Hey guys I’m archiving this blog and starting a new one- same concept and everything, I just got tired of my main blog
So anyways, these are just my old posts and stuff
If you want to follow my new blog for new content it’s @kissmachetebois
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Good Enough
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees/GN!Reader
SFW/Slight Angst
TW: Mentions of Murder/Profanity
Jason comes home one day from taking care of trespassers but something seems… Off. He seems more distant and sad. Turns out one of them knocked his mask off.
This is just something that’s been floating in my head for a day or so now
I just typed this out pretty fast on my phone so don’t come for me lmao it’s just a short
I’m so soft for Jason right now I swear
I hope y’all enjoy lovelies
You stood in front of the stove, humming as you absentmindedly stirred the soup you were cooking.
It was getting close to dinner time, and Jason had been out most of the day taking care of some teenagers that decided to ignore the No Trespassing sign you had posted on the entrance of the camp.
You knew he didn’t really need food, being undead and all, but he always seemed to enjoy the domestic bliss of having a dinner together, and you enjoyed cooking for him.
You continued to add seasonings and stirring, occasionally tasting it as you waited for Jason to return.
The already darkening sky had finally fallen black and the soup had been done for nearly half an hour by the time Jason finally opened the door.
He set his machete down outside and pulled off his jacket that was now covered in blood to set it beside his weapon, knowing you hated cleaning blood off of the floors.
You stood from your seat at the table and walked over to greet your undead husband, wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace as you finally relaxed.
“That took longer than expected, they didn’t hurt you, right?” You asked, pulling back to examine him.
He shook his head and you sighed in relief, pulling him back into a hug.
Jason hesitantly placed his hands on your back instead of smothering you with hugs and kisses like he normally did.
“Jay, are you alright?” You asked, pulling back.
He nodded, but you didn’t miss how his eyes darted away so he didn’t have to look at you.
“What’s wrong?” You asked softly, running your hand along his mask, “Did something happen?”
He reached up and tapped his mask.
“Your mask? Did it crack?” You asked, now looking over his signature hockey mask.
He shook his head.
“Did it fall off or something?”
He nodded.
“Is that all, love? Why did that upset you so much?” You asked, knowing Jason was never one to care about strangers opinions of him.
He closed his eyes and sighed. He lifted his hands, trying to sign out what he was saying from the little bit you had taught him.
“They saw my face.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
He awkwardly fumbled his large hands around as he attempted to sign something else.
“They called me disgusting.”
You felt rage bubble inside of you but held it back as you held him again, “They’re fucking wrong.”
He pushed you back slightly and looked down at you.
He ran his rough fingers against your cheek as he looked over your face.
You watched his hands slowly begin to sign out a sentence.
“You’re too pretty for me.”
“No. Don’t say that. You know you are the most beautiful person in my eyes. I don’t want anyone else in the world. I only want you, just as you are.” You finished your sentence with a kiss on his mask, right over his lips, “I love you, Jason.”
He sighed and pressed his forehead against yours, his way of telling you that he loved you too.
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Here’s a Jason Voorhees prompt: Snuggling with Jason in the winter
Colder Winter Warmer Hugs
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees/GN!Reader
I love this idea it's so cute
I couldn't help but do a short And hcs for this
I hope you enjoy my lovely!
Jason LIVES for cuddles honestly
At first he'd be nervous because he's still in shock about everything
His childhood was nothing but relentless bullying by other children and odd stares from everyone else
But here you were, and through his eyes, you are beyond perfect and beautiful in every possible way, and you wanted to be with him
Luckily, he has Pam there to help him get more comfortable
“They're as lucky to have you as you are to have them!” She'd remind him
When he wanted to hold you, he'd be too nervous to actually initiate the cuddle times
He'd just sit nervously next to you, wishing he had the confidence
By this time, though, you knew Jason well enough to know what his body language meant
“Jay, would you like to cuddle for a bit?”
He would pop up like a puppy, so excited as he nodded, but still wouldn't move
You'll have to either go to him or open your arms and tell him to come over there
He loves to have you lay on his chest so he can play with your hair while you two relax
He also loves to hold you in his lap
He really just loves holding you in general
The cold wind whipped at the glass of your window, snow flakes quickly swirling around as they made their way to the already covered ground.
You placed your hands around the mug, letting it's warmth wrap it's way through your fingers as you watched the scene before you, though it was nothing more than a white blur against the dark night.
You sighed and looked down to the table before glancing to the clock on the counter to your right.
It was almost two in the morning, and Jason had been gone for almost three hours.
He insisted that he needed to check his traps today, especially since you refused to let him go earlier when the storm was really heaving down on your small cabin, but you didn't like it at all.
It wasn't often that it snowed at Crystal Lake, and it was less common for this amount to come through, so you were worried about your boyfriend.
It didn't matter that he was undead and couldn't die, he could still feel pain and if he got trapped out there he would get frostbite.
Suddenly the front door opened and you looked to see your undead boyfriend walking in, shaking the snow off of him as he stepped in.
“Jason, there you are... I was worried...”
“The traps were harder to find in the snow.” He signed with his hands, something you had taught him.
“I figured. I told you no one was going to come out here, especially during this storm.” You stood up, “You're freezing, Jason!” You took his head, his normally cool skin cold as ice now, “Come to the fireplace.”
You walked him through the kitchen and to the living room. The couch was facing the fireplace, so you sat him down as you walked back to your shared bedroom.
He watched as you came back with at least three blankets wrapped in your arms.
“What are you doing, Y/N?” He signed after you set them down and could see him.
“I'm warming you up.” You simply replied and began to wrap him in blankets.
He sat patiently, a slight smile under his mask as you made sure to wrap him up as much as you could.
Aren't they adorable, Jason? Pamela cooed in his head. He nodded in response as you took a seat beside him.
