totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Thad’s family is incredibly wealthy and throw money around like it’s nothing. However Thad doesn’t display his wealth in quite the same way. His wardrobe is simple and contains far too many pants with holes in them for his mother’s taste. He prefers comfortable jeans and t-shirts over flashy name brands. The most expensive thing Thad owns is his leather jacket and even that was modestly priced. However the one thing Thad spends all of his limitless allowance on is sweets. He constantly has a stockpile of candy in his trunk and he is known to spend outrageous amounts of money in Honeydukes.
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006: Describe ways in which your character does or doesn’t show wealth.
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Thad was born October 25, 2000 making him a Scorpio. He’s currently 16 years old.
He’s a seventh year in Gryffindor House.
His favorite color is orange.
His middle name is Adelphos and he almost never tells anyone this.
He wants a motorcycle more than anything and will not stop talking about it.
His patronus is a collie.
His boggart is watching helplessly as his sister receives the same abuse from their mother he has endured his whole life.
For Thad, amortentia, the love potion, smells like a spicy citrus scent similar to bergamot, the smell of the woods after a rainstorm, freshly brewed coffee and the unmistakable sweet scent of a candy store.
He’s a complete night owl and a total slave to coffee. He doesn’t function normally in the morning without and has a uncanny ability to stay up until the wee hours of the night without much caffeine assistance what so ever.
Thaddeus is very casual about sex, not wanting to be tied down or limited to one partner. He identifies as polysexual though he would never put a name to it and enjoys casual sex with anyone who crosses his path that he finds sexually intriguing.
Thad is an adrenaline junky and is constantly chasing the next big thrill.
Since he has no limits to the stunts he’ll attempt, Thad is constantly getting injured and has since learned basic first aid magic to help with his injuries.
Thad is charming, knowing just what to say to make someone blush.
He’s often frank and speaks his mind. Thad isn’t known for holding back when he believes something.
However Thad has a bad habit of holding in his emotions, which leads to brooding and mood swings. He isn’t known for throwing tantrums but his mood can change in an instant, causing him to go from outgoing to completely closed off.
Thad’s biggest flaw is his apathy when it comes to important things in life like his education and his family’s opinion of his actions.
He think’s its ridiculous when people are afraid to take a risk and live a little.
Thad’s favorite holiday is Halloween. He loves dressing up to be something other than himself and has sported elaborate costumes ever since he was old enough to make his own Halloween decisions apart from his mother.
Thad’s least favorite person is his mother, Cosima.
Cosima has a bad habit of using a poisonous combination of magical and physical punishment when Thad acts out and his father has a bad job of letting Cosima do whatever she wants no matter what it costs the kids.
His older brother Leandros has always been the perfect son, doing well in school, becoming Head Boy, and getting a job in the Ministry with a clear path to becoming the Minister of Magic.
Thad prefers his sister Ilythia to Leandros because she was his shadow when they were kids. She always wanted to be just like him, that was until Thad began to act out and became a permanent fixture on their mother’s bad side.
Lukas is practically a rug in their household, constantly being walked over by Cosima.
The last thing Thad wants to become is like his father.
Their home is an expensive and illustrious building in Yorkshire. Cosima keeps up appearances with the pureblood community but their half-blood status is widespread despite her efforts to keep it under wraps.
Whenever Thad is home for a holiday, he spends most of his time hiding from his parents or out partying in downtown London.
Thad is known as a lothario around Hogwarts and has many students that he hooks up with regularly.
Classes come effortlessly to Thad and he often doesn’t have to study to receive good marks. He’s a lazy student and often ignores his studies in order to focus on more important things, like sex and thrills.
He’s been a beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch team since his 4th year, though he doesn’t take the position very seriously. Like everything else in his life, he’s not very disciplined and beyond attending practices, he doesn’t put much effort into the team.
Thad loves discovering new secret passageways. Anything that will help him make mischief and get around the castle easier.
Waldo entertains Thad to no end and he loves using the poltergeist to his advantage to get out of trouble.
