transformfitspo · 7 years
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Comment with what you think! 💪 Wow such an impressive transformation by @gracieslook! She has lost more than 40 pounds in 2 months! Follow her for more @gracieslook -- "Hi guys! 👋😊My name is Grace and I've been on this 100 pound weightloss journey for the past two months. I finally decided to start recording my journey on insta! I'm not sure if you can really tell or not but there is a 42 pound difference between these two pictures. I'm sooo close to losing 50 pounds total!" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 🔥 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2mGWaNy
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Comment with what you think! 💪 @carinafitmama: "🌷The body achieves what the mind believes 🌷 . Every time I post the photo on the left you can guarantee that I get a few comments saying either A) they preferred me in the left photo or B) there was nothing wrong with how my body looked before. . Everyone has different tastes so the first comment doesn't bother me. And I also can't argue with the second comment because they are right - there wasn't anything wrong with how I looked! What's hard to capture in a photo is the state of mind in each photo. . The reality is that when I was 29 I had a very unhealthy relationship with food & exercise and my body reflected that. I was unfit and unhealthy and it didn't make me feel good. I would oscillate between bingeing and then cutting my calories drastically to try and punish myself for over eating. "Punishment" captures my whole attitude at the time. I would punish my body with some exercise after bingeing and then punish myself by eating less. Then I'd self sabotage and binge again. It was a horrible way to live and left me feeling very unhappy. It also scared me that my little girl would grow up watching that cycle of disordered eating and self loathing. So I had to make a change for me first, but also for her. . I think some people look at these photos and think that they are suggesting you can only be happy if you achieve a certain physique. The changes to my physique were just a by product of me adopting a much healthier lifestyle and improving my mindset. And yes while there's no denying it feels good to look fit, happiness actually comes from having a healthier body AND a healthier mind, not how I look ❤️" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 🔥 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2DaW0Z1
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Tag a Friend You Want to Help Motivate 💕 @fiquemagrabru: "Respost from one of my most tanned and engaged photos. ❤❤❤ This text is also very special. :) The difference of the two Brunas I would sum up in one word: excesses. In the first picture I lived to eat. Unlimited. Even to go wrong and be ready for the next meal that would surely be the same. How everything changed in just over two years separating these two. If my version of today could meet my version of the past, I would hug it tightly and say, 'Hey, CHANGE. Food is not enough to fill your weaknesses. Stop bullying yourself like that. See how weak she is. Understand that excesses are killing you little by little. CHANGE. Not to please the standard of society, but you have to love yourself. You are beautiful, yes, all the way. But, look at how much obesity is overshadowing your glow. For! This speech that you scream out that if accepted is a lie. It's just another escape valve to withstand this cruel world. You can do it. I believe in you. Change for us. Our altar! Our body. Our life. Our happiness. With love, your self in the future. " _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 💪 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2msMsOS
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Tag Someone That’s Making a Fitness Transformation 💪 @suitablysophie: "I just finished up part 1 of my graduation and am getting close to the big finale tomorrow, on top of it being my 24th birthday. Yes, I've shared this picture before. BUT, it's one that means more to me than most. The picture on the left was taken my very first day of graduate school. I was JUST starting my health and fitness journey as well as starting my career. I was eager to be molded and learn as much as possible in both disciplines. While I have no idea where the time went, I can say that my physical transformation represents how much I have changed and grown internally as well. I'm so grateful for the journey of learning I've been on these last two years. Knowledge is power. Curiosity is humble. Confidence is key. ✨" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 🔥 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2AUJrfq
