#nick valentine x sole
everydayyoulovemeless · 9 months
Nick SFW Alphabet
➼ Word Count » 1.5k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Romantic
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Nick shows his affection through his actions. You'll wake up to a cup of coffee, or a new pack of ammo. It's simple things that he does to show that he's looking out for you. You'll even notice that he does it more when he thinks you're going through something rough.
B - Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He's like an uncle you only see once a year. He's sarcastic, easy to get along with, and nonchalant about most things. Something bad happens to him and he'll just shrug his shoulders. That being said, he's really easy to talk to and has some of the best advice out there.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He's not a very physical person by any means. Just never knew what to do with his arms or where to place his hands. He's especially against the idea now that he's scrap metal. Even when you're lying in bed together, he tries to give you as much room as possible out of fear that you'll cut yourself on one of his parts.
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
No. It's a nice thought, but what would he do with himself? He doesn't think he'll ever quit the detective business. He'll work till he drops. Regarding household chores, he's good with kids and keeping the utilities working, but that's the extent of his knowledge. The need for cooking left with human Nick, and Ellie usually organizes his files.
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Quick and easy. He feels terrible about it, he really does, but you'd have to do something completely out of the left field for him to do so, so he wouldn't feel that horrible.
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He's an old man, and because of that, he knows you shouldn't rush good things. Besides, there's no real benefit for you both getting married, but if you really wanted one, he wouldn't be against proposing to you. But know that he'd be fine without the ceremony as well.
G - Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
As gentle as he can be. He's well aware that his physical body is a bit rough around the edges, so he makes it a point to be as delicate as he possibly can around you. Emotionally, he's a bit harsher. He's an honest guy and likes to keep it 100% with everyone in his life. So, in that regard, he might be a bit brutish, but he means it out of love.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
There will never be a time when he initiates a hug. If you're in distress, he opts to comfort you through his words or by patting you on the back, but he'd never go out of his way to hug you. Again, he's terrified at the idea that he might cut you in some way. However, if you were to incite it, he'd reluctantly (and very gently) hug you back.
I - I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He says it almost immediately after you get together, although he says it in a casual way rather than a serious one. You'll get a particularly clean shot on a raider, and he'll comment something like, "Doll, I love ya."
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He doesn't get jealous, but if someone's getting handsy with you, he'll be quick to intervene. He's protective, and if you look uncomfortable, then he's glad to come and put an end to whatever it is that's doing so.
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He always kisses your hands and your cheeks. He's got that old-school husband mindset when it comes to affection, and he likes to keep them modest, especially out in public.
L - Little ones (How are they around children?)
Amazing. He knows he can be a little off-putting to children, so he always does his best when it comes to first impressions. Luckily, he has tons of stories he can tell that'll keep kids curious and attentive, and they always end up loving Nick.
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
It's usually just you, Nick, and Ellie down at his Agency. Ellie always has a pot of coffee ready by the time you wake up, and then the rest of the time is spent reading files with Nick or gossiping with Ellie.
N - Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Drug busts, criminal chases, murders, missing person cases. Boston's nightlife never lets up and always keeps him in business. So, if you're up for it, he's got a lot you can help him out with during these hours.
O - Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He opens up to you before you even get into a relationship. I feel like Nick would take his time when it comes to getting to know someone, and you'd have to have him all the way idolized before he even began asking you out.
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
The only way you could make Nick angry is if you did something horrendous. If you killed a child, then he'd be pissed and leave you. But otherwise, he'll hardly ever lose his patience with you.
Q - Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers the important stuff. Your birthday, your favorite color, your favorite places to visit. It's like he's got a whole case open on you. However, things that include him he finds more easy to forget. He's always got to rely on Ellie to remind him when your anniversary is, but if it's solely you, he keeps it all stored in the back of his mind.
R - Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Any moment that he can. He loves thinking back on all those times when you two were just having fun throwing snarky comments each other's way while on a case.
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He keeps his pistol in his hand whenever you both are in a sketchier area and his coat around your shoulders when you're in a crowded bar. He's a gentleman, and, as such, he feels he needs to protect you whenever he can. Either physically or just by making others around you aware you're taken.
T - Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He tries? Nick's not always the greatest at setting dates up, but he certainly puts in the effort. His go-to with dates is picking a place to take you and then seeing where it goes from there. There's not much thought put into it. It's just a nice, spontaneous night.
U - Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Overworking himself. There are a lot of moments when you'd like to hang out with him or simply just talk, but he's too wrapped up in his work to pay any mind to it.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He keeps himself in a shape where he can continue operating normally, but that's it.