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Nodding she smiled towards him. “Anytime. I mean besides baking treats to make you feel better. I’ve been known to well… be a great shoulder to cry on at times.” she shrugged a little. It wasn’t like she really expected him to come find her. Thad seemed the type to be at all the social events, the parties, dances, surly there was something that  he would trust and think of first . “Since four years? Oh wow.” she said with a smile. “Wait.. what year are you now.” she laughed shaking her head. “I mean it might not be all that wow worthy if it was only a year.” It was a poor attempt at a joke, clearly he wasn’t a 5th year,  at least she hoped not. That’d just be too weird for her to really process. Raising a brow she started to mold the cookies on the sheet. “I see..Maybe… you should try avoiding showing up drunk… maybe?” 
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Thad studied her face, wondering if he dared ever cry on her shoulder. He didn’t usually open up about his family besides Thia to most people. But somehow this girl had gotten some of it out of him. Maybe she could be his shoulder to cry on. If he ever dare cry in front of someone. “Thank you Felicity...” He responded in a soft voice.
“I’m a 7th year. So only 3 years.” He responded, chuckling at her joke. “And what’s the fun in that? It’s nearly inevitable that I don’t show up drunk for sunday practices. Or hung over. It would be out of character at this point.”
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Thad Gifs - Angry & Action
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0 notes
totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Thad Gifs - Neutral & Sad
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Thad Gifs - Happy
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Happy Talking
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Thad Gifs - Sexy
Sexy Looks
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Kissing / Smutty Stuff
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0 notes
totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Biting her lip she just simply nodded. There was a lot to it all she probably didn’t understand, no matter how hard she tried. Nodding she kept her mouth shut to the topic. Felicity wasn’t anyone close enough to Thad to really try and push positivity on to him. Didn’t mean she couldn’t make him a big batch of cookies to try and help him out.  Taking the water bottle she gave him a small smile. “Thank you.”  Huffing she shook her head, taking a long sip to keep herself calm enough.  “Well.. I think it’s very rude for a mother to ever look at her child that way. I think your very kind, sweet, good looking - you have a bright future too.” Clearing her throat she went back to her baking. “So quidditch. How long have you been playing?” 
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Thad nodded, but kept his gaze averted. This topic of conversation was making him grow more introverted, withdrawing into himself as a sort of protection. “Thank you Felicity. It..means a lot. Even though we barely know each other.” Her words did little to erase the years of verbal abuse from his mother. But it showed she cared, even after only 15 minutes or so of conversation. He needed more positive people like her in his life.
As she cleared her throat, Thad looked back up. “Well...since 4th year. I was roped into going to the tryouts and somehow the captain saw some potential in me. So I’ve played on the team ever since. Miraculously haven’t been kicked off yet, even after showing up to practices drunk.”
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Fiona fixed him with a mock glare, her smile still on her lips, as she watched him still sucking on the rock candy. At least he had somewhere they could go. It could have been a broom closet, and she really wouldn’t have questioned it in this moment. He did have a point, after all, she was a married woman, and she did appreciate the small amount of discretion. “I’m not complaining,” she responded quietly. And then his lips were on hers with a brief kiss, gone far too soon for her liking. Her eyes had fluttered shut and opened again at the sound of his voice, licking the sugar from her lips with a nod. 
Once he was gone, she took a deep breath and tried to compose herself, giving him a couple minutes head start before she headed toward the Hog’s Head, avoiding any eye contact with anyone and attempting to seem as normal as usual as she made her way up to the room, knocking on the door quietly.
Thad nodded to the bartender with a smirk as he made his way towards the stairs. Their little agreement was certainly working out for him. All it took was him running a few errands and he could have the room for a day. It had helped him impress a number of people and keep his extra curricular activities off the street, so he was grateful. Not to mention a girl like Fiona deserved somewhere private and comfortable.
Thad was in the middle of kicking his shoes off with the knock came on the door. Grinning wide around the lollipop, Thad stumbled over to the door with one shoe half off before pulling it open. “Fancy meeting you here,” He said, his voice full of lust. In one fluid motion, he pulled the candy from his mouth, grabbed Fiona by the waist and kicked the door closed after her before bringing their lips together once more. Only this time the kiss was far from chaste.