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Double Tap if You Are Impressed! 🔥 @iamfitbitch "Nothing is impossible, everything requires effort, will power, focus and persistence! Difficult will always be, nothing that is very good comes from nowhere! We are the fruit of our choices, we are shaped by them and ultimately they define us. Changing only fits a person, you. And believe me, from the moment you decide where you want to go, you WILL arrive! It's like I've always believed it to be: believe, have a focus, search and the universe takes care of the rest. And a tip: start at the beginning, do not run over the steps is the key to constancy, what becomes routine 🙌🏼 how you can see the photos is 5 years apart, 5 years of training and healthy eating 90% of the time, is slow, but the result comes, patience 🙏🏼 So that this photo is another motivation for this week that is coming, bringing another opportunity to us 👊🏼" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2mualGD
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Comment with what you think! 💪 @irabuka: "I have been engaged for 6 years, with interruptions (for hospitals and trips), but I love both training and nutrition. I just love this life and I want to live it healthy, beautiful, able to raise the bedside table and without losing my back. This is my motivation. And you? .  What is fitness and why should they be engaged?  Ordinary people, yes, I'm talking about you, begin to engage in any physical exercise for the most part from wanting to lose weight or get pumped up. And wears this seasonal character, or just once in a century.  But it's important to just set the goal correctly. Fitness is not needed in order to lose weight! Not in order to be less fat in the summer than a month ago! And for health, strength of mind, discipline, longevity and ... each for himself a lot of what he finds. .  Fitness - the desire for an optimal quality of life, To a good physical condition. Achieve higher levels of preparedness in various indicators and keep them at the required mark. .  What includes: -training with weights (power, aimed at increasing muscle mass) -aerobic workouts (cardio, for the development of aerobic abilities !! Not for weight loss !!!) -training flexibility -work with food behavior and the conduct of a healthy lifestyle . . By the way, from all this, only food is responsible for losing weight, and not cardio or power. Nutrition - 90% success in getting rid of excess fat. (In the first photo I was already engaged for 1,5 years, the whole history can be read on Achieve higher levels of preparedness in various indicators and keep them at the required mark. . What includes: -training with weights (power, aimed at increasing muscle mass). _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 🔥 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2FwU0c6
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Tag a Friend You Want to Help Motivate 💕 @fionafalkiner: "The debate over the last week has reminded me of the importance of focusing on just being healthy and happy. Being the best version of me! Living my life to the fullest enjoying the journey everyday! ✌🏻" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 💪 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2DmdFdW
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Tag Someone That’s Making a Fitness Transformation 💪 @fitroosjeIt: " all starts with accepting and loving yourself.  Its not about the weight you loss, but about the happiness and health you gain. I think that it's more important to feel happy and healthy in your own body than to feel awful and see a "good looking " number on the scale. Who cares about the scale? Why is that number so important to you?  Well I don't think that, that number says something about the way you look or feel.  We are all human with different shapes and sizes. It's impossible to compare yourself to somebody else.  So do things that make you happy. Do any sports you like. Try to eat proper nutrition and enjoy life. " _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 🔥 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2qUjvkl
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Double Tap if You Are Impressed! 🔥 @foamrollfanatic: "Hiii happy weekend cuties! It was nice to sleep in this morning :) I'm about to head out to a local boxing match with the man! What are you up to today? I realized I haven't posted a progress, so here it is: May 2015 vs Nov 2015 vs May 2016. As always, all pictures unfiltered. Not much difference from last month but progress isn't supposed to be drastic, it's gradual. I'm trying to add more muscle mass because I'm really liking my current shape! So I've been challenging myself by up'ing the weights and I'm also trying my best to eat 5-6 times a day👍🏼 AND next week marks my 1YR (52 weeks) of doing BBG - so excited 😆🙌🏼 I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, keep smiling babes 😊💋" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2mvngrC
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Comment with what you think! 💪 @isfrannyfityet: "Looking back at my old self like 😬.... I can't tell you how to do it I can just simply say DO IT. No one is going to hold your hand through this, no one is going to make sure you're up every morning for the gym or monitor your food.. that's 100% your responsibility. Make yourself proud. Be your own motivation. Don't depend on anyone for your happiness. Take care of your life and your life will take care of you, I promise. After pic PC @heyitskathy •" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 🔥 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2qSkDVr
