💕Transformers X Reader💕
19 posts
Welcome!!! Thank you so much for taking your time to read these Transformers oneshots, Also I have a Wattpad account that’s where I post my stories first than post them here (@BeeBee_Stepho26
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
transformersxreader · 16 days ago
(WIP!) (MTMTE)DJD x (Y/n)
I’ve been catching up on reading transformers more than meets the eye comics, and did a quick animatic, I really wanna clean this one up
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transformersxreader · 1 month ago
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Hey guys, I know it’s been a long,long time since I’ve uploaded, I kinda got lost with everything around me but I’m feeling loads of better and stories are coming soon! ✨✌️ Accept these quick sketches of (Y/n) with a few transformers prime characters of what their children would look like!
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transformersxreader · 3 months ago
A d-16/Megatron x (Y/n) animatic 💕✨💕
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transformersxreader · 3 months ago
Look what came in the mail!!! I’m super excited to open up these transformers one cards and get into reading! 🤩✨💕✨
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(I’m just missing the first book of the bayverse transformer movie)
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transformersxreader · 3 months ago
TFA Yandere Megatron x Femme Reader (Part 2)
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(Y/n) lets out a low groan feeling her head heavy, she felt movement and was staring at the floor she thinks.
Then it hits her.
She was being carried by lockdown with no problem, lifting her head a bit she noticed where she was.
"No. No! No! Let go!! Please!!"
(Y/n) begins to wiggle and fight back with all the energy she had at the moment, lockdown stops his walking adjusted (Y/n) on his shoulder as a warning for her. But she didn't listen struggling again.
"LET ME GO! You are mistaken!! Please! No! I can't!!"
Lockdown doesn't listen and continues down the dark hallways leading to the throne room.
Once the large doors opens to reveal megatron sitting on his throne his red optics shining bright in the dark room.
Lockdown grabs (Y/n) up to show he indeed found her to megatron, who slowly gets up from his throne.
(Y/n) with fear in her eyes began to struggle and cry out. Once megatron was close enough to grab (Y/n), (Y/n) halted and looks up, he was smiling.
"Lockdown, go see blitzwing for your payment."
And with that lockdown leaves, leaving you both alone in the throne room.
Megatron places (Y/n) down gently, grabbing ahold of her hands breaking the cuffs she had. (Y/n) flinch hearing the cuffs hit the floor with a loud bang.
"You certainly gave me and our decepticons a scare, they're all going to be thrilled to see you safe and sound."
(Y/n) looks away from his gaze, her arms wrap around herself nervously, (Y/n) was trying to find the right words but before she could speak, megatron cuts her off.
"As for this little game of yours, it's finally over."
Megaton lifts (Y/n) chin up
"Did you have fun? Did you get everything out of your system?"
(Y/n) couldn't reply back to megatron
"Good, good. Everyone is so relieved."
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Megatron smiles wickedly making (Y/n) concern for her well being, she didn't see the other larger bot coming from behind and injecting her with a small sleeping virus.
(Y/n) felt the harsh sting that travel through her body looking back in surprise to see the one eye decepticon.
(Y/n) felt her body become heavy, leaning back trying to catch herself but felt someone else catching her. Leaning towards the larger body, Megatron sighs lifting up (Y/n) carefully carrying her off.
"Welcome home my dear."
Shockwave was typing away looking at the screen to make sure everything was set, (Y/n) was lying peacefully on an operating table. Shockwave looks back to (Y/n) sighing coming closer to the sleeping femme. Gently caressing her face,
"I'm glad you're safely back with us (Y/n). You gave our lord a scare."
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There a a long pause
"Lord Megatron punch down a whole new hallway when he heard the news of you had escaping."
Shockwave moves to grab a small extension cord to connect to the side of (Y/n) head, hearing a satisfying click and begins to work. Shockwave laughs to himself quietly, speaking out
"You should have seen lugnut, he was so devastated hearing his queen has escape."
Shockwave took a moment to himself knowing well (Y/n) wasn't going to answer.
"Don't worry my queen, you are in good hands."
(Y/n) lifted up her upper body, her arms coming to her face, she looked around the room.
(Y/n) tried to restrain herself from grabbing her face on damaging it, she felt as it would help her to disappear from this nightmare, loud stomping steps catches her attention,looking up to the large door that slide open to reveal.
"MY QUEEN! Are you alright?!"
(Y/n) optics widen, then without a second she cries out,
Lugnut quickly comes to her side letting her cry on his shoulders, trying to pat her back gently as to not hurt her with his size.
"There, there my queen. Let out your pain."
(Y/n) leans more closer to lugnut, letting out screams and cries, lugnut stays quiet. After what felt like forever, lugnut looks down to (Y/n) noticing something new.
"My queen! Your optics! They're exquisite!"
(Y/n) was confused touching her optics then rushing to a mirror, letting out a loud gasp. She slowly leans more closer making sure she was seeing right.
"Now you are truly perfect my dear~"
A smooth voice echos out catching (Y/n) and lugnut by surprise, lugnut kneeling down to his lord. (Y/n) kept her stance looking at megatron through the mirrors reflection. Megatron walks closer to her grabbing ahold of her arms, spinning her around to face him.
