transvoyeur-blog · 13 years
You should keep writing this :P
I am now! I had to hack into my own tumblr account because I couldn't figure out what email I used...apparently I have too many right now.
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transvoyeur-blog · 13 years
Part Two!
Our friendship had started and it was like the boulder chasing Indiana Jones through the Temple, huge and picking up speed!
We got involved with a couple of friends of mine who wanted to play D&D and we would go over every other week to play and chill out. My divorce was over, I was on my own (with my dog) and Ami seemed to know just when to show up and make me smile. She started spending the night in the sleepover kind of way girls have. We would have dinner, play with Luna (the dog) and keep talking about life and whatever random topic came up.
Sleeping in the same bed led to cuddling and I was completely confused. I was straight right? I had been married to a man, I had only been attracted to men before and Ami was very sure that she was a woman. I was still very much attracted to her and I struggled with my own definition of my sexuality for a while. During this time, we would stay at each other’s houses almost every other day. Finally, my brain and my body got together and decided that “it didn’t matter what gender Ami was, all that mattered was that while I was with her, I was happiness incarnate.”
I couldn’t work up the courage to tell her this of course (cause I am a little chicken when it comes to possible rejection) but the cuddling sessions became very uncomfortable as I lay there horny and silent.
One May Night
Ami and I had just finished a D&D session with my friends and went back to me place to sleep. We lay there, arms around each other in the quiet when Ami suddenly sat up.  She rolled over and straddled my hips.
“I don’t think I’m very good at reading people so tell me if I am wrong but, is there sexual tension between us?”
*Nod* “Yes.”
 What else could I do? She was looking down on me with this intense questioning look and I couldn’t get more then that one word out.
We worked out what we each wanted, friends with benefits were what we became…and by the gods I was benefiting.  
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transvoyeur-blog · 13 years
This is a formal apology to those who are still following this blog.
I am sorry I haven't posted anything on this blog in forever and I hope to amend this travesty as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
I am continuing the story :)
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transvoyeur-blog · 13 years
Meeting Ami...
I met Ami online during an incredibly long and horrible divorce from my husband. (Which no one wants to hear about) I had been skeptical of online relationships but I was...well...horny. :)
I signed up and started talking to some people and after a few days, I get the most adorable message in my inbox. She was rambling and using Dungeon and Dragons references and being a total dork. I had to message her back. Visiting her profile made it very clear that she was transgender, pictures and such, so there wasn't any embarrassing confusion on my part. Her name is Ami and she is so funny and sarcastic and kind. We messaged back and forth and for a while before deciding that we had to be friends for life. We met at a bookstore after deciding that online wasn't cutting it any more.Getting to hug her was amazing and she is the most warm-hearted person I know. She took me to pick up my new glasses from the clinic that very afternoon! After I got off work, she picked me up from my house and we drove all over our little town, talking till 5am in the morning. It was so easy and fun and I got to ask so many questions.I was a bit shy about the transition topic as Ami was the first transgender person I'd met.She was great to talk to because she ddidn't get offended by my questions. She got me over my shyness quickly but as the night ended, I didn't believe we could be anything more then friends. I was still married (though not for long) and I liked males.
Being gay or lesbian or transgender wasn't talked about in my house and even though I had my experimental trysts, I was sure that I was straight.
to be continued...
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transvoyeur-blog · 13 years
Hello tumblr people!
First post!!
I am excited about this new blog of mine. Give me time to collect my thoughts and I will try to stay on topic. :)
Here is a picture so you know who this blog will be about!
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             (Rhonda)                                             (Ami)
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