Important Update
Hey guys!
I know I kinda vanished outta nowhere for no apparent reason and I’d like to explain as best I can why I did it.
A long time ago, back when I was still young and fairly new to the fandom scene, I made friends with this guy who for a while seemed really nice. He lied to me about his age, his appearance, his intent, about everything.
After a while he began to change, at first it was just little things. Sometimes he’d be more irritable than others, sometimes we’d disagree about something and he’d bugger off for a few days and ignore me as punishment. I was stupid at the time (to be fair I still am, just less so now) and didn’t know how to recognize the signs that shit was about to go downhill real fast.
Without going into too much detail he began to demand things from me, things 15 year old me was very uncomfortable complying with. The more I refused him, the worse he treated me, until eventually I couldn’t do it anymore and I just stopped talking to him all together.
Needless to say he was not happy about it, and for the next few months he and some of his goons followed me around on the internet and harassed me constantly. Eventually his friends stopped doing it, and then I got better at hiding myself, started using better nicknames and he too stopped.
I thought that after he stopped that would he the last of that. I was wrong.
Recently he found me through one of my other rp blogs, probably by pure chance, and began to send me anon hate. At first I just wanted to ignore him but that wasn’t gonna work. So the next time he sent hate I blocked it. Then he came here and continued where he left off.
I’m not sure what his problem is, and for the sake of not starting shit I won’t name him. I don’t know if he has a url on here or if he does what it is, and all the other accounts he used to use are long gone and I can’t remember what they were.
I’m in the process of dealing with it, hopefully for the last time. But I just can’t be on here. I’d honestly love to be but now that all this has started up again I just can’t do it.
I’m really sorry, and hopefully soon fuckhead will be gone for good and I won’t have to deal with him any more.
In the meantime thanks for understanding, and I love you all.
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Important Update
Hey guys! I know I kinda vanished outta nowhere for no apparent reason and I'd like to explain as best I can why I did it. A long time ago, back when I was still young and fairly new to the fandom scene, I made friends with this guy who for a while seemed really nice. He lied to me about his age, his appearance, his intent, about everything. After a while he began to change, at first it was just little things. Sometimes he'd be more irritable than others, sometimes we'd disagree about something and he'd bugger off for a few days and ignore me as punishment. I was stupid at the time (to be fair I still am, just less so now) and didn't know how to recognize the signs that shit was about to go downhill real fast. Without going into too much detail he began to demand things from me, things 15 year old me was very uncomfortable complying with. The more I refused him, the worse he treated me, until eventually I couldn't do it anymore and I just stopped talking to him all together. Needless to say he was not happy about it, and for the next few months he and some of his goons followed me around on the internet and harassed me constantly. Eventually his friends stopped doing it, and then I got better at hiding myself, started using better nicknames and he too stopped. I thought that after he stopped that would he the last of that. I was wrong. Recently he found me through one of my other rp blogs, probably by pure chance, and began to send me anon hate. At first I just wanted to ignore him but that wasn't gonna work. So the next time he sent hate I blocked it. Then he came here and continued where he left off. I'm not sure what his problem is, and for the sake of not starting shit I won't name him. I don't know if he has a url on here or if he does what it is, and all the other accounts he used to use are long gone and I can't remember what they were. I'm in the process of dealing with it, hopefully for the last time. But I just can't be on here. I'd honestly love to be but now that all this has started up again I just can't do it. I'm really sorry, and hopefully soon fuckhead will be gone for good and I won't have to deal with him any more. In the meantime thanks for understanding, and I love you all.
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Now I'm not the only one '20 year old youngster' lmao
Don’t be fooled. I might be 20, but I’m actually a 5 year old disguised as an adult. 
Thanks sweets.
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I promise I'm gonna be mire active soon, life is just hella busy right now.
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Send "Hey, little cutie" to see my muse as an eight year old.
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Our muses are vacationing in a woodsy cabin for the holidays, but a storm leaves them snowed in and without power. Send “Dark Winter’s Night” for a starter.
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RPers, please reblog this if you’re okay with ICONLESS threads!
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when u make new friends and u don't know how to act around them yet
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It's my birthday today!
Happy 20 years of existence to me.
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💭 please reblog if you’re okay with turning meme answers into threads !
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“You know that name sounds really familiar...I think I met an older version of you a few days ago, out in the mountains while I was training.”
Nose Boops
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“I’m Thanatos, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Wow, that’s a pretty cool name!”
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“My name’s Gohan. It’s nice to meet you, too!”
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Can someone do me favour and just send in an ask or two? I'm having issues with my ask box on my other accounts and I wanna see if it's carried over here too.
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So quick update: I'm still sick, but it's gotten a little better. For now I'm just on something for the nausea, and in few months I'll be going for blood work.
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please reblog this if it's okay for me to just pop into your ask box to RP with you even if you haven't reblogged a meme because I just want to RP with you
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So not only has the day shift spent the last week being complete fucking dicks to us midnight workers, but I also managed to mess my leg up too, and now it hurts like a bitch and I can barely bend it without excruciating pain. Can I quit life now?
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