traceypatenaude · 1 month
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My second e-book is now available. The Girl Who Kicked The Ball On The Moon is a great story. Follow the available link books2read.com/Tracey-Patenaude
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
Too cute
Source: joseph_of_water
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
I am writing a book and looking for any input with what I have
I can't speak for anyone else but I am positive there are plenty of women out there who go through, put up with, tolerate and endure what I deal with quite often. My husband! Yes I love him with every ounce of my being but there are times I just want to smother him with a pillow. Of course there are women out there who feel the same but would never go to such lengths. I am not talking about the women who actually hurt or kill their husbands. Those women are on a different level. Just the mental image of such a heinous act is enough to bring us back to reality and long enough to ask "What is wrong with you?"
I suppose in the eyes of your man it was all fine and dandy in the beginning of the relationship where apparently there were no complaints. He was most likely thinking "She is so cool, goes along with everything, so laid back. I like her." Of course, we all hold our tongues (while we scream inside our head)in the beginning in hopes of not offending him or driving him away. Then our man starts acting like a man by doing annoying little things that they believe to be cute or funny but in reality it's just plain dumb or even on the side of immaturity.  You put your man next to his BFF or close friends and you sit back watching him act like you have never seen before. You start questioning your own sanity, "Oh yeah, I am definitely crazy to stay with this guy." Yes I rolled my eyes plenty of times and other times just felt like ripping out my hair. I think in hindsight they are men and we are women and we will always be different. Hallelujah! I theorize that relationships are like sweaters and you adjust the fit or straighten out the kinks here and there.
Of course, there are numerous books out there to help relationships during their time of hiccups. Not everyone will admit to it and some even Google for tips and advice regarding what to do with That Man! Some do the counseling thing, and some will talk with friends and or family for help. I find the latter is not always the best solution because most of the time the advice is not sincere and that person of wanting you to leave your man. And we never listen to advice given regardless of it being asked for or if it's given voluntarily. More on that topic later!
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
Extreme patience control
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
Requiem of a Friendship
A lost and desolate soul am I Forever seeking the truth Remembered by some Forgotten by others
But I finally resulted in this I thought you were a friend A very good one Those talks we had The laughs we shared
Yet I'm neglected Left out in the cold No reason why Only to be left in a state of confusion
I look upon our friendship And this I state "On this day A GOOD FRIENDSHIP has died A very fine person, considerate and kind".
But as for me, I won't mourn in this hour of distress Today I will seek the real truth of friendship And to know what it's like To reach out to someone and say "Hi"
I may have lost a friendship yesterday But today I'm going to reach out It may take some time But I won't give up. But I think I'll start right now.
Hi! Would you be my friend?
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
Hello My Name, is Karma!
I ran a small child dayhome during the week so my intentions to the events that happened, whether you, the reader perceives it as vindictive or concerning depends on how you see things. A person who lived kitty-corner across the street from me had been parking his older GMC truck in front of my house. Again, I state that I ran a child dayhome during the week and neighbors all know not to park there as parents are dropping off or picking up their children so that space was crucial for me.  Well, the owner of this GMC truck decided he did not want to dirty the street parking in front of his house and thought of parking in front of my house, that I would be alright with his truck leaking oil everywhere.  My neighbors even witnessed him refilling the oil around 1am, so he is well aware that he has a leak. My whole intention was to get this person a ticket for leaking oil everywhere or at least to have him move his truck back to his place. I did not want to be held responsible for this mess or cleanup. I called 311 for information on what to do again thinking that he was only going to get a ticket on his windshield, thinking he was ignorant to the fact that I have signs in the window showing a daycare business. WRONG! I spoke to 311 customer service and relayed everything, including that there were 3 good sized puddles of oil in the street. Perhaps she misunderstood me (which is what I totally believed) and transferred me to the fire department. I thought at first it was weird to do that, but I am no professional. Fire Marshall came on the phone and asked me questions about the oil leak. Yes, it was the size of small hand towel and the third spill was the size of a face cloth. Was it leaking into the sewer? Was it near a water supply? I stated no to both questions. Was the spill smoking? How fast was it leaking? No smoking but a slow & steady drip I told him that I run a child dayhome during the day and yes it was rude to take that space from the parents but only wanted a ticket issued. Was I naive? Yes, a little bit. Then I heard the most embarrassing sound ever! The fire Marshall sent out the fire trucks!!! OMG, did you just send the trucks out?? Why would you do that? I asked him in frustration. Anxiety started to set in a little when the truck stopped in front of my house. We need to make sure ma'am, he replied. Really, I answered impatiently then hung up on him when 2 firemen rang my doorbell. So embarrassed!! I repeated again that I only wanted a ticket issued for the leak that (your vehicle can't have leaks in such a manner that affects the environment) it's mandatory under any circumstances that people are not allowed to wash their vehicles even in their driveways. I look over and there are 2 other firemen laying on the street under the truck checking things out. They return to my door stating that there was nothing they can do except ask me to tell the owner to move his truck and get his oil leak fixed. I stood there for 5 seconds blinking in confusion. I told him it's not my truck and if the fire department or city won't do anything then not to expect me to do their job for them either. Lesson learned I suppose!
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
Special order on the side
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
Just too cute not to share
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
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5 posts!
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
Awww the life of Riley
Me after a long day
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
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fancy cupcakes  @desertbloombakehouse
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
I can definitely retire here.