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. In all honesty, you're one of the only things he has that his human counterpart hasn't. Being with you and knowing you give him a feeling of individuality that he never got before. So, if he were to lose you, he'd feel like he'd be starting all over again to work toward being himself instead of a pre-war stranger.
X - Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He writes poetry sometimes. It's not something he goes out of his way to show you, but he'll scrawl a few words down on a napkin and toss it into his drawer. He finds it to be a good way to get his thoughts out without actually going through any grueling writing process.
Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't think he'd mesh well with someone with violent tendencies or anger issues. It's just not what he's looking for, and is way too outgoing for him.
Z - Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He doesn't sleep. He works on cases or other chores all night while you do, though.
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idk heres some random (personal) Nick headcanons 👏👏👏
for someone who doesnt need to eat bro can COOK (mental illness be damned my mans can cook *drooling emoji*)
(NSFW) Really into dirty talk 😏
(NSFW) bit of a biter 😳 (not really hard enough to hurt but sometimes he will accidently, he'll feel bad about it afterwards 😟)
Sleeptalks on occasion (mainly just mumbles)
And uhm uhm he snores 👉👈 like very faintly (cute 😊)
Ooooooh I like this-
First up, I completely agree on the idea Nick can cook. He has pre-war abilities in cuisine. We know baby girl is cooking some of the closest to edible food possible for sole.
Dirty talk from Nick is an unexplored thought for me but OH BOY imagine with that voice 😤
I think it would be sweet to think he has sleep habits- I’ve always sort of assumed he didn’t need it but maybe just did it to feel more human?
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jeweljessec-artblr · 2 years
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lil fallout rp dump
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nooklingposting · 2 years
Surprise, Mr. Valentine
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Sometimes Sole just has to treat her robot bf yanno?
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alicewav · 3 months
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I am confused on why did my last fallout fanart got so much attention, here’s more
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germanich · 2 months
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Cmm for @jakface
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mahiiimahiiii · 5 months
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So .. how are you liking the multiple companions mod.
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furyjohnson · 22 days
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the critters :P
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sobluedoll · 1 month
"Fell asleep already..?"
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For every fallout player there's a companion blocking a doorway, usually at the most inconvenient times
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Hancock [staring at Sole]: They could fix me.
Nick Valentine: Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?
Hancock: No. They’re perfect. I, on the other hand am a mess and they could fix me
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I’m trying to get my thoughts together for some things I have planned for Nick. Y’all..does this mechanical man seem like a soft dom? He does to me. Better yet, is anyone else getting slight undercover kinky vibes? Like sure, it’s not expected but I bet you he has a chest full of go go gadget style vibrator attachments somewhere. Think about it, he can probably detach his hand without much thought and have a dildo there like a pirate has a hook hand….but is that nick or is that an unhinged nick after doing drugs with Hancock?
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blackmoonowl · 1 month
ok but what is something han(d)cock, nick valentine, danse and macCready would only do for you and not for anyone else
Only for you
Things they do for you/let you do and absolutely nobody else.
John Hancock, Nick Valentine, Paladin Danse, Robert MacCready
John Hancock:
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He is far more committed to you than anyone before. Before he met you he wasn't too interested in exclusive relationships, simply sleeping around, but now he doesn't care too much about anyone else that way.
You have the biggest scary dog privilege. People are terrified of Hancock and he uses that reputation to make sure nobody gets too comfortable disrespecting you.
You can thieve his coat, his hat and all that. Just don't damage it. If anything he likes it when you wear his stuff, makes him feel a bit more possessive.
He makes sure people of Goodneighbor like you a lot. Those who don't like you, have probably been threatened into not trying anything to harm you. That, or they mysteriously just go missing. Whitechapel Charlie also gives you free drinks now.
If you're running around Goodneighbor he might ask the Neighborhood watch to keep an eye on you. He doesn't tell you this, but he does it just to be sure. Last thing he wants is to lose you to some jackass who thinks they have the right.
Might begrudgingly cut back on chems and booze a bit if that's what you want. He won't give it up, but he's willing to take a bit less for you.
Nick Valentine:
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Lets you run your fingers over the spots where his 'skin' is missing. He doesn't mind you touching him there, as long as you're careful about it.
You get to hear about all his cases. He often rants to you as he tries to put a case he's stuck on together. You're his shoulder to lean on and he appreciates you hearing him out.