"(Y/n) my dear~ I believe a celebration for your return is in the works, don't you agree?"
(Y/n) doesn't respond letting Megatron continue, grabbing a hold of (Y/n) so roughly
"Look at me when I'm speaking to you."
(Y/n) felt something inside herself, she could feel all her anger and frustration coming together. (Y/n) knew deep down she had to release this anger somehow.
"As I was say-!"
Megatron flinch feeling a small pain on his cheek, (Y/n) hand was shaking realizing what she has done, but she kept a stern look. Megatron touched the cheek that (Y/n) strike, not even glancing at her stood up straight turn to leave."
"Lugnut with me."
Lugnut looks to megatron then to (Y/n) giving her a bow, following his lord out the room, hearing a loud click.
Megatron continues to walk down the long hallway quietly, lugnut nervously following behind him. Once arriving to the throne room, everyone stood up straight and saluted their lord. Starscream smiles to megatron and bows
"My liege I see you have return from visiting lady  (Y/n), how is she settling?"
Lugnut took a step back making everyone else see his actions and also copying lugnut, stepping back slowly. Starscream looks up confused, a loud crash startles them all seeing megatron begins to throw and trash the throne room. Megatron leaving large dents on the walls and taking apart his own throne chair, everyone watches in fear not daring to stop him. Megatron then halts his attacks slowly walking up to (Y/n) throne chair, taking a big breath, moving his fists to remove any debris left on his hands. Turning around to face his loyal followers, speaking out to himself.
"I truly am a lucky mech."
Thanks so much for reading ✨
I’m truly sorry if I’m lacking on updates, I just got a new job and I’m trying to settle in with this new change, hope y’all understand 🙂‍↕️
Again thanks u guys for reading and leaving amazing responses to my work, it really means a lot 🥹
Peace ✌️
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transformersxreader · 4 months ago
Happy Halloween everyone!!! 👻🎃🍭🍫🍬✨💕✨
Hope everyone is having a fun and safe Halloween!!!🎃 (I’m the one in the fall guy costume!) The one in orange is my little sis
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transformersxreader · 4 months ago
Have some Yandere-ish Sentinel and Airachnid animatic, I’m thinking that (Y/n) is like their child and they wanna keep them forever lock up or something like that,
But I’m still working on that idea
Peace ✌️
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transformersxreader · 4 months ago
Imagine being a famous opera singer across Iacon city! (TFOne Reader insert)
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~(Y/n) who loves to sing her spark out to all the citizens of Iacon city, (Y/n) who gladly performs for her primes.
~The primes enjoy (Y/n) singing voice, they could listen to her all day and talk poetic
~(Y/n) being the nicest bot that anybody has ever meet, welcoming all to see her performances. No matter who they are
~(Y/n) who changes her amor styles like padme from Star Wars, but mostly wears her yellow mix orange amor (☝️The one in the sketch above)
Here are some example vids of what (Y/n) would sing like
~After another perfect performance for the primes, (Y/n) meets an odd yet charming fan.
“(Y/n) a pleasure to finally meet you, the names sentinel~ love your work~”
The blue bot grabs (Y/n) hand pulling it up towards his face to kiss it, (Y/n) smiles trying to be kind about his actions
“Thank you sentinel, very nice to meet you.”
~Some time has passed and the sad announcement of primes death facing the quintessons, ending the war making everyone believe they have won. Not knowing that sentinel betrayed the primes working for the enemy to gain power over cybertron. Making him the new prime of cybertron their “savior”
~(Y/n) was saddened with the news of the primes death, but due to the victory over the quintessons it was called a celebration from the new prime.
“(Y/n) there’s someone here to speak with you.”
(Y/n) looks up to the mirror reflection to see one of her assistant that helps her throughout the day, but doesn’t look back,
“Tell them I’m not seeing anyone today….”
(Y/n) looks down covering her face, before the bot could say anything. A large figure pushes into the room, (Y/n) hears standing up turning to face whoever came in.
“I’m sorry I’m not seeing-“
There stood sentinel.
Sentinel smiles and walks closer to (Y/n), grabbing her hand pulling her closer to him surprising (Y/n) by his bold actions.
“(Y/n) lovely to see you again, how you’ve been?”
(Y/n) was shock just as she was to reply she was interrupted
“Listen my dear, since our victory against the quintessons I believe a performance from you would really lift our citizens spirits up.”
(Y/n) was just lost at this point,
“Sentinel… I don’t-“
“Prime. Sentinel prime.”
(Y/n) flinch at his voice, (Y/n) not wanting more issues agrees to perform for the new prime. Sentinel delighted on (Y/n) agreement, stating that he will be excited to see (Y/n) perform for him.
Time seems to past slowly for (Y/n), After performing for the passing of the primes and our victory,
(Y/n) didn’t felt like herself, waving to the large crowd that applauded and cheered. Looking above to some of the balconies seeing sentinel prime and what seems to be his right hand bot, a very tall femme bot.
Both with smiles applauded for (Y/n).
(Y/n) gave one final bow to the crowd and walking gracefully off the stage to her personal dressing room.
