toorujime · 4 years
Haikyuubu Masterlist
I reread them pretty often, so I decided to make this
All of them are posted by @kuromantic, so thanks!
Please note that this post will only be updated, not reblogged, so you will need to click on the original post if you do reblog.
I will also reblog to announce a new update.
This week:
Hirugami’s Pokémon
Last Chapter:
Akaashi and Udai
Next chapter: It’s Dateko!
Chapter 1: Akaashi Predicts (Almost) Everything
Chapter 1.5: Akaashi Hosts a Bokuto Pop Quiz
Chapter 2: Kenma the Champion
Chapter 3: Ushijima, Spirit Destroyer
Chapter 4: Kita (Almost) Never Laughs
Chapter 5: The Association Drinks A Lot
Chapter 6: Mika is Sick of Volleyball
Chapter 7: Hana Puts Up With Way Too Much
Chapter 8: Nakashima Has Too Many Fans
Chapter 9: Aone Keeps Too Many Secrets
Chapter 10: Oikawa Gets a Translator
Chapter 11: Tora Tries to Get a Manager
Chapter 12: Tendou Makes Manga
Chapter 13: The Managers Make Food
Chapter 14: The Miyas’ Bodyswap
Chapter 15: Aone and Yachi
Chapter 16: Seijoh Washed Ashore
Chapter 17: The Coaches
Chapter 18: Bokuto and the Principal’s Office
Chapter 19: Let’s All Become Hyakuzawa
Chapter 20: The Cats and Snow
Chapter 21: (No One Wants) Oikawa as a Youtuber
Chapter 22: Terushima Tries to Get a Job
Chapter 23: The Karasuno Neighborhood Meeting
Chapter 24: Isekai Shiratori
Chapter 25: Kanoka’s Delinquent Love
Chapter 26: Bokuto and Kiryuu’s Interview
Chapter 27: Tanaka and Nishinoya’s Exams
Chapter 28: Ukai and Saeko’s Meeting from Hell
Chapter 29: Seijoh Plays Cards
Chapter 30: Yachi’s Presents
Chapter 31: Kuroo VS Daishou
Chapter 32: Inarizaki’s Fortune Strips
Chapter 33: Taketora’s Youtube Debut
Chapter 34: Futakuchi and some kids
Chapter 35: Yachi’s Valentine
Chapter 35.5: Haikyuu Folktales- Oikawa-Taro
Chapter 36: Tendou the.. Kappa?
Chapter 37: Suzumeda’s Diet
Chapter 38: Sakusa’s Problem
Chapter 39: Ougiminami Recruiting
Chapter 40: Nekoma Plays Online Games!
Chapter 41: Oikawa Tries and Gets Tamed
Chapter 42: Karasuno Lottery
Chapter 43: Sakura with Yachi’s mom
Chapter 44: Android Aone
Chapter 45: Go Go Michimiya!
Chapter 46: Fukurodani Eating Contest
Chapter 47: Shiratorizawa Flower Fairy
Chapter 48: Shimada Mart Advertising
Chapter 49: Seijoh Goes Fishing
Chapter 50: Inarizaki’s Comedy Routines
Chapter 51: A Couple’s First Beach Date
Chapter 52: Kuro(o) the Kitten
Chapter 52.5: Haikyuubu Extra Sketches
Chapter 53: Ushijima’s (Virtual) Reality
Chapter 53.5: Extra Sketches 2
Chapter 54: Akaashi and Udai
Chapter 54.5: Extra Sketches 3
Chapter 55: Hirugami’s Pokémon
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toorujime · 4 years
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summary of their relationship
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toorujime · 5 years
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brain empty just Kenma
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toorujime · 5 years
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grab your responsibility hats it’s captain time
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toorujime · 5 years
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toorujime · 5 years
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I’m know I’m not the first one to do this, but I made a Haikyuu one! Specifically Karasuno! Tell me what you think about it and if there are ones for other teams out there!
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toorujime · 5 years
how people react to hinata
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we have bro tsukki who shoots him a side-glance
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we have the excited bros, tanaka and noya
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confused uncle asahi and papa crow
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a surprised coach
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and of course his supportive boyfriend, kageyama
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and last but not least, exasperated mama suga
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toorujime · 5 years
The best part about Haikyuu is that literally everyone is a disaster
Kageyama, who would be the cool mysterious bad boy in literally any other show, disaster.
Oikawa, who would be the perfect pretty boy, disaster.
Yachi, who would be just a cute girl with absolutely no personality, disaster.
Ukai, gruff tough coach who pushes them to be their best, disaster.
Kenma, cool calculating character who always has something up his sleeve, also a disaster.
Everyone is a disaster and it’s EXACTLY what being in high school is like and I love it so much
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toorujime · 5 years
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toorujime · 5 years
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The doodle I procrastinated on for so long
Open for commissions
[Please don’t edit, copy, repost or use my art without my permission!!]