“Is that better?” You asked.
Jason shook his head in response.
“What's wrong?”
He reached under the blankets to pull you under them as well, holding you close as he warmed up.
“Jason, you're cold!” You laughed, but made no attempt to push him away.
You laid back, pulling him with you so he could lay his head on your chest.
After a few moments of laying in silence, save for the snowflakes tapping the window and the fireplace crackling, you let out a sigh.
“I love you, Jason.” You kissed his mask.
“I love you more, Y/N.”
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Sickly Sweet
Nightmare On Elm Street
Michael Myers/Reader
Freddy Krueger/Reader
TW: Mentions of murder/Profanity
How about my slasher boys
But they’re taking care of a S/O with a cold
And yes
This has to do with the fact that I can’t breathe through my nose
Enjoy my Lovelies!
Michael Myers:
Michael didn’t notice you had a cold at first
Of course he had been gone for two days on a killing spree
When he finally came back, soaked in blood and covered in dirt, he was caught off guard by you wrapped up under a blanket on the couch
Normally, this wouldn’t have caught his attention, but the pile of tissues on the coffee table was an indicator that something was off
He walked up to you and stared down at you as you breathed through your mouth with your eyes closed
After a few moments you finally opened your eyes
“Jesus, Michael! Why the fuck did you sneak up on me!?”
He only tilts his head in confusion at the change of your voice
Why did you sound different, Y/N??
After being with Michael for some time now you could read his body language and knew what was going through his head
“I have a cold, Michael.”
You’re cold?
Michael begins to wrap you in blankets
Not that kind of cold, Michael.
After you explain it to him he nods his head, but you’re still not sure he totally gets it
He tries his best to take care of you, but the silent killer really has no idea what to do
And after you kept having to get up and clean up and fix whatever mess he made in his attempt to help, you had to ask him to stop
“Michael, you know I love you, but you can’t put an unopened can of soup in the microwave for seven minutes.”
Thank god you were only sick for three days
Freddy Krueger:
Normally, Freddy only got to see you at night, so when you randomly showed up to the dream world during the daytime, he knew something was up
“Aw, couldn’t get enough of ol’ Freddy last night?”
You only replied with a groan, as, unfortunately, everything that happens in the dream world happens in real life, and that goes both ways
You were laying face down on the floor of the boil room, shaking and snotting everywhere
“The fucks wrong with you?”
“I have a cold, Fredrick.”
He always knew you weren’t in the mood for his antics when you called him that
Fortunately, Freddy was human once and knew what a cold was, so unlike Michael, you didn’t have to explain
But Freddy’s not a very caring guy, even as your boyfriend
“Don’t touch me, I don’t want your snot to get on me.”
“Bite me, Krueger.”
“Maybe another time, sweetheart.”
But if you keep laying there, on the floor of his boiler room
He’ll give in and take care of you
“You owe me for this, Y/N…”
He’d shape the boiler room into your bedroom and carry you to bed
He’d wrap you up in blankets and play with your hair as he laid next to you and rambled on about whatever came to his mind
And, if you kept bugging him, he’d eventually go get you something to eat or drink to help
But despite the fact that he knows better than to put metal in the microwave, he’s not a great cook
The best your getting is soup (in a bowl, thankfully)
At least he attempted
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UHH hi, i saw ur requests were open so! can i get a freddy krueger whatever hcs or whatever !! with a fem s/o that has burns but not as srs as his lol. i’m just imagining him kissing her burns and like she kisses his too. like🥺🥺🥺 have a great day!!!
A Burning Desire
Nightmare on Elm Street
Freddy Krueger/F!Reader
TW: Mentions of Murder/Profanity
Oh my god I love this idea it's so cute
Like ugh
Thank you so much for sending this in this is amazing and I hope I do good
Enjoy my lovely!
Freddy was never bothered by his burns
He was a dream demon after all and to him it was a sense of pride
“Those bastards tried to kill me and failed.”
Not to mention it added to the scare factor when it came to the teens
But, he always knew that it would make it harder for him to find someone
If he ever even decided to try and find someone
And let's be honest, he wasn't worried about it
He was THE dream demon, the Springwood Slasher, the stuff nightmares were made of
So he was content with his life and rarely thought about finding that special someone
That is until he met you
He had been running rampant in your neighborhood for some time now, and after killing most of everyone else, he came to your dreams
You seemed like everyone else at first glance
Until he got closer
He noticed almost immediately the scars tracing your skin, scars similar to his own
He was caught off guard, unaware that you had them at all
He shook his head and got back to work, changing the scenery of your dream to his boiler room
He approached you, and instead of you being scared or disgusted, you gave him a smile
His dead heart actually skipped a beat when you came up to him and began talking to him as if everything was normal
At first, he was silent until he found himself actually wanting to talk to you
He came back every night after that, simply allowing you to believe it was nothing more than a dream
When he finally did tell you the truth, about everything, the children, the fire, the fact that he was real, he was sure you'd run off
But, you didn't
You stayed with him
And after that
He was entranced
You slowly opened your eyes, blinking the sleepiness away as you looked around the room for your boyfriend.
You had just seen him in his dream world, and he promised he would come to spend the day with you today.
“Freddy...?” You asked, stretching your body without getting out from under the covers.
“Right here, baby doll.” He responded from beside you.
While Freddy was never too big on cuddling, he could never say no to you.
You turned over, laying your head on his chest as you let out a sigh.
“The hell is this?” Freddy grumbled, grabbing at your hoodie, “C'mon babygirl, take it off...”
You rolled your eyes, “I just woke up, Freddy, I'm not taking my clothes off.”
“Not like that. I wanna see you.”
You blushed and made no move to take the hoodie off.
When Freddy said he wanted to see you, it meant he wanted to see your scars. And while normally your scars didn't bother you, today was a different story and you were feeling a little more insecure about them.