Sighing in relief, she hums a low lullaby to herself. As she hums the room around her changes slowly, she removes a few pieces of her outfit. Changing into a new amor color.
(Y/n) was resting enjoying the free time she had before seeing sentinel again, looking out viewing the large city from a high building, placing another small energon cube into her mouth. Laying back to look up (Y/n) slowly closed her optics, finally feeling at peace.
A loud crash startle (Y/n), waking her up looking around the room seeing a bit of dust, waving the dust away.
‘Cough’ ‘cough’ “ugh… ow my head.”
“And this is why I didn’t wanted to come!”
(Y/n) optics adjusted seeing two fingers, the two other bots didn’t seem to noticed her. They both continued their little conversation. The gray bot looks around then finally noticed (Y/n).
“Uh.. pax…”
The other red bot looks up to his friend and just as he was going to ask what’s the matter, the gray bot grabs ahold of his head making him face (Y/n). They three stood in silence, thinking whether or not to make a sound. The red bot smiles shyly slowly raising his hand waving.
“Umm hello.”
Thanks for reading my friends 😊✨✌️
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transformersxreader · 4 months ago
(Platonic) TFONE Starscream x Sparkling Reader
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"Their beautiful Starscream."
"Look how cute they are!"
"Congratulations sir."
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Starscream grins proudly holding his sparkling closer to his chest, the sparkling was nibbling on a small energon cube.
The other seekers smiled and "aw" at the sparkling cute action,
"What will you name them sir?"
Starscream thought for a moment kissing the sparkling's head, lifting them up.
"(Y/n). My sweet little comet."
"(Y/n)? Where are you?"
Starscream voice echos out the large room, turning around to make sure he didn't miss any spots, till he hears giggling from another room.
Walking up to the room the doors slide open to reveal (Y/n), but they were held up by the one and only megatronus.
(Y/n) yells out their arms lifting up in excitement see their sire. Starscream quickly runs up to the prime, apologizing lifting his arms up to try to reach for his sparkling.
Megatronus lowers himself lower so that Starscream could grab the sparkling. Starscream scolded (Y/n), who just giggles without a care.
Megatronus takes his leave, Starscream looks back to make sure that the prime left, (Y/n) lets out a loud beep, feeling Starscream kiss her cheeks multiple times.
"You gave your sire a spark-attack young one."
(Y/n) lowers her head snuggling closer to Starscream chest, Starscream lets out a huff of defeat of their cuteness.
"Just bend your knees and jump, the transformation will happen trust me."
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(Y/n) looks down from the crate she was on top of, Starscream, Shockwave and Soundwave where standing from a small distance.
"Are you sure sire?"
Starscream smiles to (Y/n),
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"Trust me, my comet."
(Y/n) closed her optics, breathing in and letting out a huff before jumping off.
Starscream smiles
"I did it!! I did it!!"
(Y/n) screams out her small jet form flying around, Starscream lets out a hardy laugh joining (Y/n), flying beside her making sure to watch out if she needs any help.
(Y/n) transforms out of her jet form but miss her steps making her lose her footing tripping over, sliding off till she hits something. Looking up to see a bright blue bot.
"Sentinel! Did you see me transform!"
Sentinel gave the smaller bot a smile
"Yes I did! Now where is your?"
(Y/n) stood up before they were about to answer Starscream lands close pulling (Y/n) away from sentinel and behind him.
"Is there a problem?"
Sentinel shook his head pointing behind him,
"The primes wish to speak to the three of you."
Starscream nods looking to Soundwave and shockwaves, then to (Y/n).
"Let's go."
Starscream grabs ahold of (Y/n) servos, (Y/n) smiles up to her sire looking back waving to sentinel.
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"Goodbye sentinel!"
Thank u for reading ✨💕
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transformersxreader · 4 months ago
Guys look what I found at Walmart! I’m definitely gonna try to collect them all! ✨😊💕
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transformersxreader · 4 months ago
Here is a short animatic of Yandere Sire/Father Sentinel Prime x reader
Where Sentinel is trying to turn/teach (Y/n) into the next prime, but (Y/n) is not sure if their sire is doing the right thing for cybertron.
(Y/n) is getting into trouble for questioning about the matrix and seeing their new found miner friends.
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transformersxreader · 4 months ago
TFONE Yandere Sentinel Prime x Femme Reader
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(Part One)
"You look exquisite my dear (Y/n)~"
(Y/n) couldn't move, she was terrified looking at her own reflection into the large mirror. Servos rested upon her shoulders, a large figure comes behind her moving to stand beside her. (Y/n) breath hitch when she felt a servo grab ahold of her chin making her look up to Sentinel prime.
"Smile dear, the public awaits~"
(Y/n) felt her helm shake slowly, looking back at herself in the mirror, joining the prime. They both slowly walk out to the balcony, where she was greeted with cheers and flashes of lights.
This was the moment Sentinel Prime announces his marriage engagement to the whole city of Iacon. The thought of their savior prime getting to marry somebot made all the cybertronians thrill and happy.
If only they knew.....