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Fiona did know, but she still liked to hear it. It was nice to feel this way again, wanted, desired, lusted after, easily in control of the person in front of her. As soon as she felt his hand on her waist and his fingers graze the bit of skin between her top and her skirt, she felt the shiver down her spine. For a moment, she forgot they were still in public and anyone could see them. Fiona expected him to lean in for a kiss, and was surprised when he stole the candy from her instead. “You sure know how to give a girl a rush,” she said with a soft laugh. “I don’t usually share my candy,” she added, stepping closer again and resting  a hand on his chest and lowering her voice, “though, I wouldn’t mind sharing if you can find us a place to sneak away to. I’m not sure everyone would appreciate our show.”
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Thad shrugged at her response with a wicked grin. He had a little practice with teasing both girls and boys alike. But when an older, gorgeous girl like Fiona took notice of him, he didn’t waste the opportunity. “Neither do I,” He added about the candy, meaning it as a challenge as he sucked on the stolen sweet. “I have a spot or two we can sneak of to. We should get out of public though...You are a married woman after all and between the candy and that outfit there’s no chance I can keep my hands off you for much longer.” He leaned into her for a short moment and pressed a sticky kiss against her lips before stepping back. “Hogs Head. Room 207.” He added before backing away with a grin and making his way out of the store.
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
“My husband doesn’t even know I’m here,” she responded with a wink. Which was mostly true. He knew she was seeing friends, but he didn’t know where or for how long. And he was so busy with his own nonsense that he didn’t usually bother checking up on her too much. “Oh really? And what’s that?” she asked with a smirk as she looked over his face, her gaze setting on his lips for a moment before flicking back up to his eyes. Her lips parted under his touch, and a vaguely familiar sensation started to pull deep in her stomach. “Is that all you’d like to taste?” she asked before sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.
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“Perfect.” Thad responded, immediately pushing all thoughts of her husband out of his head. He wasn’t here and with the way Fiona was looking at him, he was the last thing on her mind as well. “I think you know, Fiona.” He responded with a laugh as he took a moment to look her up and down, his eyes lingering on her short skirt and tight shirt. “I could think of a few more things...” He teased before leaning in closer to her, his hand lightly resting on her waist. At the last minute, he shifted to the side to take the rock candy in his mouth and step back with a mischievous smirk.
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
“Really, and why’s that? Because I’m supposed to be tucked away in my castle somewhere?” she challenged, her brow quirking up a little more. Fiona didn’t even bother hiding the glee in her expression as she realised she had him in the palm of her hand. “And in what way were you thinking about satisfying this sweet tooth of yours?” she asked, softly, stepping a little closer to him. Fiona shook her head at his question, pulling the candy from her mouth and licking her lips. “I’ve always loved strawberry.”
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“Something like that. I just figured married life brought some..limitations. Please tell me your husband isn’t around.” Thad glanced around the store for a moment before refocusing on Fiona. “I was going to buy some candy but..I might have found something more sweet.” He chuckled and grinned as she stepped closer. His grin faded to a look of lust though as she pulled the candy out of her mouth. Reaching out, he ran his thumb along her bottom lip before bringing it back to his own mouth. “Taste’s pretty good to me.”
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
The way he talked made her feel sad. As though it was her life she was trying to live up to. Shaking her head she bit into her cheek. “Forgive me, I don’t mean to step on toes, but maybe you shouldn’t worry so much about him? Or how others see him. I mean if you work into trying to be like him, no one will get to see what makes you so… you. I’m sure if you just took time to focus on you, maybe you’d find something you never expected. You could be great at the guitar, or painting… maybe even writing? I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t speak this larger on you when we’ve just met, but.. don’t… talk like all you have is failure to offer.” Nodding she gave a smile. “Yes please.”