“I'd rather not...”
He scoffed and sat up, hands at your side as he loomed over you.
You made no move to stop him as he took off your hoodie, despite him giving you every chance to.
“There we go.” He smiled as he raked his eyes over your scars.
He bent down and started planting kisses along each one, showing his love for them.
You couldn't help but smile as well as he continued kissing them as if he genuinely loved every single part of it.
You reached down and pulled his head to be over yours so you could return the favor and kiss his cheeks, letting your fingertips run over the rough surface.
After a moment you both just sat there, his head on yours as you just looked at each other.
“You know I love you, right?” He whispered.
“As long as you know I love you more.”
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Comfort Love
Nightmare on Elm Street
Michael Myers/Reader
Freddy Krueger/Reader
TW: Mentions of Murder/Profanity
This is how I believe these two would react to the reader being upset and angry because of visiting family around the holidays
I just love the idea of my slasher boys comforting me when I’m upset so now I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem
Michael Myers:
Honestly? Michael wouldn’t care too much
He never had to worry about traveling to see extended family, because he didn’t have any
Even if he did, it’s Michael, he’s not going
He’ll sit quietly and watch you explode and let all your anger out as you ranted about what happened
But to be fair his mind is going to other places
After you’re done ranting however
You take a seat beside him on the couch and just lay your head on his shoulder
Then he’ll notice you got so angry you were crying
Michael’s not a very affectionate person, he doesn’t show a lot of comfort to people
So, in a feeble attempt to help you, he’ll put his arm around your shoulder
But it’s such a sweet gesture from him you start crying more
He just gave you affection, Y/N, why are you still crying???
Now you’ve got Michael panicking over what to do while you cry in his arms
Never again, Y/N
He’s never letting you go see your family for the holidays again
Freddy Krueger:
Freddy was human once, so when you come into the dream world pissed off about your relatives, he understands
He was never a fan of Loretta’s family and hated it when they’d come over for the holidays
He’d shape the dream world into something more comfortable than the boiler room so you two could sit
And talk shit
For hours
If you weren’t actively yelling about your family, he was
“And then this bitch had the AUDACITY—”
“Oh HELL no, Y/N I would have killed them.”
He’s ready to kill all of your family by the end of the night
And Loretta’s
Actually he’s just ready to kill
Before he gets up to leave, however, he notices that you’ve become so angry you’re crying
“Ah, dang, sweetheart, don’t go cry over it…”
He feels awkward at first because like Michael he’s not big on affection
If you keep crying though he’ll give in and give you a hug
“A QUICK hug, Y/N.”
It’s a five minute long hug of you sobbing into his sweater
You can’t help but make some comments though
“This sweaters disgusting please let me wash it.”
He’d laugh at you barely hiccuping the sentence out
But at least he’s sweet in his own way
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The First Sign of Love
Michael Myers/Reader
TW: Mentions of murder/profanity
Got this idea from a prompt generator I found online
“They meet when Michael sees Y/N walk into a street sign.”
Prompt generator can be found here
Michael was walking down the street after a kill when he first saw you
You were walking down the street with earbuds in, jamming out to the music only you could hear
At first, he just stopped and watched you from a distance, amused by your funny behavior as you danced down the street
He tilted his head as he watched you approach the stop sign with seemingly no intention to stop
Surely they’ll stop, right?
Wrong, Michael. They’re not stopping.
He watched as you walk straight face first into the stop sign and fell to your ass
“SHIT!” You screamed, grabbing your nose in pain
You stood up and, much to Michael’s surprise, you used your lack of brain cells to kick the sign, and cause more damage to yourself
For some reason, Michael felt a pinch of pity for you, and confused by this new feelings, began to stalk you to figure out what it could mean
He continued to watch you do careless things like this and end up hurting yourself due to your lack of attention
Eventually, after a few months of this, you noticed him watching you from your window and confronted him
He simply tilted his head in confusion, wondering how you could be so stupid as to approach a tall stranger in a mask
But honestly
You were kind of cute
He couldn’t help but smile slightly as he watched you lecture him on how rude it was to stalk people
And no matter how hard you tried to lecture him
He’s going to keep coming back to see you
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If you give me Freddy with a equally cocky as him partner I will give you my first born
The Perfect Match
Nightmare on Elm Street
Freddy Krueger/GN!Reader
TW: Cursing, mentions of murder
The way I have thought about this All the Time I--
Like what I wouldn't give to have as much confidence as that man,,,,
Enjoy my lovely!
You took another sip of your tea, the cup warm in your hands as you lazily watched the TV in front of you. What was on, you didn't really care. You just liked to have the background noise when you slept, which was what you were trying your best to do.
All week you heard your college mates whisper about the man in their dreams, claiming he was who killed three of your classmates. They said he was horribly burned, wore a glove with knives, and whatever he did to you in your dreams happened in real life.
At first, you didn't care enough to believe them, but as those people began dying mysteriously, you got curious.
Who was this man, coming into people's dreams to kill them? Was he real, if he was, why was he doing it? Was he going to come after you?
After doing some research, you found out this man, Fred Krueger, used to live in the abandoned house across the street from you.
Other than that, you found some articles of his release on a technicality after he murdered the neighborhood children. But that was about it. There was nothing on what happened to him, it was almost as if whatever happened was covered up and forgotten.
You decided to find out more, and so here you were, up since 5 a.m., and drinking nighttime tea. It was around 10 o'clock now, and the day was starting to catch up to you, and you could feel yourself getting more and more tired.
Your eyes began to drift shut, the now empty cup almost falling out of your relaxed hands.
After a minute, it finally did, and you jumped.
“Damn it!” You cursed. You picked up the cup and set it on the coffee table in front of your couch.
You pulled the small blanket you had wrapped around you to the side and decided to go get some water.
