transdid · 3 months
local transDID girlie found an old savefile with a name it never went by, which could mean nothing 👁
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transdid · 3 months
can you give me some tips to create a system, how to form alters, shit like that
Hi! Here's some tips for alter and system creation! Not sure if you're going for disordered or nondisordered so I've whipped up some things for both :)
Tulpamancy is like, the way to go with creating brainmates! r/Tulpas has a thread for beginner's questions and a whole bunch of rescources.
For an innerworld, r/Tulpas is also a good starting point imo. Try searching the subreddit for "Wonderland" - it's the tulpamancy version of innerworld!
If disordered plurality is your goal, try forcing yourself to dissociate. Things that may trigger dissociation: Sleep Deprivation, substances like alcohol and/or high stress, just coming from my& triggers with DRDP.
*Note that obviously, these triggers are all quite unhealthy, especially in the long term, and I encourage you to research long-term effects of each of them to make an informed decision on this.
If they're your thing, subliminals can be powerful tools for anything concerning the mind, and there's plenty of subs and playlists for plurality (or you can always request some, or make them yourself!)
Hope this helps your(&) journey! Happy transitioning & stay safe :)
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transdid · 3 months
hi do u have transsinglet tipsss ^_^
Hi! Not sure of how much help I can be for you since I'm going in the exact oppisite direction of you, but here's what I came up with!
Do research into Final Fusion! Ideally of course, this is a journey you(&) would go on with a psychiatric professional, but I understand that a lot of cicumstaces don't allow for that. Here is an article by did-research.org on Final Fusion.
Try to establish a (as close to as possible) permanent fronter! As Permanet Fronter: Learn the positive and negative triggers of the others and avoid them as best as you can and regularly do grounding excercises to avoid dissociating (10 Grounding Techniques by Sarai Monk Psychotherapy & How to Stop Dissociating | 17 Grounding & Coping Strategies by Deb Preston)
Sublimals might also help in this journey, but I couldn't find any specific ones I could recommend here. That said, subs for Alter Communication would likely be helpful here, since Communication would mean lower dissociative barriers.
Anyways, that's all I could find/come up with! Hope your transition goes well, have a nice timezone :]!
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transdid · 3 months
❤️❤️❤️ The office vampire has come to say: TransDID/OSDD folks are valid! ❤️❤️❤️
thank you 💚💚 :D
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transdid · 3 months
hiii alej :3 twirls my hair
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transdid · 3 months
Welcome to transDID central!
This blog is for everything and everyone transDID! Transplurals, Transsinglets, TransOSDDs are also covered on occasion, but the focus here lies on transDID.
Call us Jester (it/ae), we'll mostly be infodumping about our own transition and any transDID related resources we can find, feel free to send us asks about your own transition and resources!
Collected resources:
TransDID carrd, made by us!
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