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Thad listened to her talk as he continued to rummage through the fridge, thankful he was no longer facing her. Her words were sweet and well meaning. But they didn’t completely encompass the struggle of being a McAllister and living in Leo’s shadow. “I know Felicity. I’ve...lived my entire life being reminded of how I’m nothing like Leo. Old habits die hard.” He smiled as his gaze fell on the familiar bottle and he pulled it out and returned to Felicity. Offering her the water, he sat down across from her again. “I’ll figure it out eventually but..I’m not going to figure it out on my mother’s timeline. Nor am I going to be anything like Leo. So in her eyes, I’m already a failure. Luckily I don’t base my life decision on her or her opinion.” He offered her a weak smile. He hated talking about his family, especially his mom.
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
  As his eyes locked with hers she held her breath for a moment. Content when he just let the matter float off. Felicity wasn’t sure she would know how to tell anyone about what had happened to her. Tilting her head she mixed a few more things. “And why is that? I think anyone can really get anything done, or goals met if they work at it. I mean is it something you’d want? It’s a respectable job.” She shrugged. “ just not for everyone.” Nodding she let her eyes go wide. “oh no, please. I don’t need you to be  some sort of slave that does all I ask. Though if you could find a water bottle that’d be really nice.” 
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Thad noticed the way she froze, waiting for him to pry a little more. But her secrets were hers until she felt she could share them with him. He was more than willing to wait, even if it never happened. “I don’t have any goals to work towards. I’ll never be as good as Leo. So I have no desire to try and be him. All I’ll do is fail if I try.” He shrugged and glanced down so maybe she wouldn’t see the sadness in his eyes. “Water bottle? Absolutely.” He grinned and immediately set off to find something, looking in the first place he thought of. Pulling open the fridge door, he began rummaging around.
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Fiona focused in on the person before her and smiled at the warm face. “Hi, Thad,” she responded with a smile. She recognised him from school, but it was mostly the pureblood circuit. That was generally how she knew everyone. “I’m good, how are you? Trying to satisfy that sweet tooth?” she asked with a slight arch of her brow, moving closer to where he was and reaching for a stick of rock candy that was sticking out of a display. As she grabbed the candy, the top half of her body brushed against him just enough that it could be considered an accident but could have also been entirely on purpose. She pulled the wrapper off and placed the candy in her mouth like a lollipop. As an employee passed them, she gave him a smile and a wink as she pressed the wrapper and enough money to pay for it into his pocket before pushing him off and turning her attention back to Thad. “If I’m going to satisfy a sweet tooth, I prefer to go for something a bit more obvious and to the point, rather than beat around the bush. What about you?”
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“Of course. I’m a little surprised to see you in here.” He responded, his smile growing wider. As she moved, he watched her closely, his eyes growing wide as she pressed against him and slipped the candy into her mouth. In fact, he could barely look away as she sucked on the rock candy and barely noticed as she paid the employee and pushed him away. “I don’t usually beat around the bush myself. There is more than one way to satisfy a sweet tooth and I’m not one to be picky. Were you...on your way somewhere?” Thad asked, eyeing her lips and desperately wanting to pull the lollipop from her mouth for a taste of his own.
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totallywicked-thad · 7 years
Felicity looked towards him with a raised brow. Most never really asked due to the point she never seemed the type to have skeletons in her closet. “I just have secrets.” She started simply hoping he wouldn’t push the matter much. “Oh.. wow , I mean that’s great for him. Do you wanna follow his footsteps? Or still undecided?” She frowned a little hearing the tone in his voice. Though she figured he’d just lived a life in the shadow of his brother rather then anything about her personally. “Oh gosh, well don’t be to easy with the chocolate.” She teased.
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Thad locked eyes with her and nodded at her response. He certainly didn’t expect her to just answer his very forward question. But now he knew there was something else beneath the surface that other people didn’t know about and that made her a little less perfect and unattainable. “I don’t think i could follow in his footsteps even if i wanted to.” He scoffed with a sigh. “I’ll figure out my own way. Somehow.” He shrugged and shook his head before a smile returned to his lips at her teasing. “You have no idea Felicity. I’d do almost anything. In fact..with these cookies you’re making me...I bet you could make me do whatever you want. I’m your slave to command.”
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