As you poured yourself a glass, you swore you could hear footsteps from behind you.
You looked over your shoulder, to see nothing.
You turned back, and there he was, standing in front of you.
You jumped a little and let out a scream, being caught off guard by his sudden appearance.
“You... you're Fred Krueger, aren't you?”
“Someone's done their homework.”
“Someone's done a google search, don't think I would waste more than five minutes on you.”
He let out a low whistle, “Big talk for someone about to die.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes before setting your now unimportant glass of water down, “Big talk for someone that killed kids. Come on, man, pick a fight with someone your own size. Or actually, I guess those kids were your size.” You looked him up and down, taking in his smaller stature, “I mean, seriously, you'd expect a killer to be a little bigger. And I'm guessing your height isn't the only small thing you're making up for, right?”
You cocked your head a little and waited for his response.
Instead of another threat or insult, he simply started laughing. Laughing so hard he was holding his sides.
It had been a long time since someone had done anything other than scream and beg for mercy, and honestly it was a nice change for him.
After that, he threatened to kill you, but every night you refused to run around and beg for mercy, and he never tried to chase you, so his threat fell flat. Instead, you two ended up spending almost every night together and you found yourself feeling something for the dream demon.
Despite him trying to hide that he felt the same way, you could read him like a book. He was surprised when you confronted him, asking how you knew.
“I don't know, Freddy. Maybe it was the way you looked at me, or the way you'd always listen to my stories, or maybe, it was the way that you killed everyone that flirted with me.” You stated, and he accepted his defeat.
But, he would be lying if he said that he wasn't glad he found someone as cocky as him to help keep him in line.
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What about Freddy being jealous and possessive over their S/O showing interest for someone else?
Jealously Shows
Nightmare on Elm Street
Freddy Krueger/GN!Reader
Ooooo I was just thinking about some jealous Freddy last night, I think it'd be a whole lot of “fun” for everyone involved
If fun meant danger haha
I did hcs for this! If you're interested in another Slasher & if you're interested in someone that isn't a Slasher
I couldn't pick out which one I wanted to do a story for, so if you want a story for either or both just lmk!
Enjoy my lovely!
Freddy never came off as the jealous type
He was so confidently sure of himself
So confident that he was the best you'd ever find
And so confident that he couldn't be replaced
It honestly surprised you the first time he got jealous
If you showed interest in another Slasher:
Freddy is more than pissed
He'ssupposed to be your slasher, so why the fuck are you showing interest in another!?
Especially if that slasher is Jason. He's going to be BEYOND pissed
He'll probably give you the cold shoulder for a while
You'll have to bother him for hours to get him to give you his attention
Then he'll make some crude remark about the other slasher
“Why don't you go hang out with your new bitch? You seemed to be all over them earlier.”
You gave them a hug.
He's still pissed.
If you showed interest in someone that isn't a Slasher:
They're dead now
He plays it off like it was no big deal
“I'm a slasher, babe, what do you expect me to do?”
Maybe not kill the person that gave you a ride home so you didn't have to walk the streets at 11 pm
Just a thought, Freddy
If you get upset that he killed them, he'll spend HOURS relentlessly bothering you
“C'mon Y/N” He'd whine
He'd only stop with his antics when you threatened to wake up
“Fine then, bitch, wake up...”
Now both of you are upset
And you know damn well Freddy's not going to apologize first
So get ready to forgive him without an apology
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Freddy with someone who is an insomniac?
Sleepless Nights
Nightmare On Elm Street
Freddy Krueger/GN!Reader
TW: Cursing, NSFW Implications
OooooOooOOO I like this haha
I hope I did a good job
I did hcs and a short story for this
I feel like the story is better than the hcs,,,, I guess they were mainly just background lmao
Enjoy my lovely!
Insomnia is a bitch
A bitch you knew too well
You found yourself up most nights, unable to get to sleep, and when you did, you were tossing and turning all night
And on one of those rare nights you finally got a decent sleep
You met the infamous Freddy Krueger
You had heard people in your town whispering about him lately, but you didn't think anything of it
You were too busy trying to get to sleep, not worried about what would happen once you did
He tried his usual tricks, running the blades of his glove along the railing and popping up out of no where
But you were having none of it
You immediately called him out for ruining the one night you actually got to sleep
He was caught off guard by your lack of fear
He was more caught off guard by your anger
He shot some witty remark about his lack of empathy for your condition
And you came right back at him with your own remark
After that night, every time you found yourself asleep, you'd find yourself waiting in the boiler room
After he finally gave up “trying to kill you” (as if he actually was,,,,,)
You two spent the night talking and before you knew it
You were in love with the dream demon
It was an unconventional love story, but it was yours and you wouldn't trade it for the world
You laid in your bed, a lazy yawn leaving your lips as you stretched, getting ready to sleep.
It had been a few nights since you had a full nights sleep, much to the dismay to your boyfriend.
The night before, you were up until three a.m., and only managed to get an hour of dreamless sleep.
The night before that, you were tossing and turning all night, leaving no room for dreams either.
This was an unfortunate occurrence that you experienced more often than not, and it was more than annoying after a long day.
Tonight was different, however, the sleeplessness had finally caught up to you and you were more than exhausted and ready to sleep.
After a few moments of lying in your warm bed, covered in your softest blanket, you found yourself unable to sleep. Again.
You rolled your eyes and let out a groan, standing up to go to your kitchen.
As you stepped out of your room, however, you found yourself in the very familiar boiler room.
You walked around, looking for your boyfriend who had decided to trick you into thinking you hadn't even gone to sleep.
“Freddy! That was rude,” You cursed, looking around the boilers for him, “Come out here so I can hit you.”
He said nothing in return, simply stalked you from the shadows as you continued to look for him.
“Freddy, come on, I don't know how long I'll get to sleep tonight... I wanna see you.”