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toorujime · 5 years
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Haikyuu captains + Haikyuu merch
(I bought the Fukurodani’s sweatshirt, I’m hopeless)
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toorujime · 5 years
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Based on a tweet I saw one hundred years ago
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toorujime · 5 years
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無題 by BIAN@SCC東1カ45b
※Permission to upload this was given by the artist ※DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT PERMISSION ** Remember to rate/bookmark/comment on the original artist’s work to show that you liked it! **
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toorujime · 5 years
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First year Akaashi secretly crushing very hard on his clueless sempai while everyone else on the team is aware of it. @bokutoweek Day 3 - Shipping
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toorujime · 5 years
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Open for commissions
[Please don’t edit, copy, repost or use my art without my permission!!]
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toorujime · 5 years
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i just really really really really really love this…. because for the longest time i always felt like kuroo was the shyer one and i had a lowkey headcanon that he had selective mutism but i just thought i was projecting onto him bc he just didn’t seem the type but i was right my instincts rang true… i can spot one of us from a mile away…
kenma says kuroo “had it worse” than himself, and we think “wtf but kenma was Like That” but… kuroo literally cannot talk to kenma when they first meet. he struggles to introduce himself, which he barely accomplishes before trailing off, unable to finish talking. and he’s likely speaking very very quiet here, too (considering how kenma later comments that he is able to raise his voice, shown below). all of the following panels, the ‘montage’ of them hanging out, are all in silence. kenma speaks, kuroo doesn’t. even when asked a question, kuroo responds by bringing up his volleyball and answering in a nonverbal manner. 
he only starts speaking to kenma when they’re playing volleyball - in an environment where kuroo feels familiar, safe, and relaxed. his social anxiety is eased enough to start talking to kenma, even raising his voice.
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(^ which also supports the point i made earlier about kuroo talking softly)
volleyball is clearly a source of comfort and familiarity for kuroo. then here it implies that kuroo only really spoke to others (new people) when it was about volleyball:
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“he started to be able to talk about all things not related to volleyball”
aka….. he was able to become verbal with others about things other than his special interest!
and more evidence:
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“…..i don’t do well in new places…”
when kenma suggests kuroo tries looking for a new volleyball team, kuroo goes silent. he doesn’t do well in new places. re: he has crazy anxiety in new places and meeting new people. which is why he invites kenma to the volleyball thing - he already knows and is comfortable with kenma. anyone with social anxiety can understand the pure terror of going someplace new by yourself. he deliberately asks kenma to go with him because he’s too nervous otherwise! kenma is his support here.
and even though kuroo (obviously) becomes verbal and overcomes a good portion of his social anxiety, he still has many residuals of mutism! the biggest example is in the beginning of this very chapter:
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kenma directly says that kuroo’s talking a lot. meaning more than usual. meaning he doesn’t talk a lot to begin with! even though he’s “verbal” and is able to effectively communicate with strangers, he still doesn’t talk a lot in general. 
and i dont feel like gathering more screencaps rn cuz it’s late, but! it’s also evident in the way he acts around different people. around people he’s closer with he’s more relaxed, goofy, and open with his expressions. in larger groups (or around unfamiliar people), that “cool” personality that the fandom loves to enhance and sexualize is more apparent. it’s him being more closed off: his affect is reduced, he masks himself a teensy bit more, he talks a bit less (i.e. makes more short, snarky remarks rather than engage in long conversation).
but yea. my instincts were right and kuroo had/has selective mutism.
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toorujime · 5 years
haikyuu braincell count
hinata : 4 and they all try Very Hard
kageyama : 1 that he uses to count his change for the vending machine
tsukishima : 50 but one Big Gay one controls them all
yamaguchi : 8, one for every rihanna album
tanaka : exactly one that is responsible for everything and is doing its best
nishinoya : 7, with seperately assigned functions but they fight alot
ennoshita : 80. 40 are screaming “LOOK ALIVE” and the other 40 are vigorously hissing from their naps
suga : one. its on alot of crack and twerking violently
daichi : it started off with a solid 100 but they keep leaving
asahi : 23 but they have synchronised breakdowns
yachi : 1 and its an emotionally unstable bottom that controls all her actions
kiyoko : exactly 3 and two are on sum dumbass juice and the one thats left is trying to save her Reputation but is also too gay to function
saeko : the last braincell evacuated recently but left behind an mp3 player w the lady gaga discography on repeat in there
oikawa : a solid 80 but they’re in cliques
iwaizumi : 4 and they’re all weebs
kuroo : 70 holding a spelling bee competition
kenma : 3 existential millenial braincells that narrate their lfestyle on tumblr
lev : one and its on autopilot now
yaku : 3 angry asian grandmother braincells
bokuto : probably a good 20 but that one cell w the unstable self esteem does most of the outside work
akaashi : exactly 2 and they’re both lesbians
ushijima : one. it enjoys glee.
tendou : atleast 70 but they’re all in extreme disconnect and dont get along much
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