tornoe-blog · 11 years
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Telegram from Reporter to the New York Times Regarding the Battle of Gettysburg, 07/03/1863
Dated,…July 3rd 1863.
NY Times
Your Correspondent has just arrived from the battlefield at Gettysburg having left there at 3 oclock this morning.  The reports of the occurences in that vicinity as thus far reported in the Phila & Balto papers are almost totally incorrect.  A brief and candid statement of the situation up to this morning is this.  In Wednesdays fight we were repulsed simply because we were overpowered + outflanked   We fell back to the rear of Gettysburg & held that position.  The action was not general & was not intended to be by Gen Meade.  It was brought on by Gen Reynolds under the impression that his force exceeded that of the enemy.  There was no fighting yesterday until 4:30 P.M. A bloody engagement was then  fought lasting until dark resulting in a substantial success to our forces the enemy being repulsed  with great loss.  The particulars I have already sent you by a  special Courier.  Neither Gnls Wadsworth  Von Steinwehr or Doubleday are wounded.  The total number of prisoners taken up to this morning was about 1,500. Eight hundred & fifty on Wednesday & six hundred on Thursday.  This is reliable.  The enemy made the attack yesterday.  It was teriffic & they threw their whole force into it but they were finally repulsed with great slaughter.  At daylight this morning the battle was renewed the cannonading being rapid & heavy it was the determination of our Genls. to fight to the bitter end.
Transcription comes courtesy the National Archives Transcription Pilot Project, part of our Citizen Archivist Dashboard.  Want to try your hand at transcribing?
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tornoe-blog · 11 years
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
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Sesame Street Illustrations by Jack Davis
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
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Hate to break out Sophis's winter attire... (Taken with Instagram)
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
When the economy is understood in 21st-century terms, as an ecosystem, it becomes obvious that jobs don’t squirt out of business-people like jelly from doughnuts. Rather, jobs are the consequence of the feedback loop between customers and businesses. For this reason, it is middle-class consumers and the demand they create that are our true job creators, not rich business-people. Given this, it is counter-productive to build a tax system that asymmetrically benefits the people at the very top. We all are better off — business-people and consumers, rich and poor — if the burden of taxes is placed at the top and not the middle, enabling middle class citizens to consume, and starting the positive feedback loop of job creation again.
Rich Americans Aren’t the Real Job Creators
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
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Love this Philip Burke caricature of Paul Ryan from the cover of the latest New Republic. (Taken with Instagram)
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
Fox News, Wingnut Welfare, And The 47 Percent
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
It takes a special kind of shamelessness to mock workers with talk of “earning your own success” when working for your Daddy’s business is the closest you’ve ever come to honest labor.
Balloon Juice's Freddie deBoer, on Eric Cantor's Labor Day Tweet. 
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
If you vote against Obama because he can’t get stuff done, it’s kind of like saying ‘This guy can’t cure cancer. I’m gonna vote for cancer.’
Chris Rock (via left-to-lenin)
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
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The best way to start the morning... (Taken with Instagram)
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
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LaBamba didn't make it to the end of Paul Ryan's speech. (Taken with Instagram)
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
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Washing machine is broken, so that means working at the laundrymat... (Taken with Instagram)
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
TAMPA (The Borowitz Report)—On the opening night of the 2012 Republican National Convention, the Presidential nominee Mitt Romney received fulsome praise for being a “regular, down-to-earth guy” from his wife, Ann, whose dressage horse, Rafalca, competed in the London Olympics: http://nyr.kr/NBtf3u
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tornoe-blog · 12 years
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My sketch during Chris Christie's Keynote Speech during last night's GOP Convention.  Still trying to figure out if I'm going to ink and color it.  
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