Suddenly there was a hand around your throat, not tight enough to hurt, just tight enough to keep you still.
“Oh, so now you wanna see ol' Freddy, huh?” He growled, wrapping his other arm around your waist.
“It's not my fault I can't sleep, you know that, Fred.” You reached up and pulled his non-gloved hand from your throat. You turned in his arm to face him and wrapped him in a hug, “I've missed you.”
He tsk'd and pushed you away, “Alright, alright, don't go getting all lovey dovey on me.”
He was always like that, always ready to push you away instead of giving into your affection.
“What, you didn't miss me?” You asked sarcastically, knowing damn well he did.
“I didn't miss the hugs. The touching, however...”
You groaned and rolled your eyes, “This is the first night of sleep I've gotten in a week, I'm not spending all my energy for your pleasure, Krueger.”
Freddy laughed, “Don't act like you don't enjoy every second of it, doll.”
“Piss off, if I don't get a hug, you don't get shit.”
He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand with his non-gloved hand, “That's all you're fuckin' gettin' so don't ask for more.”
You reached over and kissed his scarred cheek, letting out a giggle, “That's all you're getting, asshole.”
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So on the topic of firsts, what about first (official) date with the boys?
First Date
Fallout Four
John Hancock/GN!Reader
Nick Valentine/GN!Reader
TW: Mentions of Drug Use
I love this idea, y'all have the best ideas I stg
I did hcs for this one I hope you enjoy!
John Hancock:
John never thought much about having a first date
So it's up to you to bring that idea up
But when you do he adores it
He even changes out of his classic Hancock outfit into an old suit you found for him
He's keeping the hat though
Don't even try to convince him otherwise
“We're a package deal, baby.”
When you go he does his best to be romantic and a gentleman
Even if he messes up a couple times he's so sweet
He compliments you in the most classic Hancock way
“God damn, sweetheart, you're more sexy than usual”
I dare you to say “Oh so i'm not this sexy all the time”
Depending on his mood he will either say “You know damn well that's not what I meant.” or just get tongue tied
It was an awkward first date, but to you, it was perfect in every aspect
Nick Valentine:
Nick is a more traditional man, having prewar memories
So the first date idea was his
But instead of telling you this idea, he decides to surprise you with it
At first, you're not happy with it, since you're covered in dirt and grim after a particularly rough day
He assures you that you look great, but you refuse
“I need a shower, Nick”
To be fair, he's wearing an old suit he bought that day
He refuses to let you leave so you're sitting down, dirt and all, and enjoying a romantic meal with your robo boyfriend
And if he secretly enjoys you squirming, a slight blush on your cheeks from not being spic and span clean, well who is he to tell every little secret
He made sure the dinner was very romantic, candles lit and music playing
It was so sweet
He asked about your day, and listens to every little bit of your ranting
After the food and ranting, you honestly felt so much better
You couldn't have asked for a better first date with him
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Hello :)
Could I ask for some Nick and Hancock headcanons toward a nb!ss who's going through some sensory overload issues?
Thank youuuu! I love your writing so much!
System Overload
Fallout Four
John Hancock/NB!Reader
Nick Valentine/NB!Reader
TW: Overstimulation/Sensory Overload
Thank you so much! I hope you like it lovely <3
John Hancock:
Poor John was so confused when it first happened
One minute, you were sitting on the makeshift bed listening to him ramble on
The next, you were closing your eyes and covering your ears
He just fell silent and watched you curl into a ball
“H-Hey, Y/N?” He'd ask before walking up to place his hand on your shoulder
“Don't touch me!” You'd scream, smacking his hand away in anger
John would jump back, surprised at your sudden outburst
“It's too much, too much...”
He wouldn't necessarily understand, but after asking a couple more things in a whisper, he'd figure out to turn of the lights and the radio and sit silent
He wouldn't leave you alone, however, he's much too worried about you
After you calm down a bit and he can touch you, he's holding you close and asking what happened
You explained your overloaded sensory and he understood, making sure he knew what to do the next time it happened
The next time it happens he's prepared, grabs you a special blanket and wraps you up before making sure you're in silence
Nick Valentine:
Like Hancock, Nick was confused when you first experienced sensory overload in front of him
You had just been sitting at Ellie's desk, talking about prewar times when you started to fall silent
You tried to leave at first, just try to get away, but Nick wouldn't let you until you explained
Initially you lashed out in anger, demanding he let you leave
But if Nick Valentine is one thing
He is stubborn
And he isn't letting go of your hands until you tell him what's wrong
You finally blurt out what's wrong, and he lets go of your hands
Only if you promise to stay at the agency upstairs
You agree, so he leads you upstairs, careful not to touch you
After you calm down, he'll hold you and ask you what he can do next time to make it easier on you
And he'll make sure to do everything he can to make sure you're comfortable and safe
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Another fun request. Male SS visiting the third rail with Hancock. Magnolia seeing SS with Hancock. She wants to mess with him and insists that SS sings a song. Only to realize that SS has an amazing singing voice. Think “Love me with all your heart - Engelbert Humperdinck”
Love Me With All Your Heart
John Hancock/M!Reader
TW:Mentions of Drug Use
I wasn't sure if you wanted some romance or just pals being pals but I threw a lil romance in bc I love this idea <3
I hope you enjoy it my lovely
You had taken the day off and decided to spend it in Goodneighbor, specifically with the mayor.
It was rare that either of you ever had time to just relax together, so today was a bit of special occasion. Neither of you were much for dressing up and going out on the town though, so instead you decided to go to the Third Rail for a couple of drinks.
As you and your ghoul boyfriend walked into the bar, Magnolia, who was sitting at the bar, noticed you walk in and decided to mess with you a bit.
You and Hancock walked up to the bar and ordered a couple of beer, chatting about a settlement you had just visited.