Often buys you things from Diamond city's markets. Not uncommon for him to come home with things he thinks you'll like. He carefully studies your habits, the way your eyes lit up when you saw a specific item the Surplus had. Nick told you he had to stay behind a bit and when he came back, he had that exact item held behind has back as he greeted you.
Talks about you quite often with the Diamond city residents. You quickly found out the people within the settlements were a lot nicer to you, even if they questioned why any sane person would be with a synth.
Like a mom, he has a knack for finding random items you lose. You tell him you've been looking for your pistol for literal days and he just pulls it out from under your bed as if it's nothing.
Writes down important dates, anniversaries and whatever else is important to you so he doesn't forget. Part of his wall is just full with random notes about things he doesn't wanna forget about your relationship.
Paladin Danse:
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Smiles a whole lot more for you. He cracks smiles more often when you're around, and he seems to get a bit more comfortable with his newfound emotions.
talks to you about how he's doing. His fears, insecurities, how he struggles with his new identity as a synth. He trusts you to reassure him, to make him feel like he's someone after he lost it all.
You're the only person he trusts with his power armor, along with his weapons. You could utilize any of it and he wouldn't really bat an eye anymore, even if he's hesitant at first.
Would actually tolerate synths and ghouls for your sake. He still dislikes them, but he'd be a bit more polite if you were fond of them. He would also feel kind of bad if you scolded him about his prejudice.
He kind of acts like a body guard when it comes to you. He has no issue putting his life on the line to protect yours. Also, he secretly believes your life is worth more than him, as he's just a synth, though he won't say it willingly.
Has actually done some repairs to your weapons and any power armor you have. Last thing he wants is for you to meet your end because you got sloppy with your equipment.
Robert Joseph MacCready:
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Absolute biggest defender when it comes to you. You punched someone square in the face? They probably had it coming anyway. Maybe they shouldn't have pissed you off.
Would take a bullet for you, quite literally. He lost Lucy, he would rather die protecting you than be the one burying you. For all his talk of surviving, he's determined to die before you do.
You're the only person he gives things to. He is used to hogging things for himself out of self preservation, but you'd get his left kidney if you asked.
Overall you can get away with a lot more. MacCready isn't exactly the most morally upright person, and he doesn't like when you're nice or generous, but you, you get a pass. He doesn't get as annoyed if you're too generous.
Such a sap around you too. If he's comfortable and you're alone, you get a very soft MacCready. He'll tell you whatever's on his mind as he's snuggled up at your side.
You are the only person he trusts with Duncan. He feels at ease leaving his son with you, like he doesn't have to worry about anything going wrong. He loves you spending time with the little guy.
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sinisterexaggerator · 3 months
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Final Straw
Nick Valentine x Fem Reader | Ao3
Summary: You're sick to death of listening to people insult and belittle Nick; you take matters into your own hands, much to the Synth's surprise, but your methods are a little bit unorthodox.
Warnings: None, except for blood, violence, and foul language. NICK GETS SUPER PISSED AT YOU, and you also share a kiss. 💋
Notes: This is SELF-INDULGENT AF. I hate it when people insult Nick in the game. This is my way of getting them back! And I want to kiss him and tell him I love him so bad. ;-:
Word count: 2k
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It was the final straw, the one that broke the brahmin’s back, Nick Valentine left to defend himself against hate and bigotry for the umpteenth time, and you would not be party to it.
For so long you had traveled by Nick’s side, learning of the many facets to his personality. If there was a single thing about him you did not like, it had to be the ease with which he practiced self-deprecation, not knowing how to remedy the awful perception he had about himself.
Oftentimes, he regurgitated what came out the mouths of others; it had been internalized, compartmentalized, processed, and stored in his long-term memory, the detective unable to let things go—just like so many cases that remained unsolved.
“Shit, a Synth— don’t come near me. What a freak, thinks he’s human…”
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t go near you if it meant tomorrow I’d wake up from this nightmare.”
Your soul ached, knowing that every insult, every snide remark caused some level of psychic damage to your partner, his expressions all too readable for those times he was robbed of his fragile dignity, though always walking away the bigger man.
A culmination of varying factors led you to this, Nick’s tragic past haunting not only himself, but you; what you wouldn’t give to make it better, only wishing you had the power to convince him he was worth more than half the Commonwealth combined.
If Valentine could equate himself to nothing more than garbage, you could be the one to remind him that someone else’s trash was frequently another’s treasure— in this case, he was yours.
Though not privy to your feelings, you adored Nick completely. So much so, you were not above engaging in a physical altercation on his behalf.
