nah so i actually come onto my own blog looking for certain quotes once in awhile and i noticed the last theme was weird af and kept like... making ads pop when trying to click on the page so i swapped it out.
ffxiv has taken over too much of my life for me to actually keep this blog up. Not to mention I haven't watched/read ft in years. My main blog also happens to be linked to this blog.
?????????????????????? i come onto this blog often enough for it not being active and suddenly the theme changed????????? ARE YOU ALL STILL HERE??????????
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18 notes · View notes
?????????????????????? i come onto this blog often enough for it not being active and suddenly the theme changed????????? ARE YOU ALL STILL HERE??????????
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18 notes · View notes
Natsu: Okay I believe you
Rogue: I don't know what you believe but that's probably a bad idea, just saying
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Zeref: Hey what should I change into?
Mavis: A better person
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Lucy: One day I hope I am the girl that walks into a room and all eyes are on her...
Cana: The trick is to get a really big hat and then scream.
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Natsu: Shout out to my mom for making the most perfect kid ever!
Gray: Congratulations to Zeref.
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Lucy: It’s all my fault.
Gray: No, it’s mine.
Erza: No, both of you. It’s my fault.
Natsu: Yeah, that’s true. It’s their faults.
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Makarov: *about the mess in the guild* Get this piece of trash out of here!
Gray, turning to Natsu: You heard the old man, get out of here.
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August: I saw the body. You killed that man.
Dimaria: No I didn’t!
August: Dimaria, premeditated murder is one thing, but I will not have lying in this castle.
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Sting: *picks up call from Frosch* hey Frosch what's up?
Sting: What do you mean, you're being murdered by Gray?
Sting: That's illegal, people can't do that.
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Loke: On a scale of one to ten, you’re a nine, because I’m the one you need.
Cana: I’m a ten.
Loke: No, it’s a pickup li–
Cana: I. Am. A. TEN.
468 notes · View notes
Natsu: What would Jellal say if I left his best girl behind?
Erza: He would say “Do as Erza says.”.
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Natsu: Wahoo!
Erza: Stop wahooing and help
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Fairy tail : WE. DECLARE. WAR
Magic council : You can’t just say war and expect anything to happen
Natsu : i didn’t say it, u declared it
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Rogue: All you do is yell at each other, you’re not friends
Natsu: You’re Right…We’re Family
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Larcade: We ride for King’s Landing today.
Natsu: Before you go, you will call on Lord and Lady Fullbuster and offer your sympathies.
Larcade: What good will my sympathies do them?
Natsu: None, but it is expected of you. Your absence has already been noted.
Larcade: The boy means nothing to me, and I can’t stand the wailing of women.
Natsu: [slaps Larcade] One word and I hit you again.
Larcade: I’m telling mother!
Natsu: [slaps Larcade] Go, tell her! But first you will get to Lord and Lady Fullbuster. And you will fall on your knees in front of them and tell them how very sorry you are, that you are at their service and that all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?
Larcade: You can’t!
Natsu: [slaps Larcade] Do you understand?
[Larcade scurries away]
Jackal: The Prince will remember that, little Lord.
Natsu: I hope so. If he forgets, be a good dog and remind him.
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Natsu: (looking around) Why am I here?
Lucy: Because you're easily distracted.
Natsu: What?! When it comes to mental focus I'm sharper th-
Lucy: (reaches in pocket, pulls out a candy bar and show Natsu)
Natsu: Oooh!
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