“Hey there, big guy...” Magnolia purred, stepping up to the two of you.
“Hey, Mags.” Hancock chuckled, watching as she eyed you, “What's up?”
“Oh, nothing...” She sighed a little dramatically, “It's just Charlie wants be back up to sing, but my throats a little sore.”
“Well that's too bad.” You gave her a small smile.
“Well, yes, but I was hoping you could do me a favor, and sing for me?” She asked, batting her eyes up at you.
Hancock perked up at that, watching your reaction.
You blushed a little before speaking, “No, no, I don't sing.”
“Oh, come on, you've never sung before?” Hancock asked, leaning against the bar.
“Not really, maybe karoake a few times, but other than that...”
“Please?” Magnolia asked, leaning against you and looking at you with big round eyes.
“Alright, I guess I can give it a shot.”
“There we go, that's the spirit.” Hancock laughed.
You took a big swig of your beer and stepped up to the stage, nerves racked as you looked out to the audience.
Most of the drifters weren't even paying attention to you, but that didn't stop you from feeling like everyone was watching you.
The music started playing and you recgonized the song, a song that Hancock had played for both of you several times before.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes and began to sing.
“Love me with all of your heart... That's all I want love...”
Magnolia's smile turned sweet when she heard your voice echo into the bar.
Hancock watched on in awe as you sung, your deep voice singing the notes perfectly.
“Love me with all of your heart, or not at all”
You opened your eyes to see Hancock and Magnolia watching you, sweet smiles on their faces as they enjoyed the sweet sultry of your voice.
“Just promise me this, that you'll give me all your kisses, every winter”
All the patrons were silent now, listening as the new voice sung this song for them.
“Every summer, every fall, when we are far apart, or when you're near me”
You dragged your eyes across the crowd and back to Hancock, who was watching you with love in his eyes.
“Love me with all of your heart, as I love you...”
You began to smile as you continued to sing, wrapping your hands around the mic stand as you continued.
“Don't give me your love, for a moment, or an hour, love me always...”
The nerves slowly started to disappear and were replaced with a sense of pride as you became more confident.
“As you've loved me from the start, with every beat of your heart, just promise me this...”
You closed your eyes again, putting more effort and soul into the lyrics as you sung.
“That you'll give me all your kisses, every winter, every summer, every fall...”
You slowly started to sway along with the song, carrying the notes a little longer.
“When we are far apart, or when you're near me”
You opened your eyes one last time to look at your boyfriend.
“Love me with all of your heart, as I love you...”
The song was coming to an end now, within a few more lines you'd be done
“Don't give me your love for a moment, or an hour, love me always”
But now that you realized how much everyone enjoyed your voice, you realized how much you enjoyed singing for them
“As you've loved me, from the start”
You dragged out the last few lines, raising your voice slightly as you finished on a strong note.
“With every beat of your heart”
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Maybe ,, if youre okay with it. First kisses with the boys?
First Kisses
John Hancock/GN!Reader
Nick Valentine/GN!Reader
TW: Mentions of drug use
Here's the second part, my lovelies. Enjoy!
John Hancock:
You found yourself sitting at the bar in the Third Rail, listening to your ghoul friend drone on about something you didn't care to pay attention to.
He had offered some random chems to you earlier that you had already forgotten the name of, and you were riding a slow and euphoric high. Everything seemed to move slower and you could sense so much more than you had before, like the way the rough surface of the bar felt as you ran your fingertips over it, the shift in your clothes as you breathed, and, in particular, the very addictive charm of your friend, Hancock.
His voice was low and rough as he talked, like he had been smoking for longer than he had been alive. It was something that you probably found more attractive than you should have. You watched the way he moved his hands as he talked, the rough and textured skin dragging across the air as he made a point in his story with such practiced ease, as if he had told this story a hundred times before. Your eyes slowly raked over his skinny form as he slouched over the bar, his elbows resting on it with a cigarette in his hand.
It wasn't often that Hancock smoked, he was more likely to do chems, but considering he was already high he had settled for enjoying a cigarette with his beer. You watched as he slowly ran his tongue over his lips before taking a sip of his beer, leading you to watch his adam apple bob as he swallowed.
You took notice to how dry your mouth had gotten and ignored your own beer as you grabbed a glass of water and started drinking.
Apparently you had taken a few too many sips because you were suddenly interrupted by laughter from the ghoul mayor beside you.
“Damn, thirsty are we?” He asked, watching a blush form on your face as you let the glass down.
“The chems dried my mouth out...” You grumbled, looking away as you finally realized just how turned on you had gotten yourself just by looking at your ghoul friend.
“Yea, you want me to moisten those lips for you?” He winked, looking you up and down.
You were used to his usual flirty comments at this point, but now was definitely a time where it got to you.
Suddenly, whether it be the chems or your own confidence, though I think we both know which one it was, a wave of confidence washed over you and you turned to face Hancock.
“Yea, maybe I do.”
He raised his eyebrow ridge, surprised by your sudden confidence, but definitely not willing to lose face in the charm department.
“Oh really?” He asked, a smirk forming on his face, “I can do that...”
He put his cigarette out and twisted on the stool to face you. He reached his hand out and placed it on your cheek, directing you to meet his gaze.
You stared back into his dark eyes and watched them drop to your lips before looking back at you.
He pulled you closer as he leaned in before his lips met yours.
They were rough and dry, and everything you expected from the ghoul as he slowly worked his tongue in your mouth.
You found yourself holding your breath as your tongue glided against his, savoring ever moment of it.
Suddenly, he slowly pulled back and barely whispered: “Breathe...”
You let out a shaky breath and sighed, “Can we do that again?”
“We can do that as many times as you want.”
Nick Valentine:
It was a busy day in the detective's office, and you were helping him with a particularly rough case. A child had been reported missing, and the case had lead you to believe super mutants were behind it.
