#i would add suggestive text as that is literally what is displayed
linkslastbraincell · 11 months
IDK why I have such Strong Opinions about the Hateno House Debate BUT for what it's worth;
my problem with the switch of Link's house becoming Zelda's house is that there's no in-game text I've seen referring to them living together, unless you interpret her saying Link never leaves her side that way, which would work for me, BUT the only thing that's really Link's is at the bottom of Zelda's secret well-lab that I'm pretty sure she mentions is also hidden from Link. I saw someone reference the Champion's Ballad picture in the house, too, but those were also Zelda's friends so of course she'd have it up. So I wish that chest was in the bedroom or main room so it felt more like Link actually lived there-- tbh my presumption was that before totk Link literally slept outside like a watch dog, cause it seems like the kind of thing a feral golden retriever like him would do. Like,they have a twin size bed? You cannot tell me neither of them flail in their sleep. If they both slept in that bed they'd wake up tangled in the sheets each sporting a black eye. And I think it's kinda sad if Zelda just like. Never pushed him to customize his own space. Idk I just want them to actually get to be people between games. ANYWAY all that is to say it doesn't matter because I'm assuming either the devs don't view Link as a character, he's just a guy that gets dropped into the world as an avatar for the player, and/or they want you to make up your own mind. So like whatever live ur zelink dreams! BUT the whole reason I'm writing this is BECAUSE I HATE. THE DREAM HOUSE!! LOL. So I'm like if they lived together, what's even the point of the dream house? I'm guessing the idea was either a) well if you want your own customizable space here it is, or b) if you prefer to think of them as friends, here! You can give Link his own house! But because it's such a big game the dream homes.... are terrible. They're ugly. They're depressing. I'm sticking my poor traumatized blorbo in a bunch of shipping containers and hoping he doesn't worsen his depression with vitamin D deprivation. And the decor is.... awful. Like don't get me wrong, I like the little pre-furnished rooms. But if you're gonna give me a house and a yard that big to customize you gotta give me like. Minecraft or animal crossing levels of customization because the landscaping is depressing as hell. I wanna be able to add windows and pots and tables and gardens I design myself, not buy a room pre-furnished. So, as a non-game dev who didn't break their back making this game and is instead enjoying back-seat designing from the comfort and ignorance of my home pc, what do I suggest? I wish!!! they let us!!!! Add on to the Hateno house!!! Wanna give Link his own space? Add a bed room for him. Add a storage room for his weapon displays. Upgrade the paddock. Add a shrine statue if you're too lazy to go into town proper! I really loved the landscaping of the old spot so the new one feels pretty sad to me (though don't get me wrong, the pond below the cliff he lives on is so cute, I love that spot). I wish we could at least add flowers and a proper pond to the main yard lol. Anyway I hope they get the chance to add more to the dream home if they wind up doing DLC despite their announcement to the contrary, but I understand the game is already a LOT of ideas and they aren't going to touch up all of them.
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cidthesquid · 5 months
A Quick look at: My Universe - Fashion Boutique (Part 1/2)
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This is not meant to be a 'Review' It's more of a text based 'Let's Play', where I give my first impressions of the game. We've Talked a lot about Fashion Dreamer, and Even MODEL Debut 3 #nicola, Now it's time to take a look at one of the other fashion games on the switch. My Universe: Fashion Boutique!
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The "My Universe" series is a collection of games published by microids. I'd never heard of this publisher before, but it looks like they mostly handle licensed titles, a few racing games I've never heard of, and the Syberia series. And the "My Universe". Series seems to be straight forward, each entry is based around a single Job or idea.
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So I don't think it's fair to go in expecting 'The next Style Savvy', this game goes on sale for under $5 all the time. The store page makes it looks like it's not just shovelware, but with tons of free fashion games on apps store, even at the $3.99 I paid, it already has tough compition. So let's try it out!
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The first thing they ask you for is your name, pretty standard, Then after a fairly lengthy load time, you're taken straight to the character creator:
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(Note: my capture card adds a yellow tint to everything, also both eyebrow and hair color, have the presets and color slider.)
I was overall fairly happy with the options on display for a game like this. Sure, it's pretty basic when compared to most other fashion games.. But it's a far cry from some other games I've tried, especially in terms of skin tone, hair color, and face shapes. But I could have gone for more variation in the starting outfits, only three? I feel like they went for 'professional' (yellow) cool/bold (red/black) and maybe the white and blue are supposed to a 'cute' outfit. But I don't know... And the model,texture work and lighting quality on all three is fairly low:
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I think going for a more 'stylized' approach for the art would have been better, but I don't think the game looks bad overall.
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We're given one last chance to look over our changes, and we're off to our own fashion universe! Our backstory is then sent to us through text message:
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We enter the shop and become introduced to rose:
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And right off the bat, w'ere blasted with translation issues: Weird wording:
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Forgetting Norah is our aunt
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And run-on sentences:
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Every single line so far has some form of issue:
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But after that it clears up a bit, and it's not like you can't pick up on what they're saying, it's just a bad first impression... After that story segment, we're given our first tutorial, it looks like customers will enter the shop with requests, and they're actually shown as 3d character's that's pretty neat:
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You actually have to walk your character over to them, to help them out. And much like other game, they'll have an actual request for you to fulfill, so far, so good.
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We talk to our boss about the request, and the mention that we don't have any cotton outfits in stock (What?) so we'll need to make it for the customer ourselves. Okay, that's a bit odd, Style Savvy and others have outfit designing, but that's not normally introduced till later, I'm really hope they don't expect use to make all the clothes ourselves, but I guess we'll find out. Let's get crafting!
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So it looks like we have two options here:
'Free Design' lets you make what ever you want, and 'Orders' sets you up to design what a customer requested.
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...And I've just been informed by tumblr, that I've used up my 30 images for this post, so I'll have to continue this in 'Part 2'
Part 2 is now live!
--- But anyways, Thanks for reading! I had a lot of fun making this, so I hope you had fun reading it as well. As always, all comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome! You literally can't bother me, (unless you go out of your way to be a jerk), so post whatever you want to say!
0 notes
trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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“C... for...” “STOP” 
(I know I missed valentines day by a wide margin. That’s it that’s the end of the sentence). 
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Wool Scarves Should Be Mandatory Hero Attire
Negasonic seems convinced that the smaller someone is, the less braincells they possess. Nano doesn't want to prove him right, but the few remaining braincells they have are frozen to each other and can't form a single thought.
AO3 Link
WHOOPS back on my bullshit with these two. I took a few prompt suggestions from fans including Nano wrapping themself up in Negasonic's cape as a blanket and my own idea of their helmet being able to communicate via emoticons. These stupid bastards have wormed their way into my heart...
I already have another oneshot idea brewing for them, but any more suggestions for their dynamic is welcome!!! (since I don't have any direct sequel ideas if you're looking for more fearplay)
Reminded that Jamie/Nano is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns (:
13.5K words
Well, all things considered, this plan had gone about as well as it could have for a half ass scheme thought up by a handful of failing college students. Actually, only Nano and Elastica were enrolled in college; Shimmer had dropped out last semester and Matchplay never pursued higher education to begin with. So, really, their combined intelligence was running on fumes and it appeared the poor old clunker was ready to give out at the worst possible time.
As ironic as it was, it was actually Negasonic who pushed for Nano to get out there and make their own hero alliances in order to solidify their place in the superhero scene. To have a notorious supervillain tell you that you need to get some friends was a whole new level of absurdity they never expected to deal with, but he was right. Nano wanted to make their name more well known to heroes and villains alike, to steadily rise in the ranks in hopes of reaching the same greatness as the nationally revered superheroes. It was a long shot for sure, especially under the assumption they would survive the cesspool of crime they called their hometown. However, Nano had a bonus secret weapon no other hero could say they had, and one villains would never suspect to be possible.
The tiny hero had Negasonic wrapped around their (literal) little finger.
Try as the supervillain might to deny these allegations, Nano knew better than anyone Negasonic had an obvious soft spot for them. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have saved them from Sandy all those months ago and nursed their wounds, going as far as to painstakingly repair their miniature tech to help them return to their full scale. It would have been much easier for Negasonic to crush them underfoot on the docks or simply never allow them to return to normal size, keeping a little pet hero for as long as he saw fit. But he didn’t, and even after he kicked Nano out of his base once they were deemed physically fit enough, he continued to lurk around them. Sometimes it was a little flash of purple out of the corner of their eye right before a thug fell to their knees, other times Negasonic would appear from the shadows to personally tell Nano that a gas station slushie and redbull did not count as dinner.
Even now the supervillain was sending them text messages that popped up within Nano’s visor. Honestly, they weren’t sure if this was a feature the helmet had always had or if this was another sneaky improvement Negasonic had added when he repaired it. For a guy who claimed he didn’t care about putting in unnecessary effort, Negasonic sure went through a lot of trouble to add his own version of parental controls on tech Nano barely grasped to begin with. To make sure they didn’t interfere with his business, Negasonic said with a dismissive wave. To shut down functions and keep an eye on them before they did anything too stupid while out of range. Negasonic had even gone as far as to include the ability to project simplistic, old school emoticons on their visor in order to display the facial expressions that were concealed beneath. The excuse for that one had been so Negasonic, as well as anyone else, would be able to clearly see what state Nano was in regardless of what size they were at.
And if Nano immediately took hold of that coding to update the emoticons to more trendy, borderline cringy expressions to show to the world, then that was their business.
Another message popped up to the left of their vision from an unspecified sender. It was just as straightforward as the last one Nano had gotten an hour earlier when the ragtag group of heroes first arrived to assess the area. Go home. They rolled their eyes and blinked to close the pop-up. As much as Nano was grateful for all the things the supervillain had done for them, especially considering his reputation of blasting away heroes to do whatever he wanted, it was starting to grind their gears with his hypocritical protectiveness. One minute Negasonic was pushing them to go bother other budding avengers so that he didn’t have to constantly bail them out of sticky situations, the next minute he was telling Nano to turn around and stop going on dangerous missions with other heroes. Geez, did this guy want them to reach their potential of being the next great superhero or not? Well, probably not, seeing as that was one more dogooder in Negasonic’s way.
Whatever, Nano wasn’t going to back down from this opportunity to create some new alliances. Leaving now at the supervillain’s insistence would make it look like Nano was chickening out, which they were doing their very best not to, seeing as this was their first real scuffle with an up and coming villain. Thugs and mobsters were low hanging fruit, usually just a tough guy with a gun, easy enough for Nano to dodge and smack around. Villains, though, could range from a mastermind kingpin to an overpowered threat, neither of which Nano had the gall to face alone. Baby steps. They had to work their way up the hierarchy to build their confidence. Besides, what was the hero supposed to say to the others? Sorry guys, can’t fight tonight, one of the most infamous and deadly supervillains of our time wants me to take it easy for now. Yeah, that would fly over real well, assuming they didn’t think Nano was a) lying out of their ass or b) secretly in cahoots with evil forces.
“We know the plan?” Shimmer asked, peering down the skylights of the warehouse everyone was perched on into the high class facility below. The old, near abandoned looking outer shell of the warehouse was the perfect facade to hide away the technological advancements within. Sleek, white walls lined with pill shaped chambers and harsh lighting beating down to complete the hospital aesthetic it was going for. At a first glance, it would look like any one of those ritzy, elite medical spas for the super rich to go and remain physically beautiful for another five or ten years. Essentially, that’s what this business was selling; an affordable alternative to waiting for the future by cryogenically freezing oneself in their prime of their youth and waiting to be thawed when technology allowed. It was a huge appeal to those struggling financially as there was no down payment, even advertising that they could freeze themself for as long as they wanted to allow any assets to grow in a blink of an eye and keep them steady once they rejoined society.
It sounded too good to be true, because it was. These poor people signed away all their rights, most of them so down on their luck that one of the main reasons they agreed to begin with was so they could have a place to sleep for the next fifty years. This was all a prototype experiment, anyways, with a collection of ‘small’ risks that may occur, all of which they signed off on. Unfortunately, all those unlucky souls had agreed to do was to become frozen and comatose in order to harvest their organs when needed on the blackmarket, cornering the illegal trade by promoting the fact that the goods were about as fresh as one could get. It was essentially a farmer’s market of transplants.
Nano and Elastica nodded at Shimmer, but Matchplay seemed hesitant. “Can we go over it one more time?” He asked. They had already gone over it seven times tonight, but Nano was secretly relieved to have the added refresher seconds before they were meant to go into action. Everything needed to go perfect if they wanted to ensure both they and the still unsold people within would survive.
“There’s guards around the perimeter, but only security cameras inside the lab here,” Shimmer explained, a dazzle of light sparkling from her fingertip as she traced it around the skylight for everyone to follow. “Nano is going to shrink in so they don’t get picked up on the video feed and disable the cameras, then Elastica will help Matchplay and I down through this window we’re on.”
“And Shimmer stands guard to blind anyone who comes in,” Elastica chimed in.
Shimmer nodded. “If we’re really sneaky about this, though, we shouldn’t have to worry about that. You’re going to have to be super stealthy, Matchplay.”
Matchplay looked affronted. “I am stealthy.”
“Burning everything to hide the evidence doesn’t count as being stealthy,” Nano pointed out, their visor displaying a :P emoticon to convey their teasing expression.
Matchplay’s methods reminded Nano of a certain supervillain who similarly liked to destroy everything in his path. The difference was Matchplay genuinely thought he was helping by burning all the surroundings to ash.
The fiery hero scoffed. “Yeah, well, if they don’t know who did it, it counts as being stealthy.”
“Oh no, who could have torched this drug den? Couldn’t possibly be the guy with fire powers,” Elastica deadpanned.
“Not to mention you burned the twenty witnesses who saw you do it.”
“Okay, we’re getting off track,” Shimmer huffed. “Nano, cameras. Elastica, entry. Matchplay, behave.”
Matchplay grumbled. “Sure, give everyone else the easy tasks…”
Nano scanned the lab below for the hundredth time, counting all the cryogenic pods and operation tables. “What about the hotshot? Moseley?”
“At a meeting according to his secretary,” Shimmer flicked her long, golden hair over her shoulder. “We shouldn’t have to worry about him. Get in, grab the stiffs, get out.”
“Is it really going to be that simple, though…?” Oh, Elastica, why did she have to go and jinx them. “I mean, aren’t they all in comas? And half frozen? Can we really just take them out with no ill effects?”
Matchplay gave half a shrug. “I dunno, being a little freezer burnt sounds better than missing both kidneys.”
“I was more worried about brain damage. Or total organ failure, which would completely miss the point of us trying to save them.”
Shimmer seemed like she was getting frustrated by the constant pointing out of their flawed logic. “Well what else can we do, huh? Take pictures and send them to OSHA?”
Nano knew better than to snicker at such a tense moment, but they couldn’t help but flash ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ at the bristling hero. Elastica was making some pretty valid points, it just would have been better had she brought it up during their days of planning rather than the minute before they were supposed to act. They were all lucky Shimmer’s powers were only emitting light with no heat source behind it or they’d all be toast from her sparkling glare.
“Are any of you going to take this seriously? There’s people’s lives at stake!” Shimmer snapped.
“I am,” Elastica defended. “I just don’t want us to accidentally kill the people we’re trying to save.”
“Definitely a waste of an evening,” Matchplay said.
They weren’t getting anywhere with their team compatibility rapidly dwindling. Nano’s visor displayed ^^; while they held up their hands in an effort to placate rising tensions between the heroes. “Okay, so we just need a new exit plan, right? We got this. We can totally come up with something if we put our heads together.”
“Yeah? Got any ideas?” Shimmer crossed her arms over her bedazzled chest.
…no. They hadn’t a single thought and their lack of response was loud enough to hear. Shimmer groaned while their brilliant plan fell apart before their very eyes, all that hard work and late nights undone because Elastica had to find the fatal flaw. They could always regroup and come back, but the faux company’s founder Eric Moseley was quickly rising in the blackmarket business. Waiting another week would only be furthering his headstart to add more security and risk complicating future plans, not to mention that only kept the window open for more people to be harvested in their frozen slumber. If they were going to do something about it, they needed to do it now.
Matchplay pursed his lips in deep thought as evident by the little trail of smoke swirling above his head. “What if we don’t just take the people, but the cryo-pods they’re in, too?”
“How? Those things probably weigh a ton!” Nano asked. Damn, they could have been so much more useful if they had the ability to grow right now.
While pondering this next roadblock, Elastica looked over the rooftop and pointed at the delivery trucks paired near the docks below. “What about those?” She suggested. The hitched trailer could easily fit a dozen or so pods, so if they took at least two trucks they might be able to get everyone out of the facility. “I’m sure the pods are able to run on their own power supply to keep everything…fresh.”
Nano shuddered at the thought of people being shipped like fish in an ice bucket packed on the trucks. Elastica was probably on to something about the pods running on an independent battery for transport, that should buy them enough time to get the survivors out of the facility and driven to one of the heroes bases to be awakened properly. This, dare they hope, could work. Rather than fry the camera feed, Nano could freeze it to play the same still image to create the illusion there was no movement in the empty lab. Elastica wouldn’t have to rev up the trucks and alert the guards with rumbling engines, instead she could stretch her arms down to the cabins and release the parking brake to roll the hulking vehicle backwards and to the bay doors. That left Shimmer and Matchplay still doing their original jobs of blinding any intruders and doing the heavy lifting respectively.
Eh, maybe Matchplay could set the lab on fire a little bit when the team peeled out of there, if only to destroy as much of the schematics as possible to prevent the empire from being rebuilt any time soon.
Shimmer's mood has perked up significantly as they went over the new details of their revised plan. There was a unanimous shift between the four of them that improved their outlook on the situation, a renewed vigor vibrating amongst them that they were about to pull off one of the greatest rescue missions in their current careers. If they could successfully pull this off, there was no telling what they could do as a newly formed group!
Another message pinged in the corner of Nano’s helmet, the same blunt tone telling them to Go home. Now. Without a second thought, they closed it. What did Negasonic know anyways, huh? The little group had just come up with a backup plan all on their own and in record time. Nano wasn’t about to let this victory slip through their fingers just because some supervillain thinks he knows better. The same supervillain that was pushing them to go make real friends and who would definitely prefer they stay out of any evil business exploits in order to avoid crossing paths while he’s trying to work. Sorry, Negasonic, but this time Nano was going to spread their wings and jump out of the nest themself.
It all went to shit in roughly thirty-two minutes.
In Nano’s defense, they had done exactly what they were tasked to do perfectly. Really, all of the heroes had pulled off what they were supposed to be doing without a hitch. The cameras were frozen, the trucks were pulled up, a few of the cyro-pods had been safely disconnected and ready to load up as soon as they could find a hand trolley to wheel the machinery. Yet apparently the guards, who should have been blinded by Shimmer’s strobe effect once they came in to do their rounds, had no problem randomly firing off their guns in hopes of hitting their unseen threat. Bullets ricocheted around the lab, thankfully not striking anyone besides giving Matchplay a graze along his bicep.
For as much work as they all put into perfecting their plan with a new backup scheme, the heroes probably should have considered what may happen if Shimmer’s main job was utterly useless. The guards shot everywhere as they flailed the guns, shattering glass equipment and embedding into the cryo-pods, some bullets even riddling the frozen occupants within. At least they were asleep. Their plan had very quickly shifted from ‘stick together and save everyone’ to ‘duck in cover and try to make it out alive’. An unfortunate outcome to the guards trying to spray the room in a hail of bullets was that even more guards were alerted to the commotion, storming the halls to act as backup with their guns already drawn. Very quickly, the heroes were outnumbered and out of backup plans.
Of the four scrapy heroes, Nano was the one with the best chance of survival based on their track record of slipping through the cracks when things got too heated. They couldn’t do that now, though, not when their friends would be slaughtered. None of them were at the untouchable ranks that the acclaimed league superheroes had. They wouldn’t be able to handle this mess on their own. Really, they were barely handling this mess together, but at least that gave the group an extra five percent chance of survival. Fuck, Nano should have listened to Negasonic. Going home sounded so much better than taking shelter in the vents, the frigid air conditioning was already a nightmare to transverse when they had to trek through the ducks in order to find a back entrance into the security room. Why did everything here have to be so damn cold?!
As more guards continued to pour in guns ablazing, Shimmer gave up on her plan of strobing their vision and ducked behind a desk to avoid getting shot. Now that there wasn’t a flashing light to impede their aim, the goons had a much easier time spotting the scrambling heroes and pointing the barrels straight at their heads. Matchplay wasn’t going down so easily and let his fire power consume his entire being in hot flames, lashing his arms at the guards to create whips of fire and force them back. Fireproof did not equate to bulletproof, sadly. Though a few guards did lose their grips on their guns as a result of being singed, there were still too many armed ones that had perfect aim for his glowing body. A bullet lodged itself in his shoulder, making Matchplay howl out in pain and recoil backwards to take cover behind a collection of cryo-pods.
The guards had no qualms continuing to shoot in the fiery hero’s general direction, demolishing the expensive frozen beds in their frenzy. Moseley was going to be pissed upon seeing all this property damage his own henchmen caused, right? At the very least he’d chew them out for letting so many potential donors go to waste after their previously healthy organs were riddled with lead. Undeterred by the thought of getting written up by their psycho boss, the goons advanced closer to where the various heroes had hidden to finish the execution. With the amount of money this operation had to be bringing in, it would only take a clean up crew and a few technicians before this place was up and running just as it had been an hour prior. There wouldn’t even be a fleck of blood to commemorate the heroes who gave their lives accomplishing nothing.
The pain was too great for Matchplay to keep himself aflame, the fire fizzling away while he clutched his bleeding shoulder to reveal a pale, whimpering face. Before the guards could get him back in full view, however, Elastica lept from the machinery near the bay doors she had hunkered down behind, extending her rubbery arms to coil around the two guards closest to Matchplay. It worked for a moment to incapacitate them, keeping their arms pinned to their sides and unable to fire a bullet into either of the heroes' heads. However, Elastica lacked the strength needed to heft two grown men and swing them around like a lasso, which the goons were quick to take advantage of. Two more men appeared, one at each stretchy arm, and took hold of the limbs to yank her forward. She lurched towards them with a yelp, the increasingly lack of distance making her arms go slack around her former prisoners. By the time they were able to shimmy off the human restraints, she was close enough to be dazed by a sucker punch by one guard and hurled like a shot put by her own arms by another.
Her overstretched body collided with Matchplay, knocking them both to the ground in a groaning heap. The guards snickered to themselves at the pathetic attempt to fend them off, just a bunch of stupid kids in stupid costumes with stupid ideas. Arguably, Matchplay was the strongest weapon amongst the group due to having a power that could actually cause damage. With him out of commission, the others were struggling to use their own abilities for defense rather than offense. Shimmer had to be the most useless out of all of them right now, nothing more than a sparkly beacon to give away the best spots to shoot her. The sheer terror on her face when one of the guards gave her a sickening smirk made Nano’s stomach roll. She was pretty and vulnerable and these guys were as vile as scum could get if they didn’t mind working in the human trafficking trade.
Nano wasn’t going to sit and wait around for the worst to happen. Adrenaline pushed their shivering legs to sprint out of the vent at top speed, their miniature launching overhead undetected. They waited until they were at the peak of their momentum to resize themself to full scale, the hero seeming to appear out of nowhere as death from above to drop their weight on top of a goon. Nano was by no means a large person, but the force was more than enough to knock the guard down and take out another as collateral damage. Immediately, all eyes were on the shrinking hero who had been undetected until now, a new threat to be accessed and dealt with accordingly. Dealt with, of course, meant aiming a dozen guns at their face and trying to obliterate their brains.
Months of training with muggers and petty car thieves gave Nano the upperhand in most cases when it came to fending off armed attackers. This time, however, it was about fifteen against one compared to the typical one-on-one combats they were used to. Sure, this wasn’t terrifying at all, Nano definitely didn’t feel like they were on the verge of vomiting and passing out from their heart imploding in a fit of anxiety. One wrong move and they were toast. As much as the hero liked to think they were doing better in growing their confidence, their inner voice was screaming at them to curl up and hide and let everyone else fend for themselves. After the fiasco with Sandy, even though it ultimately worked out for the better in the end between them and Negasonic, Nano’s belief in themself kept fluctuating dramatically. One moment they felt like their old self, like they were on top of the world and could take down anyone. Two seconds later they were cowering at the idea of facing up against a bank robber alone.
“You’re traumatized,” Negasonic told them once when they had vented about the mixed feelings that had been becoming more radical. “You flew too close to the sun and now you’re scared to do it again. You’ll get over it.”
Nano was really hoping this would be the exact moment when their psyche decided to ‘get over it’.
For a brief, shining moment, it actually felt as if it was. Instinct to persevere took hold of their autonomy to power through the freeze reaction that tried to lock them in place. A gunshot echoed behind them, but Nano had already shrunk to half their size to dodge the projectile with ease, the bullet instead piercing the chest of a guard standing opposite of them. It was like everything was moving in slow motion just like an action movie, yet in reality chaos was breaking loose now that one of the goons had officially been taken down. Nano was still wildly outmatched even if all the heroes were suddenly able to band together through the power of friendship and combine forces. Still, there was a tick of satisfaction seeing the mob of henchmen lose their cocky heads because they were down one member out of fifteen, as if it should have really made a difference. Not to mention it was the other guard’s incompetence that led to his coworker getting splattered. Nano was just over here being a little dude.
Using their two foot height to their advantage while the guards were still scrambling to process that the tiny hero wasn’t in their field of vision anymore, Nano tackled the pair of legs directly in front of them, ramming their shoulder into the kneecap to force the limb to bend backwards. It wasn’t enough to fully snap the joint, but it was enough to send the guard falling on his ass with a cry of pain. Due to him twisting as he fell, he probably aided Nano in dislocating his knee. Good enough for them, that was one more foe downed. The other guards recovered their bearings and tried to fire at the pint size target weaving between their legs, but Nano was too close, creating a risk that they might fire into each others’ feet and femoral arteries. Some of them didn’t care if they caused their coworker to collect workman’s comp, though most of them resorted to trying to kick and step on them instead.
Nano ducked between another guard’s legs, waiting until they were perfectly aligned under them to regrow another two feet. The rapid expansion caused the hard exterior of their helmet to collide at high speeds with the man’s pelvis, illicting a very unmanly squeal of agony when his groin was crushed in the process. As their height kept growing, Nano was essentially like a bull throwing a cowboy over their horns, sending the man up and over before crashing on the ground to writhe in pain. They could have sworn they heard a few of the other goons suck in a sympathetic wince.
Much like every other time, Nano’s good luck was bound to run out at the most inopportune moment. Shimmer had been locked in place on the floor, too frightened to get up and try to help with her useless powers. She could try to blind the guards again, sure, but now she risked blinding Nano who was zipping around them at various sizes. A handful of other guards had already entered to take care of the other battered heroes, yet not how Nano was expecting. Despite having initially come at the heroes blindly shooting at anything that moved, the goons didn’t finish off Elastica and Matchplay with two quick shots to the back of the head like Nano expected. Instead, Elastica was pulled up and thrown into one of the rolling office chairs with a confused groan.
The punch to the head coupled with being thrown into Matchplay probably gave her a minor concussion given how fuzzy her focus was. She didn’t even try to fight off the men who took her stringy arms and wrapped them around herself and the back of the chair similar to how she had tried to bind the guards moments prior. While she was being tied up by her own limbs, Matchplay was hauled to his feet by his injured shoulder with a howl. An orange glow burned under his skin, threatening to crack in a burst of flames fueled by endorphins, but the guards had the perfect plan for him. What better way to cool down a hot headed hero than by shoving him into an unoccupied cryo-pod. Matchplay didn’t have the luxury of being given a sedative for a medically induced coma like the other duped patients, instead having to feel the unnatural cold seep into his burning body like rapid hypothermia.