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Tag a Friend You Want to Help Motivate 💕 @just.staish: "It's been about 6 months since I closed the doors on Instagram. But I felt the urge to crack it open a little to see how it felt to pop in and say hello. I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy on January 27th, 2017, after losing 120lbs on my own. I'm now down nearly 190lbs total. VSG was FAR easier than I thought it would be in terms of the procedure and recovery. However, it is by no means an easy fix or easy afterwards. I expected the weight to melt off. I anticipated being able to drop 100lbs in about 4 months. But that hasn't been the case. I've lost more slowly than I expected. I can actually eat more than I expected I'd be able to eat. In the first month, I truly couldn't eat more than a few ounces at a time and could only take down a couple mouthfuls of water, because my new stomach was still inflamed (normal) from surgery and was healing. I literally wasn't ever hungry. Once my stomach recovered fully, I was able to eat more and drink more (thank god for the drinking more part). But I really hoped I'd be full on just a few ounces still. I am far less hungry than I ever was before. And lord knows I eat a fraction of what I use to. BUT, I imagined I'd be able to eat less than I can. I had ZERO complications. I had incredibly minimal pain. I was terrified of the pain and it was totally not worth all of the anxiety I had over it lol. There was a lot of pressure and discomfort from the gas for about a week. And occasional pings of discomfort for a few weeks but always tolerable.. _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 💪 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2moksg6
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Are you trying to make a transformation? What’s working for you? 🔥 @pita.grace: "TBT in case you thought this was given. 198 vs 142 . . Most of us know what to do to get from point A to B ... but Knowledge means nothing without ACTION! One day you really have to look at yourself and decide who you want to be! Just don't take forever to decide ! Trust me I understand food is like CRACK, temptation might get you sometimes and sometimes it won't! . don't make it a routine of stopping and starting over on "Monday" keep going! Just because you have a bad breakfast doesn't mean you give up for the day keep going!  just because the scale went back 2lbs doesn't mean your failing, that could be water weight for all you know, keep going!!!!! (phuck the scale anyways) .and don't let the right picture fool you, I still struggle with my weight daily, Ima foodie 🙄 it'll always be harder to maintain then it will be to lose (currently at 157) but that's okay! I'm happy ! . And NEVER COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANYONE! Don't Rush ❤️️ Currently and forever will be working on me... Even when I'm 50 I'll be looking & feeling way better then 25 in and out #GOALS !! . . Be carful my BLOCK finger stay itchin😏 YES this is the same person 🙄 NO I haven't had ANY surgeries including my face 😅 everybody adjust differently to weight lose Idk ask GOD" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 💪Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2ANlC99
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Comment with what you think! 💪 @fiefriedrichsen: "There is nothing I would rather than inspire others with a bad overweight problem to lose weight. IF that's what they want of course ☺️ But I'm very aware that it's NOT just about losing weight at the expense of everything else. Not at all! It may take care of yourself, become an obsession and perhaps even lead to a new eating disorder. I do not want that for anyone! Therefore, I also believe that self-esteem, solid self-esteem and a sensibly relaxed relationship with body and food is very important in such a process as well. It's not just about weight loss, weight loss and weight loss. There are SO many other important aspects in addition to physical results that I often think we overlook and forget. I have never learned so much about myself, life and people in general as I have on this trip. I have learned so many important homework. Blue. that appearance, speech weight, clothes size, etc. do not have to have anything to do with one's happiness or inner self-esteem. I know that slim and happily do not necessarily coincide or depend on each other. But I have also learned to be very overweight, not dancing at roses. It's not ideal either. I've just learned that a healthy, reasonable, more average middle .. actually maybe the best? Neither very overweight, nor do you have to be very toned. You have to take care of yourself on a weight loss journey. You have to take care of yourself and your relationship with food in the midst of slimming hysteria. One must remember that one's worth and beauty as human beings, NEVER can be dictated by what the weight says, how much or how much fat one has on the body. One should not sacrifice his mental health to weigh a little less ❤️✌" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 🔥 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2CXDSBN