The moment Nick found the mutant's hideout, he was heading that way, pistol in hand.
“Nick, wait!” You called out after him. He ignored you, so you ran in front of him and put your hands on his chest to stop him, “This doesn't make sense. When have you ever known super mutants to take a child?”
“This is the Commonwealth, sweetheart, I wouldn't put anything past anyone.” He stated before walking past you.
“But Nick--”
“But nothing! There's a six year old girl out there, scared and surrounded by super mutants probably waiting to kill her.” Nick snapped, continuing forward as you tried to reason with him.
He wouldn't listen, so instead you decided to follow him in silence, on high alert for anything suspicious.
Finally, you had arrived to the hideout. It was an old building too destroyed to be able to tell what it once was.
Nick was ready to storm in and save the day, but you had your reserves about it.
“Nick, please, listen to me...” You grabbed his arm before he could go in.
He turned to look at you, anger and worry in his yellow eyes.
“There's something not right about this... We need to go in slow and silent, and see what we can find.”
Nick considered it for a moment.
“If we rush in, they might kill her before we can stop them.” He sighed and finally admitted you were right.
You sighed yourself before crouching down and opening the front door.
Silence. Silence and darkness covered your senses.
You turned on your pip-boy flashlight to allow you to see where you were going before you descended further in the building.
You past the first room, which was empty save for the trash and debris that littered the floor.
The second room had a single light hanging from the ceiling, and the low rumble of a generator slowly filled your hearing as you turned off your light and stuck to the shadows.
This room was seemingly empty as well, minimal trash and debris in the middle of the room, to lead you to believe this was in fact someone's hideout.
Suddenly, from across the room you heard a click.
A faint sound, something you wouldn't have normally noticed over the sound of the generator coming from a distant room.
Your eyes shot to the direction the sound came from, and you saw a man with a rifle pointed directly at Nick, who was unaware of the man's presence behind you.
Time seemed to slow down as your mind clicked two and two together.
This was planned. Someone out there had beef with Nick and knew he would make the missing child his first priority, knew that his desire to save the kid would cloud his judgment, knew that he would rush in without a second thought.
“Nick!” You called out, turning around and pushing Nick out of the way just in time, taking the bullet for him.
You fell to the floor as pain flooded your shoulder. You heard another shot and then Nick was at your side, helping you sit up.
“Are you okay?” You asked him, worry covering the features of your face.
“Me!? You're the one who just got shot!” He exclaimed, looking you over.
“I'll be fine, I just need a stimpack.” You muttered as you fished one out of your supplies.
You found one and sighed, injecting it into your left arm and f-relaxing as the pain numbed and the wound healed.
You looked over to Nick, who looked like a deer in headlights, fear and worry in his eyes.
This was the first time Nick had ever seen you shot, and it was supposed to be him who took the bullet.
“Why the hell did you do that!?”
“Because he was about to shoot you!”
“I would have been fine--”
“And I am fine!”
Nick sighed, his head falling into his hand as he took a deep shaking breath.
“But what if you weren't?” His deep voice rumbled in a small whisper.
You were at a loss for words. What were you supposed to say?
You stood up and reached your hand out, “I'm okay, Nick, come on.”
He took your hand and stood up.
Before you could say anything else, you were pressed against a wall with his lips on yours. His mouth and tongue were cold against your own, moving with practiced ease as you moaned against his lips.
He pulled back after a moment, allowing you to catch your breath.
“Please, don't ever do that to me again...”
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Oooh requests? How about the first time Sole kisses Hancock and Nicky?
First Kisses
Fallout Four
John Hancock/GN!Reader
Nick Valentine/GN!Reader
TW: Mentions of drug use
I got two asks for a first kiss with Nick Valentine/SS and John Hancock/SS
So I'm posting the hcs for it first, and the stories next
Enjoy Lovelies!
John Hancock:
Your first kiss with John was messy
Ever since you first met the Ghoul, something about his charm and way of living brought you back to Goodneighbor
So, after some less than fortunate events, he offered to travel with you
And that was an offer you jumped on
After that, you two were practically inseparable
Even when he was needed back in Goodneighbor, you were by his side
Even when your job as General of the Minutemen had you up for days on end defending settlements and making various repairs, he was by your side
Nothing could keep you two apart for more than five minutes
And one night when you two were relaxing at your makeshift house in the old Red Rocket gas station
John was getting high (as usual...)
And you decided to join him
That led to an awkward conversation where he admitted that he had some, ahem, impure thoughts about you
And without thinking
Not that the drugs would have let you think about it
You were in his lap, kissing him
It was messy and full of tongues going every which way but it was perfect
After that, you two were never seen apart again
Nick Valentine:
Your first kiss with Nick was soft and sweet and full of hesitation
You two actually had some communication skills and were together for a while before there was any kissing
And by communication skills you had Ellie
Literally if it wasn't for her pulling both of you out of such heavy denial you'd probably still have a friendship full of undeniable tension with the detective
But after you two actually admitted to yourselves that you had feelings for the other
You finally admitted that to each other
And so began your more than awkward relationship
The most y'all had done was hold hands at this point
Because my poor toaster man was so insecure about it
So afraid that you'd change your mind and leave
And one late night he voiced that to you
And Boy oh Boy did you get pissed
After some loving yelling of disbelief that he would think that you could find someone “better”
You explained to him that in your mind he was the best
And you pulled him close, hesitating before asking his permission to kiss him
He kissed you the moment you asked
It was so soft and sweet and tender
You couldn't have asked for a better kiss with your robo boyfriend <3
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Another request by @iceice-baeby that I am More Than Happy to fill
Get ready for Nick Valentine and John Hancock tending to a wounded SS hehehehe
I just did hcs on this one don't come for me
You had been running around, defending a settlement as usual when you noticed a little kid hadn't made it to shelter, and was being targeted by a super mutant
No hesitation, you jump and push the kid out of the way, leaving you with a nasty scrape on your arm
John Hancock:
John had noticed you taking the bad fall to save the kid, and right after the battle was over he was checking on you, making you take off your now ruined jacket so he could look
Your arm was messed up pretty bad, nothing a few bandages and meds couldn't fix though
Despite you telling him that it was fine, he insisted he wrap it up
“I've got to go help another settlement!” You scoffed, pulling away from him
“Oh, yea, what a great help you'll be when you get an infection and lose the arm.”