Being suspended in a frozen body had to be agonizing for anyone while they were conscious. Nano could only imagine the extra layer of pain the fire-based hero had to deal with as he was forcefully extinguished. Would the cold kill him, or only severely weaken him? Being frozen alive would probably severely weaken anyone, honestly. Shimmer decided that now was as good a time as any to spring into action in an attempt to save Matchplay from his unsavory torture. While the guards were preoccupied trying to swat away Nano like a pesky fly, Shimmer scurried around them to run to the cryo-pod and try to open the sealed casing. Sadly, her powers were only based on being able to manipulate light particles to create concentrated glows. They couldn’t conduct electricity or heat or something that might be of use to pry the mechanical locks apart.
It wasn’t clear what her plan was supposed to be beyond trying to rescue her friend, did she think the guards weren’t going to see her messing with the cryo-pod ten feet away? Nano was a good distraction, sure, but they weren’t interesting enough to hold everyone’s attention long term. Especially considering Shimmer was decked out in a sparkling outfit that dazzled in people’s eyes with every movement. Christ, and Nano thought their neon yellow suit was obnoxiously bold.
Nano saw the guard approaching behind Shimmer before she did, his gun pointed inches from the back of her head and ready to spray her brains right in front of Matchplay. He tried to bang his trembling hands against the semi transparent glass, but his muffled warnings were only mistaken for struggling against the cold. Without a second thought, Nano grew to their full height to vault over a guard trying to grab them, shrinking midair to catch a second running start down the extended arm of another goon. They leapt off the guard’s wrist just when he realized there was a tiny hero scuttling on his jacket, Nano narrowly missing the free hand that was coming to swipe at them. With clear, open air to the main antagonist looking to execute Shimmer, Nano once again resized themself to about a foot or so in height, just enough weight to skew the guard’s aim when they landed on his hand.
The trigger was squeezed, most likely as a result of a flinch reaction, but luckily missed Shimmer entirely after Nano forced the arm to bend away from her head. In a happy accident, the bullet actually hit the sleek lock mechanism of the cyro-pod that had alluded to her attempts at being opened. The clashing of metals sparked followed by a low hiss as the hydraulics keeping an airtight seal relaxed to allow the frigid air to escape through the seams. Shimmer jumped back in shock at the sudden gunshot ringing in her ears, but wasted no time in swinging the door open and letting Matchplay fall into her arms. He was alive but a worrying shade of blue compared to his usual tan skin, the warmth of his core almost entirely zapped out of him. He fell against Shimmer as a shivering deadweight, almost sending her to the floor as well as she tried to support him.
That was one teammate saved, on to the ne-
Shimmer flashed her hands like a seizure inducing strobe in the face of the man who had tried to shoot her pointblank, hoping to ward him off at close proximity before she could attack her or Matchplay again. Nano was still airborne, having launched back off the hand they had kicked away, but now they were soaring when the goon tried to smack the painful light out of his eyes and managed to swat the tiny hero instead across the chest. Immediately, they were winded, instinctively shrinking down further to a few inches in height with the hopes of avoiding a collision with anything in the area. It was hard to see their surroundings as Nano was batted into the light field, obscuring obvious obstacles like broken glass and jagged corners they should be wary of regrowing near. The lack of air in their lungs from the smack that was surely going to leave an aching bruise, coupled by Shimmer’s unintentional blinding, left Nano feeling like they were ghosting through a void.
Oh, they were fucked.
Nano’s back crashed against something hard and cold. Fantastic, now they were sure to have a matching bruise splattering against their shoulder blades. The reinforced coating around their helmet prevented Nano’s brain from getting too rattled upon impact, but the rest of their unpadded body wasn’t as lucky. They hadn’t even been able to suck in a much needed breath before they were free falling from an indeterminable height. It would probably be in their best interest to regrow right about now before they splattered on a surface far below, yet their body was too stunned from the smack to register anything other than pain. The fall didn’t last too long, though, and the next thing Nano knew they were colliding with something much softer than the previous two surfaces they bounced off of. Not as plush as a downy pillow, more like a leather seat of a luxury car.
The tiny hero’s body slid down the soft surface, slowing their descent considerably and allowing them to crumple in on themself once they dropped a few inches onto a freezing floor. Nano groaned and blinked a few times to clear the stars dancing in their vision in order to get their bearings. It was hard to focus on so many strange shapes and colors, even more so at such a small scale as their brain couldn’t make sense of the perspective. They looked up just as their open view was slightly dimmed by tinted glass, a muted thud echoing around them and muffling all noise of pandemonium. Blinking again, Nano looked around and caught a glimpse of red splattering and dried rivets staining the leather high above them.
Ah, they had been whacked into the cryo-pod Matchplay was freed from just seconds ago. Their rough impact against the door must have been enough to wobble it closed again. On the bright side, the normal dosage of cryogenic gas had already been released when Shimmer opened the door, meaning Nano wasn’t about to become an ice cube any time soon. At least, they probably wouldn’t have been at their normal size closer to Matchplay’s. Being small meant Nano had much less body heat to spare. They had only been slumped on the chilled metal foot rests for a few seconds and already their joints were locking up with shivers. The cold was downright painful, seeping through Nano’s aching muscles and chilling them to their core.
If they had acted faster, Nano might have had time to reverse their size a bit to push the door open for sweet, warm freedom. Unfortunately, their reaction time had been severely affected from being bounced around like a ping pong ball, preventing them from registering the gravity of the situation until it was too late. Uncle Julio hadn’t designed the suit to be able to withstand below freezing temperatures, no insulation or heating elements to keep their limbs from going numb. It didn’t appear Negasonic had felt the need to add any improvements to Nano’s helmet either when it came to being able to handle the extreme cold. The temperature was already seizing up the CPUs and other functions, multiple alerts flashing before Nano’s eyes to make sure they were aware of the dangerous temperature and to seek warmer surroundings for optimal performance.
Great idea, except for the fact that they were four inches tall and unable to regrow due to the helmet stalling and force quitting several times. There was no way in hell Nano could shove open the door at this height. Well, one of the other heroes would help them, right? Shimmer had to have seen him hopping around and saving her life, she was a smart girl, she could pull two and two together and notice their smallest member was missing somewhere close by. Whether she would have eventually spotted them half frozen in the cryo-pod or not would never be confirmed because she was easily restrained by the plethora of guards surrounding them. Having an armful of injured hero wasn’t doing her any favors, either. Fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Elastica was tied up and barely conscious, Matchplay was left to bleed on the floor, Shimmer was currently having her hands tied behind her back, and Nano was trapped in an overpriced fridge waiting to become an ice cube. This couldn’t possibly get any worse aside from the guards walking around to pop a bullet in each of their heads right now.
Oh, who were they trying to kid, it always got worse. And who better to show off how much of a shitshow this had turned out to be than Eric Moseley himself strolling into the lab. It was hard to fully take in his pompous ego seeing as he was standing high and mighty from an observation balcony built above the work tables and cryo-pods, especially since Nano had to squint through the cold that tried to freeze their eyeballs. What they didn’t miss, however, was the second figure that followed behind him. Another man clad in all black as far as Nano could see, the details of his suit lost in the distance aside from a cape that flowed down his shoulders. No way. No fucking way…that couldn’t be…?
Go home. Now.
That goddamn son of a bitch. How had Negasonic known Nano was going to be here? Better question, what was Negasonic doing here in the first place, nevermind associating with someone as vile as Moseley? Then again, Negasonic was a villain, it really wasn’t all that shocking that he would be colluding with other evil schemers and the likes. Perhaps the correct wording was what did Negasonic have to gain from teaming up with an organ trafficker?
“I must apologize, I wasn’t expecting any additional company until the last minute,” Moseley announced, loud enough for his voice to carry to the confined gaggle of heroes below. So, he had known of their arrival all along. How, Nano didn’t know, but it was probably the CEO who tipped off the guards to check the lab for intruders more frequently despite their near flawless plan.
Negasonic was presumably unimpressed by the state of the lab, not that Nano could see his stoic expression from so far away. Having been in his company for so long, the little hero wasn’t even sure he knew how to portray any emotion besides indifference. Every once in a blue moon, the supervillain’s face would twitch in a way that might be interpreted as a grin, but it was gone just as fast as it appeared, and almost never in public. “Your employees’ trigger discipline is truly unmatched.”
Though Nano couldn’t see Moseley’s face scrunch up at the jab, it was satisfying to imagine the hotshot being knocked down a peg. Negasonic’s reputation rightfully preceded him, but what many weren’t aware of was the few words he said during any interaction were always dripping with sarcasm. It took a while for Nano to understand the intricacies of his speech, when he was genuinely joking and when he was giving a threat. When everything is delivered in such a deadpan tone it could be hard to tell. This time, Nano knew Negasonic was far from impressed at what he’s been shown so far; a messy lab with a few beaten henchmen and a wiped out superhero team smack in the middle.
“Yes, well,” Moseley disguised his bristling as fixing his tie and posture, “We are a startup company, after all. A few kinks to work out, some more disciplinary action needed.”
Some of the guards shifted on their feet at the promise of due punishment for their mishandling of the issue. Nano might have felt bad for them if…actually, no, they didn’t feel bad for any of these bastards. If the goons were going to each have to give up a kidney to repay the physical damage done to their boss’s property, that was their problem. The tiny superhero, on the other hand, felt as if their own kidneys were threatening to shut down when the residual chill trapped with them in the cryo-pod seeped deeper in their core. The trembles in their limbs were fighting with their locked up joints, worsening the pain already throbbing in their muscles.
Shit, Nano needed help and they needed it fast. If they had been at their full five foot five glory they’d be able to tough out the latent freeze as just an uncomfortable cold. Being stuck so small was proving to be detrimental yet again. What should have only numbed their fingers and toes was very nearly turning Nano’s extremities blue, hypothermia creeping in at an alarming rate. They thought about activating their emergency beacon protocol to alert Negasonic of their exact location for a rescue, but given how the supervillain already knew they were at the facility to begin with, he probably had them pinpointed already. If only Negasonic would stop taking his sweet time and crack open this cryo-pod instead of verbally shredding the stupid CEO.
…Negasonic would come for them, right?
Of course he would, he did every other time, most of which were times Nano hadn’t even known he was in the area. The supervillain watched them like a hawk both near and afar, always ready to swoop in before things got too out of hand. Granted, he wasn’t always physically there, but Nano knew Negasonic had his own ways of keeping tabs on them. There had even been a handful of times Negasonic showed up in his civilian attire to wherever Nano was to drag them out grocery shopping for food that had slightly more nutritional value than a toaster strudel. It was painfully awkward every time, but, hey, free groceries for the week! Nano couldn’t begin to understand the supervillain’s strange, protective obsession over them. As long as he was using his powers to (albeit unnecessarily) defend Nano rather than use them on Nano, they could live with his smothering.
But was there a limit, they wondered? Was there an internal countdown within Negasonic for when he was finally ready to let go of his hold on the hero? Perhaps this was all still a long con dating back to when Negasonic first rescued the injured tiny on the docks, or just a passing infatuation like a child growing bored with a new toy after a week. Nano had already been given multiple warnings before diving headfirst into this doomed mission, maybe this was the lesson the supervillain was trying to teach them. Don’t listen when I tell you to leave? Freeze to death then. Nano tried to reassure themself that they were worried over nothing, the sounds of the supervillains talking above muffling into white noise when the cold froze out their ear drums.
They had gotten too comfortable, too cocky in their reliance on Negasonic being their safety net. A majority of their fluctuating bravery rode on the fact that even if it all went to shit, they could have the almighty supervillain to bail them out. But it was Nano who was indebted to Negasonic, not the other way around. There was nothing tethering him to the little hero to be at their beck and call besides the goodwill of his heart (if it could be called that). If at any moment he wanted to shove the baby bird from the nest, he could, in fact he could incinerate the whole damn nest if he felt like it. For weeks Nano had been under the assumption that this was a really fucking weird, but permenant, dynamic between them. Maybe it still was, yet maybe it wasn’t. It was too difficult to tell when Negasonic was impossible to read at such a distance and scale, coupled with the fact Nano was fairly certain their eyes were frosting over.
The conversation above faded in and out of Nano’s head as their focus drifted between topics. So cold, would Negasonic save them, their legs hurt, was Matchplay okay, so cold, Negasonic was leaving them to die, cold, cold, please don’t let anything happen to Shimmer, everything was so cold–
“Over forty-three million is our projected revenue for this year,” Moseley’s voice cut in. “And that’s only calculated at the rate we’re going currently. Within a few months of expanding our business, our profits will double, with your help, of course.”
“It’s not a bad setup,” Negasonic agreed. “Good market to corner.” Oh no, no Negasonic couldn’t actually be thinking of joining this scumbag. Sometimes Nano truly forgot who they were dealing with. The supervillain was just that, a villain. He did what he wanted when he wanted and no one had the power to stop him, try as they might. He didn’t gain his infamy from being charitable, after all. If Nano was remembering right, his debut alone was what skyrocketed him to the most dangerous tier of foes after he wiped out an entire faction of The League about fifteen years ago.
If Negasonic was agreeing to the partnership that Moseley appeared to be proposing, Nano was toast. The CEO in question was delighted at the rare praise Negasonic gave, continuing his spiel with numbers and names and other things Nano hardly grasped at the moment. The supervillain only stood there with his arms crossed while the other man blabbered on, not even giving a nod. Instead, he was too busy looking over the disaster below, eying up the incapacitated heroes and the goons that were trying to make themselves look useful by bustling about and cleaning up their mess. For a second, Nano thought they had caught his violet eyes peering right at them through the tinted cover of the cryo-pod. It was impossible for Negasonic to actually see the curled up miniature hero from such a distance, but perhaps he already concluded that’s where they were after doing a headcount of all the other present heroes.
Moseley clapped his hands together with a wicked grin at his captives below. “Now, we were actually saving this for phase three of our expansion, but I see no reason why we can’t demonstrate now. Gentlemen, gather our guests.”
As instructed, the able bodied guards dragged the heroes front and center in a line. Elastica was still tied to the chair while Matchplay had his wrists bound behind him on the floor similar to Shimmer. Between the three of them, Shimmer was the only one awake and aware of what was going on, but she defiantly refused to struggle. Negasonic frowned at the scrappy team, though Nano hoped it was because he realized the shrinking hero was still unaccounted for. The guards appeared to have either forgotten where Nano had gone or didn’t care so long as they remained out of the way. Regardless, they would be taken care of soon enough when they were frozen solid at the bottom of the cryo-pod.
“We’re still in the early stages of research,” Moseley explained. “But have you ever wondered if we could transfer super abilities between bodies the same way we do blood types?”
“No,” Negasonic said.
Moseley cleared his throat. “Well, I have. Anyways, that’s exactly what I’d like to do. Imagine being able to sell consumers the powers of superheroes. Or supervillains if you’re looking to clean up a few competitors. Give a sick child a liver transplant and watch them suddenly fly, help a politician become bulletproof to ensure you always have a hand in the office. The possibilities are endless!”
“Could that even work?”
“Truthfully, I’m not sure yet, but now would be a fine time to demonstrate our procedures either way, isn’t it?” Moseley gave a flick of his wrist, signaling the guards to grab up the heroes in preparation. “Let’s start with a cool down, then I’ll show you how our technicians are able to harvest organs without damaging the source.”
Shimmer was losing her cool now at the thought of being cut up for parts, utterly helpless as two of her teammates were unable to assist her while Nano was still MIA. Negasonic uncrossed his arms and took a step forward to look further over the balcony, causing the heroine to freeze. He wasn’t looking at her, though, still preoccupied by the inconspicuous cryo-pod that had been misplaced and riddled with bullet impacts. Moseley caught the supervillain scrutinizing the trashed workplace, chuckling nervously.
“Really, I urge you to excuse the mess. Our facilities are always in top condition, this was merely a hiccup that I think you’ll agree was handled quickly and efficiently. Your partnership and contributions would be a highly valuable asset to our company,” The CEO went on, hoping to butter up the picky supervillain to ensure he was still interested in making a handsome profit.
“The mess is fine,” Negasonic replied in a cool tone. “But I’m about to make it worse.”
Before anyone could react to his flimsy warning, the supervillain leapt over the railing down to the floor below. The short drop was more than enough to build up the potential energy of his powers, purple light flaring from his eyes and hands as the momentum charged them. He landed smack in the middle of where the guards were huddled, clenched fist smashing into the ground with a resounding explosion of violet flames. Many of the goons were propelled forward from the blast, smashing into equipment and crisping up their suits when the heat engulfed the area. A few of the armed men weren’t so lucky, having been in such close proximity to the impact that they were charred from the resulting explosion. The heroes were luckily at a far enough distance that they were only knocked onto the ground with minimal injuries, although Matchplay would probably be fine in the event he was drenched in flames as collateral damage.
Immediately, the surviving guards were on Negasonic. Weapons were drawn and once again firing at random to hit the new threat. The bullets only ricocheted off of Negasonic’s suit, guarding the exposed part of his face mask with his forearms as he advanced on the goons. A swipe of his arm was more than enough to generate enough kinetic force to create a blade of energy from his fingertips. The concentration of purple heat sliced through the air and caught the necks of several goons, slicing open their throats with gaping wounds. Some foolish soul tried to run up behind the supervillain in order to get the jump on him, but Negasonic was faster, spinning around on his heel to catch the guard by the throat and sending a pulse of energy into his meaty head. The trapped explosion had no choice but to implode with purple flames the man’s skull to alleviate the pressure.
“What are you doing!?” Moseley screeched from above, watching the massacre unfold. “Have you lost your fucking mind!?”
Negasonic didn’t bother to give him an answer. It seemed Moseley, too, forgot the extent of the supervillain’s fickle nature just as Nano had been fretting about. Money could buy the price of many evil doers, sometimes the promise of death and destruction was enough to get them hooked, but Negasonic was a breed of his own. It was hard to tell what enticed him and what didn’t, everything needing to be done for his own gain. What he had to gain from constantly babysitting Nano, they didn’t know. Right now, he was giving up a fairly lucrative offer for no reason at all, smashing up the place while he was at it. Looking to steal the idea himself? Probably not, it would be too much effort to research and rebuild after he was done decimating it. Not to mention the organization as a whole didn’t fit his style.
Guards tried and failed to get their hands on Negasonic, but it was to no avail. Even without his powers, the supervillain was well versed in hand to hand combat while a good portion of the men were only trained how to handle a firearm. Being able to make his punches explode upon making contact as well as torching the ground they stood on certainly helped Negasonic keep the upper hand. Moseley was having a conniption fit as he was forced to watch so much of his prized facility go up in blood and flames, trying and failing to order Negasonic to stop. He called in more guards, yet all that was doing was leading lambs to the slaughter as they fell victim to the supervillain’s unsolicited rampage.
At some point, Shimmer had been able to crawl away from the hot spot of the battle to avoid falling victim to any of Negasonic’s attacks. He wasn’t specifically aiming for her or any of the other barely conscious heroes, but that didn’t mean he was taking caution to prevent from hitting them. It was easy to push Elastica along with her shoulder out of the way, but for Matchplay she had to beg for the boy to keep his eyes open and follow her. It was a struggle, yet somehow they managed to get by while everyone was too preoccupied with Negasonic. Unfortunately, that meant Nano’s own team was leaving them behind. It wasn’t their fault; they had no idea where the tiny hero had gotten themself trapped at and even if they did, there was no safe way to go and extract them. It was a sacrifice that needed to be made, not that Nano had the brain capacity to be mad either way. They didn’t even know the heroes were making their escape, only watching through hazy eyes as blood splattered the window of the cryo-pod.
Purple light illuminated the inside in sporadic bursts while thunderous noises echoed from the other side. Nano wasn’t entirely sure what was going on at this point, but surely it involved Negasonic and in that case, it wasn’t good. Slowly, the barrage of guards swarming in trickled down to nothing as Moseley had no more back up to call. Some of the men were smart enough to flee and refuse to service the CEO at risk of their own demise. However, a vast majority of them lay strewn about the floor in several sizzling pieces. Really, it was a blessing in disguise that Negasonic’s powers included being able to emanate heat and instantly cauterize wounds, otherwise the floors would be soaked in blood. The only times the red liquid had been spilt was when the incompetent guards missed their target and hit each other instead, much like when they were trying to take out Nano earlier.
That sounded like an OSHA violation. Nano should report that.
Moseley was howling about something again, his words lost in the void to Nano’s ears. Their breaths were coming out shaky, little puffs of air visible with each exhale from the helmet’s vents. With the last of their dwindling strength, the little hero wrapped their arms around their aching torso to stay warm just a few moments longer. All their joints had completely locked up by now, unable to bend from the fetal position they had locked themself into on the frigid ground. The tips of their ears and nose had flushed from pink to red and now nearly blue, matching their chapped lips. This sucked. This had to be the worst way to go if only because it was so prolonged. At least being almost crushed to death by Sandy months ago would have led Nano to blacking out before the grisly deed was done.
Evidently, Negasonic grew tired of hearing the CEO screaming like a banshee in his ear now that there were no more guards to drown out his shrill orders. Without a second thought, Negasonic punched forward in the air to shoot off a whirring beam of purple energy right at the left most support beam of the balcony. One hit was all it took for the landing to become unstable, careening to the ground as it was unable to stay balanced with the added weight up top. Moseley cried out something, but his yells, along with his physical body, were soon buried under debris when he tumbled down with the crumbling structure. After the dust had settled, it was quiet. No signs of life aside from the heavy footfalls of the sole survivor coming closer to Nano’s icy tomb.
Light erupted overhead, the messy, tinted window of the cryo-pod lifting away to allow the fluorescent overhead lights to beat down on Nano once again. Quickly, however, the light disappeared as they were cast into a shadow. The hero tried to blink up at the obstacle, but their eyes were still frozen over, blurring their sight into only seeing vague shapes and colors. It was dark, too dark to discern anything, and Nano feared for a moment they had truly gone blind from the cold
“You’re a pain in my ass.”
Nano had been told that many times in their life, but never before had the affectionate insult made them want to cry out in relief. The cryo-pod door had been opened it seemed, yet the cold that ran through the little hero was bone deep by this point, hardly making a difference as the last of the artificially icy air was sucked out.
Negasonic came for them. Negasonic was going to rescue them.
Negasonic was going to kick their ass as soon as they were physically able to handle it, they were sure.
“I told you to go home, but do you listen? No,” Oh boy, a lecture. Negasonic loved to bore Nano to death with those, regardless if he had a fair point or not. “This whole mess could have been avoided if you did what I told you for once in your life. God forbid you do anything that would make both our lives less difficult. You even had to go and drag a bunch of other idiots along, like you’d be able to live with their blood on your hands. You feel guilty for canceling subscriptions, for Christ’s sake.”
All while going on his tirade, Negasonic rotated his wrists a few times to build up a bit of kinetic force under his palms. A burst of violet flames extended from his fingers and fizzled out within a second. With the partial face covering, it was hard to tell just how furious Negasonic truly was with Nano, but his frown was more than enough to give away that he was far from pleased. He was not a man of many words nor expressions, but the few that he gave away were a testament to how intense he was feeling to let them slip through. Nano couldn’t care less right now, too delighted in the fact that Negasonic had to come to save their butt yet again, and this time when they legitimately needed the help. The supervillain might argue and say he saved them all the time, but there were many instances when Nano was just fine on their own and Negasonic saw fit to butt in and end the altercation then and there.
They idly wondered if this new reputation of coming to aid the shrinking superhero was starting to make its way through the grapevine of heroes and villains yet. The rumor was sure to warp into something unsavory as the unofficial partnership went on, yet Nano was curious if these allegations would be enough to make Negasonic steer clear to preserve his image or if he couldn’t give two shits. It felt like it was probably the latter, but Negasonic wasn’t one who liked to be talked about in anyone’s circles, much less if it was incorrect information.
“You’re lucky you don’t have hypothermia,” Negasonic continued. Oh yeah, Nano was being yelled at right now…it was still so difficult to keep their thoughts on a clear track. No hypothermia, though. That was good. “A few more minutes and you could have been frozen solid. You think I have a fix for that? I can’t do shit if your limbs break off, you know that right? I can’t fix everything you break, Nano.”
For all the huffing and puffing he liked to do, the terrifying facade he put on show to others (well, it wasn’t really a facade, even in a civilian disguise he was intimidating to no end), Nano could see through that he was worried about the little hero. Maybe it was only a modicum, maybe he wasn’t even willing to admit it to himself as the concept of caring for others was so foreign to Negasonic, but Nano knew. And oh boy was Nano going to use that to their advantage while they still had the chance to wrap themself around his blackened heart.
“❅” Was the emoticon Nano flashed on their visor up to the supervillain. They may not have the ability to regrow as the internal systems were still too sluggish to process anything, but they could at least communicate via funky computer symbols. It was quite convenient seeing as Nano’s teeth wouldn’t stop chattering long enough to form a sentence, their tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth to prevent them from sucking in any chilly air and risk freezing their lungs.
Negasonic sighed. “Yeah, I know, kid. Don’t be a fucking idiot next time and maybe you won’t have these problems.” Gloved hands were reaching for Nano’s shaking body, the leather and the skin hidden beneath warmed up to a wonderfully hot temperature thanks to Negasonic flaring up his heated energy preemptively. Nano groaned at the contact, partly because their sore body was being manhandled, but mainly because the warmth was utter bliss to have spread over their being.
“Don’t give me that face, you did this to yourself,” Negasonic scolded, rolling his eyes when the visor displayed(>﹏<). “Be thankful I don’t stick you in the microwave to warm you up.”
The supervillain wouldn’t dare, but Nano still threw up a :0 ! to make him reconsider such a nefarious plan. Despite his threat, Negasonic rubbed the hand not cradling Nano along their back to ease some heat back into their bones. The touch was a bit rough for their liking given how bruised their back was, yet the hero wasn’t going to say anything.
Hmm, how to communicate through an outdated game of pictionary. Nano had so many questions they wanted to ask– what Negasonic was doing here, if the other heroes were okay, how he knew where to always find them, probably a dozen more they would think up after their brain was working at full capacity again. It would be too time consuming to act them all out with only a handful of emoticons at their disposal, so Nano resigned to wait to ask until they were able to verbally.
Instead, Nano flashed up a teasing :3c to goad the already irritated supervillain because being annoying was all they knew how to do. To think mere months ago they would be cowering at Negasonic just being in their vicinity. Now, while there were still times that seeing the man appear from the shadows made Nano’s heart skip a beat in fear, they had no problem returning the favor of grating on his nerves. If he wanted to be so wrapped up in Nano’s daily doings, he was going to have to suffer the consequences of their personality.
“I don’t like you,” said the man who must like them at least a little bit if he was willing to come save them (whether they wanted to be or not).
Negasonic was too busy pulling off his mask to notice Nano’s sarcastic display of OTL upon being told they were disliked. He stuffed the garment into one of the pouches on his utility belt before carding the same hand through his black hair to neaten some of the strands. Nano had seen the supervillain’s unmasked face plenty of times, but…it was still always so strange to see him as just a normal guy. Plain ol’ Dean. Still, it was difficult to separate him from the villainous persona he was better known for, especially because the violet shine from his eyes was a feature he couldn’t control. When he was in public, he hid them behind a snazzy pair of sunglasses, making him look even more cool and mysterious to onlookers. Dean was a person Nano's brain simply couldn’t comprehend. Nano was Jamie and Negasonic was…Negasonic.