(Y/n) was force to smile and wave gracefully to the large crowd making sure to show everyone how "happy" she was. Sentinel prime had no problem waving to the crowd. (Y/n) felt a servo land on her hip, looking up she sees sentinel smiling down to her. (Y/n) was hesitant to slap that smile off his face, but she knew the consequences. How? How could she let this happen?
"(Y/n) a word."
(Y/n) lifted her surgical lopues glasses, looking up from her work to see Ratchet, she places the small tool to the side.
"How can I assist you sir?"
Ratchet walks up lifting up a datapad to (Y/n)
"Are you busy this afternoon?"
(Y/n) gave a good thought replying back to him,
"No sir. I believe I'm free, is there something happening?"
Ratchet smiles
"Would you be interested on joining me and a few other medics to speak with Sentinel prime?"
(Y/n) thought how amazing it would be to meet a prime and having a chance to speak with him. (Y/n) gave ratchet a nod of excitement grabbing the datapad.
Gathering with the other medics, ratchets leads them to an elevator, (Y/n) felt nervous more and more as the elevator went up hearing a small ding, the doors sliding open and there standing proudly was the Sentinel Prime.
"Greeting Ratchet and I see some fellow hard working medics!"
Sentinel walks up shaking ratchets hand, waking to each medic thanking them for their service. (Y/n) lets out a breath trying to calm herself. Once sentinel reaches the (F/c) femme, he pause for a moment, catching himself for freezing. Grabs ahold of (Y/n) servo shaking it slowly
"And who is this lovely medic?"
(Y/n) blushes and shakes his hand back,
"(Y-y/n). Sentinel prime sir."
Sentinel smiles and lifts (Y/n) hand to his lips kissing it lightly. Catching (Y/n) and the other medics/doctor by surprise,
Sentinel then lifts his arms up,
"I appreciate you hard working medics making sure all citizens of Iacon are in their best health! I celebrate you."
Ratchet and the other medics where grateful for his words, (Y/n) was still spaced out on what just happen not focusing on the conversation that when she felt a servo on her shoulder she sees ratchet giving her a small smile, looking back to the prime thanking him for speaking with them.
Just as they all gather into the elevator, (Y/n) looks up notice that the prime was staring right at her, (Y/n) smiles shyly waving goodbye.
Once the elevator doors closed the prime lets out a steam of breath looking back, he sees Airachnid coming out of the shadows.
"Follow (Y/n)."
"You ready to go Skyburn."
The bigger jet bot stood and stretched out his arms, moving his leg in steady motion."
(Y/n) gave a small cube to him, filling out a few things on the datapad.
"Now remember try not to use a lot of activity like jumping and running for a while, and you'll be as good to go."
Skyburn grabs the datapad and gives (Y/n) a firm nod leaving out the doors.
(Y/n) sighs another patient satisfied, she then took a moment looking down the hand that sentinel kissed, rubbing it still processing if that really did happened.
Also she has felt like someone was watching her, not close but from afar. She carefully gather her things heading out, she scans her card stating that she's no longer in the building.
"Uh.. finally, I can't wait to go home."
(Y/n) again felt the feeling of someone watching her, making sure to be aware of her surroundings but couldn't pin point it.
She made it to her home building as she was putting in her code, a large shadow figure covers her smaller one. She quickly looks back to see a large spider like femme.
(Y/n) couldn't let out a sound too afraid to speak out, the spider femme looks to her side revealing her other optics. She made sure to analyze (Y/n) and their surroundings.
"Are you (Y/n)?"
(Y/n) nods not wanting to get the bigger and scarier bot mad.
She lifts what looks like a hard drive or chip waiting for (Y/n) to grab it, which she slowly did. (Y/n) gave the femme bot a confused look.
"From Sentinel Prime. Play this when you are ready."
And with that she leaves, (Y/n) waits till she couldn't hear the clicks of her extra legs. She leans against the door sliding down hitting the floor letting out heavy breaths.
"What just happened?"
(Y/n) gave a long thought looking at the small drive, was this actually from sentinel? She places the drive in its slot, a hologram reveals at first glitching till it actually reveals the prime himself.
"Greeting (Y/n), if you are seeing this message I invite you to accompany me tomorrow evening. Please I insist."
And with that the message end, leaving (Y/n) there still processing what she saw. (Y/n) smiles covering her mouth with excitement so she doesn't make too much noise for her neighbors. (Y/n) needed to peppered herself, make sure she looked presentable for the prime.
The next day, (Y/n) was finishing up her work load, her feet wouldn't stop tapping from all the nervousness. Finally the evening came but just as she steps out of the medic wing she was greeted by the same spider femme.
"Oh! H-hello again um.."
"Airachnid. Follow me."
And with that she transforms into her vehicle mode catching (Y/n) by surprise, she quickly transforms to her jet form trying to catch up with Airachnid. Once landing what looks like the top of sentinel primes tower, (Y/n) mid transforms landing right beside Airachnid.
"(Y/n) you came! Glad to see you again!"
Sentinel voice echos out through the shiny room, Sentinel walks up to her, holding out his hand for (Y/n), which she grabs. This time he lower himself to kiss her servo.
