This blog is entering a temporary hiatus.
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Alphonse Elric: I don’t want to hurt their feelings.
Edward Elric: Hurt their feel — do you just walk around all day thinking about other people’s feelings?
Alphonse Elric: Yeah. Don’t you?
Edward Elric: No. How do you get anything done?
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Edward Elric: What’re are we gonna do?
Roy Mustang: Ah, what are you worried about? You’re so small they probably won’t even see you.
Edward Elric: Mustang, is this really the time to be making short jokes?
Roy Mustang: Fullmetal, there is never not a time, because, just like you, life is short.
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Heymans Breda: The way I see it, the military owes us so many coffee breaks, we should get 1915 off.
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Jean Havoc: Avatar? Yeah, I saw it last week with...
Jean Havoc: [pulls out bullhorn] ... MY GIRLFRIEND.
Vato Falman: You know, if this phase of your relationship lasts more than a week, I’m legally allowed to stab you both.
Jean Havoc: What phase? So, did I mention I’m seeing someone?
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Winry Rockbell: What are you doing here?
Ling Yao: The window was open.
Winry Rockbell: This is the 22nd floor!
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Kain Fuery: And it’s Hawkeye, right? I mean, she’s a badass. She’s the toughest of all of us. No offense, guys.
Roy Mustang: No, that’s accurate.
Jean Havoc: Very fair.
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stinabong replied to your post “So, anyway, this is all a pretty good demonstration of why I don’t pay...”
Yo sorry that you're going through this. I'd say just turn off your inbox? I tend to ignore overly aggressive people on either end of the spectrum. Theyre too much. ��
I’m getting anon messages from people who are thanking me too! I’d hate to cut them off, or at least I don’t want to right now. I still might turn off anon before too long, though, drive away all the cowards who are too afraid to throw around accusations like child molester when people would know they were the ones who did it.
... Okay, yeah, just editing to say anon is off now. Asks are still open for people who don’t mind attaching their URL to their words, and also for people who want to suggest their own blogs as worth following without attaching themselves to any of my posts and risking the brigade falling upon them.
I would prefer to not have any more posts regarding this matter, so we’re done.
Also going back and tagging posts with “the great shipping quote discourse” if you want to hide it.
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So, anyway, this is all a pretty good demonstration of why I don’t pay much attention to what goes on in this fandom anymore. It’s rough: the kind of content I like is actually the same sort of content the antis like (at least when it comes to character relationships: I live for hurt/comfort and apparently in fandom that’s now Evil and Bad). Give me the Royai (something I don’t think I’ve ever seen people complain about even though it’s subordinate/superior? where’s your anger at the power imbalance there, why is that one of the pure ships). Give me the Edwin parents fluff. Hell give me ALL the parental content. I love that shit so much.
but it is SO HARD to find people to follow who post that sort of content without also being the sort of people who, at the very least, refuse to condemn the sort of shit that’s going on in my inbox right now. And I do not want to follow anybody who thinks this is okay.
If someone reading this posts content I like but is also against calling someone an abuse apologist, calling them a freak, and calling them rather worse things because they’re okay with other people shipping things, could you let me know? I have wished for more FMA blogs to follow for quite a while.
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So my follower count has noticeably dropped, that’s nice. Don’t think it can be a 10,000 follower celebration now unless we wait even longer than expected, but whatever, I’m considering changing it from a one-time celebratory event (after which we’d go back to my regular style of rarely posting shipping, with most of that shipping being canon or widely thought of as being well-rooted in canon) to always accepting and posting all submissions regarding any ship, with occasional posts encouraging everyone reading to submit more stuff for their ships. Because spite.
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can you tag posts that mention royed at all please? i’d rather not see that discussion on my dash for personal reasons. thank you!
Tagging with “post discussing royed” now! Block that tag.
I don’t want to just tag as “royed” because I doubt anyone who browses that tag wants to see any of this either.
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RoyEd as a concept makes me uncomfortable because no matter what it’s a subordinate and a superior officer. A power imbalancez
Well, this one is rather more reasonable than a pedophilia accusation, so sure, I’ll answer it.
And the thing is, that’s fine. Just blacklist and move on like regular people do with stuff that makes us uncomfortable. I promise if this post happens, I’ll tag it properly, so you don’t need to worry. Canon!Roy/Canon!Ed is one of my NOTPS, so I am sympathetic (though not for that specific reason: I do ship Royai, after all), but part of growing up is learning that you can’t expect the whole world to cater to your comfort. It’s all fictional, it’s all in your imagination, it doesn’t really matter. Save fighting the world for the stuff that actually matters.
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Ummmm ew, Pedophillia will never be cute. bye
Good-bye then, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. I can’t even guarantee someone will submit such a post anyway. Any similar comments after this one will be ignored.
Besides, this whole thing is going to be throwing canon into the sun to burn, so there’s no reason you can’t read this hypothetical future RoyEd post as if it takes place in an AU without an age gap if you want to. There are a few AUs of “what if instead of a FUCKING TWELVE-YEAR-OLD joining the military, Ed was an adult when he joined?” so place it in one of those.
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Does the shipping event include things like royed?
Every ship that isn’t canon or treated-like-canon is fair game. Even ones considered problematic. If someone doesn’t like that, they can blacklist the ships they don’t like.
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Hey guys, I’ve been thinking about an event for a while. A SHIPPING event!!
So how about you all go and start submitting quotes for your ships? Specifically your ships that are neither canon (like edwin) nor often-treated-by-fandom-as-canon-despite-not-actually-being-canon (like royai).
Ideally, I would even make every single post a different ship! But I’ll need help from you guys, since I’m not familiar with every ship and the dynamics you’d expect from those ships, so... submit quotes for your favorite ships and your rarepairs! I don’t know quite when it would be (I wouldn’t want to give a date and then not have enough quotes yet), but I’d sure like to make this happen! Perhaps as a 10,000 follower event, since I’m only a few hundred off by now. (and boy does saying “only” a few hundred followers sound weird, how the heck did this happen??)
Also, if your ship has a ship name instead of only being referred to as “Character A/Character B” please include that somewhere in the text of your submission so I can make sure I tag it thoroughly.
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How the Bradleys met
Mrs. Bradley: After you, sir.
King Bradley: No thank you. I never let anyone walk behind me. Seven out of ten attacks are from the rear.
Mrs. Bradley: Okay, well, that still leaves a thirty percent chance that I’ll attack you from the front.
King Bradley: Uh, yeah, but it’ll be easier to stop. I can always block the blow, I can counter it –
Mrs. Bradley: [slaps him across the face]
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Roy Mustang: In a couple days I’m going to turn 29 years old and I’m very excited about that. I was hoping by now that I would look older, but it didn’t happen.
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