“How is it that you’re not even talking yet you still can’t shut up?”
“∠( ᐛ 」∠)_”
Much like an exhausted parent, the supervillain’s patience was wearing thin. He was ready to get out of this dump, tiny hero in hand, and get some rest for the night. Once Nano had thawed out a bit he would more than likely kick them back to their own apartment. However, if Nano was stubborn enough, they might be able to weasel their way into spending the night at Negasonic’s base. No reason, of course, just the fact that his abode was a lot cooler than theirs.
“You pull this kind of shit again and I’m going to leave you behind, understand?” Somehow, Nano didn’t doubt that. Unlike all the other times, this was a mission gone wrong that had severe consequences the hero was on the cusp of experiencing. It was a lesson Negasonic didn’t intend to teach twice and one Nano only desired to learn once. “When I tell you to leave, you leave. This could have gotten a lot worse i-”
Both Nano’s and Negasonic’s attention was stolen by the shifting of rubble within the collapsed balcony. From the wreckage, a hand pushed away some loose debris in order for a roughed up man to pull himself free. The hand tailored suit he wore was now covered in thick, white dust and torn from being caught on the concrete and rebar. Blood ran down his face in thick streaks, but beyond the crooked nose and fat lip the CEO looked no worse for wear than most people who fell half a story into rubble. The hero and supervillain watched as he clawed his way out, standing up on wobbling legs that were damn near ready to give out. It was a miracle neither of them had been snapped in half, though maybe his reluctance to put too much weight on his left side was a sign of a fracture somewhere along the bone.
Moseley was breathing hard, no doubt because his nose was clogged up with blood. The wet coughing fit he gave signaled perhaps other injuries were bleeding internally, much like Nano had feared when their ribs had been bruised. He hobbled towards them, trying to hold himself high and mighty like his entire organization hadn’t been wiped out within the span of fifteen minutes by the supervillain he was trying to charm. Nano had to mentally applaud Moseley’s confidence to still glare over at Negasonic. It was totally useless, but at least he had the guts to do so when Nano had been ready to be a blubbering mess the moment the supervillain laid eyes on him on the docks. Most villains would never risk their own life to get the final word between themselves and Negasonic, namely because the latter wouldn’t spare them the breath before blasting at them mid sentence.
“All this,” Moseley wheezed, pulling a gun from his inner jacket pocket to point at Negasonic’s head. He definitely had a clean shot now that the supervillain had removed his mask, yet he showed no trace of regret for doing so. Moseley was bold enough to think he could hit him, but Negasonic was more sure that he wouldn’t be able to put his finger on the trigger before the supervillain ended that nonsense. “Because you wanted a hero for yourself?”
Negasonic shrugged. “Mostly.”
Moseley was floored by such a blunt response, floundering for a moment as his rising temper made him slip up his words. “Do you realize what you’ve fucking done!? You’ve ruined everything!”
“It happens.”
“It, it does not happen!” The CEO snarled, cocking the gun. “You fucking idiot! You threw away the best deal of your goddamn life for some heroes that could have been negotiated into your contract!”
“I’m not interested in the other heroes,” Negasonic said, glancing around the room to see if he could spot the other three. He couldn’t, though he wasn’t sure if that was because they had all narrowly escaped the massacre or if they were among the charred bodies of the guards. Oh well, it didn't matter one way or another to him. “Just this one.” He gestured to the little hero in his hand, Nano giving a classic (: to Moseley.
Moseley gritted his bloody teeth. “We could have taken over the entire underground-”
“And you gave it up for that…that fucking useless runt? Why!?” A sense of satisfaction rolled through Nano to see Moseley working up a sweat over the fact he was ranked lower than some measly little hero to someone as great as Negasonic. Who would have thought such a pipsqueak who got themself in trouble instead of having a functional plan was a better contender than a millionaire about to take the black market by storm?
“I lost interest in your deal the moment I saw Nano in your machines,” Negasonic explained, like it was the most obvious answer.
Moseley sputtered. “Well I didn’t put the idiot in there!”
“No,” Negasonic agreed, “I watched the GPS tracker, I know they got stuck on their own.” GPS tracker…? Oh that absolute fucker, no wonder he always knew Nano’s every movement! How stupid it was for them to never consider the idea that of the many new functions Negasonic added to their helmet upon repairing it, a tracker wouldn’t be one of them. They wondered how well it functioned if Negasonic knew they were trapped in the cryo-pod this whole time, if they were just a little blip on a radar or if the supervillain was able to track their POV from a camera with the visor.
“You, you-!” Moseley was on the verge of tearing his hair out in frustration over Negasonic’s asinine reasons. “You could have just gotten them yourself! You didn’t have to destroy my business!”
Negasonic hummed as he looked around again to take in the absurd amount of damage he had done in his rampage. Almost all of the cryo-pods had been destroyed, including the valuable organs within the sleeping hosts. Tables and desks were obliterated with all their unfinished work on top, lying in several scattered pieces amongst the corpses. Even little puddles of purple flames still burned from the wreckage they clung too, though thankfully they weren’t crawling along to seek out some more flammable. “Too big of a risk.”
Moseley wanted to say something else, but Negasonic effectively cut him off with a blast of purple light straight to his chest. The energy pierced through his ribcage to skewer the heart within like the lance, dissipating in the air before the CEO even dropped dead to the floor. The supervillain wasn’t one for drawn out conversations, especially after he had already said his piece. The short of it was that, yes, he did destroy the entire operation because he wanted to ensure the safety of an insignificant hero that was far more trouble than they were worth. That was as much of an explanation anyone was going to get. Hell, it was still the only explanation Nano was ever given, and they were the hero in question.
Nano looked up at Negasonic as he stepped over the body on his way towards the exit. A ヽ(゚´Д`)ノ゚ face was directed towards the supervillain who paid little mind beyond a quick glance.
“What, was I supposed to spare him?” Negasonic scoffed. “It was one life for a million others. Stop seeing the world so black and white like the rest of the super idiots.”
That was surprisingly preachy for someone who regularly killed on a whim, in fact it sounded quite anti hero rather than full blown villain. The sentiment was rectified a second later when Negasonic added “His contract was shit anyways. I can make just as much for killing a politician’s family than what he was asking for for my enforcement.” Yep, there it was. Classic Negasonic with an ungodly kill count. Baby steps, though. Perhaps if Nano bitched enough about disliking watching Negasonic kill, he would pull back on it. Then again, he’d probably tell them to suck it up as it was part of his job and they should be used to it by now. For added spite, he might go out and kill a random bystander just to prove a point because he was an asshole.
An asshole who was constantly saving Nano from sticking situations, but an asshole nonetheless.
The air outside had dropped to a crisp breeze compared to what it was just after sundown earlier in this fiasco. Nano didn’t mind though, it was still a hell of a lot warmer than what they were currently feeling. They willed their body to absorb as much as Negasonic’s body heat as they could through the two layers of suits. One by one, groups of muscles started to relax and melt against the leather gloves, uncoiling the tension that kept the tiny hero shivering so violently in an attempt to keep their blood pumping. Nano was able to relax their limbs a fraction more, slumping as they unwound from their fetal position while the world around them continued to blur by. One moment they were outside, tucked against the plates of Negasonic’s armored chest to conceal additional warmth, the next they were in his lap once he dropped himself into his car.
Much like a bratty child, Nano wanted to whine in displeasure when they started being manhandled again, the delicious body heat that had previously surrounded them fading as they were repositioned. A new sensation wrapped around them instead and they blinked in an effort to recognize what was going on. They caught sight of Negasonic’s hands tucking fabric all around them, the new, heavy weight cocooning them on all sides and inadvertently restraining their arms to their chest. The sea of black material engulfed them as it was bundled up in Negasonic’s lap, trailing up and around the supervillain’s shoulders high above. Ah, it was his cape that he had swaddled the shivering hero in like an oversized blanket. It wasn’t as heated as the supervillian himself, but it worked all the same to trap the scarce body heat Nano had stolen.
As unbecoming as it was, much more so for Negasonic who had an image to maintain, Nano cuddled up to the hard abdomen of the man’s suit to leech off a bit more warmth, It wasn’t like it did them much good considering their head was still concealed in the helmet, but it was still…nice. In a weird way. A really weird way. So maybe Nano was a little touch starved and Negasonic was the best physical affection they were gonna get for the time being, sue them. The supervillain wasn’t a bundle of snuggles, anyways, at best offering a quick pat on the back or grabbing their arm to steer them in a direction he wanted to go. It was good enough and besides, this was for Nano’s survival. Obviously. Totally.
Maybe that wasn’t the best excuse once Negasonic started driving without a seatbelt over either of them. One small fender bender and Nano would be launched into the steering column. The thought must not have occurred to Negasonic as he didn’t feel the need to hold them, letting the scrunched pile of his cape do all the work in keeping them in place during the drive. The hero’s fingers and toes were starting to prickle with painful pins and needles, a sign that blood circulation was finally returning to them. They flexed their fingers and clumsily grabbed at the thick fabric around them to pull it tighter around their shoulders. By the time they got wherever Negasonic was taking them, his base presumably, they should hopefully have control over most of their extremities. An overwhelming tiredness was tugging at their eyes, however, now that they could blink again.
How mad would the supervillain be if they fell asleep on him? It wouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience for him seeing all he’d have to do is scoop them up in one hand, or shake them out of his cape like an errant lint ball. The thought was tempting, the desire growing twice as strong once Negasonic turned on the car’s heat and angled the vents to blow directly on Nano. Still, Nano decided against it, believing they had annoyed the shit out of the supervillain enough for one night. They should cut him a break for a little bit.
As much as the supervillain resented any time Nano tried to apologize or thank him, it didn’t feel right to not mention their gratitude. Negasonic might forever continue to wave off their praises as unnecessary as he only did what he did for a personal gain of some kind, but the tiny hero refused to ever appear ungrateful. Did that mean they couldn’t have a bit of fun in tormenting the other with positive reinforcement for good behavior? Of course not, it was one of Nano’s favorite past times, pointing out all the major decisions he made to ensure their safety to tease him while keeping all the tiny, habitual quirks to themself to relish over. It was entertaining to watch Negasonic scowl and insist that preventing them from walking blindly into traffic, yet it was downright delightful how he always opened every door for them or demanded a ‘confirmation of location’ any time Nano was going out. The last part seemed redundant as it was now a known fact the supervillain was able to track them via GPS, but it was still nice to have that extra protection.
Now that their joints weren’t as painfully stiff, it didn’t hurt too bad for Nano to crane their neck up towards Negasonic and rapidly flash a red ! on their visor to grab his attention. Violet eyes flicked between his tiny passenger and the road. “What?”
As to be expected, Negasonic pursed his lips in annoyance and returned his full focus on driving. “Stop it. Don’t distract me with stupid shit before you go flying through the windshield.”
Aw, that was no fun. Nano had so many zingers to share while their body was draining the rest of the adrenaline from their thawing body, sleep weighing them down more and more. It was unlikely that they would wake up until the morning after they crashed from the comedown. Nano thought about it for a moment, thinking of how Negasonic had integrated his own computational functions into the preexisting AGI of their helmet. It wasn’t that the supervillain had full parent control over all the functions (they think…who knows), rather there were several abilities that were linked between Nano’s technology and Negasonic’s that allowed him to keep tabs. So, if Negasonic was able to text them through their helmet from his own message channels, then Nano should be able to respond to the same network. And, because it was most beneficial in this type of industry, most likely Negasonic had all his systems linked and accessible from any hub, including the one in his car. To test this devious theory, Nano’s heavy eyes darted across their UI to open their messages and blink a quick note to respond to the last text they had received.
The car’s dashboard lit up a second after they had hit send. A smooth, robotic voice read aloud: “New message from Jamie Rodriguez…heart emoji with sparkle, heart emoji with sparkle, heart emoji with sparkle, heart emoji with sparkle, heart emoji with sparkle, heart emoji w-”
“Nano, shut the fuck up.”
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ericsangyeon · 3 years
black lace and birthday cake - l.sy
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“Look so good yeah, look so sweet. Baby you deserve a treat.”
pairing: sangyeon x female! reader
word count: 2.8k
genre: suggestive, fluff
theme: sangyeon’s birthday gang au
warnings: SMUT!!, profanity, alcohol
a/n: hey guys! i’m back with my long awaited sequel! this can be read as a stand alone but it does take place in the same universe as my other story addicted. again please be nice i’m still not used to writing smut. this was also edited but there could be mistakes! enjoy it! -t :D
playlist moodboard 
“Do you have anything for Sangyeons birthday? It's in two days.” Kevin asks me while we are in the Starbucks line.
“No not yet. Honestly, I was going to cook him dinner or something. He's been too busy anyways.” I answer him as we move up.
“Boring!! You have been dating for how long? You should surprise him with something he would love.” Kevin says. All of a sudden his eyes widened. “Oh my gosh I have an idea!” He yells a little too loudly.
“Kevin Moon, I swear to god... But let's hear it.” I roll my eyes at him.
“You should dr- Wait, let me order first and then I'll tell you.” Kevin snickers and walks up to the counter, with me in tow.
After getting our drinks, Kevin and I started to walk around the mall. We’re killing time before our afternoon classes, and Kevin wanted to buy a pair of shoes for himself.
“You never told me what I should do for Sang’s birthday.” I nagged Kevin.
He smirked. “You should go to his apartment the day of, send him a picture of yourself in the lingerie your about to buy and then give him the best sex of his and your life” Kevin says proudly.
My eyes widened and before I can protest, Kevin continues his idea.
“I know you guys have had a crazy sex life. Don’t try to argue, it's obvious with all the turtlenecks you wear. He has been busy with the gang, and this will forsure make him come to you. Quite literally.” Kevin explains to me before taking my hand.
“I guess? I mean, I've been really horny lately and the combination of my vibrator and sexting does nothing for me.” I say to Kevin. He laughs and drags me into Victoria’s Secret.
“Ahh, this is exciting! You're gonna pick out some sexy lingerie! I swear, you’ll get Sangyeon coming in his pants before he even gets his hands on you.”
“Shut up,” I try to say but instead, I blush hard. We proceed to walk over to the lingerie section, as I eye the mannequins on display. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea after all.
November 4th. Sangyeons birthday.
The person looking back at me in my mirror was completely different. I had curled my hair into loose ringlets that rested on my face. I did my eyeshadow with a smokey dark colour, and left my lips bare, as it would all be removed anyways. On my body is a black lace push up bra that barely covers my breasts, with matching panties that highlight my ass. Attached to the underwear on both legs are garters that rest on my upper thighs. Pleased with how I look, I smiled at myself and prepare to leave.
I grab my overnight bag, as I probably will need it. I put on my silver heels and  black long coat, and I leave my apartment. On the way to his penthouse, I stopped at the bakery to pick up the cake I had ordered for him earlier today.
Pulling into Sangyeon’s private garage, I park my car and spot Younghoon, the lead bodyguard of the penthouse. I get out of my car and walk over to him.
“Good afternoon Ms. Y/Ln. Sangyeon isnt home.” Younghoon greets me.
“I know, thank you. I want to surprise him for his birthday!” I reply back, smiling.
“Oh okay! Well I’ll leave you to it. I’ll even stay on the garage floor for you.” He says with a hint of teasing.
I roll my eyes and laugh. “I’ll call you if anything goes wrong. Thanks Hoon, you're the best!” I flash him my best smile as he opens the elevator door for me and laughs.
When I get up to Sangyeons penthouse, I am greeted with no staff at all.
“I guess he sent his staff home today thinking he would crash at the mob house.” I think to myself.  Due to the high volume of work, Sangyeon has been staying at the TBZ house lately, which is why I never get to see him.
I reach his bedroom, and remove my long coat to hide in his closet. I prop my phone up on his night table, set up the camera to a timer, and proceed to take a risky picture of myself.
“I really hope this works.” I think to myself posing as the timer goes off. I grabbed my phone and my jaw dropped.
It was a picture of myself dressed in the black lingerie, kneeling on his bed. There in perfect HD, are my hard nipples poking through the bra, and my legs spread on my knees to reveal my pussy covered in black lace fabric connected to garders on my thighs.
It was great. I pulled up Sangyeons contact and sent him the picture.
“And now we wait.” I say out loud as I lean back into his bed.
Forty painful minutes later, my phone vibrates next me as I lay on his bed. I roll over to check that it is a message back from Sangyeon, which I open in anticipation.
I'm coming back early, you better be on the bed when I get home. The text read. My eyes widen, and a flash of desire and giddiness shoots through my body, almost leaving me breathless with arousal. I could feel my clit starting to ache with this wave of emotion.
Before I can even remove my panties to relieve the pressure on my clit, I hear the front door to the penthouse open. I jump and rearrange myself so that I'm sitting with my legs dangling from the huge bed. I hear him drop something, and his shuffling getting closer and closer to me. I'm about to call out Sangyeon’s name when the bedroom door swings open.
There Sangyeon stands, suit jacket off and the top buttons of his shirt undone. His eyes are on fire, travelling down my body like he's about to devour me. I stare back at him frozen, as I let myself be torn apart by Sangyeon’s gaze. Finally, his eyes meet mine, and his lips curve into a smirk.
“You're a bad girl.” He whispers.
“What did I do?”  I play innocent.
“You know, how you sent me that picture while I was in a meeting just to get me riled up. Do you know the effect you have on me? I could have embarrassed myself in front of the powerful European gang.” Sangyeon growls. He starts to walk towards me slowly, every step he took making me more aroused.
Sangyeon grabs my face roughly and crashes his lips on mine. The brown haired man pushes me down onto the bed and hovers over me. He kisses me roughly, entering his tongue into my mouth when I part my lips. My hands reach up to his shirt, undoing the buttons fast to reveal his beautiful upper body. I press my hands on his abs, making him gasp into my mouth. I didn't even realize Sangyeon had taken my bra off, until his lips left mine made their way down to my bare breasts.
“Your tits are beautiful.” Sangyeon coos, bringing his mouth down. He catches my left nipple into his mouth and sucks on it softly while using his hand to fondle with my right breast. I let out a loud sigh, as he switches to the right. But when Sangyeon starts to leave open mouth kisses down my stomach, I use this chance to flip him over, making me on top.
“Y/N, baby, I'm always on top. What are you doing?” Sangyeon asks me.
“It's your birthday, let me spoil you for once.” I reply mischievously.
“Baby its okay, I dont m- fuck!” He growls as I leave an open mouth kiss above his belt.
I smirk at him as I undo his belt, and remove his pants and boxers. Sangyeons huge cock springs out, hard and angry. I pump it twice before sinking my mouth down fast.
Sangyeon hisses a string of curses and reaches to grab my hair out of my face.
“Fuck baby slow down. I still want to fuck you later.” He snarls as I moan onto his cock.
Sangyeon takes my hair and motions my head up and down on his cock. I gag when it reaches the back of my throat, tears starting to form in my eyes.
“That’s it, princess. You take my cock so well. You're doing so well, baby.”  He murmurs under his breath, loud enough for me to hear.
Sangyeon grunts loud as I feel his hot cum hit my mouth. I swallow as much as I can, and pull off to meet his eyes.
“God, those eyes. They kill me.” Sangyeon whispers as he reaches over to my face and wipes off some of his cum that got on my lips. I smiled at him, but it was not returned.
“Now I'm in control, baby. Your fun is over.” Sangyeon says quickly before kissing me. He pulls off my lips slowly, lingering there.
“I want you to take your panties off and sit on my face. Let me taste that beautiful cunt of yours.” He says against my lips. I nod my head, feeling my giddiness come back.
Sangyeon repositions himself so that he's lying against his pillows. I stand up and slowly unbuckle the garter that was holding my panties up. I turn around and remove my lace underwear slowly, my ass in Sangyeon’s face.
Before I could even think, I felt his hands on my hips. Sangyeon lifts me up and places me on his face, mouth touching my pussy. Sangyeon presses an open mouth kiss onto my clit, and starts to lick and suck it fast.
“Ah Sangyeon yes!” I moan loud as my hands grip the headboard.
I begin to ride his face, grinding on his lips.  Sangyeon slaps my ass hard, gripping my waist and I think I am seeing stars.
“Right there, yes! Fuck I’m gonna cum.” I tilt my head back and moan, speeding up the pace. He proceeds to stretch my pussy out with his fingers, and adds two inside without any warning.
This is too much for me to handle. I scream as I feel myself cum all over Sangyeon’s mouth and two fingers. He removes his fingers and kisses my clit softly. I roll off of him, and try to catch my breath.
“You taste so good always Y/N.” Sangyeon praises and runs his hand through my hair
All of a sudden. Sangyeon picks me up and walks over to the huge glass window that overlooks the city. I felt the cold glass hit my bare back, which caused me to hiss at the contact.
As I tried to turn myself around to admire the view, my back is full on slammed against the glass window. Sangyeon holds my waist and enters my pussy slowly, letting me adjust to his huge size.
“You're so goddamn tight.” I hear him whisper. I wrap my legs around his torso, making it easier for us to both adjust.
I let out a moan to let him know he bottomed out. Sangyeon removes his cock from my pussy and slams back into me fast. I scream as I feel his fingers dig into my hip bones.
His thrusts become so fast quickly and I'm helpless against him. I wrap my arms around his neck and capture his lips in a messy kiss, moaning against his mouth.
“You like that princess? Everyone seeing me fuck your tight pussy against the window? Sangyeon grunts into my ear,
I moan back, too overwhelmed to answer. He slaps my ass and presses me harder into the glass.
“Answer me, brat.” Sangyeon hisses.
“Yes Sangyeon, oh my god!” I answer him with the only words I can think of.
I can tell his orgasm is close as he pulls me to him as close as possible and thrusts into me deeply.
“FUCK!” Sangyeon yells as I feel his cum enter my pussy. He still is fucking me hard, as I feel the familar knot in my stomach.
“Sangyeon!” I scream and grip his neck as I cum.
We both fall onto the bedroom floor. Sangyeon pulls out of me and cradels my shaking body into a hug. Out of breath and overwhelmed, I feel myself start to cry.
“No baby why are you crying? You did so well. So beautiful for me, always.” Sangyeon cooes into my ear while I sob into his chest.
I look up at him. “I didn't mean to cry, that was just so amazing.” I reply softly, making him chuckle.
“Cmon, I’ll run a bath for us.” Sangyeon says as he picks me up bridal style.
We leave his bedroom and walk to the guest bathroom. A huge jacuzzi style bath rests against a glass window. Sangyeon places me gently in the tub and turns the water on. He grabs the soap and shampoo from the cupboard, placing it next to the tub. He gets in as well, and moves me so my back is against his chest. I feel him start to lather shampoo into my hair as I start to doze off.
“I hope you liked your birthday gift. I missed you a lot and wanted to do something out of the box for you.” I say tiredly to Sangyeon as he pours water over my hair.
“You're my gift everyday. I know sometimes my job gets in the way.” Sangyeon sighed. “I wish it was different, trust me. I hope you know I love you so much.” He places a kiss on the crown of my head.
“I love you too Sangyeon.” I reply to him grinning.
Sangyeon helps me stand up so he can wash my body. As I stand up, I start to grimace from the dull aches on my waist and thighs. Sangyeon notices that and frowns as he puts soap on his hands.
“I hope I didn't hurt you that much.” He says while running his hands softly over the bruise forming on my right hip.
“Don’t worry. I like the pain.” I smirk as Sangyeon rolls his eyes and laughs, making me laugh as well.
After another 10 minutes of Sangyeon and I washing each other, we both get out of the bath and change into matching white robes.
“Go wait on the balcony.” I tell Sangyeon and kiss his cheek.
When I hear him close the balcony door, I go to his kitchen to grab the small cake I got for him, as well as wine and wine glasses. I place the cake and glasses on a tray and pour the wine. I grab the candles and matches I stashed in a cupboard and light them on the cake.
When I reach the balcony, Sangyeon opens the door for me, and his face goes shocked.
“Y/N you didn't have to do that for me.” He says.
I place the tray down on the balcony table.
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Sangyeon. Happy birthday to you.” I sang to him grinning.
He pulls me in for a back hug as he blows out his candles. I notice the sun is setting, so I remove myself from his grasp and turn around to watch.
Sangyeon appears next to me and takes my hand.
“What did you wish for?” I ask him looking straight ahead.
“Nothing. I already have everything I need here right now.” Sangyeon turns to me and brings my hand to his lips, kissing it softly. I roll my eyes and stare back at him.
“You're such a cliche.”
“You love it.”
I kiss him with so much passion. Sangyeon grabs my waist softly and kisses back the same, as I wrap my arms around his neck. We part slowly, pecking each other a few times
That night, Sangyeon and I spoon feed each other cake until we are both full. I end up falling asleep on the balcony chair. Sangyeon brings me to his bedroom, and tucks me in.
“I had a great day with you. Goodnight Y/N sweet dreams.” Sangyeon mumbles as he presses a kiss to my temple. He climbs into bed as well and wraps me in his arms.
I dream of cake, black lace, and my dream man, Lee Sangyeon.
i hope you enjoyed! sorry if it was rushed i wanted to get it out asap hehe
make sure to support the boyz on kingdom and vote on whosfan! :D
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blushing-titan · 3 years
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about chapter 138 again, and I came to a few conclusions. First and foremost, I’m surprised at the amount of Mikasa’s fans who are happy about the possibility of the cabin vision being an actual AU. Mikasa has been one of my favorite characters pretty much since the beginning, but I feel like - if the AU is real - it’s a huge step back for her progress and general well-being. Let me explain my point below - warning, it’s pretty long! I’ll be using manga panels (I obviously don’t own them, all credits go to the author!), and there will be spoilers.
My perspective on Eremika
I’m a firm believer that Eren and Mikasa’s relationship is a bit too unhealthy for Mikasa, at least in it’s current state - to me, it’s clear as a day that it’s way too unbalanced. Mikasa just invests more in it - it’s been shown countless times, both in the manga and anime, that Eren’s safety and well-being is her top priority. He’s on her mind most of the times and she constantly wants to be near him - she thinks of him as her safe place and home.
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But what about Eren? He’s often irritated and suffocated by her overprotectiveness. He’s quite a proud person who doesn’t want to be constantly saved - despite generally needing it sometimes. In my eyes, it’s another imbalance - Eren wants to be the strong one, but since Mikasa is just naturally better at that, he constantly feels belittled, like it’s a form of rivalry.
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On top of that, throught the entire series Eren has his own set of dreams and goals that doesn’t necessarily always revolve around Mikasa - all while Mikasa makes up her plans and goals solely around Eren. She even admits that all she wants is just to be at his side.
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What concerns me too, however, is that Mikasa often puts Eren’s safety and well-being over her own - and it’s something that she realizes. 
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Sometimes, Mikasa’s friends act as a voice of reason, but when someone tries to raise any objections or concerns against Eren, she usually backs him up or tries to rationalize his actions. In the example below, Jean is concerned about the scar that Mikasa got after she got attacked by Eren (right after Eren lost control over his titan in chapter 12).
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On top of that, Mikasa can be very passive, and even uncritical when it comes to Eren’s more questionable actions. There are times in which the latter can get a bit too blunt, or even straight up mean, but Mikasa either protects him, tries to justify his actions or is literally immobilized by them - like in the scene in which Eren insults her and proceeds to fight Armin, who’s been trying to back her up. Notice how Mikasa is unable to stop Eren from continuously attacking Armin (when, a reminder, the latter one stood up for her), but immediately jumps in to stop Armin from attacking Eren. You can clearly see that even she is shocked by her reaction.