"I'm so pleased that you were able to join me, please this way."
"Oh no sir, it's a pleasure to join you."
(Y/n) lets Sentinel lead her to an area that looked like a whole group of friends can hang with a nice furniture and table that had energon goodies, there for the rest of the time together they sat and talked about each other.
The more (Y/n) talk about herself the more the prime fell harder for her. (Y/n) then notice that it was getting late.
"Oh, I really should head home, don't wanna take up more of your time. I had an amazing time."
Sentinel gets up slowly walks up to (Y/n) grabbing her serves holding them together with his bigger ones.
"No worries my dear, and please I wish to see you again whenever you're free."
(Y/n) nods blushing, thanking him again. Transforming and heading home. Sentinel watches (Y/n) leave waving his hand goodbye till he could no longer see her form.
"Have you gather all her information?"
Airachnid comes out, smiling holding up a small drive.
Some time has passed, the more (Y/n) spend time with the prime the more she developed feeling for him. Same goes for the prime but his love was twisted, (Y/n) not knowing what she was getting herself into.
(Y/n) made it home after another date, With sentinel, she hums a little tune to herself getting ready for a good rest, slowly drifting off.
She felt heavy for a moment till a large flash of light blind her till her optics open, noticing she was staring into a vast of stars. She noticed more she was laying on the floor, lifting herself up.
"Uh hello? Hello?"
(Y/n) begins to walk in a direction but it seems she wasn't moving at all. Till a voice booms out,
She turns letting out a surprise gasp, there stood Zeta Prime.
"What? Z-zeta prime?!"
The bigger bot knees down the be eye level with (Y/n) placing a hand on her shoulder.
"What's going on? Where am I? Oh no am I?.."
Zeta Prime shakes his head
"No. No, young (Y/n). You are in an astral projection. Between worlds."
(Y/n) gives Zeta a confused look
"If I'm here? Why?"
Zeta stands walking around (Y/n) making her turn to follow him.
"You are in grave danger (Y/n). All of cybertron and cybertronians are in danger."
"I-in danger from what? W-who?"
I’ll add some sketches tomorrow hopefully it’s getting late for me ✍️🥱💤
Holy moly! Thanks again for taking your time reading this, sorry again for taking some time off, personal matters that I had to deal with.
Funny thing is, I wrote this like three times with different story plot and chose this one, I'll probably post the others later.
But yes! Thanks for all your support 🥹☺️
Peace ✌️
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transformersxreader · 4 months ago
Here’s a quick sketch!
I’m practicing on my coloring and shading, I’m still
Rusty when it comes to blending colors together 🥲
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And here’s the video of the process of this quick sketch
Thanks u guys for all your support 😊
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transformersxreader · 5 months ago
TFONE Starscream x Femme Reader x Yandere-ish D-16/Megatron (Part 2)
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/Part Two/
"Anything to report switchsky?"
(Y/n) ask turning to face the group of scout seekers that had just arrived, switchsky shakes her head
"Nothing to report commander (Y/n)."
(Y/n) smiles and laughs
"Please (Y/n) will do, get some rest."
(Y/n) pats switchsky's shoulders, walking off towards the throne area. Where she indeed found Starscream sitting in all his glory.
"Greetings my lord."
Starscream smiles a bit shaking his head,
"Anything to report from our seekers? My dear."
(Y/n) sat on left side of the arm throne, pulling up a hologram of cleared area scouted.
"According to our seekers this sector has been cleared and to the west, but I think for my
Seekers safety I'll check up on the north side myself."
Starscream grabs ahold of (Y/n) servo placing soft kisses and looking up to her.
"Always thinking of our seekers. But you know I can't let u go alone."
(Y/n) sighs hopping off the arm throne
"Fine. Fine. I'll take Boomer and Rushtrap with me okay?"
Starscream stood up from his throne, giving (Y/n) a nod of approval.
"Report back immediately once the north sector is cleared."
"Yes sir."
(Y/n) was just about to turn to leave but felt Starscream servo gently holds up her chin to meet his optics
"Be safe my dear."
(Y/n) blushes chuckling, almost tripping over her pedes.
Transforming quickly to her jet form and calling Boomer and rushtrap.
"See anything mechs?"
"Nothing to report (Y/n)."
Rushtrap replies flying on her left while Boomer flew to her right side.
The three transform out of their alt mode landing on a cliff that had a great view of the landscape.
"Something the matter Bommer?"
Rushtrap ask making (Y/n) look back to the two seekers waiting for his response
"Something feels off..."
Boomers deep voice echos out till all their coms activated
"(Y/n) report back to base, some scout seekers found trespassers."
"We are a bit far but will arrive soon as possible. Let's go."
(Y/n) jumps off the cliff transforming and blasting off with a bit more speed, rushtrap and boomer transforming following behind (Y/n).
(Y/n) lands at the entrance of base, noticing all the high guards were gather at the throne area. She looks back to see Rushtrap and Boomer telling them to join the others while she joins Starscream.
(Y/n) made her way through the crowd, the seekers making way for her to get to the front. Once she was in the open area she stops and sees four bots on their knees. The yellow one turns to see (Y/n) and yells out in excitement his arms shaking around.