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Tag a Friend You Want to Help Motivate 💕 @gracefituk: "🌸JANUARY TO AUGUST🌸 147lb-135lb 🌷 No restriction, no counting calories (after I realised how bad it was for me mentally), no cutting out food groups, just good old movin' and groovin' and eating wholesome nutritious foods 🌽🥕🥒🍍🍌🍉 I cut from around march to June and then have maintained since then (hence this looking similar to June!), but actually being able to maintain is a symptom of not being super restrictive with my fat loss. Take it slow ❤️ Not everything has to be super complicated & you don't need to follow some new trend or what every fitspo seems to be doing on social media - just take it day by day and enjoy the process 🌻 set small goals, find what works for YOU and you won't even notice the time passing before you see the changes you always wanted 🌱 the time is going to pass anyway, you might as well make it count ✨ My workouts: link in my bio! before you comment: I didn't ask which you prefer, I'm not taking orders I like them both too lol " _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 💪 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2mjSxhk
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Tag Someone That’s Making a Fitness Transformation 💪 @jens_healthjourney: "| How's that for a little motivation Monday ? | over 120kg lost between us @strengthening_steph and so much confidence, and zest for life gained | So happy to have you by my side ❤️😘 | *" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 🔥 Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2AL6b1o
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Are you trying to make a transformation? What’s working for you? 🔥 @jessicaenslow: "Question: In your opinion when people make critical or negative comments, should you stand up for yourself and respond or just delete and block? @stefittie recently posted about this and we had a little convo about some of our recent experiences. I tend to vary in my way of dealing with haters; I sometimes respond, sometimes delete/block. Thoughts? Regardless, I am pleased with my results training with @shaneheugly 😊 While I haven't progressed as quickly as some, I have made huge strides in a pretty short amount of time. And that is why I contacted Shane. The guessing game just wasn't what I wanted to do anymore. The knowledge and experience I've gained since beginning my training in February has been invaluable! Currently doing 6 days weight training, 5 days cardio and counting macros. Thinking of doing a Q&A post. DM me or comment with questions!" _____________________ Want to Make a Transformation Like This? Check bio for our Five Star, 30-day Transformation Program! 💪Made a Transformation? Badass Female Transformer Engagement Group in Bio ❤️️ http://ift.tt/2DejsCy
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transformfitspo · 7 years
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Double Tap if You Are Impressed! 🔥 @julie_fit_chick: "August 2015 vs. August 2017 . . One of the biggest rewards of losing 163 lbs. has been the self-care and self-love that I’ve learned along the way. I have always been my own worst critic and I would pick myself apart for every little imperfection, inside and out. I neglected my health and I definitely didn’t love myself. I know so many of you can relate. After battling food addiction and obesity and coming out on the other end a survivor, I have learned many things. One of the best lessons I’ve learned from this journey is to listen to your body and love yourself. Love yourself through the pain and discomfort of change. Love yourself enough to eat right and stay active. Love yourself enough to stay away from toxic people and negative situations. Love yourself enough to say “I am worth it” and fight for it. Fight like your life depends on it, because it does! This is a life long journey that will never end, but with each day I’m learning more about who I am and who I want to become and I'm loving the process. Don't get me wrong, it takes a ton of work to love yourself as you continue to work on your goals and I'm only human, I still struggle from time to time. But don't give up, keep trying, learning new ways to practice self-love. How can you work on being a better you if you keep putting yourself down? It's counter productive. When you catch yourself beating yourself up for every little thing, take note as to how you feel at that moment and try to be aware of your thoughts so you can eventually learn to shift them. I have learned to love myself inside and out and that has made all the difference in my journey. Change your mind and you'll change your life. It's so important to love the person you are, much more important than how you look, the size of your pants or the number on the scale. Loving yourself is what this journey is all about. Practice self-love daily! 🖤 . . ⬇️1️⃣6️⃣3️⃣ lbs." http://ift.tt/2CS5WXx
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