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We can also see her being in denial about Eren’s hurtful actions later on. She doesn’t even want to talk about it when Jean brings it up:
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She’s also still concerned and worried about Eren a few chapters later, after he had done and stated that he’s about to do terrible things - even at times when her other friends were endangered. This time, it’s Armin who tries to act as a voice of reason.
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Now, before we get ahead of ourselves: 
Do I think that Eren doesn’t care about Mikasa, or even hate her (as he said)? No - she’s obviously extremely important to him and he was definitely lying during the table scene. Personally, I’ve never seen him having any romantic feelings towards her, but that doesn’t mean anything - love doesn’t always have to be romantic and I 100% believe that she’s still someone who he holds very dear to his heart. There are many moments that show that he’s also very protective of her, and that - along with Armin - she’s one of the most important people in his life. 
But my point still stands - aside from that, the relationship is just too unbalanced to be considered healthy, especially for Mikasa. Both Eren and Mikasa see it in different light, which often cause them to collide. I just can’t help but feel like Mikasa sacrifices too much for it, too - she often ends up jeopardizing her safety, constantly worries about Eren and clashes with her friends because of it. To some extent, Eren may be doing some of these things as well - but let’s be 100% honest, never nearly as much as Mikasa does. He fiercly protects her when she’s in danger and backs her up when he agrees with her, but at the end of the day he has his own goals and opinions. He doesn’t fixate himself with Mikasa nearly as much as Mikasa does it with him - he’s never jealous of anything but her skills, meanwhile she's often on alert when he’s around other girls. In the manga, she’s displaying jealousy over Annie and Historia, in the anime we can add Hanji to that pool, while in A.O.T. Wings of Freedom she’s also jealous of Sasha and even freckled Ymir - all while Eren remains oblivious and - in these situations, rightfully so - annoyed.
We know that there are reasons why Mikasa treats Eren like this. He obviously saved her life when they were children, but it’s also because she was strongly traumatized by losing both her biological family, and then people who took care of her right after that. It’s only natural that she does anything in her power to not go through that again...
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...but it’s important to question if the way her relationship with Eren goes - how she commits to it 100% and how it affects her - is really the best way for her to heal and eventually live a happy life. I believe that Eren himself saw that it was becoming too toxic for Mikasa - and, considering that he actually cares for her and knows that he doesn’t have all the time in the world, he focused on making her move on. In my opinion, that’s why he wanted to push her away during the table scene. It’s also why he tried to get rid of the scarf that Louise brought to him. Even if the execution is far from perfect, he still wants what’s best for her, so he tries to put an end to enabling her unhealthy coping practices. He wants her to live a long, happy life.
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Soooo...how does “the cabin AU” fit into all of this?
The answer is simple - it doesn’t. It’s a huge mixture and repetition of everything that’s harmful about Mikasa’s obsession with Eren. It’s a confirmation that Mikasa would be able to leave the entire world for 4 years of constant lying to herself. To betray her friends, leave everything behind, act as if everything was going to be okay and, in turn, make it all worse for herself. Because let me remind you one thing - Mikasa will go on living after Eren looses to the titan curse...but what will she do from now on? Will she stay in the cabin forever, alone and with no one to talk to - no one to share the pain after saying her final goodbye to Eren? Will she come back to the war-ridden world and face her old friends - like Armin who must have been frantically looking for her and Eren? Some of these friends may not want to have anything to do with her after all that - some may be already dead. Maybe there’s no place to go at all.
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In my opinion, Eren being okay with this would ultimately prove that he doesn’t care about Mikasa’s wellbeing - and, as I’ve said before I just don’t think that’s the case at all. On top of that, as stated in the beginning, it would serve as a regress of Mikasa’s character - she wouldn’t be able to overcome her weaknesses, which would only make her life harder in the long run. Therefore, I simply can’t accept this vision to be an AU. What do I think it was, then?
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Mikasa believes in Eren’s good heart, despite all awful things he commits - she repeatedly says that he does it all for them - his friends...and yet she wants to believe that there must have been a way to not let it all happen. A part of her may be blaming herself, which is why she questions if she could have changed anything by giving him a different answer. 
To me, it’s very obvious and I have to admit: I was horrified to see the amount of fans saying “If only she hadn’t family-zoned him, so many people would still be alive!”. Mikasa was NEVER to blame here and her answer should never have a force to change something like that. At the end of the day, it was Eren’s decision to go on with the rumbling, and I hate to see Mikasa (and the fans, too!) putting any blame for it on her.
In conclusion, I really believe that the vision was Mikasa’s daydream - most likely created as a coping mechanism since at this point she knew what was about to happen - what she had to do. Not any AU flashback, but rather a poor, traumathised girl trying to come to terms with the cruel reality - and ultimately reclaiming her strength. In her mind, she comes back to her safe place for a few moments, just to get a bit of comfort - a place where she and Eren live peacefully and safely. In fact, the panel below may suggest that she was dreaming about something similar ever since the training days:
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I also believe that, at some point, Eren enters that dream - perhaps somehow through paths, or is sent there by Ymir. There, he once again reminds Mikasa that he wants her to live long, be free and forget about him.
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I think in the end, Mikasa rejects that fake utopia, finally understanding that it could never happen and it was not her fault. She accepts the reality as it is and stops rationalizing Eren’s actions. She also comes to terms with her feelings towards him, but won’t let it cloud her judgement anymore. She will remember him and cherish these memories forever, but acknowledges that it has gone too far - she chooses humanity, the world and finally: a long, happy life for her. Just like Eren would want for her.
This time, Mikasa wraps the scarf around herself.
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If you’re here, wow - thank you so much for reading, it means a lot! I’m sorry for any mistakes I’ve made while writing - English is not my first language and I didn’t really have anyone to beta-read this long wall of text xd Hope I made my points clear - and just to clarify, my text is not an invitation for any ugly Mikasa haters. As I’ve said before, she’s one of my favorite characters and I hope for the best for her - she’s been through so much, poor girl needs a break :C
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yuta-nakamots · 4 years
Playing Games - n.yt
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Pairing - Frat Boy!Yuta x Reader
Genre - College!AU, Fluff, Smut, Slight Angst
Warnings - Safe sex, swearing, alcohol consumption
Summary - Yuta is a notorious frat boy known for sleeping around with tons of girls yet never getting into a relationship. You never would have thought you’d become entangled with him until fate ends up placing both of you in the same beginner guitar class during your spring semester.
Word Count - 11.2k
A/N - i do not condone or promote the behavior or fraternities or sororities, especially during COVID-19, read a bit about it here. i am simply writing about my own fantasy in my own ideal world. with that being said, please remember to wear your masks and stay safe out there. this one shot will be my first work with smut in it so i’m open to pretty much any and all feedback. special thank you to @neocitybynight​ for helping me work out some of the plot!
Tag List - @jisungismymom @jikooksgirl19 @jungcity @boiolay @yasmini24
Written for the Bingo Collab hosted by @legendnct​. Check out the masterlist here.
"Baby, I’m afraid to fall in love. ‘Cause what if it’s not reciprocated?” –  Pink Sweat$ - Honesty
“So won’t you say my name, say my name?”– summer walker - playing games
“Don’t follow me, you’ll end up in my arms” –  Joji - SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK
“Can you focus on me? Baby can you focus on me?”– H.E.R - focus
“Oh, how I love you. I just feel so lost without you.”–  McKay & Jeff Bernat - Angel 2 Me
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It’s the first day of your second semester of college and you’re starting to rethink your decision of signing up for Guitar 101 as you step into the classroom. You don’t remember what pushed you to add this course to your schedule other than the fact that it would knock off two off your graduation requirements, though surely there were other courses that could’ve done that as well.
You were quite the beginner to guitar, having only touched one maybe only a few times in your life and you were sure that you absolutely would not have ever thought about taking Guitar 101 if it wasn’t for your friend Mark, who had suggested it to you.
Mark is a sweet guy and you just so happened to have the pleasure of meeting last semester in your math class. He had walked in late on the first day and took the seat next to you as he muttered something about the campus being too big and not having building names displayed clearly.
Your friendship truly started the day he came in without any of his belongings, not even his backpack. “I, uh, woke up late and ran to class. Literally.” You could tell from the way sections of his hair were standing up and how his white t-shirt was inside out, but you didn’t tell him that.
“If it’s okay with you, can you send me your notes later?” He asked, his eyes resembling that of boba. Mark let out an audible sigh of relief when you agreed and handed him your phone to type in his number. As soon as he gave it back to you, you sent him a message to make sure he typed it correctly and it was at that moment that Mark realized, after a whole month of sitting next to you and occasionally working together, he had yet to remember your name.
‘Hey, this is y/n. Still can’t believe you forgot your backpack’
The two of you fit together like puzzle pieces and you always did your work together at any given opportunity, finding that two heads are definitely better than one when it came to calculus.  Sometimes working on projects together often led to you and Mark spending more time together and eventually leading both of your guys’ friends to speculate that you were dating, to which you insisted was not true.
Your friends seemed to understand and leave it be, though Mark’s friends were a whole different story. He was part of one of the newest frats on campus which had come to fame due to their good-looking members, not a single one of them falling even a hair short of having god-tier visuals. You recognized a few of them, having been to their frat house a couple of times to work on projects with Mark though most of them were older than you so it came as a surprise to you when you saw one of them in your beginner guitar class.
You didn’t know his name but he was easy to remember with his long black hair and his ever-changing fashion sense. Today, he resembled something out of a motorcycle magazine with his maroon leather jacket, black ripped jeans, and the bandana tied around his head.
You watched as he took a seat in the front of the room though you had enough sense to turn your attention back to the professor who had started class and was displaying a list of names with corresponding locker numbers that housed the guitar you’d be using.
Standing up with the rest of the class, you went to go find your own locker and let out a sigh of relief when you saw it was on the bottom row because that meant less effort to take it in and out rather than if you had one on the top row.
Right as you popped your lock open, a shadow was cast over you and you turned around to see Mark’s friend who was even more stunning up close. He flashed you a quick smile along with an apology as he moved to the side to give you more room and allow you to grab your guitar out from the locker.
You were just slightly irritated at the guy. People with good looks knew how to use them to their advantage and this man obviously knew what he was doing. Had he been sane, he could’ve just waited for you to get your stuff out before getting his own, but instead, he chose to tower over you as you were crouching down on the floor.
Your eyes followed his figure as he made his way back to his seat in the front of the room, sitting down in front of the professor and you rolled your eyes knowing that he’s going to have an ego as tall as a skyscraper.
Aside from your encounter with the nameless e-boy, your first class went pretty okay though you were already having a little trouble remembering which chords were which so you sent a text to Mark asking for tips. He responds a few minutes later with fingering charts and even offers to tutor you, which you gladly accept.
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You and Mark had appointed Wednesday afternoons and Sunday mornings as your lesson times and the first time you visit him is on the former. It was February so the weather was still quite cold though it wasn’t cold enough to make you regret not wearing a thicker jacket.
Before you could even text Mark that you’re outside the frat house, the door opens and he pulls you in, visibly shivering due to only being in a t-shirt and basketball shorts. “Not so Canadian are you, huh?” You joke at him, seeing the once thick-skinned boy now struggling to warm himself up as he practically ran up the stairs to his room.
You followed him up, greeting his roommate, Taeil, when you passed him in the hallway. Taeil was the oldest member of the frat and was set to graduate at the end of the semester. He had you absolutely fooled when you first met him. His personality reminded you of a golden meadow or a sunny beach but he was a total animal when it came to parties though Mark had told you that you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg.
Having seen Taeil out in the hallway, you thought you and Mark would be the only ones in the room so you weren’t expecting to see the same guy from guitar class lying around on Mark’s bed. “Yuta, this is y/n, y/n meet Yuta.”
Yuta gave you that same smile you saw on the first day of class as he told Mark, “oh, I know her, she’s in my guitar class.”
“Dude, that’s so cool. You guys can work together on projects and the playing tests then. Man, that course would’ve been way more fun if I could play with someone I knew.” You shot Mark an awkward smile as if telling him to move on because you highly doubted that you’d ever want to work with Yuta, especially if his ego was as big as you thought it was. He’d call you out left and right for even the tiniest mistakes and you didn’t want to put yourself through that.
Mark cleared his throat while grabbing his guitar and handing it to you, and Taeil’s guitar to Yuta. “Yeah so, uh, anyway, I thought it would be better to teach you guys at the same time since you both are at the same level if that’s okay with you.” Mark’s question was obviously aimed towards you however Yuta answered first without any hesitation.
“Works for me.” Yuta looked over to you, strands of his white locks falling in front of his eyes though it didn’t dampen the intensity of his gaze in the slightest.
You didn’t exactly like the idea of playing with an audience, even if it was just Yuta. But if he was a beginner like you, then theoretically the playing field should be even. It was only because of this did you nod your head, telling Mark, “sure.”
Your first lesson with Mark consisted of his retaught both you and Yuta the fundamentals and basic chords you had already learned, making sure that your hands and fingers were placed the right way. Yuta, who was having a harder time than you, let out an exasperated sigh as he leaned back against the wall next to Mark’s bed while he ripped open a bag of gummy bears. “Whoever gets the fingerings right first gets a gummy bear.”
“Okay, bet.” Not really one for competition, you wanted to refuse his proposal, but this guy was really getting on your nerves. It was as if he had no interest yet all the passion in the world. And that’s aside from the fact that you simply wanted to continue showing him up and proving that you weren’t such a pushover and he can’t simply bend you to his will.
The three of you became so wrapped up in the competition that you didn’t even notice that you were supposed to leave to get to your last class of the day, which was now starting in five minutes. When you glanced over at the clock on Mark’s desk, you practically jumped out of your seat, “holy shit, I’m gonna be late to class.”
“I can drive you if you want.” Yuta offered.
“No, it’s okay, I’ll be fine.” You weren’t exactly lying but you weren’t entirely telling the truth as you declined him. It was an eight-minute walk away but you could probably make it in six if you did your Black Friday walk and surely your professor wouldn’t mind if you were just a minute late.
Mark helped you gather your belongings and held his door open for you. “Alright, see you y/n. I’ll set an alarm next time so we don’t forget.” He said with a slight laugh in his voice.
As you stepped out of the frat house, you just couldn’t stop your mind from wandering back to Yuta. He barely even knew you yet he had offered to drive you to class, even though your campus wasn’t particularly large. There was something about that man that made you want to run for your life but also just stop and stare at him all day.
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The second time you had a lesson with Mark is on a Sunday morning and you’re pleasantly surprised to see that Yuta is nowhere to be found as you set foot into Mark’s room. After placing your bag down next to Mark’s desk, you pick up Taeil’s guitar and join him on his bed while he quietly plays a song to himself.
“Yuta’s still knocked out from the party we had yesterday so I doubt he’ll be joining us.” Mark informed you, and his statement rang true as Yuta did not come in during all of the three hours you spent next to Mark, much to your relief. Instead, Taeil had come in, looking terribly hungover.
“Hey, what’s up man.” Is all Taeil got to say before rolling into his bed, putting in a single Airpod before falling asleep, much to both you and Mark’s amusement.
Mark had tried to teach you basic chord sequences and strumming patterns but your brain just wasn’t having it. He kept giggling at seeing you frustrated and you had to repeatedly tell him to shut up in fear of waking Taeil so eventually both of you decided to call it a day as you put the guitars back on their stands.
You got back onto the bed next to Mark as both of you played on your phones for a bit before he turned his off and turned to talk to you. “Hey, y/n, so the guys are throwing this party next week Saturday and I was wondering if you’d want to come.”
“Next Saturday...Valentine’s Day?” You ask as you check your calendar on your phone.
“Yeah. You don’t have to though if you already have other plans.” Mark blurted out.
You laughed at the thought of actually going on a date on Valentine’s Day. “Didn’t have any plans besides ordering take-out and watching Netflix.”
Mark laughed along with you. “So is that a yes?”
“Do you wanna sleepover too since you’re gonna be here on Sunday morning anyway?” You raised an eyebrow at Mark, wondering if he was actually serious.
“Sounds convenient but then where are you gonna sleep?” You countered.
“Uh, in Taeil’s bed.” Mark said, the gears in his head almost visibly turning.
“And where is he going to sleep?” You ask, not wanting to cause the kind senior any extra stress from having to deal with Mark as a roommate on top of his impending graduation.
Mark reached up and scratched the back of his head. “I don’t know, probably somewhere on the floor downstairs.” Your eyes grew wide at his statement. “Okay wait, before you yell at me, Taeil always gets too hammered to make it back up to the room until like, Sunday afternoon as you clearly just saw.” He explained, gesturing to his sleeping body on the other side of the room.
“Okay, then. But if he gets mad, it’s your fault, your idea, not mine.”
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By the time Valentine’s Day came around, you were more than ready for it to end, having been annoyed by all the lovey-dovey advertisement and the couples posting on Instagram and holding hands and kissing wherever you went. You had always heard that love finds its way to those who are least expecting it, which is why you gave up the thought of ever pining over a guy who was likely to reject you anyway. Though, sure enough, love really did find a way of messing with your life in more than one way.
When you arrived at the party, you had first gone up to Mark’s room to drop off your bag that held your change of clothes and personal hygiene supplies. You don’t know what you were expecting to see when you entered his room, but you certainly weren’t expecting to see Mark’s bare ass while he was fucking into a girl in his bed, the same bed you were supposed to sleep in at the end of the night. “Oh, shit, fuck, sorry y/n, can you just uh, come back in a bit-”
You were pretty sure you were just as embarrassed as Mark, shouting “alright, have fun dude” as you closed the door. You turned around to search for somewhere else to go, pondering on the idea of just going back to your dorm after the party and walked right into Taeil.
“Should I not go in there?” He asked, having seen the way you backed out of the room and closed the door.
“Not unless you wanna see Mark’s butt.”
“Eh, I see it from time to time, can’t be any worse than usual.”
“Taeil, no” you exclaim, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him away before he could open the door.
“Oh, you mean to see his butt while he’s doing that kind of thing, I get it now.” He said with a playful glint in his eyes. “Were you planning on sleeping over?” He asked, having noticed the duffel bag hanging from your shoulder.
You let out a sigh before answering. “Yeah, I was gonna sleep in Mark’s bed and he was gonna sleep in yours since he said you apparently get too fucked up to make it back to the room.” At which Taeil laughs as he nodded his head, acknowledging the statement.
“He’s certainly not wrong,” Taeil confirmed, “did you want to put that down somewhere? I can let you keep it in our lounge room during the party. It’s a members-only room so you can just ask one of the guys to open it for you later in case I’m already out.”
You can’t help but giggle at Taeil’s joke as you accept his offer, following him down the hallway to a door where he punches in some numbers onto a keypad before opening it. Your jaw dropped when you looked inside, being met with a huge U-shaped couch facing the back wall where a large TV was mounted. “What do you guys even do in here?”
“Usually just gaming, sometimes watching big sports matches. Just normal guys stuff. We agreed to no sex, drugs, or alcohol in here so it’s like a safe room of sorts I guess.” Taeil explained to you.
“Huh, didn’t think you guys would have something like this.” You told him as you placed your duffle bag against the wall near the door.
“Frat life isn’t just all about getting high and drunk you know, y/n,” he said, playfully scoffing at you, “but speaking of, would you like to get a drink downstairs?” You nod your head before walking alongside Taeil as he places an arm around your shoulders, guiding you down to the party.
As you pass by Mark’s room along the way to the stairs, both you and Taeil share a laugh as you could hear the faint noises of sex through the door, though you really just wanted to erase the image of Mark’s ass from your head. Taeil seems to understand this much as he takes you to the kitchen and tells Doyoung, the frat’s resident entrepreneur with a side hobby for mixology, to get you something strong.
You’ve met Doyoung a couple of times, though you only exchanged short greetings since you were always doing something with Mark. “Where’s your boyfriend?” He inquired.
“Oh, we’re not dating. He’s in his room though.”
“Sure seems like you’re dating. Why isn’t he here with you?”
Taeil responds, saving you from having to explain to Doyoung. “He’s getting lucky with some other girl.”
Doyoung’s eyes go wide as he responds, “that’s a first for him.”
You were about to ask what he meant by that but you’re interrupted by loud yells coming from the living room, causing you to turn around and see what was going on. You spot Yuta standing up on the makeshift DJ booth in the corner of the room with Johnny, who you recognized as your TA in your English class, as he grabbed the microphone and shouted “let’s get fucking drunk” before Johnny could manage to yank it out of his grasp and turn it off.
“What’s with that guy?” You mumble to yourself, not really expecting Doyoung to overhear you.
“Oh, Yuta? He’s just like that sometimes.” Doyoung states, shrugging his shoulders as he wiped the kitchen counter with a towel. “He’s that one friend who does really questionable things but you can’t get rid of them because deep down they’re actually pretty nice.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You think he’s nice?”
“He is once you get to know him.”
You look at Taeil for reaffirmation only to find that said man is long gone, the only evidence of him ever being there is his yellow phone left lying on the counter next to Doyoung’s own drink. “I’ve gotten to know him and I wouldn’t say he’s nice, per se.”
Doyoung shakes his head at you, “you just haven’t cracked him open yet.”
“Why do you talk as if he’s an egg or something?” You joke laughing to yourself and watching as Doyoung fights back a smile.
“He is, in a sense. He’s got a tougher exterior along with his own inner issues that come tumbling out once he trusts you.”
Doyoung hums in thought before speaking. “I’m not gonna say too much because it’s his life and his own story to tell, but let me just ask you this one question. Don’t you ever wonder why he constantly sleeps around with girls yet never gets into a relationship with any of them?”
You ponder on the question before asking one back. “So are the rumors true?” Yuta’s reputation did precede him and you had, in fact, heard from other girls who had their own stories and adventures with Yuta but you didn’t necessarily believe them completely, not wanting to assume anything about Yuta.
“Some, not all...but yes, most of the ones I have heard were true, but maybe that’s just because people know I live with him so there’s no sense in trying to lie around me.” Doyoung responds to which you nod your head, acknowledging the accuracy behind his statement.
Three shots later of whatever Doyoung was making you, you were already starting to feel hot and lightheaded so you went back upstairs, as per Doyoung’s advice, and made your way to Mark’s room hoping he’d be done by now. You cracked his door open and peeked around it, grumbling to yourself as you saw your best friend and the same girl from earlier wrapped up in his blanket. You weren’t too sure where you were going to sleep tonight and you weren’t too keen on walking back to your dorm this late at night, especially when you were already starting to feel tipsy.
Closing the door quietly, not wanting to disturb the two people inside, you step away from the room, only to run into someone behind you. You spun around, ready to apologize until you realized who it was. Yuta, a quite drunk Yuta too.
“Taeil told me Mark got lucky-” he stopped to hiccup, “but I didn’t fully believe it so I came to-” he hiccuped again, “see for myself, but I think your action speak-” he reached up to briefly rub his eyes, “louder than words” he finished, letting out a yawn at the end. “Need somewhere to stay?”
“How did you know I was sleeping over?” You ask, wary of the man and his intentions.
He waves his hands as if dismissing your preconceived notions. “Taeil told me that too. Makes sense anyway since you’re here on Sunday’s as well.”
You sighed, not wanting to let yourself give in to Yuta yet again and give him another thing to hold over you, but it wasn’t as if you had many other options. “Taeil let me leave my bag in the lounge, can you unlock the door for me? I think I’ll just ask Doyoung to drive me back to my dorm or something.”
Yuta hummed as he grabbed your wrist and led you down the hallway to the lounge. He unlocked the door for you and held it open, but once both of you were inside, he closed the door behind him and turned on the mood lighting and watched as the room began to glow purple.
You picked up your bag as Yuta threw himself over the backrest of the sofa and tumbled onto the cushions. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re beautiful?”
“Well, yeah?” You stuttered, taken aback by his sudden comment.
“Damn, I wanted to be the first.”
“Okay?” You said, questioning his antics as Doyoung’s words floated through your head about Yuta and his trysts with girls, not wanting to become another victim.
As if Yuta could hear you thinking, he sat up and peered over the couch just enough to make eye contact with you, his eyes mischievously shining in the low lighting. “Were you gonna sleep with Mark?” He asked, raising his eyebrow suggestively.
“What? No,” you exclaim, “he’s my best friend, I would never do that.”
“Not like that you sicko,” Yuta said as he chuckled at your flustered state.
“Oh,” realization dawning upon you, “uh, yeah, I was planning to just sleep in his bed and he was gonna take Taeil’s but now I’m pretty sure that’s not happening tonight.”
“You can stay in my room if you want.” Now it was your turn to raise a suggestive eyebrow at him. “No, it’s not what you’re thinking. My roommate is away in China so his side is open. You can sleep in my bed if you’re not comfortable being in a stranger’s bed.” You were surprised he made it through such a long statement without any hiccups.
“Uh, thanks, I guess I’ll take you up on that offer.” You say, finally unrooting yourself from the floor and making your way towards the door.
Yuta begins haphazardly pulling himself over the back of the couch seeing as how you were ready to leave the room. “I’ll show you to the bathroom.” He would’ve face planted straight into the floor if it weren’t for you standing right in his path of destruction, barely catching him before he nearly sent both of you to the ground. “Sorry” he giggled as he regained his balance and pushed open the door.
You couldn’t mistake the way his body felt against yours, how warm and comforting it was. He smelled nice too, which was odd for someone who partied like an animal and lived with god knows how many other guys. You shook yourself out of your thoughts and grabbed your bag, following Yuta out of the lounge.
He led you to the bathroom and instructed you on how to use the shower and lock the door before telling you how to get to his room once you were done. The bathroom was surprisingly neat but you were sure it was thanks to Doyoung and Taeyong, the only two people you thought had their heads on straight in this house. Even if you had only briefly met both of them, it was enough to let you know that those men were the reason why the house somehow looked presentable within just a few hours after a raging party.
You showered quickly, the effect of Doyoung’s drinks really hitting you now, making you want to just pass out. Once you were done showering you threw on one of Mark’s shirts that you had previously stolen, intending on giving it back to him tonight, but you weren’t comfortable wearing your normal beat up sleepwear in front of Yuta, so you opted to wear Mark’s shirt instead.
Not quite wanting to have another incident like the one you had earlier with Mark, you knocked on Yuta’s door just to be safe. You heard him laugh from the inside as he called out “it’s unlocked, just come in.” As you let yourself in, he got off his bed telling you “I’m going to shower now. Just make yourself comfortable in whichever bed you want. I’ll sleep in whatever one you don’t choose.”
After he left the room, you looked between the two beds. One was neatly made and had pictures strung up on the wall next to it, the blankets and sheets folded nicely and placed alongside a few pillows near the foot of the bed. The other, which Yuta had just rolled out of, had wrinkled sheets with the blanket half falling off the bed, not a single pillow within a whole six-foot radius of his bed.
You didn’t really want to mess up the organization of whoever his roommate was, so instead, you just took one of the pillows and plopped it onto Yuta’s bed as you grabbed the blanket from the floor and pulled it over your head, allowing his scent to flood your nose. Just as you were about to drift into sleep, you heard the door open and close followed by rapid footsteps coming your way.
Before you even had time to react, Yuta was flinging himself on top of you and laughing as you gasped for air under his weight. “Somebody looks comfortable.” He teased as you continued squirming, trying to push him off you.
You wouldn’t take him to be a clingy drunk after seeing how rowdy he was during the party, but you suppose this is the side of him that managed to charm so many other girls into thinking they’d be that one lucky girl to finally win over Nakamoto Yuta’s heart. “Get off of me.” You uttered forcefully as you tried to make him move over and relieve the pressure on your chest and stomach.