“Say that again,” you threatened scathingly, turning to face the asshole who had just dared to disrespect your companion, and for no good reason.
“I said he’s a freak, lady—and what’s a pretty thing like you doing traveling with him, anyway?” the ill-mannered caravan guard asked, acting as if Valentine was some disease he could catch, making a blatant show of his disgust. 
The hired gun pulled no reaction from the Synth, though Nick stared at you tight-lipped, unnatural, glowing eyes trained hard on your face. His silence spoke volumes, instructing you with a stern look beneath the shade of his hat to drop the matter and turn the other cheek—it was something you weren’t willing to do this time, meeting your newfound enemy head-on.
“Apologize!” you demanded, shoving your adversary backward with a forceful push, both your palms making contact with his ribs. Your cheeks burned, accompanying a rise in your temper, readying yourself for if this vermin should do anything but grovel at Nick’s feet.
“Forget it, this guy ain’t worth it,” Nick offered laconically, hoping to appeal to your common sense. “I’ve heard worse in my time; being called a freak is the least of my concerns.”
“But you’re worth it!” you protested, Valentine’s forehead arcing upward at the conviction in your voice. He had a momentary lapse, his concentration faltering as he tried to get a handle on the situation, Nick having visualized an entirely different outcome based on variables that were currently in flux—namely the sudden change in your mood.
It seemed the shithead had caught on, smarter than he looked, eyeing the two of you with suspicion and derision, as if the very idea you could have feelings toward this hunk of junk was baffling when able-bodied, strong men like him existed.   
“Oh, I get it. You’re real sick, lady, a real pervert—you fucking a machine? What’s the matter, human men aren’t good en—”
The jerk was cut off mid-sentence, your balled up fist coming into contact with his jaw; a resounding crack split sound waves as blood spurted from his lips. His colleagues had already wandered off down the road, not wanting to be a part of whatever trouble he had found himself in, having silently agreed to let this member of their team fend for himself.
“You fucking bitch!” the guard twice your size growled, swinging wildly only to miss. Your leg extended; you were pleased when he stumbled, only wishing he had fallen flat on his face.
“Now, wait a—”
He was quick to right himself, spinning on the ball of his heel—you were quicker, kneeing him in the nuts so hard he doubled over, but you weren’t finished yet.
Lifting your arm to gain momentum, you drove the point of your elbow into his spine, causing the offender to drop onto the dirt at your feet.
“I'd say he's down for the—”
Nick couldn’t get a word out; you didn’t appear to be listening, the android observing your uncharacteristic actions with rapt concern. You were pounding your knuckles into the bastard’s nose repeatedly, sticky crimson coating your fist and the man’s sorely wounded face.
As if coming to from a trance, Valentine whisked forward, snatching your wrist before you could cause the poor schmuck any more damage, thinking he may look worse off than even he, what with his bare wires and metal frame exposed to the elements.
“Hey! What’s gotten into you?!” Nick barked, his tone alone condemning your inappropriate conduct, the Synth yanking you up so fast you audibly gasped.
“There ain’t no excuse for this—this guy may be a jackass, but that doesn’t mean he deserves to die!” Nick protested, brows knit in anger the likes of which you had never seen.
You glanced down, only now seeming to notice the extent of his injuries; the man was out like a light. You only cared because he did.
“Nick, I—” you began, voice quavering, losing all resolve as you had been forced to witness Valentine’s sweet disposition vanish, quickly replaced by something undeniably frightening.
You never once imagined yourself to be the victim of his choler, finding you absolutely hated it, breaking down all at once to cry despite not meaning to. You felt simultaneously overwhelmed by guilt and embarrassed beyond measure, unable to look him in the eye.
“Don’t Nick me, this isn’t like you, this—” The man froze, his grip slackening as he loosely held on, thoroughly confused by how you could go from nearly murdering a man in cold blood with your bare hands, to shedding tears in the span of under a minute; he moved to grasp you by your shoulders.
“What’s going on?” he asked, perplexed, the question dry on his tongue. He searched your face for any hint of what the matter was, wondering if you’d lost a screw sometime after leaving Diamond City, as he thought he had a handle on how you operated.
You could not will yourself to respond, vision clouded, droplets pelting your cheeks as you gazed at the ground. You felt worse than a scolded child; you had never meant to upset him so, it being decidedly more terrible than any physical pain you had yet to endure.
“Look at me, damn you!” Valentine demanded, gently jostling you back to the present moment, though your tears only increased, Nick having never cursed at you before.