After a little more arguing you realized you were wasting more time arguing with your ghoul boyfriend than it would take for him to fix it
You gave in and he dragged you into the house of the settlement
it's a small settlement literally only one family
He ordered them to bring him clean water and a rag, which the settlers were happy to do
John proceeds to scold you on being so careless while he cleans the wound, and wraps it up with some cloth before offering you some med-x
“John there are kids right there!” You motioned to them
“What, this isn't being used for fun.”
You rolled your eyes and took it after you left
After that, every time someone would get hurt you'd call for Nurse John
Nick Valentine:
Nick was too busy fighting off his own super mutants to notice the nasty fall you had taken
But he sure as hell noticed the blood when the settlers were thanking you
“What happened here?” He asked, eyeing it as you two walked away
You explained and he nodded, understanding why you did it
He suggests a doctor which you quickly shoot down, stating you have too much to do
“Fine then, I'll fix it”
What Do You Mean You'll Fix It
He drags you to the nearest settlement and makes you sit while he gathers water and cloth
He slowly starts cleaning the dirt out of your arm, being as gentle as he can as to make sure he doesn't hurt you more
You can't help but smile while he cleans your wound
He's so focused on doing a good job it's cute
Who knew your little robo boyfriend could be such a good nurse
After he cleans it he wraps it up and makes sure you're okay to keep going
You assure him you are but after that you notice he's paying more attention to your actions
Almost like he's afraid you'll hurt your arm even more
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It's more Nick Valentine and John Hancock because whO DOESN'T LOVE THE TOASTER MAN AND FRIED SALAMI
Now we've got @vincent-van-heelal requesting Nick Valentine and SS surprising John on his birthday >:D
I don't know how or why but this ended up being angsty af lmao
also they sent in another request that I adore but probably won't be up for a few days bc I want to put a lot of work into it since I have so many ideas, so be on the lookout for that!
Here ya go, an angsty short
It was a sunny day in the Commonwealth, something you and Nick had both been hoping would happen. Nick took off the detective hat for the day and took a day to spend with you and one of your mutual friends, Hancock.
Between his job as mayor, Nick's job as a detective, and your job as General of the Minutemen, it was hard for any of you to find time to take a day off and relax together, but today you and Nick made special plans and dragged Hancock out of Goodneighbor to participate.
After a day of swapping stories and going on a little adventure that you and Nick totally did Not plan, the sun was setting and all of you were relaxing at the Red Rocket Station you called home, drinking and laughing.
After you finished telling a story, Nick tapped your shoulder and tipped his head.
“Oh!” You exclaimed, “John, stay here!” You ordered, and the two of you rushed off.
Hancock sat there confused with a beer in his hand, but shrugged it off and took another sip as he watched the sunset over the Commonwealth.
Within a minute, you and Nick were coming back, and you were doing a terrible job at hiding something behind your back.
“What the hell is that?” Hancock asked, his dark eyes looking you both over.
You were practically jumping with excitement, and Nick had a smile on his face.
“Surprise!” You practically shouted and pulled a small box out from behind your back. It was old and dirty, but it was obvious someone had tried to make it look nice.
You handed it to Hancock, who was even more confused now, “What is this?” He repeated as he opened it.
Inside, there was a holotape, much smaller than the box itself, but he figured they must not have been able to find a smaller one.
“Happy birthday, John!” You shouted, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Birthday? How'd you--”
“I'm not a detective for nothing.” Nick laughed.
Hancock smiled, almost not able to wait to hear what was on the tape.
“It's a recording of Magnolia singing Goodneighbor, I know it's your favorite song.” You chimed, taking your seat next to Hancock on the ground.
Nick followed suit and sat next to you as you continued to bombard Hancock with questions about how he felt about the gift.
“It's great, Y/N, Nick, but I can't accept this. It's not your problem I was born, neither is it my fault, who am I to get free stuff for it?”
You laughed, “It's not about only you, John, it makes us happy to make you happy!”
He laughed and ran his rough thumb against the holotape before putting it away.
“Y/N: Is it on yet? It is!? Okay! Hi John, I know this isn't the best gift in the world, but I thought it would be nice! Nick: I think he would've appreciated some Jet more. *He lets out a chuckle* Y/N: Shush, Nick! Anyways, we just wanted to tell you how much we love you, and how we couldn't imagine a life without you being our friend! I know that's cheesy, but it's true! You mean the world to us! Nick: She's not wrong, you know. We wouldn't go out of our way to get Magnolia to let us record her singing this for just anybody. Y/N: Well, I hope you enjoy it, John! We love you!”
“Took a walk, out in the fens”
The song echoed from the pip-boy in his hands.
“Had a talk with a man about some chems”
He looked up to the ceiling, tears stripping down his face.
“He asked me what's your flavor, I said I need a favor”
His hand shook as he took another hit of the chems he had, trying to hide from the pain.
“I'm a little short on caps”
Y/N had long since passed, a stray bullet in the back when traveling alone.
“But I'm a good good neighbor”
Nick had reset, forgetting everyone and everything once again.
Hancock stopped the holotape and started it again.
“Y/N: Is it on yet? It is!? Okay! Hi John, I know this isn't the best--”
Who was he to think he could ever accept a birthday present?
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