“You silly, this is my bed” he cooed, letting another round of giggles leave his lips before rolling off you towards the wall, leaving you on the outside of the bed. He threw the blanket over himself, humming as he felt the warmth of it, that you had made, on his freshly showered skin.
Yuta kept his distance as he laid on his back with his eyes closed, his hands reaching up to ruffle his damp hair, speaking of which, “you know people say you can get sick if you go to sleep with damp hair?” You asked him quizzically.
“Yeah, but I’ve never gotten sick from it so I don’t really care.” He said dismissively.
A few moments passed before either one of you spoke again. “Didn’t you say that you were going to sleep in the other bed?” You questioned, remembering your conversation from not too long ago.
“Yeah, but I’m too lazy to unfold everything and put it back in the morning so here I am.” Yuta beamed, smiling over at you. You rolled your eyes at him, scoffing as he continued playing with his hair, making it stick up in different directions. “I can sleep somewhere else if you’re not comfortable with me being here.”
You wanted to say ‘yes, please move’ but you didn’t have enough strength in you to tell him to get out, not when you enjoyed his presence next to you so instead you simply told him “it’s fine” before tugging over more of his blanket and turning to face away from him.
He let out a whine as now half of his body was uncovered and exposed to the cold winter air and he yanked his blanket back, inadvertently pulling you with it, causing you to face him with your forehead nearly resting against his chest. “Why are you hogging my blanket?” Yuta whined.
“I’m not hogging it, you just keep trying to take more than your fair share of it.” You fired back at him.
“This is my room and my blanket.”
“You’re the one who offered to let me stay here, and might I add, you said you were going to sleep in the bed that I didn’t choose.”
“I can always retract my offer, you know.” You shook your head, the idea of asking Doyoung to drive you back to your dorm at 3am wasn’t exactly appealing to you. “Okay then come closer so we can actually share the blanket instead of leaving one of us to freeze.”
You let out a huff and scooted closer to Yuta. “Are you happy now?” Yuta let out a hum as he smiled down at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling underneath the strands of bleached white hair that had fallen in front of his face.
Closing your eyes again, you tried to fall asleep, hoping that you wouldn’t have any further interruptions from Yuta, but you couldn’t seem to fully relax with the main light of the room still on. “Yuta can you turn off the light?” He looked over you, clearly unhappy. “Please?”
“You’re closer.”
“God, why are you so difficult.” You remarked as you slid out from under the blanket, walking over to flip the light switch.
“I’m not difficult, you’re difficult.” He fired at you as the room became dark, illuminated only from the light of the moon. “You’re always so uptight and on edge about getting to class on time and being prepared.”
“Because that’s what a good student does, and unlike you, I actually want to graduate from college in four years.” You spit back as you rolled back into the bed next to him.
“Hey, not everyone graduates within four years, some of us just have a different path in life. And what makes you think that I’m not trying to graduate soon?”
“Your attitude and your seemingly nonexistent care to even make it to class on time.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t do my work though.”
“But you totally miss the instructions that the professors give at the beginning of class.”
“It’s not hard to figure things out when you’ve got a brain as big as mine.”
“You’re so annoying, just let me sleep.” You grumbled as you moved closer to him, wanting more of the blanket.
Silence falls upon both of you again but you let out a huff when Yuta starts talking again. He sure was annoying as hell when he was drunk. “Do you have feelings for Mark, or like, any other guys...like at all?”
You stared up at him, praying he’d feel the daggers coming from your eyes, “no.”
“Good, I was hoping you didn’t so I could do this.”
“Do wha-”
You hadn’t even finished your sentence before Yuta tilted your chin up and brought his lips to yours, eagerly molding his to fit the shape of yours.
You didn’t know what you were thinking when you started to kiss him back, in fact, you probably weren’t thinking at all. Yuta took it as a green light and let the hand that was against your chin find its way to the back of your neck to pull you in closer. You didn’t realize your body had shifted until you were now completely pressed up against him. It soon became all too hot and suffocating, forcing you to pull away and break the kiss.
Your eyes met his and held his gaze as you came to your senses. “Yuta, I’m not here to have sex with you.”
“Wasn’t planning on it.” He replied almost nonchalantly.
You rolled your eyes at him, “no, I mean, like ever.”
“Okay. Who says I can’t just kiss a pretty girl because I want to?” He asked, the attitude in his voice was almost enough to make you want to slap him.
“I do?” You quipped. “I didn’t tell you that you could kiss me either-”
“Says the person who was definitely not kissing me back.” Yuta teased as he cocked an eyebrow at you, daring you to continue.
You flung the blanket off of you, not wanting to put up with any more of his antics. “Don’t use your fuckboy charms on me, I’m not here to become another one of your girls.”
“Y/n, wait, that’s not what I meant to do,” he whined, grabbing your wrist before you could fully get out of the bed, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off that way and for your information, I am not attached any of the ‘girls’ you are alluding to.”
“You attached yourself to them the moment you put your dick inside them and gave them something to talk about.”
“That's not what I intended to do.”
“Then what is it that you intend to do, Yuta?”
He paused with his mouth slightly open and you took this moment to separate your wrist from his grasp before he spoke again. “I don’t try to ‘charm’ them or whatever you call it. I’m not even looking for a relationship, trust me.”
“And why should I trust you when you have girls practically throwing themselves at you?”
Yuta let out a groan as he flopped onto his back. “Look, I never wanted to be this blunt with you but I’m not looking for a relationship because the last one I was in ended with me getting cheated on.” He paused as if letting his words sink in. “I don’t want to fall in love again because I don’t want to risk going through that same pain another time. I’m scared to fall in love because what if it’s not reciprocated? Is that enough to make you believe me?”
You stare at him in shock, barely managing to stutter out “I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“It’s fine, let’s just go to sleep, I said too much already.” He interrupted, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you back under the blanket. Once you were close enough for his liking, Yuta let go of you, retracting his arm back to his half of the bed though he stopped when he felt your hand on his forearm. He looked up at you with wide eyes as you pulled his arm back over you and allowed your forehead to rest against his chest.
Yuta stayed like that until you fell asleep, finding it hard to do the same. It took him awhile to find himself in the familiar lull due to his thoughts running rampant in his mind as his eyes traced over your features. If only you could read his mind, you’d know of the dilemma he realized he had wrapped himself into that he was too scared to admit on his own.
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You woke up with a pounding headache, to say the least. Reaching up to massage your forehead, you tried to roll onto your back only to find that you weren’t able to. You jerked around, finding Yuta’s sleeping body as you remembered the events and conversations that took place just hours prior. You stilled as you took a moment to admire the way the golden rays of sun seeped in through the window, falling across his face and causing him to have an ethereal glow. He’d be quite attractive if it wasn’t for his attitude.
However, his face alone wasn’t enough to distract you from the fact that he was practically spooning you and you weren’t confident that you could get out without waking him though what really irked you was the fact that part of you didn’t want to leave from his warm embrace.
You stayed in his arms for a few minutes longer until your headache became unbearable and your throat was begging for something to drink. You tried your best to gently extract yourself from Yuta but much to your distaste, he woke up. He caused you even more displeasure when he pulled you back towards himself and whined “where are you going?”
“I’m thirsty and I have a headache.” You stated plainly, your voice void of energy.
Yuta whined once more before trying to reason with you. “But it’s cold, it’s cuddle weather.”
“I didn’t say that I wanted to cuddle with you.” You pointed out, at which Yuta finally forced his eyes open as he yawned and stretched before sighing.
“I’ll get you water and some ibuprofen if you stay for a little longer.”
“Fine, but that’s only because I don’t have anywhere else to go.” You were trying to convince him of this as much as you were trying to convince yourself of the statement while he gave you one of the brightest smiles you’ve seen from a full-time college student as he climbed over you and let himself out of the room.
You took this time as an opportunity to use the bathroom and peek into Mark’s room as you made your way back. You were surprised to see there was no one in the room and nearly jumped when an arm wrapped around your waist from the back. “Are we spying on Mark?” Yuta whispered into your ear.
Scoffing, you answer “he’s not even in there, you idiot.”
“Huh, I wonder where he went,” Yuta contemplated, “might as well grab the guitars while we’re here.” He handed you the glass of water and pills he was carrying as he walked into Mark’s room and picked up the two guitars from their stands.
“What are we supposed to do without Mark?”
“Practice? What else are we supposed to do?” The man in front of you asked rhetorically.
You shook your head at him, not liking the sound of his idea. “We won’t know if we’re doing anything right, we’re literally both beginners.”
“That doesn’t mean we can’t help each other.” Yuta countered.
“Ugh, whatever, you’re so irritating.” And with that, you down the pills and turn to walk back to his room.
Playing guitar with Yuta wasn’t actually all that terrible. He knew more than he let on during your shared sessions with Mark and he offered you some tips every so often as he led both of you through the chord progression sheet. The whole scene of it was quite surreal, the way you and Yuta were both simply clothed in plain t-shirts, hair still roused from sleep, the way the sun gently lit the room and warmed it up.
You were genuinely enjoying yourself and didn’t even notice when Mark came into the room. “You guys started without me?” He whined cutely.
Yuta looked at you and you gestured at him to respond. “Y/n went to go spy on you in your room but you weren’t there so we decided to steal the guitars and have fun on our own.” You shot Yuta a look, hoping he understood the ‘I will strangle you’ glare you were giving him.
“Wow y/n, why were you spying on me man?” Mark asked dejectedly.
“I was just checking to see if your girl was still with you because I didn’t want to barge in on anything, again.” You tease.
Mark groans and covers his face out of embarrassment. “Oh gosh, don’t remind me.”
“Wait, wait, you saw Mark naked?” Yuta questioned with his eyes wide. “He has a big butt doesn’t he?” He added, smirking, at which both you and Mark yell at him to shut up. “Just saying facts.” He claims, raising his hands up in defense.
“Anyways,” Mark said a little too aggressively, “are you guys doing okay on your own? Or did you want me to join?”
Again, Yuta turned to you for a response, though this time you really hated yourself for what you answered with. “No, I think we’re fine, thanks though.”
“Better go wash your sheets bro, you were wild last night.” Yuta called out as Mark left the room.
“Dude,” Mark exclaimed, “don’t ever say that again, please bro.” And just like that, I was only you and Yuta again.
“Speaking of parties,” Yuta began, “we’re thinking of holding another one in March before spring break. Wanna come?”
“I can’t believe you guys are already planning another one not even a whole day after getting drunk out of your mind.” You joke, the disbelief obvious in your expression.
“Hey, you have to let loose every once in a while,” he states, “but my offer still stands.”
You hum, faking getting lost in thought, “ask me again in a month and I’ll let you know.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you tilted your head to the side, the look on your face clearly ridiculing him, “for now.” He adds on.
You went back to looking over the chord progression sheet and tried again to go through the one you were on before Mark came in. You almost succeed this time until you place your fingers one fret away from where they were supposed to be. “Yikes” Yuta comments as he reaches out and shifts your hand over for you, causing you to stick your tongue out at him.
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It seemed only reasonable that when the guys continued having parties every so often, that you were invited to every single one of them whether it be through Mark or Yuta, and the one time Johnny had hit you up not knowing your involvement with the frat already, or even when Taeil invited you though it was really because Mark needed help sorting out his relationship issues.
Everyone except you was surprised that Mark had found himself a girlfriend, especially one that wasn’t you. You were happy for him, even if it meant having to respond to his panicked texts at 2am asking what something meant in ‘girl language’ accompanied by numerous screenshots.
Mark often ended up leaving you and Yuta on your own on Sundays because that was the only day when both he and his girlfriend were free. You certainly didn’t mind spending more time with Yuta now that he stopped being such a cocky asshole all the time. Whatever absence Mark had left, Yuta was there to make up for it whether it be his lingering touches, shy kisses, and even the offering of his clothes to you when you accidentally ended up sleeping over again, though this time you voluntarily shared a bed with him.
Yuta was becoming a necessary presence in your life, though you didn’t mind. You didn’t mind it when he moved to sit next to you during class. You didn’t mind when he asked to work with you for the upcoming playing test. You didn’t mind when he found you during parties swept you away from the dance floor to take you elsewhere.
You especially didn’t mind when taking you elsewhere resulted in your current situation, your hands tangled in Yuta’s now orange-colored hair, as you lay under him while he kissed you breathless.
“You look so fucking hot, you had all of them staring at you.” Yuta growls out between kisses.
You bite his bottom lip, causing him to groan slightly. “Mmm, you like that though. You like it when I look like this.”
“Not when other men get to look at you the way I do.”
“And why is that?”
“Because you’re mine.”
The use of the word caused you to stop in your tracks, Yuta pulling back as your lips stopped moving against his. “What are we?” You ask him, your voice shaking.
“What do you mean?”
“Like, this relationship?” You say, gesturing between the two of you, “What is our relationship to each other?”
“We’re friends.”
“But are we just friends? Because I don’t think friends kiss each other like this.”
“They don’t, but that doesn’t mean we can’t.” Yuta interjected as he leaned in to reattach his lips to yours.
“No, Yuta, stop,” you declare, pulling away from him, “I told you I’m not someone you can just play around with. If you want to keep me as a friend, then that’s all we will be. No kissing, no flirting, none of that.”
“I’m not playing around with you-”
“Then why is it so hard for you to place a label on us?” You questioned him, unintentionally raising your voice ever so slightly.
He rolled off of you, throwing an arm up to cover his eyes as he let out a sigh of exasperation. “I...I don’t know.”
“We’re clearly more than just friends but if you’re not willing to commit to being something more, then I’ll leave it at that.”
“Y/n, I- fuck, I don’t know what I even want-”
“And that’s okay,” you interrupt, “I’ll just give you time to think then, but for now,” you pause as you stand up from his bed, “just friends.” And with that you let yourself out of his room and ventured back downstairs to the party without turning back, finding comfort in the common sight of Johnny manning the boards, Doyoung in the kitchen with the drinks, even down to Taeyong and Taeil drunkenly swaying with each other on the dance floor.
“Here, something sweet to get rid of that sour look on your face.” Doyoung joked as he slid a drink across the counter.
You let out a chuckle as you raised the glass to your lips. “That obvious huh?”
“It is when I know whose room you just came from and who you’ve been spending all your time with.” He was really too intelligent to be stuck with these idiots.
You could only sigh as you took a large swig of whatever it is Doyoung made for you, relishing in the burn it gave you as it went down your throat, wishing for the alcohol-induced pain to overtake the one in your mind caused by the one and only Nakamoto Yuta.
Needless to say, you and Yuta ended up changing songs for the playing test and performing alone. Yuta moved back to his previous seat in the front of the room, though you still felt the way his eyes practically pierced through you as you played your chosen song, which albeit, was on the easier side since you wanted to give yourself a break.
Unbeknownst to you, Yuta wished so badly to be the person you were singing about. “Can you focus on me? Baby can you focus on me?” You sang, and he mentally beat himself to the ground.
Yuta still wanted to give you the world more than anything but he didn’t trust himself to do so, not when he’s already hurt you more than he should have. He became so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice you finished playing until he heard the applause coming from your classmates.
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You actually did end up going to their spring party, but it was due to a request made by Johnny as he told you about Mark’s current post-breakup state near the end of your English class together. “He’s pretty much been in his room all the time. Not like the normal kind where he just prefers to chill in his room, but like, the kind where he doesn’t even come down to eat with us and Taeil has to bring food up to him.”
“Did Mark say anything about the breakup? Like why or how it happened?” You questioned, not wanting to have to ask Mark himself in case it was still too sensitive a subject to talk about.
Johnny hummed in thought, cocking his head to the side. “He didn’t say much to me, but he told Taeil that she wasn’t looking for anything serious but he thought that she was.” Johnny paused to take a sip from the Starbucks cup on his desk. “In my opinion, he should’ve waited to get to know her instead of just fucking her and deciding to date her y’know? But, I mean, that’s on him, so as they say, not my problem.” He shrugged his shoulder before taking another sip of his drink.
“Literally who says that?” You joke, enjoying poking fun at the older guy.
Johnny turned to you, a mock look of offense plastered onto his face. “Y/n! You don’t know? The famous Johnny Suh says it all the time.” You rolled your eyes at him as you packed up your belongings, promising to be at the party later that night, not exactly fancying the thought of running into a certain someone at the party as well.
Mark’s fiery whirlwind of a romance had left him to become a mess of all sorts and you spent your time with him at the party in his bed, watching tik toks and animal video compilations to get his mind off of things. You felt a sense of relief as you heard one of his faint snores, realizing that he was asleep, allowing you to slip out of his room and head downstairs to grab a drink from Doyoung.
Right as you were about to head back up, you saw the all too familiar head of orange hair glowing under the dim lighting as he looked down across the party from the bottom of the staircase. He didn’t seem to notice you as you made your way towards him until a small “hey” left your lips.
His eyes darted over to your face, offering a simple nod of his head to you to  acknowledge your presence. You stood next to him, leaning against the wall until you broke the silence “how have you been?”
“Fine. You?”
“Pretty good I guess.” You could tell he didn’t want to talk to you, but you didn’t want to leave him, just feeling so drawn to him. Finding comfort in his presence, you closed your eyes and let your head fall against the wall as you lost yourself in the music that Johnny had going.
“I’ll get going, this party isn’t as exciting as normal.” Yuta stated as he turned to go back upstairs. Starting up the stairs after him, wanting to check in on Mark again, but when Yuta heard you following him, he turned around and called out to you. ”Don’t follow me, you’ll end up in my arms.” You froze as he turned back around and continued his way up while you processed his words, allowing him to escape from you yet again.
You watched from an outsider's perspective and through the narratives of the other guys as over the next few days, Yuta replaced Mark as the resident vegetable. He fell into the same state Mark was previously in, said boy having slowly come back to his senses with your constant nurturing and care.
Party after party, Yuta was no longer down on the dance floor with one hand holding a red solo cup, another around the waist of a girl he had just met. You wanted so badly to speak to him, but whenever you spotted him off to the edges of the crowd, he’d disappear seconds later like he knew you were watching him. As much as it was nice to have Mark back and go back to your normal best friend activities, Yuta had lodged himself in your heart without you knowing it.
Countless parties more and it was already nearing the end of spring semester. Yuta had stopped showing up to class, appearing once or twice a week, at most. Even at parties, he no longer came out of his room, according to Taeil. You had been meaning to talk to Yuta for a while now, but with finals looming right around the corner and his ability to hole himself up in his room, it was nearly impossible to find the time and place for it.
You were sick of worrying about him and if he was eating and sleeping okay, often finding yourself wondering what he was currently doing while you were studying or eating your own meals. You hated how often he occupied your mind. You truly wanted to believe that you were different to him, that someday he’d come around ready to commit to something but you ridiculed yourself for thinking that you’d have enough power to change someone as stubborn as Yuta. Little did you know, you were more than capable of doing so.
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You had just entered the last week before finals and your school was generous enough to allot students a two day period to study before finals started. Of course, the frats and sororities took it as a last-ditch opportunity to party before their seniors graduated. You attended the party thrown to celebrate the graduating Taeil, Johnny, and Taeyong, but you were there for a different reason.
Throwing a quick greeting to Doyoung in the kitchen as you entered, he offered you a drink, which you told him to save for later before storming up the stairs. You were tired of all the hours you spent thinking about Yuta. If he wasn’t going to do anything about this, then you were whether it ended your friendship with him or not. You were done thinking about all the what-ifs, you wanted a definitive answer and you wanted it now.
Stopping in front of Yuta’s door, having enough manners to think about knocking before entering, you raised your hand to knock. Though before you were able to, you heard the music coming from inside. It didn’t take a genius to recognize that it was his voice singing the words. You froze with your hand against the door as you continued to listen to him. “Oh, how I love you. I just feel so lost without you.”
You opened his door slowly, knowing fully well that he wouldn’t be able to hear you knock over the loud noise coming from the party and his own blue-toned song. Both of you stood there in shock as your eyes met. Yuta was sitting on his bed with Taeil’s guitar in his lap and a notebook laid open next to him while you stood in the middle of his doorway, hand still on the knob.
Oh, how you missed the sight of him, even when he was dressed as simply as he was right now with just a grey t-shirt and black shorts sporting the logo of his favorite soccer team. “Yuta, we need to talk” you blurted out, stopping yourself from ogling him any further.
“Alright.” He complied, closing the notebook as you sat at the foot of his bed.
You take in a deep breath before starting. “I’m pretty sure you know this already, but I like you,” pausing to regather yourself and push through the rest of the speech you practiced in your head, “I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about you recently and I just want to settle this whole thing once and for all.”
Yuta nodded while picking at his fingers which you could see were now raw from playing the guitar so much, making you wonder just how often he was on it. “I’ve been thinking about you too...a lot,” he said as he looked up at you, “and I think I have an answer for you.”
You plant your hand down next to you on his bed, resting your weight on it and letting your head loll to the side as you raise an eyebrow at him asking him to continue. “I like you too, and I know the way I’ve been acting doesn’t really show that but I’m just scared.”
“Of what?”
“Of getting hurt again.” Yuta said, letting his head rest in his hands.
“Yuta, you know I would never cheat on you.”
“That’s what she told me too, but people can be deceiving.”
“Look, I’m not her,” you pointed out to him, “and I’m telling you right now that I would not even think about cheating on you.”
“Yeah, well, things can change.” Yuta let out exasperatedly.
“So you should change with them. You’re not going to grow unless you accept those changes.”
He went silent for a bit before looking up at you. “Teach me how to accept them, then.”
“What do you mean by that?” You ask him, your eyes meeting his.
“Show me that you’re different. Prove to me that not all change is bad.”
You moved closer to him as he spoke, swinging a leg over his lap and straddling him. “I will.”
Yuta’s eyes fluttered shut and you felt as he shakily exhaled before he reopened his eyes. “Can I kiss you?”
You nodded, and this time it was your eyes that closed as Yuta connected his lips to yours. Within a few seconds, you felt his tongue brush against your bottom lip, asking for entrance, which you allowed and gave him a sense of dominance before letting your tongue dance with his while gently pushing him down onto the bed.
He whined as he broke the kiss and rolled both of you over, switching your positions, preferring to smother your body with his, making you giggle at his actions. “Thank you for asking this time.” You told him, referencing the first time he had kissed you.
“I was drunk, okay? I wasn’t thinking straight and I just wanted to kiss you so badly.” Yuta groaned, grinding his growing erection on your hip at the last part.
“Oh you wanna kiss me so bad huh?” You teased.
You could’ve sworn he let out a growl right then before responding “fuck yeah I do” and reconnecting your lips to his. After fighting your tongue yet again, he pulled away and slowly opened his now lust-filled eyes. “Are you sure you want this?”
“Yes,” you let out breathlessly, “I want it.”
“Who do you want?” He questioned as he slipped his hands under your shirt, gently kneading your breasts while kissing along your jaw and down your neck.
“Baby, say my name.”
“Yuta, I want you.”
“Fuck, I love it when you say my name.” He said as he pulled his shirt off, throwing it down to the floor as you sat up and did the same.
The second your shirt was off, Yuta’s hands were already undoing the clasp of your bra, tossing it to the side as well before pushing you back down and running his hands over your breasts. His mouth latched onto one of your nipples as his hand played with the other.
You let out a whine as he pushed his erection against your clit, making you feel your own arousal that had started leaking out onto your underwear. Yuta glanced up at you, smirking, as he heard the sound you made. “Someone’s getting needy.” He kissed his way down your abdomen, sitting back once he reached the waistband of your pants, pulling them off along with your underwear.
He groaned as he took in all of your naked beauty, telling you “you’re so fucking hot” as he spread your legs and brought his face down to your folds and licking a long strip upwards. He repeated this motion a few times before you let out a frustrated moan at his teasing.
Yuta laughed at your desperation until your hand wove it’s way into his hair and pushed him closer to where you wanted him most. He seemed to get the message as he dove in, allowing you to get lost in the feeling of his tongue swirling around and pressing at your entrance.
You weren’t expecting it when you suddenly felt him pressing a finger into you, though you enjoyed the sensation of it and raised your hips to feel more, only to be met with Yuta’s free hand coming down on your stomach, holding you down. He waited for you to relax before inserting a second digit, then a third as he started to speed up and finger fuck you open.
He was reaching places inside of you that you had never reached before but you still wanted more. “Yuta,” you breathed out, “just fuck me already.”
“Well when you say it like that, there’s no way I can resist” he said, a sly smile creeping onto his face as he sat up, his erection bobbing as he tugged off his ripped jeans, freeing it from its confines.
“Condom” you tell him.
“Oh, you’re one of those girls,” he snickered, earning him a smack on the arm from you, “I’m just kidding, jeez, I don’t want to have to be responsible for a child just yet.” He defended as he reached over and stuck his hand into one of the drawers of his nightstand.
“I’m not risking getting pregnant when I can barely pay my tuition.” You quipped back at him.
“Fair enough.” Yuta remarked as he ripped open the package and rolled the condom over his already leaking cock.
He crawled over you, his elbows coming to rest next to either side of your head. “Are you sure you want this?” He asked as he lined himself up with your entrance.
“Are you sure want this?” You countered to him, both of you knowing fully well what you meant since once he went through with this, there was no turning back. Yuta was promising himself to you just as you had done to him.
You watched as his eyes found yours, “I want this, I want you, I want us.” With that he pushed himself into you, both of you letting out sinful moans as he bottomed out.
He barely gave you time to adjust before he started slowly rocking his hips as your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer while your hands found their way into his brightly colored locks. Just as he began to accelerate his movements, thrusting harder and faster, his door swung open.
Mark walked in casually, “hey, Yuta have you seen Taeil’s- holy shit i’m so sorry” he exclaimed once he realized the situation.
Yuta didn’t even pause as he told Mark “it’s on the floor.”
If you weren’t struggling to hold back your lewd sounds in the presence of your best friend, you would’ve laughed at how Mark snatched up the guitar and bolted out of the room, muttering “guess we’re even now, y/n” as he shut the door.
You let out a whimper as Yuta hit your spot the second the door closed. “Fuck, right there.”
He pushed himself into you a few more times before suddenly rolling over, bringing you to straddle him. “Ride me” he commanded, one of his hands coming to rub your clit. You began bouncing on his lap and clenched around him, drawing a moan from him. “I won’t last long if you keep doing that.”
“Good, I'm not going to either.” You informed him, already feeling the knot in your stomach begging to be released.
Your thighs were starting to become sore though you didn’t want to stop. Yuta noticed your change of pace, bringing both his hands up to your hips as he began thrusting up into you. You let out a cry as he managed to brush against your most sensitive areas, causing an orgasm to wash over you.
His movements slowly only for a bit as he let you take control, riding out your high before firmly grasping your hips again and bouncing you on himself, relishing in the feeling of your tight walls fluttering around him.
Staying true to his word, Yuta came shortly after you, filling the condom with his cum. He continued to push himself up into you until it became too much and he pulled out with a hiss. Yuta gently you down on his bed before getting up to dispose of the condom in the trash bin next to his nightstand.
You welcomed him with open arms as he climbed back into bed, his own arms wrapping around your waist as he began pressing light kisses across your collarbone as he broke the silence. “So does this make us a thing?”
“Depends on what you mean by that.” You tell him, wanting him to clearly voice his thoughts.
“Are we official?” He clarified.
“Only if you want us to be.”
Yuta smiled up at you. “y/n, Yuta’s girl, I like the sound of that.” You leaned down to press a kiss to his lips before he spoke again. “That song was about you, by the way”
“I figured that much.” You stated as you pushed his hair out of his face.