“Valentine,” you whispered, eyes shimmering, Nick’s fury subsiding to a dull roar as he waited for you to explain yourself. The crease of his brow evened out, the Synth notably more relaxed, though he did not trust you wouldn’t lash out again.
“Go on,” he urged sharply, wanting to get to the bottom of your behavior. It was unnerving, not knowing what else you were capable of at the drop of a dime.
It was an understatement to say that he was surprised when you lifted your arms, pulling the man forward to enfold in your tight embrace. You buried your cheek in the tattered, stained fabric of his coat, crying more softly now as it started to rain.
“Don’t listen to them,” you pleaded, “don’t ever listen to them. You’re perfect just the way you are,” you spoke with earnest, your lips pressing a tender kiss to the spot that lacked a heartbeat, though the gesture stood apart on its own.
“I can’t stand it—the way people treat you, the way they talk down to you—if only they knew—if only they could see what I see—” you sobbed, the sound of your cries muffled against his chest; it was firm, his shirt smelling like coolant and ozone—cigarettes mixed with something earthy—you breathed in deeply, overcome with silent relief when Nick placed his metallic hand on the crown of your head.
“I... I appreciate you, doll,” he started, his voice turning toward a soothing cadence, the way he pet your hair in long, slow strokes comforting you more than it should. “But you didn’t have to do that; would have preferred if you didn’t. Jerks like him get their comeuppance, but it shouldn’t be at the price of dirtying your hands.”
You had never been this intimate with him, nor had you ever planned to be—his words were unscripted, and his affection given of his own volition. You curled in tighter, nuzzling your way into the crook of his good arm, wanting to entomb yourself there for all eternity.
“I’m sorry,” you offered apologetically, feeling the pressure of Nick’s own arms around you, returning your hug, making you feel as if you could die happy at this moment, not minding in the least that there was an unconscious, bleeding man lying only a hairbreadth away. “It hurts me, like I know it hurts you.”
Nick was quiet, mulling over the fact it didn’t do you or him any good to disparage his own person when there were others to do it for him. He had never considered the effect it might have on those around him; it came naturally to want to harp on his own shortcomings—or had it come natural to the real Nick? That was the million-dollar question, wasn’t it.
“You’re right, it does. But I shouldn’t let it bother me, not when I have people like you by my side.”
“I love you, Valentine,” you countered, not recognizing the softness of your own voice. You felt a shift beneath you, your head being coaxed to rise by way of a slow tilt of your chin.
Nick stared down at you, gleaming, golden eyes emoting dolefully as he gazed into yours. He held a deep-seated sorrow, not only for you, but for himself, wishing that he was human, if only so he could touch you, hold you, kiss you the way he wanted to.
“That’s not the smartest thing you’ve ever said, but I take it you mean that,” Valentine replied, bending low to brush soft, silicone lips across yours of flesh and blood; they were cool and rough in texture, but not unpleasant. The fact he was kissing you at all was a dream come true.
“With all my heart,” you replied, cupping the Synth's battered cheek in the bowl of your palm, fingers trailing over artificial skin in a light caress.
“So, that’s what this was all about,” he remarked, conjuring up a smile. “You know, I’d give you mine,” he added solemnly, his glum tone indicative of something he was not telling you.
Instead of elaborating, Nick changed the subject, always one to brighten a dark mood. “Next time, just tell me what’s on your mind instead of beating the living daylights out of some poor schmo, all right?”
You managed a smile of your own, delighting in his sarcasm, glad for the fact your confession had taken a lighthearted turn. “I can’t make any promises,” you quipped.
The detective gave a small shake of his head, that lopsided, infectious grin of his spreading up one side of his face. “Taking a page out of my book, are you?”
“I learned from the best,” you breathed, kissing him once more. Though selfish of you, for all you cared, the world could undergo another nuclear war, and you wouldn’t bat a lash, not for as long as you had your funny Valentine.
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alicewav · 2 months
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First / ♟️Second / third / fourth
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harveywritings92 · 10 months
[Hancock is annoyed that Sole's been spending too time with Nick.]
Piper: Hancock, you shouldn't be jealous of Nick. Remember, it's all about helping Blue.
Hancock: I'm not jealous! I'm envious! Jealousy is when you worry someone will take what you have. Envy is wanting what someone else has. What I feel is envy.
Piper & Maccready:...
[They check a dictionary Hancock uses to level his desk legs.]
Maccready: Wow, he's right.
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