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Tamarind House
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
Elvis Presley was my Dad
Sibling rivalry is inside us all for those who have siblings. My sister & I are exactly 2 years & 2 days apart. My parents were divorced when my mother was still pregnant for my sister. My mother never talked about my father and we moved around a few times perhaps as she did not want him to know where we were. I did not know that we were poor until I was around 12 but it was around 7 when I started asking question. We did not have a television set and when we finally did manage to get one there was only 2 channels, and it was black and white. Back then being in school having a single parent was hardly discussed in schools and it was embarrassing when you had to make Father's Day cards when you didn't one around for whatever reason. This was way before remote controls, and you got your child to go to the tv set actually turn the knob. Yes, great times! Growing up I hated my birthdays as my mother would combine the two together to save whatever money we had. It was always her friends that would come as I would never tell anyone when my birthday was. Sometimes I would tell them I was bought from the produce section of the supermarket. Many times, she would dress us like twins, and it was really embarrassing on picture day at school.
The one childhood memory that stood out amongst the others was that Elvis Presley was my dad. Of course, he wasn't. Yes, very funny! Still remember it clearly. I was 7 years old, and we were lying in bed talking before breakfast and she asked me why we did not have a dad. Keep in mind that my parents were divorced before my sister was even born so I guess until a certain age I did not know what a father was yet alone where mine was. I asked her if she knew who Elvis Presley the singer was, and she stated yes. "Well, Elvis is my dad". He & Mom were together before you came along. We don't know who your dad is" I answered. She got up and ran to the kitchen to find out if it was true. I can hear my mother yelling for me from the kitchen. "Why do you come up with such tales" Why can't you be nice to your sister" she would ask softly. I would always answer "It's her fault that she believes me". Yes, she was my sister and growing up I hated her for all the sibling stuff we did to each other and at times I loved her.
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
Nature is it's natural beauty!
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traceypatenaude · 4 months
I Joined the I Got Hacked Club
 I guess I must say that I am now a member (not a proud one either) of the I Got Hacked Club and at first did not know yet alone understand that I joined. I discovered that I was hacked when my bank (God bless them!) called to inform me that someone in a different province, yes, I am in Canada, attempted to purchase a game console at a hefty price from Walmart. I stated that it was not me as I am currently in a western province and the last purchase that was made from Walmart was my husband buying a new microwave as ours died of old age. The bank immediately advised me that they had canceled that purchase. Not many people realize that when you make a purchase online with Walmart it takes about 24 hours "to be approved" if you will. It may show that purchase on your bank statement, but it is still pending.  Usually when someone shops online you set that store location closest to you. I did that and after I spoke with the bank, I went online to discover whoever hacked me changed that location to an eastern city location. At first, I didn't see anything until I went to my purchase history and that is where I saw that the hacker wanted a game console for $649. I got his name and again being naive in all this I'm told that it most likely was a fake name. All these emotions began to consume me, and I was drowning. I may not be as tech savvy as some or those who are tech genius, but I think personally that talent is a waste when it is used to rob someone else. I believed that something like this would never happen to me that it only happens to other people. Why wouldn't it happen to me? You see it in the movies, you hear about terrible things happening to friends or a friend of a friend. We judge them and automatically offer advice as to why they did not protect themselves better than that. Then it happened to me! It was not just the attempt to purchase something so ridiculous, but my email was hacked, and my Facebook account. At first, I still grasped how this could have happened. After doing research I read that it starts with hacking your email then going everywhere with it. 
You begin to question yourself and everything around you. You try to keep it together with a brave face and diligently call all of your service providers and give them your new email address that you were forced to make. Systematically you know this needs to be done but as you are going through the motions you are still trying to grasp if it really happened. While you are talking with the service providers and as you explain the situation you hear your own voice speaking as if you are having an out of body experience and you feel terrible about it. I start crying again as my anxiety level starts to peak. The overwhelming feeling of thinking about what happened or why still consumes you. I believe that everyone has some form of anxiety issues whether it is mild or severe, it then becomes heightened 100% when you are forced to deal with that reality. One of the issues I faced or dealt with two days ago is a few seconds after creating a new email that the hacker had changed that password again and attempted to control everything once again. I think what saved me was that my oldest son is tech savvy at a hacker's level and battled it out with the hacker three times and then finally he was defeated by my son. 
I can easily say that I was lucky to have it caught early enough but because of this experience I question the impending damage further down the line that might come from it. After googling and doing research that it is common that all of the victims' identities are used to open credit cards with or create accounts with, basically destroying the lives of the victims. I have okay credit and could imagine that my name will mud in the near future. I am in my late 50's and don't own a house like many friends and people I know. Perhaps this is a blessing with the cost of owning a house or getting a mortgage, but renting is not great either.  
Are we all lost in transition with the world of hackers? Is this the new normal? Should being naive be a crime? Do I as well as others who have been victims got it all wrong? Are we in their world and need to adjust? It's been only two days now, and I am still not accepting what happened. That first day I hardly slept as my anxiety leveled passed the panic stage. I couldn't focus, couldn't eat or sleep and had trouble breathing. I deal with cluster headaches, and it felt like there was a goose egg growing. My IBD was at an all-time high, and I was miserable. I believed the world was against me and wondered if I was a purposeful victim because I had been so opinionated in my life that it angered someone enough to do this.  
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