"Hey!! Look! Look! It's (Y/n)! She's here too!"
The three other bots turn to see (Y/n), she gave them a confused look before realizing that the gray and red bot were the miners she encountered on her mission.
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D-16 optics widen seeing (Y/n) again he felt his spark beating rapidly, he tries to stand but a few seekers aim their weapon to him shoving him down on his knees again.
(Y/n) gave D-16 an apologetic look while making her way up the stairs standing beside Starscream.
D-16 seems to noticed that you were of importance to this so called "wanna be king"
"Do you know these bots (Y/n)?"
(Y/n) looks back to D-16 than to Starscream replying
"Just the grey and red one, they were just simple miners I've encountered during my mission to the Iacon mines."
Orion pax was glad to see a familiar face and just as he stood to say that they should work together to unite cybertron was greeted with guns pointed to him.
Starscream didn't believe in working together uniting cybertron, stating that one bot with the strength should rule/lead.
Every bot cheered at Starscream words making
(Y/n) sigh looking away, truthfully she would follow Starscream without hesitation, but wanted justice for all bots on cybertron and for sentinel to pay for his crimes. Is this really the only way?
She was quickly pull out of her thoughts when Starscream stood from his throne.
"HEY!" What are you doing?"
(Y/n) sees D-16 waking away but was block by two seekers, D-16 turns to face Starscream explaining why he wasn't going to coward away, making pity moves and pretending to be a so called king.
"I found out that sentinel is rotten today! (Y/n) was the only one to warn me about him! but I was too blind to see/hear her! And I'm going to make him pay for it!
(Y/n) can feel his pain, his optics showing the pain and anger he has build up, waiting for it all to be released to the world. (Y/n) hesitantly steps forward seeing Starscream walking more and more closer to the angry miner.
"You think you could insult me?, And just walk away? No one leaves here unless I say so."
Now both Starscream and D-16 are face to face, D-16 looks down thinking to himself, making eye contact with Starscream
"Is that right?.....well how could say so? With my head in your teeth."
Without a second D-16 head bumps Starscream faceplate catching him by surprise. The whole crowd begins to cheer in excitement for the brawl.
Both Orion and (Y/n) scream out in fear, Starscream flies up to deliver a kick to D-16, blocking it with his arms but was greeted with a blast from Starscream heel rockets.
Starscream flies straight into D-16 grabbing him by the neck, lifting him up till his back hits a piece of the broken ship. Starscream repeatedly punches D-16 on his stomach, D-16 quickly transforms his leg  kicking Starscream off.
D-16 lands on Starscream, giving him punches back onto his faceplate, Starscream encourages him to hit him harder.
Both (Y/n) and Shockwave look to each other thinking the same thought, just as they both were to step in, Soundwave lifts both his arms as to say let them continue.
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(Y/n) gave Soundwave a worried look, seeing D-16 hurting her Starscream. The crowd cheers out D-16 name encouraging the bot more, grabbing Starscream by the neck cables.
Starscream voice glitches out more and more as D-16 added pressure to his hold, D-16 angry seems to have come out when he lifted his arm ready to finish Starscream off. Till a large cannon transforms out aiming at Starscream, surprising everyone.
(Y/n) optics widen feeling her spark turn cold in fear, D-16 surprised as well. Talking a good look at his creation heavy breaths steaming out of him, aims his cannon more direct to Starscream.
"No! Please don't!"
(Y/n) steps forward trying to get closer to Starscream, D-16 gave her a stern stare.
"Stop! D! He's not the enemy."
There was a long pause. The atmosphere growing thicker of suspense.
(Y/n) lets out a breath of relief when D-16 pulls away his cannon, (Y/n) quickly knees down to aid Starscream. Holding him tightly, looking up to D-16 shaking in fear.
D-16 felt his spark pulse in pain seeing (Y/n) in this state but seeing her cowering to this so called leader. He could offer you so much more. Together you and him can get back at sentinel from all the pain he has cause.
You can be his.
D-16 starts to claim that they should follow him to Iacon city and take their revenge on sentinel prime at this moment, aiming his cannon up shooting out a single charge. Everyone begins to cheer out his name.
"Are you okay?"
(Y/n) voice ask softly to Starscream, his voice glitches out when he tries to reassure her.
(Y/n) places her hand up to his lips, as in a way telling him not to speak.
"Please dear, I don't want you to damage your voice more."
(Y/n) looks around seeing everyone continue to cheer for their new champion, she felt her breath hitch in fear.
D-16 was looking at her direction, his optics seemed to have a more orange color to them. (Y/n) quickly looks away, her attention is back to Starscream. A loud bang can be heard from a distance, a flash of light.
The explosion happened so fast catching everybody by surprise, (Y/n) tightly holds onto Starscream who also holds back both sliding to the floor.
(Y/n) quickly pulls Starscream up pushing him away from the open area, just before Starscream was going to say something, (Y/n) transforms into her jet form. Attacking all the tracker bots down. She tackles one down, lifting up a fellow seeker telling them to take cover. (Y/n) aims up to the sky shooting down a few trackers before she felt someone tackling her down. (Y/n) grabs ahold onto their arms but felt a sting on her neck, looking up.