He giggled as he told you “I wrote it after jacking off to the thought of you.”
“Okay, you didn’t have to tell me that.” He let out a full laugh this time as he rolled both of you onto your sides and brought his forehead to rest against yours.
“Gosh, as if you weren’t clingy enough before this.” You joke, playfully kissing his nose.
“I’m all yours now.” Yuta cooed, his arms pulling your still naked body impossibly closer to his.
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A/N - i do not condone or promote the behavior or fraternities or sororities, especially during COVID-19, read a bit about it here. i am simply writing about my own fantasy in my own ideal world. with that being said, please remember to wear your masks and stay safe out there. this one shot will be my first work with smut in it so i’m open to pretty much any and all feedback. special thank you to @neocitybynight​ for helping me work out some of the plot!
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novelconcepts · 4 years
Jamie & Dani short prompt- Online Dating au meeting online and being from bad past relationship. Thank u
This is probably a bad idea. It is, isn’t it? Almost certainly.
Why is she here?
Dani Clayton has been playing this particular set of thoughts--bad idea, terrible idea, why would you do this?--on repeat for three days. Ever since setting up that dating profile. Ever since realizing there isn’t much use in setting up a dating profile if you’re not going to use it. 
Oh, it’s all fun and games, building the thing. Find a photo that accentuates all the best parts of your face--Dani, after an hour of careful consideration, wound up going with one that accentuated her hair, more than anything, but she suspects the same idea counts. Then, the profile. What do you like? Teaching, long walks, new experiences, bad coffee. What don’t you like? 
Men, she’d thought, and snorted aloud into her wine before settling on: Deep water, accordion music, expectations, being called Danielle. 
A little more flourish, tipsy keystrokes, a casually-framed short-version of her life. Perfect. And then...well, then you hit the publish button, don’t you? You decide, for better or worse, to jump off this diving board and see just how far you can stand to swim before the energy gives out on you.
The faces appearing before her hadn’t been bad, certainly. Pretty, most of them. Interesting, a few. Still, she hadn’t swiped right on any--once or twice, because she’d forgotten which way meant yes please, but mostly because no one seemed quite...right. Which, she’d thought, was silly. The whole point of an app like this is to cast as many nets as possible and see what comes up. The whole point is to have fun. 
But every time she’d hovered over a promising image, a woman who likes dogs, or plays the violin, or goes rock-climbing in her spare time, she’d thought of him. Eddie. Who had taken one yes to a single date, and tried to make a whole life with her out of it. 
Eddie, who had taken her two decades to pull away from. 
What if the women here were the same? Not Eddie, exactly, but--presumptive. What if they believed a swipe-right was as good as a marriage proposal? What if she got bound up in conversation, and then a date, and then a relationship with someone else who just didn’t fit right?
Left. Left. Left. 
And then: the mistake.
She hadn’t meant to swipe right. Exactly. She hadn’t planned, maybe is the better way of putting it, on swiping right. She’d only wanted to look at the woman’s profile a little longer. Only wanted to inspect the facets this woman had put out on display with almost resigned simplicity. 
Some people, Dani had by now realized, wrote poetry and paragraphs to describe themselves. 
Jamie Taylor had bullet points.
“Gardener. English. Likes: Plants. Stories. Tea. Dislikes: Bullshit.”
The end. That had been quite literally the sum of it. Gardener. English. No bullshit.
But the picture, somehow, Dani hadn’t been able to look away from. Not because of carefully-arranged lighting, not because of a curated model-clean image--but because the woman appeared to have posted the photo almost under duress. It came in profile, as though someone else had done the job, her head turned toward the camera as if interrupted. Her hands were buried in a flower pot. Her clothes were simple--a tank top, a silver chain resting against the jut of collarbones, a pair of worn-looking jeans with holes in the knees. Her eyes--some fascinating color Dani couldn’t quite place--looked somewhere between amused and irritated. 
She looked real. 
Stupid, Dani thinks now--because that was probably the idea, wasn’t it? This woman, Jamie, had planned to look exactly this way. Real. Vexed at the idea of putting herself out there. Reluctantly available. 
It was a ploy, certainly--but one that seems to be working, because not only did Dani accidentally-not-accidentally swipe right, she found herself texting the woman. For hours. She’d expected much less, had figured this Jamie person would be as brief in text as she had been in bio, but...
Jamie had talked to her. Willingly. Teasingly, with more humor than truth, maybe, but with no sign at all that she was sick of Dani’s questions, bad jokes, nervous assessment that I really don’t do this, I honestly don’t get it. 
I don’t, either, Jamie had replied, and that had felt like enough of a reason to keep testing the waters. Enough of a reason to keep the conversation going back and forth, back and forth, until nearly two in the morning.
Shit, she’d said. I need to be at work in four hours. 
Shame, Jamie had replied, her tone already searingly familiar over text. Own your own business, make your own hours. Far wiser approach. 
I’ll make a note of it for when I found an elementary school, Dani had replied, laughing. She hadn’t said she’d already been in bed for an hour, the phone resting on the pillow beside her head so she wouldn’t miss the buzz of a new message. It had seemed perfectly reasonable at the time, with wine-warmed blood and the happy haze of good conversation. Jamie made her laugh. Jamie put her at ease. Jamie might not have been real, but she felt real, and that was good. 
Better than anything she’d felt in years, if she was honest with herself. 
Still, when the next day had come and gone with no message, she’d thought, Fair enough. Jamie had been good virtual company for one night. It was more than she’d expected to get out of this app.
Far more than she’d expected, particularly when Thursday night rolled around and her phone buzzed.
Teacher, yeah? No school on Saturday?
Correct, Dani had replied, as amused by the out-of-left-field text as she was irritated with how her stomach had flipped over upon receiving it. You have figured out the complexity of the American school system. 
I am a genius, Jamie sent back, followed quickly by: Drinks tomorrow night? 
Drinks. A thing that people do. A thing that adult people do for date reasons. 
She isn’t real, she’d thought, even as her thumb was punching back: How’s 8? Miller’s?
A mistake. Definitely a mistake. Because the app had been a lark, and the conversation had been too easy, and the fact that she can’t quite pick out the colors in Jamie’s eyes from a single photo is making her crazier than she’d like to admit. 
A mistake, saying yes. A mistake, suggesting the local pub-like establishment around the corner, whose beer-and-burger specials had kept her fed on too many evenings spent working late. A mistake, because once this goes south--as it’s absolutely bound to, as everything Eddie-shaped always has--she’s going to lose her favorite hangout in the deal, too.
And yet: here she is. Standing at the door, wondering if the outfit chosen for the evening festivities--tight jeans, pink blouse, hoop earrings--is too much or not nearly enough. 
What am I doing here?
Maybe, she thinks with mingled alarm and hope, she won’t even have showed up. Maybe it’s all part of the ruse: look approachable, look human and normal, look a little too beautiful in the most grounded way possible--then, cheerfully, invite a woman to drinks and just don’t show. A fun story for whoever comes next. Can you believe she thought I’d want to meet her after one night of texting?
English, Dani thinks with a sudden rush of heat. Right. Somehow, she hadn’t quite been prepared for the accent, which--coming out of this woman, draped with languid ease at a table--is truly a little more than Dani thinks she can handle just now. The accent, combined with the mess of curls dragged back from her face, and a dress sense that manages to be both casual and deeply attractive at the same time, is...
“Jamie,” she says, her voice a little lower, a little more hoarse, than is truly necessary. The woman pushes up from her seat, a small-framed figure in a black button-down, suspenders, ripped jeans. She’s pressing a hand toward Dani, offering a firm shake as though they are business partners, not an off-the-cuff bad idea of a date. “You look--”
“Never been here before,” Jamie says, almost apologetically. She gestures for Dani to sit before dropping back down in a sprawl that implies exactly the opposite of what her mouth is insisting. “Wasn’t sure about the, ah, dress code.”
“You--you did fine,” Dani tells her, wishing suddenly she’d gone for a dress. Or a  different human body altogether. She feels too tightly-strung, too anxious for the easy smile on Jamie’s lips. “Um. You’re very. In person.”
“Very,” Jamie repeats, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. “Is very American for wish I’d gone left, after all?”
“No. No. Absolutely not. That.” Bit too forceful, she suspects, judging by the smile spreading into a grin. “No, it’s just--your picture didn’t--tell me you’d be so...”
“Clean?” Jamie suggests innocently. She raises her hands, wiggling her fingers in a small wave. “Scrub up fine, when I need to. Seemed to call for it.”
“And you...sure did answer,” Dani says stupidly. “The. Call, I mean. I’m sorry, I really don’t do this often.”
Something seems to soften in Jamie, her smile less teasing as she leans across the table. “Hey, no worries here. Same person you were talking to the other night.”
Dani nods, embarrassed, and flags down a server. Drinks ordered, she draws in a deep breath.
“I mean, I haven’t done this in years. Or. Ever, I guess.”
“A first date?” Jamie asks. When Dani doesn’t answer, she adds in a knowing tone, “A date with a woman?”
“Both,” Dani says honestly. “My last relationship was--well, I mean, we were engaged--”
Jamie whistles under her breath, reaching up to scratch her head. “Blimey. What happened?”
“He’s...him.” It’s too much to go into on a first date, too much to explain, even though talking to Jamie over text had been so dangerously easy. “My best friend growing up, but that was...growing up.”
Jamie nods thoughtfully, tilting her chin in thanks when the server deposits two full pint glasses and a basket of fries on the table. “Rough time, sounds like. I can relate. My last relationship also did not go well.”
“Was he also a man who thought you’d be all too happy to quit your job and take care of a bunch of babies?” Dani asks, perhaps a little too bitterly for the occasion. Jamie flashes another grin, sipping her drink.
“She was a woman who thought I’d be all too happy to take the fall when she got busted for possession.”
Dani gapes. “Oh. Oh--I didn’t know--I’m so--”
Jamie shrugs. “She wasn’t wrong. I was nineteen, and deeply stupid. Live and learn, as the poets say.”
“Which poets?” Dani asks, smiling a little. Jamie’s brow furrows.
“John...Lennon, possibly? Hard to say. Anyway, relationships are a chore and a half, but the greatest people in the world tell me thirty is too old to play musical bedframes, so. Here we are.”
No bullshit, thinks Dani approvingly. For what little she’d put into her profile, Jamie evidently hadn’t been lying about that.
“You haven’t been in a relationship since you were nineteen?”
“In my mind, I was still in the relationship at twenty-four, when they let me out. She didn’t agree. Found out she’d been married two years, by then.” Something darkens in Jamie’s eyes for a moment. She sighs. “Like I said. Not my finest. But I am, as they say, a shining beacon of reform these days.”
“Now, when you say they,” Dani teases, grinning. Jamie nods decisively. 
“John Lennon. Definitively.”
There it is, thinks Dani, watching Jamie pop a fry into her mouth. There, the easy roll of conversation from the other night. As though they’ve known each other forever. As though two people who have thus far failed irrevocably at relationships make a perfect match.
Easy, she thinks. Don’t go wild, now. 
“So,” she says, when the comfortable silence between them has grown a bit too comfortable for the setting, “who are the greatest people in the world? The ones who tell you thirty is too old for...did you say musical bedframes?”
Jamie laughs. The ring of it curls gently around Dani’s head like a soft hand, a sound she’ll find herself replaying later with a skipping heart. 
“Not many willing to put up with a grump of my caliber, but Hannah and Owen fight the good fight. So long as I at least pretend to try.”
“Let me guess. They set up the account for you?”
Jamie makes a sort of gesture in the air with the hand not holding her glass. “Threatened to bury me in puns and children, respectively, if I kept putting it off. Owen’s still grumpy about the photo choice.”
“I liked it,” Dani says without thinking. Jamie raises an eyebrow.
“Well, you did swipe as much. Mind if I ask why?”
Walked into this one. Still, she doesn’t mind as much as she probably should, not with the genuine curiosity in Jamie’s eyes. “You looked--don’t laugh.”
“No promises,” Jamie says, but with the gentle tone of one who knows exactly how much to tease before it’ll hurt. The idea warms Dani in a way she’s not quite ready to look at yet.
“You looked real,” Dani says. “Like you weren’t going to play games, or waste anyone’s time. Like you just wanted to be happy in peace.”
“That is,” Jamie says, holding out a fry for Dani to take, “sort of the idea, yeah.”
There’s an almost puzzled cast to her smile, like she didn’t entirely expect this answer, and is pleased by it at the same time. That same sense from the photo sweeps over Dani now--that this woman is authentic, even if she’s not always shiny, that she’s kind even if not entirely clean. That she doesn’t have any interest in muddled expectation or living a comfortable lie.
“And me?” Dani asks. She doesn’t entirely mean to--but she’s sure, in asking, that Jamie will answer. Jamie is unlike anyone else she’s ever met, the first person she’s ever known to meet each question head-on. 
Dani nods. Jamie seems to consider it, turning it over in her head as she twists a fry between her fingers like a cigarette. 
“All of it.”
“That’s,” Dani begins to laugh, “that’s not--”
“No,” Jamie says, and she isn’t smiling, exactly. Her eyes have a sort of shine Dani likes very much, but there is no hint of teasing in them now. “Really. All of it. You’re...very pretty, and that’s--but the way you described yourself. Like you didn’t care to be anyone in particular. You like new experiences, and bad coffee. You hate being called Danielle. I...I wanted to know why.”
“It’s not my name,” Dani says simply. Jamie gives a brief laugh, her hand moving across the table to lightly brush Dani’s fingertips. 
“I wanted to know why all of it. Why do you like bad coffee--”
“It’s the only kind I know how to make,” Dani says automatically. “Just sort of leaned into it.”
“--and teaching--”
“I want to make a difference,” Dani says. 
“--and where you most like to go on those long walks--”
“Anywhere I can breathe,” Dani says. Her fingers are hesitant, tracing the tips of Jamie’s. There’s something electric about this, about barely touching, about barely knowing someone and still wanting to give them neatly-packaged secrets shaped like the mundane. 
Jamie is smiling. “See, that. I like that. All of it.”
It’s nothing, Dani thinks reflexively. A collection of details. A sparse approximation of a life. Eddie knows all of this, and then some, and never matched up to knowing her.
But this woman, leaning across the table with one hand outstretched, looks so different. Watches her with steady interest. Is listening to every word Dani says, though the bar is growing crowded around them, and soon, conversation will become a task instead of a gift.
“Would you,” Dani says, feeling certain that some mistakes are not as bad as they seem, “like to take one of those walks?”
“Yeah. Tonight.” Emboldened by the smile, by the curl falling into Jamie’s eyes, by the knowledge that she still can’t quite make out what color those eyes are, Dani takes her hand. It’s so easy, she thinks she could do it even without looking. “Right now.”
No bullshit, she thinks. No expectations. Just Jamie looking at her like she can’t quite believe what she’s seeing. Dani can’t blame her. This isn’t at all what she’d thought she was getting, walking in tonight. 
But there’s something about it--something about the feeling that she’s been here before, or should be here forever, or will always find her way back to a woman who looks at her just like this--that almost makes her feel brave. Almost makes her feel wonderful. She rises from the table, laying cash beneath her half-empty glass, and feels a pleasant jolt in her chest when Jamie follows without another word.
If this a mistake, she thinks as they step out into the brisk evening air, it’s one she’s hungry to make. 
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
The Less I Know the Better
Description: In which Grayson sees the love of his life move on, at least that’s what he thought. Based on the overplayed song by wanna be indie TikTok girls ‘The Less I Know The Better’ by Tame Impala.
Warnings: None really
Word Count: 2k+
Suggested Song: The Less I Know the Better - Tame Impala
It hurt.
All Grayson was feeling was pain and guilt.
Pain because he loved her and had to see her walking around and be happy with another man that wasn’t him. And guilt. Well, he felt guilty because it’s his fault she’s no longer his. If only he could’ve kept his dick in his pants, he would be the one with her now, even if it wasn’t completely his fault.
Too deep in his thoughts he didn’t realize that she was walking over to him and that he was staring like a lost puppy.
“Hi Grayson,” her dreamy and angelic voice spoke, making Grayson regret coming to the mall.
“Hey Y/N,” he replied. His deep voice making her remember all the good times they spent together. All the time he made her feel good, and not just about herself. All the time he would vent to her and she would sit and listen.
“How are you doing? How’s Ethan doing?” She asked him, trying not to be as awkward as she could. She doesn’t know why she walked over to him, she doesn’t know why she needed to talk to him but here she was; Talking to her ex trying to pretend as if nothing happened.
“I’m good, and he’s alight, how bout’ you tho? You seem happy,” he asked and regretted it instantly as he watched her face drop the smile that was being displayed.
“Happy? No. Calm? You could say that,” she said with a chuckle at the end. He wanted to ask her what she meant. Ask her if she needed someone to talk to, but he didn’t want to push it.
“I don’t know what you mean but sure,” he replied causing her to let out a little giggle.
“You know what I mean Grayson,” she said, shaking her head. “I just don’t know how to tell him.” She said, the sad tone in her voice causing Grayson to frown.
“Oh god, I can’t talk to you about this, that's weird,” she slightly shouted, realizing what she was talking about and to whom she was talking to.
“It’s fine Y/N, you know I’ll always be there for you,” he replied in which she responded with a smile.
“Me too Gray, actually I got a new phone and number and my ICloud got locked out so you know I don’t have any contacts so slide me your number if you want.” She said with a smile making his heart perform a gymnastics freestyle performance.
“Yeah here,” he said, handing her his phone. She was about to grab it when a loud and angry voice spoke from beside them.
“Y/N what the fuck are you doing?” Her un-official boyfriend's loud voice spoke, making her face display pure fear.
“Nothing Geo, I’m just talking to an old friend,” she nervously spoke, knowing that if he knew she was talking to her ex-boyfriend it would not end pretty.
“I told you to stay over there, not to go hoeing around,” he shouted at her, not realizing that Graysons fists were clenched in anger. He was not only upset that he was talking to her in such ways, but upset because the fear in her eyes was pretty evident.
“Don’t speak to her like that,” Grayson said in a deep voice, grabbing her and placing her being her.
“And who are you?” Geo asked in a sarcastic tone.
“A guy who knows how to speak to a girl, which clearly is not a thing in your life,” he responded with a careless shrugged. He wasn't intimated one bit, he already knew the type of guy he was, an all talk, no action douche.
“Yeah right, Y/N let’s go,” he replied rolling his eyes.
“No. I’m not going anywhere with your ass, were not even officially dating,” she replied, walking in front of Grayson to show she wasn’t scared of him.
“Y/N, lets go. Don't make me move you the hard way,” he said and grabbed his arm, digging his finger into it, before a hard punch from Grayson made contact with his fist making him let go of her arm and stumble back.
“Again, don’t talk to her that way,” he said grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the store ignoring the looks the people were giving them.
“Are you ok?” She asked looking up at him with glossy eyes, the same look she gave him when he told her what he had done.
“Are you ok? He said putting emphasis on you. He knew she was the type to worry about others before herself, one of the things he loved about her the most.
“I’m ok, it’s probably just gonna bruise up,” she shrugged and wiped the few tears that streamed down her face with a deep breath. “Do you want to go eat something and talk? I know we have a lot to talk about,” she asked him and he nodded his head.
They ended up choosing a small little restaurant that was across the mall.
“I need to ask you something.” She said as the waiter left after leaving their drinks at the table.
“What is it?” He said putting his phone in his pocket since he wanted to give her his full and undivided attention.
“About what happened with that situation, I know that there’s something I’m not aware of. It doesn’t add up to me, because I know you’re not that type of guy,” she quietly said, Grayson knew she was going ask that at some point but it still made him feel worse.
“You might not believe me but someone slipped something in my water, you know I don’t drink, and I purposely wouldn’t get drunk, all I remember is taking multiple sips from my cup and waking up on the floor.” He replied while playing with his fingers, a thing that he did when he was nervous, the only one that knew he did that was her.
“I know you don’t drink which was why I was confused. I was too caught up in my emotions to even let you explain and now I feel horrible.” She pouted making him shake his head.
“Don’t feel horrible. I betrayed your trust even if it wasn’t purposely. And I would probably have reacted the same way,” he reassured her and grabbed her hand in attempts to make her feel better.
“I still feel bad. You were literally sexually assaulted and I was too petty to even realize it,” she said and intertwined her fingers with his, both of their hearts jumping up and down with excitement and the feeling of each other.
“Hey don’t worry about it, I’m ok. And again how were you supposed to know, you were feeling hurt and angry,” he said, she was so glad he was so understanding.
“Ok now that we’ve cleared the air, I heard E has a little boo thang,” she said causing him to chuckle.
“Yeah she’s pretty nice, you know her too,” he said causing her eyes to widen.
[Okay listen, I’m not gonna name any names because I don’t want to speculate things even tho it’s pretty obvious as to who took Mr.Grants heart from y’all and I’ve been shipping it ever since that video cuz fuck Ethma literally eww 🤮 but yeah]
“Ooooo, we’ll talk about that later,” she replied, taking a sip of her drink. “I dropped out of college,” she added as Grayson and her confused look.
“Why?” He asked.
“I don’t know, it just wasn’t for me. At least not that major. Well I didn’t drop out completely I’m just taking a long break. And between you and me, with this Instagram and TikTok money, I don’t even need to finish,” she replied causing him to laugh.
“That’s true tho, you don’t even need to get a ‘regular’ job” he replied putting air quotes on the regular.
“Yeah, I might drop out completely. I don’t even want to be a surgeon anymore” you shrugged.
“Honestly do what makes you happy, because I remember you got really stressed out while studying and that’s not good for you,” he replied.
“And you get stressed out while coming up with video ideas, but yeah” you said, causing him to shake his head.
“Gray, I’m so sorry but I need to go. I have a doctors appointment in an hour and I would cancel it if I could but that would make it my third time rescheduling it.” You said with a pout once you checked the time on your phone.
You didn’t want to stop talking to him at all. You missed him, his voice, his face, you missed everything about him. You hadn't seen him in 3 months and the last time you saw him wasn’t rainbows and sunshine. But if you cancelled your appointment you would have to get a new doctor and you weren’t in the mood for that, plus you’ve been feeling a bit sick for the last few weeks.
“Hey it’s ok, we can talk again later,” he shrugged with a smile making you feel less guilty.
“Ok, just text me later and we can link yeah?” You replied, getting up and leaving a five dollar bill on the table.
“I will,” he said, getting up too.
“Good, don’t leave me waiting,” you said and placed a quick kiss on his cheek and left the restaurant with a smile on your face and made your way to your car.
You went home first taking a quick shower because you didn’t want to go to the doctor’s office feeling dirty, got dressed and left, stopping at Starbucks to get a drink and drove all the way to the office.
You were feeling anxious but you didn’t know why. You weren’t the type to get nervous when going to doctors or dentists so you were confused as to why.
When they called your name you got up from your seat in the waiting room and made your way to the door where the lady who called your name was at.
“Ok Y/N, I’m going to ask you a few personal questions are you ok with that?” Your doctor asked once you got settled inside the room.
“No, I’m fine,” you nodded your head and she sent you a smile.
“Good. So you said you were feeling a bit weird these past few weeks?” She asked and you nodded your head.
“Yeah, I haven’t had my period in the last few months, but it’s always been irregular, but I’ve been feeling weird and lightheaded in the mornings.” You explained as she nodded her head and wrote things down on a piece of paper.
“Any Nausea?” She asked and you shook your head.
“When was the last time you were sexually active to had unprotected sex?” She asked.
“About three months ago,” you replied. You didn’t lie, Grayson was your last. You met Geo about a month ago and never did anything with him, and didn’t plan too either.
You don’t even know why you decided to give him a try. He was controlling, sexist, and a douche. The complete opposite of Grayson. Grayson was more caring and compassionate. Always wondering whether you were ok and if you needed something.
He was your first everything. First boyfriend, as in first male friend, your first kiss, your first boyfriend, the person that took your virginity and the only person you fell in love with. He was your first for over 14 years so when he told you that he fucked another girl, you couldn’t help but be driven by your emotions and not let him explain, which you regretted. You were crushed, for two months you only left your apartment to get food or to go on drives so when you met Geo at a grocery store and he seemed charming you decided that maybe you had to move on, but look at how that turned out.
“I’m going to have you pee in this container, just to make sure, ok?” She said, causing your anxiety levels to rise.
You nodded you and head and grabbed the cup, walking over to the bathroom while she waited outside for you. After you were done, you washed your hands and exited the bathroom, handing her the cup with shaky hands.
“It’s ok, relax,” she said, noticing your nervous star and walking outside the room leaving you alone with your thoughts.
The seven minutes she took to come back seemed like seven hours, and when she came in with a smile on her face you didn’t know what to think. Your mind was completely empty.
“Congratulations Y/N, you’re pregnant!”
This sucks ass I’m sorry
Tags: @angelgrayson @rhyrhy462 @blindedbythelightt @dolansficsandpics @godlydolans @persistence-ofmemories @episkygrant @aquadolan @wavydolans @evergreendolan @vinylhazza @b-r-i-l @mercurygrant @plantbasedgray @dolansontheblock
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partnersatfazbear · 4 years
Midnight Motorist - An Essay
I promised this awhile ago, but my thoughts on Midnight Motorist... This mini-game has literally kept me awake for hours on two separate occasions trying to figure it out, lol! So, reading the Updated Freddy Files *suggests, not confirms* that Toy Chica: The High School Years may be how William lured each child. I made notes on this, of course.
Although I listed who was used as a stand in for each, it has no bearing on the actual child killed.
The first, represented by Foxy, is already dead. I assumed this was a stand in for Norman/CC.
Second, represented by Freddy, was lured away with promises to help with homework.
Third, represented by Wolf. Run over their dog. We all know this is referring to Susie/Chica.
Fourth, represented by Toy Bonnie. It was suggested that their house be set on fire and then Chica uses her body to put out the flames. Best I could settle for this one was perhaps pulling a fire alarm at the restaraunt, or something similar.
Fifth, Funtime Foxy. Live hostages. Presumably luring a child away with promises that their friend / missing friend is in the back room.
Sixth, the Puppet. This one is the most interesting and why I'm including it here. Chica says "I'll come over to their house later, maybe break through a window, or set the house on fire and smoke them out [IIRC, I am paraphrasing a little]" The window, in my honest opinion, has to refer to Midnight Motorist. Scott has made a point of adding things in a following game to clarify the game before (starting at least since Sister Location). With the other one referencing Susie and Fruity Maze, I think this theory holds up, although it doesn't really help solve Midnight Motorist I think it's very important to note. (William has as much of an obsession with fire as Henry, huh?)
Lastly, there is Pigpatch. It's implied William would have knocked out a child and told them he rescued them after being "kidnapped". I really like this one.
The number of victims adds up to the number of children: BV, Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie, Chica, Golden Freddy, and Puppet.
Now that that's out of the way, I feel this heavily implies the footprints outside the window in MM are William's. The feet match the Glitchtrap suit, which most of us assume is a prototype for Spring Bonnie. Not only that, but obviously the springlock suits wouldn't work in the rain. Second, if you take some logic to it and see Charlotte as the first victim (no suit, no hiding the body, developing MO) then this killing would be the start of his MO--kind of an "in-between" point where he's evolving. Now, as to who the people in the house are...
In my fic, I kept the general idea that it was William as mustard man (thank you MatPat, this is my fav name for our mysterious fellow). Mostly because despite the evidence listed there is still a ton of evidence supporting it:
Later That Night - this is the name of the game file for MM.
