mother, who was standing next to the stage, greeting people and the three of them were off, calling my mother’s name as they slowly made their way to her.
        “Mom didn’t really want to know that, did she,” Daniel whispered to me as other people walked by, smiling and greeting us.
        “Not exactly in the words I told them. She did need a few people to make desserts. And you should be thanking me. I saved you and your cheeks from Mrs. Breaux’s fingers.” I pinched his cheek as an example and Daniel giggled and swatted my hand away.
        I walked over to the other set of doors that led to the sanctuary and greeted people as they came in.
        Ten minutes later, a young woman with long, black hair and an older, African American man came in. The young woman smiled at me as she and the man walked up to me.
        “Good morning. How are you today?”
        “I am quite well. And you,” the woman asked, her voice soft and musical.
        “Very well. Thank you. And you, sir?”
        The man, who had on a beanie and sunglasses, just grunted.
        “Don’t mind him. He’s just grumpy,” the woman said with a frown as she nudged the man.
        “Oh, well I’m sure the service will make him not so grumpy.”
        I’m an idiot.
        The young woman giggled and proceeded into the sanctuary with the man following right behind her.
        The service started with my dad welcoming the members and guests and thanking them for attending our church this Sunday and blah blah blah. I could quote my dad’s welcome speech by heart. Next to me, Daniel and Lydia were literally bouncing on the pew. They were ecstatic that they got to attend “Big Church” instead of going to children’s church.
        As my dad finished his welcome speech, the band started to play. People all over the church got out of their pews to greet people, and my mother was no exception. Just as the music started, my mother was already in the back pews, shaking hands and smiling. People were coming up to my siblings and I as well, shaking our hands and asking us how school was and how we were doing. Noah and Marisol were smiling as people came up to them and fawned over Stella, who was gurgling and wiggling around in Noah’s arms.
        The music got louder and so did the clapping. When it usually got like this, the chandeliers, that were hung all around the church, would start to shake. My dad would assure me every Sunday that they were screwed in tightly and would not fall.
        “Katrina couldn’t even take them down,” he would always tell me when I asked him. And he was right. When Katrina came through, she flooded the church and broke the all the windows and ripped the stage right from the floor but the four chandeliers remained, some of the lights were missing but they never wavered.
        But this time, the chandelier that was positioned in the middle of the ceiling, right over the middle section of the pews, was shaking more than the other 3. With every pound of the drum, it seemed like it was getting lower and lower. Suddenly, cracks began to form around the fixture and my heart dropped to my stomach. All at once, everything happened in slow motion. The band was jumping up and down, the music was thumping more and more, and the chandelier started to fall towards a mother and her son.
        Before I realized what I was doing, I had my hands out in front of me and the chandelier was now floating in midair. All my focus was on it and so was everyone else’s.
        It was so quiet that you could hear a mouse scurry across the stage The babies weren’t even making noise. No one moved, coughed, or even gasped. They’re eyes were all on the floating chandelier. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my dad looking at the chandelier as well, his mouth open and eyes wide.
        “Dad, as much as I love the church members looking at me like a freak, I would very much like to put the chandelier down now.”
          The next few hours were a total blur. Cops were all over, firemen were checking the rest of the chandeliers, and paramedics were standing over the mother and her little boy who were wrapped up in shock blankets.
        I was sitting on the bottom step of the stage, my head in my hands. Lydia sat next to me, her little arms wrapped around my arm and her head was on my shoulder.  She was in “protective little sister” mode. Not leaving my side until she knew I was okay.
        “Miss Raison?”
        I looked up and saw the smiling face of the young woman hours before, the tall and gruff man behind her. His sunglasses were off and I could see an eyepatch covering his left eye.
        The young woman sat down on the other side of me. I felt Lydia’s grip tighten on my arm.
        “My name is Katherine Black and this is Nick Fury. We would like to talk to you about the SWORD initiative.”
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