Just has (Y/n) was going to aim her weapon at Airachind, she felt a large pain on her side of her helm, everything going dark.
Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long, I really took my time on this one,my apologies. I really appreciate your patience
The next one will be the final part, and I'll tell u D-16 is going to yandere-ish to yandere for (Y/n)
Again thanks for all your feedback and support it really means a lot to me! 😊
Peace ✌️
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transformersxreader · 5 months ago
TFONE B-127/Bumblebee x Femme Reader
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/Part One/
(Y/n) sighs tiredly scrubbing harder onto the floor, trying to remove a large stain.
"Hey (Y/n)! Steelgear says you need to head to the upper floor, there's been an energon spill."
(Y/n) halts her movement looking up to see nightfall, one of (Y/n)s coworkers.
"Again? Didn't I just clean from that floor already?"
Nightfall shakes her head displeased as well, (Y/n) lifts herself up putting the wet rag back into the bucket.
"I'll head over can you finish this for me? Please?"
Nightfall nods
"Yeah sure just head over, steel sounded angry."
(Y/n) gave a nervous smile and walks off to where she is needed, reaching her destination she indeed sees an energon spill. But not only that she see her boss Steelgear yelling out his spark to a yellow colored bot,
"This is your last straw B-127! If you mess up again you're gone!"
The yellow bot chuckled nervously
"Yes! You got it boss-bot!"
Steelgear turns to (Y/n), (Y/n) giving him a small bow waiting for him to say something.
"clean this mess up."
Without another word he leaves, leaving you and the yellow bot alone.
(Y/n) quickly begins to pick up the glass pieces carefully ignoring the other bot.
"Uhm... I- uh didn't really mean to make a-"
"It's fine. Don't worry too much about."
It was quiet for a moment, till the yellow bot begins to help out (Y/n) which surprised her making her look up to meet his optics.
His optics...
"Hello? You okay there?"
A hand was waved at your face making you blush at your stillness looking down
"You don't have to apologize! I'm B-127! Or um bee if you like."
"(Y/n), a pleasure."
They both continue to clean the mess in silence, both of them giving each other glances catching each other stares blushing and smiling.
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And just that moment (Y/n) and Bee created a bond of friendship, their friendship grew into a blossoming relationship.
(Y/n) sighs as she pop another small energon cube into her mouth as she waited for bee to finish his shift.
"Thinking about B-127?"
(Y/n) jumps and looks back to see nightfall, (Y/n) smiles and replies
"How can you tell?"
"You have this look in your optics that seemed to shine brighter than normal."
(Y/n) blushes at her friend's words, bee really did made her feel special and loved.
The doors slide open to reveal more of her coworkers and a new bot you've never seen before.
"Hey guys! Meet sunfuse she's new so be nice."
Sunfuse seemed shy and waves slowly, everyone joins in saying their names and greeting on joining into the group.
"Hello sunfuse, I'm (Y/n) it's a pleasure to have you here with us. Don't worry will guide you through it."
(Y/n)'s words seemed to make sunfuse relax a bit and nodded her head in appreciation for the help
As the day continues on, (Y/n) was just heading to deliver a few boxes when she heard her name being called out
"(Y/n)!! Hey (Y/n)!"
She sees bee rushing up to her giving (Y/n) a huge hug placing soft kisses on her cheek. (Y/n) luckily didn't drop the boxes, letting out giggles of bees action.
"Bee! Be careful you almost made me drop these boxes."
"Sorry! Oh yes! Before anything else after your shift meet me on the roof, I have a surprise for you!"
Bee waves his arms around in excitement and (Y/n) leans to kiss bee on the lips
"I'll see you in a bit."
"Okay bee, what is it you wanted to show me?"
Bee had his arms behind his back a smile of excitement showed on his face,
"Close your optics first."
(Y/n) giggles and closes them feeling bee coming closer than placing something around her neck.
"Alright! Open!"
(Y/n) opens her optics slowly looks down to see a very well made necklace that had a beautiful (favorite color) crystal.
"Oh! Bee its beautiful!"
She carefully holds up the crystal, admiring the hand made gift. Without a second she jumps onto bee catching him by surprised but he gladly holds her tighter both laughing and cherishing this moment together.
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(Y/n) was organizing a box filled with datapads, till she hears somebody running and shouting through the halls, stepping out to check the noise to see nightfall.
(Y/n) gave a confused look asking if everything was alright, nightfall grabbing her service pulling her out of the room.
"It's B-127! I saw a guard taking him!"
(Y/n) optics widen dropping the datapads in her hands and rushing out, nightfall calling out for her.
No! This shouldn't be happening! It can't be real!
(Y/n) reaches the main center, nightfall not far behind and points out
(Y/n) turns to see Steelgear and two guards holding bee and dragging him out. Bee was trying to reason with them but they didn't acknowledge him.
Bee stops seeing (Y/n) rushing towards him, but before (Y/n) can advance to him she felt somebody grab her arm roughly pulling her back.
"(Y/n)! Where do you think you're going?"