Rain - Due to the in-game rain and this title its heavily implied to be just after Charlotte's death.
Grey Text - Michael is the only one to have the grey text and has similarities to Chair Person. (Note: I think Matpat did point out the color is slightly different, but it's still grey.)
Purple Car - William is the only one seen with a Purple Car back in one of the mini-games (FNAF 2, IIRC). To further support this, the car is also seen as an easter egg in the Dreadbear DLC of Help Wanted (with purple headlights). This is probably the most damning evidence that Mustard Man is William, in my opinion... but then how do the footprints make sense?
In my fic, I explained it away as footprints from the evening before (it was the best I could muster at the time) but this is super weak :V So this kind of brings us to alternative theories. If it is William, the supporting evidence is... good evidence of that. So, the other options are:
A Child Victim's Family - This is my second favorite theory because I think it could possibly work for, say, TOYSNHK [The One You Should Not Have Killed, hereby pronounced Toy-Shnuck] (who I made Cassidy). The problem with this is the child's gender is referred to as male. And there's a huge debate on Cassidy being female in game lore and TOYSNHK/GF being male. It IS a gender neutral name and wouldn't be the first time Scott changed a gender (see: Puppet), BUT it's pretty weak since all the info we have on TOYSNHK is recent. It could be another child that isn't Susie, though, but why show some random child as opposed to an important one? PizzaSim's games all revolve around specifics like Puppet (the first to die overall) and Susie (the first to die of the main five).
Henry is Mustard Man - This is the theory my wife likes. I can sort of see it and I even considered it at one point, but there isn't much evidence to go on. Why is the car purple is the biggest wrench for me. I also have problems with Mustard Man's attitude ("This is MY house", "He'll be sorry") Even if Henry was torn up about Charlotte, I can't see him treating his kids this way. This would also heavily imply the missing window kid to be Sammy, which hasn't been referenced in the game lore at all. He was barely mentioned in the novel trilogy, even. This also makes Gray Text either Aunt Jen or Henry's wife. There's just not enough to support this, in my opinion.
UPDATE 5/28/21 - Please see this post analyzing Fazbear Fright’s story “What We Found” for a more detailed look at what I’m about to explain that supports the Henry theory: Also from the books, CC / Norman is now referred to as Evan.
For this to work, we must assume Henry is an alcoholic after Charlotte’s death. I think the “later that night” evidence becomes somewhat irrelevant, because if this was the night of Charlotte’s death it wouldn’t really make sense. Part of me wondered if it took place after FNAF 2′s Springtrap cutscene, but the footprints don’t match. It has to be Spring Bonnie or Glitchtrap. Also, Evan and Elizabeth have also died by this point because neither are seen in the mini-game in this theory. You also must assume, based on the story evidence, that Henry married / stayed with Mrs. Afton after William either “died” or they divorced--they had to have been together for an x amount of time as for Mrs. Afton to be living with Henry but also the fact that Mrs. Afton kept Michael and the purple car. Henry using William’s car wouldn’t be unheard of if Mrs. Afton kept the car and the house, I just don’t feel Henry would use it unless he had been using the vehicle awhile. This also explains the Bonnie-esque footprints outside since William would want to come get / visit his kid he’s [most likely] no longer allowed to see. He may even be taking Michael back to the FNAF 4 house (implying that the house we see in MM is Henry’s). Speaking of, if we assume William’s intentions are [likely] bad, he’s probably taking Michael back to experiment with the Funtime-Nightmares, if you believe this theory. I think this theory is probably true considering the random grave (which, in this context has no answer except a Twisted animatronic aka a Nightmare) AND because the blueprints in Sister Location SHOW the Nightmares on the display during Funtime Freddy’s repair, implying they are real and not imagined. This is also assumed to be punishment for Michael killing Evan. I think Michael goes WITH William because of his tumultuous relationship with a now mentally ill and drunkard Henry. Henry probably knows that William killed Charlotte and a common theme in some works is a parent seeing their child (or a murderer) in a child aka Michael reminds Henry of William, so he neglects him (which in itself wouldn’t be out of place for Henry, since he already wasn’t a very attentive parent).
The main issue with this theory is that it sort of assumes that CC was Michael and not Evan. I don’t think that’s the case, though.
While we're on this version, I also want to discuss evidence for the MM driver being drunk. Not only are you driving on the opposite side of traffic, the Files book explicitly states "crashing" into the secret road for the mini-game. Not that Henry couldn't be drunk, especially if he just found Charlotte dead, but... for me personally it seems a stretch. And I already mentioned the car.
William's Father - This is an interesting idea, but the foot prints kind of rule it out. At least there's an explanation for the car, though, right? Still, it doesn't explain the foot prints unless you assume maybe his father was more alike Afton than we thought. But then why bother showing us background on our killer so late with no pay off? I easily dismiss this theory.
A new theory, at least one I haven't seen posed yet:
Vanny - That's right. Vanny. What if she survived/lived? Some leaks even suggest she may be related to the Aftons. Mustard Man's color is similar to Princess Quest's heroine. It explains the footprints, but doesn't explain the car. This would make for a nice foreshadowing of Vanny, IMO, but it’s weak at best.
You know when Matpat discusses "that one puzzle peice that we're missing"? That's this entire mess of a mini-game. Don't get me wrong, the music is bawlin and it's fun to talk about, otherwise I wouldn't write about it, but it is undoubtedly FRUSTRATING.
What are your opinions?
I also wanted to point out some other interesting things from the Files book I haven't seen discussed: There is confirmation of two sets of gold suits. Not only is there the FNAF 2 phone call, but the text specifies between Spring Bonnie/Springtrap and Fredbear/Golden Freddy. IE: FNAF 4 suit is Springtrap but the one from Stage 01 is Spring Bonnie. This could be oversight, but... I don't think it is. I'm sure most of the fandom does ASSUME this anyway, but I felt it was worth noting. (In my fic, they are the same suit, but the second sets are upgraded after the original failures).
The poster behind Scraptrap. Nothing really interesting here, but there is an image of a building with two gargoyle (lion?) statues behind him. Presumably this would be a police station or Fazbear Fright. I just thought it was cool since I never noticed this in the image. My initial thought was this might be a reference to the hospital in Man in 1280, but that’s a stretch.
Jr's. This is the random building in Midnight Motorist in which Green Man says "gtfo" to our Mustard Man. I should mention I feel that is good evidence to it being William or Henry, depending what the building is. We can 100% say it is NOT a bar (in my fic, that's what I used, even though it doesn't make sense. I don't see a drunk person driving to a second bar so close to their home when they could have gone there initially, BUT then I am a home-drinker when I do drink, so I don't know the night life). The Files refer to it as simply "a restaraunt". Whether this IS a FNAF location (also referred to as restaraunts) or just some random eatery, it's something to contemplate. I am in the camp that it isn't FNAF 2, at least.
I have some other things from Fazbear Frights' Blackbird I wanna discuss, too, but I'll wait until the book is out to help you all avoid spoilers.
Now, this is all just my thoughts on it. Please don't take anything too seriously (as Scott says don't rack your brain on this, it's not worth it). I just think these are some points that haven't been discussed before.
Also, if you wanna read my theory on why Scraptrap is partly the Golden Freddy suit, I have that theory here.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk? <-- is that a dated reference? Probably.
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softbiker · 4 years
Steve Rogers Oneshot
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Warnings: talk about body image/dysmorphia, past ED’s, veganism (idk if that’s a warning???)
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: This is...very self-indulgent. But oh well. A continuation of the Agent 14 series, in which Steve finds another diet he wants to try and he needs some help getting started. As always, let me know what you think! 
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Sam finds him one afternoon, staring into the glow of the open fridge, in full superhero stance with his feet planted wide. Nothing abnormal about super soldiers looking for a snack; those boys can really put it away. But this one looks like he’s conducting an interview with the refrigerator contents - in his hand is a small notepad, a worn down pencil stub poised over it, and Sam can see little scribbles and tally marks covering the page.
“Hm?” Steve doesn’t turn around, but Sam can see his deep-set frown in profile, harsh refrigerator light illuminating his lowered brows.
“What’re you doing, man?” Sam takes a couple steps closer and peers around those massive shoulders into the offending appliance. “That your grocery list?”
Steve finally looks up, blinking. Absently, he taps the end of his pencil against his chin.
“No, not a grocery list,” he frowns. “I’m just…taking stock, I guess.”
“We do inventory of the fridge now?” Sam sidesteps him, reaching for the orange juice. He still drinks straight from the carton and Barnes can just kiss his sweet ass.
Steve ignores him, sparing only an eye roll in response.
“Don’t worry about it,” he sighs, in a way only Steve Rogers can sigh about groceries. “Just got an idea, that’s all.”
Sam sips his orange juice as he watches him leave the room, more worried by that phrase than anything else Steve could’ve said.
“I’m sorry - you want us to what?”
Steve crosses his arms and gives Clint his most authoritative frown.
“I’d like us to try a plant-based diet,” he repeats, looking at the faces scattered around the common room. This little “family meeting” didn’t warrant using the conference rooms on the upper floors; he had let everyone get cozy after dinner, helped dig through the couch cushions for the remote, and then made his little announcement.
“That means vegan, right?” Natasha says from her armchair, eyes on her phone in her lap. She’d started googling as soon as he proposed this little challenge.
“Woah, woah - hold up,” Sam raises a hand, sitting forward on the couch. “I know you’re not asking me to quit eating meat, Rogers.”
“And dairy,” Steve confirms.
“Eggs, too,” Wanda adds helpfully.
“No meat?” 41’s fingers curl into her baggy bacon-print PJ pants. Her lower lip wobbles. “No-no ice cream?” She looks to Clint, who immediately folds his hand over hers.
“There are plenty of plant-based alternatives-” Steve starts, his tone soothing.
“Is this because of that documentary you watched?” Bucky grumbles. He’s leaning on the back of the couch, eyes narrowed at his long-time friend. “What was the name…the one about the athletes who don’t eat meat…”
“As a matter of fact, yes,” Steve glares back at him. “There’s plenty of evidence to suggest it gives them an edge in athletic performance, so why not-”
“Oh my god, Steve, we’re literally a team of superheroes,” Sam groans. “Earth’s mightiest heroes, and all that jazz. We’re already mighty! We don’t need this! I don’t need this!”
“That so?” Steve raises an eyebrow. One hand digging into his pocket, he produces the little notebook he was scribbling in a couple days before. “I’ve been making some notes-”
“Oh boy, here we go,” Clint mutters.
“In our fridge, the percentage of animal products is a little over 60% - that’s crazy high, guys.” Steve licks his lips, glancing at the skeptical faces around the room as he flips a page in his notebook. “Not only that, but as a whole, our consumption of takeout and highly processed foods has really gone up lately; the team ate a total of 23 meals from fast food restaurants in the last 2 weeks.”
“You’re monitoring our food, Rogers?” Natasha is looking at him now, though he almost wishes she weren’t. Her undivided attention is not for the faint of heart. Steve musters himself and pushes ahead.
“Look - let’s just try it, give it our best shot and then, in a month-”
“A month?” 41 cries, clutching Clint’s hand. “A whole month? But…but what about Bite?”
Oh. He’d forgotten. Sam and 41’s cherished food festival, held every July - a whole park full of food trucks, unlimited samples, live music. One of their photos from last year’s Bite was proudly displayed on the door of the fridge: 41 and Sam each chowing down on a massive bacon cheeseburger - a cheeseburger with Krispy Kreme donuts as the buns.
“Well…” he hesitates
“No. Uh-uh. No way.” Sam folds his arms across his chest and sinks back into the couch cushions. “There is no way you’re making us miss the best event of the year for another one of your health kicks.”
“Besides! You and Tin Man can eat as much pizza as you want and still outrun a car,” Sam huffs.   “No reason to make the rest of us suffer through another one of your diets. Not to mention that I’m not interested in just eating salad and broccoli…that’s depressing.”
Shoulders falling, Steve sighs and drops his notebook in his lap.
“Okay, well. Sam has spoken,” he says, quirking an eyebrow. “Anyone else?”
“Mm, I’m with Sam on this one,” Bucky shrugs, unbothered by Steve’s answering look of betrayal. “Sorry, pal, I guess I just don’t see the point…and besides, we had to go hungry for half our childhood. I’m not gonna live on rations now.”
Steve folds his hands in his lap, staring down at his knuckles with what looks for all the world like a pout. Maybe he should’ve made the team watch the documentary first…that would’ve gotten them excited. Hell, even he was inspired - after all, if a non-enhanced guy could train to carry over a thousand pounds, surely there was some kind of benefit to this lifestyle.
“Alright, how about this,” he pulls his last card, his last idea. “If I can make a meal that will convince you vegan food is actually good, would you agree to try it for a little while?”
Sam and 41 turn towards each other; he raises an eyebrow, she responds with a shrug.
“We can accept these terms,” Sam agrees. “But you’re really gonna have to wow us.”
“Yeah,” 41 nods, settling in next to Clint. “Bring out the big guns.”
From his place behind the couch, Bucky’s shoulders quake with silent laughter.
“You really played yourself on this one, pal,” he chuckles, shaking his head. Reaching across the cushions, he gives 41 a comforting pat on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, squirt. Your ice cream isn’t going anywhere - I’ve known Steve for a long, long time…” He smirks at a now exasperated Steve.
“…and Steve Rogers can’t cook for shit.”
Steve Rogers, in fact, cannot cook for shit. But he’ll be damned if that will stop him from trying.
He’s swiping through recipes and grocery lists on his Stark pad, wondering if baking his own bread would be as easy as it seemed, when the text comes through.
Hey soldier. I heard you were going on a diet. That true?
Steve snorts and chews his lip, thumbs hovering as he thinks over his reply.
Yeah, it’s about time I got in better shape.
Feeling a bit silly, he watches the little dots in the text bubble as she types back a reply, and tries not to feel too pleased with himself at the cluster of laughing emojis she sent.
Well, listen. I’ve been vegan for a while, actually, so if you need any help I’m here!
An eager leap in his heart, and his thumbs fly over the keyboard once more.
Oh, really? In that case…I’m not sure if I can really handle cooking by myself. I have a terrible track record in the kitchen.
Another laughing emoji. They didn’t teach you that in the army?
Shockingly no.
Someone (Wanda? Peter?) may have told him something about double texting, but he can’t help himself as he quickly follows up his text with another.
Anyways, I’m desperate. And the team is desperate for me to not burn down the tower, haha. Can you help a guy out?
Waiting for a reply, his knee bounces under his desk and he clicks the pen in his hand over and over, hardly hearing the annoying little noise as his thumb reflexively twitches on the button. When her response buzzes on his screen, he almost flinches.
Tell you what. Today is my day off, and I needed groceries anyway. Trader Joe’s in an hour?
“What on earth are those?” Steve stares incredulously at the basket. “And why are they…not orange?”
“They’re called Hawaiian sweet potatoes and they just grow that way,” 14 laughs as she reaches for a display of squash next to the potatoes.
“That’s not a sweet potato - I know what a sweet potato looks like,” Steve says, obstinate brows crowding together. Shaking her head, 14 just turns away from the squash towards the avocados on the opposite side of the produce aisle.
“Oh boy, you’re gonna learn a lot being vegan…” she sighs. She squeezes a couple of avocados, testing ripeness and feeling the size before she chooses two and adds them to one of her produce bags. With a satisfied nod, she settles her hands on her hips. “Okay, next on the list: tahini.”
Looking at the cart, Steve can’t tell what his dinner is going to be.
“Tahini? What are we gonna do with that?” He wonders what it is, too, but doesn’t ask.
“Eat it, Rogers.” Smirking over her shoulder, she grabs the front of the cart and pulls him along towards the condiments aisle. “What on earth would you do without me?”
“Die a carnivore, I guess,” he shrugs.
“Hm. Tragic.”
“It’s practically foolproof - all you have to do is cook this, roast the sweet potatoes, and then we’re gonna throw it all in together.”
“Never underestimate my ability to totally ruin a meal.” Steve says, stirring the quinoa. An adorable scrunch wrinkles his nose as he turns to where she’s dicing the avocados. “Ask Bucky. Even army rations taste better than my cooking.”
“You must be very confident in yourself to admit that,” she smiles back. Cheeks warm, he turns back to the pan with a shrug.
Silence stretches between them for a few moments, the quiet of shared work - from the other room, they can hear the TV playing, occasional laughs from Sam and 41 as they catch up on episodes of Brooklyn 99. Outside the windows, the summer sun sinks steadily lower, golden hour glow illuminating the skyline and filtering into the kitchen. She’s barefooted, chipped blue polish on her toes, and her feet pad lightly across the tile floor as she moves her bowl of avocado chunks over to the island. The little sound makes his heart hungry.
“So,” he clears his throat. “How long have you been, uh, plant-based?”
“Hmm. I guess about 6 months or so?” She taps her fingers absently against the marble countertop as she thinks. “Yeah, that sounds right.”
“Wow. Why did you start?”
“Someone dared me,” she winks at him. “No, but really. A friend challenged me to do it with her for a month…and then I realized I felt great and didn’t miss the animal products so much.” She shrugs. “I had more energy, I felt stronger, my skin looked amazing - trust me, after a week, you’ll practically be glowing.” She flicks her hair over her shoulder with a melodramatic flair, rolling her eyes to the ceiling, a playful smile dimpling her cheeks.
He laughs with her, shaking his head. “Oh, thank god. My skin is a nightmare.” His sarcasm sparks her laugh again, and it inflates his chest even more. He feels light, easy, weightless as the dust motes floating through a sunbeam between them.
Her giggles die down when her phone timer buzzes, signaling her to check the roasting potatoes in the oven. Sidestepping him, she leans down carefully in front of the open door, waves of heat assaulting them both as she pokes and prods the vegetables with a spatula. “Perfect,” she closes the oven door with a satisfied nod. “Just a few more minutes. And it looks like that’s almost done, too.” She gestures to his pan and hands him a lid to cover it. “You can go ahead and turn the burner off - the water has cooked out, so we’ll just need to let it sit.”
With the rest of their ingredients prepped and waiting in a neat row on the island, they slide onto a pair of barstools as 14 sets another short timer on her phone. Steve takes a sip from his beer, leaning an elbow on the counter as he turns to face her.
“Have you always liked to cook?” he asks. In his mind, there are a million questions - they roll over each other, constantly trying to push their way out of his mouth, his overwhelming curiosity wishing he could crack open her shell through sheer force of will. Instead, he drums his fingers against the counter, picks at the label on his beer bottle, scratches his beard, and waits for her to speak.
“Oh, no, not at all,” she laughs at the question. She’s not facing him, but she smiles, fingers lightly tracing the stem of her wine glass. “Actually I used to hate it.”
“Yeah. Surprised?”
Steve is surprised - her kitchen confidence certainly impressed him. Not once has she consulted a recipe, or googled how long to roast potatoes in the oven, how to make lemon tahini sauce. Things that would’ve left him completely stumped and likely going hungry.
“A little. You really seem to know your way around a kitchen, that’s all.”
“Well…” she takes a deep breath, and he can see the shape of it forming in her mind: whatever it is she’s about to tell him, whatever she’s preparing to say - it matters. With a fortifying gulp of wine, she knots her fingers together and forges ahead. “I used to have a lot of…um, body image issues, you know? Super critical of myself, low self esteem…it got pretty bad for a while.” She doesn’t elaborate, because he doesn’t need to know and how could she even begin to tell it? Too many cups of coffee and too few meals, the feeling of a toothbrush in the back of her throat. It hurts her now, the memory of that girl who thought that making herself less would somehow make her enough. She reaches for the wine again. Steve stays quiet, his eyes watchful and soft. It hurts him, too.
“Yeah?” he murmurs.
“Yeah.” Glancing at him, she licks her bottom lip, before turning her eyes back down to her hands. “Anyway - cooking helped me learn how to actually take care of myself.” A half-hearted little shrug, a self-conscious smile. “That’s really all there is to it.”
He nods, holding her gaze, his eyes flicking back and forth between her own. Her shoulders curl where she sits a little hunched at the stool, bare feet tucked up on a bar that ran between the legs of the stool, one knee bouncing rapidly. A minute ticks by, then two, the kitchen gone quiet and warm, hazy with the smell of a good meal.
“You know, a long time ago, before I was…this-” He gestures to himself, his big shoulders and tree trunk thighs, the massive everything of him. “- before the serum, well, I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures. Or a documentary,” he smirks, a little rueful. “I was less than half the size I am now - short, skinny, no matter how much I ate my ribs stuck out. Buck used to try to help me train, doing pushups or learning how to box, but I was still so weak. A strong breeze could’ve knocked me over, probably - plus, I had asthma, and I was always getting sick with one thing or another…honestly, it’s a miracle I didn’t die before the army got me.”
It coaxes a mirroring smile from her, one elbow propped on the island. She shuffles on top of the stool, turning to face him fully.
“I thought…I don’t know, I thought I’d feel…different. Better, once I was stronger.” He shakes his head, chuckling at himself. “But it was more like…I was just in the wrong body. I kept bumping into things, hitting my head on doorframes; I took up more space than I thought I should.” Letting go of his beer, he spreads his hands in front of him, turning them over alternately and staring at the broad palms, the strong fingers, crisscrossed with veins and scars. “Drove myself crazy trying to sketch. I kept breaking my charcoal, snapping pencils…it was like trying to draw with another person’s hands.”
“Did you get used to it?” she asks. The hand not occupied with her wine glass reaches out to gently take hold of his wrist. A delicate thumb drags across his pulse, and she looks down at the lines of his palms, still uncalloused and pink. Her hand cradles his large one as she brings her eyes up to his own.
“More or less,” he shrugs. “Sometimes I still pass a mirror and do a double take.” More often than he would admit, in fact. He thinks of all the mornings he comes home from a brutal run - double marathons, barely sweating - and sees himself getting into his shower, a god he doesn’t recognize staring back at him.
She nods. She understands.
“Taking care of yourself helps. I think - it never quite goes away, but…” her smile is sweet. Hopeful. “The little things. They help.”
Turning his wrist, he grasps her hand with his own. Her skin is soft and warm; smaller fingers slide between his thick ones. Once, a long time ago, their hands would have been the same size.
Just as he opens his mouth to speak, her phone buzzes, vibrating against the counter and startling them both. As she withdraws her hand, she grins up at him.
“You hungry, Rogers?”
They take their bowls into the living room, joining Sam and 41 on the couch. Steve does his best with the chopsticks at first, but he still hasn’t gotten used to it. In the name of efficiency, he switches to a fork so that he can shovel the food into his mouth faster.
“Woah - what is that?” Sam leans over to get a better look. He sniffs the air. “Damn, it smells amazing.”
“It’s called a Buddha bowl,” 14 says, politely covering her mouth to conceal the sweet potatoes she’s still chewing. With her fork, she strategically arranges the next bite, collecting a little bit of everything: quinoa, potatoes, tahini sauce, avocado, greens. “Because it’s pure bliss,” she adds, before neatly shoving the next forkful into her mouth.
Steve hums in agreement, his own cheeks stuffed full. His bowl is half empty already. Peaking around 14’s shoulder, Agent 41 licks her lips and makes eye contact with Sam.
“I mean…maybe, we could try making some?” she shrugs her shoulders. “With a little Yum Yum sauce, too, I bet that would be good…” Sam is already nodding in agreement, pulling out his phone to look up a recipe.
“Don’t worry,” 14 smiles, patting her friend’s thigh. “I made plenty for everyone.”
As the other two scramble up from the couch and into the kitchen, she catches Steve’s eye and winks.
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bjy-on-ao3 · 4 years
Fic Friday: Helping Hand
(As usual, you can find the AO3 version of all my uploads [and some things I don’t post here to tumblr] via my Masterlist blog page.)
This story feels like fan content-ception to me, as it spawned from some NSFW art I made featuring Izaya, which was made from doodles to start with. Still scheming, but a lot more simple than my other fics with Izaya. Leaving this one a little open-ended in case I came back to it for Izaya returning the favor as he suggested. Not currently decided for sure though. I recently got my first request for Izaya and am brewing that, though it could be some time before I can get something down. It should be pretty fun though and spicier than this. (Note: Apologies for no cut - I am not sure how I add a cut with the new editor :/) Summary Invited over to Izaya’s apartment, Reader arrives too early and interrupts the informant’s alone time. And unfortunately (or fortunately), Izaya has no qualms about asking for a little help. Tags/Warnings Blowjobs, Come Swallowing, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, Reader-Insert, Shameless Smut
Helping Hand (F! Reader/Izaya Orihara)
Arriving at the non-descript door in the hall of the impressive-looking apartment building, you hesitated. A few quick glances confirmed the numbers by the door matched up with the information listed in your phone’s address book. A few times before you had been to the apartment, but you hadn’t memorized everything about the address. All things considered, it was surprising you weren’t late this time, as you had been each time in the past. Maybe you were improving a little.
You raised a fist and drummed it against the door, starting light and polite. Nothing. You rapped harder. Surely that was loud enough to be heard? Your assumption was disproved when all that met you was silence, leaving you alone still in the hallway. You frowned in frustration and impatience. You knocked a third time, waiting a minute, wondering if he was preoccupied or just enjoying making you wait. When all remained quiet again, your frown deepened.
You looked back down at your phone, silently navigating to the texting feature and typing you a message irritably.
(X:XX PM): I’m here. I knocked, but I guess you didn’t hear it.
You didn’t need to wait more than fifteen seconds before your phone buzzed in reply. Two words met your gaze, followed after a moment by a second slightly longer message.
Izaya (X:XX PM): You’re early.
Izaya (X:XX PM): I’m a little busy right now.
You paused, your scowl becoming confusion, and you scrolled back up through the conversation. The log confirmed the time you had been told and the one in the corner of your phone matched. ‘ Early? Right. Don’t tell me Izaya of all people forgot.’
(X:XX PM): I checked and either I’m on time or you screwed up and sent me the wrong time.
Arguing with him wouldn’t do you any good one way or another; Izaya wasn’t one to genuinely apologize for any inconveniences he caused others. But correcting him made you feel a little better and somewhat less cross at least.
Izaya (X:XX PM): Oh, did I?
Izaya (X:XX PM): Well, if you don’t like waiting, you can just come in. Door’s unlocked.
Your face twisted again, now into a skeptical surprise. Izaya just left his door unlocked? Izaya Orihara, the man who had probably as many enemies as he had clients, decided it was smart to let whoever wanted to waltz right in. Yeah, that made sense. You wondered if he enjoyed the excitement of the potential danger.
(X:XX PM): Hardly seems like a good idea for YOU to leave your door unlocked, but whatever.
With a dismissive shrug, you tucked your phone into your pocket and reached for the knob. Pushing it open, you stepped inside quickly and closed it gently behind you. You took a step away before pausing, turning back and locking the door as an afterthought. Izaya could endanger himself all he wanted, but you would rather there be at least some kind of barrier between whatever messy trouble came looking for him.
Walking past the foyer, you expected to see him perched on his chair, clacking noisily away at his keyboard, fixed on the screens of his computers and cellphones or something of the sort. The chair was empty though, turned away from the screens. You scanned the area for the ever-frustrating information broker. Quickly, you noticed him tucked away in the corner of the dark-colored leather section, his back facing you. His head rested against the couch, one long arm lying curled over its back. For someone supposedly busy, Izaya looked pretty relaxed from where you were standing.
“You don’t look real busy to me,” you accused once you spotted him.
Izaya shifted, tilting his head further back to glance over his outstretched arm at you. “Oh, I am, I assure you.” He looked and sounded as collected as ever, as if nothing could or should trouble him. Except… was it just you, or did his face seem a bit red? “But I’ll be just a few minutes. Feel free to wait for me there,” Izaya suggested. There was something off as well about the quality of his voice you couldn’t place.
