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"Heyeayeayea" but every "heyeayeayeah" is replaced with a pitch-corrected Wilhelm Scream
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if anyone would like to learn a couple tricks for carving pumpkins:
- dont cut out the top to scoop out the seeds, cut out the bottom instead. this way the pumpkin doesnt cave in on itself and lasts longer - sprinkle some cinnamon inside at the top after carving. this way when you put the candle in it smells like pumpkin pie
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Disabled people need to earn their right to exist by performing less disabled, and ABA will train them to perform as a less disabled person. At its core, ABA is rooted in the hatred and denial of the humanity of disabled people. Even with the most generous interpretation, it is about pathologizing and rejecting disabled ways of being and holding up non-disabled ways of being as the only right way and the only way to be correctly human. It doesn’t matter that it may seem like fun, it doesn’t matter that your “Behavior Technician” seems like a really nice person. It doesn’t matter that you read a study that ABA “works,” because what it “works” at is wrong. It is compliance training at its core.
Of all the demographics, one of the groups most at risk of experiencing physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, institutional, financial, and educational abuse is the demographic of people with developmental disabilities. You can double, triple, and quadruple those risks according to how many other marginalized groups they fall in.
Parents and therapists often use an ends-justify-the-means approach to therapy for their disabled children, believing that acquiring skills is the most important thing and that it is worth the child having negative experiences if it means that they will have a “better life.” In this context, what is considered better is what is most “normal,” or non-disabled.
Survivors of ABA have come forward to say that they have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex-PTSD (C-PTSD) as a result of their experiences in ABA. This is not an acceptable trade-off. This is not an acceptable trade-off. Suicide is dramatically shortening the life-expectancy of autistic people and autistic people are saying it is because they are not being accepted.
Autistic writer Max Sparrow, “All those years of ABA therapy will have taught them that they are fundamentally wrong and broken; that they are required to do everything authority demands of them (whether it’s right or wrong for them); that they are always the one at fault when anything social goes wrong; that they get love, praise, and their basic survival needs met so long as they can hide any trace of autism from others; that what they want doesn’t matter.”
Another former ABA therapist writes, “I thought that because I cared about the kids’ well-being, because I had a strong desire to help them, everything I did must therefore be in their best interest. In my mind, it gave me a special immunity to making mistakes. Caring meant there was no way I could be hurting them. I now realize how dangerous this idea really is. I’ve hurt many people I care deeply about. Just because you care about someone or have good intentions does not guarantee you’re doing the best thing for them.”
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Dya wanna know something pretty cool? I’ve survived 100% of my worst days. And if you’re reading this? So have you. And that’s awesome.
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/an/ is pure
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white gays pipe the fuck down challenge! 
the lack of qpoc movies is astounding. this is a small list but i have searched for these movies from everywhere i could possibly, and watching them is a bigger dilemma. please add onto this list, especially the mlm section. 
[ note that i only exclusively watch wlw movies being a brown nb lesbian so im a bit lacking in the mlm movie recs ]
wlw movies
Rafiki | kenyen wlw
The Watermelon Woman | black lesbian
The Journey  | tamil wlw
Fire | indian wlw
Circumstance |  iranian wlw
 Caramel | lebanese wlw
Pariah | black lesbian
Yes or No & Yes or no 2 : Come Back | thai wlw
Saving face | chinese lesbians
Mosquita Y Mari | mexican wlw
The World Unseen | indian wlw
Margarita With A Straw | indian wlw
Appropriate Behavior | iranian wlw [ in relationship w a white wlw ]
The Secrets | israeli wlw
Spider Lilies | taiwanese wlw
I Can’t Think Straight | brown wlw
The Handmaiden | korean wlw
honorary mentions cause white women :shruggos: : 
thelma [ brown wlw is the love interest ]-itty bitty titty committee [ brown wlw ] - mystère à la tour eiffel [ black wlw ] - a perfect ending [ brown wlw ]
mlm movies
[ note that i haven't seen half of these movies ]
Mondial 2010 | lebanese mlm
Jumping The Broom | black mlm 
Blackbird | black gay
Mixed Kabab | turkish gay
The Last Match | spanish mlm  [ VERY TRIGGERING CONTENT ]
La Mission | latino gay
The Blue Hour | thai mlm
Fifi Howls From Happiness | iranian gay
Philadelphia | black gay
Moonlight | black mlm
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@jvlianbashir please please make a version of this meme with the mirror-verse characters (and or prime verse characters too). ds9, Discovery or both, dealers choice. Suggestion to start you off: the "Who would know how to do me better than me" is Intendant Kira
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I’m so sorry
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Size comparison of Y’gathok, the Ceaseless Hunger and Bjorn, our level 20 Goliath Barbarian.
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take me home
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country toads
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One of the more profound things I’ve heard recently came from a Mr. Rogers documentary. In a clip from his show, Mr. Rogers had just visited with a musician, and tells his audience that some people play music, and some people don’t, and that’s okay.
And then he said, “The important thing is to find something you feel good about doing.”
That phrasing struck me. “Something you feel good about doing”. Most people would have phrased it as “something you enjoy doing”. Or “something you’re good at doing”. But Mr. Rogers’ subtly different phrasing leads to a profoundly different connotation. “Something you feel good about doing” may not be enjoyable–people who work in hospitals or in disaster zones might not enjoy much of their day, but they probably feel good about helping people. “Something you feel good about doing“ may not be something you’re particularly good at–you may be a terrible artist by any objective standard, but if you feel good about making your art, then it’s a worthwhile endeavor. Looking for “something you feel good about doing” can help you find a truly satisfying life path.
That phrase is also helpful with daily decision-making. Too often, I can make choices based on “what feels good.” I put aside tasks that are too stressful or avoid activities that seem too difficult, in favor of mindlessly browsing the internet. And I enjoy myself. I feel good while I’m doing that. But at the end of the day, I don’t feel good about how I spent my time. However, reminding myself to do “something I feel good about doing” can motivate me to accomplish those more difficult tasks. It can push me to do something outside of my comfort zone, to try something new that I might not be much good at. And maybe this is a blindingly obvious philosophy to everyone else. But I’m grateful for the reminder. 
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Everyone’s neopet account fused into one
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I wanna be the weird lady who lives in a small house and grows lavender and wears sundresses with straw hats and always has a book to recommend
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