(Y/n) looks up to see Steelgear, (Y/n) struggle and shouts out to him to let her go.
"Please! Don't do this! I need to see him!"
"He's done for (Y/n) he had multiple chances!"
(Y/n) looks back to the direction where bee was taken hoping to see him once more. Steelgear drags (Y/n) back with the others and shoves her inside.
The others came to aid her, seeing Steelgear leave without another word.
"Are you okay (Y/n)?"
(Y/n) didn't reply her thoughts clouded her head, without warning lets out a cry. Nightfall hugs her closer the others trying to soothe her, will she ever see him again? What will they do to him.
(Y/n) slowly reaches for her necklace holding tightly to the crystal afraid to let go thinking it would disappear from her.
"I-I didn't get to say goodbye....."
Thanks u guys for all your support it means a lot to me! And thanks again for being patient for the continuation of the other storylines and for the upcoming fanfics that are coming soon!
Peace out ✌️💕
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transformersxreader · 5 months ago
TFONE Yandere Sentinel Prime x Reader
Here’s a sneak peek on what I’m working on
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Base on this reference 👇
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I saw @melh1art use this reference and wanted use it too
Hope y’all doing well 🙌
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transformersxreader · 5 months ago
TFA Yandere Megatron x Femme Reader
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Purple means flashback
For as long as (Y/n) could remember, she has always been on the run.
Run from what? You ask....
The leader of the Decepticons, Megatron.
(Y/n) grips her hands together trying to ease her nerves, at the moment she was trying to fix her ship. The wires and screens kept glitching out making loud alarm noises, not helping her. (Y/n) once fixing the issue, collapse onto the floor letting out a sigh of relief.
Why couldn't Megatron move on.... Why search for her? (Y/n) wrap her arms around herself, memories flashing back into her head
"Lady (Y/n). Our lord Megatron is ready for you."
Lugnuts voice booms out making (Y/n) flinch, she gave the large Mech a small nod.
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Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, she felt tears forming. Her color scheme completely change, her amor was a bit more intense for her. (Y/n) was not herself just the last bit of herself she could see was her deep blue optics.
Lugnut waits patiently for (Y/n), letting her walk out first, following behind. (Y/n) felt more sick and nervous when they started to get closer and closer to the throne room.
The doors slide open revealing many decepticons in each side, they stood in their positions. (Y/n) head was low, too scared to face him.
Lugnut leans to (Y/n) side and whispers, surprising her
"My lady, you must rise and face to our lord."
(Y/n) nervously looks up to see everyone in the room staring at her. No one makes a sound, (Y/n) looks towards the middle, and with a steady moment walks forward, Lugnut slowly follows.
(Y/n) half way to the throne see Megatron, he looks terrifying as usual but the one thing that made (Y/n) ease up was his small smile.
Megatron reached out a servos for (Y/n) to grab, which she hesitated but accepted.
*Beep* Beep* Beep*
(Y/n) notice her lack of attention she hears another alarm, picking herself up typing onto the screen the see the problem.
Another ship? But this one different?
She can't risk it.
She needs to leave.
Just as (Y/n) was placing in new coordinates, a loud bang was heard making the ship shake harshly, knocking (Y/n) back
"Do you lord Megatron take (Y/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife? Till death do you part?"
Megaton grips (Y/n) hands tightly
"I do."
"And do you (Y/n)? Take Megatron to be your lawfully wedded husband? Till death do you part?"
(Y/n) looks up to Megatron, deep into his crimson optics. She opens her mouth be no sound came out, but when Megatron grips a bit more tightly she spoke up with a bit a crack voice
"I-I do...."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride."
(Y/n) felt Megatron warp his arm around her bringing her closer, their lips connect making all the decepticons cheer.
(Y/n) came online, but she couldn't move.
Oh no...please....
"Hey, you're awake."
A voice echos out, (Y/n) tries to move her body but couldn't, her optics move to the side trying to get a glimpse of who ever was there.
A light was shined on her face making (Y/n) close her eyes, the light is moved away letting her see her kidnapper.
(Y/n) breathe hitch in fear
"Hey you remember me, that's nice it's been a long time hasn't it, last time I saw you was at your wedding."
Lockdown was fixing up some of his weapons, (Y/n) lets out a steady breath.
"Please. Please don't take me back."
Lockdown stops and faces to her
"You know Megatron is paying a really high price for you. An offer I can't refuse."
(Y/n) lets of a cry and begins to panic and tries to escape making lockdown come forward holding up a gun like machine, making (Y/n) halt her movements.
"Shhhhh. Can't have you stressing out all the way to Megatron, here relax."
A small puff of cloud comes out of the machine making (Y/n) cough a few times her optics feeling heavy and slowly goes to stasis.
(Y/n) sat motionless in her very own throne chair, Megatron sitting in his own as well.
Each loyal follower of Megatron steps up cautiously to present you a gift or bows to you in respect.
Megatron would just nod to each soldier and (Y/n) would a least thank everyone slowly with a low voice.
As the celebration continues, Megatron grips (Y/n) faceplate to make her look at him.
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"I can't wait for your optics to shine bright red my dear."
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