“Uh huh,” you said, unsure if you felt unsettled or just irritated still. Maybe a little of both.
He had told you to wait, yet your curiosity nagged at you viciously, demanding to see what exactly preoccupied him. Or maybe it was indignation needing to see what was so pressing he couldn’t remember the time he had told you. You took a few steps, intending to round the recessed floor area and the sectional to see what he was doing.
“You really should wait over there,” he warned you casually, the strange tone of his voice sounding stronger, but still indecipherable.
You scoffed, ignoring the warning and carrying on. When you swept around the corner of the area though, what you saw stopped you dead in your tracks, poised on the lip of the steps down. At first the strangled squeak that burst from your mouth didn’t quite register, nor did the immediate hot flush that fell across your face.
Izaya looked very comfortable where he sat, leaning back into the plush cushions. From the top-down, at first he looked perfectly normal, if a little flushed, one of his usual ‘v’-neck shirts tantalizing displaying a bit of his delicate-looking collarbones. Though the picture grew more suspect the further you went. The hem of his shirt was lifted, askew and higher on one side than the other, exposing his lean torso. That wasn’t nearly so scandalous though, as even further down.
He sat nude from the waist down, his pants and belt pooled around his ankles. His cock stood prominently between his splayed legs, a flushed tone to match the rosy tint in cheeks and leaking pre-cum. As if walking on Izaya with his pants literally down wasn’t mortifying enough, one hand was wrapped leisurely around his cock. Obviously he had been in the process of jerking off, and still was, having not bothered to stop even once you had caught him in the act.
What you were looking at hit you all at once, and a stream of half-finished sentences exploded out. “I’I’m sorry, I-- But what are you--? Why would let me come in if that’s what you’re busy doing?! You began in an apologetic voice, though your apology quickly turned to indignation at the fact Izaya’d had plenty of time to put himself away before you came in. Before he invited you, for example, and then before he greeted you.
“Well, I did warn you.” Izaya’s speech held no hint of apology. The shameless, steady stroke of his hand up and down confirmed he was not bothered whatsoever. “Besides, you’re the one who wanted to show up early and be nosy, darling.”
At last you recognized the tone in his voice you hadn’t been able to place before. Something husky and thick, a silky accent to his already smooth voice. You felt stupid not being able to put two-and-two together from his voice and face.
“I’m not early! I-it’s not my fault you told me the wrong time,” you tried to hide the shakiness in your voice with anger, though you knew Izaya was a master at seeing through masks.
You wanted to turn, to look away, but you found yours glued to the sight of him, stunned like a deer in headlights. Maybe it was his audacity that was truly so stunning. I’m just gonna go and come back later,” you ground out through teeth after you tore your eyes away from the enticingly lewd scene.
“Oh? But like I said, I’ll only be a little bit.” You nearly choked again from Izaya’s boldness. He really expected you to just wait around while he jacked off like it was nothing? For someone who claimed to love humans and all their emotions and behaviors so much, you really wondered how much he really understood them sometimes. “You know, if you wanted to lend a hand, it might be even sooner.”
You made another embarrassing noise, your eyes snapping back around and fixing on his own. The expression in his sharp brown eyes told you he wasn’t just you or making some inappropriate joke, not completely. Izaya was dead serious suggesting you ‘lend him a hand’ with his current ‘business’. You should have been mad. You should have been uncomfortable. You should have walked away then. But something else was creeping up and up, suppressing what you should have done, leaving behind the sense that you didn’t quite hate the idea.
You weren’t ready to give in completely, though, not yet. “Was that your plan when you invited me over?” You tried to deflect once more, but your angry speech was half-hearted.
He gave a small shrug, still languorously pumping his hand up and down, smearing a new bead of pre-cum along the head of his dick. You licked your lips, and you weren’t sure whether it was from nerves or hunger. “Who knows? Maybe, maybe not.” Of course Izaya would give you a nonsense answered that told you nothing.
“Can you just put your pants on, please?” You tried weakly, a last ditch effort to squish down the hot feeling suffusing you and to call his bluff. But Izaya wouldn’t be moved.
“Weren’t you leaving though?” He questioned calmly. “So why should I? Then I can’t take care of this.” You groaned mentally at his ‘logic’ that amounted to his typical games. “So, what’s stopping you?”
You didn’t speak, listening only to the slick sound of Izaya stroking himself, as if trying to come up with an appropriate excuse. But there was none. You were still there because you wanted to be. You sputtered some nonsense at first, before sighing in defeat.
“I...I just… fine,” you mumbled, unable to meet his cutting gaze when you agreed.
He didn’t seem bothered or surprised by your admission, and when you looked back up, he was smirking widely, as if he had expected you to crumble and play right into his hands. “Well, what are you waiting for then?”
You nearly scowled at the impatience of the question, but shook your head. You approached quickly, stopping once you stood in front of him. You licked your lips again and swallowed thickly, kneeling between his legs. Up close and personal with his cock, it you for real the favor you had submitted yourself to. It made your stomach twist in a way that was pleasantly hot, but with a nervous flutter. But even if he would probably let you, there was no back down now. You had dug your hole and you intended to stay in it.
Feeling Izaya’s eyes burning down onto you, you lifted a hand tentatively, more intimidated than you would have admitted. You nearly jumped when the hand he had been pleasuring himself with seized yours. Your face was on fire as he guided your hand over his shaft, helping you wrap it around the heated skin. He made a small sound in the back of his throat at the contact, his palm lingering over your hand. Gingerly, you shifted your hand up and down, mimicking him, the skin hot and velvety under your fingers.
“There, just like that,” Izaya cooed, his hips rocking up into your touch. His hand left yours to bury itself in the cushion beside him.
You chanced a subtle glance up, past his exposed torso and up his chest. His head lolled back against the sofa back, and his chest rose and fell deeply in more noticeable, pleasured breaths as you stroked. He seemed more than willing to sit back and fully indulge in your touch, apparently a far more exhilarating experience than his own.
“What a good girl,” he praised as your grip tightened you pumped his cock more surely, enjoying the noises that vibrated up his chest. They were low and smooth, containing all the richness of his speaking voice, yet none of the frustrating teasing or condescension. “Mmph, a little hard, don’t be shy,” he coaxed, giving a particularly eager buck of his hips, a new drop of pre-cum beading on the head of his dick.
You did as instructed, and the sound of his breathing deepened more, the small, pleasant sounds morphing into longer, bawdy groans. “How’s that?” you prompted, the confidence from watching him come slowly undone steadying your voice, the sheer arousal in it surprising you.
“Mm, good, keep going.”
You stuck to the steady rhythm you had set, your tongue wetting suddenly dry lips again as you alternated between watching Izaya’s blissful form above you and his throbbing cock in front of you. You moved your idle hand up, cradling his balls in your palm and rubbing gently, rewarded with even more erotic noises. You weren’t sure whether you were more turned on by the eroticism of the sounds themselves, or the fact you were hardly ever heard Izaya sound so unrestrained.
Your gaze stopped, lingering on his cock, and you decided if you were going to help out, you may as well have a little more fun, as well as satisfy the hunger building in you. You bent forward, your breath fanning over the head hotly, and you barely caught a shiver roll through Izaya. You leaned closer, opening your mouth and licking coyly at the flushed head, the bitter taste of pre-cum flooding your senses.
“ Oh .” The word was surprised, excited almost, made even more so by the breathiness that carried it. “I didn’t even have to ask you to do that.” Your faced burned with embarrassment you fought to ignore, letting your lips wrap around the head, swirling your tongue along the underside. “More eager than you let on, I see. But I’m not complaining.”
Izaya relaxed more limply against the cushions, save for the rhythmic roll of his hips meeting the hot, wet touch of your mouth. You sank down on his cock more, slowly, trying to account for the motion of his hips to not choke yourself on his length. Fortunately, though it was steady, his pace was languid, letting you adjust easily. You took as much as you could without inciting your gag reflex, shifting between dancing your tongue along his skin or pressing flat against the underside or teasing the head where it connected to his shaft.
Above you, Izaya’s dulcet chorus of groans and mumbled words escalated and his fingers met the top of your head. They curled loosely, massaging methodically, neither forcing you down or adjust to a new pace.
“Hmm, and they say I’ve got a talented tongue,” Izaya hummed huskily and you couldn’t stifle a low moan in answer, the sound shooting through Izaya and making his hips stutter. “Sure seems like you know to use yours though,” he praised again, and you could make out the teasing tone you were so used to among his lusty, strained voice.
Izaya fell silent for a time, or at least he fell wordless, panting and groaning his pleasure, the sounds accentuated by the wet noises you made while you sucked him off. But Izaya’s was a mouth that couldn’t stand staying silent for long. “You can take a little more, can’t you?” He asked insistently, his fingers tightening their loose hold. He thrust his hips more roughly into your mouth as you sank down again, as if punctuating his question.
Tears stung at your eyes for an instant as the tip of his dick touched your throat and you inhaled deeply to relax it. You took in even more of his cock, noticing the roll of his hips slow, as if accommodating you to take his length more easily. When you pulled back, his hand only let you go so far, effectively keeping you from pulling away. You indulged him, satisfied with the even more ragged breaths replacing his words and more of the salty fluid leaking from him.
Your jaw was beginning to ache, but you ached elsewhere as well, and it urged you to continue. With your mouth wrapped around him so intimately, you could tell Izaya was getting very close to cumming, from the increasing cant of his hips to the harsh pitch of his breath to the way his cock twitched, even more hard.
“Mm, that’s it. Almost there.” Izaya confirmed your suspicions, the lustiness of his tone adding to the urgency. “If you don’t want a mouthful, you might want to stop,” he warned you, surprisingly considerate in the moment.
Your eyes flickered up, but you didn’t stop, trying to hum your acknowledgement around a mouthful of his dick, working him even more eagerly.
“Oh, shit, you’re more obscene than I thought. If that’s how you want it,” His excitement pierced his arousal again, as if he hadn’t expected you to be so wrapped up in servicing him.
Thrusting into your mouth more desperately, his hips finally stuttered as he finished, filling your mouth with hot ropes of thick that you swallowed as soon as the bitter taste swept over your tongue. Several especially long, feral moans drifted from Izaya’s lips as you drank him down, until at last he was spent and there was nothing left for you to swallow. You drew away, wiping a smear of drool and some stray cum from your mouth with the back of your hand and resting back on your knees.
“There, that’s taken care of,” you said, your attempt to sound level and collected ruined by your own arousal making your voice overly breathy. “Now did you actually have a reason for inviting me over?”
Izaya laughed breathlessly, as if amused by your change of pace, lying boneless against the sectional. “Of course, my dear,” he answered when his laughter died, tipping his head forward to look at you. “I wouldn’t lie to your like that. Though, if you’d like, I can return the favor. It sounds like you need it.”
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zolivia68 · 3 years
Photo editing software for beginners
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The picture handling practices such as write texts in a photo. With this computer software, you may conveniently align various elements including correction of brightness.
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comparatist · 4 years
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Bengal Renaissance:
The idea of renaissance caters the concept of a glorious past, a history of deterioration in the intermediate period and a journey towards the restoration of the lost glory through various means of societal foundations and fields. The word ‘renaissance’ holds the literal meaning of rebirth or reawakening. The line of thought started gaining popularity in Bengal prominently in 19th century, though the distribution was unequal. The literatures of that time entertained the idea thoroughly though the absence of equality in the distribution created a target audience who resembled nothing more than an echo chamber. The concept of renaissance or reawakening was mostly pushed by the upper class, upper caste men of the society, often writers. India never had its own history to be precise. The model was launched by the British writers. They had divided their own in the column of ‘ancient,’ ‘middle,’ ‘modern,’ and tried to use the own template which writing the history of India. Hence the idea of ‘middle age as the dark era’ was subjective. To the east Asia, this time was a reminder of golden hours while in the European context, this time was a throwback to the chaotic hours, when the British started to decide the history of India, it used its usual font of depicting the Muslim countries as the invaders and the Muslim population as the ‘others.’ It was these writers, these gatekeepers of cultural virtues, who made their work easier, for the texts these writers wrote, propagated the idea of the ‘foreign savior.’ Since the Europeans were on the losing side of the wars which is evident from their depiction of their description of the era, the wars took place in, they adopted the path of willful amnesia. Willful amnesia or a self-initiated effort to internalize the idea of forgetting, as a defense mechanism made them to label the ages of religious wars as ‘dark’ and writing their history accordingly. When the same procedure was used on the Indian history, the idea was taken up by the writers with immense socio-economic privilege, to write about the restoration of the glorious past of the country, that is the ‘Hindu’ era, before it was invaded by the Muslims and tried to build up a cultural resistance that way. This created the ‘otherization’ on a prominent level and the race who held the roots of this system of segregation, i,e the Europeans, acted out their process of colonization as the foreign saviors. As the process got initiated without any major violent face-off and as they posing as mere traders went successful, in no time they were able to establish themselves as a trustworthy assistant in thwarting the rule of the ‘Muslim invaders.’
‘Anandamath’ penned down by Bankimchandra Chattyopadhyay displays the characteristics of a 19th century novel, as discussed before. The influence of Sanskrit in Bankim’s life isn’t unknown. From learning the Sanskritic tradition and remaining in the contact of the scholars of Bhatpara to reviewing Sanskritic publications in ‘Bangadarshan’ and referring Sanskritic notions in his writings including ‘Anandamath’ are examples of how he valued the traditional ways of life and how strong was his urge to restore the ‘lost Hindu glory.’ ‘Anandamath’ becomes the perfect reflection of that. The novel keeps the famine background during Mir Jafar’s rule which was a cunning motive by the novelist to portray a situation of anarchy during the Muslim rule, thereby suggesting that a foreigner can only loot from the land and can never do any good for the countrymen and are only here to destroy the cultural heritage. “Mir Jafar took opium and slept, the British took in the money and issued receipts, and Bengal wept and went to ruin.” With clarity, the sentence exempts the British from the guilt of torturing the common folks in collecting revenues and places the entire responsibility of the well being of the Bengalis on the Muslim ruler to support the claim of ‘foreign saviors’ in a very subtle way. The support for the British Raj in India is expressed more clearly in the novel when the character known as ‘sage’ is having a conversation with Satyananda of Santan Dal’ regarding the outward and inward knowledge of Hinduism and says, “we must bring in the outward knowledge from another country. The English are very knowledgeable in the outward knowledge, and they’re very good at instructing people. Therefore we’ll make them king.” So the whole concept of making Bengal a Hindu state from the clutches of a Muslim ruler through the hands of ‘foreign saviors’ becomes evident in the narration. The ‘Santan Dal’ present in the novel carries out the Hindutwa agenda by attacking Muslim households, burning villages with Muslim population, attracting people by their Hindu identity and always expressed their agenda being the freeing of motherland, restoring her lost glory from the ‘foreign’ hands but the subjects of alienation were not the British but the Muslims. It becomes clear from Bhabananda’s comment, “the English are not our enemies. But why are you here to help the Muslims?” He even adds later, “Victory to the English! We wish you well!” Thus the legitimization of the colonization gets propagated through a fictious adaptation of the Sanyasi Rebellion but not against the white-skinned foreigners. The Sepoy Mutiny against the British, therefore never had any support from these upper caste, upper class Hindu men.
As mentioned before, the ideas of this so called new awakening weren’t distributed in the equal basis. The literatures concerned with the rebirth of the Bengali Hindu culture were targeted towards the upper middle class, middle class audience by the writers who had huge amount of social capital as their backup. The targeted audience had the leisure to indulge into the cultural activities due to their class position. The middle class Bengali young rebels were so influenced by ‘Anandamath’ that there was a rumor of them getting radicalized enough to keep revolvers in their bags along with the copy of this book. The novel though starts with the accounts of people suffering from the high taxes, famine, epidemic, hunger, are starving to pay the taxes, selling the family members and Bhabananda telling Mahendra that a king who doesn’t look after his subjects shouldn’t have any right to ask taxes, after the Santan Dal have taken charge of a village Satyananda advises them to collect taxes, but this time, for the cause of buying weapons to face the royal army and make the motherland free by establishing the Hindu rule and restoring the ‘lost glory.’ The economic deterioration is presented to evoke purgatory responses from the readership from their positions of privilege. The novel though is subtle on its caste angle but not enough to be considered nil. The memberships of Santan Dal happen after the interested ones reveal their caste. Even the child of Mahendra and Kalyani doesn’t get spared of this question. Though Satyananda says that every Santan should think of the other as equal as all are ‘The Children’ of the Mother, the protagonists are all from the privileged section of the society. Hence, the class of the targeted audience who only get concerned with the society when the ‘culture’ gets attacked as the other aspects of life were in abundance for them, what is better than a Hindu revivalist novel where the writer can make up an attack on culture and manipulate it for his own needs?
Preaching for colonization in the garb of Hindutwa propaganda isn’t an easy task but Bankim managed it quite well. The idea of the ‘Mother’ figure and her Hindu sons fighting the Muslim ‘foreigners’ yet welcoming the ones with white skin can only be done if the former idea propagates the concept of Sanskritization and the latter gets managed with a vague concept of outward and inward projections of the Eternal code and the outward expression being lost and can be revived by the help of the British people. The concept of willful amnesia and the notions of pre-conceived theory sit here well. The former directs the author into preaching that the antagonist in his writings has nothing good to do and is here to ruin things during his reign. The latter helps in the plot, and tells the writer to think that the ‘foreign savior’ can be used to revive the lost culture as they have ‘advanced’ ideas about things and can be used to undo the effects of the ruins made by the antagonist. Self contradiction is also a feature of the novels of 19th century. Hence, when Satyananda laments that he couldn’t establish the Hindu rule and the British will now rule by saying, “Oh Mother, I’ve not been able to set you free. Once more you’ll fall into the hands of unworthy foreigners,” the sage, a personification of the said feature advises him that ‘this’ foreigner’s help is needed to serve the bigger goal.
The novel, ‘Anandamath’ serves its purpose well. It mocks the strength of the sepoys by comparing it to those of the British ones, to glorify the foreigners the author has chosen to aid. The fight takes place among the Santans and the British too but the latter don’t bear the grudge as the author felt they would be needed to serve the politics of the revival of lost cultural glory. Though it fails to establish the Hindu rule, the win against British soldiers do serve as a trailer to project the might of the Hindus before the Muslim rule and a small hint that one day this community will ‘take back’ the country from the Englishmen and establish its own rule.
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inu-fiction · 6 years
PSA: Stuff You Maybe Didn’t Realize You Can Back Up To AO3, And How To Tag it
Tumblr seems to be in potential death throes or at least, incredibly volatile and unreliable lately, but we’ve done some pretty good and informative work on canon analysis and reference guides so I was looking for ways to back it up without losing it...and the solution became obvious to me: Archive of Our Own, aka AO3.  “What?” you might ask if you are less familiar with their TOS. “Isn’t that just a fanfic archive??” No! It’s a fanWORK archive. It is an archive for fanworks in general! “Fanwork” is a broad term that encompasses a lot of things, but it doesn’t just include fanfic and fanart, vids etc; it also includes “fannish” essays and articles that fall under what’s often called “meta” (from the word for “beyond” or “above”, referencing that it goes beyond the original exact text)! The defining factor of whether Archive of Our Own is the appropriate place to post it is not whether or not it’s a fictional expansion of canon (fanfic), though that is definitely included - no, it’s literally just “is this a work by a ‘fan’ intended for other ‘fannish’ folks/of ‘fannish’ interest?”  The articles we’ve written as a handy reference to the period-appropriate Japanese clothing worn by Inuyasha characters?  The analyses of characters? The delineations of concrete canon (the original work) vs common “fanon” (common misconceptions within the fandom)? Even the discussion of broader cultural, historical, and geographic context that applies to the series and many potential fanworks?  All of those are fannish nonfiction! Which means they absolutely can (and will) have a home on AO3, and I encourage anybody who is wanting to back up similar works of “fannish interest” - ranging from research they’ve done for a fic, to character analyses and headcanons - to use AO3 for it, because it’s a stable, smooth-running platform that is ad-free and unlike tumblr, is run by a nonprofit (The OTW) that itself is run by and for the benefit of, fellow fans.  Of course, that begs the question of how to tag your work if you do cross-post it, eh? So on that note, here’s a quick run-down of tags we’re finding useful and applicable, which I’ve figured out through a combination of trial and error and actually asking a tag wrangler (shoutout to @wrangletangle for their invaluable help!): First, the Very Broad: - “ Nonfiction ”. This helps separate it from fanfic on the archive, so people who aren’t looking for anything but fanfic are less likely to have to skim past it, whereas people looking for exactly that content are more likely to find it. - while “Meta” and “Essay” and even “Information” are all sometimes used for the kinds of nonfiction and analytical works we post, I’ve been told “ Meta Essay ” is the advisable specific tag for such works. This would apply to character analyses, reference guides to canon, and even reference guides to real-world things that are reflected in the canon (such as our articles on Japanese clothing as worn by the characters).  The other three tags are usable, and I’ve been using them as well to cover my bases, but they’ll also tend to bring up content such as “essay format” fanfic or fanfic with titles with those words in them - something that does not happen with “Meta Essay”.
- I’ve also found by poking around in suggested tags, that “ Fanwork Research & Reference Guides ” is consistently used (even by casual users) for: nonfiction fannish works relating to analyses of canon materials; analyses of and meta on fandom-specific or fanwork-specific tropes; information on or guides to writing real-world stuff that applies to or is reflected in specific fandoms' media (e.g. articles on period-appropriate culture-specific costuming and how to describe it); and expanded background materials for specific fans' fanworks (such as how a given AU's worldbuilding is supposed to be set up) that didn't fit within the narrative proper and is separated out as a reference for interested readers. Basically, if it's an original fan-made reference for something specific to one or more fanworks, or a research aid for writing certain things applicable to fanworks or fannish interests in general, then it can fall under that latter tag. 
- You should also mark it with any appropriate fandom(s) in the “Fandom” field. Just like you would for a fanfic, because of course, the work is specifically relevant to fans of X canon, right? If it discusses sensitive topics, or particular characters, etc., you should probably tag for those. E.g. “death” or “mental illness”, “Kagome Higurashi”, etc. 
Additionally, if you are backing it up from a Tumblr you may wish to add: - “ Archived From Tumblr “ and/or “ Cross-Posted From Tumblr ” to reference the original place of publication, for works originally posted to tumblr. (I advise this if only because someday, there might not be “tumblr” as we know it, and someone might be specifically looking for content that was originally on it, you never know) - “ Archived From [blog name] Blog ”; this marks it as an archived work from a specific blog. And yes, I recommend adding the word “blog” in there for clarity- Wrangletangle was actually delighted that I bothered to tag our first archived work with “Archived From Inu-Fiction Blog” because being EXTREMLY specific about things like that is super helpful to the tag wranglers on AO3, who have to decide how to categorize/”syn” (synonym) various new tags from alphabetized lists without context of the original posting right in front of them.  In other words, including the name AND the word “blog” in it, helps them categorize the tag on the back end without having to spend extra time googling what the heck “[Insert Name Here]” was originally. 
Overall, you should be as specific and clear as possible, but those tags/tag formats should prove useful in tagging it correctly should you choose to put fannish essays and articles up on AO3 :) Oh, and protip sidebar for those posting, especially works that are more than plain text: you can make archiving things quicker and easier for yourself, but remember to plan ahead for tumblr’s potential demise/disabling/service interruptions. The good news: You can literally copy and paste the ENTIRE text of a tumblr post from say, an “edit” window, on tumblr, straight into AO3′s Rich Text Format editor, and it will preserve pretty much all or almost all of the formatting - such as bold, italics, embedded links, etc! But the bad news: keep in mind that while AO3 allows for embedded images and it WILL transfer those embedded images with a quick copy-paste like that, AO3 itself doesn’t host the images for embedding; those are still external images. This means that whether or not they continue to load/display for users, depends entirely on whether the file is still on the original external server! As I quickly discovered, in the case of posts copied from the Edit window of a tumblr post, the images will still point to the copies of the images ON tumblr’s servers. What this means is that you should back up (save copies elsewhere of) any embedded images that you consider vital to such posts, in case you need to upload them elsewhere and fiddle with where the external image is being pulled from, later.  Personally, I’m doing that AND adding image descriptions underneath them, just to be on the safe side (and in fairness, this makes it more accessible to people who cannot view the images anyway, such as sight-impaired people who use screen readers or people who have images set to not automatically display on their browser, so it’s win-win)
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caramelldraws · 4 years
A TARANTULA GUIDE - nearly done! :D
I just got my marks so this is the first look at the tarantula guide book I put together for my final project for my mediadesign ... what´s the english word for Ausbildung again? Anyways this is what it looks like so far (sneak-peek!), I expect to still have to iron out a lot of mistakes still as professional feedback is still pending and some of the topics were victims of time crunch.
As we were not meant to write our own texts and are being graded solely on the design, I had to copy parts (from wikipedia (sorry, it´s good for anatomy) and tarantula websites made by people far more knowledgeable than me) to get it done in time without resorting to using filler text as one of my profs suggested (no SIR I will NOT get rid of these texts, yes there´s a lot that´s were all the information is supposed to be! Designers I swear).
All the illustrations were done by me and I really hope to add more until I can print it (for myself, no money involved)!
(Click for the crisp)
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(please excuse the mockups) The cover is black because everything I make is black for some reason, the illustration is supposed to look like Da Vinci´s Vitruvian Man although I decided against drawing sixteen legs - eight is quite enough. Photoshop literally hates me so I had to draw this twice two days before the deadline :(
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Each new topic is introduced by a title page with a white illustration on black ...
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... which is then mirrored on the inside of the chapter in black on white. Pure Magenta (okay so everything I make is black and white with fun colors if you leave me alone for too long. Sue me). I wanted to take a look at different reasons for arachnophobia - which of course most tarantula people don´t really need but I wanted it to be as well-rounded as possible, going over definiton, anatomy, phobia, mythology and myths, venom, bodylanguage, molting, sexing, mating, setups, feeders and slings as well as a small selection of typical beginner species (yeah there´s way too many to name but it´s supposed to be like a small primer for the ones new in the community - like me! I didn´t have one when I put this together but I do now!)
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parts from body language and venom chapter
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(help girl I love block text layout too much but it´s a bitch to put around some illustrations) I had a hard time choosing which mythological spider stories to take but I must admit favorites won out at the end so I went with the classics!
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Molty time! This time with some red. Every chapter gets one little extra color if needed for the illustration
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some info on enclosures (the mockup wasn´t happy with this one, I think it´ll look better in real life as the book binding I chose so far will accomodate the illustration a bit better)
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there be a small selection of dirt :>
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Can´t forget dinner of course, have some.
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I debated for a long time how much to put into the species descriptions as I didn´t want to go overboard and like I said, still don´t have enough experience to call myself anywhere near knowledgeable. So I went with some small trivia to provide a little information, with the general idea that anyone interested enough would be doing their own research on which species to get and why.
I often tried to put an emphathis on reaching out to others in the hobby and doing your own research a lot because I feel this is the best way to get into the hobby. 
Anyways, the whole thing is a good 100 pages long by now, with some more being planned. The full layout is 165 x 245mm when closed, I used Gentium Book Basic for long texts and Bely Display Regular for headlines and similar :3 We had roughly eight weeks to start and complete our projects and I still can´t believe I actually finished it in time. I think I drew about 45 spiders (and critters) that made the final cut into the book so far xD
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