toricuna · 3 months
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Kurt’s slutty little waist 🤤
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toricuna · 4 months
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I have been working in this spook from Mistborn...
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toricuna · 4 months
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Jump on the bandwagon and do this with Kaladin XD
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toricuna · 4 months
a tiny compilation of stormlight vines :-) finished my way of kings reread and now I can't draw anything else
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toricuna · 4 months
Kelsier: if you stab someone but it's consensual, is it morally okay or not? Sazed, sobbing: please stop asking me this
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toricuna · 4 months
Sazed: Exists
Everyone: Claps
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toricuna · 4 months
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I have been working in this spook from Mistborn...
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toricuna · 4 months
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Frankenstein Tarot
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toricuna · 4 months
He estado leyendo a Brandon Sanderson... y bueno, tenia que dibujarlos jajajaja
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💕✨️✨️Sazed ✨️✨️💕
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✨️Elend Venture✨️
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Kabsal (mi gusto culposo jajaja)
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✨️💕Kaladin Stormblesed💕✨️(olvide ponerle la cicatriz jajaja)
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No tienen mucha calidad por que todo lo hice en un mismo archivo jajajaja
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Yo quiero mucho a Huck (Charlie)
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toricuna · 4 months
TimBerCon. I'm obsessed
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toricuna · 4 months
I forgot to share it here, but I drew Shadow in jail a week ago. I'll release him when the trailer is out
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Rebloging my shadow reeves art too, for more manifestation
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toricuna · 7 months
I love to see Loid's protective side towards Yor growing at a steady pace.
Loid has always been so protective towards Yor from the beginning, even before he himself was aware.
As shown at chp. 5
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Here, he has just met Yor, but the moment Swan dared to stomp on her feelings, he got agitated and defend her right away. Even though, he still able to stop himself, and rationalize things.
It happened again during chp. 30
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Look at how fast Loid's expression changed from "Hey, what are you doing here, Fiona?" Into "I dare you to say another word about Yor (grrrr)", at the exact moment Fiona dare to imply how worthless Yor was.
Still, after this time, once again Loid rationalized all of actions are for mere mission sake, even though we know during later chapter that he dislike the disguise that imply he and Fiona were married couple.
During Wheeler arc, at chp. 86, Loid finally aware about his "weakness". And that weakness is someone named Yor.
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(smh. 🙄🙄 This man really is slow in learning about feelings. But he is getting there......)
Nevertheless, this realization really evoke his protective side. And almost immediately after this moment, he started to actively move to protect Yor, even in the slightest sign of possible 'attack'.
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At the latest chapter, chp. 94, a.k.a only in 6 chapters later, he even starts to actively use his physical power to prevent even the slightest discomfort to happen towards Yor.
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Look at how hard Loid gripped that man's arm for daring to suggest tying Yor up. And that glare??? Geeezzzz.....
Now, I have a desperate need to see Loid going full attack towards someone who dares to hurt Yor either pysiologically or (is it possible?) physically in somekind of situation like maybe something like (shameless self promotion here) my fic.
Please Endoooooo, I'm begging you..... 🙏🙏
Give us more protective and jealous Loid.
I need to see it 😫😫😫😫😫
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toricuna · 7 months
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What do you say when you find out your future self is in a relationship with your bitter rival...?
It's here!
I've been working on this ZoSan comic on-off for almost a year and it so happened I finished it on Valentine's Day. This thing is !40 pages! exactly, aka way too big for me to post on Tumblr, so you can find it on Ko-Fi as a tip-what-you-like free PDF download. A separate txt file with image descriptions is included.
I juggled a lot while working on this (including frequent pain flare-ups in my drawing arm) so if you have any coins to throw my way they would be greatly appreciated, but above all I hope you enjoy the comic! Happy Valentine's Day! ♥
Download 20 Year Waltz @ Ko-Fi
[R15, swearing and sexual themes]
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toricuna · 7 months
Bruce blinked. The woman in front of him looked like Wonder Woman, but there were subtle differences that immediately raised alarm bells in his mind. However, his main focus was on the baby cradled in her arms.
“The future of my world looks bleak, Bruce Wayne. So many lives were lost in the war. This child here is your son. Or rather, the Bruce in my timeline. Unfortunately, the child has lost both his parents and has no one else to care for him.” Without any hesitation, she handed the baby over to Bruce.
Bruce stared at the baby as he gurgled happily in his arms. “I know you will have a lot of questions for me, but unfortunately I am unable to answer them as my time here is running out. I place my trust in you, Bruce, to keep this child safe.”
Before Bruce could utter a word, Wonder Woman took a step back and there was a flash of bright white light. Bruce shielded his and the baby’s eyes from the blinding light. When he looked back, she was gone. And so was the baby.
Clark’s phone rang. Without glancing at the screen, he accepted the call. “Bruce?”
“Clark, I need your help. Someone dropped off a baby in my house,” said Bruce. Clark felt his eyebrows raise.
“A baby? What in the world? Is it yours?”
“Something like that. But the reason I’m calling is because I need to you get the baby down.”
“Down? What do you mean?”
“This baby can fly, Clark. He’s currently hanging upside down from my ceiling. I tried to grab him with a fishing net, but he started crying and now my living room is covered in icicles from his ice breath.”
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